The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-06-03, Page 4ODfl;L,,G .04--SPreaOrep 'bto*eng. E• "ir Te 0111 4.4ersk Grob', mil Corn Modeasf, *Wag /Nowa_ „MERL Sr WIRE C04---Wovcla Peacoat Gotta, 4.hint O. S Caned vre-Au Gatraiinted, • - IIHIGGIES:--itabber and Steel . IRATMAN-WILKINSON, CO.:--hows‘ and •tilANOS. ORGANS AND PHONOGRAPILS:-See aid silive • Yoarself. mu* mimes Tikes you wid4 something in Me • THE, IMOICX VO* *g4744TIN ET, 1501-4ed every Thuri4a7 liorning at LueknoW.Ontatie, • A- De MacKenzie, Proprietor 4' and Editor • THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1326 - 'PETER SMITII AT' LIBERTY IRW,0411-0- -- IP -Mt! onunie4„ fiudiNow , , tlielareat sad naestrgoisplete$ atedi in the •race4 beautiful' aeoliris ,t,, el,y,siie !roma, 11 Marble:, Stot!*; Swedish and Cait- *dim' Granites We,.akea ,specialty ' Menalsente and ine Year ,InSp`ie7: ID 256" "Pus ,CarefallY Prccaptly Lime. Sac ins before placing'your order ome alue, o ' • :TARMSIRONG.- litOnlettist ' „ tiaitn0iN,'„:" Ont. What cadses some persona to be distressed, on. .attendingrnov One reason_ is a sensitive con tion of the eyes!. Can this •be overeomel Yess_ience bat -produced • iense elleciallY for- this Purpose. IS it aark in Color,' . • No, merely a tinted lense. Can the optonietrist • supply hese?. • Ye.s,, with the patients correc- tinn, jf.ay, ground into ;them; • (Continued ' Next Week) Rms.. Lachnow, Ont. ,Spottou L. No. 428; Luciincky the Seceind Tuesday every in their 'hall; at OP O'clock. C. W. lIt.; P. Carter,"'Rec: See. • so. 6 Gunn (Insurance ^ meets Ir month KINLOSS tOL(1•ICIL Mullin. , Kir.less, Connell met is Court of Revision on May 26th. -Members -weie •Sworn.. J. J. Tiffin Was an, •ThePOnion cahinet ha*Ving taIrOn into •,,criaider.ation ...the' case ef,„* Peter7:81•Bith. 4formeni" treasurer' ;Of GrItarie,•.. *Wed to ternu1ate.' his imprisonment, at • the •,-Ktigston P.ten4 itentiarY, and an Order for. hes, 're: lease' on May 31st.was lent. Olt •As, . will li,e'reMealbered. 'Smith was . . „ , .• A ZOAViaE4 of whattiny be terMed tgraft" rn oniect„ ien.AVitli, the sale .*j -0V iirOXinelei--;,honda..-whil.eLlie--..vies„ operatedo yak net 'onli the fhliti doetne to 10,40a, hikaf1.1,0)Pant*c^ • Canada Inis the4S0t tff surgical inatrunien 'The )def„ War •original with Mau,' II; also,wit1ii,si few year. Of •,his ,gradnatioa*sneeesafal.IY 'PerforMI. "Wallerdelicate internal -6-peratiens, :treasurer: Ile , bond dealer; was sentenced " to, aerie 'three-. years° in "the" Icingttnn Penit", endary and to Pay, a fine of sit...hint.' dred \thousand -dollars, and further, Lo rem -alp in the Orison until , la.42 sum was Paid.. Altheugh the people of Ontario had riO syMpathy .with.•e„rafters, t was felt by many• 'that Justite 'Meredith had. rather ..ov- eidone 'it • when he imposed Inch • r • . .crushing • Sentence' .nlien Smith ane. •Jarvit.. Neither, :was. regarded. us ' bad man, Smith appears to ; baV( been a weak and simple il)E,112; the biLirn, of gratin..°"mantic • lished before. he Meanie treasurer Thegovernmeat in which he held ar ,imnortant eifize' had' come had, Offic on a 'Platform of honest*, and econ oinY, but be niieerably failed at t.lie first test, : not then regarded as PaSsible- FOr- tnnately his fmt. sehlects Tecevefecl., But.. his, success in the new • fiel." iiirgery, did not bring to Dry Grov- ' ea '''faine and fortAinel.,:nor favor with. the , learned Men :of;the.tilne- Nylobt igaces of le4=not *ay• bq ce4#es'44 ,•Progress afl4H enlightorlasel*:, they 5ornetitnes.. are atroliglIalds • of , . •,‘ PROIOBITIO..