The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-17, Page 2-7' xesi.� t To 41do yo ILIM MF why PTA ld� k'04 her She' tell he ri *1) oo0 &Ora that it Is mQF2_pr t w; S�ort,of,xii�k -not D a py David, had'haf turp4 it4e!f I an, ere I .79, uit her, �0 -9 'el to be Made 9 441 ov ish ad� in th. -if0tite-A r for ede p(. 1aJdc4b4,-i 6 ateanu4di �ro th x4.' 4 gq�4riIl; r!tlq these taxio tient 4 d a .11'e'lile-atey of 'ac.0' U le y9p Tt l, g I ; , � I I � b n t y 1A Jm6 you thatip ..to be!d- loop A w, V A L-W—Lt Usually tbe'ile is luggagp qapecl up h "D out. hj�V. AW)", MY b' Y� t,e 4100 �of tbe,,dilierwo -S6 eg heavy pieces Q, 'hambs 'd oth 11 er f kis orl no. said; and S, 90ping, Jr illll ports of 'cali, dbioa�j HT, thii S: U�WG Miss V4rne well. r Wks" 'Sh doiled Ji� :61f epbe�w,�, some with i4 V j .. ; C great r gfq� age i, - I pasted, on their heir 4 happiyie�s to bi.* 5,000, or , t10 say ry -salp, b y'; a t w Woren, 'y�en ay that lie '4�hld UP'. not �kiig�O,what hp to Add -.to tfie1r.oloilience, W14 I . - -the,kind of g Mageithout iht should,, 40 W-1 r Ateel, e tee..- Sil are noflwtheJeast e. -Un suit d came:, �ry one Away, for OdAtlil ig4 g qui y, Mprc David 'Brether -l6nd. 'S db6i, an U: pro eth rt, dq your, iox� Ste-od", e, walke th6roui �r- ft,is this luggage,.'UP', is ghtd. D 0 f S -afid' '!David A hi Pei, 'c it fr6wn, Sl which, first Our Aoin was g. to, co -was' sUrw 9 0 ., b � 1. , '' I'ved. frin In, n' 4'h'd 1) 11 1 , you re' not to" difegs.: for dinner to, eOge, ias arr et t4alt � J w tone, Or , 'PROCX as'SPORTS' S FEATURE TUB like - new., us arrived es", on .1 don't' think -Mar ha -treml S,: igit a#. he� fi�6,:t `Dur�' "Doli "AJX, Bobo oil of old y s, any A - . � 1&1 -1 , nq sureeninIgh, looking out evening, ro'"c1s." d -sail 'for the, oorrib on pppose 8 L AS, y e - d h ':h -l th� ril world o of ,j 01 'must; A b.6. h1hu. mob t. A ��ey, Oa' ni so welledme, 4fte the -v,4ry"-4uIet lifeby�&4Pok more"!charming 4ro.qks. 6f Wash shk ijid ohil iiextiembeiblid 'Ji ­ , r 14 , l�l iial 4 , I i6i& h. S 0, boat,' Lind. othe of- the flat, -Did7 she like her, room?" are ushered'in; As. the mod r countries perhaps .4 JitolhWstuft. Where t4a � I - - - ell -feature ay, I She -said,. iti 1ovl:V - grAl% older, brother he 0o - w e have 4QTi e. of -Vng- *V(jJ4id', the, I i d—if—ood-TIDO -- . 'I', . bled- -ca -the. -st­riPed-Sflk-_4r �tili Old,' Ac us o ed Thin . ..... iFn- asha * ' ' - �C M ful. eyes. a 4eerli he am t M 46r his. to ent-ro the, a- plain harmonizing', t "r 0-nq,-J"ee what the! D; never, N- 1, th e 9, the, :corwe your 'ey. L es, X, ffg tol , - L OT1. - - 'a onel for the sei F Ige nly W: gro.. hroogh the -.d 9tl man iih,L�llarI and.paich �d .0omeone is adeffig. 'but t unds, an t 'ou In afi� inV �,CHAPTER` I , law tb� j6 n- , XIL:�L rooms,.. X ust:pbow lier all' ever feaftli eited plait and butte M e,.sun 'the, w ijuishing th I orrol down.Aab. 