The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-02, Page 8• ,6 4n. *16,4"4"0.44 i),-1.z.,....ty,4c..,ixt..seafi:!.00,4110*- 0.',04,1,,It'hiscli tlie, ' .feasibility of au - ' • ' .0 ' - ' - , _ _ . ...; askatchewan are abetit * ' the. "C*4 4411"t°11*'" ill 'demand ' ' A ' ' PPIYIng4. Ilt'arit4 • -iit, talu ',their: Wiajeriti,. pit, geptessber . a an it ut iiiteresti.. - - 11-"b5i, vdit be gl, rieraet ..iiice 'ha that in 1990 ore 031 't "i 49" • ;troll**. °ie. reikasstedin 000 froe)..tatli;. di;71Wetlitaretrd:7'.‘;*481:041,044117:9Z5 :4771 .1- ' nn 0;ii,094131 Ong' and in 1928 , ,Albertaand Athabasca and granted City of Alberta's c0,41,:Mlneg.-iS Tel, iihe.41gWer_eelfrojerepenowmor ..1'r hen is shown by these itentatiVett elected to their respective figures and Witk-alniont.:nnliM al ;0- `. legislatiVe, assemblies as in, the 'ether i gems, expansion ef thisindtret 914 provinces... Alberta.. has ' an ' area of 1 awaite .• the ,develepment of . ,• • mar - 265,285. initiare' *lent 'One Oaskiit,.• IMO, ilteWan'a area 15 00,106' Square MUM. ' ,S101C0Oh9Wan 11118' infj,,lit 4ace„viith These *winces extend. -‘m the, 49th 'Alberta' In grewtit• the ' gl Year* /e, the 66.tit, parniiel of latitude, or 700 shine it became a. province.. In, 1.66 •i ilea, and •eieli la-more'than twice as AS -RePnlation Was, 2,§7,710;' AU?* i i' 1 rge' as. Ake' ,cbMbined Arena of , Awl- ,estimated„ population is: 8514009,': .4ft„ ' 'Op Wales, Scotland and Iitelantt.... - capitai;`.Rogian,. had a lioptaation of .,-.. Now that these' newest Members of 3;990 in 1993, 6,169 in 1906 and now , . the ,Confederation," of • Canadian -pp)... line about 40,090: - Saskatoon, in, 190*. irinees are '-entering: the adult' 4taget ,**4 113;' *..1.904: 8,041, and now has • smite cOmparative statitities showing a population of 0)44 80,000. in 1904, ' their growth : will be of interest. Al-' the ,railways 'Mileage, of Saskatchewan '' * 'berta *' 1008 het} a population , of 'was' 1,652 whereas. in. 1920, this greet 1.45,412, whereas tta eitiinated ponulit.: :Wheat= Prodireing !POP/ince was served • lien f•lt, now 667,060,, 'In 1906' Calgary by 7,059 Pinto' of .,**11WAY.- In 190 -had a'.'•population of .1.1097 ,and Ed, ,only, 1.,870;2:81 aersa were. Seinledtg• -.Inenten 11,197. '• llow'-eitele0f- these Wheat, and produced $4;799,199.httirk.' Olt*. 1"s over -439.000.00niation. • in els, while the area seeded to- all crops, 4 1900 -Vberta had: 1,060'•titilea,•of raW wita2.010,978 acres... In 1925, 13,002 - *eV .,'"'-e• it hkaereed•WeVer 'OAP q t'°111V1IY 1,blete-1"';Ntle*- kpixob&ricTi. :74-i; acres produced 240,551,000 bushels '01A '616,821 acren'i*.ielt-eXo airr the whaat• production writ 3,025;u. 43 bushels. 1925, 5,719,749 ' tides '!ere Seeded to wheat .and 10,886,35 - Urea to all fieldemPai While the 'wheat crop aniounted10102,955,009 bus. The field Crops Were valued at $194,358, 000. When Alberti becaitte-1.Preeinee It was noted for its ranching with mil- lions of :acres 'of unfenced. range.. in 1908.1t had. 950,632 cattle; Whereas in , 1926 it had 1,520,729 cattle.. The con- trast even Mira 'marked when the figures for ,mileh cows are compared;• , fer;these two years they were 101,245 ind 6U,72 in -1906thol• total for horsoi,s, • cattle, sheep - end •OnTine was 1.440,9557. -in 1926 it was 11,471,374. Tho- growth of the dairy Industry is most remarkable.