The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-10, Page 3, "ret *STOk.IES Waio' KNOWIt PEOPlX,, )10ESTIOA -Throngll ;Vie .Tlittej$. Upe 'Or pr, - wimajw-ri'avusi.;, . , E ,The urgent.ned .of all Whet- votrer • c !Oast Mistiloaar • tem*, tedigeetion is e teerc tealanthl up, 'I believe I am the oldeat.ii;illg. anis- thelleed, Peio and a:etre:is: .afteet eat- - .,,,,,,a, ifig leetlie..ivay the 0mi:tech shows it ia • .eionarY,4 .0„, veperahleleogieg cierey to, weak to ,perform the. we*, ''.oettire Pao ,Xeloarked the 'ether, day, Ife. Is , pr.. aamee •Otore„,iN . 0 /.,04,40i,, 5,,,,..v.i.f.otoo.4okit to, do, lletv strength ii . • -11,CiE)- 71): ' P11 P111 p°..t°e.g1)1a.clif$th' 1)7 Pi.'nW" •!ilia'th'i .81; . ..09.• mg ,Ju,it reacheditsei leirtattlay; ,• ' . • • ' . ., . ! . e uee eeee P ai enr C .. . •-• :Mad mii10 11,11,r ,blood,, .Thle•he.the, Tta- ' Hale 'end lieartye he ehilt 'regularly . Inrel prepeeett 'Of: glYigg'.' etrea.g.tit 'end : adereitsgee Meetinge Or •qui Lowden.. tOne, to the stceriac'W Oa aceounts for , • itft. the s d•relief i t" ' a h disorders': ' ' 7440411aq : SccietY,,, •Ifter over • „Y • .. •-• • . - - , _____ •, .. Pee 3' e 4 Infl C .,, * ". ),",'4,111.,,,,I.10 •Wergeall. in Metlageecate. . : ' . ehat follow the use el theee 'Lillie, PrOPt: • - -'-...''.....'" .. 04rrie .10. AV!. Wr1.0100 . 0 pits :hisivoi 4.4. Mr'Wm 1.1. .Kplit, ',Tames.. Barrie,' ... poiatte,4 to ,4alro. 216..parl. Seelaiageten! 'Ont., \-€5.0' fia4§;. ;01t!':;,,writillg'. atter .the , the of hie..,e, I ,,cannot ,teeettenittad Dr. Wilitanni. ., '-atWOalftlairitelMr"ea*T44.1rtlif•YraritiA ;1?,i0lt7.111.107'tbe•• '111glilt.ffae• 'I"elfeitr -eleeeeeteeeee .,one•byedeatWOhig.:aft-eorercl.;,:' is ;.•'ntill, bothered witheialligaistion'•ina Oriente 'e'•°. 'populating eitieyletaid;,afor',. his •'0.5i* .fota 'foit-aimpst.teo Yearit..YklierythIng•,.„' • eiousernent„,:.bitt.4e.aiddaTinfilieliere;••,'rs,v01,110.•*.tt..vo..ltd•.tmi.n.*0,.•;1.-te#. A S. .. ". ,.W. 0. : Leageo • magazine editor, et... thonsk.,. there Wag: a....iiig: bell. IC. my, . Newe Teel; : 1,s,t1}e.' eittlikirtty.::'Ileerea ateinaeh: i1 the time, .lefeitatired. and -'"' • Oen ed „:crpiik...14040.A. •recently • 'on, the ,virealt and would. Ofteti .theti,,tliezya '.I, : BerCognria,d.od,..fue!. itow:' ilo.,, iiiimia: ' koo„ttit*, • dila Irtda =ids,:.:.pl4!tmilife, • ., the: enthor Of "Peter" ia' his, Study, talielatiing , heave. gin/1'Y dolfersi 140 tO .. overlooking 'the Thames. He enggest- nO aerail: One day.I heard a, lady prate', ' ed an artiele.te Sirelames,, Who said; • •ilig .Der. 'Williams' Ping Piliti and I .6-• 'It's' the • dret.geed idea' foe in era' . eider to try . theme , lam more. than tic% I've heard etiggested in .yeare. ..I glad: t 'did, for seen x..,t0iAncl relief,. and, • think i'll•wriTeritte-bue .yoe'lleietter see after' taking the. pine for it, couple Of . iv, .. - . •, ••• . .i. " -4., • , .,..a , a Moothe' the' troUlhe .disappeated, and ' Then lict ehoWed Me, Le.figel a pile et now .e 'Mtn, eat all kinds. of 'Node and . . • • BOYS • irsivApE .,GyNA,FIDER,'• , . . . . , manuscripts, .lant Wendel net .let him "hatie again My, old ifine 'health , and : .Anittag•.,the rativementS tie the inte.reats .Of boys' sneia as the""Big,;Brottler" inevernent.; the most recent ha a • ' l'eacl them.° . • •• . • •' . . ' . et. rile. yg9.tila*Ptil,' :woo,. yo'.utr. 