The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-01-06, Page 6If, 7 7, 7 . . . . . . . . . 79T it, M, k4WAX1#06. tot nit QN-O.. A i.: Qky W bU#Iedj CO V0 'And OF ho W4 MORE' DOMINION IX "$,.,GA �00 VIY$, —, A . , , (�' � 't : � _ 6, = _o W. J(h. a,rag Of g,6nQNm*tb, sue" The, lak"f I !,p� brIj here N We ilireo -blue IRA Si 11,0113110jell our stA10) v, tile. J14 9", the tlw* of, Thdy�^,Vera rollnif and p#ijqc,fd.,Ufi0r 1 '4 4:eart, iaxty_w;ty�` writ ft el *p,..for -C �#44iiilitn IS PEK0 -a b -tery mi; t -t wer�. "flItrung t4re -ka , ritteol;l Se * ol, Hpw- thlp� 4010 119ils,11,04 T"' 'PIr ought to AL at -To gab Ott E )wbot r strAptat I - _7�.: 11 blin, I ihe 1664 -fingers �Or fho_trolA, and as '�WbVltx Stilly saw Ab- t,er�.than. 4 _t,.o:r 9 is no- intIg, oat. above, iieft Wirt Wer Or in Ym Whol IzAlm" as tbe. sky' grobeil fAF' can Oe14-him,4104P. t6Q,' r It thaV if�,the -Ixop :brouRbit, Iluck Iik� to v1pit! I�q , -1 1. i I :Eyeryt'hlng.1b6r.e was, t 41-3 ban !iej ..", �j r Into �C 1*4, a hum 1n, h -M .04 1 �) ' __4 j .. . . ��A, _7 L.4* Of -4 Irg . 17­17,7,-'V- p6st!N "iye0thiiii it �j�Qlr a* U,74-� Th' 7. orn" at6, 4�e�, hq� 'he g��o - �sprays gr �rqgiaet It 7, A -16:6 tatt 4, yon 7'. di!yi� And': 110,r :heitft, X -d "Isisfrous, Ah Lt I wEftid� ftrid I avIvves-, jle�,b Ung rhe any'ls.. maille, IL i ,road s0loo, UNA kkV 'h J!M . d a 0A tb� -um 011 '�Oxtezn* tt�.Arade� with ws alohg�� ;thQ4 r '0 p,_ 0 A mor Io U cury g'ImeG 0,1 "T, Lp lig� Id 17 xw 4` .4.0 ad. h. e it 0 . " or 4�1�te, Qw6obe ttIjy 01 ! itz b C-01 A 'w'it, -!"Qf, ' , r� 44"1001PAI In a, AS anno 018!4 Me, W `414114, Abnqr'�. retifi L Ile --7 --------- - � r Mis at.the-'w1ri#oW_9f Ifei quie:t­ was !n 0 440 _14gog'o 'YOLIJ, Open! �n t -7-7, T '".0 -;blut, since, IVA )i tL _4_pd d _6SUIII[Jr. I *Qwt.', ' Te' that'.Cubg, PG I des ana' tr�i)�Jumlffy, t K., dirs,x0oe fxom th - , . .. .. '; bj��jof,` -L - , I .. in :Ajgll I I I - onA, there In, as-Pqd I I � . , l ��, : 4__ �_L�� , ' . o�' To 3 1 1 - , . ... - I or y 'k WI , I, �4 ,Q490or tlqlted W.616, -SaK4 in hpr'.Iqy� 6ck�r p ONVII-al -0 Cea- in'Alie offninfolt,' t 4 -1 %pt' od li� ikv 4P t jiiiqbIl�j Ity-:to en are nq ,VO- Vo lobafe4 -Ili Winititio. V UPWile, the ki� Aoire, in Cop alf e to �,ftehlqv, t" ft!' th �ajl, ar� d h tin* tjr 1.1!t4 Queb�60,14 the, or':So ly pqTA jper op ;j*1% d'eye-jo -0� Inv is. 4" 11 V01 ll;[Pw­�nc P -ei :VV411KeUVlOut�,,--Cd­ 'd- "J", ir jjyk i 'd i j call -C \W A4 . , ve4,99fll k -qo I " , sk� 9 '�J,gaf].Ret, ed 08, Mgeu q lie i!1�4�4114F 7 No��' an& thei�, a.' A* TO 010thel,tlie, hiqg6' In IT Re. �a e, d PWk ',a A\� V ul I 'Jilk, 131101dft"4�\ '1, 1 Q a mq.d -he"' '�f�AS� 4�',e fwx 11 weri�,� fat ��ba. Seve-� o Oyer t 01 ;CqVV11"e�, - r 0*0 1; . IV_ t 'wip 1 0. Vi 't 0 V 001% pO#�\we 1� sl� 1, he 19. 5 hiat0fw �loy�tt \,$It �P[ e. q 1, nE rbs,044�ly-' 'N'.1 Riles­�eltr�s 'arply Intp",1-the AtImr, Ir Irp else but -bill WN'rin"" M� h" ikh', pro , , '� I L _\. , , L, 0 t; U" -ol lt�kjl' _o �r* hlos,, f 'ie 'a�4 wit on k, , ho 4, .,�!:Z Q 'd inot. gjV0 5 V It '06V �',a�ejiqo. 14 e a �Q",-P=pazty IS tyx. "o 'rw-fr Wj1jt6 Un*-,drded, aIn . 