The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-29, Page 7e •••.. •re- SIICtRIES OF WELL. K$QW?. PEOPLE ? II& tiew Brunswick Woman Ite'.; • "polies*, Ancestry. • , . StOr iNCTI4. NYillittPe . • .grii6,0 *of Walea•;-jello ' elebrate'd illii 3 ' ible tO any one ns Pen, is air fti,1,04g taile .•,Abilut 0,01 tterliellit.h".F;10:1311.1) Use Cit: SIffuame5Lafl. 51.0.01,Dg POrChella • soininietPrinvSgatileltelattelIn luArrierVearifzecad 4.).P97" , • luau and libiden are, of With Englieh lariey of sleeping ,itt.fretilt MY .Variations demen, Lind. and Geraiae\ derivatfort. • • "." elfeeirig peh ePelladireetlY.Ireet strom, Linden; Pridley, Lyme bedroma ab it:le fel!aril•ted- FOtciai Orlilin•--"gnttlfah, also Gerfee:°1* Variat'19114-Stgglk:r4ErRTG-00(037€4 Cow- ard, Switleartt 1,100944, Raciat • 4- • mu) 'it by a glaise PartitionZis plainly Vier, So rceiGeographleal. • , , 11011,111.0. 1: - Ulla retinell 'it' 'Wes' neeellent", to take 'l in ibis. eneritty tn-dav we P07 •little• , , .. • . . , . i ource.-Ari, OsOtipatiox , :•,,thoty4 s000nd birthday xecoadv. whon-1 iti,r0,,• .iame\•a° B' Ina,: :13' rownn rat• eviiri. Weenie to keen • the ;Perch itel attentio to t ees so little indeed, that .'!' „ . . t b - was...little hie grandfather --Kt' to, . 8 - - - ' -''' apPle-Pie order ' As it containe• three ei, ' • I I ' , ulnae 'Th ' ' " " oi A"' a' "art . ..i4 , , -...; . . .1,•:0„,sayir I a riting to tell you , • - • ,e,': „,,• ..- : - •-•• • .e.,e. arerage person, part cu arly g I e eodiege . ert, .4re flee . , PeuwUrft e. Utile itizeth'eilie•etedlleg.• in, the grea , good i had through the time. small iron Deue. Pio !get step viThe 14,4140. eitY dwellers, fit:tee:Met know elle pin: felony , nereee,twhell they' are not 0 :•414401°493",.. 4.na: aP16.4 *I* 40 .wo . ii, use of Dr ':*trilliams• plate rio4; My eafer them la MAO a way Put 140Y i frenl another, TWO. W'44 MA tbS cage traceable to • tlip old. Telitohiq. ‘'Ik4rd." '...„..J.00!4;.'..., _..... . . ' • . : 21 health inui i ilea ' - ' - •,•aveni.d . net be ten nensideuons"'•and• in :Medieval and' early modero times which le Compounded Ingo Malty Well : , ..• "Alt abs -3-0t• fieirlitirW, , ttr.,'reelt04-_, _ With...g• reit. t'%•,eattoese; e had oo appo. Woe 0 ire otto it aPPe4ratiee.. . when trees Were WidelY used as lett - liathea, SPRAY 41Walit .1144104te ell :014 l'hfi iinCe:‘"'•'Alt'0:-Itid---treitiTHottle-dizziettaelle ' .• mist. 'we 00Tered the beact:a.uti root- , marki in estelashing locatIOPS. . i Angle -Saxon •word of another 'meaning Wass'Warbeehf"' • risked Tete i ' ' : ' • : •• .•''' boards -Of -the -he& 7.With elope -fitting 1 •••• All oi: the •fainil : 'ireMes in this st "lier4"' W'd' Use it'stili but* xce 't ' ,•• eest exertion would make my • • --• - • Y. ' • ' - ' ' • * • e P In 41 h 4e-catug wri #iiincief tda -.---- ---,------------, , lip-Cevers of -,lin'en,eolored ee.,03-11- lielong-to.-the,geographical-class, .and such .combipatione, as s eP era- we , ..... *t' 1 ;;;CIRS' Edward. • • * '• • • -14941i P4IPItate T1010141Y. 'and felt ` . „. . . . . name•-41.„Itair.e• twitched, its applicatien from the' I-Iim Now flia was a r'n'itencler "mile the one: tired at 'all ti I h d* d t d hothe4P00. These eettert4 •the theY are „ail deriVid, Cr -6th' the' , „ • , • . • , Carn Can reattl;ST be taught to come. 11 or on 'a, tree the linden, the' name pf Which man who hati',Eharge-Ortheallimais tO• wefehere..avore yourare_eeoethig fer thei food at the sou of a bell' • "He pretended he .wtte the eon of Sreat deal witheat getting much re- thlre4;ebtelltere,:leth,•aiii.dse litld to the. tbemseiTes'. ,. '44-atri°74i Any' work •a„ man *is tieing but7-011-tbee'•witOe'ilf,511 b•oz.kr• • • • • • - ' • • frernee of tite.beds:• •Aloeg the EZ- •when,,fantily names..Were: termed, yir, Saxon ..epeech. the "herd" was the,Mnn ,eini ',3.'Oo• wir-,3, so' won king,. Pet -wfunet. He Was thO lief,. and was :feeling greatly iliscolir: gatirely hiding. the issnow it'd, Was in rthe Ages!: Ntrillionis, Pink Pills. - The happy re,- 9utiln°11I 9114PT.'