-, In 1905 • this production of creamery butter aid 2beese. Was ; In ,1924, the last year for Which-quanti= ties are„.at hand, Alberta 'produced 22,288,88,8 lb's. of creamer3r butter and 1,714,790, lbs, ; of ;cheese. : Alberta's-- coal rasa/twee-W-0re: very- known .total srea 13 field afi6,66-1**1., 343,901S09:f: n 105,, there were 472,854 cattle' in Saskatchewan and in' 1925, 4499,411. The total for horses, cattle, sheep and awine 13.,1905 waik958,628 and in 1926, 6,411,895. That Satkatchewan is not pinning .its faith entirely on wheat an some people suppose is shown by the growth of the dairy industry. There were 112,61.8' mulch cows in 1905; whereas in 1926 there were 496,502, and the production of creamery but- ter climbed from 182,446, lbs. in 1906 to 13,498.670 lbs. in 1924. It has often been said that the 20th testi ••• d -ear...- - • i•• •' • 71 .4091,1*,• . • - • r,••.- 4••••• , - . • - :• . • " ••• • • ••••:!". • '..”°1 • ••• y " ••,• • A ••• • '• • • 'rk • ••••• • ••• '..The photograph above shows Gertrude Ederle reeeiVing. nouriShinent from friends aboard the tug , whIck eecierted her when she syMm.the Nligna,4 channel receitiy, The Picture' hi otintereet in *le* 4 di,e •Praaent con- troversy aii(to Whether' the big aided Miss Ederle by sheltering 'her from the, tide :, and current of Ott ,ebannel. :Gertnide has declared herself prepared to meet all male or female c•hallengers bra channel swim, for a $20,000 purse:, , . ' .•'•• tainly the DoMinion has just • retison to be proud of these sturdy children just now reaching the adult stage and the part they have played In the dee velopment of the first quarter of the century. A. That the multi achieved in childhood will be far Surpassed by these. newest inembere of the sister- hood of Canadian provinces in the next quarter Of a century is a foie- . • gonei,eoncssion. Sawdust Yields Sugar. I • —•••••=••:••••••_ 'The Water -Ousel... ."'The'lereneas. of, eXtradting singer Where on thewrinkled stream the Wil; ffoin savidiliiVia''neW'a,lirfletietil cam- . lows ' • ., • : • •` piiiircialliiikrosition,".ilitidDr.W.,ItiGi- 'And Ring a:very ecstasy of .green ••- ' Legionofitionot- ri;x04040k, • Sons to War 810'homii'a Latest. That coveted decoration, the Legion Of all ,optiinists, Sir. Thomas •L1Pton:, of Honor; „which represents myth is surely the chief. He': le going to to the French people. has been award- 'Mire • another shot • at i winning the ed to two peasant women farmers. In i AMPricP. OM. and 4espits the. fact, that continuance of a tradition established [the yacht has to be. built vita. view a •few years ago, to: eneourage large to creasing: the.A.tlantie;as *ell as par - families and .fidelity te the land. h7' ineens. of rtancell highest boner: The citations in the 'Journal ,Offialet neeciinpanying these. two neminations as ..11nights."'cif the, Legion' et Meier •;.7, eb •Miff* of Saint WHAT tee,9,414,011 and..,the ringing ;of tkkdAnt!intAtel4; • eitfige..149.10ilitiss et',InelltS!` Jekyll and HAPS in geellnlia• • ,and,apaislind.riliiing; the view * •• USSY„hill'IcipOet(h9; ar:'martelle tower; • ' ' Rob Stv tie, Onto 'OP 0leteres. et An AStonIshing'doveloPMeat•If -rtbe Saint John. 1 ert Louts eenson's "Pr. 4,41i- and ' An eld:t9Wri • 'ireng agO, linked by., Mr. IlYdo"'thenri that two Personali? •• ' .n.'