The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-02-03, Page 6Or I I I `717"w "T 7` W'. v 4 "oo, -4,". v..' - -------- - % . . I. . . . . . . . . . . k"I 7 7 - OM IOBU jj all I� PASS, fol- -11, ­-.- I. -- - ! g j* .. . 1 W 'brIll1iint 40tubwl, TIP seiep'lmd. W, 4 BY LIONORA's 4w� Va, 24 7. 25" tho�!fh�;4- �eiv T660t, lb 0.., o�oo fth� n 10 -w r VS. 22, 23. ­ h -q 'The saix'6, nir - 0_. edg k awlwde ho It - t L j -4d, POOl'': 'Bobbio,$ wa kqtl N 'A A N boi�O'Witlj- h in.. o,'t'Oults"t othor A Wfiys'O 40T e�, . _�t to 0. has P A It ii,�. PoWt tO,ai�d"..kej4kes,refui ppef O�S I E ,III �wgys �thoy came AroUpc qbl c, kra� that UA MATO)* 004 1; idc, charA.4-e , s or, SQXe ng P thejI �ieOGrarl beInj::. hj�o, �.skIn`.flInt_ or th ien* am' e� wwke, ft -W p 'Al OW --�,e - 9,,,* 0 a �161 Milt 1+30;, as mls4u,ge. I at t A M 6OnAhe atioe dying '16 ne, di r �blijii be 6trongej to�,:,qver. An-4� Oy'o SUPp �ed., " '" * Abou Ik 0, r Cy.: a laipit�bebn- ia w Idin, TPx*4,T nr$s At O'l the,' litt 0 d4gh i(liltilty at i1eky%, pp e zip to d -601d, ffirfd', �.ah'� sort of Olournfu oe�tt;�-- 4t h6thifig bet - t j ab '*n� thJ,6'9i',.ePti0 'to, da.witW.hIWtQQnt, 011 �RipilbuMMd t �044 has'. isad i Q Iv -to biii�- The, tab a t I or 'it in.-tho gr und. 6me' 1* MW thoo rijIW4 te "d. r 's -ihy Lo ires. ."Intr "'6f tghly 7 49, wil to IS tf� iVR�'qnd-,�jW'.7ed. like -.a Sapgr­­ in y SIP Par ri$ `Wliat 1'1� in -M -t , , , -, ---L-6 , , lue Sol I � , er thIft Into t e'j6y, Of, - N elk �P ft.w�p J t ` ' - � h Th' att. flif �k up rthiq,� je bef h n tho*gh food plan ho r. pas it 51� 31�1 01STI, may pQ mqugk tb6 TOO 4�A 141 4: the� 8 mbpr: of the III , J� i �,� dq)y I n ANALYSIS' 1 - Oer�sau0i w I - i I i� . I . .." , 16., . 1jesaingi ileverl 'Are, a 16 dI 't no �Qrr tW elpe 0 _h M onge ; §1� CO, rl il Aleps�k ILS n WF ITn" .'�l NT 4" ;YW9�� U P7"' A' 'ktilUL'ft0MeW� �"XP%ALA tt',,THE QIIATIP4 -"A ft"d L a 'lor Uk _71Z1 ­ _,� -F". P r I � M 6`1 hliiilltsl�thelrl 10 )'0, Il"I N�� �I\ �,Wl �.� 11,vyifnfite� Aob'BI+�11,�' o 0 ;�i 6 � 0 �0'1 tYFPf1Py1 � 17771�; 7-., 7 "6"MAffiel"I to, A)MY illl`4 0i V' '� � !''I, "L � KrrLanyrp,,.,lelv4,.l�L.AV�'F,,",'��'?,,� 1� k I I 1�, "I", 7, 7�� 44 stanoel� NM�11 the' h eg, eft IVT, e- poliphiid 91#� "IL At v,�p a,,,,,w Ji" i or S; *4we (I AIR Yl�l W9 I Iinei fiidj�noht.l ''CtirstlAus"'Nirl to make -'a Ilyllxi 1- at table, poribly"'co _iT D! qwwiiypr.,64-�� 1,'Ny�II411 e:InaV Qncu �44 jmili,jr hj�bjheylipakor 'Ooti he'L h ad. on I sizt��,Of 11 lite d ovchn,g'46 the pAI tal square,�, or That,'$ veFY -LANNING, God, 'USt4 nOW �j it "'111 lj�t, t Answered, the, quw. jjW, IN4 k �,U the,'entrus �Cr '"t', old gettIOMIL11�4 C b f the fAmIlY' M Op - ie A bl cbf" or, nuut, A vo r�, Alb� care. Luke, it his versio1j;* r _-S cfkc�rationa, 9 1*0*0 - I� � ited .. gifts of', r k, ine 111vo; *1 _4 � �46.. artisti v- ffWhAt" b f the same pay; - ki rr.h r Choose. -kin i, of .6hru tunity. a ca 0 a or db.Y0u,-dO A 6ut It?" ractiow, ln� HtO'1,11 0" t 'I t .1 , . 