'One of,the distin h6arti oman 1, (�;j,OF D'IFF1 VLTIES. in-Lthe black -f atiiat who prepare to estre, go... n uTes of this 'trim lit lils Aunt she to fwii , "' . t:4 fird for. Made b*�t He mado�himself ,.v cares' Why, she as, u Vil . ets;,� ndei the Ahwak znd -sell Oorning, or. giarts,*, arl is tho long W ext, 8 coin". ift with �Ve 'll .4 Golden. 9 to durin - tea` -time., Evidn Miss y p i'4V&,Pr0ihev8��1iia)it0d,,' A iou 1119 1 - I ' L . Cross 9tel,over. a 'a of b as -you narrow; tab -like si 0 1), AIR, In are! She.Lthiniks th 're a 68t, won -5 mal r- t -in an 0W I QO :IfoldS, tons, that poat Whc TA TI ST6Ry, L - P�id'L'to - it pd with/ bi�t �e�iion neels n a litp( parpet,�iixid ed 'plai Pace thie. Jnvpit old, Ver pliSh, be o Th W. �their.: ckpip _�TjIere a orvirard to. showing finis ei t 6, i h y t & may be d short:.lo ng. o - _71:111.1:.. - rounds I -Ing Country. He said,th4t therl Simok. WAter, in-.Paiiper Makin the eyes eft4 hj!rIval. 1334'is. intigizeg' till I&L,anld'20' �years' *Use 4that' And then; If :you- have 0 Vwe4t7-five it ousand gallt of wa4 t ngS ut', thei h The ill 34/. jArds 364 1& "How, do you mau words, Size. 18 r t tlI6 'pare,. you, begin a, 'stol gll'fqr� YoUr- Ist ter d 6 "manufactiure sl� tol near, U4, co' A It Is a S1mP Thing. yard' wA'Ain, Is� use train 6.elf� With the paper, q; -oug t: fisuifQ.. .1t wl ba, .,,here trasi P h6- � OU, W I, coax -a star' t his Mln 'for, the, world"Is 4, LW :11 0, very muc she,,i him. The, desiin� k-Ustrait our new 64 only' a, Short Story, a-. ar -tyeq,me To, move .and glide all ard's Unlinent f crowding 'atch r f1i; 't6 h -Fashion Book are, advance sty' e fo burnill or. about 11114-Vushing up agairisf regston beld tb '' h ai�4 t e oniv res houg . bts and en woman h and,., your t iirs.� Ajittloe Trall SduAre d4ve. to wear ts 111 thiar-,shlgiep' across, i QJok crDot, dejik�s WII6 would - persu.4ad f6pp id ' I wa away. pen eam ? probalill'AA WW �ali ity an 'die d To. run,, or likht and roun& tfii,? tA§te, simplic -tie r Hay�market­axx _Jhi*, �onorny will orat' eL sed the hall isixes fif filledi find ber'de le thing ip Ins lilff4ll P -leeLof the n, h. :Who te)ls.a boy to play.? itandi 40rg�tteu fine' plefdres,!! book 10 a far more ithmiling.glixtilpse. urry It. Is. big nA vd'W*Y,.. lie. rathei.-coni6aitiedly. t the cen z, e. copy.. ll ExPoriini OW TO ORDL% PATT�- Here I I Wb You,nev6r tegse,th� "'birds. lip Against the'lefikli 49-' Pr" A 16r"' : -:A�; L . U d6fthem,'ia -1i unt F tL , M d ' i - - ; U " rne again'to. ary. tA tme bave�YPUJ; r, o.tnl'l their I t usinesslike, a big, bIack-carA;q:NoS V wonder id addkesap'lian T 4, 'little 'ribIl 'hira-' X -Niliel's Yt giving t' ' ierrityllig4opUng 'Pf4cii of r1i d#ed 'thq� ga ery? f