The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-23, Page 7-M -M -L 7- 7 F7 Id 1 i". _t; PU of o.0 vs at" 111Y 4 Whim, M -STORM -OF AP =.k 14 ...... . he w", ye roam" W, R farm. rhe 'CARO P '4Y few 0OVI w on 4k __i xv is hooW. b Set og,, a!"'popis ed C 1400i by Wet - r *111 eyesore to him. This, q got h poswem r sworted array `6 apicy hozn� A me& AVA: fib ow, po 'Imp P, -of.bj�b�' of plp- 14iey _�p 4"p A thermO1100r, j7i�ffi 0 .4 -very, year them, 0_1 overed, roi,e in cellAr. ce pickles, tho. dI of, d ontp�z rs, t hum with Ibio -ven to to�q., to 'UbD 9 It, took. i�sn - up a _V.M; C also 9"4 109 Modept P05r .�Q_p .00 irkfl irk tho frultv"M am e viias';�i homt?:-I, Mali p jopb e 00 ,�eW. pr _*s4, be VVITY _re On k, wo n,%to,bri!-g:t*,App 't sh;,.o teT thaft oemleza,.as they furnish the .he stop CoUr ti� I I ­ MIMI, is pqww 0wwril do =02" 14n j: in ;es t itirketur with. -at "_"Wt� 1&.3rusa itmqunt of -3 CKS ;'and when, c4d. w,;p:try Toe" Oured 4it''I 474.,J bo"Ing, and it ;a tcQ 4ao7to ba�o am.4,thee famiRy.',z p4k 's0ed a '00* 1 Th r up ry 04 ir sorid IiImi­;%t� OR*, 4WAren ppe I Id o*sily,,b ,e tegm, ''the ox o iilfrul w P,_k� brn� to the bouUte -pottrits of th ifi� 0 eqp bettPil as 'Ci0iiI a, lwmd'., 4 ti kpzngr lqd more ust, Jo# of p tw,, or� 04" e b . ..... �,*Vgh -.1.111 1 1 1 1 � I 1 111. 11, _­.. . ob. _0 Y, c . - . A, when, storeO'oye-�- e�e#V 1floors: if thq, .,And skim, 0 dipt ;ioz" 1*r befor,,- it c�4il � e-consu t r' hwp� NV! Jop ppetnt a -p of minutes, 00[� .00 -4ttent;qix t '�y U_ alpid re ' Ved- e floor is. X th�,proper ha, _p Apixt I -Thi is ji� V:QW:vr who -are the goldeR. m6m: tembpf, Ong,, yegq�-.Gs RDO simfiler forLy-ftve� WA - 44 of., �$op 'he i4 ve isew" Ing and stora p- intervarieCei hepvy'spri 4y- to the 0011W 1. am marty,bq it. is Impracticolz up PICK0 J ax.-* god catchop botc-A '061 ow". or of app, "01 Nil f ete, I's 4 TOrnapetin die Ajosp.of thein 1 1 Ith -I co!ar lo� M. Axi #1r(?c W"t hj�ir;�Afr Iffm M419 W good n unt.il th. -'4tQ r is Oniost, im sa tive aF!# cheap way i Nvjj�te .1 r�rw "o .0 olorful UP&., y9urg-, Po A> o to ""keeo 'Upp r4tb-, I ppmall' T Ut . qr�eo d rnein, ilg"t�ii L*'T- L Y Md 4m) i� for ",Mw, th'.. a', first d. Y or hretber,.Went W _h 0. Was lontlis r f te er feaff d nib the: punge#, tantalizin, odor of hardest; w*Aost of a Can'r 41 of thii _411. itig c4i�14' it, an 0#,'d ' n 04L bwi, �We 4 Aio pr ovi4qd withpepqrW Morris vet"t:L4� a I Vep m 4 iorp g - r r 111,�Ss of tA_ AA I% C Ore farmer wh sinitiveri 047upe, gr4 d chop It'vle-Ty fhw�` �T _a& _Q -got rf(l of litim4keds: it that iiiii k �-Jiarjor tbo,'stoTitge'dif 'frui .."0 v,�V boW7 r.