°•"h'i! 4v4•Ei 'the 'Same la,' WO .E1411511 ,eed ,tu Cherge7:01.,the 00thestleaulthals• • .,hent.now; • • • - The te.mily lee or leeward, has xth do. they! easess ,StrOn P- ; Y • g P9Y-m!? • sults ewing 'the •use of thie mede stitched. r•ed...alid ye, , ,w.k..., , . . „ tta, • • • • Don't 'withhold, your apProliatione. . • f idaeSiit' lit -----------------------ossiule ' d. eterhi. 1110' ;t1e-• IrneetiOn..:with ourAnede.rn. the' ifarE' ehea.o• ---- - 'n • ,'S.Inet . taste. .• son -of .tesPeetable.Pareu- -' „ the Melha Method., • e:-•-ee,:-,-eSing141,0sOrittit4 -a.910,. .440. to. Teit9U.' ' . ,. , . , • the heights oridelba, whotere pet bid farewell. be a Publie Wilieli 'cannot un- tle uirlumseworit and enjerlife. Once . . rniore I feel le a ditty. tn. recommend' 1411,0' Oge sP170. Ole stsaUght ilimsee le' s. ea.. med op. Theee Colter!,'•wer0 inada about thirt.y 'inches longer than the 'bed to allow'•10r folding"oyer the„ pie,• aged when I finally decided to try Dr.. • 7 raid about (lerman. • • , • • to th canes ritoet of the notinglack Of eeurage., It Is f f' • • , a"0.).' ,And he lies With 0.104 Ifini4:•Pi.'hia isch and a queter , that,t „en) perrooyi„..,,r41,, Ithio.to tpe beds were thee. Made ef the ilethe finitelY e ' ate ial With the braid etitelied:'alopg family; names ,glyen in- the:foregoing, corruption' et the old Jelin o cow- bro* eine can' hest be eurnmed 110 breaYiutt. • .; ;lyre:tan& why she vonto to ,ret . „ ,• should read the following:tante, whielr1Pt.. Will ns' '12.1ink Pills to. all, weak are, extracted froni her owithook, the peep e.. ; "Melbe Method." , 'If Yon have BUY or all of. the efthl,* : treat the,.words I and . Mimic tOtomsabuYe Meted:. do not dela*. begin 'Always ,,.,. , 2 • • I treetnient once' With Dr, -Williams' with. reolioot pipit Pills. :You will be ananirised to. alWari Wrong to 'lift, the head! ee:d the shouldere." ' I "'ft' the IthPrOvethent • he your Condi- tion after a few :weeks.' You.. can get 'lett mist be. well • in order to• sing: • ." • , • • theee pine thrOugh-any dealer In medi, Well ' "Cocktails • and .cigarettea'.mlist., • litit teilor bw37 at 50 eaat's a "ba.2 6.6in " Medieln° •-• r gat pockets' the siae ,ef. e Springs, AO: which they were. fastened underneath by ...inifiet 1 At ;one •atgo tot the bed they were eft open so that the' extrit!bedding can be. placed fiere wheA not used and Yet he.,'W.Ithin easy reach' *hen needed:: • The next prehlem was tp eirOvide for the entre, blanleete 'end Pas: Thea svmd,d .be vea'y ktatidy if' left • on the beds' and would Open the trimness of the bed if .piled under the wirers. The prOblent Was solved by making Of the same cotton.homestrun, large eneee be even In a., singer's voettbulary. •I-----.. Ville, Oat 11. Yoe will send your Paine ' "libe lesS,breath' you. use the better the tone."- - .. i . and aildreas a little bOoklet, "Building - • i . , • • , ,. .• UP •the Bleed." w-eut be sent free. _ ..----.. • . Biltaine Piline fdlaleter at.8,0119,e1;• ' . -7'7' ' . . : , e • Promise . Another good Stet,* tc acid; to ' the • ' Th Bo* of p • • ' records of famous men who were not ' ..i ' ' • tilt) happy at ..selio0i io: told by Mr. Stan. The rainbow is causod-by'the bead- . leY BeldWin; Prime Minister, In the Ink and reflecting Of the san!S MS as . . ' boolt, be has last published, A'Opidi. they Pass through the faV.ing drops of. . taw ef OteliFtiShi011ed FlOWETIL . dlenot get on very Well withhis head 'lint beetles' that come from abreaking There has been .i" great re4141 of... .entlY,:h1r. Baldwin, -When a scheolboy, water. OS* a law ef .cfPtieS. the colored . -7';Vernier.. in 'delivering a speech to the: cerding to their wave lengths; and ,thonl •••b_,4t,..' eld-faellWed, People, find Owe are arra- nged• acettlate years of old-fashioned. Sowers, ee . . ett, en UP * of the. sunlight- . • 'boyse begtin with, "Your adinireb:e :• appear to the .ey,e Of :the observer in 1.:107ringthheoefir ;re' leefaatthheelteTderat411 blvieniel: master. • FOrevhen Mr.' Gladsth th ,. "telt '. that 'the Prime itiniaer was se Ny iii4Vttie‘ taVvitkl,,,e1774,0:..8....tnd thi. ,ieneiial of friendebiP Isvery '• heatienoeter;" Mr; Beleeetet ertea,„.•...,:et • the forni ef the- bo , lip* the rain. out et touch with the whore of. the ire • away tor the uecessery angle to be 1 t-fe emetny: .new• 'floWe-ro". . We. plie ' te .. another Word " : .. • 'the boW vanith • ' 11 . . Orlale, men. Whosa bue.lne.5-e .it le, .--•- .: i was leading, that I never listened. 'Co °formed between-sni; PP and the eye ' .. . • nt :widening o. f the .-liewer • •• : ' f ' In a perfect rainbow tee, seven to2toi'cifthie ceaela horizeu Of *centre It is not: every day It will come as a .trumpet -blast• cif , • *Heroic Padre.' . r• .. atgth'reX:ier001npoyluelto0wf the uPeetruth are plainly Oat one . -c..." deVelee a new' fiote-r, but . : • • • ' distinguishable Tiles ,. adeording 'to ' position •• are vibleet indigo blue by ran:imaging in Old-time gardens in .micoumgernent to those Wha are fight- .., . bill-. • .rh. • quiet. Country villages one may 'come Ing As suggestion that the church is : • . • • me and red \Vben upon surviva'.0, which are almost new dead to learn 'of ...ati OM °self-sacrifice ,there IA but one bo visible . the red • to"I' ' . the flower, overs of new .genera- ., . ..color • is et. the' tap. and the violet be- . tions; ' • , , . ' of the • itein. PereY .Wilson; of, Gerleti-.1 . i'er. the* ,is a , sectindary ha*. the 1.: • Thee We'have again 'Our tail'Afriean -7:iiii ' neer Great Yarinenth; Ew;lanti-1143* . colors in it are reeeried. tarely, 'a' Marigolds: ' our Swe.et. Williams': and wthethe tttebetyloasretrletta:leretroEniiroexisllf 1 !1,erd,'''' Willc,b'' .wen ',.'coWli.er. de.' ,• - ., . 1! ,prv , no. ,Diattff" how. . Tou ' sliotit, I.t; The family name, of , Oalvert• tbellth HA won't•iinOW: hew. *WY ',eer.4.400e ening .."lindstiel'alnr that 'is; a . it has peen borne -by the.-ErigliSh no- . , yoo haveohed; Witty, neverthelepa had its.begianing It you think some Praise is dee him 0 among simple folk whose task was to . Now's the time to sliii it to him; herd calveS. * ' '. , ' For he *fiat rettAt hie tontliStone Goddard was originally' goat-herd, •• ' when Iwo dead, ... . .Another old English ,word for a bul- ,. . . . • lock Was "stet" from. ihiCh has de,,, mote than fame,aod niore than money veloped the familY leaPie of Stoddard • t IR the :comment kind .and eulthee less frequent. forms bi this name: but 7 mid the hairty, warm approval 4 it 1. stream; Or' river 'bordered. by linden , . trees.: .Dwellers in such nlocality ten..were known by sucks; name as Hns ef the, Lirtdeesteeant; the pre - :Axed words: dropped •Gerinan aiethey have in similar eircimstanCest in English.. • • Lindley, „hi .an twine. torMed from the patne: Of the tree, and "lee. an Old .English word.' -foe: "shelteir." •Loind the .eloeest we have to the old English, apelling lit• the name :Of .0e 4'07; • Lynn in sOme.cades, when it hi not Celtic, te, a variation.01 this: ' • ", . ::.. • • There.. Is evidenee' that Lime,' Linde, Closer to the original, being "stotherd" , friend; . • , . • and "Stothard: • • • tor it 'gives te. Me's:sayer, , Siiinnart is from "swine -herd," and 'mid 11 makes him 'streamer. britlivro the sWinehercYri 'occupation was ne And, gteee,'him heart and .spirit to Whit lesi noble than the Calvert's nor the ood; tiat of the Modern Inthistrious farther: ••, L. if he earns. Year .prolae, beetew.tt: • • • lieggart (when.ltot a sarraptipa If you 'like idna let hi* know It; liagarth) traces back to hog -herd.. -4 , anent beelaid: • . . :hist a Child Cl-nt Of Doors. -Po not. tin u And he's mulerneath 00,eloetr, 0'1 TDAYS • , he came along the little path. For 71theecannot:e;•dreattad...bis tOrn.bsto. e --George et, Turner: • • • . "-st Asthma! SPreed Minard'e On brown paper • and -apply to the throat.' Alsci • inhale. Quick relief 'assured • . ••• r. ()N THE B 1r Which 'ran; a narrow 'white ',track,. he- . side a field.. eg. high -growing grain. The- . stinlight lell•ba Ilia. fair hair as he bent *... • • his head A tittle, engroesed in -content- -. ' July -the month of oppressive, heat:. 'dation of the , ear of Cern which he : ' ' • . ••• _ , , . red•hat.da a and stVeltering nights; IS held .ia his, chnbby 'band...! Sech a . extreinely. av on, i e ne-S. ' 7Dief.•, ":' •-- le--Atite-...e.-L,eXLe.enemeteefiLhis : Irhopa,,,dyeentery, colle: and .cholera, 1n -snowy white_ jacket ' einbreidered ill . ' ' . .faiktIM .catty' eff•thousindb Of Precious I:gay ..,Colori. ereemi• the ...Omni:tiers", • ATH ...Dm little lives every suininer. The mother/ sleeves and . d k • muot. be. eonatintly on here guard tei 1 ,Beyond him.. were' the- innuntains: i . ... r POTe.14: these tronbles, or if, tbeY. caffe i their heads erowneik vrithalai*, their i • ' 'dile • 1 t, a lit them 'isle other 'tower sloPea tr4e-clad an'd Mailing:. • illUL A Mtniiiint physidan made •the • ream,* recently that if poople. were • half • as particular in regard 'to in- medieine is of such aid to mothers dier-1 but he bad no eyes .,for the beauty, pf, ing the hot Sumner ite.js Baby's .Own Ibis surroundings, Or for. the arangers Tablets. They regulate the bowels atid' who watched him. (Aileen's Of all stemach, and an occasional dose given ; 'that which he held in Ilis band he ternal 'cleanlinellas' they are about h w II child will prevent summer wanjered on, unaWare that he Was be -1' extern' al .ap•AirEfite three quarters ," succeeded his fatherin a Dower IMSI- ' • • 60iii ;the'. again_ Bre days 01 our :youth .in1".their on su.d,derilit will banish fie. The Tab- shone over all, that wontlerful.sunligh. t 1 elimiriated. ,:Thil Medical maii, Said ' of our 'ordinary ent . . • e_ .. •• . third or eeen Other' bOwe,r is visible,.o_f phlox and, I,% chills. a.n , .. ceinplaint, or it thetronhle dee' S ,POU* ipg made into.0 picture: And the sun ,• • Alorut twenty. years ego yr. wilsou . . , . , . . - , 1sun and itd Usuall , ' e.'" or el!,• presence. ' • • .. 1 4 ' .1• ' ' ' - - • ' • • y let ..tn tie afte ii. n. •-• . " - , , • , _ .,:o • ets are eel••• by Illeulcine festers or by. •of Switzerland:, sebieb seems to soak! people did not .Sion • to think of ffie 1 • . '• • • • n•• i• The arch I.S:' ativake aster ' ' ligiettlidi• the buSiness had,' gene:viol ' a: • . . • . a ' • • Mr wik. 1,i thougn It •is ,o, cCasionally : oliserced in. , ,.