The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-09-02, Page 4!mpg M -1 -M -R-70 P-MINTIN.W.P0 114111PPORP
oliplied. eve
ThjW0a7,,, mb UNIVERSITY �Q
mirm, . o e, F 'WESTERN ONTARIQ'�
- W 9-w4c, R! X) E; -M W_ t rx, .944" aV4
t r GE 01
)reqc@%, G 4.;Pq
o 330abliphed, 187& R"rganlze4 !"S For WO
0, C�oilpd, W
*0�.Edi r -dicine and
Three IFa.cWti�s-ArtsV,Xe
K. P,
L �c Lp 1!9u; Affi
_11std Colleges. Ph.D Re~
-Registration, Day for Freshmen. St.. - lowg *I 10 OLD P.,RQDlLTCTI()N
h" yon Nant`4 aoWothin
Even 10 pa 1by
il us years, 490, W, e. are told the 'LL -B
e Bj6 B Se ` B P
ro 'M
t -Oil riq M K
t t 'tq 041Y 149,027, That C.P.Mlf., a'S
W CHAL and, D.D.
W I I I ter, the, W, 41.1
ore ags,
the PrQV;nee;, amounted h
't and
reaa��e�ng w qO,, t,.4p4pacity, W hile, in I
here 11"As-.' beiev'
of'4 the iioo
anIn paying i"
y Iiii! tons I�st
in -another,, 15 ears
T IV-., P: r 0- 0 E
A .
N boardc dh*ct to mgi,: 'ro.E
'iralls fideld wallviaiPer-
'A CAMP 1m.,
piver difto
rk1ht gbil -Vr'
In onnectin ic
Pliedii UPPa. the present.pol.,
Easily "qW. orqnt i mom,
tical g.n, ' 04 .y ap: -T
y. he."CO rva
0, 'SAtt T se tivq Candi ate
y 9W Ni bt says that , some of,. the; daily
newspape.Vs are
ubAshinj it:dd
�Xn"#, ]VU lioatq c6ld, and
YROC, will, jiot bw
1ha Co
t, is noi 'of, th efficiel�t Gove;rM"Pl11t,..
e s4ghtes�t co;me-
Iloction of Custoirs else- and"o their :44
qgextte to the. 'elect tv rthT..
Mi&Ung. �tdji
the public nse; 0
"Ity. I I jil, T*riff foj� reFeniie to enco fe ind'
Saturday ight; Might have added iere. is world, of i c'on for the farm
Pe"411y he
th in, his'
m, 4nd v.* gladly, ftVh" Cayvro�c'& ampt- that inadditi es f that, ' is smoothly
win on,the mails -are arms, use o twme rur
glutted the
f, jjW With S Stjea ns, a.,
t( dr' ih sl
am . I . p e, T*rlffL end -of har
in :0 Circulars
United Stat s Tarifr; e4impdian T bifide� �rorn bigitihing �t6 the emliiatin"g'. from he Great lie Ar:ff
Per toRL $4-.00 Th� Goo, olitical. L of, Hai $2.60'
oth L d Old Reliable..
par ... es at ot- Pe
Cers of b .13, 'of Fi',Iir ......... 2.0A.
bbL 0
hic4 May fairl 64� talled. Per. lb.� 61 Btitfer' 12
0i er .. o q
ith must P lb IF H.: T
.:,be Per doz. - of, ggs. L.YM OU INE
For Sale. �y`Wm. Murdie & Son and '7h E
f itli ts
. I . .1, = . lhrou�hout;anc is more econom-
r bns� 12 even lu
This, feaXure. of the campaign C eat ' ' ' I . I .
like ihe of --higli 3
sa s.
1,�i 4�w* of, P calto us6,tha�nAbrt-lingth iwi T, h
work pe.' -he en9t IS,
wei-sure .35
esmen !,en, e4voring to� ...... 25
it" 6ve u sPlymouth.
z�' 6mebody_' eCa gwrante�d, by., the tag on eveq . f
b60S'Eers:A;Ay-. about' acture % 25%.
own'.pa. Y, our -,,poli L ticians Are v e- m" %"CAM
rt - I .
