The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-17, Page 3. • m•rprrmr4.1-,-, :.:. 'buiiiaesie , for fifteen or 'twonty'yearei them. right:and. I 1104,01...y.04 ...Trill:he • .• .41sMigh I had been breught ng on a .Spealt right Out and give me your ad, • know but bt4t. a very 'little about, farrning,,!.,Xerom this . WO, _On 1,,Waiit:• - Ton.' tio:.... , . . I. found that ivh4e X had, been nappiagifree,epd'frank with me."' .: : .,:oonfidonog jai:use:if, .however, and for:, Atat •sefislOnc.: 1., tile• tartan' IM800.0A 1.1.04, *Mu ' 044, • Ver; .they were a 'good- hUrieh; L- ' .4,1ist. .about, 4.fte fresb.as- they inakel;fieen en, the. farm Tenger than., $.',;.11eve, ti Their, ".C.0,0pitittiolq. TPrixsrea More ...' a• tirntt prided joyee4 on.being•able. to . kii,d- ..upsetting•Myr,OWn:hettle; of rieb,.. "-Nlien: X.40400:. on-. the' farm., I -woo, w,. ith your. hraluer-Some of rin. have . 'enit!!: as the old, :saying in, I; did. not 1. and- know -Monfe•abent the, Inismegle,1 farm,. lint, having • been away kr .1*.ith•pr• • vice 'and .critietsmS, 4,a tor tiR. make..., , on with great strides: ,..I'.itad greakget.'senie; Pretty good .widlepa'nt that be TO owri, hoe,. -• , ,', • ,.„, ••7 ; . • :hht4.1.-J-04 •.0.A. to: myself the tiie heat i . .A, tirse'eatue mitiail I •ealiFid 0.41' ,eti:kil •Iirld JO ',,NiteriC :ahead . together t. . . . . . • , , .. . ,. ' - ' . ' '' ..00001.400 -:,.' . ' 1 easae, neat' lirlPg beeic. Than Their ''iql!),:if, ''',, •' • ;;711111.t4 ' 0010:60:0:4600,piiio‘'ci 4,4f..40,e*, , ft; s4;3e,, tiltibocl 9.{ ):L--00c5i 'IxotteiKc2,0 jei, rilf: • ‘A161\5 . . June 20. Aidates Pipe, pen. 44; le to• -IL- 495011...:441cEi HI.M.SETR"' KNOWN, they are.egcsilent-iceened, 44. not . : .:IjOaophoTioN.,--• The intervening spend on '03em. Canoed pea e are de, /AO; cern the ,roPrufug it le etttmeti, 4,4 sed -contained. • One reason why this, tel 'of. the' inip.rieoninent.:0' two much..spece, and the pees; /vow. I- .104' X0 'ISATIlt.0.44014:Yll:i:T.4'444:11.4, : • '. tirhegan14:th'7..ra' ; also that ,sonie,.aitliP0g47 il)• 4,5;'," 10- Golden Text --.A broken and • . , 00,:1-1.0, .. , . ' - • . tation of theirAreame, then kit p r,,, chapters, between '90 last leseen: end licieue,, but. the plants --take up' and do but a few. jars nt. a .thrie,. as it go nle ir son Witli'vloseph, end, of hie irltelt: , 1:00,hed . product • je ; often' lierY. mrer, kernels; mese. out :;alk tbe pnIP; and to 'govern ;thew!, „This, in,,tatii,' la 414 .•:'. of Pharaoh OffiCP'P in the 'm Pr- :;long 4,'00(1,.. to pi* Sad; sW.l.;.. aleo,.•the..e'tlxilie4n1r4.1.:,..tlioect!' ;oc'Aif.71!l'theh!t•Tipe7 el9"Phe. lack of I. ',./74;eotis.Odbijt1:94.L.w11411boieb'‘t440.;134.,;-:: 'despise:74s. 51: .17. • 4,,c7ntrtte, he,,, rt,,,,..0,,p,4, thou wilt. not • :Those of na • who both 'p:ant. and lainiabirsk the; Mala ,ft,UP$474,..e,041104 .0 . . ,,a 'Amy women for the time he hes' to ;make so pinch ' differenge---therefore, his training in charge hap been gent4e,, ' . tain-esPeoiiirisr. to . the innate, ur "ce.,11-* Milic• withheek of irrige,41,ii. tile .i4rep'..te,inalce.the'clii)dretn..eaCital4a ga-well: :/ c°11'' .. °"' 134-3;.? einx;r1:71;:t.:teth'i.7•4;i7ci- ' colrn.if "le.Nohas'vefgsPet*.4"%L'rl'S 74",00; btle''.4! 'WheOkeve;."'We. Sea well-bred, ohedll' xyr .r.1,9Rg.XCN .T.. -41..i7 414'0N...,, . . P.4i tt*4.1Y. il:iLl. ril4.111ZIYPA'LluIrtitlit'' Bar 7,4 Tr fitt4!(;tZ ,4;ariz' Pw'stlip".•.havee ,iill nerand :use the cold -pack :method, ;„X.,rukx 'it8 1,04•4 O. ,goveren. • Mothers , 414 1, In the Shinti to doWn pride;- • .: .. .'• '... sraginetlineal"..lOse ..e.ut,..liy......iiet 'keophig •:.. p*.a •Ilea.;•inriny ,ear:,': YOu'lthOW: how worth..many.,.dolldre, to.....me, .`1" 'have 1t ie, tiiiiiigh:. 'It' takes several *ids qu'a4a,' up 4,tily; inilod.'t4.0t ft.t,t*..'Oivtigi"a.. 3(2, itiffii is 1,, 617. 06:ki ' ,, ( ''' :Wt 'they . cle:.•pdt ,ve.Oetnizeli414-, ',Rm. :Mat* Whele;:--hoWevori...' fok.. egJacji 'and .11. b..g4t*. 0040. of tgaall eggs) i 'often in,,..,_*0 ingeonce:of ther;children.,',. • .,. food; litad...qe., rebegaised7bir. joeoph,..stirer,,' If..Onte wants. .0. '.can th10,„ •Ird,.vellfotabbak-i-,Beleet YO44'' tender or 10.0- '400, to facts' to 3.40;Welle, , '• ' ' their return,. journery..they" ore tht0Oh: PeOk elaal,,•0440:eloSelYt'In large .'lare, for:.*ge...mseo,Og4t'uti'vrelkte,.g0t.04 tars; .NR,.$gai'liishi..Sraniit.144-'nervciat;,,,,'• '"Teltiemb,9,0 .,asopliPtils.tazothwi,00•41:1,0a4tt„:4:74,i4;. • . . . . : .. "• . ... •. . .•., .. .. estoiahlug k:e*eitation 14', hip 'rank w. hToi,ern4mtstot'hiosaell,thep7,0134.:10•Ofc•a,loier.ttohr-g, 0-er.00; Of t-114 cern *WW1* efAmeci•-• filealtfhoaersn'trsdaho„ulid,.. ,,• .'echoo.1‘ , . themselves ....!,0eives in' .. :wag niakirig ' some halite:keg' 'aniT:they 'after' that; '':great deal better The 31iegr O! and power in ' Nkytf ti %Ws's' prostration an4.40,4•oaed ternato,VienPaCk, trod.•it • ....were co.§..C4Inialakea, -00,...,1 had Some 'men,. MO- .•:Mit.'irepose. on, i.a.e; ae LheY• 4 ;;" rvli 0 . , 1.1.4:,c0.0. st,74,11:orsc;r°7•Ittlit:l.f,Fsgiurr'rtini.orm?'17,104:74,fa.onn.44:1.,,ifirr::::f, :ftipelitT te-ill.tItt..4reci:' '.".1:14plrotr4.40•1)41.ti. ‘gi'•1•0'• "4' .4:41:1*,a.:44,440.4. ilert11vineao.'774.:1A71-4t,..