- The, liest-lieloved of eitr eld-fashion-• mail eittee • cente a hoe •from', The, •Dr.;tifielandseape in clear, pure..,eadionge.: • nnpertance of. keeping' , the system . neie in Leaden Owing to his father'e • . • • •• -, : ' son began o struggle to , mike good F , ii :I. • against a '1 precipitating• ed flowers go back ,te „?..o, lonini*.daYS, I:Williams' Medicine' Co•., Orockillle,1 The beauty Mountains with, ,:•iiii'eas.clean as one is careful to keep. : • their ;delicate gradations of tone and" , .„ . not• seen at or near midday; nor un- tion which could transport soexacting ':- color the Ereen of the iii trees, the i • • !IA -7421s. fece and body. .The. resultis At Outbreak of war hie yearly turn . . : • : e• • • • ., . - : . • , • • , , - i that e the. .int stinal: t,ract ..hecentee • ,, , p e 'i but. with • 06 'ciPital' . . . . • , ' ' - 7., thundercloud massed in the West." 'It and suggest . • . tke 'clinging a over was *109ofee. . " . • . • • : , I ,• , . • , • : . •• • • 4 • • • te the sun is within 42, deg.- -of the -a care...as-a -Hewer root and treasure : : ' • -• • ' • , • : e clogged' •and wagte material wha • ' Mr,..:Witscin eame back :to. his • hual- .• :, • • . .. - • 1: - • t a background for.theiimplici.y ottlus.4. waving bnl'el: On the -6eld..all' b.&"n.the 't ''..11cittid leave the -tioiti daily stays .. . • . . .... . • • horizon. 'Tlie nearer eue sun is to the amid the excitenients ,and 'dangers,. of.,!' there for an indefinite period doing , , . . horizon, the ;larger epPeers the: arch. • i eolonizatien (he' seed of home, flowers. , .clifidigh •figure , so ..Contidetely aloof 1 a her* feWpeePle realize. So many . • - • •• • • ' The phepomenon is eeilneeted.*ith :The .hollyhticks and marigolde Of Ger • , from as surround:Riga-a background ills are traceable to 'these cioggin pees alter:the. war, Put a.; few years • • . • . • e • • • -ago he deettled to give ito up and he- . • • " , .., • . • the summer thundersteruf because the preient,:gardens ' undoiabtedly Stretch ,. "I for the uncOnielons loveliness' ef child- ,•••Pkesonsi An internal, bath, so pine a person. :He ID now established . . , , . .. . • .-in the: • " ' IrCireht"°74.• ' IstLt'--1•-•cn' ditlona 01 ram and itildieht. neces• . an unbreken 'chain of linked .Seci: back l' ' •.- . el; 'but i.t is .much easier:• . etiting.„to the hell! 'of hie fellow -men ..", ' '7- - --=•-,-,-..., •• , .., . •• ., ' .. . • :, sary for its appearance are rarelyniet ei the ng , gar ens from whic our 1 t' • ' '. E 'fish d ' ' '" ' ' r • • . " - the tttlent• that:halt un'the b. ueleess . : . . - • • • Isivt glen:macaw -I' 'of this ' dread disease., COP thi,. souhaa at ante , sad semi, ter, fres bosh of, illaithimlars• on Treash's World Faaisas lisaiedy • ter Esilelars aod ,Sitholo hemp . trestanat.' Thcsimadi tes'aveslali. 23 years' r:ocan. • • TRENCH'S GENERIS. CVO.. " • MIA; Adct idE Seed free teak to: . , ' .... • e nth o take poonful of ' eakfest (or Ived in a glass as a gentle clean-. es -.a sooth- ath that .rids the • ous toxic poisons and gives. at feeling pf freshness, vigor well-being. A further advantage the internal bath lidirt the fact that a healthy body• ensures an alert, and active Mind whichemakes for • greater -efficiency and happiness ui endaily work.: • • ,. than any other kind! A s bard,11 thia' is. done* their was -hers!. oanlYtc°ptideArvanitecar 2c't I . • ' *gometimes, especially it the rain'be ' thought makes them' the more wee luck to him! . .