pry.,with energetic rag as �oU want. cAo -204 thong ts that six mew, doing ohis head, khE The' lig and. shlne� ruachin latig"r beside, 'Are neither, yours nor mo.rq lu' 16fiergetic things or cofix. preferred; ra oug lair- n ,at" 1hil I Yr(ita the moyenients orall concerned, Mary had4 just lifted ber ror r t it would seem hei Ldd dss'yQur Vrider 0; Pattern Dil For words! cannot �e drl�e�';. ing big- is �'Went­L f6twaid­,yeompoi 4noi nerveless, grasp to th :it, fll� fronl. her, fi�,rve'es&� 'grasp -�soh Piublishinj.Co.,, -3 Accept theinias 1,6v there is:not much time' afoot, and f4 ferug, fie. the iltar. rug Ail gat, Id6king down, to the' Wi -1 West,Ad t w up at the, step; and Pattel sent given. to spa has, risen on a'. At D �qf,f 0 n ror o n Toronto. re. curtain t tur oI!., ze ri a" mail. -J�fie i derfur race. IJ xcene� full, of poqsibi A'll de.:',. mean. to O'Ifying that, sta.; illying, ray. �ot unsoRie terinhiatioilideo­. the,. ch Aracte' Msithin is rV haVe hV pof iadded-to the gallery, W er qqJc t hed to --the. �resi y th6 gray sky as r t dear.??'; llMe R(Md ly forming plai nAble. 'it. esh ma, - t oeshyt matt -h., words caii brink ­ Fair songs sule the car, white iete-il 'h' ter in thii least','i.'she, deelared.kindi , "If '.She Will allow me� to all thel� a ining warm uppn- her., sweet face a �.e ink of you in. a w6e, ite house oje`n, �BN,-ibeiibns. an their �Wives� it A tb ju�t'.iistdu to -them Singf ranspottV regardless of the fact that thlelix, CUP axet, no s.seng6l So far AS di Trinih. &-,alnio l. A good O'UL t Y04 !Can 'see -but tlielrl�absexic&. only,.:­ -wds- ane to.. 0eet herf At the end 6f Shin, greADL less., "She. is, a' widow,. Poor '�hild,' gaidiln�:IaindAhat�is care and d' keotifilei Wulit� MISS' Vainoy,:aS -si 'She,il te. bell f �tli m"'id.-Slui Mi s VArney,.Aghingi ow. fast : er 'in of pncerem�hi�uily �Pr e a In -.4 -land kn6w'& no -pain. t eL thing, :where, getting r;eadYlil�- ust abQ poured NE, ary a fr : David" m�de no. She I th bi kiln . g Yes, middle 'than. At "the .4 L Ut.'to cup of jea.,,She t r , and Went L orward, wAh--ouistretclicid sta't' the Q'wner4 of tha lugg �L , . . your'111011 .'.has a'wistful'Ilne. 3.111r, P ge are and'chatted,. an'd.dldh�r.best cohimeht and' Ink df You with . lue,'sni aug wer�t softf� away, le:os.ing the door. anus, d tiijiave Ab if it" as to cover the'giA By dinner time l0ngS7 h sebly.6ai child,.I am so g.ad to painful editfusion ary seeine y,began a �taininered,'apoi xecovel s6intlethi ng of 4gr. cheerifieSs; For,a fle.til touch p(,inIII6.! Welcome horft�..-i:9 igelps litt:e you I "I a there, was a white added to tfie homel" In so very,sorry:. I -don't know how W,bappened.. .1 am � "t 1 sombre black � of. her, frock', and .6' 1 think �-ou ork I' t9e little house'.. no clumsy 'he W n Tfie iirl's eyes' went, pasi the litile a � L le�,' ', , _ _ , ji L, 1'. 