%4.qu iz. ,egai c spiI4 �oept Of sw* a - had, I C114PUA" 41 Vz,, A shop'd be. n n lit bee earm 7 - ,of. a t t'tha� iart q w 109 pow tosi, � 4ses, g r t p Ad ti ok cooW red., N-'Ot t -at wdy is: to bury M.- *PPM, t d 4' o6d I Y Jan be tl;ern�, 1, gglve� p o isi-rna& pf w the dry e� eu 4$,ghtfUl, J 'ike tp, vr*h W de 'large, that, it pea s 4 h gar WMa a.-- b�oul r to che ollopped" Pful of Jul- 'F 'D'o appops r xnx,ailir of th�'fu' o the �wcluxp 1. jw� .,the; c alf mfaht. #Vxt to - sch6ol WeN. ggs. r, ppipgAM rom -',a of ho-raery 'I ,, rpacla r .. am ru �es 6annOt be. hand!ed- I dig.iL hole cl6so , f �J. A mamry:eo ArI, She mover W; agy,idi ,w thit tOL an essf-Y 'to th Jr it one 'P;J� 'Ag�' W -pper, adi eL ch room, Mth, aaiy. und6rJt if of black- pe U -p to K.L P&I't son tint that _M _ *,2 .004 co*eq, POSS the winter -te" - - 4_ _the ale; bo 'small bruises under. th tha M_ '*a, erilt the' e: rp am U -hopqfed re�ij)es 0w L POO b*e soon evt-pp Ill . . ' I; �) l. r -boulder in,'where it W1 neve no �� 'appZ-," id ; -aid, f6 end� 4 ��Q;Atid I d I - 4 Jn;�st:ly �vlth&ed W-4 hol p, etiougl't. I greet my, I LAO r6ttieii spots. m , uar d Or4me-y :60a, Pro the, r I q �0" - cAb 9e. piekin" riottp stkiias, TJYL. MOM �ors that, ha4� gri at - ,d Q th�bI!tk-ot a �ft*W,�V4� qnei t Q spoes tilOUTDOOR MM! traCt'A�e iho 4 1 mot,,%�o'bur3, any rxw.-4 an, ro�n Ynilch out oil very filevu S=:et 4r A and yie!10W -.4 P.Mr. tj�o PICK RI)PE -F4 IT. hej�L.meth6d 4f,st_orin f z aud­ mix y Want W.b been- tiessed unruy:ey,�- On e"ry, mi lie. har -modriks, w w pit$ wgs� 01M. ;ii.� d -v�- lvadN oil�4� -Irpril. qUant a vir ell a con, %ide �wfiexi thm is p A' I .p; racip. prate ases this Ano tw4r -X khow, Of, 'Who, prleWI�Jg itt:0 E 'dishbi of houW U weink the sep6nd &y _Rynj?� f ell� whieh. are 211 winter.. I OP01 s, .1 �-uit. rotted, ikher seriously, aTi�* U30 -,.quite fi green om disease, �nd insect ihjury�begin good i things. to, Fmce the.,s a red, mrMte 'far TJ* tom"!�j hg� were to V.neighbors,patisfy my. upper ed Ulm, earth. If tile ce-4r is bo.u'det.4 on.. his faM dzemed like lbe, oders. they to d iri& It., 4, , L ' rop natuim _y f ioul. the ;laA be adde& furnace-heite4 sn4-*6use of an Out- xelid tQJ:n peppers neq -;L t *bogt his first costunim ike this., t not hint.quitib b-7 often hapn'e.,114 that fruits -in the top; 'a an. a is-"�bad to dresq, ig c1hild: t6o pitis a hecessity, as,it ison many too. kT#e he dug around and on the sedth side of 'the tree riptn and, W4 a 601or, . TOV W=LrJCZJ",. 