'j ' mich of. it', t .13 spoken. "beeduse lapping siimit. "'Plaw 0 Z%4104, ftUM AO' Up -mix t, eniii. abI6,,'sIayS:, thdt'it'wa who' make p t the same in'. which Ot� - - . " I � �,,Wpjl; I stani -so J 41 for. Floe .avariet� edjot glass) h can A, d ju. time, jesus warns us. agaiilst�- Un- or 'Thpir� is-. stti ni; Have 9� bacM ,,, yet, lieRil Jesus was fiear JejusRlem and be- Ag seasonal floNyers"..aro, gikeefully ito sandwic n A, 'then 14 get I of, $p h nl�sohiethirig Me - f, God.' Wro Ow r Iscu r 8,.gro, ground,, BqY lisciples)74majindd I �akini-poW ilis g orthy thoughts o Atnt%. 6,11 pid trees -axe, means '09 Oth. bar�iorr�f, -in -front., I makes a �charming centrep'iece.. just anything sat 07-, Tbs should cause they.(the 4 inmlediato��r n atiO I a '1661b 011$01. bit'ofcriA 6n� 06 sol -6m would' to- nek terea vAill' liough, �to- noys llle,- %6, ..of -life that God's,ki�gd Godl le;id men r 4. thin Thugin Lukd.-, ver -ho er ifi 1 ;, - . , , , bfie bottom. go; praer, aA4, to, e-grudgiiig in service. U9q, A 419) alfol ineaning', th lb The tesult'ls' their own the. -sprays nee. no havo III act' ill ail,ch a wa not beL'used.Andividli.aily abott.""tho k L9 Id biQ in -e farm I 1 11 1 IyappIv1.e' b na U emi y lawn, as� Ous lessens tlt6 de ing, a ze, a a t crowd f r.�cont jil fftCtj are it ft. equally I!l-8xpjDnsivo­. QyYOU. the p ace- o a Ang."Oni r vould imli -,-a more time Uce I to break niaiy' be long'delayed �n n buy for or 'we havi6': fluerice, power, spin ua -tApacity to�,help,';Iiid gjvoa�a, G d' k d 16ss.� Whate m6ney, In7 Oasis basket, which you ca for ;'I sh6uld th te. task-, Chris.., Iowa. This equ4 6pntsi maked a IP.VP Y -n,.- �ut a.1 da' more Would. you. reallY. I w than foii4dRtj9iI';p1Ant, oming, tht'immedi: I �conl rep ratio o- Ajc�ti, places .0 d They, for 111jil .11 ings, Rio best 'Usled Iia niasdea.abou. tian -,�jjjay not be postpone efor -the, increase� of ',good, I, * , , a bo, in and P of this d0ad f uj�mbit .9 bQS USe 'the: F*uj sipailer .6neS (fronlAhe 0 t, world.':* otherwige- expen, is YOU or, marr *must gel Uld. to work, making, the vaiiety.. ba; j . . . to. cefit. ato - ded.1 wo to, maki.the framL -opportulitties.'.of'do nZ ke'), .49an.,be.added awith Peasand Carlicils 4,If you itiean,it,'you can, them, al a thd'y'cail bftl -thrown. away.) I*. They 'are use., ''I svases Croquette 0 it w.ith, Overy versi ie 'four tall Slie 'a", d r Pictu Se, -o ble _-Tart Oakes of jjBO'jo aeparaie diffeient. liarts:of the 900 a so fr,6m the 115 Fan in ' it, ing t. -grou -as wel as ' Screen with this Inle'r­1 e.,take lililaistire 11i !the parable', desc.ribes::tho,..gif Y�a . . I t do- not buy hi� y - of you' d'w1lich, �Gcid. plits. into their. hands. wish i'br' I ts en-'-� ii-hd 101t) each' fi I DM,, *ill be, at 9h cy nds; to un -sig t Y a 4 Single tall. MOBS, n6thing'is 'pret lor trusted to Christians at ad maiiy� ii,4 .,)In an hemeobj4pets sluch as, d Coffce outbuildings, woo h" �h Zliristians have to ntrattim, ]Or� -erafhave any p#,-- �biia- been. jui�tlY 90.