The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-02, Page 9• The NIOan iniAnovi • J OV aellAtr7..a lotar Altaalttlaiaar arifere ell Is. geft. and .{$113• a • ".They are unturned, • • •:lama e tb&yni1of a 410144. Dowel' T attaleillatealkraggla*Ice. • • • • 'Peatetitatee, the eteria hitrata ,eunimits; . • • " IMO their vir814. 090911.4,40 • ite. tears: . .. • ''.The: Ina .Carrell.4451heat 'With • Bead h*loala 'The Mietailfeee tli*IttHlanteetic lassee; But they art their. tlraarle. .,. • Itnintived. a a • . . • Reioyeatnetti Stregilel 44.44 *SW . bit s • • .aothiela U Peea.**/$11.gIIP agthoMable" ' • fillaite.eteraltir. ..• 140 MMO14114114 earb. .are, ' • 'flieWirik heaea ' "•••• . And: from Afar,. 1Uea Maidea's dream. liatiatieg Mahe blne,dlitanca. • ,satjTado they ;ripe ‘Gantkittfal. 'Sad' seem./ • , • ' ' ' , Because they. know mar known tons; a And in the nights •full of hiossoins • The eters have told:Mem the shining ' • destialee •' Of' ell tae The grana .91d past' of the bleb 'of- . • 'Greece, • The grand. new future that awaits the • ' ' • °Cate genlus of a viciorleate Taft. The great deed!' of Latin America,' • The hymn of the peoples that are 'folding? • • •- , • . One ane many at the dime Gine. the . banner of /3011VArS &earn! . • The mountains know 11,.' The mountainslofty and uninoyear' --Concha Melendez. • Translated from the apantelt by Alice Stone. Black- ThaSeanlitiess.. - A glimmer 0 -daylight , through the . • • • • The yellow atid blue sun foams • Rays Pearlia with .storms, Over the boimes and' over the plain. 1, • •• • • • Bent;gloomily, she 'lean' Ili the greedy ' • ' Butover the housetop • . • She feels. the'rainbowai" • , • . . aood, *Orig.*, by a etinttdiiin Vfriltet., A 'fernier MeMber of h. OM them reir LegislatUre -Who afterwa *eat e •nous° of •COinntoture onctie upMI •at ao,tel in Toronte. Afteiainight Or two 'lie eppitached• the hotel 'clerk with the !garde"; a •, , ,..•'. . • "Up our *ay we tainalia eye' &hid - In* a lantli when hes kOing'te. bet1.7 2, ., "lan't• there a light In Your tooniT" asked .01e:clerk' • • Baia the politician. The clerk elated la.lielabOy and told him to go' up and aiee "Moat It The boy found an overcoat hanging on the electrio light, bulb! - •• • • The farmer,boA• never, iiefore seen an electric light.' thoitgli he' had .been warden of taltrestern Ontario eceiaty. Mr. Heetoe 'Cherie:monk the cele- liratd Canedtan •Journallst, has many other amusing true stories to telt in his book of reeitatacences, "Candid Chatoniclee." '•• : '• • • At* •• ••e • • .„ . A eerie* 'lawyer,. while malang• a 'epee& eta cine occasion; ecintratinCed :with a recital of conaltiOns in.the cella niantty 1z which heas reared. He said that when a Methodist ininister Was going to another station, a asocial" was ,heldto bid -him' God -speed and 'to welcome: the new minister. • ,•';' ," The retirina Cleric Would, InaariablY say ,ahet though his hffilirt ached at. .CreSeent. ring • . , ,...LIMftlea's over the. lamsetops Stilt .aavance. with 'rein drops, • Aed.quietty start"' to sing. • At one of theee funetieniaan'Old 107 .burst. Inte tearea and sobbed' se 4447 that the retiring minister said: al tau leave the Platter* to try to canisig our distreeseel taster!! • ' • • He At down beelde her and ;Jade horahead, 88.71a0 that 5l.18 'Would and all was.for 'the best. But she, throng her gobs, =garnered:. • "I've beat: going to this Church to. fifty years; end I've been hearing thea speech you just made every three years. They; an say