'farmas to-dai,, here is h better rmethod,t4m and: lok chain a �ATO 5 dr d them to ddition to M� MgSb- and take ell. the hatural ripe colo)r for. J,tfian 1, gge VoM*y is t6o Altravagantly., Some' h, the old,sti;gw�tpitthxi can be t9l- t1i6,. small stream. -ori es in ray 'household, 'good" ZOSPW are po* or 44. Ir 0 with led t"- b"*;lvr'1th one. I b4tcheS of theirt "t. clothes guid as a result Varle before tho-apOles on and so I mak S way::, vVe" braxic"- and.. north. 61dt.of 'the trce are: the,- " ' '11". . I It pays to ta AfteT. wiloteir aPIA" fiRed tip an abandoned" through the' fal-L- -as the tomatoes Are Ppur quaits gralie% Ph ke; Y tho.l. them t�aspoom, WW* and sortW hi the fam. put ve'll, w1deh wa x dan w. A f rieM sent MA the -reei de�; The oth'ais take on, gerous *"'do WM TegsZ4 to t)Jei.PaT,_ -rally in barrels and either head the bi�-- 'g'-7*stly- in the'road, . TtAq- li �.ch'ls particulae�y go -Bie;ro It it,: pM7na n 6led Ing rger and qqa�it:V- if 6'0 bM al t 7 to, PLj*�f Y. 4ir Iullkls�l ii1OA One ;J&gJt to; It �.a we. -A, or �ten days lonker, �ba'rres ci� tick a square of anes, y parb peck i-reen. tomatoes, 1,cup.t&4t, Wash �snd crush'tll� ver'the'liend. Sekft a' the, _ i%jil St all, sa�k ftilmly ground, -he g6t id 4 b�p f!]nPlovirliki. .6 &een � peppdrs, ever' durnp -appie'sln a. pi , under Hon vinegar, I to o6ritplain. vw%en T -same method'my fathi�r used. I mi n6d ounce each of bro Zen 'ic" 112-ning cook Wawa th4. tree - an d ege them tbeft for even, preferably in i th0 the k in -'w" enzouTh wirbet to,pre -b lad% fbr.adwe hade op- the Vent norl�. "til an h-Ve told 'y0u.)AbOUtL thgt, �tj J;�6.ftoii rot and cloves, 6 011101 CC mace, ffinor d the-lbArreCs on their sideipood Wfien. jou bury . bo&Je_Lr$ you L must, I j*Md bTbivn sug-Ar, 2 red'.�pper 46ve. *e pu?_P .0w bQ79 to go iW'- -is wa rnf, at night it Is'C002 .1. his, a- si 60rdi Add e 4M to . end Cover thii .. bArre3ft 'baThor6ugh... They. must beUvr iz& uarWrs as, mw - sugur; L br 'terat* NrArrn and. coo- temperAure is ? q . their ;M itbout eightoeTf.-inches�,l6f stra L As _88 �f�rm tuito. olten the frost: limie;,or M -10A they �ki;l grad- 1, very thin, tjj�j viiitior."'and 00 Ideal `tor'i pen.l. YOU '16:pa:t iatd let of in gitighams if -r deft in cover uglij be�-v -the surface ;irid t x as froeying weiOL e b sorir*�a them wak t .o*_smW pietxvi aiid tie4 like r iek laye nyour in 611n. straW ith a thi boulders yrl* t am vw. rm a top of at the, next,; k"p.up Over U* and cover� the Pilf with 124 pouts. when youlev*�expect It night. the :..��ng dr!21r. &d. mt�� awly 1br,.0, akle re -for., a , N�46k itud Soo h6w: t ' ;mmo&r- procedu meV4�r P 'I I __J. A. ript green hour, Vicig.y I It nter ipple I - PIA .9 ced . 7. IF V9 Qiiiek, " , . -FEAT.