Clinton News Record, 2014-01-22, Page 13Wednesday, January 22, 2014 • News Record 13
For Dbi to rias tall:
Fax: 1-866-485-8461
a•ms atailssinc-roveuni,
All other moments calk
Foix: 1-866-757-0227
Marking your milestones.
Obituaries 1 In Menioriar1-I 1 Thanks' Births ` Celebrations Blares
Cards of Thalnks
Cards of Thanks
rhe J Iter 1amlly wind like 10 send a
smear, ?rj hearif$It I i nk you in many
who showed Immanne kens}nnss and
campassi n during aur sudden loss al Tarin
Fared, the care aired compassion slivadrt by
he Human Courcy Paramedics, dics, Oa' Radan,
aid the ER and ICU nursing slag at the
i30derlch Marine and Cien&+alH0spriai was
Gormorliraand genorraiya reOalad•
Cunard. Filch and inn Oen al the Falo:mar
Funeral Hamm were very kind and erafe •
sianai duringall lha arrangernarols and
serwikea. er:nare .arseryied our !hanks and
Marge Monks Ind The L[rideaborc+_rnto Unsd
Lhgirah choir and ihd LJ W lar providing
rnnatls and cnrnroding wars hoiwnin Ihn
visitations, and again ailer the memorial
Serer .
Fern Fleleher_ and Raul Ross Ice tneir won-
t:lama and imcqing Irlbules. and again Iha
Londe:Own:4'4h United Church chcie and
irb Rosman ldr a beaxrrdtri ranr?itlon qI
Th:sik you la Ed Salverdu, Gill Drainey Lula
the neghLaurs ori Wellington Street. 10
keeping 1I5n (drive clear duffing [he A1srs1
stoner we've seen In 'Oaars_
big Ihandr you lo all 111e Fanny arP I inesids
whey ,aril marry adi-A7Ciahad and kind wry
and naassagas, wall as load and *ewers,
d.rrir3 This difficult .i Erne
ld linally, Ihank you to Bill and liana
Bromley who shomad why !hey are frre+Bl.
and treasured blends. During the marl or
Irwa angio marn$nla 01 Torn' a pasenq,. Ihp
bow d 4€rlh slrangIh and cnrnicrl to clip
family and wands cannot nxpress d,rr grain
TOM aiwayS thawed inspiring kindness,
and would jai hulanled 1a gee how many
pecpie 1le Loud -tad Throughout his 41e. Ha
MI be rriaaaci and meurrialty many.
Thi Ouriar tarnily—kilara4rig. I-aaurni. Low.
Ste. •Shannon and familiar.
In Menvarial%
I Mernerrarrd
Passer) away January 22 ,all a
He went strewwhfOtll ra ewell
He said goodaye Io acres
S3nrHd b.en•S gale 100, -is open wide
And a kiwrig vice said -Crime
`feur smie hes goner lercver
And y.Yrsr hand we carrot much
EU Naris 98 Merry memo -Hee
Dad, we a P Icem wits on so much
S,idty mIaspd fay S1pw+ar1 and .Marin
Glau:hor, elarb and Hodgn.s. G.sand.
rhildern .ieriniler, Mark, Jamie, Tasnesha
Slaty, Soeeo s and Great' Grandchild
IIOGG4RT, Roes Dw'Id - paaaad awn
k+eeCe1WW al the age 01 11a. January 11�,
2I14 wb1h f.amilyr by his side: Cherished
husband oI Audrey Hoggart S lalharr 01
Item DiRarFy+ laved hryr 2 step.
children', grandchildren a great grand
children.and r°narry cousins, raced(, nieces
and nephews. Piece sed lYy his r�asrsnLe•
Wesfey and Etia HeggarL h slslerThema
Fl ce. brother Ivan. and Phylias Sheppard
Cards lar Thanks
Cards 'if Tharrls
Tlra rueunbera of lire Central Huron Fire
Department t would like to Thunk the ganef -
Gus pawky et Lrra area lir 1hiEk eentriklion
Ip ani aanrrtral 1340; TOR. held InLliEraarntlEn
This year the I nparhmnrrl win no donning
¢ iYiD i to h�u cularCryslraphy Canada_
Over the 19st 5 wart Ihei Depazui, rte has
donated over 520,'I043.U0 lo lois charily,
EO. -13ud711 Franklin
OLs * i Iy it nkachxYrpone who vieitc-d B a
in the hasoilai Awing' his 1w0 worth slay.
ro Dr. 5Alattiry ind all the Blaen rir
your care card corneae -VW wa are gralefUl
L hankper �iirLS and the Falconer nose
Hernia Far [aur guidance al this lime. Far
the supper] ' 1 rleigliarites, friends and (arid-
ly by calla, d0nalr:cna I0 the Hcrspi(aI,
Coarlaw Society arta olhar Chari14ecs and Fc
the Uteri provided (allowing the ierdsce or
rnern•arr'S. we cairn navel !thank your
Eleanor and Dave rldiliarns and Farreiy
In Mernprian,
EISLEFI, Lloyd Edger, SR.