the next man will be better. But it 'ant true. They get worse and worse!' • • • e • The author regale the "'Mittel Tome - to of the great Catese statesman and soldier, Li Hung Chang... Thlis mandarin, instead ef adopting Euro- pean clothes for Ifs travels, retained *Whitt natiie p9mp. When tie wentabroad he, was taken about In a; great gfidea. chair which, becatise ot hiCaelk, • demanded four lusty .beareis; • , . He brought his . own food 'with him, imitating a .greet Consignment' �f live ducks.. Ineludea, in . his foodsupply: was a vast pile of clay cubes that look- ed. like cement bricks. Actualiyeach contained an egg several years , old; Whichhe esteemed a great delicacy aajan. wate Seita.Caadreari' 11 strangers aieseatea to Meta Ilite rst query; irrespective of sixatitisa "Row old are•your and, his second,' Have you any children?". leavetei lea afilands, he Wes • co:molted a by theathOught that 'ProvidenCe waafi • 'Pending them an abler and better'. mans tia telte. ala Piece. ' • .•• ;SingleietalieWideexPanse„ , The future's flowered aislea.• •• 'welling her hands, 46 TOMARCe- • • • Later, still awhira, Murnittrieg.oalee airs , • Shamovea toward honte stairs in the evening swirl, , In the midst of the throng • Heedlees, of: jestliag • • Alone at the bustling . ;• Beceese Of' het song. • • . —Henri Barbusee. • A Male AMMO!' at Least. •' She—"When in an out Of the way' spot likethis a girl always wishes She had; a' man's pittectiOti.". Oversensitive Mr: 'Stitalla-"Mies No- thort, let Me remind you 'that em a, , ,niale az:inlet at:Marta." ; WateRtghi. • The chairman elate advertising cofia • • fereeee eat down, confident in the b • • knowledge that his sPeeeh,had been A • BReeedS. ' •••' • "NO," he aaki tturt.tng to a Man by 0 his side, 41 don't think .that there is s • a tingle, Mistimes' Under ' the, sniv that d 'woOd not benefit by advertising." a 'Well," remarked the ether, "I can't .w •'agree 'with you." . • n ,"Whatr The cattlamte.a Vine wag n • Cold , lie was not used to.,contratlie- b • San. .. • • • t "• Ne;".e.athe the ansaver, "In my line I Of inisiness adierilsing Is quite un- gr ' neceeeatla We find that,oui Clients. • tletalitathing for us." • ", ,• s / ‘:R • ubbleal" snappedthe other. la "What Is your ef, busineesa any- 0 •• h • • No season Of the year :is se daige Outs to' the life of little; Ones as • mitemera. TheaexCeissive heat Sao* • the little .stoziach tint ,Of order -4141011y, that inilesaalanniPtaaid-in •hand, 'the baby 'may be ' beyond human Map aefore the imitheraealize .Ite is lit.: Summer is the 'mason Whe chelerninfantuntadysente and colic are. niost'preystlent. Any of these troubles may prove deadly lf. not •PreelPtly treated. 'During the •suininer ahe inotliers' hesatriend Is ihiby'elawn Tabletita They regulate ;the eoWeLs; • sWeeten the etaMaCh and keep latb healthy. • The alatblets are said b medicine dealers or by amil et aa .cent• a box from The Dralairillitunsalledtela Cita Brockville, Ona ' • . ' " • • • *a... ; 'ICilpkilar'S TathrliCa . of this. fundamental Kipling th cardinal qualities are three., .