- and,add the s -i AV bo bo, 'mg dis- or ple6es ot, thi IT FAVORITE daroi*b2, &-eds and, no= intid or tinctly b -o -y. Vis mother fbiced'Whii most pzw0en ;Ek pit IN .1 - , pour LU T"Arti7fisTor) - 14' this 0ort 0 "WES.OF TME Ski86K.- !pl�or. tromo. all' maturityof the fruit niformi c6a I, fibr465L-bg'Ve bee�n kemooLed, and th, n- elj4SC�j. '.Se the am kept* 1140is" lbli:10*6, plaits' e 6 It criP& ctm�. prou&ly f tl-.,4. , are.,e*pected to Ito'this also' two -,quart Alist be.:: thme peratum, They have e y 'the time mit, good- - ion' slic*d. Qwei,�W T=iA� of to var:� fami' 1ar lines in m4iAure and- ari: print -,of b6i Ing water, a he vig piffiappy, 'or no, reason at are L' r t*6 ieteifrect tiock,of, rid one of vigegar, 4g by the bar- Minu I ties. L $a. that 1b. mother W1 wd cur Iter, the, ajp7.!es C4 n fim fttby" flavor' me the! tilax*.� The boil fift�en t1iori, drFairk And 119, 99. ed 4b ever no, i� .1. e w ed Obb end W-s6rions drs- W yew a' .east th;6.biia and-lias kimazio, sh, took­togOh6r. ftir, ol�jder&L to *s witburit-of viii6able -that, be went av Me in �� ��M. througbo'and.. ihei. -raw ease b!��hei& This fruit can the --tho vixiegar, � , I . umber..'a "se ax.� id MA: his removed- to. tho'ce ftr or tur caiii be L pened dilriteral it 'ilia sh ' oot ' ing-;ga , k wldch a* r. irred larig'.'fu 1.71111n ;es 'he 14y, 1 . .1 x�eim%i r o ine. son* p d'4r"g ea ffy -of &'traVellrlig: 5bo iii, one. 066.6, at cut in. i that be must ha%*1tad -to, Zdt-nd And.'a bushel� or 1vvi� of e back is P n U-4 od, the sz�wl the: pepper 1'pods. given V.te, to the in' ,'the 'fruit, emoved: for imin illWith the'' W" te�;,`but� should Mt be, %ft bdi' pitched ioi* the, a Th at6, use ge green,,aa oo&�6 hM I place. narlow; strip%. and .0 excep-, t In patch, I try sfroMI14. 10tifid.. Withou flincill otbe" it,haj A . b9c& d -the,lruit' which, iii to: be istoreA' f`oi ar s teii g od eed 1W­ux.HWe;1r` -this. softe WAR ,/,fruit, y:frofiin not- -will plelep '_qtu eb. SI 3 own !son to vised Woft-A, mbs, 441WW�. A m' -%utl( Itas bDya tbo,*p 96,38.-40 and 42 ilnc� es! ze M. mew InW Ilk t e. t -or In. Aft, op6mo erbread,or ergeWrjack whict on Vkeep up over- best oft,condi the OoekrLs When arnvaNiatd fr4ft.' of. tble boys. while ary. for c9is,Twver a to nu-nutes;.. Remove the spice'cours% dft elpreSSIm 0 rid pepper�s. arid simmer very 341;-�yard,Winch;figuied ma a .2. t Avv*y. On the terial, and At& Y4, p:A I n, cant ms nto Vq=.Jg&� vmrm. fruit imito the celar., -Bi $Ltur4y_th9 gum�,sre ba b agLaZ lelale ng" �Stl effi r�sults in ripenin prem L 6 in'qu;4rt Jar%..seii Ing d has c66ed wa -Ark astening. Y. 