•port Mled With, fereige sailors! It War4Thi. Votti§scm*Agf4a NU,P1_.._ 40.1i trade, roiatiella with the . west Indies,ties may exist 14. ODO body IS Put fox', 70740,4,.7.....44trreo_trov,..u.e0011pro.14.013 ,int,,ie,s...7r,/,,,,,Tnemn:tIns,tioion.i,etv7..e.vr:ollyye:t .• 1,:sii:ofe:,;,9torirm:rt: p:s10);:cg.49get:':04, t.ta:Vati.i. ,:a9r.r11:a,m.411-de9.,:er. Ake Patefilabar-iiitiet-elte-Will-4,. • Prefessor McDougall who ts One of • . )""43,q0:- ‘.1•Mfere Allehee:' was ' 'Leinided, IS'''Ono Jekyll Slut one • T . e ..e. a -'0914074-11114"14.PBta 4pil'hirtrOp...a:edt:- the mouth '-ruZilletnil ..ire*r. !eP4nen't4/144:271•Ingt,447 °Ihx1:11,1t411:eoe"lr ina:' . 'in: honor of therSaint whoes day it. was. [Merely the dominant Self, or the 'cern,: .Illgit was Xst the 2401. of June, /604: ,- , 'Minder of the regielent. • He seta forth '... •her unique eetting. , •, ',:i• Alwaya, the: -NyclielogY," publialied by •Nothaen4 ...‘ tures4 :k,70r est: iirt igeo.p.t440-40Teer,toimiln.t.wi!Ali-,lite VesSons? for Ibis', stnroing belief in ' -• ' ; , ,.. „. • ..• . ,- • - -' • a lie*: *Mt, "An 014110 Of' Ahuermal • ' Jand.,has been haraesed ,hy tho-tioes• • - • ' ,Muitipld. Personality. ' ' • ' Of the' 'par of. randy:, anirmurKg, ' -Alninr*itl instances are . Cited, in MenitchtF , . . tides, full of '"MySterT. Which' persons With 'deranged MITI* • Inerninee 'dr.iYe' through. ,Itenirw'9110°44. haYP•Pdtriederent 'iilleerSP"ona4tilitlisSes,"itfhltuserhslieSt'emir. ... .• ,. ,.:' She 'Fan- . transport you. to Park, to,•SOottioli: lii4; and gemllitc- ing to bo at bee, radraeat ,..iebyti.. ai4 :lakes. i • An hour later. you are on tlio, at another "Hyde." and professor ' ?he-. waves, .0P else hiaelr 'Webs and tawilY mystei7 forilyeahrsa°coPinueledto tliCe*votrnethlut ' Atlaniic Heaboar4 facing , , dancing peegaii, sand* if the •tide is tett:. The farina.- sion that.this."Multiple personality" a. ' Oen Pt her rivers in, inexhanstihin• •• • to be esPlaitted On the. theory that the I 010134 of Buse Carman and his brre "VersonalitY" of everVele is a heir' archy,' Or army of 44in.onads," or 'mires.. for hie, "port . Of hercieS;" "the harren. nearlir OW, romantic ,element or the the *oat Pmminent theThvnrid'e: bia etnnewhat battered face,. "Hang' it 'alit" he cried "It was . . . , • capers . I was thinkin7 of-notanchov-. les.' • ' . . . • '• Keeping Out ItitrUders, • , , The feet tbat Mr. iinelair well known 'writer.; "has ..regnood , the 'Pnittier ;prise Of $1008.awarded to him reacheri by the thle." "the ieog dykes -;Bolong the "1" ,bee emir& ane- • with. uneasy 'foam," "the marsh s fail the *-liole • Pa of the seal' 1110Ointeps of' "natein 4C4419!"4* one had hhaeurep.t.,4P4rtonlith.ecacm. 11040•604-'..--2,77.3inni,..i: L'hed.r:r7iirs78..ici,:it::..ththale.:,.1-,xii.brec".ro.iiieu-...„-.71,'.., Parting v./e journeyed •with ' and the • henOnienon of Past totklight-housa, . Past 'the ifinultiP14; personality" beeoines• ap: Past the orinison Oiling sun, What is a "monad V! Dr. McDougall ' There .are, dreams go :doirn, the her- assumes .that it is "an ultimate reality, • . • - boar . . being that exists and is active in 113 With the te,11 ships of.