The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-08, Page 77- 7;—V7 7-7�- 7 4, to polo IF To,,Ao' Oe Ob It, ant hq. 4r 0 F The 4�br 'a Pmaxleptoll by the Of Muitard-. HIRE C V MY NE -0 NV, Vrom one kJ447 t kind AU -0 bought, rpipp pw WOMOIll h.10 rank,�.tu to,"etri e al�t Inet cla. piam tiXed deed It springs, Period Qt their stat, the m6till,"ic hellt�,, The Plea tinkle 11OU14 be cold tq,*gJV '001 Apurlobin to Ioll". of the go..14,ea, r the world men g6, S restless Ove 0*04 �).f multiple Wore belt's in, ctoilist4" - Ah the Mu tar 4 Tbrqikigh the jet Ir Into, pipps. t.a the cllatl4p, rattling, . pxl#� i4o. #iel"o4 i4l!i VER of ]W,, Wi And py-teryw4ory roms Of pearls. 7 - Of oner, wliq be, on wilic h4s.,seen'tt, when ''I . ­ _h. . �jlme, of litt ur;lingthem" b mixe-d 10-milnu 49 OT 131g. til4-0, with thO m 4e foot, lygoont p.clekingtt, 00,.pearlfy were . run toll; 8,44. thq,:ogn, W101 Its pim. g was of ff WOO —4044, Onaettmes th ho. �Meal. llen, *J)DW 111ast �dfpp Now 4prel how there. Mal 4' d-, be, -,so . Atoxi ever --girl to,. be HA.I;ipi0pes, Is within Ing -40rts, were not 'to,' te In 0,0 * 4 Nutgre, I tetaa app -Pa e� Able dY -8 'Jto[ 13 -Alw �th and ,4ed y, til , - ilut Hebrew w, p farthest, f . . I � V016 4,9 of* tile earth to lleck aces -mornilij to thosdi on the baPPY',,. ".t4vf. and' 404447. Tet" to 0 -n# noiafa pearl -,t th tIely T fxlw4yod c0m, 484 Of . lfta, say g9oil pb&rls, itir'of OM fln, t4eir.11yeg saddiened'At aielep' ftlights; 43f Jerusalem, w,11h, tholp many of. th d d of.a'shining.: w,or only; 9 or *46, w"' the custOrn tO sWeePlIlg tral4o flotwing i(terIllem, ap­ �uffering—nearly giW bq�ause Qq, some. brIjItit sta�." -with littl t -Qlr I ­ � I ygyp t0r�hApg Valley lUt I'Dug �Ago'- a, 1110gglilll Y it.' e 09 4- 1110r, to... have. zid9pt t Of Peir b la� me o9d �A o blilme.-'All those with Men wo Id tir even mtiriclew ell ',hR,!bo pr,'Ur� led br alioth name. etimes, tbeY-k;qrqd trqa It 4 les i, -or 4, -'by Way pf i�mpr"slng. 4, colorle�'s­,cheeks, dull jjikt�ii, And lqs�or, Fo on—' Vlien one zt�'AmG qulqtj� thia igr;at.b.4 f."Fb,bleno , J ENV alolig the. efl, W, the musli of ad e6s.0yeo, are, in'tbis:0onliftion'becAggel. 'Stop this:* Old world t4e'pearis o. 4 blotod.'In the nwon were their fee The chains, 6f Aullf. were . ''. . 1. � as III;1,tQP, �,sdo qletb)li A4 10 g. re it beiutiful'� ex�ha 4 P., P-Ath at lip ­ .0, up, a W they have'n t' Or `�Iistn, ids, g -4 , tQ ;oodsY their velne to'kQop, ih and Jn To -gain 'a. bit 0"9 two-Antil tWof,944 the Pd, 4i whit s' ­ of happluel by4he-i te litori:- -J'- - AW p rings'pt And UL in' th4 t They will, nof i pearlw, *� which,' X— see Of r;ed 60iral'.. sew; 'h w ien stories:, be9l t delbet That I to seldo oivept� naky Iola about Pe. ll�J` . Olit", Ne�t,qapie- the. 6fa�ele�.!s, of ',old Or., ankles 7 %wiy a 'a, time, lonpL ye Y Ivor 04010� , A �Po sirk !fast! f9rm un.'er gi n 6e -el. fittred up -,a q e, open si Q;1 S-1 'o Pitt d i y, 44A, t 4 T11, '"' -1 A,�, Ilke, ma�Ry- to er 1, gullarittes on,ight Aft6r St their �ies �,.palpft*qe, -V �J?