Clinton News Record, 2014-10-01, Page 22 News Record • Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Online voting security for municipal elections
Simply Voting Inc. will be
providing the internet and
telephone voting system for
the Central Huron 2014
municipal election held on
October 27, 2014.
Before the election you
will receive a voter informa-
tion letter with a web
address where you can vote
online, a phone number so
you can vote by phone and
your personal identification
number, or, PIN. Keep this
letter safe. You will need it to
cast your ballet.
The Simply Voting system
is secure and protects the
secrecy of your vote.
Secret Ballot
Whether you use the inter -
net or telephone to vote,
your vote is instantly
encrypted and stored with
no possibility of your vote
being traced back to your
identity, just like a tradi-
tional paper ballot. It is
impossible for municipal
employees, Simply Voting
employees or any other per-
son to see how you have
voted. Election officials will
only be able to see that you
cast your vote, the time you
voted and the IP address or
telephone number you voted
One Person One Vote
Only eligible voters on the
Municipality of Central
Huron list of electors will be
authorized to access a ballot.
Once you vote, using either
internet or telephone, you
are "crossed off" the list and
cannot vote again. Even if
you switch between the
internet and telephone, even
if you try to vote using sev-
eral devices at the same
time, the system will only
accept one single ballot from
each voter.
Election Auditor
Once your vote is cast a
receipt code is issued. Only
you will know this code.
Print this code or write it
down. After the election, vot-
ing results will be published
on the voting website with a
file containing receipt codes.
You can look up your receipt
code to verify that your vote
was counted. You can even
tally up all of the votes and
conduct your own election
recount! Elections Staff will
also assign an individual
with no connection to the
election to be an independ-
ent auditor. Simply Voting
provides designated auditors
with appropriate access to
observe that the system
allows voting under proper
circumstances and prohibits
voting under improper cir-
cumstances. The Auditor
may continuously monitor
voting activity before, during
and after the election period.
It is also impossible for the
Auditor to see how you have
Protection Against
To vote, you will need to
enter a password. Every
password is an eight digit
numeric PIN that will be
mailed to each voter in a
Voter Information Letter
prior to the "Voting Period"
(October 10 at 4:30PM to
October 27 at 8:OOPM)
beginning. These PIN's are
computer generated by Sim-
ply Voting and are sent
securely to a reputable print-
ing company that prints the
letters, machine folds them
in security -tinted envelopes
and mails them directly to
voters using Canada Post. As
an added security measure,
electors will also be required
to enter their date of birth to
complete the voting proce-
dure. Therefore, if your letter
ends up in the wrong hands,
another person will not be
able to cast your vote with-
out your PIN and your birth-
date. If you lose your letter
and require a new PIN,
please visit Town Hall with
proper identification. You
will be required to swear a
solemn declaration.
Protection Against Com-
puter Hackers
Simply Voting is an expert
in internet security and goes
to great lengths to protect
the voting system. All com-
munications between your
Applicant: Ontario Ministry of Transportation, West Region
659 Exeter Road, 3rd Floor
London, ON N6E 1L3
Attention: Ms. Amanda Waldick, Project Manager
Planning and Design Section
By -Law Section: Subsection 2.5 (prohibited hours for construction)
Location: Culvert Site 12-374/C, located on London Road approximately 950 m north
of Rodgerville Road
Period of Exemption: April 1 to November 30, 2015 and April 1 to November 30, 2016
Notice is hereby given that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is making an application
to the Municipality of Bluewater Council for exemption from the requirements of the Noise By -Law
No. 21-2005, as amended, during culvert rehabilitation work at Site 12-374/C. The work will be
undertaken as part of an overall culvert rehabilitation/replacement project. Additional details are
available on the project website at This exemption is requested from
April to November 2015 and from April to November 2016, since the timing of construction within the
Municipality of Bluewater is subject to the contractor's scheduling for the overall project.
Minor rehabilitation will include concrete repairs and waterproofing of the top slab to extend the life
of the culvert. The waterproofing operation requires single -lane construction staging with continuous
flagging operations. In order to minimize the duration of construction and the potential for longer
term traffic disruption, 24 hour continuous construction is proposed which will include night-time
operations between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for a maximum of four nights.
The Municipality of Bluewater Council will consider this application for exemption from the
requirements of the Noise By -Law at a Public Hearing of Planning Meeting to be held on Tuesday,
October 14, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Stanley Complex, 38594B Mill Road,
R.R. #1, Varna, Ontario.
Individuals who feel they may be adversely affected by such an exemption or wish to make their views
on this subject known to Municipal Council, should submit their comments in writing to the Chief
Building Official at the Municipality of Bluewater office, P.O. Box 250, 14 Mill Avenue, Zurich, Ontario,
by no later than Monday, October 6, 2014.
i,"" Ontario
computer and the voting
website are encrypted to
ensure confidentiality. The
internet ballot is tamper-
proof and the servers are
locked down behind a pow-
erful firewall. Simply Voting
has several third party
organizations that will audit
various aspects of security.
These audit certifications are
an independent verification
of the integrity, quality and
reliability of the Simply Vot-
ing system and services.
Decision reserved in
wind farm challenge
QM! Agency
A London judge reserved
her decision last Tuesday
in the request by Huron
County residents to have
current wind farm con-
struction halted until they
have their day in court.
Superior Court Justice
Lynne Leitch will give her
decision "as soon as possi-
ble" after hearing argu-
ments regarding the St.
Columban and K2 wind
farm projects, one of the
biggest in Ontario.
Those living close to the
projects asked Leitch to
stay - or set aside -the
renewable energy
agreements issued in July
that would build 159 wind
turbines near Seaforth and
outside of Goderich.
The stay, if granted,
would halt construction
until a constitutional argu-
ment is made before the
divisional court starting on
Nov 18.
The group is arguing
there are potential health
risks attached to the tur-
bines because of low fre-
quency sound.
Lawyers for the multi-
national companies
behind the projects say
there is no scientific proof
that the turbines affect
human health.
p'eose Ret iyews
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Des Eaux
Notice to residents in the Municipality of Bluewater
The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) will commence the 2014 Fall flushing of
watermains for the Municipality of Bluewater Mondays to Fridays as follows:
Zurich Distribution System — October 6th to October 10th
Hensall Distribution System — October 14th to October 17th
Bluewater Distribution System (including Bayfield) — October 20th to October 31st
You may experience discoloured water coming from your tap. If this happens, we suggest
you try the following:
- remove the tap aerators off your taps and flush the cold water house lines until it runs clear.
- flush out your hot water tanks. This is to remove the accumulated iron that precipitates out
in the tank; this iron may also decrease the efficiency of your water tank.
You may experience lower than normal pressure as a result of the flushing activities.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
OCWA will continue to work on the flushing programs to ensure consumer satisfaction.
Bruce Grant
Acting Manager of Public Works
Municipality of Bluewater
Ontario Clean Water Agency
519-441-0441 or