The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-24, Page 4-n. ____T -Inv A 4 it IR 406 Pop ago-'Pq -77, r at Is. of loction Of thisi T di Perhaps -ofbrva Schoo of the golp, *n(LIA JAIWAsIg 0", evi in thel Iiiiit lunches 'and Aho; -amilY,91 J40 0 W_ ;:A.T, q v and, 41,.1d. Otis Ion, fo, MOT :Stor the tlie''gonip a Condo WI 7, ;oorh " - - �Iiieg­was: very, kem PSO, 011a or team mail -so ri, Y.10;, T 'ar OVA' 0,11, '.A Q at 1.4 0, New, TO g and, Daii, -.h s Walkerton,. N4, r9PA 'to ebTo d"for -the, the 'Making 01 DIF 3101OK40100.I P, ;MO. Editor" fwOr their g lyipip, Tbo comb Xk went. thi Ye pite al icOre, Was Ailsi al -Ba*b AE'd I& the, Ches, TWOy, w0ro, AP 1W Of 4, by A B_g�rl stiaki . ...... map, h f0reW tis�l Dp�� f p GGIERt P 1U .or th VMGU-A*, 00 6jo wei Miss: Evil E &QUITH Mile, liter e-VIT., Thor, new I - T IF(boills IP IA9 ' ' " ` 'ded 1A plaivith est I14MVi. N Aid geat farl the u, f Chesley. The bTq;s saw- tS I' d aa' so donated by the., South �9 tigum t iteo for a, Juillor.* wilken 'rneni 014�1 u th, kd the art. t Ovs,Pw. 1644' i t onvby throe, gir, 3 to r Co their', PXV ng' , mpe d for AIN I G' Sioctic Mgi it: the' T46: Ii Of, t Drke"iftheitsiTr6ad. R, -atly, dpresent d 77i the, f ic P -tUW k,� Ini ai Moving d 7 eyi W Mir�, A_sqq.--. ioad S ffr.- ;;nq e opelst azed, ai P it 254, L19 it c- le6, �kA� t to, t 'en- 1�, r Stine Ypq 9 .1 r , P Y ., _ f -tie w G.: nip al'to ..Pq P Wes. OlThere -NO ft, hat .0, Farmi of 017to OX -he -,stri er 8 t oni a jews, thei Is S n " , I C], on 'the' Breed 'W that day, in:-;v&i0h A thing, In, COMMQli oSSOC, a 1 June 11th, and.,wao -well whod 'INGIL atAdMitte. [,fte thW, e 'Wis ts 4 by, electors from a P'. three arAltL 9 most -teMide t :Ieetion "'of I e foith: year in est attende, e ground that Ith istake o�4,-Piit 4L,m I*rg doizas ler th an 00 the 0 The foil 0wIA9 , �, � ­­ I s =ksrt;,, capture the A1010ugh lgltiger th mg, F , and, sliffeted. 'a6o se;iqr poft,ishinept. fqid_I�jlk of 'Walkerton, ng Year h 'In' OPPOSWQA h wosi elected. it lietferd; VI p Y orld-wide rept,l� agAIRS 'bl .,Thd Con., th ve S high. man JA e ical 0. e f �be, �sao I st I)i "the onsui jo arS. Chevrolei his a. Ass' in kliafi-4..th 0 a f hii'jo *he �had _Up��rt 1,wni-, tIAe;. cup for oncoln 94p-- tra i: 7 P d ss'aiovement'W i ad beirig, * moie ec young; ZiOP:_ is I , .0 all. C, ses and the' ha r R, 2nd.Vi et6i' w.fis Shp q tati f6 id, , " m , , it; gAng rble,� &ot Is, we tho� existing form'. 4 90VIBriuslog 'X.6detn deii c and0il Jdal opera. e a '"line fteSidentj rs ga It allty,,Cons ruc 10A, ment An - fact —Just J. curi - Audi- 1jeneral s riko, isim some. 9p, �7, oni .' Currie; See Prop` t d' ow'becomlep his " Ci gri is the t inas S pi �e 1923., The eon t adtie ed to' which 00 i 11tisken for ei implement fty as as qu oitie. the 0pril e 'Live tock tit., some S E more testants. in. -til. Ju iing. reason e the gre. i. as, going tition, placed inta arli 'tit d This t6rS,,.; John, 1, - - - was Fa'siRilt -, I . - o "Moe the p AM tar -feittires assuit ater, of his tra e6: CO and'. give. r"sons he rotpr eLg.. I'Stricily ape. alp �.i deprecii *rs.'