�, To- all #h pe one I�ei*14 9tter WJ41. with 4, bucl4'0- enitiriel.1 orm. �kr Shi -Aftei kam.. nIis, -'5d,',Cl4S,R,Ot . , , Z, ently,after.,. th -eath yvilon I y one eees,,a r e. s lghtogt�"exqrtlon t4, origiii -In- q;;d ese raC, 'n A V an�e -'ggrly xiom4.dfc tr 'Aild W* 'the, suir �,with -more eA cum§t, , t; b!ee a c r b t1w own left y�orule �y co.piposied ! - A. all, adrolis th �(It, aintidg. T he� 04 d "PQn. 166' W46re I Pf t eft., a C lnlh,gL An4 'WL09 ell- 0'rops., or -,s yet 'theeall". an h - lt'i� so e ,grq: on, y, �a, few%. 61' the vet. kmoxi$ ar --wit into . d were It was 'lead the. �Ael, yhd tI ..chtear d the, IAft ind to be . . . ­ . 1''. ." . I h �Qqoro Is tual. foe A th�� I clap light ttin eltber in - j ' ' E 1. t6n.. n4ft, unq Of them 'fO.'r*stIv6, aoisn�d­to t illdi§ for blood co' ej Of, tllupd9T bs, Aie.toin omOr' tW and, breakfilg g1eq;ne ..0f.' �Sgla pathe pat.". 9 be extrioblild t1iiiiiigh the'u' he; elb From Artooping P 4ti Ard "�0140 Ih wrist bne�I4- -he foriefeet, soihetiin the cl 8PP P.ol r fastening o ­W 1�alonK.,t;he slag tall aqueduct,, i1i4ijilIg 0s somewbere toor. It 0 nii Olokly;up� �P I 0� d Is"; aled. A, familiar prilctice�.to,up l'I were you work o I r 1:641146 ore fresh f gold, an. In. pmq oi one that o,16 I! V4 iqlies,, I.so areh#s:lt be Ins-, It U16 .1,toulos Ile - 6 , , fiom. 'poor blood distippe b . ifie*, and. to 4� "the In ar, NOW W brid thing Jn almost� eve animal with the'.s , of, chiciii. as the , i' and, gr' qeell.g.. rY n1Df9hWrh9Qd-y6n4iII, row of 114-ke' 4Iu; eow, -4m.4ance.s. mizilltuie fest,66 a of '- I . . . I g slope After it'll, reeti, arG TUIluin way, and up �And soi6;;for' ''ho* h Thit* fli 4 ..Pe4rIs,,t8tta0ed t ightotstprin so,rultiona, g, a of the Alban Mount the, niletr)y 411ft, g1t), w all is alng,t4e qliay ter to. tho heck� or to one, 11194101mes the g* storm swep, the s'llies. of 'the �alle Id 61141n-Woz n to t.e north 0 eard up theli choicest notes In -b of he fore. with Among, in' only Yt They 'are A 6oil *ord: to 'k wa. , t nAI17. h** say for this. m6dihno.j Iwoutd-be in on, 0 0. QtrIs are cO 'ush sfIkk tQ touch, � c fly th -great ObIP- PichAuged for ittle .,f is, , -the noble 'outline,,pt the d mes.,ot Al� an M :laden beti le" the camels. t6"A'Ater; sp­ y iti th theni" . ther, Jis . Miss Ida M. This b1fout A�Ins naturillait bano,:.a .9�acoful dar#ne 9, of �hqse odors th'at cAil e 64p, for the' Ild 0 Tha 8, , it To;'gratu!at0'the sweet return 6f.Mo bees, ft�,Y. Withridw, Uhrdw,6od i,�Afids, N.S. 'Whi 444 I't nitil' jlY. bapp011ea- that with t a aks;of h9ine to. ra ra. to . 31, Are climbing, thes� 'vs 17 remined -thd.-Hebrew lady of -t Vely fancies, 1`013. 491allist Pure ke of, alt rew Or masses dUrose aii4 Fluk Pills l h YIU"e a' d, sire -grad , # ernate Ys: their alakle greeii,: high; o -high,. Oil eaO4 oi4b,ot and other ornu'- -orn amber; the. upper sky r mora. for me 0411.411 :the otber.,=Odi. Or bt. I be- e 11 that foll�)wo Th"oe n I anien . s con t Pted cine -1 took,daud�'J t, ally, flushing th 'brown wrinklin III Arabf;azi girl: should b6 pt th at' g stream,. U... they Oil her own pers,(jil, wh �ough the last fftg- 6, M046 a' $D 131096 bes-faa tt bad so lue lin "Meet. 818-t6d.partly In 904,ell' h6l", or, rings, :fe:z been, connected with, ag aVee. t9fQf ain-01OU4, Ili deep'PaLPItAtIA9., Pbsslbiy� not o flake e, nor'wi A o of the tiky, Mb too.,hig4ly., When .1, ethe lase of No WaVe'whollio sta' 149- Moll Is, y in rMad in thepe pill's .1 WAj in A a . se loses- With 'oVdrhafikjng bIrchpl. "d, ruu,dowj3 Uy Ins M -above the abi-6 11111101resvion In her Puts cin unir6, h i.f. th;.sr, hilld, 'half, dLq?*. - The. sa�ttlknowo %*hat beppens,, le';t c9mpresse gondition, Vdq'thin -it ery*Pitle.. I T9. e at theiiiselvo ank d: he. foot In Val! s.1 Oua'�tct the.*.ellt.' In the olow ienonday", sun came slanting d the ordina "tfisli oiny. and at lAdj,"' 'by Tboma -Q, quite a conitnott thing 0mong' Was gone, a�, I . I running rivee. appetite nid I ha parts,, and partly in. 01 Fy . . : , ' L , . . slopes- of La Riocla and its, lired 1 , . . _toll &Iuft, Which depe� Od'so, as ce masses , Then a- bit tart. er,on, around! it� wo�j otit,felj" s Dj Hit Of Is n en-tangletl and tall Alted he* of the Tile Ihale� W119816 autumnal tints Weie mixed'With 'his mouth aud'* Arl' ng.a.11 the time. Dobtor-O ..would. .1 join the sobadhilig, c166 moves -in medicin e did -not seem to Impr6ve, my A�6ve 'fits, fragrozit nest; tho ggs, aC shiriinierini- n)trr 'r- I -4x w tip endition and I ge greatly tiloigiej b strea, aud� t 6, Wt. e uSaiall 'ever- thena.ar�un carefully u t P 11 o , a th rb ro, now, d1oLMpIbteP now discouxtilged W en a firlei . ttlug' BY , W004; bY 7 1 , . greens, vl�ore -penetrated., with it 40 hiateph and -fellov*rs t 40 eEX YEIRS, UE M ou . 4, Vol th h 24 Iidvls�d me village RTE broken, dinilbotive, glo gt b.-glve Dri Willianalk. Wing with it pin P Its: rest. Ofth mill. cCdnot cal it',6olor It. it I a trial. Tift Wing and wa agratiOu. Purple. an& pr'im� OW LETS Oo and -mottl'04, Wit -h river shadows Fol- 'Aft&� s6ra� urging I(decided to d ter 0 $9. ouglas, Stirs. ns 0 nn ' '' - I - . : -7- f efght,;,had a M Fai& rees ea-Aght t, b' YCLE lowing tile evoiiescon Id felt like —D N. TH n-, and. scarlet,, 114o the- 6urtal half glusIve At , tAking' six box 4w. .-BIC 0*xi-tc4n Ok'o God . a ernhele, the,.rejoicin P&son. I gained, he' otx6 satik ;l4to, th�. valley. fia: shdwero� of own'Ofte M6tker"'Th'6r.d1.* every solm clawards. :.all Improved 411pritite, IJOW afid silghtiv Used g memoryAn t6' heart of t cand 'e, hig hat My faith; is is a v ctory; rate quivering, Not o, q heith ttlme4 to, reflect. or ns, Andsir' tucked Into th6­pinIr and-: the constantly tired f.e I I Whiter.of tb6 o, I pposite "bank gr 6#0 me i . 0 TogetRer -9;e put. Out toI hing' t ual T WrIte for ao6fill ha Was gone., Price 'List 0411rtl 1 drpayl-temp first a tolrell. transmit he: and still' this 6 tlola,�a WF,�boxes more bi� Nor stdr­m"' ra let i stop or sun .,Can sepa t A. COPS �Ilt.1300',o lsaby%, Own Tab.:. And'lh6u Illitimerald '.Par u its Phr Carr4r*-4n;irbJe,half-vqIbd b ped, dzirl'by that" LI'lue 1 0 intb'the. I Iiad.tlevel�.fslt! M6 ffom'my ever val al�,t mate. for t vond . Y'll alw reft has, pro lzigeAtnd 'sIlver'truii-Its IreeooktS grebuxistas, . it ill L �; W*FL Torbab ys "I! 'Ve bf And -t �n" JIivt 1 gAa. ds bf:,mothiers that the� are Arched, i —7� Who JiI­-J Va s_reS Of 'wIth the - S Off ailluento.'' On's in 17. M- 0 to�'tbos' othe rs.. I 6 ve.r. O� drk'and flowers ash6d along the r i retichiils hWay',.0t- been -are -run dc4fi d ii.ain. and eiirtlaly sort C. Jacksori, R.LR.1, 0 n, nt.,, e ilanlWfor foitin, and silver flakes :of He 10 5 PIKE mA I --.'-we, have ned Babylts own n valley'itself, risinj 'the an sore musidles. :arti quicly Axi still"and, orge,E1 thsetAyir't -by, ic g;,,4i,n'de'ur among in est ised int6 d 60�'ceilfii a box Ta Ofs' ever Sinee'our' baby waq crumb from Dr -L Willillins' L ledielli6,-C-d relieved W 0PI1,6htlona ii -I Th' a s the'riin ver e gray bo7 fi� hae wa It -W rock ix ttA a thousandL'. of MInard's. iln, bid alibey BrocIt'vil-le, Ont. e gixt6e ratp, it Siip�l*� Vase. be' Ithy clilld the Ta a ren and' stirs, 'fad,ing I t'ely Sepa I ---------- Wer- the only medicin they ,,An Aticiont 'T 0h,,h6v did -y that bIL t ets, Is re- Olas,the - fted and et. thein' eak mind. 11 their early years: lgilh6iietted against thednarrbw�heail sye6i'ved, in )hr baby. EveiY..., blade.of &as, . 9 burned sOf the Val], I a half-kean old tIke I am Julan(tilprit,. wlth,blue?� is Walking the golden fi6o, Y tower, the IVY r. bwaying gently. from, It half- ::And le1o, bry9tal cbally6d� 25 ,POU.n b A� bub g lea ell W miling all'(19wn e ew itere. id: is 1t, a's (!'It is MY, medi- Yet �Babytb Wt, T ablets thL 6:' ms as the foliage� Vrokis rok ing§ �sorh a fr0ty, dew. 0 an 610�6d- Ab IAnd ttird wlih:.: OF PAN" in I cnnot'forget. ;I .. - . . " - &a by time. Th�'wo7ls he '4A,ii'ever opens In the mO Baby's Own Tablets are-gua.rAnteed Itis tiona. el'ablia have -I nown s ..,masses.. of ock d4rk Oifd. "didn't 0 -foimd 6iis...-and overgL it gre, quite -tall in Its..stemAlike-irace, t safe idr'eveb the new are but -a , %meinory," sca're'o 'nio k tecr ati --ga "A grqWa t g in LA -Sa s fatry -bubb scarlet llch4u, rning-gl9ri W:' . me he- was to:bring aL guest 1:6. din- orn I Sapphire lovelfitiesis' . I. 1 Casting tileii quiet shados acroD13 11,13-t 'Y�et tile"m6mory',of It its i bibe. 4iiy �r� f�e rorq vi ef opiates riani'. Ivy-gitranlum,, an -ner-s6 you; -h have.to take pothIck with I and. d o d; English A to N r Act, aq a gentle. laxa- -the f6uft e nee,' ow.el nd tive ph.-th j3tomach and b' rad-lix nunder- Y.snaTe. a'Pale pink r lvy,�. Bir 9. twitter. and sing all among. U LeW19 C61WpIl. u"th the g its, marble 'hollow h �'The Ouest—;.;ihatll b lit; us,- relieve e4iftstiPation and IndIges, sdiudrad" 410 -a I and lit t I)e hig t' dream Mrs.' Weit 11 '1 r wail aI ;,4ieak up colds InPlo feverd them, flitting frona'trs,46 P St -and- A -.bhA'.ag I' more., came to* -and dr sails over'ali, the �niuitjtq -q�war pi, a nd the sa d& clous' 'that Th o - 'hoo�ker: 'OU :and make b . ''I I . e quiet rlfte yduf', huOuud' ba ulid 04-cor" SIC, I get tBaby's are ne.r.,an on can Owfi abl-ii El. HTL Y Hiirr an'd jaies' fr . Oln y9yF druggl' st or dt have no dd;lin aLnd­onI' eii 'o d flows gentl*'Aloug b' st , a IS es,s:,. Y, Old-Setkfay -illhm -Is-i- .,murmuring, oft little night,,, n� zCt-21i ceiits,a'bQ 6% i'voin rhL -re' 4Ay, aild, all - ago, between the solemn aoct rbed*, a song * long Dr. U M.e IcIne'Cc 'ths',dayg when thI6­beillitiful fOUU- Th 2%' If repose 0 dtLthrofigh all my days bb*n in x #reen, and shally bed; Prines,.'�VaS&Ing int;'W Ite, bifid- After lose the gelyes i� tile Las' vote, W, -e e. h Taking Lydia dat ow was laid Stone hi, St6no by de- Al!� t I kn6' ndur modest vlojet $new,' L 'SL d of: the beau,�jfiit tower I . '.Dre=6rs`df lhe-Desert* #s.bent, It hulig its Weas. re Lino ;ig 'lustre of Ulu,, hide, krbm. A -arth, Ill wher6 L the CainPa -r V�Xet&h& Cliiinponid Could'06.," 110ii caught for a.'momezit in ihe Bull, I'didiniand b", If -to' �O People oil. e 'in g I gna pelte iftioi, ill* ­Joh H' 4inlng� ripples. 1;h; �sech ari'the r e 0 sea If �'Agskllii,L -i n er Woik: rn "-paIn"X'e'rs.` -h loVel'y'-fl 'kV'r baNe' anything,,to say 0. The isun, dr& And' Yet,, of the des �bla� U 'h -AH d �Org And yet i V they' ps. belbpi the, old to e'd� W r;' I cabi�ot 0 e�e r MO In s.i.ng. eacl as kis i little, eat . t the Sea din Ildsomewfiere.. lts.cblOrs bri'lit' d It I g6od,night, and, Tha. they wra i ills stil'ry-w-fth-fa g. lingering. by r g. an lacy, words,. Q - the fledgllng� In the —George 'EIj18rtoIa­ 0 r almo An poetry.`� for Burns. Ji, might have,-grWd a'rosy, b6 Ml ! niird's. Liniment: nests lu.thii 6nipty belfry. It brushes .- '.:* , - 1, - - I ' L f I .. .77- Sas I. had Here IS an Insitidd of,. lilding* :,. '. katchewan. a ea Over the ere"i X4�luble to a, very old M 181al6d S .,often. grOat Writ dachAgand'seVere A t s.rain. on th46 One, of an Arab pains in.xay- jack Th YS b ing 15,13m: 1119, brushes'41trough th w 'of"hi the 'it Uas ontenit'to bloofix,l Apostrophe -of El Din Attar *t b Ue'recenC pligii and sidq�s I oId,Yew'by I)UttOI1s of coat,. risufti�k in re ills side *of 'the Water,, and thou it, t ip Ii;,i -` " h as -t pi, of th6 A -if ri -And 4s [:one, Pe r a 6 knitting. Tfiie an be rgentind We in modest tints atirtray'd - -ft ills tent,on �e, Hs genera pples, avoided it. whtlin'th eer v Pes A, buftdi1q. Vie St� Y. Stare, e diffus'd perfilime, eauld- n® The shadow of the crumbling.'t6wee, "0,,wite Of tile-. thou �art WWer 4 ihdving S;and and hoated''to'a put oil, linen. dne of a sijV4 A size is Within tile 1. 1. 'i ' , I I " " and I WaS Hili�—"Alauj has, thili ho abide,J& the 'liar dutil 14 any' w em. g,'*t ie DightL Again �nd. sinks to rels fice njoittlif the' beautfitil'and tranxiqll,treep a Perfect e a. on over sewn ry tlie, back ihme thre in be r of thrps6. !'Ito. tim� foi ei .Must be � Why P he- iftl:16- rliriiir' :.Id 9 Its Af cut froln arble k" a -of" Peace lidu art and a-biii1di6r illuslEtatei% the.-.daIIg(,. loIts beinz used for the two. ell'Ist Ilie. to _/_Then that tudenco betiveen forests o the anwa:rv.. I Th Ptation, and teln X rnOT'tfi&'-An dunt ilark depth�i; the shadows.of he' hills He the' allei7 gb; Thisr. pieli- catne to -visit Lake,Oron, I th­:`SIa' o 0 glAr'' ..166 th ony 4 are lour -of ilec creep. out tdo, in I set ng each other, iny owns, St. I elp %46 as cssrcorri0anfiln' of, -the 'ages atiger'.al)id� With Oipe,,br, �Perhaps,*,*thib in;Dft my9b6flot :n webt umilfty,, t6. my b b lance'for Cu'rtal t in ibe 4pitilre-of-the teat.flrC�? Lor, as Well 48 the mqsf7FeI&br t, *,,.' .. unablo Ana fold t ait�ind Ing"ille Hitle, rj�-et.0 theft �Pplreect ya ed of. theseo a y 'TI 'of Id notdo is Jarie Taylor. wne Is but WIoe for the If has. oftg' er- Vinlng'strekini and a iKebgrapli, cal #n P correct delltj� Of it valaned cou, pipe but a Pipe liff out tg.. exe, selefitists. ow this one -W 11 tor'i6e'foolis it And what'l PI g 0. )fth 6t 'the �oVer-4 Ong of Idn' a curtain it' Island bLp-. work, She' I �9 - MiL In this i1e, �yi�ley. ...:: * r . L I . I -*iudow� fr6m t nL iS.W86119-to the d1umb, or- a roso6 to -the, pears: oatifig'ort, the, surface dirrin, me to try-llydia E. PirikhA little York6h] height 6f'the' he'ficor,to.' Ma iiiie.0*s. N ' ** 1 9. eye , that dfs4l LI h ile Compotifid,and ithe blind'.J.' -D�rlod '4 tOP' of the trim. Pon e and, then i -A matibirie so delicatb �hat ft.L'dle- 0 a ft --bottlbs'l culd get U0 "and "I blid, 0 9 nd6th' June rest. at the botto the-.. re hi the valw J te�t, the. SlIghteS.t U on 0 8 Ine es St e In o took Lvdia E. in U -d; it Sbn4r e8t It Of Lh.6 year;, -ve in 'Ilk the, brea 1. all DEMOYS,r n4 dark -eye 'lake for the Of' t)l ACO shd 'lit be.abbuit.eighte on nr LoVel. thl end Inches, 'dO"L to Blood Mediiii1e. I first rs,"on the: surface re ..; . - ­911MNT , se Ore -eclassifies wiftir eleven eir. 