• • : very heavy about the observer, with, coine amt. the dearer, aside from the. _,:eneeese bas left behind . Good :with in 'connectipn witWother clouds. .foremethers parted „ . . - tieleek • •• • i• ' int Internal . the 7.1131 s illing. hmligh• tie iuhleminrelowteromaniet:_ca-.es, wnhdrice:75%, orh..ueut‘eienir,o..t . • . :Advantage... . !bow aeentS:ved near The welter once • • •1 of danger - • ' 1 ' h t • 'Sal Liihefos before b .T.oPs should nex-er he screwed doWn, h I (I' • ' wear out quickly', and thetapa-begintser-of-the- 2 e . ' • • , 14 I I I aory2...,, 1S141 recently elearii. saw a _wide baed of-,,00rr000l "Content hi. a Garden." T . • . . I Scereb-nirtiks'on /hien may he one .th • .7 411*:;: Whitriftg4allny .-Vihti VAS t4e;- COISITs. appearing hetween ,hint "and 'a ' • Ifiniee of down:tons, regarding a friend 1 taeL___willis Edwin. tear& ver) -,--!'l ;think this eis a great • oppor- ' water. ' • • , of hers • who was very ,fond • et d• egs,;, : , „ . /mufti- to get a 'gpod.-trar7',, •• . ' Friend -•;•-• "No doubt it's -an oppor,,, i The lady, In question started to teake. • A ivi • •-, . . tilleard's Liniment tor ' ali pa*ns. brothel., aged one. • ..• ' ; I ' .: Cloul-Bgeet,/mountiin-bred.' ..... , n• ileather-.auited.child,. '. bik ..t.I.; - Sponge Wood..,.Before. . -----oL---...-, • • • Heard it knoeichig.. • -and • mired 7 rubbing with a freshly -cut t 6 Proepective Autoist ftrYlug out fltr*;•ortieit d afterwards seeking in cold first English -born lady to sit, In, the barn )wbich' was leas than 200 feet dls• et little girl, aged four, abouther baby . mmtam Stream.• ti,nity-17 hear it knocking noW." - • . IS WOMAN NOW WELL' Her Suffering Relieved and Health Restored by Lydia E:Pinkham's Vegetable Compound e• • • -"I•amcertthobr• ' Toronto, °titan ,6en.efit haiie *pry.- grateftla ftr.ct4e pjahidn'S Yeg- re- - dm& . • : coved from Y • fetable Cornet:113nd, also the: Sanative '• • Wash end the 'Aver • Pills: Irt: the. early spring.I was eirfeering sci Much . frpm loss cif blood that I tbought I would never be anybetter an doctor's .iriedidirie .telieved meonly fof the Vine being. I saw theVegetable . Compoondadvertised in the Toteitt.o • ' *tar, and I find -the Vegetable•Com-• • pound frablets Abe best ••for -me- be been taking there. sittee.Prpga: .• .and't intend keeping them by !s .s the tithe. • Afterreading your 0 Fri- . vate Text-litiriek I saw.it was Twee's-O . • eery to use Lydia E.1"itikhani*.s.‘•„San- ative Westki and I can: Safely say 1, • feel a differmtt wOuman. My, friends • ; • rerearkhovr, well I look. lam 4 very •• busy woman, but -I am ready at all. times, to boost •yAit inediemes."e--• ' Mrs. etislu-F.s Gtrel..4,.• 949 Litrids7•• downe Avenue, Torimto, Ontario.' i O Yon may he having an ,experience itrifiar'to Mrs. Gifilri"e' and will be :interested to knee*. What. she did, verYeiek WoMen eao•feel confident that Lydia E.. Pielibant!tiVegetibie Compound will helpher. since we are .. • • told. that it does help 98 out of everY • ' 100 womeri.Who -take it, • Sold.bytartigegiss'ev,erywhere:.. o :-... flovi OM' did You say, fteWei?" she'. ' Innoeent bealatiful.. ' .\.• : ..; .'Staling. - ' '..'"One-year," reillied the 'child. •• . '• -I' Winsome end wild:* ' v.rf -4 .!!!':* ' • . ,. • „ And eau he. ivalk yet' • .: .: 'Of ceurse'•: he :van% .- He's ••too,,`„:- ,. :. • Here she copies dancing .: eree-bowider and rock_L! tolikly.‹.• f..° -...'7°-1. Iere stainingcar' Many,- It frequently e.edvantaiges of Sponger& riot' be: .