„„‘:.,,, MflOrali:ItirilidelVOY''S'it ni: 73'n$1141atti•'.reolit 171..„,arajliga.4-4hat *.aa ;cOining,' ffOnv" ,0,114iht;...iikeh,-:thek.saW .tlint,.thear •had 10 . tr, , ,sallat whc., Ini,l, tio.411.00,i11144,.,ot I-i,I;rydii.,,,,t.i.,010,',..ea..3747.4._. oteo774.RePlia n4, oato, tnihesiii,:L4001, for:i.:,,,:iiii!:04.4-ivitain,0: . cern.11 0 ti:. 1,150.4,„4•474-,V•u Si, ' r'eq0,7 7.714" : .7.,'•0_41,1'grmg.;°!tii'fitrt:apianpe11,44:***,..Thw-417:11,1,01-05,',',,•',.; 'fale.n.dighliers,'andaemetimearnyhired •MO. down,.:bni". many.' tirnea:they•Attye .. , • .. .:!, . , . enough•,..,.•• .. ..., •• . , . ••• , .•• . ..• • • •• .. .. mien had '')56-11,' goOd'totryto made- --Suggeaf6tuFlititr helVe.,,,ifbegii- .,-. 4P;;44 Itk. ., ,'•!4.9iii;40:1:4,:;c;:kaincliet4e4nows.;i114,C:Ea.gyiltii.o. ' Thebur toroo,00„.4..find:•it.,08,00,:cipieket ;i,i0; -,.•;1400741:0 0.*03.1r 00:heat of the'. ea4-4, thite.• WIla" Ore :to .'tOiti,retalbed ,Xeore • ', ... - . iliootg 10(); But finei.4., I lied. the •sense• to. get shoulder to ' 'elienider filla • 1*i-rt. .y) ,o c4,1 c' pute.ed: .404 alarinecl at finding tai:etr Illf Up with Pelted *Owed .04040,.4741 .4 bas4......Par4inoil..,Q1olig is•the liarigty *OUitt get very very i44012.t*eitedever each . .; • lurie" hblPed,' me- fine with ••yeur;liancia. 1 and it needs. the 'beet. efforts Of..all, to .like.• tine. to .4*.n. 41;sTow',, men,. yeti- little' co-operative Plant,, or should lig; IA ... their sacks Of corn. They are alio. die. Money .returned to them liid.den. turbed; .by. - the • fact., that . they have. be,e4 .tain lot -spieC and :have, been' *String. ,hethill.. ,• "e0Me. ,, eetatid, .....,:s and ,ene,. TI*1* °Dgic' mal312" P;e16. °ut °Pine Qf 'cl*ildenl"•''Tfarerailriklice4. ti'llni"944. " in 'use the7•COfd-pock method, I" like I.X.U. r-'0 ills!, ' ' ' ' ' • • -• • '..: • . .- : "ii0P:tr4.4404701 -10141 Ow effect bee**. ,and Fonderese variettes:•for pawning', ' • Onthther &On& Pa*, yea it Oanned nottosah-le in -17.0*. #01$411;*0. cit * • ' • illy., inert tegether and say: soinething, heart with their men, : Thetarin'Wa. ° 14,1)0 .1( , Rii1;0'., for 008' tWe .-i-•-' b.14r.' arl • ,Ari.Eftsier Mot,od.fortoadirig , f told ,- that to. prove their innocence, ' caa.•use an almost -unlimited number. 4.wein,t :yell; to help mp a littile hit mere ,pialsee, eueeesS. of Ii. ---E 1T* •,, the water seanon 0Ai lOr the; 'table; 'kohl... 'I liked:. Mrti, Weile and. wantit . ' ...Essex Rape Most Desirable. ' _Hay, • .. , when ' they':' collie. again,- flioY MaSt. Can," these . when, small and tender- tbSn''Psek:'1414317 *MI'S '1.gkti ''anct .°.°14- ..to .4417:he4-1;0414e4thet. 1)44"00-41. , bring ' their 571°nrIteSt'' brothers 13ert- 'tithe epent.'' in canning large' onei ii Pagir' • °Jai* C.r°°IM°ek IP EP°, f°.r lila'. *0•Perfclane* are apt-te. SOS ' advige, so I tried tebe Very tactful.' • - . 1I present . .. 1314J: 4. .jtharn04141'.. l'OfteeP.hjo-' nfe.414.14.01-17°,1:41..r.ssr...DI tflazgr,,F:naTit,,...fr,:z0,,r.u.tvttern-ey174::taair TT'.40.be 't:eingrAilFrearteSrilienn"riett: lair: If :rtg1.104: oti:441ilqA 0Ceal .1040-411,4;m11,Y.toj ,1t.talc:41.1PcP1$4*Irlotiatt: od,' c,t..:; ., buriger th;ey come again, bringing . he hot drY time:01'41g the annthaer ! . It toOk rne more, than.four.:yeark tre ' . :- swot ,; 10, a trying *iestin for the *odic. 'awl. learn .that • brains' are a fair. sUbsti, Benjamin: :Tide time •• they • bring :a mettic,di,00d,:filvolt,e;eI• ,paYas,their.are just as g‘OOd.ritOrOdill the-•oeCurrience ..eind ;kb". to add sonr.,. stirxmimt.. Present -of .the Products of their land th0 -0-d-'Plicic a._ the jars With boilizig„stewed tomato. J...,,:iderovvi .na,•,,,,,ii,...ciot, the, .0.4thrtrig's , stah,,,a,. -,1,w„al,,:e A,,,,,.... fho: er„..,i4„,,,,i3..„, ..., .., v./40,'Wver system of: pasturage is. fel-. tute for brawn, even in pitching. hay. _ .... . ' • 13.41. ' liana. Plant eith,rselY: in a. four -inch- 'continent, • , The girl neXt., deer,: for, in -7 .. ....::. ,foilLa.... siliP...,;f9sat.f.,s‘ofriestiitl. „4reftelintaths.:•:ban6etznhea!p-frealiti:abOlin,j;tu;a4S°Sw:;:lItt.trit, • .. . ,(..,qt,•.sp9itTs. AND E.1.41(Tp0 ' fin' the ruler of Egypt, ' and a 'double f h i With unushal 'consideration, aro enter,: an, weia, as for surruner use. QAT), both •, supply . of. Money,: .T.hey ere, treated I- like KenturkY Wonders: for canning, F(4 iiwynikeir eseYah:t t4;eoy. • fii;he„ ero: •fl.101.3;xt 7:te .01,aix'47,- i'vjuggisa7.0...; .' lowed :sofas. provision should be..made x . adopted the use of the hay -loader 'it. g ..''''..p- ..E. .11..-'0'11'4i$':_,.. .thi,. grepn.,,a714...,fw4e, bop* .es, they delieious nerved' with 'Creani sane() pr. Mrs. WeBe..attentiOn'ene 'ditY, I 14- ' .. oediog filo: bo, depeaded• ,0O; to fir!. ta. a, Toot:a ikfftaiva way.of ising tbeirt, - ith. the', Zeri:;nart'' World '.in "Aidn'ed.setion445:teltehintenTenwT44waa3Y...m. "al.-. ': ate. q*: digere0t. . ,• , , '', . • bt4tfretY' .. ' • .7 ' 'ed!..4.; - 0..,'vi• • 'Marked,' that '1144, the-giii not; been .. .Bush Limas furnish one OfOorr`Tei'L4. euAs'Paragfiuutidoee. "114' any gardegil.3tiel4d too re - of thO, hay' fields or the, frelii.. spring. Last ethernet that Ilearned-that there . . ' : ... er.y-4.04,/ itapie„,:.:4*4_41w4gL-ligon_lbd..,was-loading the .hay .on the wageh cernied,PneduCts;_andatvrepiiotteh. ottoroed;-,,tparegue-je'' 'd04., . . . 