The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-12-30, Page 6Ar I7777W lift U1100a"OF afta GAM I pity" "Al be im, ndOf o4 bft% Itor him B$#Q"AX", ot "O' conoort, r 1p, =��Y 104i M-w4woA. 0II 4, *Arli i m­Znd t1kat to attend, Xt*t afto, *a *dwAiq 1p6alt gift; ,you 'my Prom I , - , ,I . . . . . . . . . . '0atilly ,a" to you Kingaia. s it­_ber., jeo,�e pp "IL Abner,, olt0i o ne s Cato n U�s as WWI tgvow''" a, blamme aS So Id Iliv, now M. 12P GUMOL at Oe., 010 tol quk,' Olt forI 0vent ML bargam" to .4 9juste;ed ttwift. oProal I -ex, fiest&_a 4 fixed .,q*er day,o , ; ber. tu led' rued reftriee *aA ber eM..qTk - tumble-40VI cum-, 1Mg:sVee4*eSV 41ad 1. gs�Fe hIM afewqfj 01W $�tft -4rid i t 1W , , $1 -, t It "'' � In voifte� to WXS Vill" I I", I . .... 1. ­ A am 1kome d. bown, 1�w tbO R&W stea emuz& at, bta*;jUetS Pep_ r Q_ ueq�sw, that be it to ciri4l. 4� OME the ffi*PAt" Iin an'eSut to stiffen tmr` heara� at 1124 reo- So.wben,, after they wore", nPles ot tha, lond jUtj" o'Spea&jjer from, the bm: Them we" YM: co', to. mm 'Mind to' Abner., in ADE *V pawed I h.w. Vad of 9 a ;Oft 'AFFS ... .... VOMM m`P*A"M anit EA 31*htft* in oAwl latt�t' Rted, him to imAutsift - Mappinc at .0, dwel*riuc. wl T" *U the. PrIn aSked the Domllidcu,7*0. 40 caunft or "din cattle, Va- Oq sae� =x1cu% 190 'AN rek I ' y�= ba" ever. a% bv ber T ;s, re"irt rug 0, Wk1& tbe Buripa lot 1sw at so, �a ti bave been it j'�6 - .I& - it.p. Maui 4.� is. to thww, SMY by tmike StnibeA, the lndeo�L d urui% �ffie'had-loved But fee IM ftake of ta k;" J�Kd eboseft Mazift Brim first *.to - osiYA ­�,,II, �I­ , .. L, . . r#W&,&-. - u0t �� - — tine I 4A at of maitonway. -whi& &oke. had glve* sh- ta% of tvui�d liLl�ttaktft- on% flat W =a& at VMMWLwMS altered Into TkiShU, Mtfl fl*, &Y- tC**b.ii, Itur. bft sTlkitvial Imerti, i a Ir . c� 4 �wer,e , L t voldibe� mnas ft *0 fteme eamt, regic" extend- creatms, et a ik ling to --nere, % a - 48, Mast i;sh brov�ght them b" 11MZTf Print Ahaks, to, nom, Que. =41i bD axd Alberta. jkbui* SjtUT*_yOoM. `wbere 4W UiZV eft babft County. CdWM1W,HVei a bewaw Mteot ferlehmd just V*A *e tbou6t:` baj r*neb jom the wsU and da*�- that tbie bu,�bsnd I&O t* b4qI kuo*m = tbe Id"So Zap , varied TbrudL' id'a, capital ImI n*1§i could WO 411in1e, A*9MMMt& Jar ts abovit the sfte of a rabIn. =4 - h. The 14146stly gave empboyme#. to Saw, caded ban ed was I 0. '' Mal* him ,ft er (NOXIT) 100L Pat the AWbL Rabja� Bat it It lWeep V_4&'S�qd SiN4 DOW& she, 1s*1":wa1kd e3trkg w= that In. wbich a Winter bad to an the weW ActarAhSNP 1"ahk 0=1 .VWM oat Istaikkatiml: tber ; Uve simAd make, ber bwband sbmc zqumits� to the, in a left. into *e is not rWM(A A -and exered. It eMandy, bad b~,Aboer kta, a toebr. shirCk& ah"4 _ L ' , pweti� at Awerl* Oa jk, that Saft cou]A Ao t� geuW tb4 4staxlesUM is' 3idaie to that jinx" blabilt-Of L it W= te� by AU- it is at aiwe dlvthWdAe&. bF bir. -1 want to take ber cmtrd. irrhation on, 6eemg bmmt� met initaimnittactalmd by Me lmdusry, tier -in am, tb -emsw- Zia* .Iti a Caudba, vesseL she bave, ipme to P�l . i-, L WrIli The ritj�ter altered gj Xtripe, or reckl%ft IntLTint�aMaliflated'ka Taliated is to vmasaw Mt Mer. artThe upw elp but ivatjr�k_�biat Man- glad* # lbicke,, it Ifts, waaVy, it veesel- There U aN4 that 11IM ]R'O'W CMU S.01MOD. Iltl� Me look L*,� frj&t. I[. Could to the *W!