1 L ' a a ru was ot so, pa e. That the, ivalis �tnay "be btl and fildy�s -kindly tic� to where David All of th6 neat a Sort Tl were 't�jrs in. b�r 6y4 aha ',' A:s Dav6d­sat,,&t­tbe 'hea -itrily table,* the, light .-fr6m.,the!­Shaded 'Janip ill,L you- k4rry to Spr6a&.! of f stood, shil 'ear moment in her v;Ace. And I think at filled h6r eyes. But it Was' goie - Jm- face,'Ae could ;see a' ' gs, as don't 1lJl falling on his. gain 'attd sh� - ieturned..'Misi Upset yourself�l Sa �f tbat. odd' I On the't,6anct& th David 1indly. There, wa n.jili�ness to, hiq.dead- 4t my tire I Vailijefs, Unpialsive, Iniv with Varmth. s a Sort i uticerud . d eet r h brother that 'had -so u set her , that 1`1104altor-oVer th"elow d6orsill','' et�orse, in his -face as e',saw the�dis- P .['am �so,gkd'to come, and I tl -tress in. hl ' "ll dare say'.you a�re ni -he flat; -it inade her' feel ilay sound onflie narr.dw ght* at t lt�JS SwettLof Y04 to ei.'� faTiCifu L 1; 'it alracst See tired." He looked ao-­ med as. if Nigel And Flinow tbUf you'll stand with your She abook -hands v . com- wn M7 the broken living. f.7agments of deli ' c`166 ebinai 'never' Were 4 1 prespril&e In 'the iont, arms, outflubg7" dly xiough, but ibel'did- hot i As' s6on a' 'I enter there. lyyeseto, a166 clared. Tor the set, Any w te watching -'her, pqrfect:y conscious of Irr 6 . r, , ho h,.,qdid " ' I I his, , Her lips -W#re a littl�- carelessly. What.she was', doing.. tremulloul Now the . first' flush. of Lhte iarden -gate 1S8 Varney, lo9ked"u D4 She woke from her dlreaming� With la, Olt r6se.s ilI grow an I 0XCitem#rft,h4d died away glie'looked p in arnat rt� - '' I .. . : I I . pient. lit.dii Ste Arid oviir,,'the ' Vilorize. sundiail palp andAll. I . I . . .. . r Jlwh�­ifj � �6. ' ` ' Thai ifitirmurs,' as, 6vitir the houll e� . L sho, began,,'remembering , -Dlailrld wa's Speaking, hiet his i'Tea- Willi be ; AIV, iteady . wh n epre-, g I I RL ou how niany -tithes David had siaid-how "Oes Intel: hera'L.with that. half d chilan e. have taken bff 'your haL, David, I Lid 'ng"'. half . S jexotegsioh' th*m to. pu t- tea 'in your study Ws so much be valued a lea- el�r*vlce, 'but sympathetic' It is only for just a while." 8 e�e able-cou'A not. quito-fathom, �A -S %�Jft traln'them, , with I more - cozy t stopped,. meeting I !"NoI yo u W. pe nd yptir hands vauch h0X,0,, 'You don't hi 5 'Did 'you kno tender tare ne'v6r did really like .it did you?" -she We we had a ghosi'l Though 0' Df ver gaze will in 'Down the itbad'thAI Winds through the" SM did noi W' said hurrie(Illy here? Ni -gel tell'.yo0l' ait for 'sin, answer st, a, falht, They Spoke on ot6ir sulij4�cia;- but . bok libr' head; 6bv -Mary was pso hal)0y.ttl lit was lous ` that t glealm of, brogi;�d her face; road 'that,Wlil"lir Ling me ]qqMe! lit at. what bad "c,4ri64 - as soon As, pog- (TO be co iiiiiodij Sib! ;;�k her awiy., a �& 11188 'Varney, a1*9 ret., IF,. S1,1111gster,, gill "To,vhpack a� L d. rest She, said. Ue OilA - - _6 I - . . I I . . I . - q XOn teiiiplktlxkg, their flight, th ' I I , I . rough the' leg. You 100klip. Blue, ..i 0. 