.Geo.,. a eCQh0Tdk;of'L1,( o -it, t ing te' iclellent'classOg of -live jtock,, tse )n and Repre ot and fine ing lif hev­ A IUO cident, 'i con1prising The InAporove, C L which tot, aeellishohin4jisi 'Wilr pe6pli did n an t bari W Out Beef and Dairy repair., W thi it V_ e.'to-floqp it was 01119 the Conduq0t. B rom 16rni ' i , , , Horses, " i _dl sand 9 oth freedoin' f ghoe� and Swine. r not be-: Ca Wost� Mr6ii; 1A the part. of oroleto; the -an cost$ y fan uq r Petition, was, estiieatest CheV Olet" to. vidual tea 0. bay parlistmerit: do thiii Wai 41 to' *1b :)'ver j*n ford,. Joh e The scili on, in c6m si I d sind.littlo to Own Q. Is cause a zPajOr#y cc rtalli Prom ill Itisifiei of 'the peep! ant's. a. �ii�ket little tiibuy Cunning, am,'. SAM ke.elijOr iie ell* PA does no vepg.kt its very nki ell. youp so-w0apon. the ra Ing. team, is rough fear of a, ell and will 't ad it, but th'.. k xophies rs' pid f OW" 7. gconotnicaLP CoPerat 01i116'.1 into,a,priva. e —the. Stri - ..A� e te d b ited AbImsbipw6c, r; not represent the qn. The stAkqrswtio. d torming illf in er. on.,itq keDonidd, '0 11 took a liver to coi those the igi men, in t , - I I .� t ". the, people wished Th" es, �Mws; "Jos. Breckenridge POP 1 ition, wi J ,trip'§e1i it- to aicalveri., e, Compet ty udgi the exceptionof rlBi Knight, Is -h h, sells it ito:i here �a sil- i rq�aset'afid. eI W oi, did., cto, true on hat 'me can �ant the ;ides ti T listed subiti- oCL as it, 'won 'i Mrst xibift the: c6fidu amble; al by wines tma dswaterm of -'Ric W, or !_&:Rj end a minort, -T .,ry 6., zparl�ngii v �oiating re PT that 'dien f government by at s Onit �Pdllock;; government s -Hill w y g in .h� tickets S An -ate A+ a e,A rs tution 0 T sw 6e Som quiifi.holds the vieLL L dates do.- 116t 6ffer alsy 4er H Browflo 'Mr. As most elasses was thaw yi-40 e: -one 7e Sun tates hi altit!?Ps­:,we b unitec,t, a Iexecu ive, CO— 'is ouas so Spe'dp.,hi 9sapet an, .4. - . .., to]*" mitt pe*, C ee. Judging" feated by its n should be de le data. unde ai hat it 9 - PrI I Asent iniself Team re *A�* comfidi isiPthe poil-iIi -in Some form, ,I er Ite theI e ation 4estilation, Vgs .passod; qx press,! such Sijo T e scil thiiuld ."hO no neged the t and � geA Is !,,Cana aii,�- rner,gf 'of'tea' Eva GVEL ty of hivg 'the OVI Men,beins in was ec'ide' Ito Fgrtuno, Madalyn 1� -of-se'Idiiion. 'H4' Would who 0� di d 'he d a IlOmhlAt� sell.' Those, ............ out �refq Fdi tdby an fun or 'date. refbrmers ab troubli' e a later. na. to w"h out 11 the tick- D it64 conVeW is '�converti MoCarti ailitlacks It ton at , not go to o Moi Aitutl4al wayiii-Ahat. lng� se 7. b;,.m era mustAPbeL IS an Y, to their date, Rei t ;w. majority, 6f,. Ag "to Th n 9s Tsiraiiii o,'the old-fasbiion4i�mustac 9. the, pri -thiukin eon ln.