The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-24, Page 87 .4" (&Now. 4W 40, 1927 1.0 1 -t l"A M, I., 17T! Q it ....... . jto , 4 `11_1- E q 7. 4 pa Uft7_t ur, m r, tK T� lit F56 a',: e. Rtdu 't ire ELL -tb 71 U Jk_ 4 -AR ,,.rg 1 !%: �F�l 'r a N F SAI 0014, � , f, �� a -�'M �]IFR�66,1.,".:'',-,]F.-,,E']B, 25 A _N 0 -C A k I�V 1. 'T ro_RLY-�7& M -A -R Tr*E-W-HT S- D L IES, UNLY7LA ESI e, fe, t, #nd n t IS, Yqqrr C 44f 11 new,, gnd 0# e. nzenr Co ce 'Vqr' "r la rO 14hip�' ...... Away-4hey ddii' st d*ys,. Rek. �AS, 'Af te Marc e00'AW �y t eSe erials it owt,wapt t iuft- NjOWt IaStr k chiiici),, -an. the go S, 00 Hlore ,they., a", next foil d YOU rS, e g r 4Y 9 9, 0 'away tipi go. Welk f or $4.59. $44.15jor' kcg,� *18 75 r $9.00. to 'g, a 4.75L. G ar mim , ese rains. -a OU ant E r Th -or F 7 -Cas, F 'or Less, A & 6 ''Socks �s H' Silk'H 'Neifrs Mack . aw, B .'­CoM'fbr.t6r Lad 21 Men, 'Me . n payy: es 00 se, e e rib' _n Barga S' oa 7e 'Some have long. d t a, s rawers, �W% J7 't k rk, in, grey, mi ures. -A rem twi ill icke W ack -We three fiU#fY Ahow, Ue, Ont bl[66mei%� bl nice speciiiIiie your stock,: biga "d big, -Ot e7 cotton!" h?rs have ge ly w,. well tailored, at ne oiiWI-3AUr46c4l Coil, why, it: opens. up to, . 7200". 4, and we ajvhij4 haviel"r' able. seek at our lo�, piiice.�,. is $I. uk,..,he h 't 6 best price. ii, :E4 k, in r ig a -conii early, Our Thiii, 'wee d Silk HsO, somi small, at d d "Pe 'to, ' r ay '33c, e s Your ace Ne i Four lj�ys .colhir& f "Ine $9.50, ;sL h r is te* IRS, nile, or�, goods 'at 'it -I s Bank eu, he� e b they are iw,6 CO me e ach sub-stan or s. S �.0 li, ...... -t25 p 4e. Cial, pair 3 'WA RTON6, - CIL K N 0 LKX tor s'.T of he :,6uneil t4e, Township, Sirt Bath' T6w,"bl'S. Men"s. H6itvy`, _Qalorlo B agidth 0 Kin oss me D ita qn.,. Fel�ruar Bhin b: I" t :e - i katililgT-a e tj 'th exe�'Ilont- quality, wire,, read, �and--ofittiXo-, -15x31j-; iont pt !uju weikht- ty' inutes-4�f - Sweat6rs- as. ir 'p, CY tigri R re, ad' Thi airr" Or th6,:, MUni it nt�j jjj�' ooinr fan .4kipes ez *,Y,:, opt'64. oth' 5 is 6, iarob an 7 their r6: B r auve. s6al h On in lot. rd L es':of Blue'o M' U d eiptbp� and' The. ,A,uditors 'preghte , d T17ry CI eac or§et argaint' Mossfield a. sure buy, 1)ema bf or Y4�uz At, liir� oj ivith vineck, Reg. up a ract! tor"aSo 161t which ....... ..... 0 ines in 5 opu ar .95, r to port, s ow IJ"l :­,., � r , ' at, 8 a",'., A ance. 1: 50 co, 1. All siz6g of t 0; 0,' ut, we doxet, Want. I PPP 0.