The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-29, Page 1• • .1 • 02J00 PER YEAR IN.A1)ifiN4E; PIO 0:11H.11RWISE MAW, ONT., 'MIR 4 A. )AY, JULY 29th, 11 SMGLE., COPIES. B.. cialT..$1, • . :640-0:-70-..70-077-0 9 0 0 9O , ; 1 • 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS 0 ; • I ',03.44t-7.67-0,-.07-9-70,77•04-0-74-741' OrCoa"nell Physician ilia'. Surgeon _ • Lutlinnor":" hours 2-4 • ; one- 86 • •-.7- cnVti • " DENTIST' Er. MacLeod will visit Lucknow Tuesday in Dr. Conatfift •s„ 7 Over* either Burlap ' DENTIST R : L. • Treleaven, Lucknow- Decker's Stor e, Extraction" by Ras or local. Will be in non every Thursday. nein) 03 ommeisepor, . _ DENTIST Cill:nr. Neaten, Maki appointment ' In office eyerY401Y , , •"•• ' . 0, . . 0/ 0-4-70-70 I- _L l' • o; Bins If13013Y'S 'CO'. :1.1IJMN 0 , %. • .. A 0L0-70--..0 Gee. Ablddall. Laelmovr; --Broker and Real Estate. -Money to lend of . first mortgages on. farm proper, ties at 6 and 634, per cent ;according security offered. , Also smat amounts on second mortgages on farm, : properties and on personal , instal'. A few goes' farms for sale WALL PAPER . • . Latest patterns in stock at lowest . prices'. As cheap , as in catalogues. AIio book patterns of leading man- tifacturers.--Box 174 It. j. Cameron, • 'Paint & Paper H Lucknow 'F anger. , lour mill': Stonier in, fir-. Clock Flour: inking bread and ;w00% be to anyone. lour . E. Treleaven ; _ , Band -now gements-7 , Apply te- windoW In them Rkro is what a Cu rionin issysi about Rai . . "I,.. have enjoyed'. - from -Havelock ,Flour :7411646 recommend It gives aplendid satisfac BRASS RAND Lucknow. Citizens' Brans open for all sorts of, eng • garden 'parties, picnics. etc .Gorden Johnston, Lucknow • *-liendaY'of'ilext week will be Luck- now's Civic •Holiday. • Miss Stolle, Steward is visiting with friends in Kineardine. this •Week Mrs. Harris Chicago, ' is visiting with er Sister„ Mrs. Neil tblurdOch of e. 33k- and Mrs. Harry .Wilsoirt! are_guestaOf and Mrs,'N. •.Muidoch.; " • "Mr- 11„,"‘E. Diekinson. of St.Mary's, were week-cudvlait40 sit the Ashfield Parsonage. ' Mr. Elliott Burns has resigned his 'position in 3/1cKim's Drug_ Store and gone to Seek his fortune in Detroit Mr. Jim, Miller of town, who has • been quite, seriously with heart trouble, is somewhat improved this -.-Mrs. Jessie MacMillan, whO has been in Detroit the past few Months', is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip MacMillan.' • . - , Mrs.' Tarlton and Miss Woods were over from .Detroit this 'week, to see i their mother, Mrs.•It. Woods, who has not been keeping well of late. , ./ Mr. A. a Wilson Of the, local Bank •of Commerce, is Spending his:vaca- tion at Bruce Beach. Mr. J. A. Mac-• Lelland is. acting manager, . . The Rev. J, Agne , now at Kings.t.. vibe, Ont, here to attend' the Jubilee of 'Zion Church; was in town On Sot- ." day, nreetirs- g'-nrany -fnds-7ef For Sale -A number, 0! and iltonn sash with glass Apply to D. C. Taylor. • FARM FOR 'SALE 106, -ACRES, -2 'Acres good bush; ,brick house 30 x 30 an ' 20; fitanie" barn on stone foun . 50 x.56;' shed 'attached, ,' 36 • &loc.:irked .24 x'30; hen. house 30, Well 'located, will be sold re ably. , Terms to suit purchaser. 1547. • Geoi'A. Sid maple d 44 x dation. X 40: 13 x ason- 7;7.7, 11, CHURCH ....41J.B.IPE - ''.; • " .DREw. BIG CROWDS • . Many Ashfield Re -visit Scenes ----ol-Cbildhood-PaiS and „Enjoy Delights' of Re7uilibn::Spirit • Special Correspondenee " to'The ..Senti "It was a great inceesn". Tbat' I assisted' the choir end!' sang. "The ,what everyOne has been,'saYitig Mille 'Call of the Criss," Sunday'and of7-the Golden ; Rev- B. BarnbY' Blyth! 