'nit. ni-e-..a.nd, 4.4.. ellioe's Week e which, Was eeeently, hiatituted an Montreal. Among " the. aatihnii activate§ evereentertainnanta and • ,inetruceto•nal'epregraine •foi; th• e . bora threUghout .the Week,' Snob. aeatriiie te:Itteal points oe interest, Vieltetoalecal ..t His AoltbitIOne: • •«: • 'After 'fOrtr-tWe1 'Mere .of what), d,,„el'es° t° Phe D, MediCiale • • ' • • Merles, indestrial. plents of -various Althoug . g , „what to 0,t, xio*. to. at, !mite, thousands hatie neVer seen. ocean .Tuto 'biotoro 'spows' largo party of IfigleSchool jade at the'eaue• • ceos eeeeeelee pyin gaudy,. "hg khaacitaille, Ont., a Jittle. beat, ethe aetor•niaaager,; has deeitled Io. re, real of an e*Oloration tour. Of 0-43'6100'er A:iaataite, which -was th.e'lltet Cunard ship to eari-Ye leave Moat- :. '•tire; , 7 . .booenrataziill;(111.2..atory. ou:4' PfurlerP4aelaciiih Thht4ilit!ook. seasonAfter .expearieg the, Alaunia from the bridge to .theenglitearoOra, the ".beYS were ••entettalned: at He eixtyetwo-a omperatively teaein the enbetesivarters._ .. • • • nngl kinds h living in Montreal one of the largest ports on t•hecon;:'.. • ar -irotr-mor-gst •ttieso. pillaliirougheani. .y age for an actor to Make bis.final, teem, . . What eesieee.'ehia. .neeee page_ medicille'deeler or by mail at 50 .cente.. ',...' , • • . .: ' ,: • e ., .. . • • • • ,.... ..e,. s la a - -,-..--«...-,-- ----,---. worthy in Mr. Maudees gage iie that he :i'belr etc.iin The: Dre.Williame' Medieirte, a. . . ,ta.0.111e .,uut yvitri, me; . . . : . ,... . . , • . . , . • co., Brockville; oat„ • .' ' . , • ., " tkaa •woa :distinct -soli by appearing 'al-. There's sun On the river and Sue on ••' , • ' e • . '. :• a •• . , • • ' . , . once took him to task /of deeeting. so. "Aniertean :Health ,congreas, in see:sion You man hear the sea if yonetand., quite l,t1.eed, Me: Bernard Shaw, the:dram:410f, What We Are and MiyN.;. 'much 'of his, time and, ganitie to Por- 'Become: -,. •. , . .. . . . • • . . .Th•Ore'e eight' neat peppiek at ,,Itoutia- '4't Atlantic Cit,awas ageeided to tire .. „. ..„ • erayieeg eencfari, • • • , -• .•: . * • "The..Bible does not tell us every ..' e ..ahent farinee„ . .' ., „ doctor ' from aToronto, ''Oamada, ,who • .4 '4g tun going Itileadeatiedet aifeen the thing :*e.'woald Iils'e to know Its writ7. • And. I sawixcid 'seller. with 'oely, one •• !- ., . .• . . a •• 'a' ' , • conteibilied papers to the "diseuealen. • on : sunlight end _1th. : The dectore. .•._ . . . . . . . „ ,heay" he -Would eeend hese l'effIreirie4t,.' 4.11e.t. th,:ey, :701141 '3,yielttoebe 'ettee'alotit.. • a% ,. a .,. ' :. ' in question aveee ;.r,. Fe Tieeall .and. . it#,..r, . ,7_,.. t.:. Harris,. of elie.....,Iittdepital . for .el-,..elettileettriteete•-nnyele. whiCh.alehaate _01 inanyeehlega. ,it :Meet- be :talk._ "it : a Bit 'everaeoneletaySaaallineleheig; --,•-e-Reetheieteetera , - '7'",-, .. • . ' i. --' - . , . lifi;eadet." planned; --..esaia..7:17i.liiiirifiiidirdellfenifteeteteirriacatellatelarcuaeaveheasa • • e aeherteare4kage-eitnealaeigtaa'. • . . ... 4. • • .. . , -lei - theeeeeisaeotalle'relarcereelete.Tiee" + •inyerenunescenceteal. en whick.,1 have tire not •th he 'construed •as 'a mere nee. All Of theta Say "RIO ,41ong0.•. ' tis,Yedall said, 'in part: .. , '. . : • .. • • , 'been engaged ,for some lane. , . ! ,oeflon •., "It, doth IlJa. ydt appear what • , asecan.b0.e ' . • • ' "Cane 'great 'effeet of ,senlight :Ma the. • , . ' ,' "littile•, rather.," Silica:the •princee. • we shall' be ••does rt peen the etac- lEeera•one 'says 'A....thOtt along; ' / •• • ' . ' as'ev ...c ', ....1 ing of a barrier but the rem -Oval 'of • a • There's a little 'darling" . body ', le, to Mereeseee•itsereeittance. •.' A .sto.fy Of the.15riace. 0 a ,a, es.. vast. . . • . .. • '... .• .. .:.., ,• , .1,ax a .•11,t,tia. darinii,:w-ii...).,do.,oit.ihe ,13.gailigt infecticties• such the coMtnon , . . , etc .. :th: South Africa was tcldeat ',the lute /imitatiee. The words suggest n'Pe* :If; . , ..tto, iviat nie.?. .. ,....,,,.: ,, 7, ., ."eoltl,"...inftethli4e.•PO°11*.lOilia '..