The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-07-08, Page 41717 W 'e. 0 pq # WOR "­7,!� �t - TT IP -TT, ;Ir . . . . . . . Aders,, Nowo Vpy� 10& Mr., T. 'Wilsow, Ot� Allist6n, And 'coil, Awqfil illitil THE C-O.- iedl eveiy 0441r.. m w hR frieh�s, I C AiOs-iind­ 0 T -PPIrit, 'A ietor -'HAIR. '0 BEL e. ,ropv T At not',.., 0iit4rip, UWARE, 4 t4m4 o4f. whi tts of 9r, Wi;,!)--,All, POVII�Wi' or. contributed, 9, y Aildrow,-, pteini, P*rAmQunt,� 17 by4he United Otates, aA4 Tou PAY JUL, h VGGM$. 0rp.hy,,-of, Allisto s In, (ittiOn $ FLOOR' $ IN And, Mrsk T�' td POLISHINd Q�U 0, 0A."Ns 1Y, '-OG Aejtipley shed hOMOA n ;giig"' Carlad Pip :FV OR. QVI MOL O� Wh94 AND PRON d�. Otates 4 adCO.:;"-Plows-An Will R e gg.r -w qn4 wlten y �w, e points, in for.a:'PerIo4;I6n e 40 '. . fill V Ap rq. And resided therq� spy ay tq have in , (�, YA ou vo a ourrientS. eneaion' v,trior, ins rd thAA at moAths""t:atned t� in vile' apt' it Cari�iIttr 0,(; t, theiiL, a yng of,D9trQi Ative I"d. ro. W, 13 ent a. d;isoliltion.� of`;ip are'L V NO T"M KNOWW.:q� r U C t nt, s new emie j; a d 9174 o r ji _.Of ar;im�un;t n dIAl pa M iss� ate* asfew,' 4A urated Is post pnshin been naut �ok 00 91". o�2$ ibe o#er. G ta he� pa Xr in, P t- t4ying —36 77 h gitipg,; withi rents, OQ� S. N thO -.,Oon� rery much;� op -now LANE uc.W , L .,; 9 Win aft 9., �7 'd LUt III . . ' n6w, be P#'ionq. 2507� king 0 -by honer -eb ler, Mareguest� of r� Neil "G.*L aefeily-4drosoAh'0�eat, 7. i t Dotothy 'And V peht the, -liO0144" hi� 9at *O.nt I d h ty to the 'enor. -The-AyteraL r Acqqrding %tq, t. eir paT, lean Doroilly RobWoii of. Seafoith,,, weric mItted r inar Y. I 'LUt KN 934' P t and, C " R 6! "13 ri�wspgpers. Mrs..., �4 party ay0a tq,he ineetingrwith OW -And W)INGRAW Sma l6y,arld� lt�i.' grgin we k.. Ast, e brs otl and, 1BUsi '061arges on -�most ;omp e 0 are,.prepa d to 0,.,K. -.a mopt,api, ;' � rs.' Jack I'lend t men, re M nes troit, are- visiting he rother, Mr, and M conditions on the Rac id thing which -w. ill.: 1p th h pward trend, g I in. children,of Paramount, visited Witt 0 stock Jim the, �xaot' 6aat;if esi 'Wm U .0 ne* f getl�i -up S $ -to, rflce0;sO that the 4 not Hends iri Whi b durin, last With ty ih.', co.fistruc4g.n .. .1 . . . . tee, urch ri week. work. The lumber'Industry ou'do6k to f A, Hart­ajdL family; *ith Mr' in surp sing, M Ores visited 'Lan -,of, unt nd. C gdon q. It OUTFIT an- long ti Rqt�­ Father J, n Hogan of Water-:* Is b�righier and there have been tin- ce. a goV rno' Swedi h A of Mr.. Geo.'' Lane, last sa. h me, sip e t,t4e., ome t6wn, N. �Y�# visited 'with is'broth.b portant'de#eltt merits in new saw- 00 1, 1 , ? geilex4l.'of Ciiiada-'e;tme ifor, 6,6 P ib ad— -Graniti6s, �$urlda Ian .a fe mill construction: 'The f ill# in- 170 eTs At, It la dustry 1 on tin , pulp A �odgialt of IV Mrs.- Rolst6p:*rld son isite t in 9 adverse cr t cis as' It!! ii—uch I fro d, A 'the Nvee%,, o#'.,bi' the pui� better foo g1s,tow. exp home -Of M �ampbell, Sunday, blch'I�bro tyii mills are.,aptive 'and�adii hurOf inv4b, your luipooii chirlist ago. -and Pape to''the: tjWL and i `eP ut, crisia, q. Jim �, R.- acKekzi!,,nd �A onal- aTe e of e i e did be -5 0 i�o'-ektellited to Mrs. - reiations, with ay of etf6it,`.rnot6red r nd Ing twed oil Pow or Ay -in his )nddct and pai k ve hobert Ritchie her' r, pspr,p, 6" eatly,,,Carb ully, an,a �bfqtll- 'I.' ent- iam were.regarded as'.bighly ex-, h I vsspent 0: 0 oiiolis, me c erq to. have g0prit orkq. part,� of 'Boston;' visited wehav' ers, n s; em�lary. in the Present case h Lochalsh and Ono. ' D' ��',,�ho eire called to i4ois, lie A. M. Johnson, President of the a lid of their sister. e -in, St6 k Poe: P Ca em e. *ithout "Gibson -of Mrs. Mci ed de ri ic lt-Ufo; 'p Your order. , ock Ity- nadian Club N� OL di sud nly.,sit- advantage over Cth 6 -first kime on the now ',all Elect.. Floor e Mqfitmal� for th new "Redwip good reasqns,f Or doing 'so, W e. aln now runiling ho'r o b e ak I' 0 vil e. having 'As g" or ren't y th oj4 vlsltmg,�,Wlt hfield It A. SO Polisher issa-b den he Ian 14A F( to called: say it appears. t,at way.''It. is. har4ly lie etw C.anad* pR friend It I er recently. e' dayi Pa' S. 'at floor, of Ok6 b, - two ciiieE, ac a e ur e i Able; :ho�v,e-v ri .-,:b ti0it, a U d e spending, P4cif1c. lines. Ili telling af,. th In- a man of vacat ith his ch4ri uralizati6n aid e Courey'v experience oasy.. c 'it reTi. of b �l ev that lord *Ifg sense table and�' nat The :avmbes of 'th p prents at. acted, without 'the, advice of nl6r ta -Club ered their club' fed'te ng'Wij.e. -Can ia s� by the Canadian know' me �L 0 VY onvhe� i6gar e s, -best At u :0 +1 We at or�, at U, ar;, 4 Boston, Mr. Johnson said 1roofiis"Satur the' mo—ilth ter, n such 900,OPQ� Caidi e­AeCoud.L 'd WgIve hianj 'went to Wing- there. were som an I A'' - rdne 26th, �in' e Ple sed' Our.Price s rl t 0 No. 428i Coin6rsA gath iven. ad n iL gh'' oil C if d d' jh� Ct Tues ay 'Of Abu— d.advice oil, a mat afterno�jjL well"filled as ets' Swan. 041-r�ot d. Rarb6d, Wire 7' T e question raise on Or:-, , 1, . I .. 'I , ..-e I . . A: 1, h . is as to, wlieth- :1'' . :' m ,a ge.-bunch� oil e qc... e govern ded, �-citn �.of ce rea. n a lar day, had in t6*0ftte of Massachusetts Of' r( - doi, a, 'or,'.'gene ada St a ral in. Can his appen ix- are,in Boston'., Fresh. Car J v' onbananas. All�, , noved, is ng thlit'number 80000 Of inted, ud At Pruceedetr­w �L1= oullb zzvuse;�� cc -a fernoon aSL: LAU ie Ciph-1. PUrOOS(;' accept,, advi A t Upon. :matter, thd. It6wirii, British Am in i enjoyable : t r of the. prime minis er. The d g prime hol Ing q gar, enL .,P;�rtk :on Neil G -bassa'dorto 0 air w S f, RA FORT.; S spent. A -g od 16 of sofi6 the 'United tgiates,' stated P.R . 11 .. _�: now C 0 minister Of' course, r epreserits thii MacKenzie's ..Jan on Fri�pi�y -,6'v'e, the 016 hts aMal 1n;9%r6lit.won Liick sUpposedL to represent 41 wilt 'train that the. quest I ion of El uro . pean QUELPH 0 - a . .1 .' 'A did. progra Ph 'is tla�edj, the c piains being the Poone 66.'' , ;� L L 9th, inst. p ell W um Ing, nSrhithing em) and' the p ple Are, 6se4 Ti itd I P1 o1� bliefraftee, u P �be' rendered abuil. Was ;fie most -urgent'. and are, Coa eo, w��64 ana, Wil ' I be Peace, CAN f6r� victoky..� 1ut t e 'd an L c6 of eafi mefits s6 r mediate Prob . lern . a , e. ay.. to'govern' and ought to and! :refresh fth it It was A 'defeated. 'It.%was just one reeve'w.a the'ory' we Od time 'eo:::ss fori t rOtin -of 1an ti e.in �the di the written -ConstitUtiin ss " qred. EveryhoI13 n t* &SAISL' an presume, dreat Britaii for ab 'is wondering - 11 We left lit jr �welcom in gue even eL, , peace and'the Lea ing and every ody the. - jovekhor-; gericl�A :nlay. BORN '�ary -6w­GibSoai�-jn dQderioh., Twp,,. Of Nations �offer4a`sultzble vehicle, 0 "wheifwilt it bdj*dn' ag n. .. :, I . . 11 . at J, that di p7ers JA a ilattepq Une",Ipt inaL al 19'96- .,Mrs. IL clatined gue, h Mi Eside if. the Lea o thit come ie"foie him;.'but in prac-, n�n T, wlbs, disappeared England woimld.,be coin ticq�/Lhe d on, a son oes. not.-do,so,,'And his*.'Ooing The Param6tint U.F.O., and U.Fj Polled:' Join some European com- po�,would not. b tolejite % I .. 'L ., . . I L , A ' L I t d1oi Ii.day. bination Against n` , : W..O held k, very enjoyab e PQmjnio)i. which y coun r n 'Umpire.W 0,..IS_ nL o ex ected,f) dominate the. eo He is, a' govo threatened to to ac as. umpire a Ay PISR'c': aik th6j'L Were A it. ga,�es. foot e d till0to ..w o s not­�'expected­to g6i rae, s. an e h v6rn.". Thr,`� pres�nt quqg fox th e n r ou '4A fe Attlic ne, 0. P !)e 0 iSL as TOL j 00menti, 16r.. ew.ryone. o, e., ani Ian ht eir ir r S e e cific ailway maivii 6 $2j - governor gereral $i SeU;-f.00 Caafi7-� tot, Oi the 0 4its i��pr sell for h L. tation of a cri7s., U4 'k A. Blue. Bib 0iter'alls, �Qveiiil . in i " " " . ­ . S way -set forth in' the . I ... 233: gold w#to and-foi address t -, Mr .82401. so 5 over a, $2.50 quality L for $1.95 at Brown's. 0 Consituti �,ea` ' of,,470(1,96 1.17, an 3�e has :resi.i -Iatt4e:a nd-tho- am r; rac ice period' W �nec as,teacber in W—S. X-6. 14. best'Makeh-bet-41noe 1919. Fibr. the, The'differ,6 e between a' -a goo dly 0 n Following is th,6, hddre 0 �31 net -i * d 'edu6atio4listS from ss- read Abm in nihs.ending Mili& Te hers �ire o- co "in mon s e can 0 succes; year and an f eifg get' at rig earnings *ere $0, 1. an increase all parts -of the "Country gath- uniuccegsful one 'is 'oul ARE f. cN4y- M M 6�ljW Old peac4a�ly �Under -a ',v�rtti yl o';an Un- -er -42,675,3 rres0ond- in . LondQri recently to &SCU99 To Mr. :Graham. McNay of 8r, the co' ed -.vritt n abopt Dear in 9 ggested ifiere . ase In Mexico or,in*. Falls can qny-one of alinst easily' M e Cond* I tuti6n' The pupils paientg'and :other: res. in. provemenfi, -u you" ng riod. of, Im best'� methods oi tdac an4 At INM A t A year, and hin� u li,eS, P 'showing for the hree months, pificq�, ��ot briiiirin.g P Y()Ung�,L is arch rs I th S' th American repub rL,, con. Mat, -, L ' , * ' I �. Amoni your, sales 517o j.: 10 ty ioul 1917. Gross' em ite way' tbey,s6i d 6"t -s of'th 9�'tior� learn'with g or id ngs for M he ii e the �iesent �)nq in i5 I% this' U b Plan- gret that, yoii Are leavifig 'us.' w'W Up L thb'e who L were ,Sir- Gilbert year y $1A071# while, expenses a spoke would Alinbst to. A: eQ'rtainty Y Parker, the fam6ug�Canadian,writer; - ning to go after -b AL INUM,VRE Can oi n usines lie d four-yegis: -natically, b whf� and ibivolutiorl.: Here' y frierA and, Increased old s t6i y a civil �eAeher.`to,,the'c'hilren YS Long -neye sue n NQNG SATURDAY,' i ULY 10J I E Wf1LL 'HAVE r k of h;'A. thi The development of tourist traff e 'and Dr. Stevens, President of the COMME Sir Sydney to i�.Imperial St' 'neet Veryew rur Dista at schools ca 8 of Th 4�ln raisedi`11owever, =y- -re. n . show record. .6N SACEA FULL ASSOkTNENT . OF' 'AUMINUM W A 9 t e P to.th minion his been one of the Hiid.-Masters��'Associdtion. Every da' AWe' receive. tie longer omore faithful service. a Do y THESE'ARE NO'CHEAP,'LIGHT GOQDS GOT UP` -FOR, SALE Sult",in !an 'imiportat r -,ban* ge. -in Cana- eVi"d6ice from, mer From the parents we hear most -noteworthy. evi6ilts ofthe new ip fre; med' PURPOSES, BUT THE'BEST--QVALITY OF ALUMINUM- relAtiorsh --in it of our'govei g6neral IS ixprei oi- appreciadon -of -economic situation in- the post� As a tiiib�ie' to; over fortymosix chantg tm-sfi.64' than who have tried if, TH YOUR, OPPORTUNITir T FURNISH YOUR KI, 'and. priniekministeii. '.�It maY bee'thai . I . 6 1 L I .. - ]Ioliday' inakers Of tbo. CHEN� WITH A.NICE NEW LOT 01 S hereafter. the - representative of thip the progress made -by the children. 'War' years. of,servibe with -the Caiiad.an:- nS, first time,,apd F �COOKINO UTEN91L it are. From. the ell"' drci 'w' hear: many e '.: Un e"tite� 'apparently ;ind 'Ca Pacific RAilvidyi. Ge6rg6 Rollin, who -expe( n e x u- n, wi I he :t6A 'to' * accept the toW�the crow 'fo S rp IS - at" theii Sue_, WAtm� ot'Jit WINDOW FR THE -�DISPLAY'CONSISTI[NG pressioni. a. vacal -charin, irresistible as retired oil '.New Year's 'Day Inder u r ed init -thh heir old advice of the prime.'Ini er no mat-' 9T regret tors the. humbe 1'af isi 9 lidws'li ceM.. tei what rhay thi friend, �andjbst. arge, -pension aimingementi§ After holdin nk �ab and ructdr is eavin ' them. g TEAKETTLES' :.PERCOLATORS out From Other hombs� in,the mmunity increases ever ird agent at the I -lore., is a recent dase:— �no malter what dvice ii'e mly�t`bave co y year. In'. 1925 9,- the : position' of., y. TEAPOTS� ATER PAILS 1900 "Numbft� :,_of s same regrets; -UCE PANS We bear -.the United St4tes' Automobiles 'Place Vig6r Station.sinc6 Ma MIXING SA from somebod�i.clse. if, the ' �Pint t Your Ili friendly ''Manner; wor, entered Canad -was present got POTATO -POTS, RICE -BOILERS is t a fojF touring , pUr- 4�:with a p'iirise of d� number who subsequen o be settled,'that is.the only , I i - . . . way "Your dses, as compared, with 1,889,210 '..The made� at a lY tot' PRESE11VING KETTLES the.,Caridian People Wi11L have it set.. ma�ny arm friends; example P` pres�entation was bought .27; a] 'nk a good life will leave,a j66d, 1924 A 96W is -etpected dinner At the Windsor Stat�ioll,.rcs- -of,sal6s, $1#233;, Of IiVLI. in t tled: "Anything in',.thb way of- auto- amolun cal a v#rnor n U 44 c racy o e',, pait of the n th go mp�esiiq il-�the, Yo thful. .minds, -this season. taurafit. total: cost *, Of': 'Zou -,have given very JL-� . . . $' - peftentage -of 96fieial could ndt,.aqd,sh6uld,not-bc gq&rously of 27.15,;: Cal� n ap6in tolerated.' nle and talents to all private. Speaking at the I adian Daily Mr. john-'Leclie has b, ee t selling cost 2 2: ie Y06"ti i4ewspiper Association meeting at id' -pr sident* and comptroller rd" Oland Public enteitiinm6ns' alc vice e Try Long Distatice The present" outlool-:, -,for a strong. n alto, . reCer�tly', Hea n&Oand Eledilc', Wirifig and s to -the -Sufiday School We sh 'It L all Toro E. W. Beatty, 6f Canadian. Pacific'ltailwa'y table gdv9rnment aie'hotbrigbt a se , , ffling`"L �aiid con., ell the miss. Your,' iiiiis dent of 'ih ' C.P.R. said there.' vic-prisi�ent Linie, 11girdwal M616 and it w6uld fhave ic In 'conclusion! preld e The new joined- the to'G�OrOC. WAllb0aid, Vitice been mu' -Accept this, gi t., as a you �16asq 'smar is no dlass.o'f,*orker more "dosely; Toronto, Gr -ay a�d BT'UCd Railway tself if Mi. King instead of'mr. Mei-: em We wished 1C a elien erd appealing �to t6:'electdrs. i - - , . 1o6rf Of' our 'esie in� in 1877,w�a junior' rk att ched' to h *Ithi or in6re sctu.ndli, Th Pve )roU methitig, As R�. remeniii 'formed of, the Problem.& of the coun. tb*e audito'r s o ce. en'the tria '36 ree: Parties of anything like ei�ual brapbe of the many happy days spent try.'s hiJustrial, life than.the railwai was taken over by the QP.R. 6 w,,ts strength make government a dii with, us.' and n aVer. workers. Each niad I matter 1h, any 'country. was e chef cletk, and by 1914 had That: yo' will ha#&-.pveiy�-su*dccsq b ildiiIg up the cduzktrV *s he. served ad cid to the position 'of c6mp-' u the actual Vall WIL enotroller 6.0;.0 nYour new ork-lAnd' I esof this coin Sinde� March; 1918, - be has AM, RELAj�D P d ti w" - lm ed by. -the . been In entire O'CONROL good -health u hig ge coming yeair Press charg'id of -the (!Oal. is the ..mdny Paramo6ni n9ness of the Oalkai panis Aftointtir�g.'depgr'thlimb., r. lilt pf Your iivelrz w to get 'hi'nd appeals be 7� press e Reduction of I OMsds issued is th' da MacDon Of 1chaility? AV14* ks -Signed on 'behalf of 66 sectiori:� that be ma4e to the -public -on rrain, legislation urged by a jpe�ial M�Aulyi'Affian