The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-01-20, Page 63= N,7 t", 'Pi W-1 I.— . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Nw, m 7 "N' V AV 4 0, . 7 PI VP J e UND -T, PRE. Ity WOMEN —'Nt PRE -C R CH" Mak You r eft vtxp� A ort.P.4 'low% rend fiig o n UW Uf�flation, an -'elptup.4 n Soap d, k W F xyma, and, 1: A,koyal.,FrIvIlep Iri, -Ka ser,., I the6ex, * 15XV DXV�0, � - , -�,: -, ,, ts'UnOIPO, B SS: MqUAR t qpq 1; who n Monpv Savq ��,i b,ti�tr D f. , t I)ON't ted; Hq ii VoAlnd. a, publishQX,, for 'Ut$r r r I '. iiii I(I.n g,�t�lloug a A Moro gym,, out thiat Qdite�i, *13 Min, 0,27, thOP v t hT TC 319 n r k" Fall. -, d1,OV ig - o 'fr d 4 -�Jjijesty.l A -tolse ieached X , Ah 4 �M;, one �b 4. Ai4y,", Tile inetlio, h -h<'�, nj With e can tuldlig . th to, i)­�P q --j— bo 'Ids .1 4s$da _w P A4 ROA 1 r4sting Pl4ce her &Xp®rrieuce eliendary of S(,.David'$. r ine =er Fjg#r0,,, rj,�A I Pen irapia'y:'p, V. L .6fao% -and e4trl,ttea bv 6S ausplclou s tox curs ".bOd 'a tQ (Ira, *ith, .-tbd ',bootl §40 had,� 'eil'f a p tt5ixi the Q 4. 'tious and� 'hir#re 10 e4; q �AtE" w li*P Cons! r, ot 'iflei,46)r. to 0'eu"Ch slon) I'dpii gru Con u wan, Ing 1 4 the �oidnd-p SeL ��Wlj -wprg I ��i ddeh,, ki,e aild,# rp oiders i She ithe feal" tha�t themev&.14' V. 0.�4k. br rig *1 ft, 40' aijal et 'Ask _gX kely, to che4 bt�tesrn A -r Abstint-'Mj6d qn.� p*i '''vtt re miq: �,r o 110 TN j\ I tA 9 WF'Q�Kl% Avodst-' ot , out', au', 6090 lQl ri 's - \W t r�e d,, d' lit VI r s. k, we, ca jepi un W, t ni well V� F'-\ N� iWX1 L - "'J 1134.lyr,�-D,W-p J, 71, M han \­ 'TI "",- W Xa� po; g,— st 't , " A --V \',V '\O, V Mat 104 V� . , - , k . -" 'neo. � - . Ila fi6 ciirilt�pinlk 1� It 4,; 'her, Is ills, �atlse Abe;,Qbitrubar , �'. , \ , . . . I _. I I VIVO le,:\ usPP!,,tbd, ll�t IWO In 'Ge e, 1�� e ;Q hAn .7eio le it' e'j e S tj.t 0 o . t! ­ ol i.090� 43 . ptly '',parted\ the Pre aididOd.tha, 11fel �,ro to le�LV4Sr an a peerbdAhroligbr�. TQ m 40- D ell" ftt bun P. r 00066 tra� El snu:da:y TI pbri(lont of the London burly #iid,'Vicious, lobkin' -itVd\,6Iose. .5.0 � - j� an of I I -the, Prance f6r'adirances 9 0 C for mA...ayer, to 1p� I'ThOse "men a Ter, rec'eiffly-' P do'� Th Pienifer'was together.. ::a' b�hd- of" floggers, who rhaye been -it a p�iftfcaldl�ner at the� hold- etpal guest I d "Wh ' en I get through wit terr�orjzjg this. lieigbborhwd.� Yqu 'Regardt."Ag 06 fore1ju ekChatO, hou so df ills h 'Me jng of -the CA worilt'report-i Carter Mason kno;0P SPWth s be 1 N ilwiLii, T ani. elet �kith fTom�, !lad ill had 'b ter qugh and I!Ve this Ch6roh W there�- foh-,.half 4n hor;- nob*odg. _its tto.pay ofrom etweeR you, playe ig t r very s C f cV,00ks, low A g the rn�4� fo� theP' Pr4o.,_, Mon Surprised �at tile. 4641 -a woods In front� whl�eh' offl� boys O -meet in th 'my -haT*,,.