Clinton News Record, 2014-12-17, Page 13Local police take the time to
learn more about mental health
Whitney South
QMI Agency
Police from both Huron
and Perth counties recently
took an in depth look at deal-
ing with mental illness, as they
participated in a crisis inter-
vention training workshop in
Clinton, Nov 26 to 28.
Sponsored by the Huron
Perth Human Services and
Justice Coordinating Commit-
tee, officers from the local
OPP dispatches, as well as
some from Stratford and
Wingham, learned how to dif-
fuse high-risk situations, as
well as the proper procedures
for helping those coping with
mental illness.
Discussions included a
range of topics, including eve-
rything from an overview of
the Mental Health Act to how
to use local community
resources when it comes to
adult, child and youth mental
Keynote speaker, Sarah
Burtenshaw, also talked about
the close partnerships devel-
oping between Canada's
police and mental health pro-
fessionals including the chal-
lenges and benefits of this
growing trend.
"This whole week we
learned about the different
mental health issues people
may have, what symptoms
they may present, as well as
how to diffuse a situation
involving someone having a
mental health crisis," she
explained. "We also looked at
what community resources
are available and the whole
idea is that people connect to
these resources so that they
don't go into crisis again and
they don't need to have the
police involved again."
An occupational therapist
by trade, Burtenshaw is cur-
rently the CIT Coordinator for
Hamilton, Niagara and Halton
Police Services, as well as a
mental health trainer for the
OPP. She has been involved in
the training of more than 1100
police officers across the prov-
ince over in the past five years.
For Burtenshaw, helping to
educate police on how to
identify the best way to deal
with high-risk situations is an
important piece in assisting
those with mental health
issues in their community.
"Police deal with people
with mental health issues on a
daily basis and I think by giv-
ing them more information
and education, they can make
the interaction a more posi-
tive one with a positive out-
come," she explained, adding
she found the 18 officers in
attendance very open and
receptive to the information
being given. "They really
wanted to be here, to learn
how to do things differently
and do things in a positive
Penny Cardno, program
director with Complex Con-
tinuing Care, Mental Health
and Rehabilitation Services,
Huron County OPP Con-
stable George Finch, who
hails from Exeter, was one
of the officers in
Getting the chance to
learn more about how to
help the public was some-
thing Finch said was very
important to him.
"A lot of our calls revolve
around mental health and
people with different issues
so we want to make sure we
take the appropriate action
when we deal with them,"
he explained, adding the
ability to become familiar
with different symptoms
and terminologies, as well
as what resources are avail-
able, will help officers on a
daily basis. "The speaker
and scenarios were very
dynamic and realistic, it
was definitely a worthwhile
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 • News Record 13
Whitney South, QMI Agency
Several officers from all over Huron and Perth counties took some time out last week to learn more
about how to assist residents with mental health issues in their communities. Here, the 18 officers
stand with trainer Sarah Burtenshaw after completing the three-day course presented by the Huron
Health Unit in Clinton.
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