-The ;firs lay Is an. overpo • Mg passion fOr de Minion . •hunger .dertittai and 'system; The, second (b) the ar- il:attic' Catinterptiat and iritagieattea.la... ;statiment ofthe .first: , 'prodigious ineatalcapticity, nantely; Rif enforcing •design, for voinp.elltna,eoherence; for . atm:living Insubstantial dreaneetuff in- to saapes, as elear-cut ani decisive as rieWly ,end minted metal discs. And the, third: (c),. en 'the Physical th Plane, . e manual, counterpart of theie: g cunning creftetnan's gift for fitting these crisp units into complex patterns, .ediattieg, them like 'the works 0 a Natal', withan exquisite. tte- uracy, perferming mireelee of.rnimite Meehanical, perfection. • These are the three faculties, often Itted: and straine,k Mit torte eaeay- Where the shwa's: Of :fits work . The rhythms run With. a stein front step M 6t0a;'• every eentenee hi as tralght as A staitta/- each: has 'tit gait' Obtained• tune. Piga& One of them out f ite place and you reef ft WoUld. fall 1th "a Clink, leaTang.a slot thatwould everChuie tto,as theateles do in wail- er •Week. Replace it. and It. Meks aek Alice telai: In tafornia•fittatg Into he paragraph as the paragraph ate :ha o' the „tale., There' are no ,glidee-ot iteenotea,'orbloat Pitney of Sound'. . ...The fliythiris•niutit report PromptlY their tart afresh .afteralie full step, Lack t Mita; if.Yett like—but alio; itaitiet tinglieeeness of crettinnanshiP. And • It the same..wittatheeptical integers es it a third. Sudden scenee 'did his page like. inlaid :stone*. "The letatie Ly 'mean all liatterried with: peacocks'. eyes of foaina , "I awatig !the. car to clear the turf, brushed; air* the adfie or the weed; and turned in on the • broad' stone path te "Where the !pee- tain:basin lay like one star-eapphire.-• Dixon Scotarina"Merrof Lettersa , Kiphrig's It . .To udyard KiPling ar ed 'the ,gold medal of the Royal Society • first on -Sir of Literature, conferred Welter' Satat and later On George Hardy. •Meeedith',attd ,TheMas ' in lila hairnien of the Y. reply to Lordh.-Balfour, c 7 e meeting, r. Eiplingtes matlet clear - lie s: a eyed and ‘masterful appraisal' of his ,amiient craft in Which as been award • traCee • ' as he likesto—hack to the primordial •beginnhiga. seeing each waiter in his time, in that long suCcesitie of tae line e ;royal,' making a aid .for ' iniraottality., t with tae power of , the written word: A e adtiatted, niattellOuely uneetnia era u a ors'u.'aa t b and re. . He .has alatas held and, defeneea a high concept 'lathe written duty ead. responsibility, and he now aversthat none , had known: What truth. was till sanie men first told a Stara., about an: ether: Man. And heassigns to•:litera•• titre:. the,. place of the Oidefit of , an . the arts; mother of 'history, bieigraphy, :phillistiphy and pelitics: • ' ..It cannot be seid, that Kipling, great 'writer that he is; anelweys beenable .to realise in, hie 'own. *eak. that loftat. standard :to .Whica in atieteineatied; in. the artist's . conscience ,aeafidlieres. • Pew. Would prefer his latest short stoat", With their •cryptie phmsea and their vague and blurred:Intent; to his , expilclt and belekaneving tattiest tales, suck as ather Incarnation of . Erishnit Muleaney" Or !The Courting or Dinah Shedd." Jn berititY, aender- need and felicity //if (*don • 'he' :haa. • never; surptuteed. !The Brushwood ;Boy." Ile Juts Written no liner paette than thealleiceettionala or the &Knee - Hen Of the allaetackatoOna Ballade," • prodnsectits Boling man. But.he bas made h* *Sting place theughhe, never .penned anOther,hine. •.