1, l. . - . it tr a-01an busJ J� profit ----:Tstinfto� (Ir94 r et ulholehe It pe of ubi� *h4�r�, �evoiy. , por lie the' &'e' IW 40� &mkhtA61* flickdied- IiA4 ._her win-' s, r a )A' will. 4pi 0*te,4d,e4 art6dily Into Ogban then, to get, 645'' 1 99 fie Tla ' 'er'd, and, �V littib'dId, I j dov' qr. 0 )Ilt,prou Yr. ."Thore!s Abner r,halp*there�be�il, it beltio posslbi,6, in todch,., With -ei fe7eling towa�ds Canada -tIjajj,%�4t' re . itude. 4nd twice the hop lok, 'Mck Conditions, 4 They. W LL be,perjnlitt;Wt� A' On' b6 -'tuy,,ned,-sjlently. qrL:w1ng,,t , �e WAY ttle�'foi�vard it take adOng �iiffipjc;q --�ff, Cana. lfh the,mL as, maix3� present. VIleire- 1�. no'h*sQn.'.,,wby.the e$" "Obil of hyhig gi6se sta d7th p 9 t�e plates in. the wirming Till I 0. s LY, it Pale, pal� bfue,. seemed. s,of O'hoes. from -bikit--if IM 4'6set. , - . �'; ­ � � , ' , .. 7 . . a-Ullual trAde :., :� ted -4fan' , -..shouj%j.-jiUt 46 ralsed'froin i V td JW4,I]I6 to $9*0,00,0,06 to Wild 1lie. hit Th' sit-il d I-bliped. Iow or und lower, iin'til' the, slIvelli,fing.p.rs of Ab_ few'- days� Saljy - k4 "Tiltoughtl' it �Was hj�'� light q; ppr6ach-� �If, soniewltere behil 4, bsi've, Ill 4tA 6epthe &t faint rose ds pioducts. a6 they. d &s'i;re a6d, these There� was n $60i000,000 g.l �v I 1 6 sound of, tair oft hii.it w,.vi I'ayed to.,the 4, T% xd ago; weio 91111ting, Perh­ tile urohe� w. ere* -warzneff, to. th e:'fA -t- in all-Yj. petrin aity '' ' " i i A ' DA 16af-'coral, aii'd w fleet' -6f -higlij thin Isj �ng�'OX�U Must haye, b aps. some He en,!' mutte -sunrige Was 1� , ch eVIdencwQt all- -4 Chip r it red distant I! Y r et nxiety j1jr,, 1p" a, Ts S being 7faint q, r Eli -the Jiecte'd.: Th whlte� P ti no I eft 6. th 9 ged th.6r develo -ads W-jift, tho,:)Do Ion -e- s el( u g fit the -e, -W,, and, �111 eou:114, 4, Ung co 0 en 12 veq� gratifying, �,and MY: r On �Veli �&Iltged, And t se a rtin&, th I gth ok4h-e:debh- ral-I ciuglittb6, th . 1vAh C1.1 I T%6 1160s. 0� oiieF i tieAtarlig TON .. I, . . I - I Oust-ve tin" b , ' thetra-Am ]MIT eaxes._ of Other . s 11ai il�wi to M arm' Be,' opened stimulation exPQrf trade from 0 'ed -V _' ' ' ___ t and -b 4�'Ae lot t�W -each­oth4or-as� ik yeliGiv, -or Riftu I P, L Pr twitirbi Willi Min, Shadows -cr cklin 0'-Ppatrtreo., T eria %6�,e Streaked- down.: the'llill'i 9 g �sft a r1:011catb, lavendor in- err h bver�heii_sklr , ade� to, Cfib Y 4t sound �,abore It e U�i remattizied .1jure a: to -'ad -just thb,- baiap-ce of White, &114,49' 'the,, 111 101.1 the.e. Th on, 4 bro�vn an,d­cruxln.ple4.' oat q, mornings are 1>10iiid. '-She step passed' to, tile _sbAdoWs, sh In thle dutigs'that. &rhe, to., out on rose and M-11 trade. Cuba Is Gaw of the. few,-_ x1trivs, io`t_ h e all, o. thelwestekii -sky lft#d parchment aw it I X_� P, 4111W. *rQA!,,At ..Upwar& Aqr_U._TftQh_C .. 