• ilith.st John. Oin1 right," ' and that "the normal --Katherine Hale, in "Canadian cities human personality is 'essentially' a ' society of such inonatlii, living. in bar- \ nioniOnti cOOPenation In virtue of MI • - integrate/A of -them all in one system." • ,ticipating in the race, he remains for ever hopeful'. . To the AMerica'OUp for his latest 'novel,: reminds -11s of al ,ailtemarice.» to the large`Ctillecton . of ottininsport! stery,that used to be current concern, ' - • • ing trophies he has acquiredis the am- hir.a. „ • • ; ..• . • •, • Ll'armnr •• at V498 tr110Matikoller.t.s. _He hap a fine lihraTYL bition (4:4111 Me. " things' del' to toell..eauttW*Iotr,iManWealcolleMwe,:itieilbo' insn'l)rt 'Not theAswieast ef tire eahlacm" • Cupsaro not the only d'Istinave (Ain Department) forty-five memo, • *Alia Is kept, .0,1..150004 yeane' Practice, of •:agridifiture, mother eiteiges 'et an efilee. in Covent Garden. of; iliteen children; .lost, two sons In. One. Morning, • recently, he. instructed the war: Has eleven children still his servant:to !Aline' nil the oMetv and a NOY of :•rirtn. VOrharS.- has Born labare4 thfleeN•Ptva. to ilngit ing, all Working on the land, • In 1311 one of the clerks on the isnaktrOni her earnest yeS1:15 at -once.; but an, hour /Milked by, and toe h„ aeoeiseti. In inahini4 her fain. the! the clerk rang Sir Themes'up. . her Incessant tell and ". spirit_ of . "yin afraid,' „Sir Thomas, do0, •• • • • quire, snid "Your• .servant • . petnal Ulf 'and warfare, with filet the "Madame' Peres,' •Widow, farmei., .quite. . Understand What, • t, You re' ziot . • . • . • • • Vital Units.. 'was hiti. custinn to, retire -10 'What he lug is your eamoire. at night. What ' rrOteaBOi McDougall • apParentli -tialuelfis--sermme ;r4lOaset.-13- thinks that the mind does not merely mules any-• .faintly Outlined ,:upon,.the deet Pe Mien • •Thifl. ands. eom where, With. two doers, frontandback: Minivan 'ef? abieet; en; but that it Is a sort of •C1.1 -1.Q•, • • On the . front .door ,wno. this. sigi,ti in every attitilde og your Colorado IS strik7 Wee& 'or a atata separate iatsingent big, letters: • ' .." • ing and :reSniOrible. ;• You 800 effects' , • ,"No admlssion except' On' bnsiness: and grange every ;Moment ' that yen asserts that none 'Of- the: theoriet • No .hustneaa transacted: here,"'. • ; would.glye'moneY'lt•he able*In carry er the "sub -conscious" •mind, the . • On the beck door • was 'another pig .away ivith 13 enuring forni. 'How 2.191Mrwititill "s64711:,oc" ohrii•ptheeolui:''nuileerernFeteeituso,.,:;up:gt.,' ig that /read. • ••: . • . • the shadows leap, and skulk, and hover and Others,, explains' the facts •of :sub- , censcione;activity, , ,Ile &Olds up Ma • Min. theory on the heals :that "Man' is: a colonial'orgianisn; his body consists •• of vest 'number., c.elis, each of which is in a settee. a vital unit, Hhs life ie the More er harthenized•eo operation of afithis,vestiniultitude." • The 'aervaiis sySteln. Which; niain-., tains, the harmony of the •whOle,:multt., tude,•-ferme 'certain '''"Innato'••integra- ..5•• thilut,'• the chief • of which are: the qn-. stinctivedispOditione." These Instinc- tive 'dispositions '•••• become • fixed -Into sentitnents of love, hate; liking, dislike, adrairatien.: fear, and soen-and • firiaV • _ ly one sentiment dominates . the; others, and establishes. "character." • '• •.