*.hen he SaYs; On the Curtent occta . tem"; that B.dozen writes 1 250' aPera are assured .of /their earthly limner- talita,' 'One feels that his own cane' to, he counted in Oatmeal' litanaer Might be estaiblished with a malerity.Of thes• e who iipeak and reed the tongue Whese flexible. appliaiteca .a.aa 'eaormity fila *taints supremely illatiarate; •, • Great Help. /1' • .. • A tall Man wasarying to lift. a avegen•F- • Wheel out et the Mire. A little renew, about ateteat high, nearly as; broad ' is. he Was Iong, *as standing teat, with his fiends in' hat, pockets. Atka awhile the boa Bina ottt ••"Mister, do' you want me to beat 'Ciaiiirit t viliffeaytat man Usan't, ablo..to lift 'th• e actreake More for ten •tnieuteea• •tOtild See Though ,Tatelfeiaaaalow, 'teititaibela • that anything you an ',CSO Mrougli Itt trataaateut, rate you mum; reineflang Abet. is.trattslutrentr 'Yes, ,Inalitn. A Iteyltols. • „1. • Of course- 'Yon enjoy 'Keen's, Mtiatard with- • cold meats. Tr3ritsnppedzing flavour with hot meats, toO-4oaist beef, Iamb, po, bacon, . -sausagcsi 'etc. 51 ids , Keen's., Mustard adds dell- eloutnees, and aide ages - tion. tithcitlreeh 14,.'every , tietoiti A Ot JesiaPes.ft - -TO, Written. hoiguitae,ir claire% is far herder to. relater than the oral, ter Witlie Jaealleaa taking up English has onlY tWeattYeag lettere, er the al-, gwho irtuirieetate:aoiralfste: ar nwe gt1h tthnutCea:1,4104:7:F4.; ac latabeaa Of featYlix-eraahlee .0ePhbe- , lofe he M. ready te.camtneeee the *Or ot writing the ' Ole thplOan4-004, cIaraeter In the aapaneiteaietainitry, The *erat of it is thet each oatholle nine thoueand"woraVals a separate oki„ Pieta** ale4e.r.ae ttaef freln,tWea 'Piece alipe by a Mara' breath you have 441aValleda'Raaarerada—Tlia--aatfern late in a large 'coma:ail:neat of trouble ferAllentsetves when th.ey lairrowea the ;Chinese idea ef. picture writing! It is rather Tart timing thd orlgtaat rude Rictuses in the preient, canyon- tionallzed characters; "gene are still quite ohyloi*. Thus "laachl'a (mniita to a rough square rePreseating an open ,moutlia (Men) In the begitmatee leaked mike child's line diewingair human; figure, though It has been ab- iireViatea gradually tat nothing' 18'lef now but the twe lega..as"Kite (north) ehavtat two men back to beck because ;the north wind makes mitt Middle to- gether to „keep warm, and "ueitia (horse) bag actually a neck, bacit, tell, aad fear date beneath for the hoofs. I used tap love the Paraphenalfe. of My Wilting lesaons: the thin rice Paper In long rolls; :the inlastotte ,with its hollowed well for watee in which one moistened the stick of petfnmod Ink before ',rubbing UP nnaPPIY on the stone; and the fine hair 'trashes • held daintily between' thumb and: foreflta ger, and 'shaped to *point between e Itp. Whenever I see a Japanese writing now, I can Rtill taste relahlia- centlythe sweet, gritty haver Of the ink on My brush,—Thecidata ,Geoffrey, In "An Immigrant in Japan." The old &dor' Talks. There was Action, M. the•fild; dean, when . I learned telOve the sea,• • . Thexe was beeitte . 1 the canvas . which your turbines • caa't re- • lace, , • • . : Ola the liner is a IsAly,,laut .she' hethtfor-Waa • 7'7 '7.- •. Per Ethers '•liueinestalitiP a1d snappy •• and thereat hardness in her face• , And Inks§ to.• see .mY woman wear a little bit of Igee. , •• , , , , - There was peetrY 1/2 OtOling when the. _ sees were renniag. free, There was niesic in the rigging when • .tbowbnd began to blow, But the liner; ihe.te baughaaantl ehe'•. • netthe girl for Me, • She walas, away from humble Waite •Whe try to fitly Atta lige 4.1 have my woman sort o' • friendlY, don't yOu.kitow.. • ' tia-biterness :now; is eallingana • think you will agreea • wale arrivalk and depertalett lust a • regular as bed; : • • • , . • Oh, the liner, is a lady, but She's, Mit •, ' the gitaforme, . • She always shows about the :same • • the amethe leg ts read, •And I'd rather have a• Women With • •• some nensenati itt 'heratead. • —Edgar A. Guest,, The Dentists Will•klaye aButy Day -X-Ray .Machines 'to , . • 'The .atrangeMenta ier the. 