­0 e7 Mq to If- -ou- ittiiwa. abd, Wasib-Ing-tign, hildr!s Iioyncraes y' 'es hin& We'll: ni4k6'th11ig0, ihi�e to- tell 16, niiv_A�d ed jn4 t asitgnis mekk�is vo e �V, ut ot_ a dip.dinat U hot forhiM.r 4p aot ct 1 li�-"wc;tso 6nditioaii than 'at UtIqn. 'of, �24, =4 he le enVOJy, the' tELler' in -t ea, o anjiour YOU, I e Ion or, U -y UP 1 f Tom a ga. 'Citrter --- :,they dl�et er o Nilvfan shuddered'.. ent 1 9261, (2 An:oMectioll_ are. Py 451� O a call to rovedled ing' to get saleii. f, guld f'roul rs: Chicago, the cigj re$. ene th resuft at hAd-begun tho, short 6urney_,_� gripped --his . ly-� I ljs� -Were go" iter., hurt hands tllvef; I :� L - "C er.: fell that ha Ad,: bnitlas�d the, talc�-, al 8�w r'r c6 oy rt I 'put you down, you Saint -va'nt whoz, (in U Olt my w sent, downstairsJO: invest gtxte, wi�r� - - I � thour I th rooeeds, ol loahs ed'abroad Ili, iefore, A rhan-sai )f gratitudel'r -d her wndtarl I tolephoiked d iav6d, her oil t s�tat'.railWaj& and ago �ssistants - It d dodbi& He h a oy,wa4 e in the wx frau�s b�' ..th Woods 6t at an6ed,- tlie ra1lwaya'oVAisace-i4rr4l' e,'oeied- 4ted St teA turn he I.oved, Ja ineA, r6d ever, found Mj o In' the ca, it i� Nvrk rig old—a uiathiP­ to "catch y"thAt the -Uri ataer's j6dge 'Th. t' s-- WIR 4, la CEO ))rq e Va-11 mean s i Y" dLI g, -of -­,tho�­bo Id b now to-do prorriotion, o, A. on Could for, .1 ;pnsible' for i brich 061111 - what she 'of J&u& ltsuedabroa;d by F� Eh as t n hi atid you rp re� nister W 064if'4; in as �.n�uc *bh.nk; work 0 She'- of the artless vild ceded pen h §ai4 P In Al.. Pinle'vo� waited until: tfi I . tbank-� to, the not t em�I.simky to DuDlIn., lad its 0 in 9 before 40 free e awaythen-turn- fuf tl�at ley, di n!t' get to -you U e in r-;'Otten 0 us th; "fir Ahe inathe sp d `kio'poss, I e eid" Shd As -to the tbt&l a= wod Inth" d e' remembering he h ss',hofs,,,had es, Ill. th market. an 'haA 4fo' il�t oii46ret1kn ex- keTp a e , w e I did.' It was awful; Ste* C nd tJI . pa. qr ve the palltjcFAr and 116 as M. Painle 'light dep-penirij. Sh,4� knew kT,, in, her. �hands alt. T ia�ur d chaijg� 11, T*I the,, ro But he'regalne, ev er �Poma,n ls're-- where l3olston's.: Ce -6k' 'Was. and. t 150119® to'say Imes' han hat a: I ,bank he -said dy!s'sympat Y, admitting thatAlle- -by some ce4g' considerably ba' abin us�ed as,� a'fishing lodge' 'Tender arms'- enfolded her an ex r6blem. wai diffICUlt.:r -V till'. d nd`6 'success. t was, eign P the. iiianly s city men. voic� whis;liered,. "Nilwan, d A the. id�mount req -I ed t to torget" ear V, .. I: �, , 11, gh� did net- foll6w Ofol the 'Allilister nrfu-.1, '0 _,t; for e,eew 6 r ake, -�o loved -'you frorn' the ry him: to�� the road but cut you! Pre gn. Ifiel e Minutes vere t la precious. acro4s minute -I s aW, YOU a polled, s ar ber.. ()n an Inteirpell-A�ffbil 'Cham, Ths*. "goin was htird,:, O'N there So gallant. ,Vid �t . . ..... . . ......... ....... 4� "`I!p­miDrr-pW ;may -,be er 'stubble [letter ft,�Ou: g 'Ite, js a. fields -and 1 1 W debate becaus( friend 3 my OY'- ti. If W s 0 creek, she- OUS. I,wouldn!t allow' se ;,kre. y so ­ 1. . to 'tell ou how I z felt � becai is"Co, i. al 'S E -NV At, afoi h came! to tb6*, ISO I had CAN tAr- r, L " -_- E­ nDtingr to Ottrer', YOU' ut_ to Al. Btiand. ;�Then-'he tried again, Ifer7e, I L 'Ed: i'dge le XaA7 In 'hot her__�tha� br "Th ox�Fremier, Moas r,— un! he: nighf,s� work-witt'Out m6 on the, may Caiterwas'on the otheT� vF6Cjjj�_ j, ki ink *Ith V ea,50. _a6:_d_qvkand '11,11 -re; I 'ate son. ly to t e- gro ,W itind to - uccess..,' Nilwan, will �y4QU Masliey is 'Ex�ect�d tc to side... Drd - ---- -- _te�, 9 huddel, deputies eat the -7 *as silent, sbelook6d �vitli frikhtened'bye ta %wir ing,wa 41 udb that made vou n watef land. Runnb);g: was W irouqAt 'YOU AR, 'the onf,: thing that A She gr ;-hington.—Vineent. MassOrj..Ca ww save me. or wa�.g olve,,. e G14lid. erea� pitiulpztentlitry to wan, ier poorer ever., StateS,� Se , , ,- ,, , -2 - *T hedd. looked ipOtfWd to reach 1 t s etly,', a# dt��` e. haid­insizi 'd -Upon it, Wt she a had leain�d to �svdm h d' H2rd-6611eil, Bogs. ra A)wn w pulijacts Js, w kn th eal ur -that a, goodldt nevbr riiat�red her feitrs., _She� e' "Who ion 1 the nedr ftiturtb; accord- W, ing 1cr 11' VV n humble. ornes sh;aigbt into' bMggjjjg a ut �ovf: hty. ed n1aced own Janet she ask to 46 of the Brltlsii-,En�bass 2nd Egg -7-: Nad� to.'r to be dee01y r'�t 0 Ing earign etul t nAbn legtL lou_: boiled hjn� 4h"_ kicked':,them' off an s -for TR�IML or an-Allsit a,�Ddahi Y T -Al ant perplexity, all the -.I qi�j� edj�, his lace, . then smile _40& "a -action Is, regarded as, )ank 4o, t6-:wat r th Pb� it is ilow,,,whedthe n,eds, of r ;-A triumpli of ck�c -and 's erld,6rn Ori'ice 'sh,�, Vlu�ged Ili, the Colder.-Minar Llnlrnen halng'fththed overit rets'e�tatl stand Oh 6pi For. foreriiun,6r r rep, the gaments, re grea es pbor yqw teof, f ox r'hpusp ma4e-snd- coldected b -are d 'I �-ftt -�Very snidri.:w She went. under an it se I �io.uldilof 'find it ..apywh�ri&i xanev -lework nibt.e"elltia � t Need Guild nly.znlll�ce. whom lim be, & '6in at -least orje� fo& all jfi h 6rld wits, ii P.Uttlug't eon, e Water in t b;.. h 'Ugh yari-. d throu t* ribute, 6f' this ty every*., e er., -relentlessly. j. e rush YOU. d etail it IQ It e . 