C.AL� �Au 10 .0 fi
d oroduci s are
s(in mai�if rip tw
higher in, Oto , United st
4APP1, BIRD. M ARRIA4ES a capable and well-nie afes than
... In
ot; but bro
what the one party n 1924 e UO3.ot farm
ught from Unite&�States
if *61 believ
p JIV" and L sold -them 0Ij $51j;7.73!.
A., the - otho On� what
b'dUt rod
§ays ha.. �3c,2�7c.-22c: ve !D11 in
m404 'b" 'get a lot of rascals, cjj we- bcashi. we' charg,
One reason ed them f
ras-, abi)ut IWO tax on
... n ras whatl *e sold they cha�rged us 'n6ar'y 50% of a' ta,.
Rutter fly is. that a' ird
0 ileasaii h
along it anj wonder fjir ergIs We 0 -4. that, is nonke'nse in-, mprs!complain of titAr lot "irith their
pe geUllipp m T
I a�fldn_th xi6thi I&
D -I M a*e W.
'n 1he out wine.
jh Rs inza cy,,
!ir lieutenants. -,,are b "Treaty"Pi".Uices 011 111diticiiii for
hot dir 'a, elicate'-little tions, JpKePdicia. � The. party and Maybe, gOnst the
ItGWIs because, 11t,,11S11, and
the, worse ci
AfteL sc
r' harheu...giisn) stupid, iien,- afthoug
deir to' femilitine, _bui y no:,% means thi.� tme4, CoALsider th.
L nues h they. occasion.
conti t bri redde Australian Tariff.. Canadiari tariff
�t thi�, it e bad L
the kiieesL in public.
us judgment or'fall' Ant
cherry. ana to sing� for WeSh* Sm6kedhleat. 5c.:'per lb.
her�hit; ei Vzc per: lb
�W bt 'bad Th R
art., Is not that mits r -P041 on is d!fficuit A. .&PORTEOUS�
9 elz
ey fa e joun t but PolriT til! th a L ned MO .5c� per. 1b..
so many birdli6g,, is and they. are' always -yielding to oike
as ......... 1P.'.r ewt.� ree
thin influence' or -another-.41wa rckiow. :,,..:ont,
Firlift 'gVy
rs iand6av- Canned
4th,stro '25%
z. r. er
Orifit to: line up: wi foj�es Fvw
eir ritst, aint :is: to; get Gt'
and I ay h' 0
t 0 offico C"ned Ve :
j ere. Pi tr* Methdds
.......... 2r- per Free
much. the same lai.. rZiund, and the Fresh Veget:ibles
prospenty,,6f . the,
-.....50c. oe it
4 �Oanfry doesn't per depend much. u Pon', the party in pow
fic.- er 1b., I lb. --polity an E, , , *--
4r., In..%practice, -the C., per
jiii3tty, ggs ....... 18c. per. Free
d. meth
M I 0-1s, at. U eie*1 as ffer6d little 'A
yt) es CC �=one p
Wes & Peaches' Sc. ]per ?b
e Free.
C. per. b.
Oq of the other.
C"at Stoje LArd
We 16r,CitOh4-We 4
'o 0�:d� I— TaLl ow
0.,r cwt 104
we ImPoked
; - , Ruttee�
From All .876ij 65, Lbs:
-Most merl look.badk%on t he . a L,
a' -e Y
on ble'i�, Good
uths �eudi4411 '306
I r yers a-Alft4we hAve'to find- inarket for
-ri pro IiCts'
in which found the memining of ot er, it
StREEN DOORS�:-WE, -HAVA THEM IN:7H in school and, c0lege, as the. peziod' The Hon. Ar-thni 'Bitijite; O!JL to seN they.. ihey�
?IVEL firm products against- It nnrorl�q
s Agood felloship, agaiw us;'
SCREEN WD0010 to a
orecizlt4, its qlue� J?er6pS nI6StL. men 'Yours, -truly. t
Leviewing t ewschool.or college life
TH 1. .. . 1
"HOT T"' MQNS-ANI)l F HOT LATES. , .! '-
;scover' n 'it th
119, , at was of P&O tel: - .. �
grea r , permanent
itie"fulne s t
'them 'tha ?