* i11' _ ,411.11p. GOVRICNMENX' ,f,lONT/AOL, IN WHSTO, N ANARA • - l!dr, lleniighan of. Colborne,. rvw,n5100,: •vri?or with 415 wife and iOn, his been on a trip to Californi.i' up the -Pacific- Coast-andraereee-Can- hOntea, bad- a' veri interestinc letter inittat> Week's. Cfotierich Signal in it he•tella of .whg4, he saw in refer" eace to .t.he.` drinVing of -,Intoxitating Pier, and drunkenness in the -Unit-." ed States under pinohobitlein and in' ohr .WeStern.PrOltineen `which are, 'un- der; variout forms Of "governmen Control.t. .7tuodity and ecns.erratamt..When Dr. • j-• • n :view of all that is limn& sato ,Gro,,VeS. rad a paper 'ae-s.elibillg 114' about -the success and the failure o"•" .,nethed of Operating „for appendicity: the various measures dealing with, 'liefOre, the • QntatiO• ;at' Ma°.'0i, the liqiiOr;f geat i44p -- • sKtand we ..„iatiOn: a ' yokItitir ..11Sa°1: got letter.' i $ :,d SOO Anetiinel.na'..rnir are.. takinr the liberti of.", here re-- . wesoree00-'", Ops•offoron‘•pitoso, C H EV ROI 1‘. 1 - .JartriS h4d Merely done; what oth ers in the bond business were doing or were .quiti, willing to do.. The ex: iiesure came thrOugh an accident.Ile was in many respectS, a public • kik.: rsiry 1 ited •man, had a. high-s-Wnding. Pee- Voln Los•appeal .! • ---- • - ' Fred , , was heard and con- .tsidered.• •COuncil, resolved to sustain the astes.sment.-Gem.. ' Moffat, Clerk; • J. J., Tiffin, 'Chairman- ' ' The Council 'then met. for the transact -len' of general ,business. The Minutes; , lait meeting were • read -.4.-- and signed. "The fallowing 'elieques; RIDGE KLEIN; RETURNS , 11031F. were issued:-, Sawyer, Massey Co.( grader; .$200.06; .MaCKinann, ...3 „sheep killed by $6a.00; - • m • ;Ms .Honor ;Judge Vein • rfr.rarneel-7 Pherson, 'ploughing discing read l'ImrsdaY teat" *nal Hard.' DoMinion toad • si-;achinery Sanitoritim at:WOrthin' ,gthn, 0" grader, .$1.30.00; • Jelin Curtin; work reh - been .dn(lergPing treat- on 'Gaunt:Drain, $300,064 Jas....Percy' Feb. '41th, fer:nerF931 Ile' •on wire 'fence ',$4:95;•-Josenb Alth°ogh, not fully r°3*eref.' ,haif relit Of Hall' fOr "Diiisfon Court Judge "cOnsideragY ImPrr'ved'' 'since 1993 ',tee ob- A..MatI.eod Pay may not resume his duties 'en, the List No. .1 4500; Thoe... IL Moore, be for some weeks yet 000 , Grain, handling at the• 'pore 'oh Montreal is, in excess of the total for, la.st year by-..4,831,1184.basheler thee creating a new .record in the • ThaVelnent of • main ' thrntigh thi.'s Pay List :No: 4, $10.57; R. J. Laidlaw, 'Pak List No. 3; $10.97; Jelin Mac, 'Kenzie, Pay • List 'No. 5, $35.824 A • MacKenzie, Pay Pay List NO,.."6,. Ben, l'..10-ritgemerY,..",pal,-. List No., 15 $.7)3-30; Levi Boyle, 'Pay List NO. IL $39,16; P. "MacDonald; Pay List 24 .POlt The total amOunt handled: by, 16,17-20; John Buthell, Pay List No. ...jut harbor ,,de.1..ataii this 7,a,r. tomps---' -Si3O-84;---W.-.-RFi4,..pa(y List • No. , 328.109,865 rei3i„eseat-iig, 13, $1162; W. Percy;Pay List No .465,237,959 .haAeLa• dativenid . since Kinloss. & liuren Hely., , $5.74; -laay, and a aPienuiu u,./..5..Aes. ,. pu - • . . .. ' Jarvis was, released-froin prison seine 'months age, and, a group of in iluenttat friends are, Endeavoring te have 'him freed • iron' the. 'Stionia of .' ' . '11 3 b •nime; so far at that can e. one y/ the Department • of :juetice. • iy,Ifile in prisbn . Jarvis and Staid were, not :obliged to' aSsociate Witl, the .inurdererS, and, ,burglars who ini, habit the • big Olsen...." 