1� .. fill . . . . . . . -img a, 's. �tlr All I Ft MIxti-sfa-ef 1_40_n� Sfi of a,49qs.e i. I A w, rx on, s e.,jr1swed.litij a 41 'hew" 6oft blurtI-or-g YIP9391- A 41.vinW T '-Cracktg-, s .6rackle! -'Tongues,of 1eaving-theim brillidittly W�Jte- afts6rii6o s- I ani,.Qn., ttip alidy Ior 'Th 6. -in e nao, extidiitthan she slelilis,- and. thi til. 1', x1ourid-A r Wj c ssied cloud mgbfi� t� �conceaj. fl-ime,turled talon'&," it A b�flder of SUIllight' si rhlkl�d tT6 CA86, f�T -s `6 es, stenQ�'bpen A- -(V 'A 0'04 0 rom- the'ggd p thd 'fliD -e* dark rt, 91 'In t 10 ".11*1 . rear eay. er;.,. er 'b,�.okery, Intson wag (111111n6d to pilrjile,�and an -W f urfilng their ab 924 -'Co a j4i- h i�i �ciiimney.� t Itiner,thidV4.laidei j5dreleape iii-nose.,into goll a' -11-and, I t di d:,Wh:6'0 ? ttke',our ilg gr0l. Tlle.�­, s r forc� held,1 to -Jan muro,6n� 'Chased, fro -in Cuba,'to th6 ext0l't of $10,- ajj'd' sit Upo�� -Ij t blue-' to a 16vely dove4l,! 'h er the,, sun uched the ShO k4l 7�i�0.47�i I . . VTrne;�,I*h, P 10.*Mr� OIJ e Unhandy niti`tbeh sh'e tbziew'up , R , both.�,harIids, b Wfifle- sellit'.9 'iq � fhat,�: C'ouritry 'pagis, IO,jIg hot, - Ill , I , -1 , 7 la es n1i: !it th6n) -of vai Ile O'd IwiIse j* t '4 bnly IoAhe�.` 1- 105':'Iri 1926 ­,�. , ­,­ , I '�`W 1111`8 W tryJaing:'t e ..people, kgradna �Weit in wild p',stutelrof defiance bf'the '4, Unq rbcr,.� The Sit, J e. faint 'Wde: ti� tile .-but shadovvs,- Were, s%vu OW. 12 .4se, It'became a brllllan� orange,.w1jE PM!enth' coiling on writbin pitipch.4#k sitin, turned (;a,r y, ;q, sttp Yetil ow Were $1 - bl d 9 h 9 d by, J-40. smoke curls '�X`Oxri a' thousan dwei.r- df 'their warmth - d Pt. -Rcrb0s' e b' an. n. ngs''; and-, we., iry.. to Imagine 0. -0leh "'3 in,66 shei hadri t -a "i -hor dales -.47,10 46C d I g-root� 28 :01 j'ljOMs'tOg&tIj, �era, wa no,. ime,to. givo thealprin A.0s,'tite Indi-j6 of',the.oCea Cantl(du'llioukht 6f -:,thQ h' An tbl�oug And hiqrer..#ud -there 4 the, 4ast. 11'stcal yeaj th fball d if, , t-' t - p hb f e6mth-,4he'roof- fir. On ione 'light es"! 0: S-60 the peasants W:,, their 6 hibon blew in �vttlj: Lt "soon'. e, summ�oiie& The'glas6 aiC­ I''-- AAriiim�ht ofIll t7�11019 ors Id b 70141 COM- to. f116 value of,. $11AS;2*94 W asIng the O&OX10. V.; 1" '' ountry to. in me V thie, extent "Ice -fields; watch 'the, bbJectlofi.,to. CA am! -his' - took a tj19,, 11 s. W6,dld, Ab ner, tipti. gold to tAiat C neve r 4 opalescent - 1, .0- evening, -*Wndt, *1. friall, and �Iihiinj�i' k 0408 of STIP-en PortAn­ uatomdr.' s B d i'C inal lor ier4lizli *qi� the sbrlq: eat Oring. of Starg.91fttered- Ijk4' li-, b ' " t' himself, to k It Wed" fr'Om'�- 10114',' J." aqo.a'iiiti,�t'th4.1i,e�avy.blije of, lt6 sky- tofo&, A' Of .$9,524,�7;18. 1#agglilg the bae: et, by a stim k n� ttomiJ of the Plilig, ft 113pAj toil. cu'ba A , rom..the'. horil N ..spe Indi .purple. _j - did," aj nzi e., � . ,� .. 11. : g;�, and t "d '­ThC7'waW� bucket What­fti� 6f whisti.