1 The ��qtraifi -of hoIGng,,,;i ' ' . nd he and,. silver"' clouds, a 4. blue again kre .4 . , , , �'ik iielit, Well of lifting are both, elimin. gft.6ses, Bu"t somettim'"". 0- -no., ated, ivith the, H�toqint J�on -�e. Cause 6 f its -patenied�Cfilpdlb Rest . . a as. 'It Is a'See d lddgIiIg Ju a place iyhere ' and Heel Stand, , Ovir six ma., I It can.grow, -And. then I one dayi a big.thfug.comes to-Aght-alid: ls'kiv'en lion women hive tound, in 1he to t6e' world. point. Xron. -Hot 4 freedt�txe &nf' -Would I were, possible it to. UnWini 'ttred, w�tsts anli aching bacj*� the Obts of the"greiii writ�rs;-Ilttle by. At the �r" low 'pric", YOU little, cayefuliy' go as. 'lot, to break, the, ahwild. not overlook the comfort -thread', back to -the '�PrY fill begln- o0fr the'Hotil Ito t , n. nings,,'Just. todisc o ver the,gif qpse at far -60 end that vegan It all! .$5.50.. -Sp�pial Notpolitit iron $1 extim Singeys&e $brij T, HE. ingers are made, not born. 0 -one, I ea' h P rs a micbessful slnger',=ken, of -as a born -13ingstli-it'hiel ply. � thdt, the singer' Shows a fiatural tbuslasm in the delivery of along 4" Sib evident -love of Singing, ill fit I ex- Pres6lorit, and In � lienoral whit t, the 6 Itallang-C W."V610i 'The voice mfiyi,�e big, resonaint, SYn'llathetIC axid mallow by haturei I A !M-1�"neritl lglictr�c. Product, but. th0`pGSl of.ag &,SeL ati;; '44 1 .11 . . I - . I I . I I % . . . . . . . ; . . . I . i n Yolk tn6t be tired' Ill the long 4A0.018 not mea A, born Singer."t When cafgj-un hoine And figlit Is coins; SU , ectilid 'in', 1418 Homp It 9(m,ply nleans'­�Ile`born With special Journey— We cknit� have dinner -1111, sp And deW, Is eold-lipon'thC ground, Went and apiitUde for hAlf-paqt seven, so Yll wi4l btkvQ -off. Atrqatft Is'duffib And the far All real singets are Mad sitigerg. plenty of Atli ilreltill g6l`& -t,"ull Th6 prophiit wtiot tlie.0111 pbigoit. AY;� till, w W sc thd' J1 b,' *hIch -is 0��S, I it If their ale,le When' she Wirne'back t". the Study? I" �, And the whiri-mg '.�afl goes r1burid, ho 1.4 sh'6 found -David ttill staiiding, w e, even, th4fil th6oulatfon'undor control, her Alone 'a g -Its, tiYlnel� the Wrl'ter 4 fict'16h, dbici�res I nd.�warni.ln his fivo A tll6lr Shad Shp haa,� t4..ft bin).;L-thero w4$ a ""itt, es of,tone color. aliproklatto e Th6 whitle-dwl In the belfr� 4it'S.L' MV Havold 1Nfat6Grkh,'Qne'o( the. Inost, PuMir, of P�rpl�wliy beiveeeri A114S �t - )voung A q song� aceara e, coninnel thericAn Ssirl" t6 test of' the, Arilty's �i'�d eyes si.4 She closed'tho, WrIt6re Noi Iblig a0i -hi � my's, his lv6ill Meal. presilldn, It is.