- ,.w ve! -lighted table shilibs drid, 00 - : .. . , ... . I I . -candle The 1�e B9t 31 a,es. can- be. made o of oney f, I k ilent., p t in profitable Th - e ti 01 riass- Croquet. Is gefibijilly iiand 9, a. ew �Qf time, or 'uai to,a out�,120 6tried, ingre'di bi N must.be Used with caution, as sum 'of tioney, eq D16reA . . I . . . _ bt�'. b' icksl , - ng,in a,,mn( a st .., 11 - . � . 11 aclic4ous cro::i. -, .,, , , , .1 6 � it, is nDt,,l al a lill mal�eg a dingthat he� llavj� d t liable tt'is easy to. have lb�� aft y,e Buit,*aS.,we 'shall all feel qbtained" from Ahe hame iliv, i set -up a wal d n f, jok tho�: a ssential.- 4re'rUeroly the use 4bf money 4 qUetteB,,, and js 'All. rea y hi d to USO��R for t em,. aew are very e f t ling. tu nse, di�ain, flakel aid t��d -G iveg us .,;i 9P ial- a great a� t es, fair y erved (,you, eo.h, �o —distinctioll 9 A. -in rather fine the right j , �h , I . no., f6r shade -And lbo..iraniii the se, od g] irl 0 [vantage.'' Ri hOPS16PS, -apital- �and, .:-spiritual vppor6niti s' T�ethjng I* silb9taillb contents of -a c6li g4d toile. and RAIL calla the- gifts of th,�� f9r the. main diigh. it can hi I i", , I I I hot is Used is otber� in, a dis what St. -P '-a.,liberal amo t f very is e Spirit I ''Cor, Th6 b 'iepaired' in. a cl�afinLr-dish: 01) and in th I:' Sep hing"Of -.'tb6 should not b: .,the ;x un; not' Are t ;tiff soit d be d sone n �opr part will IiAe; or. �q"l dis- cream situcel that uge�.t wl� UrS rnintesa 0 4s'not -on y e plante 1 in' str'axg'ht, -eat -que�ationjs,' ties _o gg e eilid, I jr in. ber kfichen. and,brgugh. iejd al ;. aleibio�VIS 'on a arge,� xt fo ing c. - r a .,k' 4,6. last lnl6metl ; In gay attena it ted yat 31ant of 61ii� spirl �l t ('About r4 pipt). 9pr, ed iff Pr6fierly4Z PUU h T a , oppor. Ulu .:., "I MTI 'in a a�,tl by prayer; rrange But' t at will be far be pile. platter, ati.d4heil told. and_1 t- '�%jied, f6rkfulls toll 16. �ft&t:,6f being; -Ij by.diligentp a e's" 1.�stifioned W n group give, Be Vic A ildings., ed t yet, or: oil fancy plattlera. e. ca I les w ic t at ra. T 'a h" h be off� croquette. f Win to 46ut9kow eS (L lIY his � h6Uld -be tho, f and take :teT,fbanwaiting or I hoated) at eacheorner R4 fork in fine ierumb4j,'thon n� an me�d4pted to country I THE'ENAIM forks and lichten -egg to withut b' jTjg_ bim,. a h fig. hen Or, pape napkins. Arr UY proo ;-� '': . * , . I ang added',thn" he, 14. IT e. words Sp9c 'in fan Shae. ereaft0, w. n, p "the kingdo jr Spoonfuls of water can'be' � Ph. , .. li sa�toL_toWlI:_I'. 9 P, at. th, -as t6 ­forma ong-to JIS? him home I've f' Rini o01 tings' Or 666, 14A5 On cv(ch pile place; -a- OM folded. 