The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-17, Page 6• ,,vormrsukr,...4111,610fisz Isfese !‘" crse CHArTER Irt34.0SF:44.0100,1fr:It 'T.,4,40011 the. ave, war .reatawe � t1u tftezndon,1:.of 'eP' ring u ent man of Medest and cle 11;9411r".'111-41441.4' dePOr4tMe1lt bore it xtieful',,e'euntenatee, doWn. )1ecedill5r ' 'TO 'int4). nalfnlOOn streeto:'whee re4entlY I.le,introdueed -it to';One nallekut. -ea's° ij his easiest eeeleislty and,tobaeot 'and. re*ding **slender e*epline' sieeeted .frein *lir*: • ; • •. • ..,,, • ThiSe *gage: pArsen Was• patently • an :EnglisbMate. The etherwas as t Artnnief,akably ' pf pattern' ethotrigh, 1e. dreesed and earrjed himself *ihei-QUghly. Aligle-Saien fashion. gn, gliehmatk'dropped his book 1.9.444e goer beaide the ebeir, uprose and exted a cordial hand exclann am. • ye, • MonSiettr Duthe- * oul$ jo8elib.V4nc0 teet ,Ititema. !Iona M4gazine,' cosii.10.; • . • : 'indebted ',for •t10 -11114pected' honor nn-etbe.--iart,eeof ,eeeetaloy,.ee, the Xtritisliecret.`$ere vice? di' wha.tever. Teak 1,001:is9Inid'' ing title ", ' • ' "(AT" Wertheinier 'replied .1.-tzi15.-T---• 'end lEnee4ed. '00 16' 44.130"44,1• d'OPPeit say...good-bye." . Duchenfin discevered sYnApternS. of morn, animation, - Ifcriiii-er14r743Trafa7,1,ndr: "M4V0 401: Yeti I • lgonateur Duchemin ;meditated: ,•nn9..1.1neefl, to .have roVing • corinnissiOnitri- • "Weirs° then that:. on 4 .on.'i Duchernin opened his .eyes. widO: "I.dolt here: .What the devit-i" if 'yeti Mist know," the Eaglishinan •interrupted haetily; "ray , instructions were to • give yeu youri wnllang PaPers yoit r efused to re- • .sign. So •yeur /connection with. the' from: this hour Severed, And tf .yo a out of . England within twenty -.four hours, we'll jolly well de- port you. And that's .that,''' • ;"One perceives ha e• 'served England not wisely. but too 'well." :`,`Shrewd ladl".. Wertheimer laugh - you no end, and ,w,e're. determined to Save yen).- life. Word'. has leaked through from Petregrad that your name • has been :triple -starred on the SmolnY's',Tndex, Expergaterius, If you :linger hereeenuch longer the 'ver, • Iniur ," • , •• ter the Matter -of °that ; Itew are Mste Wertheimer?' Theik bands' MI -*Perti g9 -id 1VrP1).= iioui'DueliernitteproCeestiodefeedo, aWey fi:....hat and:stick an clientele gloves. "Pretty WAY, YOu'Ve:got o nuking :year ',Mende' Wait, on your -Plettetitre. ::Her'ee wasted* ,upward f two Was! ,1•19., know, .ypu'd.:haVe the- qhbek to ',Oree your. w'ay in -here • :in .toy4's4bsenjo...id heip earself to- flY :few Dttchee , mintretorted; - hinisell to. them in tUrte, Butthen.one. neVer...'"doeS danger 'lTher e are *setae things 'eine Itneves ,eting,..4y4a4trejtsve...:.givereetliat4„SitiolnyAot,. „ reason. fer .holdirig,'Atirenatne an-. - . • : • , • fez' Can.: tekei'etireOf ineielf, thank the eEngliShman• 'declared', ,Sele 11. •`you7;re. • sUperannuated.: Yot'ie:.nearly•fortynext- doer to secOnd",Childhoeci.""1 know, and . • ' . So-lOng.aa 1 feel ,kify years even .e'ou;eart abitie.'nte.With rnpimty"• ..W.ertheinter'' would not heai '.1heerniteed,,•:"}". aPirer .