'A' nd' th! uts, and, I -by hegrt-iiif'�tlxo.-hedx-� 1, Tt�',da'y thero.have, bee Y'. ngs... d inch must bd sung it apPea It ver h* bef 'and ronialn, i)nunds., 904 4se are tile Pipe "d the.-st the middle-tof,Atigust, 'eikht I weig -adq ny u 0 Alse It :the :king§.hath no; an-.IsUnd till F._ebr�ari-. Minlitlit through a 6f marinalailt-, des,: a: ll�v -and other,.de� -151th eiiell much. lfdl,get out -o LLf so egry . of tJ;A and' 'A blue,gate; F'(hquglit. 3, eiv. 4h*e '-Ii 'bbli fecL4 it the 'thread is. now Inzso;. tbUnAlie, be when t 'I efigUlfedr and,s 04 e can t sleep I 111*ays tt dads on. ku 9gar, saiiii El in k-4 e othtrl you Ilie A'rainb.ow bottofn. '1%1 balidL ' . I. .., -bottle'of the Ve1K )oil Jt perfrms %iork minute 11"lle it. t PO 'Ireg but 'no onlifl6tely Tbo.A-rab wouienlxlso-wrjta�, Heirii'!O­ prb e the mystery, fully g for fe- same Olmle." C �,esc*pett. t1i; iiiinaft ave'bein'niade _etable d I*fi -.Ili sapsud On di'sliwaf0re, t -in! the b hat 4�ver� ai- it - wonder Call L )1b:e � I r male tirbublesi and 4V# recom, d dlepg it o'n lifitteri to`;th� eye poly. und'er is WoUiall speaking pf telup't to CoLlIt'rol 6,(T r it U eil n tttl po a Wd- mefid , to ffi�#­,neighborjl I will we, e lettO , rs Sill; ioroseopes. Th m diT.81) e�tide� Ili fiailure. 'bed ohly/too glad to answer anF-. Tho. .41KOXIIed smitp of'a litile!'.girl of. 2,000 JU4 s the pripa "Tli�oI;6 v�o �h: i4' Who had now elibso With tass-oloi Jge. Ali nupre In any r -he Island; is "ttult4� -an uhwatitted bench of ow in Vkleceiy� askin i About it-' rs. rn-al)p1e;' �soviet Russia, lAld are pelis -ton' Into 1he t, sit' ue-tit temp Iv WIMTA�Xl RIrCH16, Dox 486, MelfoeJ6 kiidee oil a ifid' e nk'. of silk ship, man ,haT�, llot not paupered., how one. sIfiefits frilin. J Pall. o end its C�irepr by fth VOIT Qk1 mud'n tire, workmen; many -it pti*erf� have they md uder ii.�wllfdw� not tsaP a Ice geessi SJO And how. many a ton4- �f ston.0 Ifni; silk from Y h L 'e they 11116 IIW b small, usua 00aivit bobbin ske White rutiled curtains: sifting mooln,` fl�v Iiideed,. AS Ats lifopeF.,timej btit tbk, a sing the' tfitead �hriou ti UVY y' reduce t,iie, sage iiO se4d' ' the 15 Vof the ft)llbw ng, August, tothid. It. ihgh It grdVe I ill a df an ItIcill I hi6k, ',fits to ''The tindot 6 do'Of It White'-oa a f. Want, and plunge, the f6rtune-f. Anothet' lilIina wkii a d k -spi - ­: it im 0 oJgst ec - �o ed- into yefor a V thi. 8 llh. T LEEM."VO the:Nvealthy d r I ng n, th&.st%jface, ag:;i%Ju, r0 Oil tile' a gatigO. The groove Is adjusted until -sitint t6 ;haffied-an& bringL Fice Badly 'ken llIIet UX r0dodlil in, affe,,tfon of, ry's l4ke�,Rftuat