4oilles w.i a t "of �hin' III'& two �r t i s'?'are pr* not you, MdOrlio mes ry,to 'h mba oil, a board,: to -ilhape. !dw*he;3, eikes.'and other dishes ASan hod if nio� 11AT4 'than, Wantintgbou tes that they Are abofoio Fry 'h then'stick t'heave i to again'. I'll cri do, all. of �t e nted in our Bilkle, with �hjnij`. tell --him whether a.time,, italles, !whitih,� ii�dicb a viety hot_ deep,'fat'; 'drain oil yt-bing fciii�,hi �Wo k be. brought. f ',.w -buy,An -AIAP Mod L in .4p -r rit��y -b r I t �It_w� 0�y to &Ut, all lines -the etse. The original 7 i6fkknaM#.,,SUc as. h a Bev ing, p", Y h illet plant, kin :Is the,-rst esaetitfhL M 'Fatt Arrange on ot platier:. around a 4 -light �be,, rendered; with Dr. ++ uAs - and candied. ! to b��y liothin-0. cr..n Y, 'Salted- pOai as -aad :cArrotS' (carots wants: ory Area, or, r tininj pit *h0m_ go, an be� placed. cin'the table you are going 'to,, 'ut the 'treeg', And n, the beg;i thus "The. case is that ola man, A mound, 'of pe tbaj you,mrill do what he ei,uiipro� �ery hot. P old N ""',lace3nea s-a'w iii6ease Iig. abroad," ses'are, 'ato do if he keelig tip'.his dAA 1, , - %izt in * of,peas I"a when set.- C iater and glas; di�ecll the a -aheet parsley and- serve -N 'Ing. a ort erving I Ige, ting thes6 jou;a o'go -so he 1A., plaS Wi6relianto-vim. Often req�.'jrtd" d on -the Bid., Don't Ibng enough)',. oY. ry., Have on business, velituireg, and -their place serve 20 Peop e� sr. y, care gooW'a** i;hei w a -Y �pape�r 4 AV.P. b oad in tin e'ther an� i1:od,j.qWxntltY of can hold out me- -0,11II tab,..e� an to Make; t1 ter nuck ti t d i wa h t t9 A.- n cc lea. Then;,althOJUg '1101, stop §oon- efiouih a more plon, laid4 out h' niW wa's oft6i prolongd,.'for.th�� Ad try� ie croqUetb_,S`tOb';,%rg0i f, I citable 0 At lition., ug the advantage f - - . . I , - , I . jtj,..#&e t a jr1fik 'can be p anned or.'' t Sa�idiviches, �E�re madq 19n1 had not, liRt 1. ir- e n' wor one "be five �Y, ears, 11A comp tl; Beive hot cocoa or,coffO Onds that youwili pay. may surro'lindings, th plant W Or, thin ces, prod fe; look- like swift railway w..and gtearh.sjiip:, trans-- ..eatb�r' 16ttu Sri A tomato it its' e -ed. iw t Pjacb �'a. wit 'he�' erchant,ifi this -case en-, (poui -with, a finished picture, no - in the';end. Umber �p I:ort. The�m cue iinklid witb`g�lt­un nitirch ini altboULg yonn thipl. sP: -big'. bugi riy o j!jj"llow,#'e,�ch cUpfUl, of coccajor ness �temporR *1 - t' trusts read wItli �016L Lise 'dr6ss-.1 h ece�ve Via C� Iust ces'of bptteredAbkeAd;"7!�4 ings foi N4t bnt his: who�, each h to sery t ng Iiini'ailything. 'three, �:,`brnployees,: Sho.ulld�$od3j ink.` US6 ali his. cries becime4o6der and l"d6r'aIl:':. ShA* rol'of'pait� of crenin an t I is n 0 a a %tIme1 'it dump clot an e t Ddriiig'-AhO preseut�'. L thl'A s' t Was in" iat kind..'' 