In I4yInrg rr43mOri of gre.arnmkiarcl, ftaiher
and g anrlf Ahoy, nrkrprn Grd calked hmmd,
January 24, 21211.
Son+elirnes ire seems hard lo bear
F7,II of swam rr utile arid woe,
Ina Dian M.. hin+e 10 rerrrerrilar
Thal II to The uallay tea
TI we akeay"z siayad aro the. rncvnten rap
Arid fliNer ezpeeled pain,
We would -flakier appreciate Gods 60.9
And *Dalt! be Ilvirrp in vain,
'i'!a hava Sn rnriph14•In let
And aur growth is wary skrwt
aornefirnes we need the rnauntain taps
B.iI it`Sin lI valley we Crew
We CIO vol E'wepur(lersiancl
'Art1} ihlrg happen 0181118Y IX
1 I ssm •.e:r1Vire CI ark Ihng
Myr Loral wr1 see ma through.
The lihle valleyS are r°ealleng
When we picture Cruim un the cin.
Hsi went IhriXinh 1hep! al or damnHf& victory w, 'Ltatin"s loss
Forgive me Lard, kir complaining
Wil -02n I'rn faeing so vary krw.
Just give rrie aE gentle rer hdee
Thai Wein 1IYe salla}✓ I 61.041a.
GOnlln alEisirenpon rrna. Lor 1
And uSg rrry I ct i d'y.
Tri shrara yanr Ing with alhers
And help Them lila their way.
Tharnk you lbw the ' afle re, Lord
For iris one Thing I [nova,
` hn mi nrnlain 14i are loam's
sl i1°s -n Ir . vilkrrys 1 grow
Curkourrte}' Ailhdirt lha valierysisirrrJL-
eiLle_ hut 'Malik Gc J rtr Bene& irackintah
lops. As we rook (tams oyer II -re yniaca, nsYld
W our groin, we maize an our grown"
was walleya, bill he.aleo gave ti.1he
mnutilnsn lap&
Wiry wit 211 1s ba tharid.1ul for the blessing`:
teetCrilred on cur iIvea,
you Weyer. Be'.', Mary Jane. Mike.
Uo'1 fr.
Krislyandgran lFFdren.
Cit hinnies
CBINSITT, `44'llliam Russell - r.•°, of
P .R. 1 Zurich, passed moray Suddenly on
Wednesday, Jiallsari 15, 21114, ail South
Huron H05131IaJ, Exeter. Beloved hu.5bind oI
Marione IQcwscrif CracEsitt. Oar son -Ind
pd Haar*1 and the Lill Cecil Ddsyse1. Dear
Fahr srf Dianne and Dale Fids cf R.R. t
Varna, lave &Yrs Kelli Cahsht al Pari Abell
and Julie Conai[I and Dave Pipher or
Clinton. Lowing grandlalher or Elan and
L1rcla Peck. , Tamnny Fuck end John Longa:
Milphell rg v ,11: Jake Comsat and rgreal
grandfather crl hladal n Peck. Dear brother
and bralheewn-k w Jnr Nancy and 'CJraurles
Becker, John and Henn Conlin, Jkm and
Mar;On Cortibilb. Barbara Donalti. Ken
I akIweII. Judy Da4iY'aorL arhd Fh1I Wihlig•
Sadly missed rwF' his: aunts Calan T1lrnr t
and •.Jearsnpiln Turner and his nimca5 arta
nephews:. Predeceased by his parenls
Russell and I salt (Tonere Consin, one
beother Thome and slaters -In-law Gareen
G3Idw II and Slferrori WNts and broihsr-Inv
law Doug :Dowse{(, VIsltahon In the
St. N., Zurich on Friday Irani 2-11 and 7-4
p.m. The funeral seruice will ha' fiarichr tail
on Saturday, .1anuary 18, 21114 as 2 p.m_ in
the Brtmellelvd Comrnunllyr Willed Church
knarrcinal currir Juulcrte may he made to Una
Hrrart and Slrakn ra�rnd lien.. Bruaofield
Comrnunily United Church, Alexandra
M rrre send General Ht pkel, Cadent!' or a
chatity X01 one's choice. Condoleucea
(awards[# through
www.Irrencteathriumrarticrnd cOrn
frac wWhoFmrreadas a°Fatng roarraii..0
WiYith7i Cthrrairr
FRASER, Douglas - reat,e10,1y.iasrAtE
at Siralhh lm-ddlesec 3enefal Hospital on
January 11111. 2014 at Ma a.gaa at al.