'Both had beer 1 gi‘'en. 4fiee ' jOha-LSinith d1ng 'dut! in the prion library. . .:: • .One report 'aliatit Smith was that he wa.s in had health and not likoi: to hie Out the terni. a hla inipriton rnent, ;but a later report is to the sleet. that he is enjniing fair health. Es,erhaPs those: who originated the; reports knew .aptli-mg about,his The health of the :prisoners, no •lotibt, , is 'fairly ; well 'looked. 'after ?Out- it is- said- that to.-4..Man-•.,aecits--, teiried to-Aniblic ;respect. and to Oh 1,rty,' the slam Of an 'iron doer. Whicl: shuts binr in like a caged beast; iv- , er-Y ilight at ' a fixed hour, ....'hai heartbreaking 'effect. At?, perhaps lie stories \ abent ,",respectable"" pris • 'Oners not enjoying geed 'health' al-. net' wholly Without „ truth.; .. • , o -o -o--..-- • Thos to 163;592,846 bushels received and • • 147 • $10-44 •NYal;: de'atrale wdrIr ;ay Nrnite, Insne:tie Fee:Sill:80; Jos. 4: Part salary, $15.00; • D. ,pat • salary, •:$15,00; ';Donalil• 3.•lacIntyre part salary $13.00 Mal - col& Ross„. tartsalar, $15.00;1107 viii Irwin, part telai•Y $15.00; Vies: "daunt, part 'salai•Y, $25.01); 4iiiniataie is made up of six ramie°. : tiona1d, s 1 ry. as assestor postcs 5; C7*-eao. Moff.at, "part • salary- ,. 'pieces 16,003 ,sections and weiO3 inibout Se.ven tont.'-•The scenes.* eties $50.c0, " • -41124 '6°r`e•i''''''''ad' 'with .th:a• ' • Council adjourned • t� meet agair : . have .ean .h•I! the 'on the 'last MendaY in June at: the : b•• -•..011i .lifter. usual. time and place.' • . jillatini tears of zoCeitaint UAL deo. G., Moffat • • lee beginning Of the. Year- • Cr - I 'An. exact replica af the:Palestina ,1eserle memorable by the lif.e of Christ' irOloritzeol from Winnineg • frees -41Y On a freight' 'car. Mi.' 1:4,O,PPPIDn.g- 5119:41d ,"The •1„ett:r• .14tia°s foup• w.s: ' ImniediatelY. take stepa to :atlinIP It , I thangtki . Your readers Might 14.. Such is 'the reveard,ef original-, • A -- ' -on h ..)Ti..t",.. , " . , intereste in my unpres-i s of t e ity. Of course, Dr. Groves was .1.,A workiiig• Of prohobition in the U.S.A.., that time an unknown ge.neral prae. (.- g . ticianci ill, a, amsmall,backw004 vulagt, n.sia vid(iiavennit,ri,menytiusal.esle'ofThlieriZeriminprestliF, -4.3fli;leae_ trhnienniro. atm fese000iaL rnn Was from centre sions have .heen formed by ,persona: observation more than" by interinew. It is interesting to 11Xj°14i that *Ile Vith different classes' of People:. Tho' nor od one graduate in tbin cowl. c'e read and heal -that Prohobition in e U.S.A.. is a. fand that more a Etrx,aa. i'ri3otvls;gtriaaidrettlednur,sein 18in7lca,nalhetirae , was there a hospital batli. ' ,i, 'licensed sale, Yet in our trip from De- trY until. eight Years later: Neither .1(ledr is being drunii now than ander to and the lakes. ' • oon troit to Let Angeles and :froni Sar Die o• to Seattle, in visiting • oyez thirty towns , and cities in • err; •IlalifOrnia, and in mixing :With Many • different 'People, I neer saw one per. 3ori under the influence Of Ilquor. Nein ' an pnrest or dis " • • phone No. 10 Is at. Your Service We , , -We Sell Cheaper Than The Cre . , Sell for Cash tilt Store SPRING REQUIREMENTS • 'Wire-- ' - A.VE JUST PLACF.D IN STOCK A 311XED CARLOAD . . OF, BARBED `AND cplit, SPR E. DIRECT PROM THE • • MANI:I' A CTUR ERS. 'YOU , I'LL F. iND OURt isizitt.S:••iadlit. • Cemeut--, , • . • A -FRESH cAiti.0Ap 0 CE!