* ••'‘4' . a ,theoe of :the Leede.Itotaiblel .toe...Mr. .!ilittlea 'greater and :filielr :11'i' those ... , „. . hes , heen. 'Shown that'the,'effect, Is due ere s le' al..' id'...oct...;:lie:yiVe.'.:fan,af.'. 'Weed, an .atbett,11.°4 tilrf;Trii4 b6rft ..*I 1 i vy itl' ol:1,es:uuntilii ga4-.4ii ‘011ti'n t ... ee,..o... T..n..„,6.s.,. . *1,6774 14* 0.f. the of .Onr .. meager Imeginatien.. . Thee. ........ ' ' - ti too near an Phere European notarians' 0natheir iielt. ter,•warO 'Os ag,14 4°°°P ng . a . i. • , .. herizope 'Aed weinuet netthink of. it ;' •.• ' :4 the hiii'•," • '. :a• ' ..••, '.; '. " ' • :. raye. Etperienente.in Wbieli iii0OVV's ...Seutit Africte. , . • . a a ••• - • • - ' ' • • ' • as • a proinise- ' intended ' WhollY for T , The prince, ,Mratundis said, was Ont. • e_. e ' • .ee' a ' • •in • marling, .,.'sheits. • taking.. • exercise 1;leaven,, .Tnat maar.,:he!'-aptii, probably ' . when,. 'feeli'ng thiret3"," he called at a l's' ineintleti;:.,11n:tiff3'.1)reni:14e.•-8 alS1°:. 1 .. ,, .. . • .for this life, .' , •• ' •a: . ..' ., . .. •• 1..• . .,.• droaaied-,- ' ' •- •" .4' ' • • .•'. . . . . . The . fanner, vote was lteaware ,..otettia :ess.ipa,04.. : Gray ..mtus.,,e4. .iii ..4jliage iiho: iteg*tolute.drest.: ....ill,...,1?.'ll..•iii, !. 065.. ::„ ii.4o. tilletwe;i43.af att.hterb•ltoi:xle, intVv.°Icilustz171'9,htte.'!itseer9nY. . ancise 044 ,araltatvfoi., a tirinit Of:water. „,• e. „..... * .. i, name . . . . ,, . • . ,. , . teetteeatley': bitriedeatheraea, with tie hope. • ' . ii.at,. a -3!' 0,..'17'...ii• ei•s.a..i. s,•',.11.'in.aion...,,, - . . , la.ieee.70.• tO,. t.lies, ..e. rays.l•a_..kT1.17 ie.aenti!e.: . IdentitY, 'gave him tie:0ring andasged ' '.,. . • . . •• . h •d, ti ' latent talents per • eTa.iiie s,,r• 4tt,,e' , of. wihise. "said . di' • �f ' their icenling . to.'•freitione'Ph 'earth, • . • ' proof 'that. a...grao, .portion*of; our peine, , . „.. Fee . lotion .seaffer.frem a., c. of-these:me ''• '' • ' e • lite St -.John suggests tae.poseibiltty., ot princee', The fartn6r. tauoini...,....wo, _, ,_ _ tr yoli!re'llie Mande, •he aeald, 'at'n't the .largm•-thioge, in thiselifeethanwsehave --A i bope Ti ..i;ilileet latirials are • ",:laing Of Begland." . ,.' a ... • '.•.1:•darel' ° P '•• 19'. ' . ••'. '• the prince and the ta4‘eier.. ink net tin)g.4;ci In° a'ea walaea- w49 are 1 dead' but 'of taleuts 'Wild 'it hi ne kine • most entirely hi ."old nian'e.parts. In- toisCuss Sunlight at Health•. • CP4grOss! • The distinction' .of addressing the c0,11n.tiy-," 'Meade saki 'When asked not ,prFetend that they 'know all, army, • teres a amt. dead)aviater wheel under retie:Wed. from : Patients before tan : the 'mine • their exposure to 'ultra violet reale eaw., '.fiy, ,whieha had :just ...been ',showed- a ainarked inereeee 171 the. (Rue • 'alexia; tun aloag!) • . eertnethe 'Winter...and Spring months. 0 'of them eay-,,eeteeedearantl-rteeeee-H.nae'theeaeae..dl ofe,in.faifts_aed. childrei,. notice nie., a ' ' • t t a • • their repi•stance to ittfee e • DO on y le 4YerY one ga31,'.e. "Ran aleag, ta • d b t th ' d ' • ., . ,. o . • . p . , There s• a jittle: dertiegl."' : . , . •••• • . ion eta el e u . the • also . ee e tip • ..,,. ., agein. at adhinefe .Hulace father!" :mid • ._ . thdeets: , 'These .esential •.. Ultra -Violet: • .• ,, ----ea . • •-•-"7 . , . ,. . ... .. . . . . , . ) yoli get a.seritabon of pressure on tN heal f, '..1t: le iie1131e that a.01e result 'of tie• V'tigue la aomeqUartere; • . It .tells ' t • • - • , • • ' a -• • ,,,, • ", , ..ning if the .skin e so an effort. shaeld be made. to .get ta e . beneficial, es., it • ie. •neeea eat y• to eaheee • " ' - peed as early, in the, .., , • in 'a cditeinina•e-in fact, they :were ih e • .. , a . , Cotebie w,ei.gnt../: • Patriek.'Flanuigan and Murphy Were , regn,ar.• !.• ,. . ...... .. , , . • • 'hash .stliw ' ' • ''. • '''' .,' ' ''' theit• ,pcissible wealth ansuspeated• hyi .1a .tee .a eittfe aniline, ' •I; , • •'l ' .' , . - • • ' - . •IV. Lea time to protest againe.f.the • "• .. .. . . ; - '.• ,. • ',• ' their oVniera:.. •• ' • . . ., • .• • • . ; . • . • , .. ,-/k. A • Milne ' raee are the. ones tvbiei 'pied:lice ten- • ' the prince; ehaking the •ferMerts, head. weY don't, they, • H-okenB a o 't.Ria ..'e • ' • . ' - / ' - - '.' .• . - . 5 . , one W n. • tt r. hter t - f I • 1 1 h hit ' " - • - . , . • . A ure 0 et espaie ,W i]e 1 as ne ..- • . _ .• .., • :. -. . ' . * •.: • • . a , . " aeoent: eapetemente . in _lapin,. the ;p•deple-thate it is 'fu.tlie.: for theta to.,tie-. Pataitesthitieilpefor.i.ehs,teoteedniite eta, beaiteroneteeee;. .• 41rr'illg'. a. i?.'list..lable: A .°as!..."..611; 07 Settle '. will fie ft.:, et fiy ' getaaut „in•the .direct etinliglit..' There • i e breaking of s ,limb; or evetea'hipe nieY pire te.bel.great, Mid a feealsh depriaa- : Ile ;e,eackelaimed' a Pat, •• "tbeee , telied arid the fractured bones of even , promir every! man -eh& he:: phel b.., . . , . a , • , .. • .•, , .• , .... , , . r .. le t,. . y . foam, re„pir,atery. tatoee• .. .., a ,•. a , .. of •10,4ys .'sea. le8..,. is ,ne 'good at 'ell,' at .ali•,.. ,TheY ,• ' 'Heeling broken. bones May behasholds 110 etich. View. of, ilie: It. doeiliote ala 1" ' • lia-i . • i T. ' . r . .• IS tlegrest factor in the Preduetiow of lee-a:Lap ' • ou. " high• n r alit - ' s • ' • ' ' • ' . ' • - ' ' Ouly"Weiah hp to to hatilted potitiese, an.d '. Oi'm ,' nee ietet •• - tee& trattaretleatitt . ,. , , - . ....:„ . . ' xv.ars en m is 'ottle dentiat that.a lael ' can .fie itiolteetiathei' Withitit Tilitiere• tion ' to seek to be -good- -The. Sible_ '.._,'' , : -;•,-•-e-e-ae---' ,, ' ., . • . • . patient Is treated : With a' 'certain glee, be eater end very much beftet than .. war Will he fought net.tut•land itieeene.aod.,April.".. . • . - e • . . •• • , More peogres& • has . been _Made in ..... e e ..They. put th•eir heads together •:itie Old eaOlile Will 'knit 'together" if.. the: great,. but it, says that most men ean, ', Experts believe that..the neat' geetit. diseaSee during the months .ef March - &Oar, 'cite:let: • Next • to the thYeeid ..they 'nee., :and .thet, _ the Nest is well but high iiibtliiie0,01'epir.0:8.e.dThoer:ineoennteiisitienng.....:'' the nude refen ci lag 0:: cancer4:hi the leet. e. ,, .1 Onsidered the teatede. ,. 'gland- in. the neck are' four titty'.glandtej Worth .oae's very beet :efaort. 'That Is ' threes .wiii,.. a;41. the 'bettle :00- 'fifty ears than duting' the ;preeeding: Av .ceurse,',' 'reflected MuiplaY,..."ive . eltnotim atat'parithYrold glands?! -• It Is !. not du. it •qay*. it .deciaretieehat ,Ceee, eloaed, ineehinee,' ; 500 yeers, in the opinitin _Of De..G ,muet 'cut 'ioin,e'ity the. 'euperfluOus off. ' claimed. •that •Witeti an .extract ./tora 'has, large ',resources' for the' "lielat of tilde . wilt .e.e° enethinge from tee te'.. George aae.i3utit'a,li.,17 obbaliaeci7L,::. - .,...... • . . 4.11ki,„; is swa:11.0welf or foi.4ote.d., l'hO' per II tilos? ,ivho'. make the most of their op e • twelve miles,. , - ..• l ' • . : . ' • a A. SoPer, • fleatia,ging dieeCtor '0fe the ' Then Niureby was struck bi. a sue- . theebiood serum Al mused, to rise.: • ' . . „. ' ' I ' The Hares, qf the great instract tie iii ale the Or.aindey. 4orotiiatie ,kiigtne is '.-.'4 ' ." .• • •..« . . . , den insparatiOn. • "Shure, Pate' he ex-, . . 4p: peetete4te.e., . ... ..• • e• : a , •• . . • • Ovaing:.to: the rarefied. tiattire .of, the • , • Atatericen ,So'cietea.: foe the C.e.titrol.'