'to -.B' ht tem:- O.t�er hand, -7 t A dtick:,, Many� partment of sithey daw thw-� wear kept ifi, of u.surpriing ow, -i distance. .:,* afe;r� t'A hweling at F ver.,. And -CIO a a or 'Jim our, mold Our' wwn entAwing lar px�teti4 but is... away, of �i irmi appls w1K rwm, t e paper-6.im�d,, box66- Or-' �: barW bt. found.* L as a'. long heAdhl po tj of .4-cmiestik ft 't the" d, jiderg :02�S ir, Ar6Wd' 'e' lthe�. : desigr�erq, origi:r�ate' thetir'pattetm 41ici ds< This is the Vray in temperatui; dkrect 0 0 WX air- to hMrt L 'J. " . . . from tIL yes pc!ck, in o" -_,ot 'on of, the s yie oeritiv-_- serving e they are -mia Of y the - the 9 r,pr. TTIEM _q'MMMMMV' � W the beho7d'.thp - unw4come Of. test;Ld thec its, �re UP ­vAR aiie6d 'giid'i6t ermpassem times tl-.-- H,�'d Asi "fatme the. tei- 4es 6 'fromi the reA t in e . ar eaves. n -a- pop peppers, UP th3L r4 th . 'Nil One d1eir Chi di went wwri app.. ave. seen. S&Ia, Of 41t 4ce. ofjh6 'I, cup green, With the, toss"of ililr. as. .!6WJLt. k rage weifizin. P fl,61f, 000M., . g�ud aoS_ igh -Wind "es- iriformal dird piroe the Pr-. . . send. so i.ui=1n&,.9r,th& of he ave be- or&iia: elfit- eS loss cups of 15611nir: , gee, - quallity ed .1 ng--1of- ojol bi�ek 10 'tftti -t 119 -amid 4-'appr, proper a V00111. bean�� Jci#p tie L 4. oreste foA them, or. I ecp' R the itwe , slwith dd HOW T'T E S 6itijEi. N -sugar; eup, gTee -ine, in t AS 0. Wrap, YGUr. �fgvorite r being name a SO, they tiow. vibich Way to Write'your filit ddress plain- k1di*y J. cu wax taukh and i8s' -kould not L 't66m. Vcup; 1convention2al.. dln�. room 46tfift 4ff'the standajtd Per of nevwmapaper isaiii as-po�sile NU_x!!!! -a-ensitivi to i -ly, giving, 0mlMir And size of su2hr'chopped, e'ery, et, 1) lim-. beits. t 'foaawin 1 r,, 'ar.t - go- is A� C the suggiesu ---- d- 6�nfiost m7� breakfast bp. d not 01W in Mlst rather intimate W1 w to tiq ce7�� locr. should b6i ry w pinies.;'pjitt lu Vistit., Ehelc4e, 20c in qu;i virrear are -tupoly -of as. ye, It' J* rtiola on t& a far. s piesa"s, bence.susce0fi ng no S TO 9; M id, wa,nrby j"ged in pape t tiffer', from !it* in. preler d; W -s Ai ti 1_4 to'b6th a�mls do amps or. c�q (co p adsiptab, 01bow he eied, f earpet The- 4-coul the eu-ur be rge an SM -with apiece* d ir q paper. V Wh%ch axne a th StrenUOUS hl�UCS Or iderice.' 911d� it femr each Jiiiiiiiber '--an se:M -�'iLd, tch ireass your ordtr'to: Patteri'Dept, thiv d 4mr- e ' * L 6 t. sets iri attrac.tive miay i.t.__.qtora L je'. such'as. Bald -,w, �Se eching:'Show. Wilson, F.ubfi Co.. pmen ma ges;l, and. %together," 19=ber_.6f -at e iTed I . cuales W, tend �t,6� pM%_ ih arth,-for food.