'various actialtiee cannected 'with 'the. Ontario Dental Ilealth..Day, be be, held ea.W'ed- nefitafty,'•October.•26ili,.are now well un, der wen and.thie dental beelike:Idea. tional'erfortaproingee to be , great eucceisaTitis,is 'the 'Oasttintea.that an edecatiOnal:canipaigfi•oa•thts kinti has ,eVer been 'attempted .in . Canada'. and the Bon. Dr.: Goilfr,eaa Minister aleaith,. and his 'Vepartment, 'arc to he ciagra.ttilated area . initiating %thiti int - portant Public health endeavor. Tke .fekt.that inOuth infections and:denial opals; :,..eause 0 vagt•, amount Of ill atealta, is 'new, generally reecigniZed and the value /or a Moireinent 'which • will. tend • te, prevent tooth '..detay and pyorrhea • ,will be :aparealated by the general public.: The 'Popularity of the 'effortla demonstrated; by the fact that all the prominent health; educatioliai and eoCial Welfare' Organizationa in ,the. Province ..tire teaperating ,In 0 most enthusiastic manner. One: of • the activities being organteeil. is the pro- eiditig. di 'free: dental exentioetioti :and advice;over e„theMeitaid dentists wit heatt,a part he tale efiraey and It Will beeitended to every Part ea the :Pro vince. In every liectitat Of OittatiO those exul deisire wtU baalifeie get the service and lit a hUniher Or districts free x-raypictures will aio be avail, Attie; ' • The ;genet* Pulie .edueatitimil cite - patina Will :consist Ot noweettper 'atclea, Motion pictures aadandlo taike publfc tneetinas and mass aieetiaga for schoolchildren Will' also be 11e]d 'he •service plubs eta giving .p.rites to. tile thildren writing .,the, beet essay% or Pre. paring the beat poster's on Dental Health. The: merchants are arranging 'forsttitable, iiiiitaaw 'displays atid 'bust, nese. eabeeres heaeofiaiactate entleSe dentelahealtlalettfletain. the comnitma Catkins sent out to their cestokiere ana eiienti. The Otiteehialaetlea 'Pletuee alureau 1 contributing the :notion, .ote. taro filiaa andthevarious exchanges are 'difltrilitithig thetn to the .theetree.„ the dottrteifY of the, toronibPjlni Beard' . A' altott , dental health film I wilt be .stelVzi itt e)leit' of the larger theatees 'in Otaeriai • 'Dante). Ilealth colleen .prograMinea, •hieltitifite altort talk on ,the 'prevention, of 'inot-Ith fl - eases, Will be breadeastett tram . the radio Latbons . •Anna:ate Liniment Xer'dolons nod riAzis • laeado Alpine Club. , E. C., BelL C.M.G., of .Vatecouvere • the new. a:resident, et the alpine Club. ef Canada. He was elected 'at the annual meeting in the'• TonAtan valley,•Jasper Nattonel para; .41beeta. Restored to Health Through the •Use of Dr. Williams' Pink 'PM& art I a PleaeUit.." -Baas Mr.s.'.1to's 13,044,4 Of 'Victoria, P.B.I., "to tell Ton or the new health' and strength I got ,through the use of.Dr..Wtlliams' ,Pink' Ting. Before taking the pills life was iaburden to mel was so badly 'run dealt that,' did net..knciyo • what. to .do: My blood seemed to .