--Aeettg:ht of ithefe,re, that ,yett, were g1owiug old..You're 'just doddering ,-ancl -tb uOt you wore l '81,1nP13i' ttre out an needed a; 1"Perhalie' I ,ain• tind-do " Said Duebe. nun. ptitrehtl,y. ",One „feels' ;One. has • :earned a' holiday, f eei Ybody • did in..Yoar bleSSed•Seeret .SerVice.". ' • your age --I'd, be think iteg abent. retiring 'instead 'o4 asking . • •• Although .-• puelfemih knew :Very well that he :was merelY being ragged in •that., way . of . deadly ' Setiousness which• '0 .--ottert' amuses . the' English, ehoSe. te 'suggest 'sein;IY: "My ee-: signatien is -at yetir disppsal any time yeu ,wisir it:" • : •, '• • "A-ec913e4;".:, Said Wertheimer . . Ily,, to:take...elect at. once:" . • . inerely grunted,. . who'..shody he didn't consider this turn of .conversationdcsprtitely uneesing.- ; . "And to Avliat,"' -inquired '''Avith • the ••tedieuS irony is one The two elipped round a, roelty .shoulder. '• let will undoubtedly, be: 'men . death at the:hands of some, pereo or • persong tinknown.• ;So' here are pass- ports and a goodishia of iiioney. If you 'run thietigh ell of it before this 'blows over, well find a way, ofeourse, to get 'mere to You.' he -other 'nodded; investigating the envelope' which late thief • had handed him and the'smile faded'from the eyes Of theman :whom England referred t� r- ecognize as Andre Duchemin.: • ' • Bat where on.oarthi i one to go?" on- as- roe, e ng is man prOteeted.' "And above' dPn't tell me. I eon t .want to know. . I don't Want .you to Come t� a; sudden .end through somehotly'S establishing illicit intercourse .with , •subconScious mind." ' ' • Ple--'fbok:ehis leate --Shortly "•,--after ,that; Monsieur Ducheniin set- Callada Essay Contest any Boys.and:Girlq; To.Wn •• and Country Districts •OUt ' Parent* and teacher's are ' to Wih Honor and ,Cash. Limed to encouragethe boys Pr0tessar,l1la1colna W.IValitiee, „ Professor Of, Engliah, and heal ' of the' DePartment, of ,PhigliSli if 'the . ,•ef,' Toreatci, • Vtd.1.1 act . as :Chairman' Of the Exanninleg eloard • *latch •wit/ select, the *Inners of the various' prizes.- Ti.;esaye ehould he sent in to the, patter' of :tbis as • plained lit 'the - large anntenieentent, • and not to Professor 'Wallace direct. Tim editor,' will see .that all es'teiy,s.•setit In setely Exateining Beard. Any boy or .girl who hall, not -yet • toaimenced flte preparation. of ,ftn,espay should' dt,'4 so atone go as to take ,;•dvantage of' the full time:before the contest expires.in order that the'essay rep`rot..ent 'thi?, very best effort o,f4the coriteetant. • and girleto enter this con- . test,so that this Community will be well -and worthily ,represented by the essays en -tin to the editor. The 'winning of it place in this 'Province-widecontest iS no mean honour to which ,.to &Spire, and the. prizes , are, well worth earning. Plan oo . • Practical Axticles • Planning, Da:Wing,' Financing, . . . Decorating -Parnishmgaa- -tCardening . .1-epixteent till 'And lecteet treatment in Cottntini, 5poir1itih p4tdPOinestic. cottage,Ancl"..two-otote sOtpclences. They -cover tit-t7,,,pea,,of ,censtrudtinn,, Desiened Ce.eadate elchiteete (mtni. cilh‘.'ProYllic.' •pider Yours Poday.. , (3),s1.411 ttfi centai.or (lopy. idattettivRiilder's-Gitide .344 4de1aide St. Wett, ,...01~.keemikei4,t4w,floottorisev.ea., • . 