.of , .Thse phemicalteare, both, essential. ' limey Ways,. ori.e Of , which is , thee tie.. ineaPalite et .;developing more than * '„ .. ..Tbe • nfoili tent. ahi et exests, to '1 • i a • ..• , `e ' - '' - C.' ueer• • - day , in te.gattl tef.eateer • is, not 'Only • • • .;••• • ...' • .. elairlied" "phemes. to prevent. ye, gettioe I . .'a centage of caleitith and phosph'ata, howevei',; which "*.slieva that, With the . aut..7aeore eittensitte but ofeMore ..'pla.etical value. .thail mapY person s suppose" on •twiee?" :: • • ' .• • '• ". in' Wine banding, -and. 914 eeason Why!, meet:any. of the.rn Might easily have fraction Of its. pOWer at 'greet heightie ' ' taus a lotig'ilape, toextract enough 0! take ad V.,a nta ge Of . epme . fa vorelle .01e. aid. Of artificially-modued air; engine•S ; '. ' ; ;Knives in altiettienlaGeaves. . . , . . , • .. ' " ' •• • 'bones are 50 be lieal iv hecantie•it 'miesed.being great if lie heti failed le TestO lia.ake lateq, been 'carried' ' th'eee su tsbant•eaterne .. .' '• ' a Poettinity such. as other !nee' 'neglect. of -over 2,Weelitiree,eteteer can be :made 'Dr, Soper sa . • b t toe . Aiii$Skinig Weevil's knife is buried:" ;these. au bsta itc•ee , frinie tlie :hided; ' ' Soeie welt May inoirove ev i.,..ry . oppnr- te • developtheir full, .pewer. • -„ _ ..• 1 among .womea• and one \Ili i rd ' Alit (ink • duee• the .preeeet• death • ;oil on half with:eel. when sheelles.. • : . ... ' Dr owaga,..a Japanese surgeon, luxe • tenity Mole eever be gieate but that . , . , • . . • been eigierimenting with: parathyroid dors not preve that It 44 'right to nee= H.The eagines, it is prob.-aged,: will .be..ine„u,,"•. , ..' . liuiltyin an eompartneents in 1 ,•.\:'.'"' •". , 'extraete.'With 'remelts that f3eem. to indie lect Oppoitunities. The honor. roll ,of Which eec'egen. le tamped at the; 11'' O '‘ • .. •. - . . ,, ., ; . . thine who have eiatereal. MO life in its w 1.. f . - n Beech !rest, ..,, -. I the F :elite ‘successe • • dthe pilot or Other membee of the Crew ellmelveAs no hnoeheing eo . _i• had beeethe at 4 The: heeeli w ood it' tait a, eh tiny: •d a yi • • ... ,higliot' mid learger Meattlegs ia a Ilee eSs an tetteh 'heights without artifieial air•the ' t kW)* no hea.ier plaCe'to:seray..- aeroplan1) es 1'. the ooai future , toey be • Stift.intseeSy etinintl;aeand • . aluidows . • . • '• .. • '' • . *holly elielosed a na„rendered. aie tidepee: . '... • . ght; ' ' . ' Otte. 0reav. proditeing :their own atinea- . pliete, :. , a . . As of' Old.. ef• .theati Who have not let LIN CHILDREN 0014 •NO' Maiter. • ' that:11i'i• i'IeSe°,11.1°,eCs1.•..-'114. *1,8,4, "11 '71 edneton2moraniiin: gwfte-gnel - , thi An •English author:0W leavelig. !Mine ie returfleLWQL eeThereeWeeleavewelOheeld.„,,„-eele e•FeNtle •Itealasent S14' te Mak the maid If • • , ' Patasing..dolvoe ella had Seen it ,U,II4 was intkme 'Viet . .Tha: fila -.0k.1.140 Whit.% tw:o:':•`!"ewl.',0'.7.4,4.1;°' she lhed posted •ite •• :and 'tfie. •• ' TogtO4 10". Jio ';',11/1iY: I eereeleiagettlee • gras;ebetWeen•aieell day had not,Teeetten • thehatee'aetd• address. : • , „ae. on tie enYelOpe,," g4feevhe•re we saw 40. nlaWri'ol'OR03,6*' '"i•know'tliat sir, " she replied; 'olent 'sit11• ,latheught it Might berala itneweeteemlie tO ,otOrYig_ 0%0e:if: Maeilmeae lettere', you've been The corn crib and the, ana, the' geteeng latelyei • ., . • ' ' dark CameHlonele as the whip- • • Teo peorato Pay Taxei,• poerwill, ' detewey ociunty _fennel', hes decided ' EaCie huteereup,. eaCh laird not speaks that the inhabitants, of ' the istande off, . • • . Of roll; . •the coast are eo poverty.st oken• that • Through the dem ttelfi, nearly lee 1,t18 ueleeoto ritteinet, to colle,ot the , your face; . • 4, rates, whicli.are 111113 yearsInaireara. • . Ea.pleatretehing twig weaves men:melee • • 'that are dear:: • '• I thenglie to elom • • the toe afandlinje TO feed an emPtineie abeittethe place, But, no,' 1. do not liaise you. Ton ire ---Miadred 'Whitney Sttliman. " • Mountain Architecti.. 