• have timed. to water, I wee. very pale, COntitallt0 Geed, arid, was losing flesh, It ;men trial to attempt hoeseweria, Added :to this 1 had .a bed cough..and my hes- band. and friends •thought X was going into .censumptitaia• the:medical. treat- ment Iwai taking.did net appeezatodo me any good,. and. I bed about given up lioae-Whea,a friend urged .me to trY• Dr. 12Filtlanis' Milt 'Pals: I got lax tief:::tha-716titatlilAie:.a'got'aiic More boxes Be- fore taeeewere all taken I was e new woman, restored egatato geed health., mi. ye a a e dp e I. Ivetite olguhrnt„edth4e c�ugh oel e mee aad a good color Bettei 0011,1 was able to do; • me housework without fatigue; .Needleite tO day I•nlWays re- coitaiena De... Williams' Pala Pills. tO erid 1 ItoPethiii,Wilt he the 'tneetie of Ipointing.the toed to 'good • healthto sonie other sufferer." • .•'• Try, Dr,. . .for aaaatiltat,.rheinnatIem; -neuralgia, nee. 'aotainetts: Take"thein as a tonic:if You are -not In the bestphysicalaisondaien- *and cultirate; a. teststances, that Will lteeP. yOu.WelI•and strong. • ••• • , If you will Sena es year nameaand address a lane book Hbuilding Blood,'! Will .be Mined. you. prepaid. This beak containganatty useful health. • • , • ton can, get these .pills' through any teedieine 'dealer or by Mail at 5.0.' ient8. a. box .frcirp The Dr. Medi- eine Co.; Brockville; Ont. Twenty Mlles Down. • Great .intetest bag been aroused 'in scientific circles by tlie proposal to ferm asyedleitte..te, eatilore• the elietea ana: mineral contents of ihe. earth at depths 'far gitateratatie . any yPt reaChed by man., •• , • •• • EimerimenM carried. out :at Sicain Unteerataa. Montreal, point to the Met that a depth of at least tatIve Mlles Is not beyond tae range of Medern aineeringa while lri certain Parts,- a depth of even twenty miles would net be Impracticable. The deepest Woalt- aale, mine , • is that ef ' Morro where gold and Other Mite:dab are found .at a depth:ban miM and a' quarter. ., • • •• ' • • The greatest.difficulty that vftI con: front the boring 'engineers; if the. above Mentioned Proposal is. proceeded „With.; is that...et oVerconting the .intense heat' that will be. encountered.. The tenta perature 'rises about 'one' degree for eveik thlrty.yardstraversed beneath the serfeee; this means thet. water *mid hall' 'at a depth otwe while the hardeet kiloWn 'Substance would Melt at twantaave - . . • „ . '• etvERS oPPoRTUNmES many.o.C.A. students ate inkcesstutly. .Orspkiied outing Adverdshig Designs •• arid Multrations. Interior Decorating , .12trittre. Metal Work.:Soined Glass, !rosier): and .other highly•paid wttoR. ONTARIO COLLEGE '614RT GRANGE PARK. TORtiNTO: DAY AND eViitiNG Ag•OOLN OCT tom TOR PROSPECTUS te PARTICI:LADS i . .....r.a.............e.....• ,....... : ....t...no. i ••111•••••TMIPPeRMENW•vi,o•rroirmr, ............merw•ig,....aemitAie •• ' Sprains.: .,• . . a . Avoid. further pain and' stiffee'ss by • • - I rubbing with Minaril'a. it relieves: inflammation, seethes:, eta heal. , I • 1 .S1 Alzi E" VOltait OfirlINQ 24-0114eli, in•ti Broaticatit ot* Tree Lactare ate lielenekaatitied • siChilatian $cienoe,0 Reicttfor• to thp Dpst ny of Man. Visttora. to the Exhibition • will beleoWOd , at nay .g411, • stauon Caccia, 057 faaaalinittl.and;11.41able ' . Battery CoiallanY'a a • •• ' OUrNroGmaYmpit:er 8Mus(q Hall, 4000roniPt,:t ' Ity l'aul Stark' Seeley, C.S.B. of Portland., onion, Anlemberof Of 14etureehlo of TheMothor . Chaa4ch.The, Plrtsca, •ttCar oene,o4Masi. Termysoii'l B .Ivy pobooning . is so prevalent this , • to beyS4141,4# Auchon . , many 'people know Ode plant, "the ' ..rung .ca .toproyee-uhl 7 to be nog, ag- . . ig; '.°11".1 ' - . " ' • b li-atit ....thee • eateater; it leade, pan. to ,. es .. Taxan= a . rap , : ,e atat , , . • worst eipgetetae' elan .Peisonalri Arnera auction. , the .