- of:tIl6:dtuek A jithbl�s; re a .1, a 11Z.,,-�� no- -fear Sai, one ­,by One, It"Is not *4 6 A, , I , . .., * oft'llir . ared, a 0 all witlijprig. Oith h %'�wjt4j- tiup�j' 'Was, ile4r y e Per0by re Man,"# po Niqhb Whi e, go,the, Win., Y, . glx�eq sun ladl,sent' P I emptij waftirig bright, hl d4oih importa�f c eT Got"lle, dAy u:p veijullilbli, all V -­aq �;,Vlth�h ook. 0 e. J�,A J- ds tIiem,v.v4r* ".n of hill :for,'A�ner Woman n a us _�Qf' t Atmes o=reffiliv� 1n77A­ ',reainat turc ii—s' t Z �;Rffi A -L u apuratia eg, from �Canqda xd bit se ...... o�J,­.,,,JuZ1e, sinioKe.,.. T.1 -*ingo A7116�"house. e. in W48 (Had -it on 'a z a dr red a'Offe inert- A. -to ear for Insects., We 7slle,nt n4w -%vith Ith more- than 'fifteen- Uttln-A loo book,. mIj%t- 4�ne ba 1490*0d;,� ShVil, iia��e what, sM c6uldof I 11,6T literar tiddi;ng' ',gsion far'h�low,, 0r; ;t.,Ai : . . " 6rest ragiged tre4g a1l& fail biii�i I Y A, can that, pr9ce 0 0 11 birel the. contents-. t It'- u:t -'faintl 'f h i )y the filirp,; sfil' Iles, three I t, bo ed V .'s"M -Ages(Of �u�J�L ohlitit fliishe&i"by i V1414 ied, n4lieteell ed 'tlfe' gtars, Ili. 9, tvj�� out The k' Pefin c6untilea win. -the' grreA' A`ib 11ke'Affider."" lilgi-, -draggi.4 :J�uqhing' ku tu -no,lo -bined, 9-tates-Dr. de Is, I P tie la�ps �e, g As C e. rill WAS ir r, of th,6 bride and,"th6. ped.� V.�4tjheia' Into- orchai4 6�o '-hiddiew �beautl to nger q T A T in ...carrying, e,, posse�s� 49w� ho 0, hgricultural f. i "e Me.'. he�m- 9c�Pqkfs to t i*,Cibuntry th Ie' I tral : -avd_tb:e�rnoori Ili ill a n& the: danjer eii' �hadl eiv�eajed 7 t consist nit'ainly tral 17, s&va,n ism d �el, e I Abner!" A Weird,. u S(> Cubii' faldi,-' h of !�On us Wit a-111 -1 8 Mists: and sha& 'it' little shot the la nter. Ban to, Tli;0se. .11,1jo, haVe 'k i ' W,' ry 'an potat gyeav amp,: in close eifi� q ogl ac 'iiI5d Siates� , as i'6 -a��," pu'r. ONNs Of lid, gray., The, eimpbor untiil, hj. wifit �Wailing,, almo hui d, UnIh. 1i )�RAIiYTFt MMING,.IS'B.P of FriIi�' ki"'grinned Ab Pautingo'-dr dild &nImals and',,. anilnitj�:.,' pr6dilletff) e, guninter *aites glid'.1.60,AIttumn I iir&nihg, fo If andvofei�ble-:P�6ducts, s-1011 .4 e angj�ed Le" bbc Vvitido* d, �1011. A it man cry mocke C� 'E I 46IW einete ... Ye .� �, , �,Oea'' Foi her.',, Wind and, 'fl ,N, eS,' chaser of ftha-di tre�s lbok fro I .,.. (Yesi, -the Marl.. ill the dIst6u-c6_-.Ijke flowers,and, grow beln0i ar is Priqvincies, prof IU,Ct�. i -great dngy'syr - t 0' '16 ft1'hot,thTqW-VX "WithI'Vvild aba'n'd9n., 116reafter Ail 4j�tod. thIngs sald' about tul, d 'Of fire and iii -e � '�ucaiyjiitrustreei 6 "in sulLutier t66 must Wh britcei, 44;nc�- oIrt4l�'! mligt�,h �', I' ba. 14Cee i i ' ' ­ this gfiIji§h them'olijsid 't � , a , lia lqu-,shef40triet n. a' I a ­­ P.'' . . 1-1 'y ujL J�j T he, ort" to 't.le. Aoki �.j SAR &uldl iI6 Xt6iiger mally,occasions, breatt'.'the diegs,:Ot� bi-41. e, ut ened enign 1ast fca�, year Ill its i of, gai y. painte ladY. 'is Join6 to�l -lant rom t a 'KZ 11 _P leltelit 1.1min frock, 9ft"weliA is.0046h�b*fcl I biish4i .6dke fionf 'd� ho, ed! h4 acri smoke., "The jin:klll ge rity-je.- M-li Ili -mbrit, I' Cuba -Durchla V p$jted e. i'l form and, )f &e:fl 3,044 -d'?,C6UTt rom j. eir',Wilad- *histt- es. can,t er ra; I ves. Lady'bi'-filb Qhll�aes. '..douxtYard," by, t em..Mandy-' nOlt - 'r g Thf-i ntOde 'as, Han poti�66es to 4 'vallie, e N� ek is, -in' one piece. 116 st ilir 61. t: it Js:�theiefote,; get,`jq 'h knew. ov: thei, Re,."t�.e' ba best. She ank M?h e a goo !tinie rdap. 