'ma of , . Barnby of: the 12th concession. people met togeth,er on the church TestaMent text of the story 'of Gid- • . groun da during the three large gath eon is contained in • the Book of erings ef. the 'Jubilee prograMme. judges; "As o *an is, so also is Ins: Their were conifortably "acComOdafet strength." Mr Barnby enlarged op.. on the lawn Tie*. built-rior the. oc- On the text „to. say that as_ a man is easion, seating arrangement 'having in hielabita, so, also is his strength been made for more : than 500,. and and as he is in his companionships, platform accomodaticei for:a choir of and in his faith, so also IS bis streng. thirty, together with. the ministers the: The greatest source ,of • strength „end other. sPeakers. Besides these is. God . revealed in, Jesus 'many listened from their cars and- Christ We need have no ',fears for from the (Mee windowsetaf the church the man or Oman Who Makes: -r The visitors came in response to in companion .Of 'Jesus, and who through vitations, from •all parts of Ontario Him seeks for the heart of -God., ,frein the ;Canadian. West, and: "from, MONDAY the,Middle and Western State They , If Sunday was a great day, Mon- hronght ivith, them in eagerness to day was 'a greeter. For the people meet the friends . in the happy 'spirit felt' a -larger freedom to nieet '' and nuonWa,thinLthatueone tolk endfi'and' 'to- -Make 'went away without feeling that their themselves perfectly at borne. One old lady,"descrihed it as it-littleThit of heaven, 'Everywhere folk' felt ac happy and so friendly:'We think she: was not pitmen mistaken, The visitor gathered: early in the .afternoon and while the sun was, hot; they,: sought the shady corners' to Chet with al' their friends. At 'foul.. totaoch the platform programme hexer!. In many respects this was the crowning event of the , Jubilee., Greetings -Oen brought in short addresses from for mer ministers, and visiters.. Three sons of the liastnr, of fifty 'years ago the late Rey. • jos.. Caswell; *erc. there from ,Toronto, nernelyi;''Edwara S, W B. Caswell. These men in turn Pi/V. high tribute to the memory of, then father, delighted the audience wit)' many entertaining stories of their boyhood days ,,itt Ashfield, and pod.- eviel); and -gate to the Zion people" their very best Wishes for the future Mi' Wm G. McManus of South Bend. Indiana, and. Rev. J. W. Liilieo• of Virginia, Minn., son-in-law of Mr John Joynt, Luckeovr, brought greet - inks, from America, the former tell- ing of the products of his city and ;the litter Of American . freedom and the ,18th 'amendment to the Constitu- tion' (Prohibition)., Two former min; isters Rev. 'T E .Sawyer of Browns - "vine; and Rev. J. J. Durrant of tarna recalled pleilsent issoCiations in Zion and Aihfield. 'Rev. Mr. Crawand Zion's own .sorilOand cousin of Mr. Jubilee Re -Union held at Zion United Church, ; Ashfield. More than 500' reached. a5capiably" • from , ;an old • . • higheaFfialciliWas had Messrs. J. E. Agnew, A. Turner W. McCoy and, E.. N. Hodgins, as a rink; are attending the annual, tour- nament at Owen Sound -one of, the big bowling event of the season. Mr. and Mit. W. j: . Davison. ar- ved home on Monday from .o heat trip to Port Arthur and Duluth. Mr, Davison"cias delegate from Old •Lighl Lodge. to "the Ontario Grand Lodge, A.F..,& A.M., which Met at Fort Wm, 'last week. Mr. R; • Mackenzie, who has eomq east from Winnipeg on , business "spent the week -end with his sisters. the. Misses MacKenzie of town. Mr. MacKenzie han,,been-western er !or the lidaeLauglin Car CO. far • TiENDERSBIMAONCRETE • IN ASHIPIELD Tenders will on' received by und ,signed Clerk on or before August for the following bridges; On Side Line 9 &.10 East Divipio On. Side Line 3 & 4 Emit Division ' On' Con 2 at Lot 12 East Division On Con. 1 at Lot .4 East Divisioa, On Con. 1 at Sheppardton E. Div. Gravel-laid.down„atall_bridges and • ' • • ined and litipessed..The