'e -1bree - cpita iot equ �but With 1� d' ef.C. a B�o - d with a f�ir rimL off,trii�SjS and,cut into* trikiingles. that -the d*v* io wRj- - 'H d, anith ding cows, mus set: in a f 0 o % Cover 1. 1 & tempera ures may r.'- Followi ng is' t116 The next d4y, when his i th, p oyWritioned to ca0atItY. t c: an prop -e d h m4ry e lit �pl�-C.e until neede y 4se, It niqt- �eeipe -for - I jcp,that I jo i1i t A e, 'ke `t`iki tl .9 eve a k. 311, to: ­choose for."'thi OQ boi _ p . , and :as different act6k,�Ilt is -.-very Milk Sherbe d li 'Flob, .!�, . T js . e icious.- Saiest reap ta' f ;jo i, i,p,�ek_ III she d list 'y degrees of nat. a en thalVcin be, uso, easi y un e most rcl es, Ole Pluk i1j"a., r Q r 'I d o:,, that -needs no. pre, in astt, s6i, d ooa� he ze I syat'll. not hu anytiling ritfoij by should be vidus t ggs an P, ur olio,,tijiLt'con�i�tg���,coirer he ie d 'd ier� Sei ket'into-accoull Ilbloolce at 1,,hai a 00I quite oan --Wh a few. tl and Pa6k wit v for ta God r n killk i. secon s, saw:that she meant'what, She their, Animal 6it t 'But n6te ve oft4n made feeds cold !so l6iniar --grow .4 : ing., 'Without, y I juitte, does v0" TheI I �thing, et er' fi�r.ihis!every servant' -A', gala d' b t golb': soindthi hel�,: for: is ma 'T Lb t �give -to all,"Christifina not curdh��.it) 'add-ju1i&4 OfeUpf Rep, is,to feed'.a, and beg Into tel, her SOM 10 lavings. I does no n '.of I y Ne , plarter ql lemons Been, no r njentioning,. -go as -and. 1.1j b it UiO.OB6. thin 60'yoli gk people.' Ain, � q, . . I thinj he had They can- 134.. ptirchaaed'-by thib ile same afilbunt of Spiritual o t III Y, , ized n4ally P. PpQr,U AM r*tiork Should, consist 1116. gift,p9t the� b,49 fr tevery ChfiatlAn has s'q� PoNcOhWk., cilzAXGE..ICt.- sugar,' beaten �togcfher un,til,.sugar IS his UsURL'denifind. 7 4oical mill.. pea Ttgo:, to d of -cold. watA olved t enj The d ' lke,mPt ll�� v r by oin fin his hvirid-i We,'rhave '�oe all the �i and 1", diss �cnjree�ze 4s Usual. Wh Ath "Are bo�joS_ depth One sSeason, SL fod y, oro, F te',§Rme-fbice of char- In. -jlj1 'the eupfu er , N iig� ij�,f Ul Of o buy me somethi th kelafin; lei AArid 1&' e the Sherbet YOU go U Abilit in of three or foU ineheS '-'with S4' e th ta "It.11'L �IrIPWSII Y. 41 'Obn U. 1of �%eeding r t acter..L the same o oquenpe e same, f V of ;and ticIp with a sp t m r,Lover it, a b '1* 9',Oliwes ilotbe,'? ful.,eac r -bei.� j,Not foday;'dear."I, nning Besides: prit*ctitig the sam WiL inutesi then 34 rus�6 pro I hedlth, b 'of �.Itiid d -ejs n1b, Christian who� ha5 no syxpp...ma o'wilih odil'brand of- t6d milk vapora CAI .-tfi But th6i ruG6.d' 9 L vmother, We maide,L he abs,�rb e,* moir ties k- in is minutes; .'a Add'L t e you '16pre' from,'. diropp�ngs a' he Some special onaci6us feeds,'tl L ild water*and sugArIj b, A bir a, An& chic neces:- h fresh'.-�iilki iegga.'elean' , The'bird L L- do '.not seem to choi6q_gift,'.to, Use. three tit 40na today. WaSL the 'most could- alglo' r r-�JNVEST- draniges, emon '.stir t6 mR,kin and 1� this herbet. out ;of :th4 esta. as . 7 r0t h THE OPPORTULNITI,ES 9 ijIL were gbo4, anTM a. Shields Sal. of,6 homo,, iss, supp emei wo-quart brick ojr� bu plain, vanilh 11 c6u)d brit- them RES liour-intb a Aild "with le�- ' 1��18'. t y Is ow' 'ay 'to, e IL�w ntheTh6- ants A, CH'A-RNIING,.DAYTI,,1v1f­-D nt, ogilm h b do' hay or.,strii first�. tw� cirom. USUAL aiftount) iand..top liberally, with i. n h tly'^ aWhip' 1 Pi L ect eggs requen otlLer n1old- ;'A,6 ghtly,� ..with 'V�ry amaA is,thia at raUW4 to -ti c, , ca CIUM )ortaittW coll at.once mAde liaebf...their gifts. They� 6 one- U dd'. 'A whippea iieam')itixed. l�iL�. Istel a ny a inothet. as g A"nd.- -dr er� . lines a�, �IIW6 Or, ay is -noa4i'ti(30 rcold IeR L11 t iire. ntil tiff ile ther to '�void'.chilling r�*rceeived- ba'vinL shay.hiir�!Our-�pa I Lto_-.quAr.tered_�tMwb ;h. ti d MS 1 pour t t p6ache paren S-mean-phat. ould' be -full. sllmd A V�-ry co at the low. *jiist_ and. a shape , U. ys; especially.if ey were .TfieL Mold o t tion, for n � I . 6 4' 1 ofto, n Id da ed with them; t1i filigeiit in pri� ve. stib- ree, 'h at fire .o- . e e and- there an. ati-racti say, an no mother fowbe- nc USihg piee 1, the cream, ding cows t I .StayS,4)n:- Op- ruit. Gel�t i ii0ft of fleA put. he ate to i6e- 0 a. �good do the -beconillip: uice� in. t or. suffdrs- into- t eggs i ubated tb6it !Atid the r0ult*was that elt theriby giving,the tw ' ' m I n t Ahi�, grafidfathe.r1si'adviC6 ev it S A� di ore e amoun ituCte dr i d' e -eat e6jigista , of about The Itay be - Worn as ne cily,, ma&3 4j, Ju*'st',a h,:,wh�en. ach, qua �gifts such'as love, faith 'sy�ipathy, conertible ty an n ore ,fok ally gi line.. g anges; I mv o'bbx� wit Of corn., si age exer-; illiisfrdted.,wit 'long� ends t h ies gelleptily, Polindsrs.�- I' ; in -ori be�.w�ces�4* to add in than a plain 1'mI&n je t e 94pac -the d teiE'. T. is by'tho millies fdund�on'th few oxperiene, will,teach good -clbver.or. AlfAlfa 'hay -:SU'Tl.7--ITh -bree I t and any 6 child that No r ineans - w -at a O� es to, eal or cotton- tied at. thi6 side rty�' ity to'sei�e, g n h falling 'it -ore orange- an .hil hi .1111CO n4 L,' pouniijF',of twice 5s '-stro 9-- iont; o f��jj�ieo snugly' At the side. RUI) d ng Should be They be S gratefully inf can. 1�e' potied in A -chopli6d Ags,' date$ aiid altd. one pound, oweoutdoors every sunhy,day dur� Uve win . s Ove ervice 4iispir I about tboat' and little. laid in tb' k `wh�re the '"fres fruit. dr, ber:ries: added when it e, crac ally. Thq' coWs' iiig �tbq,,*int Be 'ger, ribbon cover oiiti to stiffen. Serve'with b6ile. , A, atude,' A 1�� d nAge. L Where here is' grat Deed 9� t in a bows Oi the d -mnlond I tr sting should h;Wo access to strAw or,corn f lif glass svbstitup -in the whidowa that, sehae o resp9mi I- r. in* nj.AtC ing �or con a result.