� vay of �nted,� matter they tA,. ligiiize, tie-, r cc Teeswater-326 ig,6 wol,�l or 1,'Ioyd, GO gresti thes�"eageS alkerton-iii dition mbanst� of iffectin Y'- Thi 'ii KOO, ai Pri Ornment r Port, E 'ha n gov t, off, lit ft lgin--4054- a c nge pi e 0.1 P ed. g from conie, s: like ilegetiatin ith; a h d-ou. .0 LucknO*—Iiq6b h and t' me ey 7 -- em ra of e bought fiorii stituite trsoi stow The ieAike1Y;i Ao� *,ill a, view 0 ins Unior t ofteco a. coi b T man J. 5!agje�mont Imk auothei.,.01c)c6t_.,, Isk a6'i Bruce Wirments IT, r promise ad' enge 0 hs,'at be, that �j) . � P a. i. o Your S _A the Santo, be It ar, 'And W Ow t,,,, complete Vant: 12" foil ing ill. w oso�. tickets had oon- t r, riot Bobbing Lloyd. G 30 McCasho rue C the aner Iemo t scalpers pai id Treli ihi trip Whi "ha Aiought An il.,t,S tnotot PIC yAth. better As ith On of the. i "Paitif hile d ket'gooto -Individu 0 Frtunet, lMid itielf -Al St Chesiley f6illo"i,ing, will Libe originally thiv 'Truax trophy We at he. r sym --Conserva0ve in pathy, 4ith the it Inairks:'WiPs Wi.E., traditions 'Biltigh aXlqttY-: in -UP Iegitmite!0ff0h60t­Of the rail� Marjorie gabbli .11 L .1 710, the Consiltution'. WaSi it' line r Chisley he aliuriQg'biCiUtY-' XiKD. CARLOAD 04 Do you khoviMijs,Ontar which k; Walkerto, it 7,0, colo as IOM T'N S B a& t up 'out Ruby Fort lmylo JUST P&ACED. IN STOCK,- 0 law, corde and -toad o'DIRE I C Laverne rockle,ban 4 f ]jet lakes and streanis-iimiiiiiit: ti "ED A14D ill . bitter yji ot,',railtoi he 11i ckna OXL �SCALPERS- heri Teeswater WIRE I-G'H. 'T. ICKET e -perio Mary McF pioni4flng d Rail her 'wobdik And S?l IL&NUFACTURER& -:,YOU WILL 71" followed of ._. , . I., I I... �' � 7'.. . I same, Medals -For any "tile -which 01 the Ill Is Girls by roads ran bi Ontario is all� about yoUiti -f 19 . W Owed of. course, no rShad I I � , I. � . Miss ve Atieg fought and Cut an Classes tA j"SH CARLOAV OF -CEMENT JUST -ARRIVED' ticket Thtli .1 ea - that -Baki�g_li 'Evans, highway all s Iii . graft; the. 'railroad ticket. d you Will biti6 get., was Chesley. ourishiiii; in . i , i. at this - rates �G eventually t ost': money Nuttition ub d -with- Miss'Ontar _sL ing gr bough �tliey —R yprOC WallboArd Iii, at has been y Fostiluej G t. acquainte Lime. INGi ii et Oldithi ould, -Mary McPherson, Teeswater Fill -your Uniates e i 'since it 0 ck 0 season. picri weather. n6w. Mig FOR SP REPYOU e on eve qbster, PL rty—ask yqu a sigilly. abolished;'an �biat'of busibe rh ss and thesixe r;ood :Dipsoing —,XYrtl rfrienft t6o, do, the no the ihial car d is' W said to ­ with. a merry go 'they Used I. . . . ScOr 6 DOUBTO Lucknoi EVERT, SHAWL`- IT IS 'BEYi , - t Alle, cost coup all their losses. sawpe. 