Zion .people 'themselves say that nothing like' it ever happened before in their: church or, eommuroty. They are.. more than repaid for the work involved in their extensive preparations. And they are now. sure that .by reason' of the .Tub, Rao the next fifty yearn Audi bet-. . , • , tei than the last. • •„„ . *The Jubilee programme began en Sunday. Inerning, July 25th at • 10.30 with the .first service of ...worship. Long, before' that, hour, however, many arrived • to •wander . over ths grounds and the graveyard, to renew old, memories, and .prepare their -spirits for the day. The magnitude of the gritherjrig,wai-quickly sensed. At the -past 25 years=a sPiendid• record.' the hour announced, almost the en - IC _ tire seating capacity of the lawn was/ Miss Nelli Earl 'McGee' Mrs- filled, 'and many •had taken',ploces in - D.. Lowrie, Miss Helen Judge; Mr. J. Side .the open. windows of the church. Judge, Mr. and Mrs. /Parker and lit- - he service was a great/ one. From daughter Deer) of 'Toronto, • and the singing of the doxology .§Mr thr Mr. and MM. Jack Webster of 'Bur- issuing of the all to worship oy the lingten, were guests this week at the pastor until the, pronouncement of, heme' of Mr* and MTs• James •Miller the benediction, the spirit of the re- ef Aeon/ .• onion oyes manifest. It was a spirit Mr: R. West of the Toronto Tell-` of Profound thankfulness unte,:God • egram composing department, was a for the preservation of ,life and the caller at the Sentinel Office on Mon- guidance of human spirits in the way of Jesus 'Christ. A Jubilee 'Choir com; posed of members of. former 'years together with the church 'choir, sang In' the Sweet Bye and Bye," which was ' played clearly on the organ. 'which was 'used .in the church' fifty years ago: The old instrument has still preierved ft sweet tone "Herbert Stethers of Dungannon, for- merly Miss Helms Hackett, • a Zion girl, sang "The Garden of • Prayer, . and the --ehurchTehoir-sang-in.-usison_ '"Fraise Ye Jehovah.," ' Rev. It' Agnew of ;vies the preach - "Or of the morning service. He 'reissu- ed many incidents of his //boyhood days in and around' Lucknoav, .and told the "story his conversion unto God through revival services of the early days: Then he delivered a strong message of the Ofiristion gospel bas- ed upon a life study of the, apostle . Paul, from the, text, in Galsitioes; "I breve been cricihed," with Christ; and it is no longer that live, but Christ liveth" Ito me." The, supreme thing in life,' Mr. Agnew assert,ed, is to know God through the revelation of Jesus Christ, and to live like St 'Paul, a life of loyalty to .the Masteri.a life of devotion; and a life characterized by,, definite religious decision. Rey. T. E. Sawyer of Brownsville,former pas.. tar of Zion Church, ad Rev. R. H. BarnbY„, the Preacher of the evening service were associated with the pas- tor and Mr.. -Agnew in the, morning service. ' • . 7Duting the day' all'iubilee visitors enjoyed to the full the hospitality of the Zion- homes. Large numbers could (-day He recalled having set type on *The Sentinel 28 years ago, having , just completed an apprenticeship at Xineardine. He ie now night foreman In the Ad. Dept of .The Telegrain. , 'ON. TRIAL EACH ,DAY , cement supplied at the two .on Con. 1. ' Plans and specification may be seen any tinie in Clerk's office. J: Farrish,'Reeve. " C. E. McDonagh, Clerk; LoCknow;It. 3. , 29-7-e; • ' AUCTION SALE . Of .Farm Stack, Implements, House. hold Furniture, etc., at Lot 35,' Con. 10, entrees Tp., on Tuesday,. August 3rd, it 2.00. Vac- • J. Purvis,•Auc.; .11..H. Pinnell,riop. • For Salo -A number of. young ,..pigs. -Andrew Gaunt, Con. 12, West Wirtealiosh. R. 1. Lucknow. • k • FOR- SALE • Henderson Motor Cycle in ;first . clans running order. Apply to A. Pat; erson, Blacksmith, Lucknow. The greatest horse meet in West-. '.'ern Ontario will be heldat Gederich ••Wat Monday. August 2. 