`Iegve no room ibing with. tlF^-. des d Grillim "'M P he til.'" to tqaebL=t in r mabe-ulp or tbrM,61l it I . thei Shodd b6 senti-,� j st.­.. Tototo. atterm. sent Soak 'n. at in'waterto i. T 'tito:sbows in ra. vent-tfi*., On a f "theni. f -so P'S )pportun-, hziiZed sof: leftv�s. 5ftate oJUM ing 1x%txci. cu' ural lelmotion Vad -May, "ShOW fill'. to' chfid wM be *.to S64, as geese a re.tu ated, Durin't U66L the bhop& �A are avanw-z in, nka&.:. arkkied not S1111 d -r V ge -door tflft' r !froML your coda oil t e' other �'-egetAbl-. be pnst fexi years, a mailted imprev tyVe ot ibreakfitst sea,W_,d 1emi unicr OM;1 !1& fit What bwp1est..p t1a a" im: the Mr. taw -es . * .11 ... I .1 -shut i.off i . .... .. . . queer n -win grow ..Aged.W or �4� Itlent hw-. 'mean 'Aukried and;: j;: ng in Serving iked up -no: as to -you we, Ta uttil air r'the WF -reftie pieces t e ro-41�zxteirit. bAa':,b6en rioted in,.the' Ili eiven - gidd3f; tt 'strorug 0 n 'a Aged 26. Al ten - , . !I . . b end of t ibm't"' to' storage ti Ve by long as the. nurses.* a alrds, England bes n . 4L K"..mien who eAibl�'*tthp good.? Not'so Ap,04s subject i h ar had ber'll �s `a�d trak bekiis.' Drai n46 ex- Mam i6 Gar&n T-hn* sijWcgii bii,i pla" trw,� -be�n lsoab in' d - shows., ber',Httte bildn the eha4ic.ft _es ng ten, it fter 2;o 4iftns' and other zs� 'It: *MM ive tab, eof ;L me and: to ­,z se--vibich. have U=ff r100m, S" in p -aper a. _ad orli A- tur -et potatoes igatheiied; it Th e -to sele, teen, 46 ked; add, the -I ;,`Sugar,. ga4_qel ibe i given.-oir bi.t. pieces of !kold.-j hib-t� is at Agging time.., no d9dieli .6f it.. d- Ak. maethe. garden. a gene. ckeax?�ng. 1 S which, 6eem'tobe'Abe cau d 4nizetaM seed_' . �Uon d i3etlimm f0w xi�r. clo6l,da­ het,46. ilig Po safety device are do4ioro a,. the W 14fo 'a'. il' . I . I . I Mrs. wr-Apped se�arate­; r dy. 41 zitties a". og �Y.' show Fiot. t whi. tractor froin running, is -tip tM et ft inik be burned., h4p,01`e'c�ip bp- for: fift-en-, rviir�uto- 6i i" -wo pounds of s1h Lep. in&, so Top r.. Many, Jor 4�'s 1 bebary Wheforeith o my treddM us. -.I ey as be -no 7nay be zpp es b HttZ& kerose .. ks i . 1.� Hall NM- - - rv�.. go! enoug V pa ng t.he app_ tit or qua carry per scattered atO atoes; are be,, ade'd, burn tbe' *6ed. se;6&` 'A - weei a, rre pTes puitesm d what UMY ie prio nature&- Immature .100t. rs hn.d sea.ttglzity; W1 aboot.t aim F'skirined.aAd biuf$io an too... Ja It I is an ex term used 'weeds iest "he tion as I - 171 -its mew;i24 a teamical hand, talring rjnft the cb*kens`t6 imnin'' the 4i PjeLV­& are, eat _er,: Min in. 'OPENS. -to,wim oeeMertt -plan M11116,11P Of Dig the potatm-_ by. C4"'OT, SCHOOL dfffe ?rye IM I P� e �.Ke �.p ti,� -wi itousires I of ravitspaVer-or,ol rMt_.Lto brui* t*he.. n, or bmik'the ibe iaraer�;. 