'WE HAVE IT -IN Add #00ji 4. year - o ''to -Mailierson, TeeswAter. to. �tuiiiI, over, buqchdio' of. tickets, 7 . . . you'll elled highways M BEST WALL VINISN- e -railrs, Thi In -to 9�e Sitic C petitibol 00 :the k. Jud sag OM rat itin Away from"the,more trav ermi 91 ocky- g] scalp6rg, P lens, noddin Ali, the'end, 101 b 6t fal s upon I the public f, * them; the -Toa, Ste, ding find, many a , eiut.y Murdsc6,J3rus es— RtT Mu whatt %rr they coui qr� in 11 othe k -lit pebbles RIGIRT B 911 ''TO P17 ON. RESCO. jilsio0ol thi flash of -cool. Water over'sur 'Toll 1�� &inmissi6n.., on, Walkerton-i-3987iiiiiiiisiMeniber� pini -up solot ieciiiving AS,*' viry,cloi to v4rinitig 'ietai . Wilford aces 000 which they must, zinsoke Sol9011, later, before her'o.,hature''Onics Itecently - a�,ta road n, Dri . ve moodei ' 'h' every, ticket' rejund the Tol- amisheOttit no eased iate�'.'. foic.d to V� 6ti Arlx& Thompsdno'�tanleY,Ti l b ndV that,,ij 'railroads were in e h dt WE BAVE SRERWI. -0 AMS PAD,, LACS . AND n iai& �Puviase price of ufiissed, tick an mit Malciol and n the cot Eicjs�ivc'spced,,Wears [N * WILLI aitorn'y. in Washingtoi Nei inty roadq- I "' Id stop this leak: Useful field and ton. che Government oll 4 found FOR,EVEBy._PURPOSE. Thie'ieI bills,must: paid Scalper a. away. ad surfaces.. lie e To. . WILL BE the r Ie " n1* , onei -lie th r iotorists. Athetniber th'*,':' 4OUSEWI GLi T 0. KNOW THAT -_W 9 ailroids: could red 'e both fares : wotild', btiy t1i Ch' ley' 3926w. 1. � . R MIN- j two git! a(6, Mer PIS thei*o, el LL 'DRY HARD freiii r the". *kigina 6 Tee by you and a er;. oads,ije,yours. tE110Y h nd There -which sw t� -A LAQUAR YOUW MONEY. IS� tie J . is at a-!rei r 0 JtAVE di#1 r ? ,1bTES -:IT Ig ABSOLIQTELY Gill in Aiffi�ulti . , , ' iest�.the assistance CoUall AlIANTEED. afn .,e and Sell A a aL 7 eq , . I I Us ov rni g. the' sea pets, ,,the SATISPACTORY, CUljy,6f detectit, ebody''vibo. ciould'Lissle it". 'Rip)ey—. Tfie� G e REFIUNDED IF NOT 'tion -to 400 d Condition -of In '�'ther is. the It difficulty Of-Seglsri 9 erce Cohis. Li motoritts -in niaintaining goo Ohioir the i1rittriStati es. are coli not be:edt'it p9i ioriviction. inco,tie Crim, lizeA.,raii rates and e o those who v Iliik Alen st, 932. and iiinct in glen, aqua tition Walkerton- it that the aw again,git.fasi driving is lit A)V mit�tea on b�ard a, rain, end ti cut -i - coi Wilf6rd, inglis, C patri trA in 19 rigi4ly, enforce& by a nuM00u, ipers foun to oving from put an Of wMis Murdle aL the train.s as ai� rule'a sea d themselves 94� Bieugo. Thompson, Walkerton ies the ; " i� 6he state� �W er difficult �Q4 legal umbind and 19110cuic MAU anoth a job 11 they were, Alvin - Monk,"' Cheiley _At bi -R()Nj,G9O.S4,HENR tynerge. Another "ti -Ig a, ticket, gd.. IjArrisi Rip ey S. L.