'of fit fIOur,'wqg` sold, In the Z�l t e pfer Ell b It to-T.e-g6A -to Whido�v. gar-` .13b& muttekeid, U Qff ec. ive.-y used at the b0com p4cated him.p Stilly estAbilshed by, h' ,ent �eth &op -6r Brai 9 g fted Anti* an �tp he dre ar PMse, rves, br"k -In ro d jn thfs.'filild bf.ama our s, on.t, e :stuumb1pA. to h le ninlortals" th Ing �I; sufiie y�att;r to the �-�ei j I , I �hdpsiye eye. �t e' h t t6jit �und neck, 6h the ong dart -f! t bar of:j4t,9q& t le narrow beltt,, and, j. stas.4.�Iioris_carca e' U 'Ca, ition 'Of Vudogl "Cuba, is like. 114 W�rk th�re' is, nitk for - nit � I kiturYllo4i Uad 'on - " c:1 Ailin es and. r:els worth'$IJ18,198; _��Vei, Ai , t 61�poriu IC I Epidimk DeOktts \.Oiks'of -o aistinj c0l-silstent, eavy burchaser. o -0110, wlll.:�g v S�:l _7,� jink pan rontA flu�""'-seem_-as 11 11" f fit if bodic:6 f thi� rbad. Otherlights wer. n' Ie� 0971`10i -k thP -burial. r 6'gtv6 the., moehwig� jile6sn,re ana a .1 ." .., b . ­ . ; �.i, '. : :_ ffle 1� I., � 1 1. s"hingge& "I *oiil-t Ing ...Wward, 116 burning ho��p k men. Gats alid otjfsr', gra'iils,,' ca', Q t" -d - .' A int, this Jittle aite'lldo" *1 - I qU r $4 0 ct. Buttionsi-7-so inipol, t Wa$;,A E ish � 1�1 nilled and Y ii -t ''a. f.eivAhipior an por- V-1 ". pre- 0 tisfa�j$' le "closed:, ill ng OfA ie,Acad6ni I y ipf, In Ti a iave'at Ve tin, t 'a meeti '�',�v4ed .��egetabfes, Will' season: e front, itud, ho jes and other e"myst-eq-1bus, ep, a-6mic Which, ljtt�s the t, ve y. ;person c '" n `.,,,4,6'�77 Y. �Vi4i,y- ail It 1heli,Windov,., 166fiCiahythinil" :.A:bn�rPs,jive - 11 1 . 'scriptions and: Uteraftife' a- prodkicts. ey aiiji, No.: isJn sii,6s i6' 6,ixit one Small jil t;'I cy stqj��.14 Abner callbdi,h6arsel' itttkked 1485% �b th , ..... . note w. aigned� scifle;. a, 's0zd inmeys, on -e Y a- membe , rs Which readi h Englatid- is - fain it inanak'ed Can4A,��'� imports fro'ni Cit for ainai �Ij right ear$'. i7e 18,(,36 bust)' Ik, Olt a ba "are oaks, It emi. to Oil s� )",art �011t 'of- A'",der the'a' " it 3% *ydrds. 39 -in 11- gArfleinc, considerration, for,�t te, ural, and vege-- engagng. t ip, �t c ; o r', 2 yards 1-A I . he li-ealth'. , �Mfqtioii of research P jqay,,�Ejnd then, fi6r the tim in -hot, is qpj.r6s inaferial --t e1teill of N the r 4ijid 3 :yards - �j -in I ii 9 in th6 wlnt&� 11,1p to initke 1 t 111� saw Abnei fitb sheAtinted ry v ant no vorkers, bn Ps � a eir ,Su sU 54-incli ors, r vv spb,eches'. tatble Iirodllrei� b", f Polim sbion., $110 When, &111-�-,caine -to -g of,, tittle tfiii. 'back, Walk., �ared that lit �nqhyinlnling 20 a. my, futeria zinl6slt; ft37ting 401&ntly dt�hii§ b6y'lih j�age:� seIT in 1, b joWly th� �j A-ba-demy c rcies have 'Jon whitel n in,cr agi , 'of --reteitt The ng e an,oth6r twenty. gliA. years,the ina -filhiited,hi 1. oj� own eft'. dlgbuas�- 1,1itts bee a :�l,ig licultleg, :�rowl 'give, h S en ed the guhjeC 0 S11 .9 to ts n -1) la lit's, in'l, d' *a Iopi -fik , marshaled"the4nselves. aPcheq-� Ili -damp Y&- pure tases, fmin . t le. Se tilty louses, espedlallyAnthe of the eiveni da�ns,�A�s, kigai I' est, an4rho!st pra f' roll eel theIr eff -1 le last -That '-J-hought,ihe TearI§ wenod up, in �Ier.Zyes, in& 'netferiems' ,and, 'three'-figical y�Arg have "j)1jetWy �vjped b of t1it"erest to. every� fi of, io rov It ect. �011 QlAbaill I out, gO grept has,, beeir. tihl!6, ar6:0168 o ittl'd ')h _ffi6�dt Inki et.. P., es �!Jil' er fa, of ddydnee k exfi,e ni, ith 4� is vif�Abn iI�rm. ed d6wn�.her, cheekis li�altb:`,0 men heiIn;" res�dctivejy' �'1*617,'055 lbs' �,jAftjon d.jjrIti#tthe4a�t and silicL. tbmperiCtUrIe; e ce 0 tits J-7. �T_ Itifierals this-we�ek �ot. Hett th4e- COPY. b6litl� "NIJr-'Abher! � , fires, and �as rixoc worth:0,462,254; j73j8-3Xi4 - -%-0t tben IV 4,1)164,i�,, ers jielli,ti.� . 16i h Ir Se ovel f -such �Sau Vf r -w it at �dlid d' d U Y emark. alf sobbq4._ St of v :R W. VW %t� Colin 'ai o i,d.Jb,'a'n".Rlc'h"e,'piji-i'n th;6 inid, $6�49§,9M; �and.-412,742,601 Ibs.[,,�rort the h Wit'! the rover.1110,011, is." lieId res,p.it§. T(Y.�ORDEIR PATTERN �LUJM P 11 fl, 'pan te#i7seIV tUind ih�m jui6: bott6rA flelad liari to, xidind. "Tw6filt give:ifi!1Y miclatis to overturn a Write your naine Usually ll&-oVei I at - Ill 'dyer the"sotitlipm collixtr es and'Acill6il - V repeden��, to pro- Increasing P 1. ise of W oille to t r6,eiiQnt th �eat. to o'�g' It - 6f- he :givinj 'number ' n&, Ail t 5 at. 7 I _ qrc,i d' n te;ct th�h­'OW]l'�:h, .-ta ly, a size., 0 -iNqll toleraic,and."groyv wi�lj s Ow t 16 rest 0 t corn. Wl. at whispere A ly, 'J, won V' With, etilth t' 9UCIi-flteEr..%­ pfiediction� of a. gtqatea,., fillporta sbind -Briti,40 f iuch PI e.,care Is :ex.e wol,k, ao yo� think they!�e 6ne')00 oo� �'�(ja�e,als'o 'at, pa 0 Ild'in -Wacti6li. %if 4 every Mukle telige sbb.lbraced herself r4 iiaw of 'Cottdiaij,whegf irlto Cuba- mitts OLLIM 0 th Or oi ce, tterlls'%is wan tie se 041o' i Y M;, st�tnflps,'or to-mect Abnerfs dismif sur' Uou cobf (coin finbferrE4 rd to the ilorolithinaiies. of se Codidn't ntess Locl�i']B�b ur:�. direateril'xig , thie,' nibsit! chaiactwstic ;,�Vraji, I hop render to y mvery.t chasing agent f6r. th it -.caxell'ill-ly) for liumber - and managein-ent., f0i e �Gb-Verntqent. -of* tre� o'rthe Un c6u Elt the -gqese. c arnitj one of his�.61d.-Oriemj. � . ­�', .. , '!. �, .' . .'.' ' Ai " aiii"Saf4y, gi i;h. . ' ge r a dress- yolit' o'rder Ao, Patberii To' su.,,c6qd .14th j)laii's, Ili the liolh 4 t. Itifs, SaIlys eyes wideheff,' 'her .,brCath, bric con -6, D�pt.p. t I tb' On: them ih'�thb. -a,'c' ti. - , V 'Kbnireala :11' k' cret, nd tii 1.� Cot 6�16ai,�60,Wal recently irr, 01) sitbite, 4wfull p, e, f,Ae s...0d6red.­ ner Was Ism ng, Vctu- e C�ecilb Pheapdr. Wood - iuve- so,. n Is ec .,,,L room h -r va -3', )egt'tO'eA' t A, Ma fai ria, ton .on th N ubing, Ibo-, '�i WeA'Ade- th niu, came feist.. �Ab' s� for �fs otlil-: displaced -belen A �d Idea haa eze . ..... 0 b6i "It's 16itrible- Ut; noW,thq, CountessdolIG, WiW7ZV�'Zeyoulftgllu�, retur. I �bi�t Whld'Il4'l'IaS, v!`re -goiie, heild,l l4k !fDear. Stilly,!' he, whis preferred topilrothq.� arl, ti 11 tree,takes go bn wxxcatul� I" Use 910 bonle, t 'Jty, -1.nev I' :freecio';,aiJmit, .4er like(i P116 W file 'fPNv'. tabo�. i6pre- 16; shapol1r. �61s: for tile plants.- a 'geese. pered.