� ban '. ' 'i , I k ' ry Cal the ous D. & A. if yott! desire 'the' vci 'best, in'. ,16f �2173:5 ftin Corset. Strongly left byI�Mgrch Ut.. So beres sec. with rwin. t at e U and uht6ara e.i a or you. Yet forced at 20% c! T]iI I' sizes, and 'larg6,'' h �eF* j4dgb­.jn" h d r i6l�oiti, as, j�Si Each rev�. .$1.5 5� $2. Bang e,,,a qpt�ed d t 41�i, iuots ii pro 4de fo' e f, le ot. ire Ic d Auditors aid their Bala y��..o a U a 8 -0 t isc un off reg, j b h led 'vnt an C 19. arrie n s eavy', Ci Ci�rk. $10i0o �Oaqh. lonrl,._ 7a& Th RbSs, 4�c. �by.,Carruthers- PP ex Yo t ) y H t by 5,0'Ofily i,n, o.,, �ey weed' rk4 ge Ang,s Sep Pn� Auditors? Repo.W: erwear� vo �Vooi Und a diia6iiting Li f t, -C eae- the; 109 Copies r -warm ear- aPs. rinied:,' 6 And ot ee have' t e-, it str-,, -Statement p,.,.b,' ure- W J., ermesr praiier. z., arrie on a' argaj�t P The 'appea h. ft'vy by CarTatliliikz�,'-Se , e,;i'by RoS5 ire illeg.,jup 'we, ,qant Mo iqn'�'q C ii, �'th6 local' 0 e.- 6eire h :Cqme: in,, r s6h, ;$ 'and gop, e ons on e Ile, Fq a f. . . - PHONE-, JL2 1) Roy r ess &.'a ­-lWbfe,--F6bf6Ary 17th.' $I Sim' it� that.im. tUd'. tii�eA: o ki, M.I :oil t. P wdight.,. Reg.. ally Q ck th pi part, S,' of hrnOLfr4 , : 1,6t�4, Con 0'4 ipgc to�� 4.03; ro. UP e. Carrie. the oult y. by Seconded , y C-) Ross b Th -6y ie�ve. t iiip6rt of theI/ $26,06 ,X when e �Pt ra I t ther�', -that �aids - �il6fiiayink. expenses R of.��dqpted y -7 You cje�arly showed .(as,plain as _plh'rj Council a' -few. -wee- s, Silperi�t6zldenj F MI -T, BAD;. A, ANGLE t lip e at QW 14nii y 1knglo Ied. o �:i man V T -oron o on e . Port E - Roads' plive#jon n. Cho CO�1(1 ��be) ce Cut F1 An h 1927 Y ou were at B14A, A W.r d -appeg i)nt I eques' issue tt. e ten A StUaft. ile ebnin 'h r. Ap�ord-' :,Ofilk. th ST an Job' is o�rn s or d iarton . :V allR. Laiie,, e*qh $10.00 �'for, him-' BE .0 on.g �BE Fr6mr. the asse d:, ossment:L A1W 'the. ffiliesiL, Of 'Wd :od- s6iyou donned a suit�.:.qf shining, llng'i6 t d by' Or L' J.' Work� 'in ew Of,C o rr -�.'bu '6y at , .. I . "' h Puivis arntour., �ho' had hes �8 Auditors; $ irried wido self: I it, 26,00 Of "nddpndmra� and We 'ciied -or, riches and F a 'a n s 11. peliverE . Of 17 6:ths, ice cor, on"s MUM 8,, i4a RegiAtr z U'L'L a e. 10L ti 0 1v . ", 11 .1 r. our*liome very. often,, fell in lov6 with 2 Y2 ''M1 I . . . - -�#h il le yo r -Out ook still,- Was a- nyti e rrib�d a iub- -deathj­ g.50� w er Por: aughter-and -ma ? oft, t.6 '&61 "'4he matter'.1it .1 , 'and it Sr ��tqpd led 11f4rme,r$1 k6fit" of H 'ather thus became my oh -in.. e- 'Agpe� All for DiviSi6r 1 unofficially. f that* a `;Qired Meat di Sion, qr Ybu,p roi V my, BITIC6 the VA 00-,., Canadr. tepOafighter beca Beef Pork, L I-' Court in 1925' k' 16%, $20.' my�s me t ple?of knontl Yrortill lthe�.king 1!