•.,• , •••• , a model for the .diettict." • . • • • I 13 • `rDo•not: enter without knocking. Do about! 'Llghtand-darkpese are in per - The King's DoctOr's . one unhorsed, then, the 'other. ' The say -s we. are to. send you a list of . kervii-enBecier (Pinistere Depart-' . ...... , ineut). ,fortY-four, years! practical work on the land. 'Mother of iliirteen;thild- ren, had , six sena •mobilizeil,. three' of Whom were killed inaction.. Witli••the help "of her seven; daughters kept her berries; but we think he has mistaken doctor Lord rasp - bas heard pnefilebuictiefeg.vva,,, .ftip,ruiiiinistatlYik.‘fei3oirjrnivd..;teenlish:e.4tritn,ugr.ettfi.hwrieis!,*:svirhuaoeht•aaitin-; this ollice for the market."... • in Knotting oialeh. • people View that the story cif his mar, riago :reads like. a first...eta& element we had .se long known • oniy f Abercern sinee '1922 • . • • his, Its Clark offspring,' beat: ' Now we see _ ,,.._ , • . _ mance. n after egu mandy recently :at a conference on Down the dim crystal; • and the cheat-. farm, in good , state • ef culture dunng: Governor-General of; Northern Ireland. career as "a• doctor, he Was "walking the the Wild. beauty uncaged and note its "Power Alcoholir held at the Congress , nut tree . 0 • Y _ • p ,. remarked recently that a 1 , wards" at the London lloSpital when, manner and 'temper... ..4. , .. By 4o.y. it ashes and sleeps; at. '• ' • th War. May be cited as an exam le ' lot of trouble A water -ousel caine,,with sueh a Mali Transforming Power Of Love. ‘ Ow. following Story: • - ...L.,, .... 1 daughter of Sir Alfred Yarrow, the mil - with 't-'skild'burrowl in' the : thicine..of • rude lege,.., and ' rules , the of Chemists in Loudon, according to Admires her large-leavad shad0w, swift elPeenrage and ' 0 digniuid Pre-" In this world' is • dite..to mutual raiann- : ar, Ea.gah „iri, , feu ,iii The London. 'rest.: • There .has been ... ' and free. I ' r, ,. .•. , , ' • •• • ' . -1---'-•---e" :' ' // , deridanding, in proof of which he Old - 41 . A 5 5 ' • ^: . ' " 1..the! night it 'Oomen forth. ami sits. upon its . _., i lever in Ccmstantinopte. She was .„. .. . „ , - •As archangels 'Might envy. ,.sOft and • ' ' - -7-- . ' ' Two men .were aigning ' """.• "‘ l'!"!1.1ionaire shipbuilder and inventor; andi 4b2P' i''' rmYerEAgil• queen. -John But- ' - ,. bright* • ' • A :good, illustrntion of hew. loVe•can ehaviee, GM one assertingeuite Tient- - .' • • ' roughs 'in 'In tite•Catskille " ' iJ n a Water -kissing bough nhe/lit, transform an otherwise „dull connten- ly; of course-tliat they Were fish, . • • - Sir Alfred determined to send ont a re-' ' -. 7 , . . ' liable Englis octor Le Dull • r 011 o h dhe t f 41!---';'-' danger • , ' • ' • •••1 • ' ' • afforded not 1 AM1 washed and, .preened 'her silver ' ance WaS • . • ong ago says • ., • -• ! "Rubbish! protested . the ,. poundeof dry sawdust. The value‘of • breast, though it ' J. J. Kelso, when a dejected, g:Optity,- rv • th • • ! Anent £250,000 In research and they bad been rewarded With at least five fillfeiont ways of, carrying out the pro- eeseJ- SLity=iliepounds •of ,sugar had -been Obtained, from ,;:ene hundred •yroubie.': the ''aiftealierlr' WaS'ShOwn: bY the fait Watt' dazzling fair before. . Then:AIM- looking woman, cited to enimire ebout.