d ,ERE
7HAT,MA . ��dl ik�sficdon in
n, e initiation kbo
feilowship.and the e NEWS NOTES
__xpbkLenc.e of good fillOwshipi 64 t4iey' then A.=
armiers ul ementS':. g pay
-F Req tNeil -J. mble
�f, flLj pulpwood, de
re h- �g 'a
Th Ing,: nheThe is One t in e 'PUrsO �"PURE XNILLA' ROP�E. FOR.:HAY, . FORK' IdL W
D SLINGS; 4:4 *6rthY 641PIct. in. the'e on ve on in is world Wi�h_'; -of" lq�rtlj -,Ybur sav4n
ompany 9 P gs a=unt.jt dj4
1-� I .. I I � .. . '' . .. Bay,, dropped. dead
aking politital joeecb. 0
Y LdDiRS-' SAMSON, AAY: FOR Sr th sfiari Out jrie fm and com und
ng ofjoy M_
"Friendti"'. and 'a P0.
'BEST- 4 A lone," the sa
LrrY 'SET, WNDLES, �. AND CORRECT, IN, aiiii..016asures and'. also. of - Vio d bsdm 'Biaura, Romiman and W. A
M "h4yourowti,'P, drti to ge.tahead:,
SHAPIS: CARBORUNDUM MOWER KNIFE Aoubts and, lificulti-Ps w. . ere as valu--:- lest co6plet iri.A6 Iknglish la;16090� Freeborii -have_� ea-li� ig' d'11their
�&Iile a part of thei dd , t* I be res ne
BERGE1W,' r uq:4 ion as
. JNB EXCE"10,NALVINE . Aurt lieve that'ii quiti -tru6' seats' in the Ontari
QU 6 Legislature in
'the study_c
least' A few thinp. that,o make a, * re progre ivei iiii the I
t�60ks. pqrtant,' then,,t ' p d h
PURE, PA It is *ery-.* e Ida to run,, for federal. seats. Bot
RIS, GREEN AT 40 tENTS ARS ATE -OF' Yet t&!y were r
valuable only as' qt e ss 6C
LEAD A14D BLiIJE STO*E;� d P lkp,6 SUM 1 -ANS AND'"
Q%vmA run in Algoma
ast a.
...,STERN, C W -ere Incidental t6 the, study of friendi'in the first place money does- it n, will E
'OF A L KIND&. �1)00ks- Un ess tho Poo n1t. Mote -friends "have 6e 16 th'
U PUAIjPg; 6ALV.` AND im�i!ING'Si e', afths of4ba" b a a Lib 1, and F, eborn
. 1. . .. . I .. I . . . # , era 're wHI contest
study ..,weire.
rec-9MI" d' thin, hii)ugh-,�Any, ot)iei -Middlesix Ea
le good fellow- luoli0y st . g'-Progte"hrg.
P vi as.
in%. Th*
tably,degeneraied` nlearis,' is, mon!� e-
acter . and " �erame mere y fellowshi Adversity -and all, that
MUrd...J" in I eness an P
W 6.0, dI . . , I . ��. . . . , inay. coih
d dissPation... The Our' �ou have in - material.'wealth I�ay bf
s t
of a cominiori worthy * obj
C wit
buts 16tig as hai-loyw
lZiecuic Whiat Aisitewnti An(�h in the Ini de p'
41. t;o� fel YmoUS,L endon
Heaiing Plumbliftind good. !.alt and besutj,�of 'chAi�Aer, whi to
ows ipj, Ikke eton cap" ablishe
I hi cr The _called
Lime, A,�e -made so,mahy men ana: womer
tlitdivaH P1 St0rj.:Gyprq�.`WaHb6ard h' or Estc :�he AL7
e; g9ngste ' ' ' its i�trod*,ed
Tli ..Treen %
-by Misswilig
rs of ldwlis, i.nd',tilier reat-reiriain, -like Ajj��bajlk.
who are� unije4in'fellgivshir, h P . like a bul epidimit 6ter
a 'e "men, that hat s re�d f
as a tiet-vous "ron", upon its depot- As�cW wcueso or 4.150.000,0,0,6",
in evil thW'Jiee republic. osto. I
h �h a common
interest n, a one.