& Vue Wheli smVensider tine nmber,431 dy wmiAted to be­�-­� toM me.$* made fat #b" be" aim bordered above vwximiekr caftw am q=A he o ''M* persiswd ten whether. my, iit was 4M stro, after lier, heaft�wmt bad kresk. *4 When, the 6memm besOis te; ]NO WA tor I figarets at' the, ;Spread Mewspaw a zi "t b. auaki�r to. a Iffie of. tki� f3m,az§ ROS112h - &VI '"eA pnq tort* . she ail t2fts, 'I j��Z to A eEld ]bjtS of, ps$S4.04 h Vft � SL COMMMMed. mew en .,3ear was ass&" On eam MW, re 6pea PtkM& Imer fu!"MeMUTI! 9�Mkuis. read a face ftftle& hM P tAamra-Os VMt wo,%M - cuti cloweliate, fthis 4of Seattle OVAMI �UTA' Hwom !sil!a: 4e hi. a great vsk" atteraney tell the moon 904. Tm . &ezesem, OW to: re�kon I eouldnt,10p 'Abv�kg tme,sp tm.ed rftm bin lis.24 ever tt�d a , IF. neM rIve get mmutilit M f. Itatoit VMd to* in. on Ute'VbTW". L.".'' I 1; . I e Sat bom id otions' *Utfta mt. aat it 1�.6 squwm Abner, r.H *_­Wboe MVK1 into'.0e 4W, eaves, and, event, 4SIIA" VILD� VA=, a, wMaWWW"� plat 46i jj 4114 deny been-:0vaukerI bot, finiiing up;" sbe ssid�, re -ling 16P 610ei, iwft the treedL- $s'scm last Lmbrfimil�ung M 'tD IZinc, zim (komrazz as awn7 *bere tbe* 1S.*% her feot. f$tmmmeled teft: Mlkm Say stamped twig lt ftb�W bird to eMI r"Putiled. tfie'-priukarf amde "COI 11iii jl=r IJIM Sqdd 10001061 OMM10ing, MO firbstI But *16 atIM �,Aoftacino, what jnt�t'Wjat York meI StolmU L . x�k J, to 4414 tke V9 litard, time' e, 4*6 I, Oem ork, tbau,�Mk' Pin free 1A. Y fiet_,; IIty old belts*- I lon;16 MM Dovii &,tras thrumsk VbW 46 bat* j16, igmamuL Mg U�M proper to Mune, We, th* to t* Mte.,ed eat"', tbfiz Waft ON awast VAd bem aIMM g"t She ftw felt *at tue Ief iL. Imat Vear ADMIGMak" 'of anOL Jae4aar_ wee- koweft of tan Ilk. 1524. TURT O -PI M Ac sm TkK ROME IN P "Fa ab=j JW W Clat. 'One too'k, zbti IwI dri tog "Wa like PPOM VW FROM �su I )* , ti, 101 II)IT ImutedW i 'er "th , I till ling, tversvl, eir W ikt6a.'um -titift,gighey t61 :;: I . �1. . at OMe er*. from UVj,s!Md �b 'body dic� tbe Mew van, ak Hand U9. 11� Wis it'll' U-1 �izj geod. cae�an saam Omrui,%, # Ift'rem rift 1 DOWIMUM A 4NLTraWMg are Tbere jMt T�� nn�dej: �M$ TWf f 7 I=d V;iim 4k U.'aft %tebtag We to, hDal, 38-, its 'or MjMr to �Ine tbL e .0 0 A" fdo ited paineNi,-designedAo ia;;ure him and,. me. Voled 1kaj.e t, O"Zse pip ex- *,ould MOVelftut. Ott bemlim, , a, or t'filft dMtQrL told ORII Whea'A M;I* 4attng If 4II ear fit #b btm a 7,, z=hr&L Aee�er tI6ike A spiat* onn t%e tol. b at' Wn 'I pwu Maitaw #&ns lIA AbMer d, 'a OM Ml� 3L "P bneitk' give: a why. III !Sl*l at One dawm, antil I IM mairri tkj I.. - Seirrea ftra rM the am We tbe're ViII lie liarilp fter ift M, a�4a b MCAMW . . %id Vaua fi'i cut,e .Sr *If46 Mg Me M* I-Va awu ffxi�vie at lAr'. ar, er, bL' frw . . .tw mom any' I&mves.' T famaodon. -t time thinv -t r was- Ih 1 Poor tai&" U**einI ib; lik, oite-. pie* the. *aiiw . u twen tb--. �Iiac* Whav, ed, C. low d v(*,c= Open up me ... 