- i s.tates,.An.d, it-/ivi on, e tliat, p''rivate, enterprise cannQ piant, lid ii§o a, 'Th�reluted.' TI 'Ill,' co.n�sjfjnjytlo�; q4ks as' liberal siiplily of "it to b4 lots of huckleberri4, 7' "IS -didn't the 'house burh'up.Vt Still h JI, 0 Years. before tie, qn�n I, a; -conini,el-cla progositioll. Oy lQixin � Or a Y of C5 now, 0 " I g:'grown :to y countess, w 0 iye� in'. a , I . - �7 Hieredi ;and smalil:jlat, in. of j.Nailldtan" mquine b. bilisliel 'bi t'Wo be&fre the innell The; Q1 rnixture, fro the geese fait in:."Utt4-:bewfldei- grain .grain -ered ment. tIl grain In no 0, ogist" I can't or, ie-'plantr� .6,acli ear Udi� �6-� nestill! there 74-41estfilihster,, hais had. larger I t, -s'. A project is':oll 1 is'll tile .1iatii:I,XIaj bf*" I tf IgVg.. -Repot ILI Mayh6 - the "TO -the grbund,�but'yq I)rQljoT ion Y* 'U're a-10,1ght istrltietted, A'ga. vanized Ition �wfre arg� flon, tiil4hIis, Will, . . I . I I with' fi' eaftit, fi I t I . �(I by thq� �Iorea&y Cbinni jIjAj F­Xvlafn :the, f g -it., Ivell isprout, up a'gain),' sfie said s�'j shouldvoiry-1 Pnifaft-Ify I. foot to -,,ey6ct, 1 r nil Is At H Dn.. stritcturp o ai n, 0 k bugitt" go Into",which.a,'peran� Illitpi., WjtUcr6 CaI . - Vann, And Wh.'en'tbegi -all roo a. rint. off I b' c0r, 6 tall in SO i�,� aild citrious terins di-�tiiid the ' t with4i 'th id-� You, salvel:k tj&fulng ier�,ba,by e. ed -�r,66,ad'leaY4 and prune"bacit.th detnand, for, Can i hard, -Wheat. w I The'��oincldencw. pr d p . gev'4js ` - I ­' . . ' . . I . ., 6 - :. . . , .. . . 911 . I . . . I , . : e� I", '#Ia�ntg to I than - qila. I Ved. t his, p p Willits V alit can be padlock&(f. "`171�0_ b4hy Ve". -more' di -ii' 'Whati I.. ie -m 'in -­ od: A 'Wg�ese Latheii, so di& Mandy_.They -go i i�si 90" �i:bner sdc��.la , .Mother 8old?,a.1of. &6rything worth" gaving.. The. buys cage is gee . ur,�� y a( 1 -di it Of otoplasm;3 an r well' 1.1 t 'o b N , Give ilte. U. he lChn.0 talft.1flenty of ftesit Thet iAftn'd ignit ` t - thL .6 1;` T , alr;wlthout t.fi�Ii�'Canaf:116-ii;7 a;re7 yoll going' a tIIlg That boy'�j in in Plenty of water'andtaedess Might good money. %.ln h liletropbli�. Ali-. Goll,7ale ine, is,.niuch,liko me.. stliff- �5`Ver ltft k "I 2,5 6,: Ol fjnna:te,-'j It e" s'sco It a tp', light and they Ni, I'll', thrjv4. jt'jg jit�l. p nurge, havink, to' --wateli Iter C011A orrange- for th th. �ahiIi ay out u -'Jong,. bie th $3,7 A I I - . - - not to.. -hall, h ers 174- ','-aifd I t link 1:1,6� 1 te dew 61768S the tie 'in 6rti�rdk�d a gtan . tj V, �hb 0oulife.ss".tolb- h �of e flings lils hat nt rep6rters; 000 *6ft V00t6es,", r,',..I.a,' r 1%�h.On',ona c "a el'b'wd the �tdil' oAll 11 P '0 1 14"'get, Ad,.of couldn't le'ep' her','ey�s� oiT- A] no stidiijer taug it, in that. do, n de-il Is on b -AvI In sure n as weU',.' i'viorking fn(Aber anxfoil,%, fol Inore Colb�,.fdei cef "flio e & sOng tactics. t 011, 80. 5 ow 6. n(j.t e I ays some 9( so, am I` "I need rots.of idil)ln %,nd p ii0l Yfivel:yir oUiei% ' ` . - ".., - i '".' : i these, liogo) too, - L'coul�h% abidii 'th(i laiit Jac�., . 