'ere, cir RIO GI KING POWDER Ilsed in Canada thug- Of-alirtithvrbrcouls- COM bitted MADE IN •CANADA - -" '4NO -ALUM „VV. GI LI- EXT ail TEIR ONY01 CANa tled • down. in' the chair which hi guest had .quitted -to grapple with hi problem:: where under, ,Heaven to go Io picked up in abetraction•th book which Wertheimer' had been rettdingL:,--and wondered -if, by. any ;chance, he had .1eft it there on pur- pose, SCie strong, eeemed the hint. 'It yea StevenSon's; "Travels • With ;11 ponleey.". 7 . 4 :• ' any Wee Europe where one Might count' reasonablY secure froth. the Solicitous attentions of. the 0.'4;e -bearing BOlslieViki, It was the 'Cevennes, theee:little7,knoWn 'hills in the south ef17raripe, Avell.inland.SroM the i -ea.• . OCIIAPTER3I. , . - A .C.T.TX OF LT:IrtACI.:. . "A 4ttle, Place called Le Nonastier, in:a pleasant.highland a11ey 1rn11s freaa Le Puy. . notable for the malt- • ing of'laae • for 'drunkenness- for free- eLleineofelanguag*earidefereunparallel Political :.t,liesension," was Vie VieVetison's•Point of depaiture "travels with Donkey." :.• MOnieue. bacheniin :rnade'it his as well. . The Weather Was fine his" hear • t higlt„.he -was haPprto be out Of harT nese and again -his own nme,. • Constant exereieeitined up inep4 eles , gone -slack and sett /with easy living.' A keen sun klarketted his face and hands brushed up in his cheeks: a warmer glow ,than they had. shown in many irOrt ,•110: faded° out. the: heavier ' fineS -With which Time hga, marked his . cot -niter' ance. _ ' . Moreover, bePapse thii„was France, where' One 'Mayealfect •tt whisker with - Out losing - .face.„ he ..;neglected his raierS; and thaugh' this was 'not his firste.ethotight; -a fair disguise it Proved; . • gain at: length interned- the tra- veler d'or three days in a little place called IVIeyeueis, long leagues remote . from railroads aniV the :world they 'ey :Stitch together, , ; Here (seid.,Duchiy4n)..nbuiireg Can disturb 'niej ,a.nd it high tinie. for. 'me to bp' considering whet: I am to ,irkeic6, 91 the remainder' et InY. do:Y• • IA a ,Sce• gefttio DUcilemin stop,ped sort, With. jangled nerVes and tt herely smothered ,..eateleplatiotto ., •Possibly a ;shape' of spectral, terror 'would :have ca,ocneratiutilisO, ahliu:nrat,L.epervavt:11rao‘e_ 440 -en .P..t1Ptlingi. Weird • It --WaS at puce apparent that ...the man, had, neitherknowledge••of Per -senncern with 11.1, stage. ,etn- :101ntett6eaia,t, tlie.ssttoer ,ou ..t.o)T; SerdieiT In • tho.: :7-11t9tbr'eg±ifrn4inget:'osfilt-;101-441:AV4 ' t.IV't'Orr*.• ;Pf innn, ,Ther@..1io ktit ttortett;ekoti%T. 443- te4 to .$5.0e te observer,. andfadiiely mOved-on. AO furtively Ails signal:Was :ansWered by, a. Who weie the norted'eser$t ,garmenta of'a pea -at. knit, -Aso suddenly titS' they had; 'cern° int:. sight,. 'the.' two: 7-elfiere-erOtent4t-tokl&.j.