„.,..t,, =,,„.,•,,,....h,,... .,..... cu.. -4 Is native 0 Caneda and le 'ea- eaa ea& aa,' -"lipliiat% to go pootiol""..4.4"10,:'.. •ttf. a linr' ahimb. • 'The 1 f is lam - ' skireletCt'i aVa" vea7,44670::::::4t. ti0044.along eV:antra roads and, ail too tea.. aieliehaerheea, ,.,-tn the , estate of : eat* Oven, .1.1i 00. Parks. r040its •Ii7 gonwrib7,.:gem.,..Opilsbyp,; an. woos. aemblos that 'of the';*.irilanit Creeper a thareasen fee the etteatanasea hew- • bui ha 'divided hate three dittinet lesia' arm,. if natthe taut that Tennyson,. . 145_,th; It lint a •brignt green "1°17 7itleit Waal banked by the brOOk to Write WI "1.4.danhituldoren.to aaletnn3qunittelf ahtoadr)cognea.' he. it; anninatin.catainnataaat ii.butfi..,tbit the „brook . and sheikhd not go where itis Ilable UPI --a" — ' 'est tin" in the • be felted 'until they can recognize it eeen....trY,' la the two Mile( *sit, stream • • hi• the • city ot *Iowan the Hortieu, ilsi ...tot, antil_atten_ataa—em,:t7170., reslintt• 43.044,nce. kite..6,70: and *new the danger of touching la With*" 444 ,4itato thea fialtarMen new steer:601 Ise:elle:6a, , eaaontateear,t!nginipartitietad.tb. a .aialanal ,1194w1"11 IOTA Pad Of ftilikd. I cliP"itY Isilloheo.nO".1°Sti:tlitheinpwaltt traelf-"fe9hr.aft,lis.tliOh7 I .114." VilS 'II 'Ercdng 46 liaPien 't° the • lng the children to lama,' the plant and flow to teeat ivy poteoning; ' • - : • cattle' can -t pelson MY. without 'ma' iltreffeaset, bat dogs are poisoned by It. ,When a human being le effect. . . gonizilitiiit°1004 liedwilit • In`. 417 -..„ The house .on.; the eatate faH the Otte ''''7. ',' ., 'th watch, 'Tennyson, Was ... been an ,veliere, he itaenthis early and most Sin- ithaialunabl, years:. The fignt tope .;., or the. Tfliegere le that somione zinght ' ed, It:shows at; ananfiammatimaotthe. buy the PhLee Is Ilieilc,49ad' iisvi qii ' .. . skin immediately :or within a short".°.*e., ilDen flIllsturl"id••, - l. altheugh, Seine /iodide' are toll • ' tinte, 'after Coznifig. in, contact With the, eaves, .- ' • • . ..‘ .Fur:4')-a•ape,remociait. Fail„.... siMOoPtible . that they are' "affected.' let The greatest , Waterfalls. * 'anvil* ' they nierely.pana the pleat and do not are on theRhitte. a ' ; . louCi • It, The. 'potion can else benaa :'• . ' 'r.,.d• •w:tkans'telt°ot'hdinog.• : :,:tch;r1.6113;ettmen't, in.' tui''''f. '''')';e: :1O1' ''-ranli44-*9'r vinegar ct:.r°14. saliti..7:4)tro. ret144pinti 7: to--aaer-raationeatt:eavitianara-ane-Fet eraperie.Raci! aasend•Relovrau enhoita; ' , '' • inia miski_ne.WAely Iteve-mges4:40i4whYs.,',44.3*,-...:. . tank:, ilk Wats, Neu ere, rearm iney.skest : are, recothatended, as they are easy to od; the,' year. ;New oda do the sane. Mart find! *get . in any -hotalekel.d... Geoaaetrankl.larl wise br $ir sick imi • . moan° yellew ;laundry :soap tbecituie, of, the *unreiaPor:airsar‘eStihi::k 7.1".r'' 8"11. sle". br ..."1"rtnt, .'• antiseptic aetben of: the potash) hp ' • • ''''''' . 1141" F . . I". 1183:9' . Piacautiotata Carry a piece or thittaind I Most helpful- When maid 'prontaitly. t� . wash. the karts effecteilait is A .reitle ' Of soap an your pocket whezegoing ter a' teemp. in. Sze. wooda,•and to ,nee, it ?I'.ielni•Y..se%fteerre"caciseutit,inagp.p1;;Clita.: n. .clotlt. ti. .noabeil in het. horateic acid • (4 tip.. to a . pint); Changing .. :frequently. ' Vera severe. Cases should be .seenb ' d' ' POULTRY PROnTS. •• • Ro you tow bob? or do' ken km Yoe Moons Reap Minied's Liniment .tiandy:• • Plane to Carey Fifty, Salaam". Arr &metal airtillitie capable