its but *hich'.hast ampi
fellows.hfl;- - it diffe* 1'e6viserv9tive city whose #opulation
:,frouj gog' "fellowship i7_ I
'd ';i �ro�n4 a Anllllo� ah� a qua�ter
'Ply be' 6'
sim ca sr.," ..he greatest thing tat'gmak6ii i
it iL,
s -based on t-h� pursbit. -of a -t�m iiiend is trust. A- 6 0,000,�'human bointi, hatoe Ourch4j�
n inriate'beU
-0 Ject ins ead,of it comrndn, that someihing.of thi, soul -of
oWship that Ably. iitted the fij
ief I, have
rfio skd*e urn
or! ca0s an�
good one. Pell comn
gh 6rime andi
6n.wfiii c'nrititbe dellne
h a & in,l;�ord misdem�4110j. of wVaring, them,*
mcre'Y'A; On a common Tursuit of idle. )ut which rklust be.'felt and under-
wss is liable in. 'the, end to. 'artako good.
jle�whb,believet in.11s firiend will
more of tlie-cli4racter of evil iello*.
of., goo, yferia ihat frien& against ll at Jerry fid Harry, four ship tha Tom. Dick,
.;a fighters ftom the county of
MAKE 'OUR ROME BEWMUL. And a, gehu'irie friend .18 So raLr§ Yorkshire',, England ar. "nv
It soft: 'ingh" flitit he deserves defense at all meP III , ntr I ii) recently on their.
-a -briztford Roo
of,A.V"hilt Slates. You-cA&,ha*j
' ' * - .1 . . r ilkyj 6.W.'W..Gft *tgi U 6td Stat�%
toned roof of any color or cointftixtjon�of I fill
co birs that please4y0lir Phone -916 one. is either a Y�ilure or an up- Ito
tatte- L They add PtrIzianedt beaut-y'kud'valtic to 6j2j#labd 74 lip
uOremd our justice. at jef
of ho!96 A :ist. S
give years of. *Mthtr protection 'hiporta'iit huniiin beng - I he
.so, ong �Ls Milo
0. not. goii
S Nhi boiist'of it least one 16 'nal tY. lif They, art', 0
W 'k efi thAt makes �r,ffi4nd dee to seritvinced" for jn�',
A other
fr*ct� f the eace, but OT
atikhed_Patience thatjs proof, ions 0 M. N60.
nd INGRAN is p a* meets. ICIP. TO CRED�TORS
I Honot: beine. from and the Tuosdi
0. AY of ever n hiroby gi�
t -all 'irrltiitl�jns or .&fects because His
itas the, largest jind most tolsiplite,
Issolmi adh' the friends t4 bit �66,;ft I in' thed 'hall, jj 8 o'clock. "C u i
or character, whi dainiq ngal
t - k An 'On that jilf
stock in the u, u esigns *�hether'it it irliiad'411ege�,,thii t M.1 P.i Cartei., eWAY ihWw. JUst bear in -inhid the htl,� nst the
t; fndiA6 gitme. 0.4tati. Of P('tcr 0rk#, hije 6
man ftailty of us It" Wil
to choose. from a. e tht
Yo.r of your friend lt�tehg'L* iti'the Count
A 110 (lie(j. J11 th.e
b6`tot.#b= f
or t�,Onwura
ge him,. L fr, :Doi ay, onth d.
ad:" tahitiL fils work he'ev -bu k*"ries, its,
n L he' sure
has-.'so�ftething that will retU&
n r( P26.
Pedigreer &WIj, icuilt'd 'to Torwaril. Vicip claim
' . , ' , ' I .
e mi
s0eeia*- f Pami1r.' both appreeijit'jon, lihnett, duckt
nk ...... W' 'ard 'ihgPifttion 'Caylell bet-,� unaersiknea on.
erg:, pigs, a to otile t q
le i You it times when .ou ould,li- P'rroi y4i th dily,
otromEtir6pe� an turth�.e
.-,*&tI!r tiiterlift tw t" thA
aft -r tilts iT, the British 'i8le -i
coun an thjj� United
'he true friend. Ark! 6
tL t
rtntfora, On A t Vo
tAA6 tt
tht Do
SaesbJ* the f6rii9*,de#artI�tnt of
Promiptij, br
io.�exp a. tit 0
ur oi-dit; A
minion xpitttt,
Furnished and ervice U10 IT
on, nrantfoiA Roorfing 'rendered by accorafng 'to �tjfijsL J4#4 t
t1ji. 'A
to ekno-.�, ant* that 10ditife.1, 4tatftent;'
'Lojig r