'ALWAYS' SLEEP, . . • • . . • elicl foitreSeeseteeted be the 'Tibetens Theaniazing mountain monastries .Shoer ihein'to. he the inest original and ::•1.1fraeb4.1.0.?..,ssle:oot..ii.r2 ew • : • • • . . . 4 • :...sottipett ao :1;,_ f a iiih.m to 611 cientb mountain for db.14 4,44:1311; u. point.h, etits; else ethehlovees Far or , From Well , • ledges orrook On•,the fa -octet 'some cliff. "-.. .•.• • Untie discovered by the .firet Mount. ' The, theelthy,, child 'a leepa ere.•anda:lilarere-ee-e'64'..;ea4aelliticie,, the -CX-Iseieeeee. bf niang-his ''Wtticlit-g'heiiirs71iS'qaeVeia_-eroki-eta!ee ;Bede; a•teitell,laeiaaele'eaaaseezalunelanaaerna het alwayie haPear:aed la.ughingaaalt Is th :the mitsideevrerld, T , monas ery only .the ,slekly. child ibat Is erbie and .1s. the-hanne.of atie Of:the most intereet7. .eeevisite : Mother -1r: if •yoor childeetedel nig. oharectera .of the •latita,Peiestheed; not sleep .Well ;' if 'they are cross 'gotta the herinit loOn,y, :swilo teeeivee • the ery a ;great deal e ;give ••ehem '• *by''.13 , worship and hemege•Of.Pilgriine froni. Own Tablets •Inal.. they Will, soon' be ' Chine IVIcingolia, and Central Asia.; • • ' well 'sad happy again ... • ' • • I "The fantastic .cerentenies, in the • Beby's , Own: Tablets are • a..iiiia 'pat . TeMple; • • the . heenti rig ..sonnd • oe .the .thotoegh , laxative ' Which •regu'ete the trumpets 'froth the Temple roof that ,boWeja,..aiveeten. ,theastoneacha banish ; echo at night, time t rmig e moun , ;censtipationt'leolie ineindig.estion and i tate, all give 'an aimeetilie.i7e. of ro-, 'prOmete healthful Sleep.. they:are abse,o 1 thence , to this 'Iattlaeltnow,n.. corner of of hita,137 • gitaraneeed Tree friene'eniateaa I,th World. .:' • • ,i, • • • a, ' '• . , ;mid' may be given to new:bore' bebe, . . • ..e-eee-..--.0-' ' . ' with perfect -eifety. • • ' ' • - •',',. ' a' ' . . : • BelleYe•e, ill Sq1.18'.... • 1 . Yoa Can .ob,fain lesteas; Own. TaltietS. .: Offiger ete'eouPlie parked "iii atatoiee cents a ' hex.' . Me' by :Mail, pest • paid, Park leg?' • • ' e ' • through any medicine dealer at 25 Don't you you see 'the:Sigh. for -trent '7.flie Dr_ Milliema',*, Medicipe, aloe' ',Drieer-eYes;. officer, .1. eee.' ft, , • • • .. . , , . Broekville; Ont. ' ' • heeefily agree Witheit." , slip into' disi•egerd .of Optiettufilties for .Let me see the' idle shadows resting . lore& service and 'greater goodness, a • me ' the White ' dest;• let the hear the •••What we are to le -int be: related. humblebeeS, and stair 0.1.0oltadown eif to what we are. ege,eii now' • ercy, we the rich dendelion disCe. Let /me See the nottEl- Of 'Ged." • That , le .,velly it the very thistlee opening .thelr great ''emiseleablefor to hope'rer and pro- pel: to expect the. Very beet, • So much for thie. lffe;„ •end whY not .tiled fee heaven? • • . . marble Will Bend. . • Niarble. is tiot rigid: a Sieb' under •progrees With craft y •tetidrils; swifts slow- heavy presure Will, bead like • .shgt L1i rough the alt With. outstretched atilt' tar or wax.: witig.s. lett) eresepetalioeded shaftleee • , . Creams -el: should miss the thletlee; ° the reed4ra5ses hiding, the mooreluall:` the Wittily, bine, at first .credely Cina hitititre and• lifted be fordo of Youth- ful.sala straight above theatedgeroW tati • ' auk of if eiVit weight presently and a rrowe darted' from ;the elands; the cheilinolt with it feather in ber'bill; all a the heieg etaireaae:of the spring, stela' • • - hy etep; uPwards.to a great gaalery' of - d the sittienee . ,it Me %vetch the :tame , etteceeafota eatie ity. Year, Richard Jet- 1 feri a, in • "-The Pagenta. et Stinuner."'