'E i i6n arti es. d� down e ol Ile ge. rs� it p6isible. Th" c� tPkfo d her down ou ell flo Carrie s !d great, �.'Infeftst fen. Mary in th�� work Ojrth6 Guild, td.sleridernegs. aild.persnal thb:, khortest rou st,reaLm';'de15kis:tstrUdk against h4r, s L t, me, no rs'and, g weak cya i=1 Ch. side vD recognized' u nl)gcki rig Of Many, c,i% too ali` 'iy supieriiitends tile ew the, neces6mryjuness, :and. the long -des in'to -give-up -th� stiuggle. 'Then ga�xr -in. She of th enti's,6nt parcels of 6, out'to,dinner V. e. I " . ii r ' A'Drahialof 'three Hundred'IrOa'ri, in Fiv Ae s, �in a so'pe est�e of e6n-1 out o e put' an rshall.y..dontrNites evdry ire plot'is, thv e, and whItj3, x6iting' mA6ri�t' are, her �ffi which -1 xedt-coLVe in, Pink, . lu t to li� CharacU real and ",the e -and. I but 'brokev, 'fin I which havo been,. crocheted y Gasping,. a.. 'a P,a ion' eneatfi, , tile starlit GIR, ft! fo banli -and" )a Makin b smaII-*6men,arA �Izes.16i:-18 and dragged. herself , to','th Y . . . . . g, e, , rs : -Nee di s to say, the mo h h r3,1_41 ifter In years. -Size bust) ' req-uies bact. will r - . :.. 1 1. 1 I"Ight 18 -(3 at on her e iffs,are, p oud 20 fl le. th,� Aet�'2.� �prly �.British Rule., r B: nA�t 1i The French Rdolm WI1O:rec4'IvQ these 9 V u, no yard ev & .'-Wear'il 3U; yards; 36 -inch Ming. star. smile Y i I ... . . '. :_ . � I . . " I -� The Winning 6f the Aot 4. Strugg e or espons. me. n qe orcing it,'by -3i I f d ng fop vestee. ',�Pr!6 2,0 Cents. �rais;ed ll�r b A0 uised body� A eeitj West' lble nt,;: G Governme"i oyeaT Prrin esg A Ary 'ba§ will pOjVer.t6.,gon The kii tue hiikw he, pattern.'. �41 ' it k gorno. w4rin,**4611en jullipees 'not, ii, time �spur`- The designs ii�trated- n our..new edge. t 4t she had- uth o gar-. am ID foi. b& rno thor! 'Acf 5.,''Confederat on nd Exp�nsi6n.., n ted ill h t6',,EurDpe, th Fhshion 1�o�)k ara.Ad �e.�stjlcs for ied ll�r. -S!be'coiiId,-fe§t` WMn, she hid A "�iber 0 '044: h0,601: filtod e trate P. le,OM 'A ogeth6r, the n1;1 d, roa ectus.. date, write, for Illuli We�l 7 4LLU LAI the hume VVEM! eeients'sen *Is Hie mal r i ie�y huyi; me res 'garnien S,, to b rs -who' desires fa r Wf; id girl', t .. 3. GU -D 47,557 In 192 51 -taiite -aud 'at Dn. lependble or simplicity she siumblid all qUIt6 pToper Ii.6 ITY PRMS But 'it 'is edolYbm y will -.find desires fulfilled �6b �,of relief she, saw a. ligbt� shinin;g PROFESSOR, H, 'N. pL�cltud I -?1- 1 , - " OXFORD'; lulmw. OTTO ie iz� m3r dad. te f the book 110 the fro -k in ol nthe,lQd&;. She _g .4r pat rns. PT,ic,e, o ance 25, Ri&inond §C Werbt,- Toionto Cq)y. with buist of RT rig" ts ofri'.cigar and M yoUT- bro cen The FAVORS EARLY �T 1, toftered 8RN& .18 t at:'he;tlft�ws ybU'ZLrO n 'up 'th­'trai am keepe'rr h' 'to� 016]�R, f!ATT ailing "Ca 'HOW s C� udy �,of.Languages.