�- ea( law and' pas cold ot C' G her, beca"c' aft6r.wardt,� .1 Wife, Y, ported" ya. uators '&at re RT Was. devOte It it: on Non ay, 22.ft:, $42.90-':W.� 'Wawanooh. Fire in� �hort' -Ingot Iron ue k. GE STEWAI And that:foi you Ali leaders were as. h4 'a: son,. e -waa my fathe 'a broth d GEOI r line, t naught,, k . lot 6 deric if e: iyintn on E� C eeve Herrfiestdn"�'A*ed� t At,' th surance". 4th. Fixed P hq. Oil eriovinila* and' 'for he. WAS ALL YOUNG .'BEEV., h pr' of .-my -a ej te '11 `14 1 1 Woila,, .7. :subsbtip- n& 0;. Mulic, p Pho (That's yv at, w houjht�, a t pmoih6r., My: 'her's wiie,, namely, . . . : . Per Lb. SATUDAY pre ounty. 'ate ri n 1 s a Beni r t is g attire, an ely. I- f my Bte�4augh. ere:,�Is ",not tions tb.. World,, $7iOO* supp xes 01, d,r stand :for 1098., ,and th gloiIied' ouse. onst g be 'Wa�,of course P nil Areductiqn, Wdlk-: reas re $6.0 '$13,03;� IvTrs. Sj ter also. had a :son- rime Por-terh R .23c Surloin Roast idh likelihoa '6f r . P? c me 200,Lbs., Qualla S, - 0;trg' li'611s� refund, of taes of pt. S. L my, brqt er and 2 pay an . alne, line, my, 7 h Pri 3 ert have' to t6uld t on tb� agi6 liAhe ce. y m 'A WORD TO MISS AGNES lid- SX ............. .23ic. mon, a grand(,hild� f ol he.iwas'the.so .0t, Y. Judge' redu�e§ t e -asses -n �,ti w 14c., -C c- V hol $ goo j, Couli y rate' ' 'unlesg' $ -wie n t a, 4.03;: W Plorcy, Pa� Id ..Rou eAk: .e �t6he( yoti; gneg, SaW:.-, ll Itug., ter. y� wi e was' My grand - 9 CP t; 'h"' M -�h?ic�, L The 'Log, _r_ ' * h at $11-.04, .� 'Hairy i T d� A ifig, - assessment ro oz '7- 7 wife!s husband .......... 15c. will be.,,Ahitii­. '.'Typewriti -Roast n6b mother. 'as. Try l6b, expense of.. he ap; d." county .$10.00 - Ali,gus I6e Rib' 4acinio �'(B clug" S,�aturIclla`y Nigbt): To, cultivate� a 11165tL, neglected field; "Id .170' Slice'd. 6c. Y" "Lu ly t0ini andgrAndchi af,.Ahe same time-, and 11'o a' 9 t, o was 'te- sheep killed,:. afto.,'- amag 9 sband of,a, person's grandmoth- ek:, ot ed bi �the municipalities ooncerne The'.total,Llruial vaiu ti n' e Ao Dear -LrM*s',,:ai the',6�ening4:pf the �hunnmg the' ancient -wi and lea' er S is grandfat e I waa�,.roy,owni h. h cfioi� Roast 'a duped appioximately two� per, penti.. $54.00.1 k � avj ir .'the ban 'municipa. itie a Coulicil- Mon*dziy n n icks 'jrandather-11 Boiling 'Beef e I ..Halts h. ing ef ...... ..... 3c -a Choice Boil' b eeli increa c -'t,;v6ntyL .-��Geo. G. .1 .23 'but thi ne rd, a d P cnic at"Cii r adjour' d till W 6�6 all js lieacei. -little is as b ieA' about. March', 14th', t C. Mpffat, Clerill Ing - Beef "Il. ki�dly as session you: three p I e But Aines," THRO I)AYS­,PtTTEA io r,cent. in' th t t t w -he' sta-,. 