ald ell f f or commission tene& And education. A -appointed-b he Iri Vow Y� tff SW=&!C�Ilage Fi Fitl Prdo State -gdverhinerit to devise 0M d, 'FLOWtRDA-L lyn erwriters' give -lower' insurance tateS %1111 means of curbing tfi(�,exc6sslve 0 lfinking'.of, intoxicants in that' codni�l L NGSIDE on summer cottages roofed with Brantford' tr�. John Ji 146kgan, chai Asphalt Slates because the are fire rdsistAnt rman of y the - coinniiisiov egsie Madn'tosh 'left Mon( and cannot be,ignited writing for the,jLIn' Miss Ol and fao says it- 181 believed", ba rL I L Miw.,4ild- g' shing. es or NI&,. dependent t it' Visit: in. L D JI�n yes by buftin� morning -lo etr' Francei' Ma the ,recommendations of`the �nalii- -. Mi of, Detroit, spent th week-6nW. Is$ dIver ': rotdroc d m,00 �U,Ftiday night,1rorn 'Hill's Like - wfth� gr�-and- Mrs. Ift, TiMn. which it hag presented h!J A' shottlk- be trklslati64 by Alle and'he give� Mi .4 Margaret MoNat �h '!*I-, 1�jg6 da Miss Mary. Strathdee'.,rdturntd', te is rds- d"rec ti� StU d us this "descn-ption 64, th�.'Iiquok, situi, hot M6hda,jr- th d :-4 Wen tdidbitig,at. Charlton, for th ht d d- Walk or,.Adod' - 11 in th ' r rig I I 1 6 're&L rs.: D. Macto , I . age wa paper* dtlbl�`,As It.how obta4i Mr. And Mrs. Webek,-M past Year is.spe, Ing ndi the ho iday� ik nplied, _Wit 0 hL U -InUnf, There' ai64'in t 6 Irish Pree, LStat. I , _9- �, gacDon 'Jw. cost"L.. -tieknow,-spent- r oll, ic nse r. ana'Mrs. B. Naylor Mrs, Ad. Baloonsi That lidtrisedhou�e aftdrilootl and evening, at he the llo�le, y W.tlf It every:, W of' the. population, -of Mri� Vi-Newrnan, gpefit jify proc Li. Merver'i V p esis ing� ake& a cont'rjudUs. wall Piling 'with 'b"ir and Mi -;s,. Mer., ..ioun 11 one W s in Englab'd the. ftoportl6n, lowerdalt *is. a ev orie� to 00Y,400, And, inL Scotia OSS W' 8 a'p .-t lit V61 d tot on T sday. very , "6()5 inh I Dr6p. to Oi abitants-. .86fre of jb,e comm. oMr. J061..� Hill wh `bbgtained in - W I OL 'Miss M�tgaret Maciritosh 'hits lie. in ittid we Will gladly 0 BUSQL egg qbri ail �Collogd,. 'hit wor ing, 611 the good' r6ad d not contradicted revealed an titit1fied both& tr m in ad or, �g example; 't 6xtraordinari �,btate!. of affairs, last wioetii we Ake, lad! to- little town ot.� Bally.� 41e �o V� -out again. brother 0, visit, her On ni haunt there is on4 public �ho6jd j�rj evenin ag eren "08day - Ontafla 'ever tw er n.a,L, an mist 'Praffer, Reoiem�or�. W44t? `The,..Langsi d atlon� of frielldio Miss Irene 0hiden -70tY this fid' with,' 4. popul' StrAthdc I ej Sun-. 'Oft, the Church IAWil, bOaRS '76 Public h6ut0o, - Or Ono day� Ock Copied, Inf6ighttio; Furntha and' Sivics, or ion: Btarl"' WillijM' r4ill 6% gtrath6 his joi, for every eighteen k0ldOAts, Thdad of Look, ate otreffie' dbursej b"11t, rin p n ifig L404�6�0) Atif . hi IrOlgfi'd whoto'. 41',, ftrhi f6t,t�o CoMoitte1#1 hotoll, ill d" days with 4016 f , .1. , I . I : I i " hi figuboo T- .. .. ..... .