poryogd hr,SAand of hdicInt Fraser. Proud
FFlhaar al Lumina 1flanatd Wr'alkc r) Fraser
aid Wayne (S uldy F•rris er_ Cherished
grandialher of Jelin avid BeLihany Frasa
WalRer, Brandon, Braartria aarrd MackErnzle
Primer Dear brornar el Lionel Fraser
Prgr pais rid 4'r' Mur §irlr. Shiriny Banllia
and Pony Jahnsran_ Crummier' has iaken
place. A rncrndrial Serwiee la telebrale
D e I? Woe held en Tuesday Januatay
14gr1, 2014 at 2 prn. WLIii an hour viaitaliort
I -10141E, $iralhrsar, iiz pxpr#r$sipns~ p1
sympalhyr danahans may be madn io Iho
Canadian Cancer Sac i ety. Online
ccrrrdclences may be nada al
de nninglunexalhomea,ci:en.. A tree will ba
owed asaIIuInQmEr11171alFOUiiJ 1es
OU banks
BROMLEY, %Ulla On Monday, January
53, 201.4 a1 Clird un Public kiospilbl, Wilds
Bromley 01 I Iyl.h in his &till year. 6E0%19i
husband for 52 yearn 01 Merle. L wINIT
lelhar and MIher-in-Iarw of Canna J3, Ron
C�riah, Milo a fjiannEt Nichols;rn all pF
Lacknorr, Elul? Gramloyr & Linda Brinrdiary,
Steve -2.1 Jtaaaine Bramley all of Gcd lith,
Doug Viyietur & friend Donne tat Blyth.
PrSarealllerea 4y 25 grandchldren arpl 26
great grandchirdrsn, Prec ceased by his
(laughter Dairlarrg Viii gnI, daortiier,
Jana Brerntay, grt i c i Mite V:acarn, and
his 5 skiings.lintWiiels'requesttiara will hr
Tao 1risKsGon. A private fanny Iunatal service
wit take plscse. In leu oil rioiero dot►ailkir
to Lon>:Ienbnrough nlnlLed Churned or 1ha
Clinhgn F tally, U-la$rpal FiaLandarKin Yruviu
kis gma1Fy a rpraciated. Condolences Oar tin
Bromley iamilyr may be Forwarded to
McNICHOL, CIerance Andrew -
paesed away on Wednesday. Janbars. 15,
2014 at Hurort Iew Horne, Glintan.
Elairdeoe was horn an e-epteennar 2nd,
Ig 2 to thn Cara Andrew , Varna ,Floadl
t knhlichD1 Fie till bo ni$vsed grealFlr by lit
Children Michael & Sally FAc#1 iorrol c.I
Clinton and Diane & Greg fetsoKirrnon or
Dryden, tea was Ell raring Qrandrather IP
Laura 1 Chris Taylor, Sarah Scott
KJIeNachol, Jared, Mogan and Chian
Mac fimon_'Great' grandpa Clarence la
Braysla 1, Alexis and LensTay+kr_ Fla will be
remembered by file sisle+r and brother-in-
law Stamm S. Bob Ellittl and ttrelr family. or
Kitchener. O4aranpe was use receaaad. tsrr
Fes wife Penny. Ho was a kind and r rinrg
man who aiwayrss e;ortccnxd a.haut
tillasrs. Ha ani'red a gild jena. In Ike peat
he was ,rexyr inMolveed in the Thameevilla
Lenten ancd missed ihoae Irl term. Tha
larroly Y+rOutd IIK I0 Thank an ttiode who
cared For hirn ihes I><sl few months. W
wall miss him. Friends were irwriied to calve
and go ati a Cele1Sra Li11a, L lwen!nY the
MUM OF 2:Gd and 4:05 p.m. on Sunday.
January 111?, 2014 al 1he Clinton Laglon.
Married Arnrsilions lo Me Clinton shirr.
Hca pilal Foundation or Tho Howl and
Straka Faundalian ensued ba appreciate': at
ea}tsesai rIS Di &yinpativy. Arrengernai°1e
entrusted Lo Teta FALCONER Ft3NE1RJ L
F DME5, CIn1onr
r4wty.ratrxinEcruneralrip mem m