`Should into thb.�-bou lild tiy rig to be. h. I �.ffrlte,,your jiaiiie and addre'ss plain, y 'Sees H L, -13e:�iii, W I o'ng, Wa ith dWwar - see you, very fai' oy went 4'er .4 m a lyj: gi ing and sizeof such Th� `ho;ifse -%v. as 'eirifity. y : 'Canadw A Scotchinan and a jeiwish C drooped:-and,getl "No'civillcid.-country e, patt6i-ns" ag,yq, wai. nc ose� 20 n th 0 tS t ewcary_g OU riexDe-is' to ma-kela�riguagb studon ewish. boy had npt, 0 an.the. stamps Or*coin (cobi preferred; wrap. -tl,,, 1166r'. - Ile, wtis­ n6t' th.e.'re I - T lid 'Y'e�se, and dodg can. get es b0re 7 W "orl'a'vxy, hot day-�� Th�l U led to a oil they .!1a anywhero' near, It,, too."' of Children who hipq nt it, jr nomber and plen 11youid let him'; perhaps P g, made cou -to, has. jiot'.CxpelCted -It" y Uri 0 farthe'i4 than erhls'-. st&tem'ent 19. . made b' addrOis -your.-order to Pattim' Dept.,,: Plrady ct�nie. possibly, Onta D I 73, Wesi'Ade� on''tbp its supeiior s6ioinith makei - "' - I . .1 1 Ne R ' 1 '0 Hutton In his au., laidO 'St."' Torbr�to, 4eni 'by w ec( 'fe c t fo akes�Ties,­ VrofessoreNtiurie _"Have� fin.7 Iucli' jorch mid sounded, �rd Made Ink in te' pol. A. Phtterns the oute' "it is per r Your tgajjae last night?' C�xt6r stoodfrawned a'gaiript r: Set ordinary Roil On L*i SSary. ;Ili versity a. doctor "in .returnAnq he figure Le-� -AiTd' bead _: r , 't, , -Uni He stand at t b s, So .6ne 'flour sack- onl�� is nec.� oil. rerporta' Principal Of illink—"Y,es, Oere," was to P, Try-Puritj Floiti to -d' ease, ou. College, to the Board of Governorg.,�f c�nad,jan lo-p-wier trans; —,it is cer ain e the 0=0 and I won. eight periqrip-.. or' to his, A neN, a, rQnto,. P,Ur the Unlver�ity,of. To F1 vsWn has long ' eon tho , g Aring'. blo't aw' -;rOoT ,�ds es;tablithed redent- sthrtled .9 the it 'b and, crossed. Uside her. when d&rgp - F; tiff, C-3EL.-, radi.dr sedond4ry s ' chools,", What 'has li�appencd?!' amateur of t14..tline for In. iTrnto, who alked with . . . . I " t h�j. it gt�itjoli, r ProfbiWr I , luttou,"'that thoj get -their -a" to 0 ate". 13aiik 'De- �,&j.sed,-her'hea'd and; with �Lporf, our BE NnS 'U R% chant put,,We,bgsy: 1u-businq,&&qVe`rn,6i-' VSt A-21tX ot, Adedaide, Aus R 0 *1 ' two -or three Bb elittan . a. S or even - p redpe V ouir: Y.etifg, too- late, What .