�SQT nee 6.94 Tip -D it U*Ieker could 91 agou Berk broughi -out is dishonetl�conAui and gin 797. Mwis4s, :"Point which his be. t Suply fro'i Donald McTivishi, Polt'-i ome -of the'. that the sca ped it i 'atious h* icket was legi to note *hat 9 S Tiophios- is. High Zss�od by -the Ontario Departi of Hiff.st has &jlg�WAN MAFEV4NG t wag stole, and vieted were Motors S. various, 'dsed bofore� scaloers recent Y eon, PREMIER OP SASKAT4 to secure the co.oporatibn o It . . * ' evince. ME y, valueless.. Facing -the toads; 61 thi me teehnicall the bu§ii thirty, "arS, —Irwin- Vance rao abiii abuse 61 Jbitston- is 16M6 frorn, I beco to S rsets VISITIN I Uni d" State H,6 r Miss these ifficuiiies, the Al Willi --M Colin otten:, Beef Ca4le o e summer ioi G IN CUY es Gardner, Preniii '?f� Fordwieh for the' PIeTit aaO ifie 'railrOP& Ore. his e wis W, 0. . CPM Norm . 'it! idt, gaskatcheins ting - his W to Reni Sc "ll the, /11RUCE, D 7in "hiLrd PETITION - AN A Dairy Ln has; been ktaalp, out ng, e F119 A utshii 1�re, wrilu, xhininatiOnSi't Is we.. cleLD Tlgbor�e townshi He walktritori T GIRL T thes. , i, : old home irC which .. ' 1, - I ' a, OIAXV� and nixL' ihosiq difficulty 9*ine—A I okhielie is one 'Sheep.an. ut ex d asked,, wi spent'sQrne :time 'with his f4ther at. h The throe Costs. Can sibg when f Zion tionk dgiAg Clsi Rite ie mUSt be iften, urth Annual. Ju Miss The V6 ley.. tk If w�here the Id t hes_ you �An, qi das to ma 6 YOuse cuse o s Loridbiri - Is tits -i nibidern' operation Victoria A.OsPital, .,r, tiding, a1eW weeks wit to- that.. Oeld.. Nk 'Steals petition and Cat, itise, above ubfri 'Or Auctor T endly nubs. riously, ill- moly, the- eon rophiis o, Junior Judges culrls'you� or au'sple oorsL leli %Thake ouffs: and- S lirst es eider Gardiner is yngMake. nai ey 6A un To it e i�th, und Tees ns. h that conditio Mr. Joh"A Maki is i h' the ticket, tlie � scalper W 6 buys U Mr. Girdiper s Iiiiiiar Instit . .. r, "491 trii him,' and the ' Customer # . . . chief delight; - re squpd$ the. fe'iling' ?" "who the Bruce. COUAty. watr. If OU can ii gii4d, bi as -the West, a sister, , Mks. Wilfred Hoffnihi_ 11 o ge Goodfellow, in I J eef Cat e Go r strong chberful, .�nd 1he; Pros.peCts most en fin�i le, this week*.' boys it frt scalkt� tire all IP- and unior Farmersit: Associitions, A ell can Swi and" -r -a� fudges, Do If' Y. inow e fije.' been � a bard. ': I �. gar. i k, the operation was an unqualified sue Although jeaswatf� anSow with S"i 1, and have at%, eye couragi Miss MAk et kliccallurh - of tore ain carry n Can' P— mw lit.. the rn mers thr u gh. -All pkdfit a-0 not for -duttt este Th 9't of, the gentl r graces, Ibid b I 'a S.S No.. 0 by' it ii* U W, ons Struggle, 6rkno, ' whb,has taught's pt� are, he the Obi for, tlic judging 'r ti themsblvet " out- of- thi I I -'. two' vilike ideses put:of tea they I I e mornin h need ISMY A. very /iuc4otsfullY the ai Itions held ',in ill were S�waeaii�Beiiit Monk Sig t; you c �,6 a Iribnid 'a�d' 1164 no', Al6i depresifioni,_ and doly People *he kno* vinyti I I ' I I . Z6 d., o -Miss 'Olive. Art i� I , At '-f thb, Field DAY I 'fil' be than if-ycou can' -da'n0withOUtIi4, it to ilightiY fewer. lit' Iiir r tu, r ve o W% The feak , , gru go got unior is