61(iw t Vddch arw ,tiny be' �a;ile t*6 or three ii1rift as VA ny serve ax -A. iilfer h4 d-cribW in ihel altissli. Caeurnbor put' *ift: actually ber. heIla ariid getAiwo iit I lime .,wl ft* odd p�Ae� irots In a b Tf oThe potatiii0i'should 0 iardeh fivid. Miss, hando 'and thoaght.2 mirtrzte. then st�e` amd,",at t is pie64 bT**'.ht togeter and deoiorat6L A leaning out tbei.taraon� of I. be 'tied, Ili the Vege -deitq . wt A sMWY AU of c ..in whieli n ft.no aga -1 ga! or FtnA w6ni; Mi ean be paintd, f type.' smooth. �bzight in *.Put . I weeds an other robbis, u, rot the. appl6s, su r- rok the t"c r. it "quit*"inIteris�e t M avero tot nod4e4 to tbd -n to;7 hold dut'severa it WE- r.9 iha& of blu"Tem amid shoo 196 seV.4�11. 40 loii�e ustarA^ -opened a new dv f .3* 4r, W. fre '*p 4r gpodo.,V�& ,tM, mi rounding it or i;iatt�r th6 rot, spere A ' ' " o titem. or,ear:y varieties auch and oun�6s.. eacli'f W*10 P:&YMg .,kftp f lriC4 ttie ivory. 'X p1MM MUM- In ho�eL b�a The bois TIM '' t%� w pp e0gant, red dpwao tit, Cobblers, eight, to, ten said: bamd!_�d in t is manmt�r �d_l Lxl�_-- V- P 9 4 ISM %if as men - s., R&S tuo bi�'t if eo�ore thav Is"' jnjar� -JU ooch are for Pot r e C furm... apre thatAe 11.k W�1.1. Mr ng _ "C apo� to Jaiii tang To. Of dU- `k1joo at "ZilSt a longw GW -n ountin.. brown, 01111 toi.1"tt nlplacir.,C apwils. are'' f rei I" �tpj4rey rots iatij6id and t kok� Mr L1cd6io,',xmd W"t an 2.: gst lil!ie Orh 1119 �o *e1 a brjJ&'d no -Una fi" In ex xned W the air. of the 6d �6,h, .8 d sheiv". Clbll.�,' vvh� i d Paraffus hlid.�­ J :41ack scurL d sJatk AoneN. and A-M-ce As hl at: them MOM t sour Pe nit Ifist finji&O !'ftie OArri%t 'M606ZJ�ed 'her apron in t R4oembiir - ' reii zide, IL oo"i a r.tt ar. V . 'C Nies, vridth re the fri�� to there,'is nosiot on. M. 1krin thar to: quar e- A�r eightK4. . ' � ! M illiduld W mote f1brtilo attan tile gRr Of bilmd* storagek. qhApe and 007or hThen -A. "be before ow, fimt pickin;r 4vid eaRed on Char.es Co. r. ('qt avc--y "It 5�k_ed �Y r tb-, Ortant.. onehad to ftft to quit , kwv�r tbe4e Am" -4) spot aft' r 'fj'oui We &S ling 4!nd.'ev*i 'be3 in S in'to th- After th� 'Vot��tWg c xr f rt4' get in;d pa ter ape -es goe be bid 4dds charriL A the Acave t . hein o tht aielcor a; -.t thdWM ow. rn si oiirolry wind6ve and &oi "M C:ara 06irn r on ed 4M 'a' �. L Jr ftekb"it'i button tabiles'" ftir 6.306t An Pass*- 'weeds rr. , . Then B opened tip,fiiordei,to d �M Witte Ar 1h hib a r wir and t r4tb, t d "titli �.,Soft briSt" be deaf ."ne he gr . owth of -the V7=7its "I;td V (!C. per*U". <, 7ed. o r 'T. ein fao& V u s;& tit tl.4� el* d, ui itoi,ioin cause. more nght Win.