�ca'h,;the- IiIi-advert 6in; fen''da Sf�bilizatioi at the"" aga 7.1bi'S: Otherr' �4d�u�hlng io� Marke't. and 8.45 a.m., an Got out ked. Toronto. lilontreol,,O 1 obA- average gi nl�'(de pot the $end 36C stat�psfqr bur 760- ur�0. Fiour, A 262 t 'clos;ed. d wa4 Jjjj Cfinadi'V blillS Co.'rl.iwi bdk or %"',expeb'ted to.',". wei,�hair'frbrh bi�r fact rl b ..Torout6-eiad with a'5- W "What, should .,a, bride do eelids fluttered and she :sba�ied up sible'from* th It6 bj"� * - I ' r ' � 1 1 ' - " make.of foreign, langiiages,'atcleiit 6r fa e -bleb. -Ilad en i6utii. Bell- , I over meate" Th e Gbvbmor of 1113 Bank, of el anxious, d Recognition :Watt� tube, TP modern, It they ��ijinot begin,threm -at 'k, hyand she vIe. "The p we�r input at the tl,*P :!Mu glu ',. �,returnfng la,tely.1r6m t Bil 0 ke h" in the nZ beginni And 20 Ltufal ag� for ng'f6reliu. 6Dnfea,�ed with jkil;�, �'Garter—.tbe men., t]h! lets ei hash 1' 11ohie, *114e6EP he had 0 C 'gd. out, bul Ian ages (as Well as 9u fi� , jFinin;66 They' u 116 Wil c1ildlloiod, � f 1,6)tu tile ag-0 0 ie :'c oini rig p "And,theu� WhAt?" Milstoli uL p n ii Olat, im,.-face '01 heard 'them—, t Ti _-�plotting,* The Torobto 6ignsls, Nytte, reporte of td, 6 t a I lie eight or nine yqqs to twelve?. r growl -I. B. sivani "Ide, Ails as quite' �:dle, sent, th6, m6:joijty are nearer f outteen, fdr.1he actice Ali Life' Wn6r Trik' tdies.,, tAken full'rel9ponsibill-ty.. lej �as a and! &tAly r"'dable. At the qoronto 9 an �e!er N P 4D lit)gfit, thouilits ad cleVer on e. Bel- r'n� I a 'A-iltk MmO through tin a �qovtr the harAtca. �e gild 'of tile; raf I niten, �st� nd. Capable. stq�tt so 6611spicuously belat,6d.' -s voice 4u,sky I'Vaje lenith of, that oth' little "Aiiy shifting of-ihe.� �s' year, djk ,deb 1.4 veTy glad lie said, bi i2 5 4.bIO t6. 6tqjjjZ6 $Lt. dropping with fe,61in 9. T 4, ADOms& 08 W4� r Y UTP c y r aOff,to Apep ranch of tive D' partr�ent er 0 at, down higher r e, bu B61glum$ de�ande& on ;S d fthitly he of ar4ria announces But when, We wake, t L -4 w ftey"Ve - fold, &ir us. an ex �'ndt'b4ve- chos' to 9 66%ich brou'pht bfankets 4il didatesr *ere sTc- 'a N 0 liti smile r '161P ., back Ao thd scho 1, , bu d tedute de. up, �p' ell, 0- high I d., cared y-tilree can M w cfres , 1� f esso li, :'tile . I 1. 9 d tiring the -month. r.40 r JjUttO for. her. en, c�g�8 ully examrim : d .1 .1 0 Th of, -this col -14 goile., er rate; The' )3eigian meastre's -d striggled back to t ovember, and ob ta Iftel eeftill c4t6l an r t She dreapie Atefi,,Chnadisd arrfiots and heIj*, ta,mot , hetz' an 'sti-ch ction Would remove a 9 re e�ult6d -in an 'Inflow of foreign i=4 e pr6flalenty in raAloi 'petent larrn help, 6e, CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAll,'WAY Lelegr A helibbaiin edithr 'celivd 60m 0 in- securing com ono' consptuftl a, v&ntago et Ld Include 'In .