The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-29, Page 44#� v r. qF A, (NA 0 oil f 4 le'. k. NOW f U47. ow WERI_�� Ts 0 W W." Q .4 ,310 t Sir st A. I,1* x" XPUM26, XW, k, XPUM ne-.b.; 'IL P. IL rr W AM I - ;- -1.1'-1,1131 111110-1 1 1 . bvt'­� IT - T - 0 Ulegm low auto, ZVOWT Aw 'Isom Pop- , "M Co- at, WWTA" 0 hwa: -Wn wolKA0. a�d pioasulr try .112s, 39A, i L 1,31 toxoo. P, 11taPo# OPP traospor -now T X, 0 e Ki� ZMA '.W. N. i :j. and bring.'_ th6, tomo %ere roads f 90-00*0 ur PEOP :W 1! to bes -,040 0 Q!_ - f ar the'.) ba,ve 9 7 drjr. Liber -4. h SAM ests vd, fallb US oibe par on, qpiTC4 to ficep-tIoLem *e repi&r'ind tO fe L mill.. ose estate and V �Thii money mu st.14% wor interests Impmonmen 'he ALI 42,ware As "A ootdL t bu on , U��. _1 � uin 0.0untT 'a th %aurderef *edrug clerk a mot"Is*,, are e� 14t to Y-0 nI the S.4tt.bas e EM mrA ott. to destrPY-: IN&O first those. -n kD, titen�ed to ike st in.the bigh*�ys� They at contact vl So e�,_�yours, tw enjoy; Ple lott e__ zot to A US surfacts. Drive ow liot", Iled, 41211 -or, that -ho lie, So.. rediiei Russ Erin& way ea a t t ell ieu �b -nd W -Pre the%& 'EX60S#iT4-,§PeP ct oune, oontaft h e)PEW, 2 =der*tejyL Cea motorias t#de Aft -atid' the othe L. . *nd Amd MeEme uyou will,h4p to PxOtc lei, Dwever, - A132d '"4110tIMS !"aftmint WW& you P rovinc. I If �;S*e" ;Md. Tennaut, euid ;0= bwe =de in *egpod ro Of MIX* Agpets..'d Y. or ISIDN the *Md 4 akj�r y 0 S nem �ofideiit rv;w g .004tio*nin pre" rawft MAY Ifia am'sImpen !927M. -I 3 T equest for"Co j;effivrst'han MUSS giver, waramg., 9 Same infite 3*w tit. states tm jutl---: that C 5W b4in 'L� h we il�. e32a '61 *di t a- 00vOrAmen! at ong �,Piiisouev tt of ]b f tar -tirce(L e�t as U mad Taky amd hl ad *Pon joy d ng iiqiAd t 7.13111,4, %olig dbtrt seatt. . 7h q Pft . " . I , n e�r, . ; , I . I r - Cast 6. L I foHENRY. g4ged T 1'40 ;aC­ the es� 'beft ;$Cott t A 'h �ffiq t4)j3bEa*T,of. 3xe drug storii ti- "of 'Lox ymg distm It -hebr N,DlMg ea�ik DipsitMfl D A& 9M �A with -t �me -16P of XT lie adf IfighwA01 n ure'.. ontAwso IToe. X -a z2vued b*th toriSts I m9nistleir- tj oo I �Ihb co-optrjk (on 01 Ji3d athrlabtw-of rO -SRI isn led, tim of , 1 .1 - vwlsi. B a retut'sanio to 'as, 'tt. lee ';ec- 1.� 1 , � 3m li 'Tepmt,4 I d that =0St-SW=F 6 b e 'y IT Made. It d e. has "Me" ina �h ment and- it, fit p�qlx gmm-tD made 'Ruppell, SeEir"Itu D- the an- ofty -but the zLyn tUt A'* -ed 'to, toost, .4bel tbex: -b e 'large cilarged -ad" Its tr liardly" knLowE �xnd t ast to 5 "re jj Dt, -�_w orry'n, 1)ne t zain tA alat. -umey 'Bre 6..ha tt 9bOM U# e an - � ,od tliek work V t rM tes M at guy. TV t pine ... io lug q to g2T 3r out. ;autoC=ao,7"..1 �Mwo - -m, air SM M -aO.0. am 0 so"Am,or.,gen z3- lax. bgq,� Zerved in -the "T to so r e:, Tbe Vamed of the 42nVe navy t� W.fis tivt."he T 1] 'S 'tt th d M 7 Twlffi ldxy, prea&jRg . - . . . i - - r ui.�un_ R D 1UPY El DO d . V uying is T Yet, xjid t A A19T WID" Igem wit and tMoti, Sundw S &aame -pro&a a U to 7 , L �-' - �.+ 1 _ L. or. ut ;;wz ;7AA� eS 4. me eBit faded, suer pftF,;c&.th6, y-outb a pe, e- q a 4a ]B t FLU Ana ed Ila "less, ud,' WeMinim, 'via *t a 'OW' teglgte is, s6d fluxt ?W0Ve96W­1s =a L' alie. M h6att a let. at 1fiadh I itatUri *the it- "I �' Or Ugg r out t Beffil :old it W�e I to Tm contiuMui bv Keommil id t �h el tnnaL. uzzie;s I U�11, tielisfi" 'Sim - *Ad,, -to keep t",ior �Pw tffi. wbild t r Servi I isat YbU t:tQ9Vt11er I Pft 1. 7i , bAS, b 7j 'tC.L nPjjjd'�jje 46 V V r.'t" ME odRT L -1 . - . S P;10111P St a IbW iper Tha ziud tc�use cam& ":in eed -ana- A-�Speaking �Ieat =6thtr Ej aMtion t ; WMo �S ileude' 231 people, pet 'r 'There. sboS t le w le, 'So �Pdl �V*Vr- m3ted States`ba- tlhan it M Id & �bC LAq Ir Tbe U- -,Fr �.'Sral V aW ihen ,hit znd' �SVith, G OVER XT SjT1EXS Aejj�a , . " .1 .. i. - � can RrM" DR t "DOOR t -h- ojmd, 'toe :A�s )C*E :ORAN 'end go' `f 'I WIIERE.� 94AY FEVER 'It MW 'Alm fra MON'S AND r1mcmCAOT AND MWT e y9" bor j0N �U D.1ea. ol 11 . . . . . . I. � , KNOV64' .3r aut at ATL' 15: ENT P�P!fti em Howev gs EIGNS, SLIM ae ,,C1sW&rd or 2LP;ilpz_ or Xud'Rive , T ,AiIigent..seA.rc tes ej� P Outd011f t3�e 44911 t no -be -t�ei-.V'best- jL apar=Mle as it, womm W6d. to Teveal t t plats oaorce Wag r# - Dine e e, -is, youth tat IT glor- lit) 'VL "-R eat 0 Hay Rever -,tloat -the t 3nbj0fLty a 0mg in �ie of'--t;h6.:fiDegV, ypR111z science jn, BAY RK- M *M1 quih ag rested jjd /* few of ose Im th `T(;V�nwp. Any. m who k`hQWs,.th6. U. 'Tat:her Snr.PT3MTW _1M �Iui e glit o.,e pui Ie bj=&an r, reater IDIP 'and tool- ur. jous suini aqlo 1 v�it est you Q-rAIJTY Ae�-t — ' e; ,�aters vill 1-teH I I . I I , . , 'I? :cPst' -; I ` -1409 erlsifid of' tveT$qgjm, /* N01" bf the fact m�d .`ja0ftTS- -it lotM ll, -#es 11 be't e $EL9CTED Ircr i' � I 15KARPEXM;V' MA been"im.*oved -t ep pr e om 06fect VWT -i4itter sold nd,. e. in t;&njAa,' Re + her. ih�re 'is Statbs.� that j T­ i�te ��oqofUjely oppobed to 'e in, d=gre mffea tive devW0P- Lb SE -i of 'fdic.0ow Fitutlibni 'h from H4Y Feer., - _EVS ru jef t_ e featl1rer, tEt v;ent 'M'W e -all 10000 h InPeT. inin'. :1 -Ing:, anal and' ContKinS. tV eeat. tjou�gjl I t:en of *e -suffered. Ti 1i ISM th inei isve IDeer lage and ikitittide A*S"*jB OF t im t 0 cleat, df -k rtAfigol to be -ANb BLVE, STOIKE_ heas mecessau Tt3 ta bi ogn xnC.be "6! a.baNr�;sew li�ve 34s *RP �hL atitude Fuss GREEN I o I 6sge -Ing N pump'; SV were t1F ni n jivinZ 4 WS_ =ex r3ioow. 12* PQ . Lek to �4?F got mcikph6re h warin days gild CO, ow bui are i=areas *Imt rpw; GALT-. Years" 490.. It, j8 �jjsy t6-. get 'to but to,, conle, away . f f tho-c! "etit5cm f thtec nighl god a from :one -11111n- jitalities, ,F -n V or roinj or w ere,,':, of asseste 're- h I ile s:fu#bl��r Mystery. A �txndrisd dollars h an W 0 'WOU I dr�d to 1i ..Ott th6m:-- a ern, t it -a -of t; le tc h t e:,cykange AnO g* derta�i �e MtnW troub le es ot a%,e lah Wbut:re rO er.a t t dogjS'knywm �or v. gAiney As ? vir --could '.be* 1�0n­ t0he pv�m 1 illze, rci f Pi h Or -,who. coil $uMiner ac,, Ie 'he trut IeMifig e 40r=re' "tic § j;p1endid 6ffe fite4, to t 6 'e-Xtrenle is Tiniti0abli ttj4 "&. ' , owner AAs h e & A�-ely, i r -ect 11ties, but sea ters ft t V�.klL CAN 4,. 