• Ounge" : • " 'Audi in manY. a 'waterfall ',happens, that, Ilre grainxisies when the ,. ''''''•:Olii'' said the lady. ''''OreTt,•-ity-t:40g" • ' :Slialkee. lier white 'fr,ocle• - - 1110111.4.0 %SDI • • ',stein • is. applied . but be sponging:the '',•• • "gip there IS gni). one year Md..** you • . ..' . , '-Standish pfotadyv.-- 1 woOd•;fi•rst and then allowing,,it to dry , , see Ilt, .eati.run about quite.welt,", , . , -___....u.--,-L-_ _..... Mil r A, - the...raised grain Mae' be Sandpaper . • eeze.,4, . '. The little girl:eyed:the frisking.ant- . ' :. . L.: . . level and.';thus a redarienee. of, the', . , . ..inal latently .foir 'a few seconds. ' . Jesoslavlo 'Women 'voteless- ' 1.17auld Be Content With HIM- • tret0W1-W.:4Te2eA wl'!"1 rtil.8 818i8 ...hi , . ".Se he etight,"' She said. at lilac •de- IiigoSlaylet•ie the only Slav puntrY . , cidedlY: "He's got a double s• et Of that etill veltliho'ele ill ,politiezd 'rights ,,, "Wouldn't yen like to go to de, iPu.Anath-_..e. !.. a..0:ar,:tg'.el'oi s• aoiging lie5, legit." front women, .... • ', l shii_w With. a handseme Mane" . ' ". ' Shie-e"Noterally, but I'm not one to, , ,, : • • in the fact that water operia the pores us aniciogged eau- ' long for the anattatnahle, You knots..." .°' ''.'" wnnd' und • • . dition Arising front •Iprevious ..sand .- , A Pocket Grainepheea, , • • , - Ji. theatain Is enehled te,siek deeply ire ., papering' pmedied rind 'furthermore • le . The emalWet • gramophone in Ate ' to the , yood, : This ;produces a yen' ;world has just .6ealrl alAnnIao•ared by a 1,11 even color capable of standing', itght .1; '.1;010911 Ilral-• It 611' lie' C6rried 1111 a'Sandi4pering if Such is .. found tie-efts:I.' iitan's pooket! . 'eery to prednee the acaeoth i3urftlee on ' Which the alieeess 'of Food VarnleatinU 'depends: 'Anoiher great advantage • is this -that 'when a ;filler .iis toed **h- old preitonsly epong1eg4 the eid Pend- 1, tiaper•.dust and 'other 'materiitl whiCh • clogs thenotee ebsorbs water from the ' ' Aterketaird.frir, the einetesi, • • .., . , :The *Vette* , netellst, Mr„•:Thoniiii: . :•,,lard*. tells Mtn:musing anecdote con. • caning a "tatioass,min whose absent,. 'rnin..dedit'eset :was, Preverbtat. ': • ', ' ,. On 'eine occasion a rte,11-knoWn Sci• :06ty °Tao %Wilted. sereral literary peo•••• , pia .0 bet.bassa be Meet tine ant: thio ... :Man. Wag the .gnect of :honer, :Pelt: . ,,Iiite hostess Inito dinner."' the: ,Iiieal.l. • lititteleitre dki not, Meet .. with h• ie.. lip- "•' , Mural, and after striggling through -the firrit, hi/agent-6es he itirned to :the • lady ,And. addreared her !line: , . • . "You really. Must excuse tile hops- . .leatlie,te.'fif the' dinner- 1 'hate litteit ' • cidelaing my' Wife for the fe:st thee', .fiet•eome reaiionahe.,Sitil keens:her...7' ' High §atoot itair4i iiid Pioirds: 0 ;Eduoiti6ii, • .., Ai.e.'itithc. .ried by mW to •ettabliell , • ' . . menthe to dieiiiiis oter",•Corrh...who is. SktiOlutely iiicoMpetent at her:Pah,. bin . Where They Eat the.ocippioa . . ,INDU§T,RIAL!,; TECHNICAL AND. in Napiere gm . Southere • It:4y the.. , _ . . ART SCI•100L5,.;. • .. . ..oqtypist iti regarded as...a great delicacy • '",-,amatitilsh eritera,' in the*eietting and ith, the. approval of the .Mirdittee Of Owe:amen; , .._naittivLtatkektr... et those lthlthu e4I144 i:i.„_„•A`tchA D EVENING •CLASSEti; . - . , , ... • A., , , ay-bee•condticted In aceordena *kb the iiipulatiOad-litued' by • . the Dernirtinent of tan -Cation. . ."-- • - * • . 1 . 'THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION-- et- . fe itv:iiii 'fiir•VariOtit.ttades., 'The eilipeliresed ciassee are under the ' " direction el AN ,AriViSORY CONtildittEE., - , , .', . ....lir ., ' Application f...,r. *deadened • ihOuld be rriade to the Principal of the • ' :lichee!, ' . COMMEFICiAL SUBJECTS, - MANUAL Ai; TRAttliftd,'.- -HOUSEHOLD. - . • • _: .6GIE.PlaikNO.,AGRiCtit-TURS M40. HORTIOULTUFIE are proirlded ,,fee•In the Courses irt• Study In PubliC,ribiparate,:-Caritinuation And Iti.ah „*.. fichticla. &fleabite 'inatittiteis, VoCatianal fichoehr,,Ond_ bepartnienta.' ''. Copies of the Regulations hesued by the maaisse,ar.gdtiastitiS•mairii*•." obit:dor, from tee, Cleputy Minister, Parilerneet Buildinge, Tornitilei, Inoicaskitn., _wee. , TRIM/AM • , . TORONTO •OFFERS EST' . MARKET:, Ft) , 'all er Eggs Vie 'Offer Ter , nto,*: Best..PriCea LINES LIMITED • • , stain :ited ternitiris damper ,than the St. Lmoorenee Market Toronto g P weed la eorititet'wliti the filie.,,,e'etitere , the. ferelgit. Material des drl .out • • doe.s, so by aliaorptiouthrongh. the rounding Womi wbich CailgeS sbrinkago and .36ittleiille0t h..0d Pul,ls the vatnisli (float down *into Ike pores. Or again, i the seine inoieture may, by,e±panitare &ice. the.' Veiiell smell *iota espeCially If the. ref:Midi .is applied In. '7•sin excesierely:Warin atniestphere; • Dawn., "E•tidflettly- the wind; . • 'Arid It is -Milli . And it blaekbitefe thrlU -. • Sends glaileesit to:the grove ,' With 'silver lute:- • • Bidding the song6teria, .:N•ever nacre be Mute: 7 Atieseelirldril day '• . Stoke, 'form her elinnilete It•e1ittu • - tt" ,t •, flabbyectoneues•rienis an -d bodi4 nre• rilwaye eeen'harikieg eel:Melte' -oreelepee •Plegaroilud eel Wooden iieneheS. the PeoPle eter &hie to eat these •thingii, after Seetitg,thent so arnin mi. Ountidiati tourist •fit even they AO.' • , Otd'Egytit-mic Divorce . itsotitt -Lirsdatis-.,aeostitag,•ta "T11.4* atira to,dcsoutitati-P• bttd vette 'tali:land taitnner....ntr.1 weli-aardr. ..tridet protected their 'fottiines liy alar- rkise'contrictata. • , • , \ I I intratird's Liniment fee EOM: • s" \'"- 'Sl hsreotvi,rtregori i\ e,,etnFrrfd 7n \o. flies like your coQicing TIONIENIBER,, gies sin inO're thnn Irttiblesonte, Th come tiepin filth to' food. pet .nd of them with Flit. • Flit spinsr:eleatyonr. home in a fejt. n;inuto „ ease -bearing flies' and mosquitoes. It is elenn, Safe • and easy to lite. • • • Household Iiiscts Flit serest alio d ysbe4 bugs,:reaches ?na ants. It searchei out the tricks alad trevice$ where they- hide ek.gtd, breed...and destroys inseets and..their eggs. Sprap- Vlit, art your 0.rioints1 • Flit kills moths and. their larvae `winch eatlieleS„ Extensive tests Shouted 4hat Flit aaprey did rot.stalit the !rule delicate Flit is the retsult of exhaustive leseareli by.r&i.teert eittothol,'• O oestst srati 'chemists, It is harmiess to has' replaced, the old Jr/abode becauee it irieect&-- end.. ; does it quickly. Get a Flit emit a11dsOayer'4eiday;., suxwattyOILC0. (NEW' JERg Dian-la:Wed ntend& by Fred :1,[1%-bititraviCe., Tertian:. etificura...Preinratios Far Alt TheFamily- , For geecratiens. 'Cede -era' SeAp., end Centeent heve afro.r left 'the rest-,-sweeteat-and..w.4st.s.l.tisIa t,mtho4Leg :tilAititZtrtirig a -amithy ienaition s*.n s=tr. Ttntier-feet.d. 'men end tire freely-lethertrig dull:nen Shaving Stick a et:tensity, Cutiedes Talcum is an isietipeevder,ceetipg Arid, refteseitie. • sla too.V takf...vet, Dons„ oy- P1108" Itlestitiltoes Moths' '- Mite Bed Bub ...Roaches ,0*,1114. ii4now clin • alsok ate