I' - %N 'It', an *h* hai 01 aili h6in 60iier, .,Crop., of which is years,ii re gne tod her, �botiti it, No ' �Ad then it IS p6sible, rey b6c us derson Year, e- I sche'd . I e rovivalL, Of was, a, e'must sign, to 61 nch- t a al t ha's b to after ni xPiers' Norm mining, eon, engiged t grant. "in' I th�oukhoilt this part of"the �#ro -i6 Chi Play Witi 'giving pay 'too strong LeI BasebA 0 D ingiatiai himself 16 &me b4v� meet - Ond os e!jty., for to Si tO& -hold, you should 60 era, toudgo�i'� iii y an,­ Sct-k , -"e rs' t a ntW �findt vvidence. About ater "Ti now tk at4 Tom A large c b tho dena xvithout feit ;Various classets, r the lattprq team Y Enjoy the'love of IL G q, vtfy popular, ift" the Mrs. S 1. KI PAi nee, wag provided by the fb a hine with faith and Anderson, v,sited' the latices home not 'Will toe lit in, auti -at � ifigth I ' for -six wA re9O 'or Captai Charles -e of' 7-1 girl *dsti, particulirly the c b.' Kakeez s. p tit in afternoon to ga of g th Pri k" tl ii d 1 e' 10 duties, The fat' MY 'in LoAdOn, onV60i" A �nesg; a:, good rcogram bo6veen.t6lins picked rom e,va wea e.ga.. Cate fi�or the. o ie� r Ss And, 6u ts' souto' a 191 wife 'AP4 itold VeAther ill Yeats of" the trail of the !sea. pgra an so, rnishid inte, a -vd -use Motor Despite. he -Institut" Al fu neei party ...held at Mt Iii :the hief',overnmen Comp h der thibn y, conii den, 4�ut b cars, an suc;, na n. "In Ample hri %s Aid' the keenl tad 'been lifted' pii4ay oveni 0 %plendid Y, 'the i iss am Of A ibl' tits. - d in field wide w . .... . hathe captain wag. a. an' -tested Pico& d a in, Vilkerto *i the cent rdet -t4 vii� the doni i.1son of Arena, to net ofhe'un; Mlation listed' it, 'the SPACIOUS Chesley 0 nd, not gcquirot� 4a, A'-pr,i The plan th bi I "iletteince: Seguss of. Nile� *fi­0 also, nc,ial 'Conference 'Id";- h "as' it, profgt. an- ext Cheglok-`Oft dorwor a Ap -61ont ne" h, London, and', Mrs, iii thoI East und Shhrkey, *, Miss zai of 'and ohli, - mi n;, through the et ing, li� an have Bla e, its HRV*H " . reAtled in:d4eient F, ROwAnd. And of dhil, Ito wao and will, returned i'home last V k, the name walk., attracted large yq it- oouand'. enjoyable, if $tl)� "ind'. q test �hat midisummet, 140- sSt nbdyh66d hsPart of. the: co�ntiry 'And -his Work erion. Previous �O� the comPetitift n hi dy's progr m. bry of 19, witb parts been. ithout ditpising, tal- Wag had, Coached ico and jea- , te My irl, 'It'. moldil. foot, 'the A Age con, teRobertson ' h haii nly h �S gtAy And He girls' of six. Junitor last' *116 Wei It you can Ply'' at 4w is on . . 1 11 . !�Unty it Ti C 0 in 19' ie Anderson nided.the 246W Vtori:A "of the, gp&rt� It taley Port Elgin. A 9004, Whet is tuch *11111�tessod 'by 0 66 '10 Y, .0 Succeedd *01, '14 . t'� In getting oo�edilfhtOd 6iio it two wok 'Piold, Day'Of the od' fie, AdI&At 6M WkIlOwt who "tho, 4,44. oko'40 0 tari64 toad Systeth 4a by.Lthi thib si"Og 01 at$ oil. 0400, aUFO 1lot,