-eilio...tattere and. thoteeti mon1ithg waS ' . ::(To, eentinned.) • , ' T.414611. Tilne• :it is 4)l'ain new that .China must oceapitilie seriolie.4.t7 t64tto4, of •this eenittry for 4, lo4g,tio. to. Come, 'What is happening there .1f3 v44: of fkbr-reft,C)1111g ahd..dominant •Sigaill- ;- eence'atth0 moment in th.e manifold .affaire of the world. Our 'Okya, (lOverne '*eat,.•'heviteeonte. to gripe With the Problem , presented by the new Phase with it.- '," of Chinese disorder, "and theY• have chosen the -right method ,44, 'dealing MANY•kl-Oft - been .placed on the -4.1i.arket, ,This'tea ip /neatly, Very 'inferi,or in 'clealfty, • :too' great a portiii ,ofemY Span hee. .been sacrificed :Yet, a' 'little whileand; orte..niugt. bid adieu: to that youth WhiCh one haa .se' heedlessly squandered, Inst adieu to Youth'ewith• Its • days ..Of high. .adv,erie .tare; its ,,carefree heart,: its to • seduetion•P- of fteinance.. . ' • • -And for- all this Mood of preMatute resignation to 'fbe--1,:nintheeiS. virtues OuChemin Was. glad ,en,eUgh When •,his earth' .day Meyrneis; dawned fair, nd. by, eight. wes up 'apd Pttr osing 'i-i4y!s:'..trairip to..Mentnelficre• Vieijx (eoncerning which iotie.heaed .Lene after noon, sheer f OOP. luek, ed hjm to ..-2.r.."1ara1et Witeee... Mean. uberge emWeti him bread and cheese' With. 'a winesingtilarly. thin, and. acid.. :The' -one .tibm-boilicA,-;otan enee, httilcirik, earning.' that • Duchernin to refeSed Vith ngrow1, 'L have • a n ytitieg to 00 ith hint, ., SeVeietl.tintee...dtiritig, the, oUrSe of'ltilehetin lie• caught -the fel- eteengely, ho..thetight, ram 'A ' w-indow of the ,anberge„ In • he end, thd, Peasant girl WbO -Waitedn ben geuttginglY :conkritecrto:. pat imOfl bik•Way. • • • • :lie followed • her trarripiand in the er and• .'•ptirPle 'mystery 'of 4. iwitr.e.et ooroight' 'night •:found g dwo f rote a :h i 1 i ?Op Upon -mopt;, . • Rimier▪ : bad p-repated 'e'placewhee he saw, i t,: othinge , s -sto fiend -oils dun nese iletiven kneWs. hat-i-envnitifen.'or ;measured nroces's' rterotnpliahott• tills • 'elitne-,1 .1.1'44,p,a..r.tthlreiallain,,•.wits;,ttilahle , p1atit- 00, and will t his grave g„--that.:-.'ztnnev.T.--haqf-witt'ect7;--cycloPs!.• ad le tY. OI'tiltoeic monelithse.ihcn •Wan- irtel 'ff4 the're. :was: etimetlift.7 4.f wi4.te1; the ertetontene '‘tehe Nitre ;fl 114 .Ailentee: ifs•. Avant (:x ,to or. agt,;-;...'. 11l1irticnittt,. mentice:-: it Man nityA341, rro)i),. .tioty . citPtritiAbi6 Uifj,tit.I , tielpless, "My iresban:ci is ;so incapable of tak- ing care of hiniself." ' 'So:is min e. Why, Wit e he is' in end - nig his seeks or, Pe Wing ibiittons on is shirts; he insisti that 1 thread ' the' 4441o for him;" : • ' Kill warts with Minnrci'4.1.1t1ip,prit. • DiplemacY; ,.; yot. teePut those ,tiowere on the 'teble?" Steward -"Tl -,e captain, 'air:" ,aren't„'Aiter?'' , • iietst1c'MOO ,The :CoUets4e4: . ,InsiSterrt chicitgAleeP are cryillft 1.11 'And blue Jaige.forage from!. Themon)e-branau to pr4n.Ph:. nolYsvrePtrfteld''. The gayeleclo,tl.pheatiants • .: their ' way;' ' ',13,1rOttaof their, royal- featherS.' . , The frozen: broolte,• The. cold white meadow -lands; / - The 11111.eides swept