I WL I, thij oppi 'ed Co' tWl"J n 1. peni on t A n- ogg yolk�- in jL blue; bowj'. lied, weiglit, 1 4, U, t1lp6tid S MS ir lrough t�e of, tile Ro�ky C %1`41Y Thfoflgia e P098 ft' d 110110r; lor & To Int a I ns -all d rd Watts" lur. (11) 11 1 gees t lied -Tar-, Am, In. I . . " 11 ie., lake -h 6ra chon gr0OVO4, tA10.1,68t. Variatio or'. k6nto; br., d, is dotbeied.'ana Imilliedlit.0- it man hath Way threll ofrended h i foel� hsIne, t11My,!^iCe'W'i5 so bidiv broken Wagte� ew-led dtix�:u (It I . .,; 1� 111111slAf. th" sal 'P T 41rdulid'A' at 41L out.with pirnpleti thati i ivai iiatialtv a -of of lit Other 'nd` m.6thc ibolf; holliss noon on lift t'S' .1; d' Up _to.bate,., Vhalfkli�- 0e leRrued o fcNV,blackhc4db on tii� Addis of My TiowgPd, NW AnKI .1'( )9keN1 1rt'6V,,,, .1t.1, 11le sweet V ',f ft,,r 'rhii'les 0 1% fikV kkJIlt.`(fL ant! a - ii t� 13 lued tip wa, o c e, festered. D nt T t6a nards'rL1n1me�t'#or, ha PuYvid Th4n. Ile turned eively at the peticeful tUr.al cwenq,�." 1 andefti, Maklipla' and burned so d; ilgi� t116 to : "'Why are S COME oam-� : I . soy w, that tot, Id li*Mly trest;'Viiik looked TO— 0114E OAX inot1pit tea6llei .1 lift b6, The pr -J� A 1vas' ashamed to be ett(fest gi rl tlghe ll,thr6ugh,, tit, latit. in ffou� *d 't� roltr, tpllblic� ing Curious ittictw, 'to her on's dut Ali adVirtfu4menk for a part' of4bo IlLati THE 11USINESS OF"MT0-DATE �a tied� i.110. flit, N Inert' glider thiii fte) .�PEAR fleach: b3alth gSr as kt g,-,-, I ZLutu.a Soap so MI G tfie� wito, boi­�d Pbt6hased A %,.sed about two FAR, box6v elutioura it '64 I,,o* - an A'4 ;; .. I , . 1.---, r 011lost-to (firm MJeM 'd, 'Ig RIltJ writing. tilno is a r"I builnesd­x on, It req6leea know. "icni ;rea 1. d6ca i6i Up -to -Date Farr -0.s of Soap ar d nr he do tralnind, but It. psiys., 'dy wlie -re� fout CAL tiL halt', is' %V,6* thaw 4hend to 1i ele I IV a lived curiestig tiidt,t' ]--rligh useless, arid ledge, A e h�tdr, I 1)�ijith of. Iitimp. tSigned) Mts. John Kelly. %it. 3, il ;0. re I" a 132Y qity, N e1twils0�,of Come 'fdlhe, O�A.C. and JolK 'An flitv 811nie day ot the oks1tvd, Nothing. so Insures a, 'htthhY, Wt h q,t -dAyr W WeL Will send you theL Col Idlio daLlendat fu BUSINES E �iaq po dleii Como * soh, smooth y6u illy' b6t; rite id op Silo in -!iftder hands and' kl�ssNo nt hair 'nullent 'T YOUR OW hikutit aof r sisted, by Cudais� At Ifty miles above the DWARIO AGR VRAIL CQ J. 1 nAle %ito M00—ail iJbr elli &ita 01 the to-161kriituxId is fopial, Ac� I I . . -1 �l L G elph, [Ilk. U Ont&db� cording to th# Obitiervation' via4d t4fig, tWire,ine. lit P I, nlfle� l(t 61)&A 140� Ad4l'" An Joe, sd, fIrts iment.25 $%Wt Fteynolifsi M.A., A. M. Pofter,, 8 a A r 4��!T 0, good i4fidThi ifid SON$; -LimiTt Exten �Ji Ak6i a the next, t tv:' A 4. 41S801t, No 2t 46 iL third, to,�&spise alLcoun" To Jim