-rexIsonably sure tbAt' tfio Tewly orl� popular f r mt up, to -him door ind w, Ito was.dbing,sorfte shopift His; W tli6k bas"been tiia:4,43 or ca�refully Sh6 iiin't a bit -A ''I syst6m. .'s , pictured, h r, hodle town 'of Syr�keus&, "An' 4 lady it 44l t06 �kiitil ol M. P trO)6d; atiCthat there has been inu6b tittle 1.plaUdi airerythIng, whether ft.. JA g*- 9 esf T;P�Iit Iti the n1a,'k'lV*,$t. Davidit It �-,Av f.emetilbei, she (tit ol Y -W Ili au �ou ttw Staudin �' 'do. Uric Mat0rath hei eep��.o Fisher desdiffied at, very, Ptetty"k, of give ber notne, f�n­c arging ij�.V "I eral V b are, lit �ealft 0 u, in trim- b On,"didn't hej WeJJf'orbftdJ" Y, wky, Clusisle"t (if and'ratfier--;-domid . . . There S sell triade 9ftl thbge w1w h 6, 1,,donot, call fiek,ptettk', do, �oui Ahd I ii h," that's' an �ai� ofi ap� ol gladi 6'hor' finjer, tips.11 pliud, a 900(1-,thlbg because I t"s asked,the. old'ItLd 7 tusitlatial, Anti Ih gbod 1 .00, a bad" thlif" bee 'l Y. . who, hive b66 David. dhr#'#4d his g n fiia:de fronj poor or JIX. shoulders, au" It's ovef. fiftlel niaterfilt Oltbor". in' 110hJ think her gai I nd - ate y entid; Vr1j1tV% aftllL-r—every A,_' _:pq ­hIs tlfe?" 'Of - the - wdil�J he if' jibleadf, ben6fits � ftetI4 �hb­didh!t lliaoik-wtil Ithd .4fies: most, 'Who. writes. MS.. bookil I I I ­- - , '.. 1. 1 1 . � I . . . I 1 1, . Nothinj for tite cortainly ­ , thoi. 'a ve N Poor Stairs, tc --.8arton- WhAt InakeA Nigpf� ��Up. fetr.,t�effl b-Immir, -t -your,. ittelitlt Ji bduf 11dige .'a s­aroun dabi tioighbill 86 Uh.,Po Pula r.?,!' x� r 466 .1orml(I .4ml -'ft* Intoral tri y stio Jult . ".1lJW­­ -dl.. . ­ .11 s� . .. 'Wh 13iffAn to itr), "Well dbubttully. my �nib,�k Ana "like a".Chlld, e004416h; 41th idelisl ahil 01,41-4 U'll t114 bid, k;' hi hitirdWsiro stores t 'wheit ' fg'poko about. hiiii.1 , Me York r1w botte, AV three, years, coilifif T lgdy,` t boAr Wodi)rJill'tensil, .06 S6 Ybu­ 14�e f6Vtolil &:nfckq[ AT �'yr&16140. to joolif Wil WO ill h' fitivilia, the ue, but fily t tite'd, for', 16 =11111 . ­ � n tb# 4�16t. t a oudWt a"Ak of'hhW'1o6 much toeialred 4tifititiorl illi ifasfroU'l of btt6*,,,l we'4t to. Abhob]. With h*,& iiik�4 they 4W, 16, . Ile V Iiir .1 . I A oc. This Hol hid idoottli the 010if-' '4)tily b .k-, h A- -you� it, doelyl-It. glvo hil A, pi r8 hoW, M hino t;o� gat 6voil -it, `il thjngN�.,, th7schdol., * Monthly, slit4wan" a ivin"s thit ho. wimVt none 160, shoo a ar Are al� ti4riji 64or York "10111111i t#nf4: P'ecurei to tr Wilouilosit bilnk put, Y, tnd thPughtq oly the, ISSUE NO, 94-126, 'subJ60t,'donit you think? 'Of cou)�e. th,yougil, the 1)4ak It, t hill wIll fitot, "Mift6rd"i L101rhilint f0 BAtkillichi., si= crush, �1 l''', Jll �i�, j, f