'would:•net faint nt sighfef.„_:_kft; ' ' hrOnght -IV NOthont Self,-contrOli she, - I added, "'Mrs: •WelJal ". heN't 1:0114.1 better 7...' • • nielf ' this ;and.. if 'availahle ',Will, ;5t in . The first labor-saving stunt f .learn- 15.1)611,.9.'sek0s.• Pile's fnvi's ,lrilY, 'WA , I.. Jul:ail.% OrrEacissiOiv • 44 t18,84. . have-distiaction 'op, line.7 as achieved ':'0,4;,j'.1i, Ao:d &,,nint,oxj at' thiS tinio Will: the' beck: of the; Wagen. till. the front*. t-ww". •Nitu;e° here' ''11-0' liat'SriSi is' 77-771is. ConVB1Z4deno:17e1.:T=1;;;;7::::nbeSint1/7; in' rrihni; ..Inant • in' donbae reive,' 'but,:frret, egritipatiagui74i1St6atIlYie.'ClhettghrOf .01'w.tvite,sWrelc?"44, 7.,.: fr17:73.7efinrCh'',.444.."Ift.ing:iftli471.fln.r,;' ... aVertaing deeign. of the Popular print,. , ..sepli's )iiaver IliYialag. cup had been three differs* ••tilantings.,, looked aPoa.' its'.. in eXeellent.',Peetiqe .ri seetiOns,' I. let, the knY Pile ..nli on 14-tiirlint.'7*1.111140e'''Cir tw°''Plec 6;''s- -two Pre-01'43ns verses' ShOW that ',1•44411, Plant . than •VeirY • liberally; With Can-. elook: . 'did; condition over tide Critic,a1 .periO4. • the advantage of'',Pitching 'down An Weli.:picked: TheY•are, at and keep It nonallY -takes frOmVx:Weeki to two siOatling the frent of the. viag.61w When ,• e'lti'l4S Ore.*. favorite. aderninent :of I tempts ..n.6' excuse, but admite- that the, the Saigon . and can it p, a,luxult, servo to inain.taiir the flodk in splen-i.e....aboin,:lifilf,flill.; -That give me the. • ed 'crepe. combined' with plain.; crePe. totted' • in . Benjamin's, 'sack, - Ile at, when .picked' rather, green, although otoeb to 'fill a...jar. . The, : SPinach F; never earn 411910;;! , Ala wes:itle lisores:Ite r 4:::t-):'.. ' • '.--ltliZ:.11-te:sawn;.2n-4,ri.As=1114-,sariii,7tai i_leadAa',..finifilagl....."--•• : "7.: --7•-•-•-••• ' ' ..t• -•i • ve,i,i-e -. • ; - • • • lieu rthe---i,rethele, • -- .. .. ;.;;;,'A- t '.-4-3-PP4; tietoseprellfid.-,is:the,,hush44%-aeXtirti.- 'The white inidtihe :,a.itte,azer.Y..gtiord-tL. 4... izsi-,33-. •,t,,,e06,•, theLse'-7,,-alln or , , • . ,. r, . . flew'.freck.s, and 'are used on .the'tUrn, i Lord:Of FigYPt; *hose liositalit 063" saisfie; Itte mad. .• . -, 1, ;.',.; , , _,.,; , ei,op...ig ready, ,f..er :.10e.,, ,•/.,t• :thew .te.- hiek, ../ .106.d,the heot aeou,,..eed outs ;;13ciig ..colilar, ' poCket , :gaps ' and lower •leWer.:'bair4 thus ebesed, has a neit t* -1.1614 ...ie to de;a little Rivisa Chard, for:canned; worae with her. ' ,',FiriallY„ hOwever; '1 ' imeatbS lien"' than •Of: aeariUg until .flie tkilt. front., ii -but* .Up...Ovio with . the of7'the • Overbletise. There , tlieith*:-d3.*".''. '4P2..ePh #14#0' ..• Pole -Lima -Beans , Awe:, lik.O ParlY g.i..??pile. Cook, Whole •istalki : and leavee *aa able ,t,o.- give hea'-',en: Object IeSeon,'... ... Sowa;:on....•Welb:prepared,..melloW., seal: build in •alternating section' until the gathers -at • :each; -.elitihicier.; encl.:244g; LPPaa .kaaPit,- Penja,, !API tTa577' :1.:"4 Loirlathaa) ' are 'ex,delleats eaani4::bUt. slighpilic /Omni ooarioe„17; P0k.i,aild.iter-, ' • A,. 'new viaduct_ had been haia, and: ' ,.;Aarnips::tit:the,l'ate•of ne-and'a.'hAlq::.:•,:in ordeading;:•VithTithei7lOW177.statt, !;,;i;e01.1.0.i; oesit367:811:177.3rore:a.ia,y17.1.1%w„,„i 14.id I ffeeath;jeurg",awind,-;:jrngviaitirt '-teno. ''''' their ' aged -YoUr.'enrPinS, 7 ljlit • '40..:;•nOt -.44-at-Tf05,1-,Oettne4=Hto'', Ilae7,'..a.67*-074*1.0s•••;" 'fl,Pharcti -cop1ngs -Iiiit heen7a4ded N.Trs-',i4A4421-. - : to. two . pounds' of seed Per. acre .and, ', with the, lait,Lsebtion .end•teke"the lead his . 3imigesi,. Canning, "-, )331:al.,' Limas are best. for. • is easily. growit,..ind •easily, prepared. had %gene. Over -; It.' tivice; :' and .:h04:•:.' ,the rOliVe;,,eultivated the'', same as ' Oh 'off ,One section ,at';a...tiMe.•-: .1-Taing this different'. Snio,tnesk.'atia cha.14es • ite. [And ,./niieh loved Soli; they WOK ligire ,.; a leat CrOP., • Nothinningire'neeessery'..u;niethod ,I -can 'gave frorn'ten.to.twer4 sMuinette. iflto. a• blonsect 'eireet, ., .'1Wo 1 consented to ,this:,;,.gled , to' get , off • ;so . ... Eyo ,4:,.}.40,,rie,,... .• ,' e'ildeaesa' illifedthe14.1. akth7e0t546:4. '''tj.).2''ell,41:t'esr'nigi.i7‘ It..is.freiiuently, sOwn,'breadgeatatthe•-i'rn;410.0s 41 hao,,2,44# load 9f.,hay.., ::" *.i'clo ...hOit'*alts..attract. .attentiOn tel-•eanilY. • U( a, however; sPeeking, both. -. llie •gegioni4gii.of..04.**ty. • .144. 9.g.lotir to fiNe•PeandS140 'the aere•I' • VionillY .:the.lait--tWo. , , Over the aide i'..''..;• ' • • ." . '. „ ••••`.• , . •:. et, , titre?. ,e,at, ;the front .of thiikirtthe beck. heingifOr.hisiasif and the others, Shonre, 8'64'7. 'The. blouie,.,No.;" 1847, . is , in • Sink 34; ;nine and, very. deep. feeling: in.• a speech of singular ,pathos and'heinity,'. . '::It is ; 4 duty for everY 'Woman,. Whe- . 'Big,: full,...prorainent-eYes of:a:4A '. ` It hapPeaed 4,140,t fer th'e.'verilie4,.• , ., and: preiided 'the land is clean, 4111,,,tings Of hay are Short and grassy 'and: 13*in',..-4.th0:1 contribate • deeired • fulteen; •• • Come along ' Well; . It Will be •neCessary have tbodencito:slideirofrithe fork. ther she is a° little siXteen7year;old or rich hazel:celorare deSir,ettin all types day 'I had:l'ilaade. arrengernenta•to take to thsereise, a little'eare•and judgment TO..oirercome,•this, 01'11010 I nee two 00'..8:41:0, 42 and,44' inches bilet....:. Sive 36r bilk' teciiiires' 21Y4: . yards: •39-hich remarkable not .leswfdr. grace,aed•Per,,: susigive.elpqnence than for .fi-ankneSe • •• , .... . . a silver,laired ,ei4 in hor'eightieS, to of horses. , ,Eyes that are bluein color Mrs. Wella and • her. three.. ohlidree'* - • . „ T;.. when first putting the flock on freali•'.arPoon..forkii.instead. of onei fasten .4.giitedcrepe . .,,, .Th4.skirt, 3;:...No.., 184in .1i,. anu .gtmerostty •ho. makes- a persona inake..h. erSelf 'es .1",,--vely and.' sr!' eet 'as' a. re conaide,,,A---' • we. akeyearbec• .104- e 'such: 4.. cr,adle-rel-1 party", and'ive 1.ad.to; -,g0 • ..- -, ' 'd.•bloating ' The, Ehe . forks ne - a , -chain about'. as ,. firittp4p1 ' Bencarnin's. behalf;-eXplain.,• PosSible,•• . ; ' • .: .', , • • • • • ,' • ' . color . is asseeisited With •eye UnSeurid-• over the vliduct,.;• l!dra...Lynde advised i -ape. pasture toavoi • , . sheep . should ; he .tiirned on for . a,- few E.tpart 'es' Abe, Wagoo',..js' • *Mei,. 4.0 "-t)tat ii"liaa•cl.th.a OtrOsole Pill.p. aiict is in sizes i:ing. hew .all had happened from. the , This does • not raeau. that -we shall , ness:" • In buying •horses or in judging .her not to :go: , • : .. • '. • . ' hours during: the.' middle of the. day, .theY •eanbe set. -parallel to each Other, ' • Size' 36'. bust 're uires'-1V:yerde 35-16ornpaSsion on the feelingi..of an aged importance. of :being ;beautiful., It a tret consideration.. • „ • • :. ,. that if the bridge Were notste e . atil• 34'. 30'.- 8% .40, 42 and 44 inchea'huSt..theginnirig; he entreat§ aOSePh•te have: kee.P. Ohr 'Olinda, eVerlastinglYlipern the ! hcipea, the eXeinioation:ef the eyea is. ..• Finalln, 'IV.: dint ' of 'thnO•h• atil•Zing • • when the the •leaires' are '0,ty, . The for.py. far, enongli'',apert"so7„that eecit. fork . • • , , . . .., • . , , • • _ inc ,tep..,..i, ;This ';:iti. . because blindness serionely: . city; would not • a,low it to be h.sed; wa,•- ,ing day theyniaSrlieleft a little longer : takes hot ef the,- mild* -of,.. the .vt,,ego: 'h •:figiired. Crepe lining;' for carrii4joc,07.e;1•.4ftlideLlialrulhi.'tsoilifloW,. ilitiimht• rtmroat•ihnr,ase, , .ti-e4os . that ',mi., is thetinie to ; oaro for ‘,, alld. the,'• 'time eachlengthenedi Each fork has : day • • ', its trip rope; The 20 _ . . .end of few days it will only differonee 1athe-beautiful:Vend oi, Week hair .so 'Clieprecitites 'Value' On the; ejpeit:inarket sterted,•• : On- .the :viaduct, When Mrs..,:•• . &ether' a ••-their:rhmeipujation• .4..i'•°.g°iiio:et.c1.?:' Pattrilt:': '' •,' . ,, • '• ' .. (Drier) • ''' .. ' •‘• . - ,A.' . it. Vrill etay.with. us ..into our fifties or. and m•the,,show. ring cons,titutes•g as-. We.fs' was . getting' read to scream - Until -le; safe.' to • :14.1t,e . that , the . poi•,..,ktio,-; Ls thet t,we: fake ,e,re itet • hietead . a . • • Our Fashion Book il;Ustrittlitg the, V• 19,"Ev'e*.cist.I,.,V.*Ili', '.g4t4f$ sixties.'': Just :littlo.,comnienseuse Me.' .quali4Cation,' ; Therefore,byes that are She had 'atoned her. mouth ,for ' it ,sev''•,','..,. • 'Better results will be .obtained fiain....one, and tb..fichaillki. 41961ted. ,' to the neWeet end 'inoat prec,tical etyleS,•tvill 47...27411'..at;1g;1-11, "thc6•47 theds:othrushing ..v.ex'Y daY, ilia/49o, charitercilied liY-:elearness," deep ,eot.i.. era, itilineI-••siti•il. very quietly? 'Wove, .-7-. ..., • • this:. troP.-when. the •fiedh hp.S. a rim of....4-oney, 7: - ' . - . • • - ., • : ,.. ' he. '4'1 interest to 'eiterir .1161110 dress, '' '' - . ' - - • ''' • '' • 'int With. shaved • Castile. :Soap and Oration; and intensity et:, reflection are ,,loalc -straight ' ahead, ,,and try ..rtet • to . • .... ' a` grasajtelcl_in...„Conjunetion ,:witit,Jtil .., ..tere:',ii. enother".Lauggestion ', ;that inaker,."-; 1:00a, of .the,boo!c..:-ip-• cents •:' V.• go.. DI •hia'nitiflier. '.• 'Both Joseph and Benjamin...Were' ten's. 'of • Itacha r0-#.41•K"claii.OYPff 70.ith..het 'Olive. oil or' Preferred: , ,- .; . ,' , ' .• '• • -,' frighten the children. - ; ..... . • •, .,rather, than when: fOrced.' to pasture i•laves tale and is easy 'on. the horses . • . . • ' . , •Widah. assumes', Mat .JosepirirNlywly-eindereil-,-,sealp•;--.`soaking,;-:,, Nci One ' has WalL-Leol_;•ej'n,-*fines_..,_eallial •glase: • -.. then.1 041. the funny little .B017 of . :. On.'the rape alorie ' '. ' " 1-Start•Ibading.;.at the:far .side.•••,. of , the '.: .. BOVV•TO ORDE/t. PIVIITE010...' ' dead, 'Or in bandage sernewhere • and 'Oiier learned B.: better • aid:. for. .the 004. are these: in W,bielf the itie•• is Of the old adfiV1.14, ''.iyt. over 'a-.:174i1"i"aY• .. , , • , : • • ,. . . , . -.:•. ;field; so the .,k'adI will be fiiiiihed. nee; , . Wilts' Yetir ,nfkilie: and. addreas:Ofain., .as , otas.,:deid. " • -, • .• , bltindethan lemon juIcewith,the White It•Pearly white color, wholly' destitute trestle for tha,firet time. saying when •• .... Vg°25 • And' 61 r . /*tither. ectid:'See 4'8; Of, egg, : rubbed:.1nter., the ' hair:'befOre.i Of:pig-Merit, .: Such 'eyes are 'objection- the train reached the fart sr hank .p ..., . • . • • -• ljettern0 10'$* 'want; En.clOse6f.2;eutn., shainpooing and. the lase,riase water able .on :the basis .9flOoks,' but lieVer the river, "'Thank Fortune, we'Ve.litl":, • ••Orrianiental trees and .eprucelliedges . . ' ., . • , .4-•t-. - . . . .stainpa Or.coba• (coin preferred; ..7.-rsip. .1:141: ',•.• • .! - .4 . '-.•..,'• , •••• , V. 82L'-'7'hi:'-itiroant hecone 4ruiviii, ipatidint the juiCe,ek••galta lerrion.• .1. thelesS :are 'fiinctiorial. and are not 'gen.: '.• :86.,,withtheekeeptiort of an hySter-• . • :.Spritee: 'Gall' APIlida the barn...;' W. •'.:', • - " • ''' ';',,,..:.•.- ., Ay, -giving ntrniber and size ' . . • .-Then. there. is:the-akin, especially Jaidered mi. dieqiialifiCations. .1. 'Horgese leaf lin& enPe 'or'tVtice, vie, re,de, *it.: - .0fte'n. Stiffer 'severely front attaeke 'of' 'Infloence:•Of Feeding.Oo'the - • it ..cnionuy) • for egeh, Tionbor; •old Bee. 48 i9. Judah feela thee, .sacredness . Spruce • Gall aphids.. ;These insects are .' •.•- • ill,' ad;ft, i',.f tau,' address your order' to Pattern Dept; Of' the pledge Whic.h he gave, .that she to prepia"..., ,for. 7e,a.,r:.B. ", with in ,: The way' in which hens are fed has Benjande „back hi •safety. -the- liwe'.. tshse.ebyeeelshlit a 'broff?i. IthcelieitonlOPeltr°11;.• ...°11Tb1034hs!iflie.444!saibd1:1'..11t6etlreirial5rtnefaacersda.::: ....v.' ., . ,prOhaltly •the most destructiVe'eriernree • ''' 71‘.." '''' '-''''''''''''' . a:1' a ..niffikeUttifliferice•on..the- qualiti.-of 17•41-01--1:1:;InIb--11.-11.411,, ing .C6,-..1,,•73.1.„--„,„s•-•IW' .• e-S•t "..(16.: 7.1.1.:-111::10:111:-.wrgicps-: puriiSELF--- aigowN,- •,. ......-• 'Cuitivated• sin -Oyes :in Eastern Can- ;latde' St; .Toronte -.Patterns sent .14,, to. his .ft!ri." ,•:,' ...... ' '. ,':1''. '..,_:_ '' .. ....:, :.beaHFlitr4.s.t. ,.- it ,musi. he Clearty and. then if itherefere,'ShowLring preeedenf,, in, the 4:1f" it: hadn't ;been for the Aildielit• L acta."•• 'Their habits, end the method of .' • 46'.:1416..'; - .'• . ..„ ••• .. •TioWde- Is •;used::::1Cehoeid 4.4"Tbvegr-iceie 'of eles04eyedlorseateadier that -helieVe-l•should have. screained.7.' ' tontrol:ing ,tiient are described- in' 'a steternerit•- bY. the.:RonortibleW:'•• R. create. .. ... . ', : .: ••'•';,...' • . ; '...,"": 1:.-• .7'. ., ' :::: they: rriak-:he plifeed-anYivhete; 'in the : '.I :said; “The':' fie that yon 'klikiret , .. the eggs they:.Jay: . ' According to a .. - Ildother.,w0W., Minister Of Agriculture, : The.'“Guarardie'''Pr '' ' ' fa' ... , , -.• . .. . . r.. •no in: :many other. parts of the Penta- ,: ' V. 8,.Doth hiyiatite.i. yet', tlypt. lire, Sei,itii. left. on the lace 18 had; if iiiii,'.1inpup,;:. even '. in. -tho,-che,inplomlop shows you have. good centro2. of yenr.- ' .• , . ; Jtewlni4etiittoii.shade tree .insects;;is-. . . • • • eued 'by. the 'Enteanologieal' BranCli,• the', ideal. egg .:,,conies• froin. het* ., fed . • Eggs StOred hit' Cellar:/' :.: touch, there'seins' to bee combination Antes. the.. skin. and ,hardens It,. Always i• niche,. 'if' : 'the ';'competition -vairrante. nerves:" . : -, •• ... . ..•• - . - . • . •: - . • .. . . . ' The. valhe !•of the "GuaraiiiSe" pro of •of •IWO atieient stopiee The Whole Of riaSe.the.faee' iniclikeasienallY rob it ',..endi 'a. rating., 7 ••Gless'.'•eyes are. quite • -A few; Weeki later:the:Y. Sent,fOithe .-.' . , • trAtie Brandt; . Dept. Of , Aviculture,:Oho; .44 is taken froni•ef'•,the'-se. with. -.ie.,. after,•••!:110t.wat,ei hae.been-,nsech.' common In.' the case , of Olytieidaies„;. 0,2k.e.theirn,thew heine, .., • . • • ., , • ind •diStributed•-free hat ,the....Pnblica-. . eleett , feed,, kept, in •Ofedn 'houses,' Ori . • • When ;the hens are !'ar'0 properly consis S 'stories,: the first part Of eho,P. 46 frOm • Bemire to select 'a pure:cream. 'Rae- !therefore' ' SUCh eyea, tit other :breeds., •.• - It's only , ree-rooins and .0. sleePr: ' OttiViva..... The injurY is distinguished .lean'l.itter*'' as4.0h.r.sn •c•laii wiiter. .tii cess , for storing oggs,.. which . ,by conical. galls forined-.. on the 'ends :drink; of dipping the eggs in a boding Kiln- the other.'" Thisaccounts for the ques- nieve ' it from the , face With, bite ;of ..are ;Sometimes; referred to as (i)des- • Ing •porch, '- sal is trelli,-.Atit We. ' ....of • the ..tivigs Attrin-g- eak,l y:' Suironer.• 'inifiavOr and have light-co.:Med y lite. cared for their eggs possess 4 pleas tion Of Walt, and Oii,..Wad4leirion:strat,ed gen . here, .*hieh "dees" not take into cotton or "or . softy . 'clean clotlisnever 416 eYes- ' : • : .: • ' • . ' • . . , . - ; ',' ' ere. in a nide Yard .by Otiraplves.'. :••,• The injured twige..nenally die and 'the. otherFe,. rIm..entiyhere..9e eggs; we.re a. cco, u, nt the, fact that:,„ th ,. paper f.' poi*: rnb ,the'Skin hatd; treat' •,: The' bovine: eye is' One, Characterized .chilclren•SleeP • better': alreadY,'.'• • • ' 1,4r:intent in his latest report the , • , • : • . • .1 .' I bY'' exceeeive.' CoirvekitYl 10'7bn:1:ging •-• . . • . • ,---..-H'-,7--- • ' .:• --ltealth Or -the. ttee is. often 'Serious -7y and strong clear albumen, Oil the •glIraiid„'regge from 'hens•',913,liged•topick. ltept--111-0.-eelifir..' Dt sCrIbint. the.-ejc, . Previous. chapter, 'has spoken :of big .it .Ontl3J.-. . •. . '' . . affected 'When OzilY .a' few treeS are po,-.: father, as:yet living. • • ; • ': -• Don afraid tO, 'iv'elk,. 0 'Erg*, to 11 tendency :has reeulted• in the name OP' •.. , ... •highiy coi.ored yolks..,...Many producers : to skate; .0 -slide `eyea.' , ,It is 'objectiOnable. because - it. . Treatment 'of Ttde'WOurids',, •-.. • • • : • • .. up their living in. •the Intrnyard ' 'and tureee peoity,'„, 4411,?'hand..„.oit'. o'•'- .oidei; .• .V,;5. Be , not -Ore ved. . ,The brothers' ''. 'D -tO be ,deale With 'the galle can be- re- . 'Shade tree requirea:nif.inr. rad -S1.11;111110. When ' the. ' trees tire ' yard ..water,,.have weak whiteend • • , .... .. scien s. i en. p . :considerably better on Oda. at -the , - are Lino •doebt, both diSma,yed: arid cern,' d slice" to play. tennis, • ' ' • • . h •• d ' ci 'destroyed before . •• -, - Pi ' • • • • that .the.."Giiariiiiified"-r31-iNcelte-ib "a ..-" : .. ! . •,.. - . : • - ..h- treatsthem, . doW•n-,-hfil-irr-wintrr --Az-bealthy;',.bady •clenrecisites.ilen14..and..prodispOses to,. • •':•:4 ;g41°d on the'rnenure," 'le' ,rind ' to di -ink barn, ' end ef, fi4,ee.u.,.weeiti. than ..1%.re.r„‘ the ,..yritit; inagnaninarnis • and ' noreeervettakes .haPPlnees;' and haPPineas 'e,j,r- • 113rOPta or asar.41:ghtedness, • -.1-lence.,•;!Yefi. P .-to..groW aziddiniands a -certain- ' : thoroughly . With A: strong' , contact„,„, , and 'yet it eXpleins. Why iteniiiiiceseed (hies.. When tegted lot Overruled. vih.at • ihey ; had ,done' -for: '; Train Yonrselt not ' 0 eat toe mita': quite •Coninionly• eiVen .to'hying. 'They i'''''€"c- ttre ,,‘,11,mount Of care end attenthin. In pro,. ' .. • quite large, the twiga:intly,be;Slirayed find: •it hard te'believe this,: 'seys 'Mr, forgivenese..11edeelares that God had L•presses. iteelf•••bcantifully. in the face horses' equipped • with bovine' .eyea - orgy. before the Inds Open in the .."'-°10rw011; ' flavor' there Was a Marker Tffe.renee 'good-. ,, GO.4.aril:t »t•cbcfei-e yoa:-'1O: tin& these: trees from insects which . .. • . .• • . so .many °newly:laid-eggs fall into the Ore.- Candi, . rich 'pastriel :cake 'and.' fried are unable to see :Objects /until se 'Close ;.:1°j'ilts''thsis:.:t6 proper -treatment 'Of ...,:.7.6.,..:..,,,,,.. ...:.,,..t . lower ,grades, tour why. where graaing.. r - : . :. • . Trio 000lirecessed eggs 'began to have • .. ° : • : , . ; • forehead' and chin - are red lights of. _ Pig -eyed •it the. :nairie• applied to ' a'°,..4....._s_____Tn ' . as t Id 'in' Acts 7 .944, . . ' • foods. . ' ose ..1 e • .piniNes • on the to.• Oth that a. scare results. . ,I, the utmost lavo liecertio damaged ie ., spring.: ; . . -.. • ...-,; • ..:, ... - .. , . in flaVOi ;of the ""Guaraniqed"" eggs delve VOli • (Y. 'TY,' ' 'Compare the, Story ' too 'Th' ' ...I•tii7.' • ' • ' : th' .' ' " ' • ! " ' ' - demand for, ,OO.. 'higher grades, . In a, musty • avor, anon the tenth Week, . 3/7. 41. 4 • f Oho: te rha?rili,, the ex- danger: .• ' • • ' • ••• ..'" ', , -.• • hers -6'e :eyeif the.eye'la amall, Inairevi5 lamest importaneei. ; 'acc.or.dirt,e::' is properly done there ia auch a strong : n . .... :.• • . d ' " While the '.`Giutrartised'' 'new; laid eggs- Preasieu 'used ;means. simply •Er• coon, • . trillsetra a oat!ntIaltb•tstsa nee,.t 77. • .. egt. When taken out at , the ..fifteenthi :rally , ypt here ;mentioned ie. gen- then .rubinrig. them With" 4.1 'Ot 81.04/,'1A1kgM‘8,,tie,.:8:14gg,ard15' 4iSlib- . Dominion°. EntoMolegica.LiBranch: - ,,Chicks receiving buttermilk innhe Ity.. of egga makes'. grading ebsolute.y . . . , fact:this'infinenceoffeed on the Oual-, ....t,•ie..:•otote.. .paistote, 'be* ot. tio,e,h71.l.,:oli;..0' Corepgre •leatali .22:21. nieintering 'to •cleai. theni regu:itily • found in horses' with eberse heads and , tthill'iee, n Keep yOtir' eye 'on .your teeth; re, Atitt.sqiiintli., .SuCh Ores are coininenly ; . :. Butteroilk fia• G..rowf(pg. . Chicks'. ' • ' • so,•called Hyltses; or Shepherd 'Kings, ticw 'tind piece of ;Itrininet: orange as a bieach„,',.Sition.' Tilo. deprooiate:,!ooks .b.:nd 4.re , Wh:eneVer the bark is . bOken and • • leceiving no milk in an :expeiiiii'ent . which . a:Miscellaneous.. product emit- the 'process has a decidedly. favorable i untreate•di..,ittkets and•.tunki ,Are. al,: •I • • • COngi* titiSr . lakoi. gains than thoge rresSeritiel as; it: ii,the . only Means by Nveek. It seems, therOfare,' certain that • ieVed to have. been • one of 'the ' • !, • •.(lOnditcted at . the Central • EXperi. •lng from- many sources dart he proper- effect on the keepitig quality 'et ,, eggs 'Ita exactly ,detormiaed, between •200 t . Lenrivfhe value 14 wet bren.,or 'Oat- •standing for e ervke. , to f ain, entranCe. .Sinall I . . . Who titled over: tgyPt rat some.':period; in .cenjunctien with geod p'ast4, ., •Particala.r1 objectionnWe in stallions i cert -tin' ' ;..ttielitai ,Farnf. The chlake-Used were ly..Assorteil... reod:ucors: rtnist",/realie Stored in all. OrdiriarY cellar. .• - • !.., ' and if,004)',,a..c., .1hey,•',Were ' Semites; 1‘ meal'oS. ; d softeiter . for the ,.1i-,arl s. ,.. . . . .._.....:.t.,,.....,., L.,, , , , ., Ws4i4)ouunt..ddSijoons- ttlhoealitreadnkOSff' . :. Oarrid.ti.;a0,..7;Cehreeds .y. -all hatched • Oa the Sanie -date. , They .nitund the highest prices for their .004, .. • . E,gypt from the east: .. • fheir capital -• ' ' !:With graffjne4VitC, BrOteil 'bra-ticbg,p,,., Bittred Rocks and 'White Leghorns-L, this .- 'fact ‘ before - they den': juitlY ••de--- ' . ' .........-.4.- •....' ..--,: • : • not natiVe, righfiittits,;-'who invaded 1.'wear g:oves. to do...dirty work.: . • ' ' Were ,diVided into" two lote,• receiving dtiCta;,,, , • ' ' .. • ' : you hest. ' . . ;' .. • : .-. ', , • • - • . . .. . . ,. • • I - Staking Tomato .. . , .. pitiiits.. Ishould be trimmed off siiieoth :and the% • ' :, t.' ' " .10gg7Layling Coiatestt. , . • eity Was eornewhete in the 'Delta, the Weat'' Y6111. h'Etit .`Y:itntt'A.°r:‘vtlY tli4$•;' . • . . . ' zee 881118,81tirict8rd tatiot18,..611,e'le bp., .. , . , '`--.----• - :,.-Lt-t- *• . N.Tht, Canadian; NationartggLaying. northern part of.' the 'cm:hitt-Y. • They/ .. -...... , '4;,-,. , , i•-, , , . • . : ; '. .. • . • - . - ''• ' .creosoto mixed with '2 parte ef.,tar4,Or; • • • Then •tnink ot teem); , as. be.onging.! Stoking -tomatoes is a good: practice:I% hare . surface ',coated; With. 1 part , et. • :0 .. ..„, . . : • {rig, given .alge betternailk and water 6- ,_.- A 4 .. Laboratories : C01/1tg18 110Ve '00* 'bc;00, 10 .00Pr0t/011 , maY 146;e '.6t°1011.''Pci in.- til.s. -1:‘,.P.oli.erse,wois„:,t;') ,alt; the ycars aq ivellbas' now' arid ' • the.'ffeid as we I, as ,n4 the. arden, wi.t,11..g°6(1.P'41';it, that, 'd6_ 68. 116.t•ii,711'':'.' . of tine weeki the. chicks receiving. . ' The. Seed ;Branch' of the DOniiiiion in . his lateet. .report,, the' bontini ed their .00niing' and 'shown theni''pe.: hiiiici toWasd that, iaying'ii,.foundittionInt p. thoroughly cos .1- ng , butttriniik .aVeraged 172 ounces , 10, !Dept. of Agriculture renaers. an JIM- P00.try .171usbandinan states that h. of (.o -,hen , (v. lfi),:,was in the tort , - a blight el. it •191 , n 1. an, undo,- , ink, and, mole com; lent . a t satle:, errnit; fi.en,... ii.• and 4g,...rit,:irotti_....., tato turpentine, the eotire surface citeepting, the •Itine•-•-- " :cees4 Testing , _, , , a kindred face, and may havo tied the other 'water only,. At the end '• . • : ' ' ,. • : ' . * for shr.years. In a .sorvey of the 'went . • weight, -t1.1j1 those receiving only portant' sooine lu the i,nainteuililde•4;t hVerS0 ',,PrOritletioP., in ••the -:•lag ,•ear. etisterrt corner of Egypt;,not,f4r froth ; s.ta ti di n g sOire tO 'IVO 't,Vitil the lo lei.oly ,,Ifi a. 1).111106n -on 0 6. to, di.eaeo c118,,:t. lion between the thing outer wood • - • • „ • , • _ _ . . , OP eii,iar fiver. on that Account, 'rho l'i,a• •!tbe. ,it in a Oho. Skiii,„,a Straight 11 ick Lion,' easier 81$ 111010 thorough spra - --AeSiailk i)i-ffis , More then tWice is heavy ; •gary. • These l'ahOtatOrles: :are' '610 ThiS' Sttik,ing'. impreveruebt :was. in a , pasivre ,.and 'in tgypt.,: t. • „,. ..... ..4. . YPt1 ',see 1.11 the' i'trihnted.„,.by,;tbe 'pObtlealioos. )3400ch,.;; laellitd*.trit4°..4ntlenCtr 71.)114.kki 1;hrieghh,.ts.:1,'hr--1",1;1d;01?I'3: . should be: chained, together 'or to. the, iilat6t. ,avapagestt 10.1 ounces. The trior- Seed '.testifig :oberateries at: Qu' Aec, 'was 172.2.; eggs' per ken' as' co.inpered the ;Asiatic' boundary.; where 'there i.s.: -,ho.,.. -t. iiod • eyes' .aad ,p•s• ..• , - h. :' "et ' those Whith'.110d. no 'hut, 'Ottawa,. Toronto Winnipeg and Co.l. with 122..5' ogg in the 190-20 conteSt, said ...to • .,have heen 8001,6 of ,•tlio.. nest , iniinc. now, , . i bept. of .AgriulturS, Ottawa,. .00`ainong the .others, • ''' -?-'s1 eiptipped for thi Analysis of unground.i.urge degree ' litought about by. better . _.___,-..• .r I ,pointed • out that staked- tornateesia:::.; t.Lininhi a Pf•,•4;itheeii•:re, ' r y ret0OVed' 0,10r. ibe ' Decayed .i-ortione ' .. oXperinienta end indicate that butter,. culture. lit- hid.. annital report statealth9 • conte'st, ehooeirig. pullets of pro.- ‘. II''Olishing. .....;:. • . •,•ghot,o,., •tgeastirs confirm previette feeding stifffs. The, Minister Of Agri se:-ectiori- of ',itid(vidual birds, :as:0d -in • • - , - • e" •CS: ,,,..., .{..g . .: mach freer:front disease and produce: ------- - • ----i ''*'- : go earlier crop ,then tin:stake-4' orieS, ',')1,.,sttitilY:stilat'S tr.e4te'd 6'''.. ill' the .''''Ai CAr With, A, handful...et-soft raga which .., • p;',,. "fro, J.,-;.,-..• ,.. ,". if do .,:bliack Spot,' leaf • inoulcritici. t;e1i..1,n('I'aere4';''' '''''rncv'ed '111.°I'les' :. _ .. tee from- tlib ,. mime -Owns -Branch,. . ,... , mflk is eitrenteliviluable infeeding that In . the. Yeet ending. -40reh; 31 : per a& . qnd develbpinint III 80101 :w- ;.T • , t. .t 71,1 • the ,. , :. . .e, • -! Stakitig 18 :especialts,. , • growing chicks., both front the iton4,-,'192fir, eves fOrty..,, thousand .samples. of riothods : ot• hreeding,.., and -iniprOved-, '„, ' • - ' - t, , .. e usua:or apt ao.O.0 :po.ishing ::. f, 6.01 i.Nithet,e, instates. Slick 1111, anthranno e i . , The bialetini which. May be obtained • • • troublesome.. The planti,niity he tiA'13°0.. point of development, .linit Of-vitAiity. :seetv,.tteilitig, • stuffs,: imil.• !fetilizer*"eoritest,managernentProductioneosta. ._, . • '• . ,------,•:.. Were.handled by the laboratories The in thp ,cCitteets slifn,V that the everage ,oeitplttict.to:rer,iIlnidii. ,iiciito,tsep,A6ctiee,'etiv,i; p• ei..s.'11„, up as c,,o,fi ,its..sot, out:, uttu.,ch.tug theui, ,,detailed instructions tot the- coittrbl. In laying out attleArainage-Oetelno seed ' Samples • -itte ,tested for' p ity 1 .)Ard bil, 0 1 t ioee e et $,,,,..8 ,.:, . ,. , . .,, / we fii-Nt get it. antVeyOr to go over•the and germination. The feeding stuffs , Which ,is a, fairly . gond * profit .; rtitadeiup Of soft rege •ii"s it piad.dinz dt ;Which is used by one car' miiner. is 1:on,tely tn,onw. tot itewinm .....k. they. 'Of 'the diffeient ,.in se ct fats , a filivtirig • - .: ,iitiiitetiftie:se Ain 11,,oetiritts,4i•ittigdditnikkoiroalilittii,,estlaerhef:shaS .--1.0f4118,,It.1.1LittOdett.befoteAte....8tatt the' tillerePreentatien. of the composition ,,,,, . . ' ... 7-77•-•-'77. 7"-- • COurge and thus determine, the onount And, forttaters,,•.Are analyted, .Cii8e9 tit . .,..1, : ,: ...L.. _., . . , . , . ... with,,layets of clOth• •Ss a Surface and . io, .1..itgar.,00,0.16:,ii.t.„. timi.,, Itittet,Ante,,tr011 .prevents nuiny of . trios itta(bia • :' the fact that' the - proper handling. of • ..411,tek,, %TheY,o,:4're 4 thiniber of' ditehing Of these .conitinoditiee and the- cleVer: • ..ro 'define. the thi When it is 'tacked over the edget,,,of a white..pfne'. , , . . days. 'and. the Men •"tVIO Opefate • thein. way: lienest and. legitimate- trade' is a fine piece Ot furniture er Vigoth,Vor.,14. the- baCk of this polisher is it. simile . son and if anlants -tend to fall . . ' .`"-----di' ' must be watche'd.thrOngholit the - - •"(•.1 l'ftla needless (\}01 e. br . „ . .34AxIDE. • 9101.40)1N!, • ,Machines 'in' most communities these ueo of adtilterents ere exposed in flits necestlitt te•dtive, a nail or SCreW into boara, fiveinches b.11' eight inches. • On • ,:i's,'. ... are equipPed 'with Sufveying.apper- protected againat iintefo And' inferior it itt '14:. Med Plail •to Pihee ,0 Piece ef ,7;v064eliliaiiill;" tiir e66"Mr00.'iti ill'6'" ' .. ovi,r :they 'ehOuld'...bO straightened -titi-':'''. ' ' '-'''''.... ' • •Eii)Ti• C'ti°n; . " ' the ,fine finielt ttem- being niarred 'air '''''The'turfitett- i0 saturated. --bghtly : • 1!.Itil:!"--t-tead,-..-Of 'Course.. 't aalt'do.'"'P-amsP6'th?a-louiiTi<K1'n'it'arnt C.ies8 1,11';til:16prtitiaenht• • S.:i.tEa:VggY'.:tb)tli'.:1111111•Yt'r.ki; r 4:041::1•,Ptotirbt:el°i'Ys'e'6111:.giw: . ..*,--A.;,....- . .. • . :.. attiS; and".•••can-de,the Work' in -1 "few ;goods, . Attegely Ahte. to this ,i,voi-it ty • bealoy, vover ,:pli it. jt.,,tittio..u. pitotea. Mug the liolisher,,,ecniy; • .." ,... . 'lli.7eS 1111 to teo, dig the, ditch At hand. inortial -feeding stuffs and. fertilizers. niure kl 10 , - , . ,e, i . , onio.,. Witt OW. NVIItK and the: large 'eurface • She----Who'S the bidy . 'svi-th .01;3 mit the. side shoots ,t15. ther appear at-, eat shtererise; hio..1111. etil'elent. land' ha • it iio greit cost* even if .0e. the Seed .1§tditldh the cittaity.of 'Cent- • , ' we have •lately found that the -for ,sa e, , ,, . , , . . dFive-P.--a;ein. ,,T. Amen, ef irt ,,..Aqt . cOrS considerablY 1116110 8.etit. 01811, (10 Ileatitituf OYeal."' . ' 'tii(•, sjils of the leAvd• itioi,igth6 %hitt 11.186. dPiVilIT'S Ili' k,,Ock innekef 4,1100`` ,. .. ;,,*.....,iti:._____, .., I hi vie'. g nine • way *hen tightening a the 'surtnee, Ts ' unife rin' and. .free- 'Of. " 814 - -"In. her liiiii;b11...'Ctitiraa,"fl*, . He '"glAtttiral eYOS.1 Where t,'. • stein. Caro needs' to he' taken-, When thins, .' It is recorde(i „that 'Ntay Sake!, • •• 1 in Canada, la:ate-481y int- : :ittidents, io -•1.1.143:-.:agrictiltitritt.,depai!f- •protigt.,,,,, , , „ , ;, , . ,;; I,bile fender or hodY.,sli°11141' he_ Xotected the' hima' 1i10, AO,. at the:seine tune - • 'Meth; of. our cont 11170d 'eetickji are prurting 'net to retonte Ow, fruit' ihoots'Iaiq'irtisttint °veiled St 2(;• points' above .• Wight; to '11$0 !theta inattnniOnts, and , 1' ant tt: bare for , your graiidson.' bolt Or nUt.. In this' instanee a heaVy strenicirig, " 7With .the 61,11:ii ; nOrin•.. A,' ..r-ecil‘tf•-:''. 1.?"-:'"I'vention-th"Hen"nbi.e. S rt. bine; 1;tetli! :fPnitit 7thtletbTtilitlit Ittnidtti; (ti4f 6d:laalllis .8g01:98t:su 't'jlit;I:' '''''5:''::-in`lsr't;:11"?'Irn!rt4 • WO teiyatiange ,to, haVe oue,:.of theni i',wo acre§ of white pine set noW wilt si*Co• of eoth or caltvae Will 'answer tages, thiersoft-hrusli ;oleo •resuits in .saving.tiiiie in the Nvork,:-.41; A, Lt. to be elettrOPlat(4 on Meted objeott, .1 tihoota, ' . :41004. 41),ifestiiir.-4., 0. II - . • ,hur.4 hint a fine one in 6o year& Imo pnitose.-r.li, , • . • hewn', titbit. . •,, : . ' I 4. • , S. '4'4'1'. . , ' '., i. • ' 41 # Nt 1 0 1 i Y \ \ \ t 1 I fi 1 \)1 \ y\