2.25' Golden 'Gate Stake Race, Purse $1000; 2.1E Blue Water Stake Race, Purse $1000;- 2.30 Open Class Race Page $400. Follow -the crowd to Race, • PROCLAMATION Upon the request of -a number. of ; the-citizenn-ofl-the-Village-of_LUCk- now, I hereby proclaim MoiiW, • August 2nd, a Civic Holiday for the • Village of, Lucknow for the year 1926.. • . All onions are hereby notiffea-- to ' govern themselves accordingly. 29-7-e. • Robt. Johnston, Reeve Before the -.sun sets today. Golden Crust' 13read will he en trial three times at many tables.; Tomorrow the folk will be more confident in Golden Crust Bread thantheyrwerectodey-frh folk who eat Goldbn,Crust'Bread re- commend' it 'to' their friends. It can be had at .your grocer's or , Reid's Dominion -Bakery, phone 68. WEEK -END . SPECIALS -7f Honey Cream Laycirs and Desserts, ,Tarts ons,. Cream' Nut Rolla, Jelly. Rolls. te 'Trilbys. Large variety of choice king 'always on hand. Sc 'Da to area War Drin 70,11. McINNES , Cirropriietot..-.Wirtghant Will oat Lachnolo,'Toisdaiad-* Fridge. of tah week and be st Cain's 0141 hi the attains*. Ontglig snug, otteldst 11. .0100440. eid's Delicious-J.10am , Made Ice m just touches the spot these ni dart: ,Ice Cream 'Cone.; Soft kis, 'Orangeade. • • . • For very about States. Lnekno Salte-711pright Piano. Used ittle. Cost $1500-fcir Piano.,' at half-price. Party molting to Apply at once. to Box 258, w0. • •-• .••r..t,k,"tt;',.•;t-t'14;•'1 I ' Mrs. will 'hay household utst 3rd, There are this sale a an the nro N SALE OF ROUSE . EFFECTS . Angus MacDonald, Lucknow an, auction sale of her effects on' Tuenday, Aug-. oinmencing at 1.30 o'clock. many, useful articles on nd everything will be -sold rietor has Sold her resid- tt Miller, Auc. LD 'CLERIC'S NOTICE t 1926, Municipality of --of Kinloss,-County_o . Voter's IAs the-Townsildp Bruce. Nptice is h complied with era' Lists Act up at my office dOst Of July; A. erscons to vote ality for stemhe at. Mailiel0a1 El lig remains titer /, hereby all upo - immediate. -once errors Of emission Ing to law, the la being, the '10th ds Ism .00e. 11111164, C reby 'given that I have Section 9 of the Vot- nnd that I 'have posted in Kinloss on the, 29th. D. 1926, the list of all in the said Municip-• rs of Parliament and ections and that such e for inspection. And - aft voters to take eclings--ta have any corrected accord- at Aity for sow of August, MI Ijpt 01-ille*T01014 oto 01-10001 Twisters "tt not deter the families from giving careful attention to all, and for many ‘Fas.• a„ family to.union. as 'well., as a church re -union. The eVening. service brought even more peoPle than the morning had John , Joynt, lVf.P.,p., brought the greetings Of the •Lucknow ;United Church, as did alao the church choir by Supplying the entire *musicalpro- "granime of the afternoon; This was very mlich appreciated, indeed. ' weres,&ng,..by Mrs Rapid 'Treleaven, Mrs. J. •Wesley' JoYnt, Miss Irene Moore, and Mr Alex Mc - Noy, The •Choir as a whole sang op- ersing and closing phoruSes. . • The pastor as chairman made ref" erenceto Maiii letters received from who had been invited to the. Jubilee, but who could' not come: These letters, came all the way from 'Ottawa t to Vancouver, •:He also. told the audience of the Souvenir Booklet which was itublished to give a his- torical sketch ' of the' clitirch's actitt- ities during the fifty years and to ,preserve certain photographs of ;pio neere and of thb church. A few of these' books. are yet available _upon_ application to the pastor, Rev. C.: H. Diekinoo, ,Lisclthow. • • .By supper time some- .700 guest; had arrived,' Who gave the ladies n very anxious for a Couple of done. The' tem left behind upon the lawn a cooling shade and the aind _ t of thedayWent down Ptoilnaik . _calm moSt fitting f:tir evening *Or - ship, That calm was matched by a; favourite. hymn Of the Mire ?great Into 00 heart' of God, "/is found bit, ninth .thg merei-sent." 