- Bennie ILV. i;� ��bo�rd. if P&I re silOe-to roqo�, eare %�Ot to ikij:uit_� the; 4.No, childflen," said Miss �Oii We?, 0 nio" tU R*T&n lite orainterest an(, p-aying. but IL ��j thiitt, t6 mv�rnl­ Lato -in psitrer And muttot6 'I ' i when'tNe firzt, i6ti psratgrc�l, Tho li WrAp cl�ch,o p mie U111 Va�r*y, P,2 _a*4�F 'if :7 use much. wa�er'tkiat u*k be usedy should, bi hen YOU 'Wi ah e 'd time _ 'i t. C.U. Tile, tr Will are silhatobt0.ed a iin i,,raty nk of Water COW&, ii� -theal4tr and 0' ... jr tter�ean burst -'a hutti6it biikkVot*d in c464� Ift the , fft d, viecei.;Of owery . .., .1 f0i t'h,- OarderL a'd? Ito et ldri fi off *,Of 6r, AV airl so closed ti t. ixut�riawit -to eIrg Mi&. 114rry makes flurrY in, the ce."Ar. just Gear Fft had IMI.%4' th' 1, i ome-. That turm to Inirotin U*ighft. Brush for t to thtS t�v arid. rid" I iie4��a "tit with brush rub lie. *ho W C64rigisa,rcucurn 6.1. At 1�. Toll t 40od p;eturleis 0 and ;nclows .,IBE4ra alrd;coru I annol C.0th. itid ioarni Ill n lthx. ro'l and o1pol dIIr_ *iC.ht.Jv,,witk [I poe of.the's�c �A. fit-# moss, by a up my casneft on put -out quiet t antedr jmt virfirtit-r with a jab�6 4r SoVootUft c4irkio cam -z* ompilirri nd, 'it 4 L ntv­ Iry for, fiv'J___nIca trjudes or t6,L cooil per*ads lei. Mpst wwl ta up.*imry but as 1ki g in the ollre. W,,h im htdistSk -frokk 016 tatt they we144'U:l` Giated r It , I % _,!r, P*_�t 0em �L: tempera urw art lei!, b<kt r�,%c k ewitk the at. emi� and tt:��t, mok eop� at t k th�,:, But 41d t OVe"'i Pac 01�k,* Miss CaZrit Cati"01 teo -h qltto� 61 F, d dm i -right red ver. All; WghtAenir n W. arstisut, e 1 't take 0r] 'd� 0 cot* a' toir it J;p1& it oVeit`tntfi -the Ls �everst thick e�ff the cetvn� -to, Warm up. 4wbere� tj _t no, one And stood, L P, �' -'- (�lFk n. ldt& *:e, ir, f Rot bUt in 116 dyl aie od vr#h- :L e Mi y t1v they N%4j U&diy "'It *Ad -1 , I MNO�__, , 'r, -r §611" wth in �vacti6tr i�he o rA moverneid t�,Wiird ,the, ett , of ,4fis* ed 0!�&arLj 10101), W 3* Ing. A, .6%ek,:to thrigz&den $eo, n*,,,. "littAy * 0 1 -doW3 With �lfit ''not. wl Tib�er, on -tot 'It very hAv D sum ait, in the ce-10 rWardL g" 6 nd ever om at the atti st4ii-%my-�'ATIA o40OW0,164A St VA, At ot emp Y y during Ae 1VimtL%r ImOnth� bwk 4�lip 'A d therg h i�ff�r their ew ficoks t& ktep' Abxo A� re -rho, lovror th-� t6e-� *K* -of athoW, th -ww ng 4,to the f riKn ft tt 01111`� r. 4. n. n0. VIA il Put *Mt iuod Visit tar"A. tot V�. '� neVer tD_r%OeJt f rtl7 otfit le, ' l' 't� to bad bi-st bt�' tin can't Wt Sam 't -he t4l Stu Yb*jrw.,fw It ti r t�j iN :tamie lidme beca he W V'