With. winter's Whitened frost • . Are girt' in whiterrsegyitep Pehind the hill. And. secretly at wor4; •'tell.iirlirsarleeiiid tgaktees).place; The Th • T40 Sweetneis' of the- . Cereing April Shower' And •I‘llatitne sunshine -cre•eps imp tye. frosty Nyi4d, i Anci permeatesthe sentient woit .n. . .sectet now lent god by Chickadee') and blite•jay.' ' - -Mabel ;Mil.: Flexible eteceede.; flexible and, anbikeakalale, phono-. gra0:re•co1dS• baye.heen Introdeced in. Fnglailcl --e • ;, • • ; • • 7tartar-,Alphabet. , ; ; • . The're a..202, letters In, the Tartar- alPhabet. • ; • ' hury 'Doge . • child t • ' t 1r7WtO:git I dierth -0 a.lik oko,"oLlia r 1;Ar'7.44tYfr,]- werld,',.jas• claimed, doge can...1114 '.• , ,Weightmet.Glass,•!. -CAWS Staig:laftt Weightt or aceatracy were, inade '.frorn -"` E• AR MOTHERS -AN JIANDItAP?: A heeler's Waroinil. 6k1oi'ap;. pays inc J.i()O a. year to ' otheie,oiti'ployors,,.howeyor,...kd J to 41ajkkgIng'°.(411tli.TYO.Ifi.914,.11'it:olf'.°401101151t -interview qbajt'rlifly r.nveni eira.tactei, or ..tomperlen.e..., Thus it.'p•ocinntly happen8- I t einployee disappoints; 14„,f-ew,iltatlAntg--.-elSenoWnleeleg_in hh3' .1"vti):41,117.9.11/x.43"ttit:11,1.tie:i*, •Le6otavia; A,-iSitemli for. 'parents,. jiine ea-See...Out of 'tee .1, diPeover,' that ,•"oVer-niethering" the btu:PO-of • the.trouble„,. fi,ore Is 'A., a young man , of tWenty-two. Oiytilifik he's , tPld do, Out. deePlent; S'elfre- '• halide and. -..Qyer-Inothergtli • lfhip .rnother gave hint', stxpeliee:., She retained- cOnti;o1over-the.:spenti ing- She Still 'cheeses' his never walked nalene".-emetapitorically,"1 mean. And, that's, why he is as be is. Then <there's: 1).'.'ire'p' IlininFle'.or ne't.Ves,. At .a...gifesa-his .inother7:futh..• lelle.'lit%o.,'n)1711;1161 rtlatni(ol re"1:1. tiP;:11111 , has ;been -So sheltered :All oYer' nrot'c'oteff, that 4'( .is cnift :talk to. 'pan... At. theSe, ' and: t hers, 1(10 itly•: best fe'r.,- ;•thrnea euro moral is ana wish h.Oea, • • tit roughe:b t. life, , • Fortunate 'people .litive one weak- ness which they seldom correct. TheY think that -unfortunate people are 4.: -waya, so -through their -own -fault. While you are enjoying Wrigley'a, , you are getting benefit as well. TO,o,:-Boyg and Girls: for , OPEN TO SCHOLARS IN PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGIATES.' NG, EN- TRANCE FEE—NOTHING TO SELL -RULES. OF CONTEST SINIPLE. T •-publisher of this paper, in co-operation yfith a, • -nurribei- of other.,puWisliers Of Weekly newspapers, .will distribute thirty; -six (36) ,cash prizes to boys and girls. forthe beef essays on Canada., 'The object ofthis testis. to stimulate interest in this Wonderful country of ' uian to_helPitheitay:aancligirltolIta-Aa.y,:thp and leaders of to -morrow, to appreciate better the tre- ine.ndons potentialities of Canada and to get sone vision of that future greatheaswhich fortune has: undoubtedl,y, marked out for this the most important 'dominion in the . British Empire. The Nies will he as:follows': • First Prize $20.00. Second Prize $15.00. Third Prize $10.00. Next: Three $5.00 each. • Next Ten $2.00 'each: • Next Twenty $L00 each. Every boy ,and: girl Who reads this- paper has a. chance. to win oiy of theie7Prizes.Read all you car abotit. Canada, her early history, bOth' •French. and ,tish tOdy ho p�grs from a CroWn colony'. to her • I • • 1 .1 • 1 1 • present, position at. political' equatity with,: the mother,. land yistialize her future.. Then decide from .what' , angle you wilt' deal with your subject and writt your essay in 1,600 Wordi.or less. (COneestAo.si, April16, '1027). 'RULES OF CONTEST - • not ,ovor seventeen. (17) years* or..age wito,•Pe or g41111anse5n1aecellio thls;paper;!,eay ..enter shocontes.t. N'.;ssays:may •deal with he subject frani any point,Of view, but must .' not (....eileti,i;Ot11). ‘vcirds iti 1eItgth. ,. . • .-• ' aper 'Of fnets.vat.' size inifitlie 11,6(1, end 'Writing.ifppear • on 'one.. atvards., . • .inanuscrijita sionnitted become, flap,. pl*Oriel'j Y. Of thofi.:),rrs. , Eldicor„. in 'NM.' ., of III§ 110,1)eF, . , „ • 'T`46 romoivio.g fotoyroa1100' most, ticcolupany, each ent,ty: •Nhine • of roniegtant, 'Ago, AtIcitints., Name iit-Scliool;. Kanto of • eaeltHessay„.entast bear (be folicAvittg c,ertiticate by ptircmt; • .,guartiiitrif. Or School: teacher . liereby.• certify t)lat this oSsity Ss• the. sele. ''%;orlt... of (nam( of- ; echolar). Ana t,hat (1)k Or iiho) 1,p not oVE,r sovc.ote.f4n 117ey.c.:Ars,..,ef„,age.'e • . '• • ' .0t,„ 1 ' • ....Thumb portrait . • • . . 'PeoPie. are awai% Alf, tile .14ek that..in the thumb lies .a Ter-- • soria-1=7i4lontill.cat1olt, 'that never fails.: The. icie(tire: of ,the: .fonrieen-,year=eld,,,' lad or'. 1a.8518'1)Ors but littjo repernb,... 'alike to, the,Jrian ,or *mail at ifiirty. darkeits, an.cl• :mar .peaehy itild"fatlier 170SCh.i..-i/'0111 ,the . chubby;..fa c8,,;i14, in affer. err being confroitted a, picture ttiken in oar yontly, we cry .ctalilsitatt°t:?:''i,"05s.I'l...11113ctrii.,i1',p°;i t. 4:.ileNj"..lect:: -.N•ply,..(,‘-ery elle" know s. that .01'. i0cir 811 rfaee lai;t mark-. • ed ,by, thread:like Concentrie. ; o t.eutill," a ad 'round they Cu rl,-And if ‘'ve... observe otherrithrough golid:rnagni, tipl", WE! 'sec :thatthey look very lunch rr.nges 9f.1111117 deep..forroN•a. ; Regard heti.; •your -- :thumbs. and. yo.n., will lied tha t,' .1 hough , in the, gelieral'mrrangenicnt , of ,ttio spirtis Ch.* akin, yo.taTe-lhey het • : •=. I .y an:: :17elnejnbel t'liC pi•et i'.• :gated Ini i3n grasp t•hat', oviiktrus,nt',. our kardeli-A, and 'hey,' "diligently httC.f.rnit. ir sat y you 11.aVee,,ften Searelietl.?or,two,. 1)1 d0similprly striped., .Just 1, • • with the .1ines, and .curis, •tot' 330 Pee • - . • 1e1/4nriy *am. hard Western ,wheats Purity Floni is rich' in gluten --',.tbc.enet'gy giving an(L.body building food- . • • l'oriy Hour is :ivst for all ,your baking and will $upplr extra nourishment :to, the ebildeen in ctke8, pies buns 'and :breld. • Sold 3,lc strmps: :1reili4t; i(:i(j-kcipc Purity Flour Cook gook, Wa&tort Csociftv flour Limited . "tetoete, f(ttltretil,'Onsdsl, Stitt!. lolls • , five AF- C:yowl lionero Bum A DAntir ARM Showow' to build gi trees dart to tinfoil; hot., U.. 'flake the found. . •titienv hp* to 'gat the floor levels; ' to int'ike , the cribbing For cement work; to* to ley the ietnent and ?loaf in lite guttert,' rattle elands, aurbi and mahairt, * h8.r1eP:, the:" i:rttehri. t:Ptak hakc' fpr'iasn' Pah be !tart ; %the ,moderis equipment; how to put in. a wimp outfit so It will' worli.properlyr-with- pipit ewlmcerrobs, lark, and skater, bowli; gives' beat tisr' of cattle elands for cors 000, 'Ilive40cdireet width, for cattti •walka !and *,d alleys', and ben ditnenefona • 'for,ison 'ruff., hull end „calf •pent. Show. correct Ineollon pf mites, fend room, , lead alleya ruff interaruto•nd, handiest arrange.' meet. et ihe italco.,111;1' laendsome bosh eenfaint 145 NU fiat, iltustrofMas of the test burni ef *York 1)14, and 32 FREE full poi." Wilding phnit, t1 printed on coated. paper with large type Arid tOtlha hAr4 OfTVAIA, It 14not a Mere ostaloaue, bAl A LOA Of TPrereACA auntyou will prime takttto evert' moo WhO•la bfethling or re,. we' give' it, freo bile the pietent edition. sidifinik hero. . ror Oa' for kis, than *SO: Orr copy; Yak and, r baok. cot.,1„dttot, t.,,.offareif ' QM= • Box 0/111,.Fergus, .0iit. .s..,,orrIt•-0, Err env', a-,,,,kFroo, Polk- plittl Are building a . • :g.t$ DI horn , Are,)eu.itittrietra-L1,2..v,e,ito-stitiVstioul " 00%411? **Vent. Von, t Thiie *rid r..i.., 't./.. yi. ,. ,.,„ :.; .„..„., ' '0.i/4 04,1410k4 0, 440,4 di,' , , .. ,• . . , . ; •11-i.S4,;ii,..`,,, , . other, Further; the gelit ra:ces,•bt.persons'inovjug. (UP,' ferent social,•grades, ana. or .peoweor. 'diverse' dispositions. iary ,ttit' • I, indiV,idually these mitres 'neveraiter, i.„:.1),rayi.deci the thumb 'rioted, tip„will. ' exactly .the.• .l.sable line's; and ciirja:' -ait,owtog .fur ettfIVe years as at ' In -ft, what maY bo -called 'the tone. g idly, of the:thumb as neap yitie7 t able as the topography or the:ey_erina•t-, log -1411s, • ' • • - v.tile tbe 'marks 'on. 3/.1db:hilts] . thumbs are, So.to, sj)nak, ojiyrighted, S'Lthcre,isa styong'similarity in• •tlitif r'eSpeet tictweett the nienitierp of One family. •• • 144. .impre;ttiOns .the (htuniis' . group or hrotli Ott anti NAtifer be 'taken', nda innrketr,1144-ines.e 'Will he fonnd,. tug tWeen •ail 1) heni, 11 hi clia'racteristies they will :60 tollJhy, ifnlike• •the !tenth:lines the iiC,XL: ' . • „ • lt hp V5.1 „that a int Mir -Fort • .'1,ever chting.es,.aud•thrs'ig 1)...11(.; - A LivIna:Dog BOttOr Than • Deed •. was.:a lion's 1 thn g Pltrw..411 in ' seine, tiereC .and f orrib frow41•.• .11)(tkorl v.4; "h,„' oro1Lehr,t1' he. forc the ntilhi,o • *.ft.1 ti kre.4,81,, anti awroi . ; . ' r.T•St.•:( ri i/IT Nolo 8) oati hy'a .noor. )0w., .. , G. lookod.phOntevnetilly en, • ; Inv 10100, 0 rr,t 'ATI( t 1" . 4 , y.11 't greae rw. , ,Ftee-W-""•-41-feV‘v-e-rett lhe dog,. (tOil • v;41.1., afraid. and- yholigh t pot bin P. poor,:nonteiiiii .1. tip:. ti,rog; 1 cOoshivr.iirat i ant:.inor`o. ,vp:Itt.,c1N1 n.f the two,. • eiOltit','"." ' , . OA!: Own ',keep° otiN uty.. , r_ff..,w.(x, to Ilford for you! 510171 r Or' 016 t'o'r ;In 04: 111105 0, nil ho Moro- Pora 4,1),