• Net of' •Constiifuence: , • "Wfott wile the nettle of the 'Nit stip s teepee tita neothelit' eeefejamataltioot •Italeehict. •tag..tait 5iliIiko,Wnrci puzzle." ' • "Ire a 'pity anti doeleknow the Monet.' mothet, beettue0 ilttla.tleaie got, out of 'the trein there." , BUITbS eed Bbo�ns 7,. .A4-00;niti.4.st,AtasAur.s.t.,diseovered tliet„ ' • .. platele. r•taw :better if the 443, Is Pro!. ,. . . , Thirgt/t-,,,,..it)1 • •a vl i il (.!. In I light. „_IPItt (hot. ifteeet i get alit a p-rolte t il a. t. the • ORM Wi)'lell '•ii roil i. e moet,front elite. tebet.tnent , IA the electric, light. plant • ,,. • , , • I , 1,1 leetelit flickerleg limas -teeth. -eon tare ' lens.; .' • • Thse light brown trunks in•evety part Plo'fientlar feshibited glani . h tketa (bet watch:00th keep: SOISlitelY, it; thee fOrest OOP; •••. Tri4it mait4i5 a pictute'blld- The Regent d ig nsont,• which. wittadis- But , What dece 10Y eye ,behola ,silover,ad Waist ilt 110i and vio1g4e(i tree,,whoee: yoke in.•toCky, land .134atate %viten ciit Wata fQt gurn Pitertiiitul aP1611640..1 with a haue! the world's fibeet large diaitiond, •if Bight in anaotig the hewlders lirni .. • The breeze litaatiodgel • this ee.• tang I • germ. , _ , Whited's Liniment king. of Paine.. The•Piegent'DiaMond.••", • High School Hoards and Boards of Education t T Ard 3uthoriied by tasiv.te establish INOLISTRIAL,. TECHNICAL' AND • ..ART.. SCHOOLS-- Witte the atmtoval of the Minititer ' ' • ; • , may be cbnducted in accorcianee :with the, reguiatkiiii isstied by „DAV AND, gyr.41No ct_Assii ' • the. Depattmene of 'Education, , • ' • T.HEOBETICAL A'RecistrwerreAt..-rmatttutT,161 • are under the:: te eiven variotte traded. The schools:and •classes .direetion of AN ADVISORY; COMMITTEE., Apptication' for attendance should be Made t� the Principal et 'the' • " • 'COMMEACIAL SUBSECTS, ."M'ANLIAL TSAININGe" HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE MID- Atilletit2ftAt'ANI:i -.Ht1141410-1142t.tilit'are 'provided • for in the Courses 1 Study Yet Public, Separate, Gentfritiation and High efiehooll'a CoUeIate nitituted, 'atoctitionat Schools and Department . ;Coplea Of the'Reiaulittlette leaped by ,the Ministeeef Edutation mey be 'obtained friatit the ooputy Minister, Pa'ailianient Bultdinge, Toronto. Ali 1 as the se ay r(iek-eniligsnid. 1'0( d -an r earth wee' tonna. ; • A rot It. helm] • etrangta •ansl • . Inight •' 15 yotelY e isreet.leac eight. -I insulting, tgo, it is to :•-vee,•• •a• . , That:, yen ro0( Yielda tAril 11•••";1 • iltego'‘Vitift 1.1"4111:011.,CY frtell 'he Ger, 111,1 e Ity,.‘aleizelfetlt NI. faattelet ft. ' • .41 • a...4.6.a. 140 Professeur, fiere.'ho slti dirpning , On soine forgotten truth: Heedless of Spring thee/ Int al era nt, . yeittlee • .alere he eits. dryte • !litY.; "Waintlarely Huber '"• ,And Itie.pnye ., • .• •'Maurice Us falinard'i Lininteet testebles. 1 • WE••71311Y . FLEECE :WOOL Harris 'Abattoir to.; Limited( Rtirachon Ave., Toronto, . BABY: CHICKS. AT BARGAIN- PRICES you can ge't highest quftlEty Chloki;in June from Canada's largest !Feeders of Tramiested Bred -to -Lay .Poultry at rock- • bottom taleel.' • , Barron „Strain White Legherns Juse1-12 $15,Atieraune $12.51• ' . 0,A.C. Bafred Rocks Jimepf, lie! tee, 318; libretto 14,$15 Bead a,:eart! :for Free Illnstrated:ciiiiitiinie. • oAk RIDGE FAIRIVII Matey D • PORT CRdDIT, ••ONT. • Banish • By Oleierving ' atueette-Basic-Rul Tbe Blues • • 6 Those who stiffer froiti despondency; • listleaances and headiehes ,Can usually trace the .cause of theietenditicipe to :constiktioe.. •• • • , . . • They tare 'frequently 'brought about • by overaOrk, .nereous.straina•lack•Ofa' , • , eatitdoor.eeercise or sleep, Or nriproper • • food; bue.motefrequently by. the none .