1' 11 '1 1 Ill " s filiiht�w�lf qdondl�61i a d'id kigh of.them zilf�l­ihis-: Thevqls-at- -'I mind for 8Vhjch ii,ritat, hN, m4d � 6- enty of w 0 her, 8, otir - new uollse on, �the kiiA Monday, WeA win4oWs furntsii,,too *0 Oareft d V1,, Siully. - c6�ore . We'll get the fophdation. lald W431%,110 ac but. �,es`t;6�day then jutbnse, A light for s6M"e­.pI4nt4, hence 'With' '6nb ha'nd" and- s 1184d''tb dawffle,ju t that,w -o' bert. pput I 'or �southWest w1hdowg'di 's moothed 111 we'1144k�t, tho.. vnnWAo Plan t1ile in- ter. Bay. windows are -Abnerfg L - didn't P.gee� fit; liyi:jig oler. nd of-er s *rinklred, f6r4hettd, withAhe, othok. - side it, oji 51;:�!�`% gloom-: s0sid0d'-'.� 0 can,ina it,'I'll'tel-I the lwo�fd!" hot, (ITYAll"' Pei) tile rooni, air nioj� K 4,4donilng 4lidiffel-61�ce, to Q�n� -ah'.0veft' part of- gil, 4 1. s Y: x n th� � � I . 4. :�-: . - .1. , I. , I' �.. In The little Ililtigs li'b'opght. to. d, )iame- no', iiii So .nillell thk, I Wis IT 'd'fl ", ' :� fjla4'awdety � 'anislied. th lhi;-Iba�Og Jihk, waq olocaust'i 0IILY Inay groW g4l� 9 To. begin '4!' a piece q 141 f "R -A'few d4y,�, lotek �bjier c'anie li�nie `v I itle'l. ), � of �.Ilews` that got Sally* ap'hmi-m ,eole,tis begonlErs, as le (19FIS Q peaialfSl. flie' 8 Irlas; MAY]i iiitr�� ned, iii� to �a ?m pitrangex'�.wbo 'begnz�-,rikht.,a way" 11� Appo' I V,(A of halghter a n d i)f luirtil 6 0,4 Abf the eAdolintek oil yo�.r pia Britaik V411d; ce; inti' Won�p larfY Wlrboii4 lijants, �jjcjj­, 4, ?Jr!:inw Nvith hini.inj fils'd rth fern In a i'e,�tid,'iiom,,,dnin-h-4b�ited. IN-e� 4111d 'All ,a, Whim, own. A Br ciA g GqVernor. , Ily 6f� bl" a:��&`noted that.,-yoll o�d b"b'6n, lookin .01 U quw g -P 01 SnOwticii, )vlfO'bt -Ph t litce,' *hc�,o troPe, and-vL as. Ftoi-A r,-Laboflt� d �An&'Jit's unfair'tb nool(l'a, lad �salt, -,PUI:P- Of a, boell "M. oroly Iwillg'1111(1 Its. da( to M5 thih q, Y, h .. 'I buy it,,OU. tIIJI, ealier _,hrt.. or rentit ki6 ot the-,961(0�nolrqof U14,bi,oadedst-i ''­-hMg,tr A' as yotl �'46de.- Vtold hini there,Vasptt Ing (1rga*1)1;WtImI, 'MI, 1, 1, Italy! Aouse',On it but�,bci i�aid- he'd p6tany' 't'al('111g, ov(�r., ft'aft 1110 pill-Vate uj) In, H Igh 'hog na., Tbou.,nN., thq gaIdctj or 1.11(� .1d, h6 A? ell. 'ay, 4 66111, : to -,R 131,10,411 , 13�oad'castjjig cpinj)c 11V ti jallijilry 4 ro don ote t 60)) It" I. -d (�,ll afl o ft Ili f $'1 0, %01(4 men,. wheise rt,yfol, Or 11 A d"i"1111d -d'.9-dq(theAg,f -ad addlie c 11 e b; 1116,sp, saro ll(�f .(imiq by jolitlijig'(11. tile 13flUdW.w1eadhig fowlrilstH, silo. Ig, y 300 ia,,Y(�Px for it plid ijil_offective �e to 14, ail "littliot, or'hote Opped libr hAnd.q."10 �mffi,'4 1, . 4, I)III)II0 aker ahi 1, lie' U. jo�k qpq, , , a vo Thy FExp aindd. kcar A1111 all -long 8 WIT 'VIth" you. The J'slvid '.1'snOt worth'-i,,o. Sir 46hn'Nairno, -a X...... n D "I of,'' 016 1�alll, of Vilglaila, Ild. �'kolll -live a biush.�.I�of o L, 4 py P t. fDF The re t r t C 'Wghin.j 800 Ills Ili- A ret. c c Wa&,v - of olar6ikloll �j glut .18unfish horse," 1hier iPcl, A jql, br t . . li�,Worit- 6fAIi(i1_,,(C-)W;ir0i` the. ves�ej, dli rfng, Mlnar4!' LInInient o c I (jy For Colds:­Mli� 14't;Unlnient. Dm` Ah .41111 o 4 V . 'e,