'e ,rrus you worthy of ..note At, fe d, Choice 'gfe�wink Beef -Lbe Pait Of Laid �ardan` thl� To,vin- -the' 'Town, of V held him TH X HE OLD. DAYS' 10 Shi and igression p t re, erected to - in I en who, had:no Front' Quarte 1216. at t6n %it w. litingrk I . 0 . ......... qrkg but a's -ak $194,000 drop d grant forg vehcas:jtist or.. �bl(' Quarter, I ' i , I Facing' the, bry! W�IveS at An "good .......... .1.4c. 4 iys weiie ';eve the the e snabbr'the bay up� 0 about.,the 4 ........ 0 .'qpwgr( .move w9pan to, boss tliemi timc Talk for be:.'formei !and, a a sake e, C 0i -Y�e- should put 'h jqUe�tjon r as :jodd as, 01ork Roast 1.00 Lbs Hea chiese of $109,006 for th a tal! Th _4ind, th�,]Onger it You: rallied . to 'his 'aid t ones. I. ou ban-: Choice Pork Roast - 1.5e. aLbi; Y ' live better'l 226 presen takes to make A up. two �held him rity. Chops Ou ings 'Pork 1 tl�ie.k of ok where' you .20c -An cast'�Yodf ndepend e `garb'4 a7 any 'Of.. switch on the` ele e e bad Trinitin ed Pork" Cho' 100 Us eef to. edetri -light" Way, that causes a �n; good ol' Y6u- gojo'bed , on -'AllavPork, Satipage; Thel':,e is, ne thin.. u to, Then, gily, 4a aid the d .�art�. a smoky tore ork Sau e 15C. s rings, ouc ted on -plaiiksi p his- Ic 'res Bief aTid Pork, SA er, �usAge polid, fling,, r c b ome '*hen con ess 51D. Lb 0' Nivemen's wi we;' 66rfull -with Mr 'A, few ovetwor ed (S k ininstiels. were. auages if YS, King;' X the bestbe. could get together. CLEARANC. RKE 1 .... . . . . I . ... , sa e y n An4�; W-i�hr Otjj -rin B't since'. on-ce more he, f. I he wanted music, 'You tzurn,'. a :'&ial' ozide We Aire. apt. 1. d' the' . B4ddlq't and a great Symphony filIg"the joblIL 1114HEST CASH PRICES POR ALL KINDS OF HIDE9 I, I, A AT- to . won er LADIES CoiOREN'S' ROSE' A$D UND you 'Copper wire carries -The ahswer� Rdally &&i., And a not., need nd today 'a thin your ai all at REDUCED PRICV,*S., N�,rt j:iwNOT CARRY. 'mo he aid,: re ppWer.. than his. sI6eptre' eve THESE� OV)PR, SO HAVE PRIC,90' TH19M TO CLEAR.' iha:ps your own' boasted.'. lfqu -have 4 tbo kin- Vherel is th"inidep'ende4ce arb you P tanod yqu now Usand '00,DS, NOT, SECONDS. BOUGHT FIRST QUALITY w ly. 'Com&rt�, that e -a o mperoz f 'distant, PUBLIC: SHOULD BEARCOST'OF Pittlents the Is -have, had, to libspitil �And not help Will!6 'it bpphthb, lid" day.a.. never To What magie 'ATfENT 9 rateh, in- SALZ -0 A SION, wOr kn e W' in day a INDIGEXT. P S' ;ehnr '6 ay patien. a g of ypre�' Ir -independence - was! 