•13,3, e see', em grow!. • ' • His choice fell on yc,ung,Dr. Bernard t . Andy MacDonald was sitting at his ng.' • • j - Daimon, hecause, • am told'. he felt +-fireeide Weeping. • :Greta . sobs. shook • . . a baby to adept. She • kvas •• • • , • .that. 20 .per' cent.'of timber cut hi"' e tering - . . , . 'rhe argument went 011, grew more that if Ins daughter should happen foible lean frame, when a neighbor,. Peep - world was at Present Wasted. as saw- She sand, and made obeisance to the lonelY. and &scours, *ed. and friends heate.d... sod. fin ally led te'hloWs- failln love wAth her doctorasso often' ing flip:nigh the wilideW, 'attracted by twat; . .• • - Spring. • d? , • • • - advised her that what she needed was 'tventually one of the men ,knocked happens i11 Story- boaks•=the match! these strands of wed, , addresiell him ' -In a, paper submitted on 4•21sperf- And in the Via/tering amber et her fe.e.t. "pleasant and interesting ocenpaticin. • the other' down. • Then he • eanered le ' • tames* With Alcohol Motor ‘Puelti,•.' J. Her. silent shadow,. with _obedience A sultab.e child was found for her, f won e eu ta e One. :thus: , • • firat.. utilisation of alcohol fuel's Maybe she dreamed a fleet, ----------- itt:e ferlow .was getting elem. 'NOtieing his ' antics the . Prostrate borne out. think. in the hapPiness of • "Donar blacrherson'e wife .haa jest fife marriage and 1:ord Dragon's brit- died." , and subtroilical Countriell . dear. • • • difference in her appearance'and•man-• than suddenly sat ,up. the light' of a hiIfl; Sure enough, the two didlail loved : "Eh, Andy, Mon; what's . O. Rasa and Or. Ormandy stated. that : ‘ateet, . ' :and now after/tWO or three months of around his fe•nen, pe, waitingor seenonile coneklerations pOinted to the Made her'quick, imitatlire cortsies;. toe. Mothering' she called to' shoWlictiv the, to . • llew wisely Sir Alfred chose °le went. Oh: dear. Oh, dear. .sobbed Andy. • . . • • • • I e sa d the neighbor, •what s " • '• • Where Began starch and cellusose Where tite keen pr say leapa w,hitely` ner was Most striking...Her fade Nras neWlY. awakened intelligence crossing .liant career. • WerenipiillY and ohenIslY Predneed.' te the Weir. • , ‘, • g:oiwing With maternal 'Pride and sat- . . , • • • ' she's' ime relation ,o' you're, woari" bite renilir aim& , • grew:high . • .of. fiCatiefort., have Cured cheesei! ken 'ehe's...n.:76;yo'cb;:truilligalat.s:eit-iiros;oembi,eaettoecniaet, , one:: - • • , monopoli becanse.nowhere etse He learned to stand vrhen scathing Nature, and seen combine the- same elle-,1 .,,,..*targlp,Arept,bi • .'• Meats. In the liniestone•rOcic arenem: ; • ' , improving T• T 'hen, Singmg. . A r • . • , day. when, like "a beautiful; . about the -peer singing'. ,iri chlii:shes ' right. -, • • • " • • given I -. ar: an Eueisit Parish 13 partieularlY14gail!Pi tii° • She heara a presage in the ancient isfaction, and her eyes gave fortlilliati • , • • inthgenceli, . Ancient Cheese Industry. I Andir..Y0 ken?" • .