-. Ve lin'fi�ely-.cfackeA. Ig'e And B211 custard- or whipped, cream rt M ScWtce" Sup tL the'. q jr o -n - the- 1rollt -vart, feL t a-v.i erays to re e. .:Solt 41SO 'in d - of the. b6dicq If lemonade 'selected as your stove of .&Atituitle Shade aoi t 6 of ice el tiled korl pass. thr6Ug [' V`18. B�t e will permi foi want', joti.-dart-fitted sleeves. NO.: parts ice 0 O�� I and Of h �ay makel th '.1 % 1.11 .. i . et d - ac , 1 drink add A'few� errieg if in easo iiiam i :and e. . ilit five thburi. Blood b AS ar644celving grt)�viiij. afid"eal earfiestn s170% 34, -i-n;axv( , .; ., , . 'the la ie Y, Uci6 r-. A steel-brii;lblo, bru8hi- I fe I f i . d" i and ctive, MILLIThe Ibera 4 use, o nift in il�thing of his'. gifts. -This " Wa SL .1414' is for all'it make mosit attra tea oi a bcittle of gingiof says. Sit,-011�e­ J,USt is of I zo cir t H46 fit hing for ding d'44 Inches buSt. Si erry or u e4i. 13 the' t I the' ration'-. foi brele case with 'the' thtrdi s6tivall - 36 38j 40,.42 all or��.-strawb Ale, it you ,wish, An& ad, a ,t,L n I -this recipe Alth qoldered. mount thie� A fy�. Spot to'be i proven I -gift a-tiAltkY Oft' 'HI6hid:-- 5'14, Yardi 39 working qq it 'it -ya Ue. thought his, pice. can. be usi6d.. This. a ys (if ' mint toithe mixture, 36 requ�res al Ut oscience. ftLeiiiiing to. .31/a yar t! into -a simp e tS cut :Jnt th Piliie 20 bI - 4 The, 61bee rX . .. . 1 0� twelvej jf;you �do',ilot b d& An 0 reen F'. :the.p I c 11, all its 'vital.,, 6 �brigh�_ eed�4_Green feed should'ibe ious money in th�,earh,where ds 54 -in should serve onert� gy d'' *He as we te Strengthen thdolog cen6jhe pat U, f Ad Is Used,, you can ijable. td. the :birdi iii d o goo _ h clous,; frul metal :.andj I qc ava r k old,lim It e can,to'Y6 punch" 4content, who. have a bTic in h ay,, _e had a' the �.ksayj a Ala slAon it good Job Green sec6nd'eut alfalfa F M this-, nion "Certqln Bible lie 's�a 'S bg§ are.m and oats, ar� the niost Useful. rfSta t grievance ab6ut something a, sty4c' neweat'and IiIia tid wil d most ch wi the� direct TbIe iy,hohie . I MCLI 0 dock nd.. so -lie i -no goo cj�e,foilow. t is re on,, eel , -. ': '�:Double AIR inale's r, �:a d s- For!a delicalbe� L�nj jigLht,, V d, IiV own sh i'ean'L te.—A ritie the, -he henS Treat. 14 a , h d -1 "11 av e do to t 010 FreSO I'very readily by t 0 t rc6: of;the book 0 cents th :�,One :,Ili THE' FINAL JUpGM1-;NT OF G06,� be-d, interest to eve .'jiblespoiciinful'of,soft butter,, voice of the h iSe of a. regu` di r., -P* Lt�n egja;" fee h nd,the t, a i�n­gajtl"" vlsion,:�on ed in� the breo ing� pen.., 'Al oW­one ma e. well-bea d lem fig t .,a: y can� ur t ys., Transfig to, run 0 he in -of copy,. k,414, cup U 81 d -to DEi, tile .'roa dull e W TO ;red beat a' ';n: elevated coop thol�igh'long. protraftedi, coin 'S't ng ionce, is. belyinfilg -,to s, 10W., -gs Re try 0 