'a' 'fragrant" Power a? Turn t �i her Yod shbul& you off er thank in YARNS,-- 6u Qrder�. to. -Meet the' deficit r 9 w, on J30,atled pek t� ad�er`. Imc �A. close to, Mr. brq,eze, ilie, pa,&e§ of Wis, pa HBkST.P�.ALITY ONLY §T'01bItAj1i -PIRICEW. TO L Week - there was - presented to ca ing for the poor.,pitlentsi`.- thc. �,SE L tel) GOV.erd -ter you menj. a toalyt� Cr6a, .1. htof -AND GIVE '8ATISFACTIOXIi Ontario. t�i �report's6yg "it is th& C, Bid enreii.,sptirne 1iber, 0 and T nv ji.t1on,__every im- 0 cA rdpqrt'on rob Cffis �',i,6:r th& o d40 pa' n. r own ca e h ehospita� a, Of Ontario BH9-.-ALWAYS, A'. -GOO wife -proved 'pioduct. that 'd6nidg. LAM GtAggtg ct­:LANTEI�N :G,1�0 P on'o pilbpared -by a Pay_ thei i,ogressivis d -9U­PPJ:jy 61N I I in ws o,, ylqp et..'I"It d6actibea:,-what these new_ p gh.,, ge sp� al , ! - 'care, td' `tftabl�l o -them 1 y 0 .... .... fie, average up _V A hd eyp and ri 6AAN1TEWA%E, ixon A -fe U O�pur as hi'losptals -�aofttribute -,:their 'ip t GOOD$ 4 r w. a ST d oach one. It hel t db 'el w6l public afe,litit �jjl 0 on VRMO17b i 'n 4n t 1, a, b I&rough, 'it toinee:rj$,$341 elf -wisely -and -tcononficall �Aay per roper, qud a, o. week; yi P, T, hia 21,ap'd wArd&4h1a -latidib'le w6kk.0: -ENVELOPE9- �A VENT of'-� *RITING� PAD9 fie' ar- ar �,Oonqr an. a a ia Hi d t, Lucknow t t t e rate in tpatientS 6 -�'H' sp4' A tel R4 r 0 al boardh etilie: e. i0i " digen 'b est courier, -Of 'alrteleni times-, whaV�o iiieroaSca f6m, $2.0o to $Z75 �fid Haiel Beinath,- of, golti, They day.', fairness -of this method of ne% 'Read. the adveiitiie�, financing MrS:, Walter Al the municipality� to pay V,00 and the yet thej ba 'e, 116 Othek 'Are_ v of rhoet. one told 'With ng 016ii obligations as JOnj as, 0,gV. _y -O "i.OA- -a ovornmen and 0 cen i� I it "' Y A ild' T��Y4, 'of Pij ditonbi, tbok' igher rate the �h6a a q1 -RIX19' N fit )mpelled ta re t -a co4sidersii)lc, V p Miss Lena It Or The owit 01 1b. I A' STOPIR akea of' �fraf` d P VO ldi t !9TANLEY his pliice be ciDittri titing 187. cents a ..'day to- peii a fqntt[ -at a loas. vis16d 'at. her: home. bake th.e. of., Pu 'e w6rkt 'to lilt. .6entage of t r ii tripe. f) I V or the weel wards the riminte 1UjC1tNOWq ONTRIO WO, �Otqa, that YA, it t'X, nante f such pfv. pe6ve, t 'harbor a Ine4rdifle by tl� I " , . I . I , jL" iej. t6,. ly no Mrsi Elmei Alton ofit6r, dx 1119 e Out 'Pier, artdgi tend' 1b ng XP osure gives hardinosoi ibut the e 0 '4 Al�d olte frowfi'Would ckbt tabld,the League to #Val ntin -So' 'and b�glpnlng t� ed out that', de <Coni �A .; 441, 14st Thut -We4k start W lt�i Or PbOr Iok�ead '6 do OW11 to.in4d Pri el, S Torn to All Jai All,