• :observance Of naturefe basic • rule-- • , regular thorough beivelaelimination. . POisona from- waste =tier left ba, • Ibid. are icktd tip by the bloOd.ind absorbed y the system, weakening the. : , -nerves-arid loviering•theevitality,„ acientihCeleteratet-labria e cant- corrects constipation in nate* oven evay.by augineeting the supply o tiature'slubrieant,• • '.67Sjerby seftening the waste :patter thus permit:I thorough and regular, elimination '•Without maertaxing.. the intestinal, muscles- •It is gentle, -safe • and natural in its actiena and can be taken for any length of time Withaeut any. ill effect. • • .• , your druggist for latujoI today anderemember-aook efor the Seem' , I:, a."filVdmapeaci"kaitir.e,elent .both URNS. Mix ,Minarclas: •with• -sweet.• . oil. Spread on*,broWn. paper nid entity th parts injured, • • Soothes eed heals •rapidly. FACE DISFIGURE BY PIMPLES Large, Harq and Red,:;Itoldien and . Burned, liealed by ufic.ura,., 1 wee trpubled With pimples that broke out on • iny• ferehkati. Thp.ty• were larde;lidtr atid'red, atal soon scattered over my, face disfignring it'.. Thevitnples festered. tnd itched and burned Causing mem scratch, which Made them worse. t The • trouble ladled' about to months'. • ' I read sin advertisement fcir Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and,sent for free sample. After using it I. purchased More and now I am cern', pktely h ea le (Signed), Miss Anna.. Molnar; R. P. I. 3, Box 55, Toledo, Ohio, Sept, 8; 1925. Clear the pores1 of iniparitieS by dily use ofeCuticure Soap; whth. touchei cif "Cinieure Ointatenr as needed to'sootbe and heal. Catieure Trilcuni is _fragrant and refreshing: Sample ELla /Yeah; Mail. Addresi Depot: -StenhouterLtd.Oltentrealr Price. Soap 25e. Ointuient 25 and gle. Taleum 25e. nor .cutienrat Shat7ing Stick Zgc. • Mrs. Horn' Tells -how Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , Restored Her Health ;tlarnilton,Ont.-e"'"thave taken Lydia .E. 'Pinkliarn's etable Corimpund aed would not be • . twittxahdo,ukt •fiet i1W. : ma e tro.uble sciaaidiy I •ciattld hardly Valk • and I was 'all rim - &Aim And",.c ou I d hardly get around to de my heiiSel work. 01 Would be in bed three Me/. four days at a time. I was told .hy a friend tetry veer, cave, able Coen pound,' I did; and 0,4,- tim..0 1 fook two boitles11 was • .' a . ItcganniZ tr it., ea 1.1vititi a gAi'ri; I fooli ptorect. safe by milli-onS, and .presatibed-Willp7sicians for ten. hot a4'11- an d ' no*: 1 -anr • " ,„ , - ••• :• • eight aga:e anti; doing the own work. Headache • • Neuritis Um. hIgb , , 1.n.t 'ytod aleo peed Lydia .Neuralgia • Toothache Rhetiniatini ' i14'nfP:s '4n ti "h* "(4` Pairithinit it IS rood. hart ow' fey health ' . . PECTENOT AFFECT THE HE ' 7 ;Acqpk, ojjy, packftgc., whidhcontains, pfoven-directions, Trita(1- imx,6:$ Of le: •taldtes 'Aleo bottle'f 24 and 100e4rugleista.. 114 tbe fr&d mark ,(rIstri'dft Cni1sip ellayer litiotieteute: at 'Nfonoscelle. * . tic dOsErr Of Ballcylleneld (Acetyl Salleylfc ACIil. ft,' 1V1,(110, it )4 Will kilArrt diet Atipiterieosita Dayep manticactotO, 16 atalst a4altuif er' • to the Vigk table Comp ftn:A do and 4 think -if tooFe ef ft wa'e itaa I women. , • wou1,1 he letter eff. et," mild net be a witleett it if it cost much anW.1"--=-7 ' ' Mee eel:tile liottee ae St. Matthews & . AVeetle, Ilateilton, Ontario. Do you Seel' 1)1'6k eil" fin w ti; nervatlii • and Weak Aornvtittleft? Lydia E' Pink • ham's. Vootable Coni,p(nind is excel- ' ' Veto take• et. etieli a time. It alweye he/Pe, and ;f taken regolerlY and per- , siettellye will rehove tine conaltion, fiautiint. th • 123,'21 et, pert!, Otaaiteea: wile atimpeleitite, their zeneral. tflicW •Pi`O 1,"Dr'icr C•ro,str' Ali ff .;Y; :" • •