6MM0 AtiOn, and EV 1114r, no; MF62 .. a'. . . its' hotels. � cottages cabbik. tic, W, 'hing Lt keeping, 0L tt d al! :jjtt it ot "is 'oVpt g )ED r, AM- tbe' 'J�k *VM -C�OVRT. e'jandy batbi vaid , I 'IN, MICA with, 'i '4 7 it' 0.,. t 0 ng, tLints; its fin, .:W4board e�' f I&V ys - a Gn"c ear Totmd, t U bAt and e mumi tni oyous da, f willinling. boat -Mer thiie is "Tur, be*1 -h if! M06t, 1, wet 011114, da O� §t over une IL el -its tile amourt. td dtT4- X aner, Wiley of 0. .danciii Trul and, in the 11119ce :of P :TPCVM -#m ' ��d, &.'"d in ­a. div' hotht of,'health. Pr %I M i;tx eE the suninier lite _kt;ret&1Ag every s f��er jL*e2'tbete are ;furmm 6�6pied ie� at� i if no eep, Suit kat, b2s pine S� inf . on' C11MILte IrDni ttm ikc- iret i pro'T For iull orniati mett. for. 2a rit, Court at port u 1) 117 L ue j t the V Put fte t)±Bxx& bs t, I at on#,: tettion of the ciret or 21 V was ac� car- Agent. .!A�X tg� . 'oV e - ".. ,_t " M opointe Wla_' w6s v z4, �*e and mumv w, Ose 1 aecrei -of aivarde and one. t b4 , 'b Co nin-Y 'r-ordea 9. ulture Afric et rfor �tlie. am altata'tor o. aW&r oue�bqt . , , �d it ag 'g. ed. tj* total real property 'ar XPP the"'Pljintiff in Cin4dir Toars Ba GROV -=g tj 'to �1)" ery ftiUJ6. i We$, anioun 119 or kitiL kv t�ie za4d 8 �6 t�&*a: �tliat P M no MrS. 366 No vndey nortla to am, t�"Ce 'is �6�tiiitd proiiniatO.T so D. 6e' Stott ",*rougbOut t6t tate, ir evt4o- 4or tR� and othe equita'61�, dis. ford,' vis tift. Te Lry A the imount The quistift and the :Braut are ALCtive tbBilot V��e. trlbujign he property 'Was left - 'f or "Ot . b:� toortShilm 4aL- mts, bt a� Itztt $2 pay' 7.1W 6f I maut of trkT!FP0Ttat1 -�W u3xatlxg� im.,*ese .ant, i�s_ �jr zLddi; I te i2*' and :s6i" dLiolvi. rg- it =9 snol--�the' attornevs Mrs, Snittli, 0 6 oll 00 PW, 'he, order. tu e r rant'. e to 60 ft �'tit b -v Jud '' rnea, to 6 i horne in 1 ge, xn e lole atig" Ima .0 ts �,Ut a 7C t ot do to-Ahe. gat rd'ay. b 6*i olig tnd, "ass tarn* taw 1 KA�ne 4LA * and 'Mrs be or j, "tic . i . r _,1"6n * re�g . tion. stied at k Claude Dore's e V"er Of Rool of AVI&dt Site, Canadian MIOW, Vi -be Iva loy the Couple is V.11- n Sundft�h, prope :0 s"abitiL.It ft 01000. Mrs, Andvew V, Ita Kt Jack, t fal Crf $10 P Olt H U has re�l r g- ov-Left im t" *Is to flib �f.� E on's Itift wevik., MAT So it "Pu, Of.'' -abatr.tbelr b3` Zl'e 11�18d A Violent teill eAC606ne ;61 tllr4w a'cook- Orove will have t`eit plenic in: W,0 be" told bow- SOW th" are _0tber"oIaa�__e5 tbe Act Pe7, and at one time Ih� - a b I � Fall It 6tt f 6t'd6or, and Mrs *1 tz OW to *e -OaRrmg t Oil TuesolikV ei7ening of last' *04 0-t the lkn& -ILP el be Zane non- Itta ttne 011� . s, jonN* r t�)etf bla __I, 4t � fo-f d of ladie.4 mah6ftd it. Ztl FROM ASYL br Mr Mrhe zkd EMU &mdr 'a -w -g Att. jriihUltsdi be* b,&Tiet4­0 'IURk* Al" tbj,.oi0t taA tini 1, lima it� Cellaniot how* b. t It.was thro so=e 'gay ur= �--t I* T111 -ho �ot nnot Fsrl&n � unawiv Joe M" _t, o'F tat itLitef a'l the 'fi!00f iiicteasNl rO- &t r t, OpIft, �b . tlAe Th "titt Ago =a wb* Ine 'his ot' jAr i t0n, *Ould A *--nobnt of it ido *64irw tie *6 *1tP jA at last Vfj& 'Ide. tft.'&D�tt, j�m iL, a nd CU t�t 4=lmeeof truiL W alaul, "404 , 0 t tbots if they h&4 . 14 jttj�f I llk�*tt puto, ft"Utj* of 4. Ont .. ........ .