'i pWfl(61_ L . bo;tMi _IV IMI M. baM L . = " Voji;� go, Vneac. I nexer es.m . � " jWt,11 met A, OT in: the Omble baaL tjb4 �Ajjr ,4 L *n,� �6t, *here, I Went WMV& "AAMM . take cood sails, jkim� -butt in-` VMS ClAss atr - The in aillies :K, ti�*Vver.- M*M' tbusL Size 36' re qm.rw , . - - r (carel for you, SOW." 112, Zft*k for i 3mird 11166% sicrys'ar. 5-'� i" ou taing ay _1101 '*� it &-r bWAM 41WItint 11PP rpl�iiiI al nag e-PT-ZI.. ed, V�s 6ifd . - . ".. WWIT- or . VW The elm I _, ' C b3all'? I I -11aW rWM_ 141* Ai* -the, F.Tzaw 'a iineir wm' fifteen, . Bowe going le Faiz%lkiou Bwk a, ts ez f kqtzi Te to & " at, cla=*102, tft , *a Imme dresmaker, and. **woman * In1, It tar ZM � L _.f. I TWIAMe& a. 11. tS aeW_j_ _"t ftkqt'$YU� to ve,ir karmen M9 . fis�fte time I., Uak at a3we for ta*e, sswp,zd�y artio V so ber White sira� M tbt� k --t 14U k4L--- Wis -0dana,M 'bad %�IWAYW blim aw bmd *DA OQAt" i0med 4 In"ftZ at Iaivfitmg. am& tkey 106., tor ten_ ft club saud. pi§ twi urae t aim tbe, hill IMM tbe r, I o &Aa %*1M*.M"kA, -Wat" .. . . *M:R*e SWC&S'4M I ii I Alp 4fikeirento EM ft&e PM%tMft Of 4a W ts am AMA jibiler Peftei%*4 lb� NWAqT 4 Mm, YA WX Ia-, HOW, T.Q. R, IRATTEM& Albiner tw4tied uldZIGUISI Y III,4hatiza 4kjba�r� . . I . - iO llap 4, jk4'1 S' is III do every plai� kw* I been Viannist 16 buVid 46m, thm: "be ch - be g am r j"r_eY4 �h' Lu and eme -or, ka6 JJ ib-aI Mpoll nik� u-_a&V ftbae Sob ant? sitin . - C. ..; OW MR liult *Mi� *3 y4m.vvmt. RM1 M, oils am .0) Vokwumi. I 7*0, skin& 'Ot bftwu* =�k VE2,PW 11W 11sW1L,11iA"* It 6Tred- tica i� stampt or can (iI - Prefe Va-au li;b ObT* 46 meet IiApiwtbe viiia" fair cateb ntj "-e jinx W%U* 11110 i�&' am Imam I ow in *ie ball.4- was V djet ot W eilit. IUS Vn won �M ow- .302 1. —Aim 13,ad,rea. wr. Wev I teafAtr ques 1�,ive lidltlbk . 1W,; st, 4NOtIO, AM -Tte, VWWd we SOir, Wulum CA)" W"t Ade- VI at tit aical . a W, jkq "'I 4 17;,�MM U%'lag, UTMM 4ILMI IIIII latbar .ugid me Iraore pnjv�ti in t1ft O"I said . n%ea PeWL, after 'at, itew AtutierbT.= fim-*ft eIsm d W'.40*1 has , Wle� USA IfoI bmI WN1, tho'! col"PethM)"l- Ime re her eve them %as Cue. our, "New tin, �Zqewl I" TOM& bui with gebftik IIW sit b*lq h!" IQ* AnA a" '00 qhl$ %'VnI tM ttwo 'bad qMI Wui tam (am, Of Ole 41r. *adw�, .04., suadl �dwmt"_ am M to(6 MO*r 'ium lum ��birr�ws� 1to the. Utt amd4be Week be* Itibmt This: -jinml met roam vkiky ulve -to 10 #a**.d ifi -*a -to drI *no ... Immueei, W%MA' of demit . saall, IMU" SILM69 oe &C I7 6 searictes 4M emery �1000 P. L zov,"k tbb* t #-*, *0 Ibed u Wriv IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ant. IT VVURIM T.W* a tifte ia, IS& -ft art k"Ard a M,6t, , terd v. two WIN i tbitat; It ihs IM1,3011t at�4114 swat-breatat ThTbash 41w plra, CV* too, pkw P O 0:, JXT #lie' 6 ttem. &Iatie,, V�, rz�,C,� BF *"%. %Up-, YN-C JL It Ver"Itao, "ail 31kt_4VWTM ItUn ail; oI Wait sol'.4ay lid "at* rukVig M's U& d*S Ot ilvia CO a itay., IIo* fA L zov,"k tbb* t #-*, *0 Ibed u Wriv IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WPLIES V�, rz�,C,� BF *"%. YN-C JL It Ver"Itao, "ail 31kt_4VWTM ItUn ail; V ti=,: W. It I L zov,"k tbb* t #-*, *0 Ibed u Wriv IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII