The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-03, Page 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . NOON I lop W A-, A -F sN, iL- t! J, V. to t n - f k 7:'. --7 4 T Ux $.qY$1 -XVITIF191D TOWNS �V.P STANPAU 8 Al MIMI 0�4 at Half - 4 ''AR "T" XI r�.AU­ a lyii 0311 4 sgoftn t .'s*Vin" tor!� Of - W, 94*n"s An ey th .......... Union Ve-As in"NVool `7&W Ur 46, 7- iT e 1. ­ , , , '' .... t i� k" tp, k, I ap. Th� Montft PEW Febmary,12 6"C ;?§e jy,6�1, be Pp�w "A� - ,our riebri pr9pand W, M T-and',M"' Aorl - - , �. � % -C 30? d- Ayt , ! �� 7� S.,4311 r, ­; - 11 ­,�� 1. 1 .1 e, JIS11% 0 r -V, te. is I IN" W40. -0*r�tjv* �­� -4t; - 112y oft, 014" -win, are. discontipuW4. - W� with 'inch,. bra" -4- -ur 2 INTO,* 4 ,,s r( PYI),; V, A116 aut at -ri"C "a.. 'WO a" 1 . . . ., - Aure4-UP, vand� b V1 stritin tq, H 0 a liox Yv �1' I is -1 ,�owj, 1�� ..e lov a U10VqFW* Vojktjp�' !P.ew 'Wit .. P - T . PrVe WOO, vi qr.� apq .!lye lW Pod "I" n r� po.m, On T op ps, glum p WW" ;J�pqx !P1.7 V� 10�o ­ 'Otte__ !Zee', WU $; 4,; ear TA,%F-'OF -RV AIRIO' X, 302,­�Pufe 'Iris STRIPE TURKISH TOWELS, :PRd ow ." IGTIIS,,-� AT.' A PTV -V 250 h. OANibY. RUBBER NS GQod:si'ze*,'niqel -tea a- tripped� Aif op� t., le rubb4 IRUAfibuk Tlovrdls, of �rery at this low 'price Womeh's full size c..poeket. Ha D porto ity- to� 'say E pron with.1fin if, TAX AN W 49C MANIS, E*M tS 8 in. OMEN'S OA; FLEtC BLOOMEJ fine qU.ah, Mqasure,'q AT A. PR, 79c- I , Jgj pach LARdit S 16 ith 1� nch heni... leNITTED rvlr,,N'P. HORSEHIM MITTS a tched. e44s rOYS! LEATHER -MITT ti and, idd da. -I S lc�skin knitted tuffs,' full I;Tied. W �oltftpts, AT, 1.98, One -piece face,. good s6ftliorsohjd�. Medium tlllQU ight, ked,' desJgn. vly'; iiped,. high nit, U 1p Sale price eghqut. Wr, cu 136� t buy this �,year,, at,a r: 4 Ri and, aid a.,' Regular 7*5�, G 6, a a e L', C MM R T11 R E BEAUTY BATI.R 80 P. age tJ ING. nedium, HigY'.qual rose- JX each BROOUS P'bit, 'value.� tiil -ality broqm. Reg' or lilac colors. g. 4u Biaoin, -B i,.y bi .SORO,'. in B306 �4 Tfie. s,'4rn. ,weight,,-. Knitted: Reg loc.: Stip. py ge. caker,'.*, eb.: Sale, 3� t. foiled 75i each with, guss,e z N� IW.O.14 lin-ed a E IT, -it ed ''Widq lie nice qual U Made;- A true quality cottont 7 le'b In, �,;; . tic :,Cream C610k, Only, wif :,rea art.; e:mbioldeeed. 1.35. price, e4c: r10 siies 3 0,42. gular i,770 A 'ri ontA 90. siz4,. .�A'i' by,* qV e now. Lu i A Real -Shift �and a- P HEAVY nurbe DURING NKE, INFANTS' 7 E RRY -FEEDEkS'.' 50c r; �4. WOOL� BLA thabig I b t� grAdgai 64-:8 16S., - meakis a qQ p tbr4-J" cloth THREE BIG .'DAYP, oT ur&, W eis From wisli kna Sik�ing I 'YOU. MOssfield's J�fand., Real beauties,' a, :'with fancy, design, 101/ill x IV. Reg.. or 2 d . e . price, ...... ....... 9 25. Sal .... 6019 'FEB' `4 FW 'UP' :.'X*13312-T ie asgottme t HIRT1146 BROADCLOTH, eputaing., Greys, tary 9ILk STOCKINGS FM -Sht Hj S er acloth. Fren�h lilitos,.. -and: Khak, 01 rhany.prett� shades, in quia itN ere i is in a nice more r6tty colors. Sal 1, p . womgwg� WARM. a real' bar -l-, wide,',,many. n price" a. y ........ TE1j UN Ett KIRTS: A, it �,.co r§.,,. Goo, qu., y F :Polfie- impetfects. A la pair for, co e t, er. use a, Work" B i6 Vii -iqp �h: rib nel,­sizes 1, Va to'17. Re binichis'afid"; 10 --- C. -�:wi!ri at k' Note the Lq*.. PrIii. -ME lw .13 Mir th-6 and, Itte "t , . . . , . 11, 1 1 . Mothe'r camg At The each. X�307 heay�.,, -knitted wya Una" 110 XNOW, "anytithe, anym ere,. - h T1 Un e --------- d rsk:i 6 peciAlty' su t� "171- W 0 THE N'S ,FLANNEL - W9 MORO& STEWART Able, whcin�. Mt is ne rt ting, etc h nd' hi.i p r WIM con- n oi� ko an; expo bit, halit V, Ttorls -e,flch in krey, colo 00par "tkas,ins a 1-1 re, e i - skir 16 o r t x Vion at yali Inilty. on, rAwtws rin -seeral rV4 I fl-E'TO0TI1-'49D, neck -and.-,on-- -ghorlti eeve, .71 - I � * 1% 7 . ­ �d it i.ntiheb, on �'Bizes., :.S� thesq. n 'the fol.' W.A -E oynngr G, Tgulp the t6re.' l5bitiN . ... .... va ue if sold- -at "The, Port Big DTJRfi4d T R E E., I ABROOMS� i0c.l G AYN.44 hton, dentist had, hivj­ BI D ac ... A. Rii6 29C L h [BROOMS. 29c. eft; eye inim �ed iw a Tory peculia,' IUCKNOW T .1 ou. was en. manner ork Sunday last. iiiij to reli deavo a Patl6tit'f . ....... . Of %alfaChingr molar, . lien the, miseryr cli'lie was. u g suadenly'yie�,ded Dr..,MAcKay� great� -as �onkof :i 0 the; to6th on'whi strong. FIVLD COU CIL OLIJ N� MINISTER, h JawCaind),slip 'ping" off ASH TIVERTO its hold on the' C be -est advocates of edu0ation, as. wi jtru6k,�'Dod. the, eyc, 'b ' t h'e ,ATH LLED; BY DP eb that three his �the forceps on Y all, ,Ira th -docti), ai 6�6. a' so injured th' b 'CounOil met on Jan Him, beauti u disOlay And e ptie't at he'wa uary 10 wh he. v. `Dr.. Geo.- ?A a X Y, are A I* a'y*s the'. i Only t of fore "remain'rofi duty " all 'day ineinbbrs; tr6sent, And � s6bs6ribed to, BES was�, ininister pn' and o th :fo-' !8 y6r.4. a s Away S ed to, to.ach He, .8 Monday and confilie,'himself in a Hrl ith the, acl ST� P*tejmV' to the-Aeclarati ed yo . .... people' f BE J toil press Ling the" I -he reeve,then Addressed h b't Arnift,' bift :sfiew y4t Aud, tt su�h- dosi ork" room. This 'is instan thezoun-,: ro,,-Joyterian that: education. talf t e a tle 0 of here the� iixtra t, at have relal ition. Wong hese lines �7BUtt f a'.tooth *asn �Aqn erjo j� a, ono-sided'pskinfu. theni, 'and -h ed'Jor ple V -A', b 0 qp h., died isuddenly bif January 16. )e"was 011s. aken6d. in., tl,ci H t g t 'V!, 0 He ist ', a daughter a'asoner,.'His;',*m ad" Minutes of,'. December -'ineeting fine. and, logi at. Muncie, Indiana torehojlSe'r of Ree -Weat ve tk Vfd U m on' a 4C rs on l'stcn­bi� germ' -ons. wpp3 of.- -4, supe - r i o r- t y pb­ -P6 nday the 6 and V I. d, -'DO, BLE'FUNERA ad-'afid--bn-inotion. of %,bePuty was U . .. ........ L, AT -re knoWledie "was w ove -eacherF As dul d ing a -a-, Berm -'old Scottish pi Ca' it' fid Co -ii illor And �h lie One of 'the BAY-IRIELI)i S,,,Ili� rkdo w e 'a 40lie'ved. Cod'g mdrd :,ws th-, T Appy of' cou'iicilloTs v was� -thing, to leave"with 'b*,s heat. was On' rxiotioii a.1 a double funeral held it lic and'A d if'son, -a -grant, of 'ten', dolld inaiji Ciirno6n- home, on -Su y 'last., rs 1A t: rs pagsbd way- alnl6st'at Once., ALL YOUNG �'BEEFr ........... LS FOR... nda erg. In'politi,--sJe w Clin wHg sent S. in- HUghL t SPCIA' Aid, God- Liberal; bu' t ier­ yoUT meron, w 0 his � party' never xec6ired, his sup'Or"' Yr t,�t _,� $� Light.: . - .; I '! E a 'a r Thu SATU$11b" ton 11bapital.,for four, weeks �""Owing t� Ufa*' ,I; Pe `Lb.' as a patient in to the Child i n w2a who whs 4ccideiAally' 7, unless he fet 1h s -the Indian, Dan Crowel, or, ss'er, 6ne who spw many' changec a. fall and a fftetor6d hip,,gti aidalry Moved' by DeptitY'. ReeV6 .,0afiieron shot Prime Porterhouse Roast .... re- 'PH Oa grigntbf, ten, dollars�be P Oin at t -*eakei,ind the '�nd- cameon*� Friw and -Cobneillof. Maeli6hzid� and' (yet 23 last: her slio6k Of his Ban and'advances,. ixi. this 'Dominion, of rime Suil 23m -3004"lis. Qualla'Sal Sao" thi's' 6ppoithnity Steak bo )met On d - list., -She. �was in her 81st". year solved that a' ldeatll WA§ 'too Imuch for Mr. Xac-. �ours 'One who. could, fligc�.ss witl 8'ytt sph, Norriian, aged 45, died,quite sent, to,Dungatinoii tibraiy. Carried. Kay who 'ivas, 77,�'yearg of ago', and �stiopq, of any P�,tact' Round a MoVed by, clear Ole'' e ness qu er Choice Cuts iiieIflng Mri W Telephone' of In urm e y. -tin, opin� suddenly inEskinaithy, UA.:h D ty� Ree,�.o damerow he had ln falling' rApidl ever, .'�nd Idave his hp4rerg with Vh for appointmen iepul t the, 'Hatef ing 'sick.* only two.. days with � hgak The' trip to Ind. I ' '*art b'r Rai tat and Councillor, Anderson. That r the neet ih dy. 011 li havn Deep regret. *il' Ri .... T Ar6u txprossoo 9 e Rib. SiiCed' 16C.,� r I M. , � '�Wo' E:* ble.. He, ba& been'engaged, -W age 6fficers of - i92 be re-app011ited '-forr anti, on which he, was Accompanio(, b4 e ........ ...... Choi ng agent-fdr the Detroit Fie: "A04;Of �hi 611i 7 V W. LIMITED w Pat': Piw n!" years, ant, health"'L Jj'qOr% the'PaSf f Iphbo, . a Yonge Street, Tor . onj ftee dni6nt, byCb,�in'cilior -Sul` �regailning liis, 20. Sides 'Breakfast n amen, %w ......... '*i'­*eIJ thought. of and by. livAn' that' ourigil' advertise .,for, of-. The remains ' ere broukht..,to'Kin. ORVC-OUR8E IN,�� c oti6n, Oef:: his employers. T,hd, hrment,. the, funeral AGRICULTURE AT.: -YTF Bacon' remains were ac gce,�, a. he earried. cardi,n6 6r :intb Choice' Boiling: 'his friend, Mr, e k' 28th. BL It 'who' had. lAh-working witl-, '6d;'� kellOwAip, is 'spoiled one, Dr.'MacKiy.was'born 6n -July 2nd Whol compaied. here', by Jas.*. If�y&p inter�i %�ed co�n- b�eing on Friday, JanuAr -Bef 29c., P A& �30C any. a cil tr�gaiding broken xle, of hi -28(-h,, aictlie.conclus Stewing Be, .JCe ionij years. Th6'6ubie'fun� l8r I w n ee . 13c�. tisl I i wVa 'the All -age 'of 'thibro, Zotra Hd by matTimony. lon' 0 nnal eral waa - held. from - Anglican byr pouncilloks te he Attended publi, the Id, $5,59' Front Quarters' Slice and MacKenzie, t1fat h pai Iiitition is alsoAhe ost,/kipnoy hurch on Sunday latt; at 1 p.m.. school. and'l-ater hir -hool:.',at1Ti- ure'. and' Econwhic..o -d '32CO 'obtained it, teach- c onductod by th i d ' � gh Be Ing form of fiatttfYi "The friends Carrie -0 geroll; Aere e, Huron Department I a tdr amot on o' the 6 Man V 0 tz may and refighbors 6xtehd'-ihei On f Cd meior e riculturpi Clinton. T is yoto ....... alk ijmpathy owirrg' bills, 'were qrdered Th li, usts to luck, r heartfelt a 'n the'foll' er�' er[fl��afe 55 yeais ago. -For F. of h' Pork"Roast, JOQ LbS. !get, there but be often has sto I W to�,the,family in their sad. a ott, ime li� taui7ht'- .i'ho' ....... t, ol neta. Qourso W -Ch as..Well atteniled,,having' re. oice Pork Roast d .15c Lb ,20cd crulai students 'ork Cho6s ............ Paid:-Electiorn expOgses,�: bi� aofA5. a 6 age v men� an Woodstock abdihen docided 'to stud-, 11 in ballots $109.26- Regiarering,of birtha , to the -nulb for thp,it 4inigtr ' He student,ai 00 Lbs., Bid and draxtiages abd'.death1 $2:1.25-" 16�. i6x 'ObIlege ..and". also at � McGil. bO'Y9 ,and 40 girls d aliy. -:136sid6 T'finiTnIod Pork ibliop' I 31 JAn'. Ky . r �� 1. ' ' ,54yden, gra,ding- $4.00 M go, �Mntreal,'fk.on! 'the� a arge number of . visitory -PorlL Sausage Preqbyterian Colle -e, All Pork S gravel',$5.*65- Alex.- ausage P(*k Satfsage' 15c McDonald. whichl.b 'giaddate�0.� lli§�Ahirst;*foi -,ame to .,the Course Particularly, 4 et an e f I1I Fr k'.1r.: take', i 'th afteinoons to "take'advHntage.-91 (S knowledge decided 1im, to ausages Ome M419 5.0 Lb y arnsm-.,., wino*�Aractof oh gr�der'$14.00- We G. Fill6ts, at'22c in a And"demonstra. botirse medicine and in/'April 181f the different lectqe Reed, -pittrblman $56.95-` obh Kil : 1 1 7, . I . 6ifig , arnA. patrick, salary" $i2,6( he graduAted in- ffiedi.cine 1TOnr', Me.' done, Whe y beat. obtainableo at an,, -27th 86p,Y.'. S, 'Gill. '' Fo, some �fime he serl0d or On ThU�;diy ev6nin&r J "tal Staff MofitreaL. tatei� ba n Conimunitv, EST CASH -PR was ia 'the llospi �11 POR A11- KINDS 0 $135.60�,, Win. Clarb, 'NO. 9' held'in'!V S , F AIDES My% at wIt'. 11 of t balance collected on, debeniure,,-.$i -Yarn, 396.4 ein, . he wedN to Dettiolt, and l#acticee, a at ch;. a B�ffalo-grand,Stocking, Robert D&n'in,,shcep,.clairW $95..; of`th� easses and- 'thosc :,y r '0 46,. qhWl at_ inedicine'. He feltAis life .*Ork,'Ww m4mbersr 'Richard .. iohhat6nj' salary-, .many shades$ alg Wel'Sweater . t the Coursr': sto arns Dr. A. J the' minisiry, ai�d,'he gave, ..up 'ble instumental in � making tondaned offiars, $12.00* t* a gucc'dsa *erd.pre;6ent. T Moxi� -in Bruish,� DoVe And Dbunit 1roit in 1885 ikeeep Ing tich IVLO..'1161th $1010.-' practice, in, Dot Simpson a baidmus". and 'blackstock idnOr Mt , Ham oc ricultural :and household iofoimatlon.', dren'sAid S I �-Xel. Re�d,. plow, potlits $9J50 -'County. : In 1887,. while w BrAm;ton, tal'id, 0�6 a� very in, 'Library $io.00; UbiIrn Li Durham yet` the social. activiiies 'cariled' on', by this.' charge,. he .marr,R on.rnotion of Sullivan.tand Ander d r Mi�S Tsa,� torebUh# address. His subjeet;O'Wht S nd--Uud t t , he organitod., ela'ses 'in 'after years Dungannon Library., $5.00.. goVerpmon GI earz e e. on V/ja the 8solut,on re �belldL ar on,.:-Niw, Y "' v the Jinor.Farmers' Aiso&iation'llas are h- hl i , a !g 3r mportAnt -results 4t - is Mr, Jrag�' Spec P.Wuced Prices -on' Hoad, nd Uft, 9 nt Was d%iJy'PAgSe*d. ni -Gib$ pp n ra gg he, came,to Chaltner's �Chtirch,- 6ne for. Me," pointed 64b to t1i Ci to� be h6pddAhab. successful, 'Caura�§ S�pibrintbndeht for �:-�027. rp eva an en on In notion jdst of th,g� nature --will, bee % hold in - bthb, r and', ROad Stiperintehilent �vj- 6ildr 't-41l.re I ir' 411,iVan and-Aod members Of th- both derVAzi ehago,tWO was a, b6loved pAstbf, Retiring fraw how tb durink. the c *am- oriz4d' to apply to. I the sob council ( '- �,oursdq, Jvging co� r III lal ne all -the'ministry 1 a- to' Xfne-ardinp. �Poffflons.'and, &ta� erS,. th6so. ' and Oa�tq of the Mo ton t bklk I P in., w, t Govbtnm�nj, for� th'i 'giant ro4tl thotsiind fee e e, move U Motion nd'M- his, object b�.nj­ to give,liis anitly soeieti f And _0. expen 1 ure of $40,�4,00, "WEST WAW' in, no tion, 8 ha reside(" heIDOd todks­ 6oulicil 'adjourned to,ni6et On edum armers, -1� 1�) ANOSH, fall' were, advH 'lake Of'r hf,h sebbol' Peel, C h Fib. I p -11T t, he h C' ona n second' �6f agrjcultia-ial bt in Is,..ao-, Do West"Wawanoili oun6l 614 Pound-keeterg-A%eit 'B'ra eAt? nlya -NOW 'in stock Brude.b m4 dial life the -year, 1927 Eg ic 0 son, limited Ogntity rriag6 proved`0 be r its' "fly IN"' h fi � F , Ad' Jae. ollowinitr ko at �Zedfflg f'of n .1 W 406 -Dr' 'A,. R. Mae. it l0i­After m Isueiller 'and D.4jt4�n. AaY _R". nceo ' 16 1 0 t sapt 9.044 Mott; Si John May And'May. 4"'feW i1`0P0Vti-At Tea�, I'F 4 -Urf the' -:131181h sg% -for 'o !yAli Burnin, 6: n' good Brdoth fil.t,o pohited out es th- doatli bt LqM-Rutftc. . I n1l U e1i fist me Toronto, Wood,. Muncie why' the V6111Ag womah word, read 'and eda�. - The hi t , f I- meeting r rms rang, rk%witgon,'. 'G. at xi)16R�di rer it �pc I 4nted. The' I re -a adjotithe to Intot ire. tibnl Cloursci 9hd pop 'Of. 116tid StpoTint6nd wbozoi, 01 'I.Jeabl - jera e. w li fouild ut- 'to bav��'btconie $TO RE Ma diff - m- the �qM 2rid'- hit 'Rott Ordered'. to A t I t, t 11 t do b� ith councillorls ii, oJerki, Thege N t the Jpa or 119 21 or snoW,. r tleli death'lwag due ta�a'odidoxt, but f1h ' ovidelitly felt' that 4'' WWI t6iti Th'o I pwiq 0 V laird most,:0.4no, 1010c"Wo h'be. mourn hi� deralso. Tlie d FTI F01 rirAl,'dommu itia VM Ithy of a lariko, 01r4a d "041V �104 in "Aims 9, d , toi tho 0 NQ04 out. to