'Th. MO. Family Theatre FRIDAY, &‘,SATURDAY•' *IDLY' 30' & 3.1 "Belie Daniels • in . • WILD, WILD SUSAN • tht-Thannee-'1.,vhen a -New society girl turns detective." .7.•MONDAY & TUESDAY •• •,AUG1lJST 3" & - „ Pete Morrison arid his Wonder Horse ' ' ' THE. ESCAPE '"A Blue Streak Western" , SERIAL -"The Scarlet . Streak"' Gond-Comedy COMING -"The Pony- Express' . Special „•• simarifssawitastagfr This ad: is for the ladies. -We ; want to tell them just that a really valuable WriSt Witch cannot be old at a low price It is-ar. firma, ssibirt - Ask everr'watch-: repair -man , bout H telf-yo that • the Iow-priced Wrist Watch is . nearly' always on his repair bench Or on\ its way there. Our Wrist Watch prices/6tart at $19.00 and that is where real. value and dependability begin. Ladies! Consider this an teflon. to make us a watch visit .• T. 'ARMSTRONG LUCKNOW 'Jeaeller & •,Optometrist hones, But by, careful pretriSiceCall, were served and deolared themselves satisfied, A softball gime was 04,0 after .supper fietWeen the teems /rep, resenting Ashfield Circuit and istortb St United, Church, Goderich.. This ,te- suited in 74 *Inning score for God. erre A to --1.1, but •_.brought the Jub. ilee' to it happy close, 'Eveyydzie 'Went home convinced of the success of 'the, jubilee and of it o Certain value' ,tOr their lives in ,the days to tome Financially! the was .a hie sticcess,° too. -APproxiMately 0.50 was received from Ml sources altho' 4-knenneti iinproverrient, ; "Mt the - church grounds and for the Jubilee ittogt-inounted-•"'high, ,the committee - will be .able: to report substantial, Willa With, *Vali AO, church may ta totord with mow 0000.01•4 PLENTY of Bread while they play curbs that 'craving for harmful sweets. Bread builds and. satis- fies.: It's -so delicious economical ood Bread "It'E, Too 1-1Ot To Bake!". We hear this every day. Why make you r hOine:and yourself uncomfortable? Let Us Supply Your NeOds'., , Try Our Horne Made, Whole Wheat and Raisin Brea 'SATURDAY SPECIALS . 'Lemon Meringue Pies' Dundee Cokes, jelly •'. Bong,' Clielsei, , • Black Current Tartlets., Chocolate, Marshmillea. lied. Rolls • Strawberry Tartlets Sally,' Browns BRING 1/4',710-trri. notrEiv-ANitr'idos • r, .olyrAIN THE BEST PRICES'. HOLLYMANI'S': BAKERY . . Phone ,Lucknow • .c4wer."nqmatpmz.ao;ApgF,-:iszksxw:&-:frir2&+.4fetaw-,w..ArrAwiwa ..'• STORE' 66 •:The •Harvest..?ViOnt-h: Is August.: . WHEN'AUGUST COMES IN OUR • STORE •WILL • • BE • STOCKED„WITH. PLEbrinr..OF HAR VEST 'MERCHANDISE, sucluAls_uEAvy sioRnxG, FAST COLOR; 35c. 4. 'YD.; kLINEN TOWELLING AT 20e., .25c.; 28c., 35c, '38e. PER YD.; .PLAIN FANCY . GOIGHAM AT 33c. PER YD.; LADIES' • g KNIT VESTS 'AT 2' 'FOR.50c-: MEN'S BUTTON -LESS COMBI- 1 • NATIONS AT. $1.00, PER SUIT; HOUSE DRESSES AT 050. •3 . $1465,, $2.00 EACH; LADIES' BLACh; BROWN & SAND HOSE gi AT 3 AIR. FOR 75c.; COTTON SOX FOR MEN .AT 20c. PER: ' PAIR; PROPER iiiirriNrci WORK ,SHIRTS AT • $1.25, $1.35, k $1.50; $2.00 EACH; LARGE CUT.OVERALLS POR MEN. -AT • .1.... $2.00 .14, $2:50.• ' • HARVEST moNirg .s.PEcIAL-pse: nu.vs ANY ONE OF OUR TABLE 14„,----'-'1FORTH IT. oti.cLoTR SQUARES.'