lb�fili ered 'other is ORDER � fl ui� 'teitspciofuls,of baki * �eatod'.to: while'the I cupful 0 SU th This is the pell f�i tw da 19-28. make gar', A, IV, t dockila nd the, sov. on ne i an PATTERN cupful of -in" f Is of the We aI! d ave o a peiii aln� -a- mir inchL of 'Ba t ai�d I tea- It'ir; t tie �Iand, 6lip-half or two inches from. liou4e,: then cha�zlje end fcir alb -ah the 0 t rb Ake cil0ae a q each powder, van'ap Be n a , tt Tito Stubs shcould:be Wiitch-,- )r4-the'judgin p lrge 'When ite thick ivi6 are 0 wise -and iii� um er, -v thi body alternating three b an size of such f litimn' iii -d oil will 6�) I e w giving,. n Sponful each� c vilen, ed for. A itti 1. bile, but usually, no' du6iig lbh­s� �atchtnk-e and jWcakes PL jhAt to' the, tILn1e AqOn wh gga, .,Vs. 20j. Merl al . a I -ne6djptl duStrious Bery point 6 paiterns AS 5 extract. - r y recogi eL -pans. t anitall L Idisinfect Ue requir ..! V li'tile �vase- ant os er� gi�en'��6vopd6 this Tat d - able V6 rou *ak- Mnel e 20c.11i ftbine iw, ihe;.6rd, iatidfillil th a Ty. V) III moro � than the, average mail the 'il, ch -I Acrease, of good in �.t& world, red; wrap. gietfi 'We: CUtL them a. �And hunlail, stub wilL piromo, 0 -rapid stamps -or coin.'(coin pl!�fer nd �Rkiq in I d'. t. ifino'civei-tho t o at -'ahou ar� to hiladle. which his ithiful u of hisgifts had are u white -and with.choc 4 disk VAY) L and they are- hci:v3,' Young lambik sbodld '.be :ii c f 1�ly) for each nunib�r' and and� -eceivp -his inaster's , littter'- with foot each -i� flere Rat beraling week Whowyou are tiirotigh Witfi the, 0-oduped, lie I _s air order. to. pattern DeIits' decoraiirig'the�: I . I. I C616j of, Eggs' and frosting, ' ' h ck gh. c 'of,t at�size.pa well r te SeASO11, ormer enou doek4d wheil one or two Not: only sdi, huf''he Co.' 1� WeA Ade' with, �1,ialvdd It WoUld seern thadiith`6.�-olor.of-pou harrow, fo 11 it Upon h W�ll Idonel" c. a a va' t e\teiision Wilsor keep the:dNks gi- 9 or"nto, Patte qicavts. cut f`rol�ndtroh.. iilA last lon-' do plank. 'T 't. T all I., "ted. !At icast t Ii n, 0 -e try* eggs is, 11 n YOU call geeure -docic- wi Ro , .1'. . . L, 11 that hi�- great qualityAhe secre I ip nd t -1`11s'ti te. We0ka of age, _1.ou� of, flle soil preven 'S, faithful- '-jetufn mai i3ult obta, ftig�pfn�ers 1roin a ivestock eqq the re ined,by Oats WlKh 4isks, ith oil, ,,.of his, 51.1 s beein .11, arub thl. -ed 'Roc�. conOuted -for three yL ment, house -ta _T te �'Albei th kND JEFF —By Bud a Station. -p n W. P. ' li�,I( , Mun C- R4C- -report h b6n deflnitely',, frown Mut T he �)OW Fove - L.Ovic- -or malqs'fr5�m stra ns ia.ving eggs ii In 8tTA L .�J,wilj be'produced. byl-he Al; It � r�_ A. ifoe �ggs of �olor 1E Lif lou bo(NGI tit GIG s 6 V- li� y of color I .niatcrill I'll .,;r 44 U rayin c A rains to'b vol" inir' V- U ill into do JIN4 "M r.e yo L- ------ ....... -KII t ol .4 414� oeas r