or ear- rylng fitta f,ully equipped soldiers was oraeied:•reeently..ba, the Britt:eh Air Ministry. ' This •oraer, . .itaas POpular. SeleaCe Menthlyfollowed the ear& pletion of a fleet of air buses for Malin- • ty-ilve. soldiers .g 064 time age for ' • atandsoliete, Mein -sae 4Ith 'aiStos' et moderate irked bonnets, Csaudiasi Ar- ' eisitecn.wdriemeLisa.ntdidsrer "'Game seetodaadi astbstaaar ;exterior lealataaatiskiaterarar- ..tangerneat. sad decorldsa. seed 23e far seam' liescLsesiBedldsreelealets sIi Aldehddll'AL Walt. ' Rare Songster. • The nightingale, if' he should singay day, when every goose is cackling, week be thought no better a Inusician. than his wren • How many things by &Omen ateastieed are ' tO their right praise and true • perfection.-aahakee speare. •• • When Ostriches: Are Ankria Ostriches lase When attacked or if angry. . A NeW Skin 'Treatment' • SOREMA is the discovery 9f a Caeadien Druggist of 35 years' experience who freed himself o! . PSORIASIS after 14 yearsamiffer- Mg..• The ointment Is readily ab- - sorbed: Into the third and fourth • : layerof the skin and attaeks . skin troubles . at their ,eouree. Sorema is mosta effectiveas a com- bination treatment. • ' SOREMA oorrmikt 'and 'TABLETS Elarema is eold by your Druggists Or • Wrke'ue direct. Serene,. Ointment, ' $1.00 pee ;boa; Meal Puilfyina.' • Tialete, 76 centsper box. • FLASH -PROaLICTS, LIMITED , 1107: BAY. 'ST., TORONTO ' " • COULD NOT •SLEEP OR , REST EczemaFormed VVaterY Pimples. Face Disfigured. Cutipura, Healed. _ • Eczema broke eat on ray eistera. c,hin.. Its started.With an:. aching and burning . and later fornied witer. pimples that turned tie sore crimucni. She tepid tnit'sleep: or reiton account of die Irritation, and her. facie`wai disfigured. "I' read an advertisement for Curitura Soap and •Ointitient and -tient for a free sample. After. Using, .Itshe got relief sopurchatied a Cake. "if .Cuticura amp and & boa .9f CUticura Ointment- which heal$51 her.' t(Sighed) MisaMuriel le*ers, Harrigan catie,, Nova Scetic ,poiCreleipactYivcieigh;311-.dinailay*uttea•not cyttolir tf- curl Soap. , Heal irrititiOna • and rashes with OMicurnOintment: BampIti tath. free by Matt Addreew Caitildlatt 'Depot!' liteakoaat. Ltd, MontataV Pricl; Soap 234. °fatal...tit ;3 and 5(yialetita War cwocura. shavuis Stick 215o. • PECTANT MOTHERS Read Mrs, Mdluard'a Letter: Her Eiiierienc.e, May fielp ...anthem, Ontario: L' al went to tell ard,hOW much goo:4,1233'0;r, Infeedlitai:oe, has done me. Be - fere flay. belay weak and enna down that acould and atceahrre ached was ,0"ia snla ndas:uh;elialsot_ couinged th a t I could cry from morningtillnight. I had another baby justoneyear , and a half old and it gave me a lot to • do. So I thought I would try Lydia • E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cornpeandaa as I had read so much about it in the ' little books. I found a difference right away ttS,Iny head •vas relieved and -a- , my tired feelings gone. My sister. had been 'doing Toy washing and she. • continued doing. it., as she said. it might set Me bacf.it if 1 -started to. do it again., it sore Ilia help me and had taken just two bottles when thy • baby came.. He is R fine big hey. now nearly five months old. I ant taking .yont medieine again and lam able to do tne Work all by myself now. ol unlisvpoatis to.recommend,lvonoo_athteci Ve8pegeelia4bul c; to axstearitsiteithere, as 1 believe thea aved help- at those -times. ' 'Mrs...OLIVER 14kVistiNTACeirter St Cbathato, ati.4611,**). •