• • • "I'ken she's no,' answered AndY, thundet' • • • ' loveliebt thin, can transform the He levee: the forest -and Ids thoughts' • Per More than 2400 years ilie Cavern:31 in 'wonder ' . • . • tive person story was one. of knd .straigilt as any •skyWard-pointing 'Refluefort; Central Frae% has a Dater -I -that. ever34/°d/W• eitig a Change ex - Of the silken fall, and her small soul hoMellest to much -hait been Written and eau *hes preparation as, she deems most grateful appreciation for the help Were was white • • ,t that the recent him:ovation by the vicar ReP4ifYing what dream. . • worth cif nett"- Thin reverend gen' Two little ousels shall fik • with' her tleni ,In phiee of an ordinary. Week - Sight service, whieh had failed to at: track more than a •ihandfiii" of people. Inaugurated " prectic.43 service for yinn einging. , ,• Hymn besika With tunes were, pro-, tided, and the eineriment induced gulte,e. large nUmber 'Of men and, We- , • down stream* • abadow,,birdi noble end. What we obt h o • r P I told him e need not lose 'me; we Indu.stry. eept. ine." • And. Wait tor stars ,etbci've the ereire linked caves- in • ;which there. 1'..3.ak'."S°6,' .• , , iiiuch Water...'In thescaverne 'cen- he didn't .,want' to lose ' It that, only. :that condticti. ita ••• • , • • • • !Bola temperature is reallitailied,..and --------------- • a-; the' •atmesphere. is ialw• ays saturated. Etb,e1-"YeS, 1 Wen hie consent,. .Andl even . the „Peer. • (limb • ,•• • through • any noble' enterprise,. love,d the, tu.„ountains-aud ,a gr,a • - 'sin' without it I deur grew- ••• ' ' • I wit in isture Mabel, erf'ect con- • • • ' &Boni :for the Roqueferk.mold. !On ,would. live with lifin and so he would , • shall. Bit • , • , .hy chance, what' we' obtain with -it Within his thoughts, and whtn steep ; With ta-6 Small 'Shadows: renewing at. Is by virtue. . . lt, ,ift of . ••• 1the rocks above, there are more than :net • only have me, t a soii.ie,iaa.to sheep which are bred especial: boot." . • • •••• is the g* " • ways he trod • •ter it: ' teeigues. and Makes a Man. Understocd TZ' oiy Strove totgain a loftier View .1450,000 . • • Mary Webb. In all colintries and by an nations, It or re' Itch that summit whore m?/1:17 for :their milk. IttiqueL,'Ort culture ' ••H•m• 1 4ervt like t at oxpressiss, fa the philosopher's stone that turns . speaks with God .- spores are Propagated in Special bread, le wee ,,, • • all metals and even stones' into gold,' men. to :attend. The Service ,in the warmer weether,.wei be heki in the TO *Slalom *retie Siberia. • • • !Which is dried. ground and miXeri into. '," • Try Another Story.' \ break ,into ita At last, catne to.live beside the Bea, , , and sniffers no wt bob the sheep -milk cheese he watcheelts moonlit paths . • dwelling% It is the northwest pasil- Ana 89 • • Jack- hurt: %vitae the matter? , • fell six stories once and age, that rings the mercha ts Ships ' - ' ' I unwind proved so successfult s gers a gi . t ts to explore as,soo that h in and Norvre an sAlen is he can dne, re In a He felt Ins love flow outward, full ,and . The Way to Rend- . wasn't' even A: 4, have been invited to visit ether parish- the enot-mons area of North 'Siberia word, • it conquers LS' enemies • and ••• • free, • Try to believe that he means romp- Dc•n't Yea lielleve show hat can done in the which Is hichided in the reptiblic of makefortune its,elf pay* ntrillution Iintil'it Mei and circles au mankind! thing, search, well." lovintly what that'. :nu, Sprat°'"No. I know your aeries too es to ‘vahe 'i, ccr; ricers e arden The.experiment has • Piaui are being made by Rusaiait , ' waY of hymn singing. • Yakutsk. -., -The Earl of Clarendon . (1727): • :""""".!"