�hls Once the Iy r�offi� verses dairittly' tied uil, renie d I 'ii%ti�al AU�.*Iatlori gtowle-d With p then jl;d fjrsj�cla�4 cbrum s tinue its raZjn Help, gervitd. d9ring 197,' and will led p; Three obt9f eon IV&sItY Torpnto 'tos-: Servicep ALI Wit year, the a�itpjj of gonsen dorhestlw �and boys. I which tho4in 19 iesiding at remrilbere.d.and sturn 14d 'to feet. .1 . 0, 1.1 - no,;� 1.1 ch, sesses' over, every' othsr urilverslury' -:wltU,pink -rilidA and entittedi "I Won- qhe $1tamtAon-of"the T�ea b 1,eial oertfficate�, 9.1-1 lfi' .1 1 ., ;,, . Me" After'reddi 9 t I I I - � vith 4'nurriber of farm ifihoters In 'CZCCIIO -thlki 6orldnent; I, *,One of these, was� a IThrowh c-Tv,,rienc in th6 Dapj� few years, 60 company All The house lltt�rly's �iii e Rae, N, l3fitaiii. Notwali, 9weden, Denrn rk,, deT lfnePil, f enA;ed the orig!4afor'of the I ed nequ the,ero' I _ 6m lie retuimd them to .the �efidet _ia n, 1� funititty, dg64 lat. 01 .1 1 A.: j,,*h)y at r 1121 It, iA, seldotp llolltxhd,,, Swltz�rland, r6tand. at 0 ppliCatibr6 lot 4afrA rlot'e ha tle�i foT,ihiii C0r.d4Cat,,,the;,. Slavia, dern*n:r and no.#tnania and'o- v"fill a eIV uta �Jiiey J�Aa gh t porcb� g ta t.neve o. ough Says Tgll Mah-Ate,Hungrier" Tbr6u the help reach Canada fictims for Svrin9.operA%tjqnd,'farmera� Otlial be' t'�pstbd aga M a. gtoUPL lgzs thad Q c! U Ord. V to, liato -� I T)aat a tall,thln rolo,ri2qu Wo , � '& res" 'I j6dbt i:dt applicatfonz in carl;r, to obawe ([I to ztcuto.: reqU4.4"A They ake ar� . : - . � i- 4'. .. .. An thou ofjda�k liad. t 0 In the, wtilpetition food than 9 'short bo�h are Oe i"l 61ght, I great -sny even 0.9 In IN .1 t0nL 4ny , , - f -Y Plattll'��-, Of ably '"4 ,med great by qoitra� t i NUR ES toition b a.. Japan lie -d e� y.. sa re- , of lo' -'!' AcIr AW.W.A.Y. ,C0 S hi f' A C 'Ot, 'I, t 0 Ir, rioull-, fbf of -the Wbat V"h'plt titi _arld_..UfCV loprilent', It ho, eto tjjre'An8�V1Qr f.. �Cah ada .:fthtl the .6foliatio" with I t ilChum. 'n.ap 103f., 6�iis tt three yeero`* We ghto� thqrb6dyt,� Can -q; It 11: thb direct regu JDbihit �T it. TroinlAor ,to youn�' Wmin,, havino the: to-wabd T'an'd Asaht,­ required edutPflon bur in or of at n 4 cll� - W. oThIfR0801A 'hi Aniboo 'is ;at,. -A. fai bl4ing pAp�r. , This that 14AT141' q, 1� A011WQ0W1s6n64 i P r t Oni. V I y t a knd ttaxellho At. A For filrthie. bf�TabOOS,, 0119' 1 1L irk G0110111 Agirift -tnt dolft t I'VeM pie 'Y al tin, ill, a P 'I to denL %.ah Inir 0 j�%J' that becol 01 ;Ca, Jfou b ITO,. 'rig iWas Chief Commio brosti ps bn 1, MAC, C�, -raordial �rodu _tfti mor Awsw n ihb ce)�j I d Poe P00'"; UE: No"& ha d 3911110, 111 the Lin niont for.c pl�d h ON REN . CY.. U, J_ny