. SEE IF THEY. ARE'. . • LF.Rt.13 E. BUSWEI.4.,, ke.....r.ii....rdifiroar.dsrmAirAirarapror..div.dsmaxictir.ditoraraij 1, e • .110:RNELL •mugpiocw. Goods') Womeeg & Children's Wear, This week Ave have a Rock of Girls' and Women's Presses that we are clearing out at a Fraction of the cost. `Each $5.00. , New British -made Broadcloth, 32 4nches wide: Fast colors in the new broad' stripes, 39c. New 'British -made Broadcloth. Full yard , wide in very new fancy patterns and new color- ings, at 'a yard 49c: New British -made Foulards in neat designs Doi - children and girle. They ,are nice fast colors in - good assortment at 29c.' New Cotton Ponge for Bloomers, Slips, etc., in all the new colors and shades. Will not creep or cling: Full yard wide, at 34c, Standard ,Spool , Cotton Coots' Coots' 200 -Yard Spool, any color, any size, 90c. a dozen; 2, for 15C. •the sw t, allIpure loaf. „ -At your grocer's or Jtollyman's • Bakery . REVIVAL MEETINGS continue -a' .Tisis Week. 'Meeting in the TOWN, IIALL Every Night at 8 O'clock. BORN . • ; Rinia,=-Iii•the Township of Morris, Huron bounty, on july 25, .1926,• to Mr and Min.' Murray ; Rees,' a On 'ssikbsid , Hotrey, Lucknow), 40,114*.t9t$fi 14140kilil*uniaj Ch**311iigIbult4*4. ofirit 01 'th• 44110. • -444I.,.44).,* ) !ii 0 RNELL--MURDOCII ANDERSON BLOCK,! LUCINO:t1W. , CAURCH NOTES , The Sacrament of the "Lord's Sup. ner will be dispensed in the United Church next Sunday morning; pre- miratory services will be held on Fri. day evening at 8 o'clock. , The annual Siinday • Sehool and Congregational Picnic of the Luck -- new United Church, will he ball it pc,tot ciy4 on tburtd*Yi AtItuft ' FRIENDS SAY GOOD-BYE .0 Mr, PETER H. MacKENZIE On MOaday'eVening, July the 12th, about one hundred and fifty friends and neighbors ,inet,..,:at the home of R. Mackenzie,' Con, 4; Kinloss and presented him"with a ediiifOrtable upholstered chair' accompanied by the folloning, address which was read by Mr: Dan. MrieKienoh. - Dear Mr.. MacKenzie:- On this;•the eve of Your.departure from our; midst, we have dropped in as a. group of 'your 'neighbors and. friends, for a Word of farewell. :la. deed, we feel that, an Occasion stieh, as your going, Marks an epoch in the hiatnry of our, coninamity Which we cannot afford to pass without r nitiori7•It-is7such-ecentsl.thgto to US as opportunities to reflc4. on the 'Tfiittepaenrd note naftianotniginitdairil , reiilize that our "Falk Canada" has been built of individuals and of Twin- ed and ive are grateful for Men of viSion 'and of character, who have riiter! wont gaidin *t the done their Aare, to better their e60. you have 'proved yeerteif a man, of in our community and 'in' that time inthgrity and, worth -one oh whom For over fifty years'you have lie rely on every co. - as orrirom ; 't • 4 de)) j7 ' •t-4 in The gmeetingonseo f to Commons Yet)rese.ii•At'Vi representing eg rtieS happiest ' of all 'to include in Our Words of •Op- . preciation the fact, that Yell -hove lived your life in the fear of God; up- ; heading church as wet, as state. Although we realize that your 're- moVal leaves a' vacancy Iri VW* midst which cannot be filled, we feel 'that • td -night is Y an occasion" for, thank. giving. We rejoice in .the goodness • of God who has 'enabled •you to •ae,. cornplish so" much in life and has giv- en you many Material blessings. We recognize the fact that after yearn Of active • and. strenuous' toil. you, are . leaving..' this homestead; a place of )1/ llresperit,„.-, and a • real asset to onr - 'community, 'Most of all, we reSoice that you are leaving in possession of - 'unusual' vigour of body and of mind. ' We ask you to accept this. cunt- , leviable chair as 'a: remembrance 6 our skin est t toughts, Ve 'Eros ra in the •eity-,..where you" take up' i'610. home .there inaY be,,,inarty happy rest. ful years, ahead. Mr. Mackenzie thanked his friends, in a Well worded riddressA, for their' Lesrywgeer6t1,,eig`oht.resntelln;exnibr.ra‘nveleo.. Acdodzeiii. John Mordoolt and Bey. C. 34., MacDonald of LucknOW. After sing..' lug- Mid. tang 'Syne, seiresiurieritti were Served after which dancing was enjoyed, tilt ito early hour of 'thi morning, 't e 4 (