." MITIT 'AND JEk1F—L-230713u-d‘ Fisher. iiivt A cosToNis of FiclAtt M e sea Youre BKGGAGG Om /veil) L Ared lAriM* INGONie‘i - sielb oMON Ttocer: s &wont CAW. IV:, -7" Lucie Haskell 11111. be. --Carlyle. , . • wit° hoei MAY ' Atte.tNesLeN In? .ITS AlttGrAT 'YOUR Suitt/15d •-• — Att. eue Gar; S PSUiTCME FoLl, OP ot.o cLo-tites or.) I..TrAtc-Roo, SiOr:/40*.R ," iltut Y�' GeV TA PAi Pule th:SitiReb Dol.t.Altsburl' oN T-&-tAT .:441414.4*4.7-• ij , a -a ..--•••14.11"'" .4•e4-9,4•40 •• • .4.•••••••••444•••‘4...• /44. Melba 'Sings From • 1Gondola.. • One in Venice, where I 'had, gone a.brief holiday after a sttenu-: ons. season. in Milan. Totitt: and I .• dided that we Would ' gO 'Out Sou the • Grand'Canal and give a little coneert... It ' was a inarvillonit :111.glit. with., the moonlight ',silvering , the • root .of the PaladeS-71.1iiiiscirt or night In which tee, felt' that wren the dufiest';'.. . must% be Moved W. some sort of Poetry. • • Thrilled' with excitement,. We ' berr rowed a harininduth, which Was 'sweet. and in tune, though 13had Sees better • days. and guided< by Ambreggio;my • faithful gondolier we puidied. off front .the steps•of the 'hotel, the prow o; the.. gondola 'alluringly in the still • wilier. • ' fillen I begat te' sing," forget What It ' Was- I Bang , fleet-Tosti's •Mati nate, • I belie*); or his 'Serensta. M•ieast I know that it'iAs Something of TOW* 'Own • coMmeitioti, NOVO- shall for . get the marreilmis feeling that. bat' ' as 111y 'Voice echoed oVer the Water In that citir dreaina. Veen see; at tlijs moment. the little gondolas drifting..in on Os fro4 nil sides, tint et the dark„ canals: Curving Yetind cetners withian- •A n f• n , hear % the. cric.s of "firavo,' bravo, ' ToSti!:"."Itravo, 2/101bal" wbieh hirKt — - on!, When I had thilshed. ' In taa- Minutes WS° tat} • draWn a c.nwil.: We steried. to' go fdowly. en • . ' ;" the' canal, while ,I sang aocifir>t, ,stnig... More and more gondolas'folieted, trit!'"'• • ' , tn.:the' whole canal Was. 11.1.1 tts tv I I: it .• .thein:' 'We tizi-nea di)wn,tit'e...sitlic •ranal.. •' The chain of goitiolini..friroiwen. like a , 'black szrpetit .. Wlth 'n .lninnted eYe;;. • So -n it seetneds•that ilalt Vonic.riinst • be listening. . . , . 1'4 Intuit . rose. . higher' in the sky,. winnows were e;en- .e'il esti 'ark heads. VUSTIS rsiUmtlY Olt, ' [ •.... o • it.. WS nut , pattering- ,fcbtstup.S. Pi,ltuill driWu I'll ''-' :• ,*.ille.',Itte.strots. MI' he ;the ..gomiotaii .rol Inwtddd-still I angit aint: •-z,..., neatly, t'Orelf:60`e.t.,4ek tbet -I re.airned . ., to iny hotel. having Jeatnt :itilt+.tly what; : ft must re..t.!I triko, to 'mite pit,d Pipiyret- ,. •• . I ithatmirk- Nettle INielhaLhi ")jeleill'eS -----',:" ar-fir7iii:_... • ii..,?,.:7-i_,----: .frodi6dt:eitts, ttis.' - I... Vie rildily kingfisher, a bin!' totted .'t .1 in Ilorced: makes lts nest in th410.0 ef.a..viFteqS, kind at bee. ' „i3iros".'Sla_o.cl„14 Hot, 11., 1i`.(14411‘. EZ ' 'brrds .11,1 censderahl'y'• - t atittott,AL'htep,6:74t Inminmais.