•IENT JUST ARRIVED.. •Lime, 11ard*A11•P1atei,, 6.yproc Wallboarth,- - VO- WILL NEED THESEFOR SPRINGTIME ' REPAIRING ; . • ••• •w.11 RAVE IT IN gVER.r8k-4,13*-: iris BEYeND'Dtittfr,,' . , ' THE,BEST WALL FINISH. Miirespzi Brushes-- , . .t . • , YOU NEED TRIGHT IlFtUSH TO PUT' ON • 3IU HE RESCO, . , •" ts-a-nd Varnishes-,- •••• WE HAVE SHERWIN. slLLI\fS pAINTS, LA -CS AND • , . • • • VARNISHES FOR EVERY PL"RpOSE„, ' CLAD' TO ' • HOUSEWIVEr, N ILI. ,BE .• • • • - THAT E nAvt. A L'AgtElt THAT Wr.l. • DRY HARD IN THIRTY . UTES. ' IT IS A BSOL U I ELY GUA RANT EED,, yocti 31O\EY Is filli'UNDED l OT s4TisrA(...~T(..irtY, ' • r S "\'' . Heating, Pitaqiblog and Electric Wiritig ' la; the inetegemiate eiith. „sahigh ha ; . . , , AN9THER . DICTATOR.. l$1 ' EUROPE ' • , - • . The „ cantitries ',of Europe .anpear )e. going: back. titi atitocirat govern ,tent a.s, fast as they got away frow and'sbortly after the Great , . • The 'Most successful dern0cracies. are corrupt. enough •but those ,set ur . , " follOvving the war .were i� hp.d that they could ant carry- 01 • Russia, Italy, 'Greece, Spain anr7. now Poland, after.an, effort It • oczatic..governroent, have passe.d.intc the hands of, „dictators more arid autocratic thati" Were the .forrnei czars, emperors ' Poland haq. lprig lieen.h: het hed . ther tild I hear of, Y :Satit'factlon• among, the laboring class .frana being prohibited , to .Purchaee unlimited amount of iiqnor On the Other, hand, we had, not, been in Van. c.ouver' half-aa-fioni when- I saw a .no Beeman ;arrest a drimie Man • Ill' die. not know where be was or *here he s4-a•s „*„." ' ' • • • 1. ine.?....it--tei;T-.517-days.-in ,43.rigteria • A LINK 'BETWEEN PAST AD PRESEN1T IN SURGERY anarchy, and, Wild", drearnaoffredoi:,, and equalityr, but Until, the war:wha • t : was Poland, and is now nitain Pot-, ind was held in:the, iron bondate cot Iltissia Germany and, Austria„ 4t.thi• • end Ofthe war the various parts'. iow liberated, got 'together, and :set on a &Meet -sale. governinent, ,with president and two,houses of parlia- • A m recent :puber of The Torente • . Star Weekly, :contained, a ,most inter-. estincf, article on Dr. A.. droves Of Fergi:s. By. `Way of telling 'the sort' of man Dr. •GroVes ts and in • givina examples „,of his , the Writer' gives /midi infOrmation. along: the line of recent •developments ir surgery and •medicat. practice. Dr. Grovesira4unted Torentc i871.and so his lived tthrough eried of ,trernendous ,develonnient iT ',;heo p,i-ofession he. had chosen et' his life. occunatten. • He is now 78 Years.. efage hnt is sq an active practic, otter alert in body` and in mind. . It is not. general's: known that ii , • ment. • But the peeple; ignorant ane .urepatent,. at once, fell into the hands •ncliticiana-hept ofl graft 'and other farms o thietrery,.. , :Evidently the, fOrnis of • trouble • viinn,on, 'even in :this. conntrY, devel n:t-iionn4itrPoland- that baie- ,7'-Parlianient given •over to: factior hts. and quarrelling.,..° • • : The' example of Italy were govern.' Merit tinder- a dictator is at' any rate, ffleient and the. country preanerOaa looked good t� those in, Polaitd,whC -ineerstOod the ..ratennets, of their' lernocracY, and they looked about fa.? di:tater :of their swim • , dietator nuist have . the 'backing *f an arny., that is able to tteitoint. 'any other force in .the country; an „ in Marshall Pilsudski; a popular war hero, the Polish 'people .saw such wants gdoe 'government, and anparently did not ' want to heeenie,, dictator:: His army drey.e • the to*opt .frorr poiver• after defeating a:section • of the army which Obekecl. the •aathorit. He was ,asked :to assume a die- . tatorship. tut refused.- • However,' thr, refusal was '1, . mere I PAM:: Hain driven out the' 'government that a' he. ' he.'.beearne . dictator' in fecti, .w.hethei May be bought on the° GM AC , Time Payment Plan • the:Cheyrolet:COlchlati Will , ' • :get. acorea 'ot" mammal quality.' • - . .feattirei such *al you , would. expect to find' only on higher :priced cars ---dry ditto. clutch--' brakentemi-float- ingrrear aide with one,piece •pressed; Steel housing-yacuinn • •'fuel feed with tank' rear - Remy electrie startinglighting and distributor ignition: -Fisher VV one-piece windshield; auto • - matic Windshield wiper -and cowl lamps. Come , in and, see' for Syoureelf this remarkable cOach value, ' Vanconver. and Edmonton is iiawe ravelling-to Other places, and the .a.p- 13earanee and. dress Of'different. Peo•• :pie, led:me:Ito believe, batme spir- ittions hqnor was being drunk than - , on, my' former,' visit. In RC. and Al-, • . . berta, while the Government'. Store-. 'did not appear.to be doing a very ex. tensivelbusineas, yet the beer' parlors "Cr:oves, Western Ontario has ,„ r • Man Who has cOntribuied not A. lit. ::Ie to the science of. surgery as , we, '.'4a,..76 it .terday, ' • .• 'There '• practidady no 'SurgOr.lt s.ven 'as " lat. as 1811 When Gro-. es gradated -that is, there was nc internal surgerY.,, Limbo,pf course. Foal(' be arnnutation • and' wound* -.1..egVed , up, .bat there Was. Sticb. thing as. appendleitis eperation n r he nornovai: 9f gall:Stones end iuitor nal: Onion, The.medieal. 'students- el 1871 were actually taught that the appendix' had nes knqwn,function an • ertainly no disordert, •so' they were, idvised to. Pay, rio atteritian t� • it. • Frani an artiele by- an • triglitit ,urreon, t/r. Groves gt art, jnkling hat _it was otherwisethat in fee' aPpendix freitl was . a:Ise. of whitwe 'es then:known Uflarinnatir.!ri Of the'lleiweit;•kiliseaSt ;thick frequent/Y prOverl .fatal.. 11%. Sucii r Cate Slid lie decided iperate. He 4id • so,•,:htti•thetatien• rt tvga t aitt aoperdix 4-Vei.• 'itinov•ecl."Iii -Canada; 'aid tat he natidea reCoveted, Itos dze . per tap toandthOr- btigitta1, ideA on tar tart. ef Dr.: Groveeihat, Of steriliz- * era, &ore ,natroniied. Ediriontoi WaS in a' beer parlor' Where fid.15 one hundred Men. and. ten IF/mien were seated at tables ?drinking' heer. Thr tale in' these Pal-lora:1S restricted 'On• y by the purchaser's aibiltp.to naYn '.WOmea'ire not supposed to frequent' these • places,,Ibut in Spite •of that they. I. were there.: ' Alma 'One4ialf of the vimaen., would be girls.nndei, tWenty;.„thn•rett more mattirein age The beer is sold aC..fifteen;Centi. • 'glass: Or two for tiventy7fiVe; Of Course we are. 'told:: beer is :nettoxiaatIn but many- tbat-, - .were . staggering and all ware';'inoio Or ,iesS. talkative,: tficipgh. Very, 'order- ly, w", One , login had. hard "work to. con s, Vince his clitith that .he Was not ;tit, . t bile instead Of. -the seat. -mere • arc rearlf, three' hundred 'OE these' narleri- in.both B. C..'and Alberta. „ In SaskateheWan, where The -Se par - leis, • do net . exist, ' dronkennetak 'is riot 1 hotiitiel,•• arid , as .,•yre•; did, notSt�p 'r Winnipeg or 'Manitoba know noth- ing -of: the Workings there.' In .Neetli, •erti-tritaria, while the :4,4, , sale Oar - 'es art 'nOt4.., largelY patronized,, ye' they are the'rendezvous of the tOugh- er, class ' and- a certain: amount drtiriketinesi ,nOticed., among the dginirdofheautamo he liked the name of- netHe calle ,2arliainent 'together again, and told - :t ,te 'ele-:t a president,: The patlia-, ment elected hlinself,thinking prob ably that Mittody ;e1Se. Would per- mitted to act.. 'refused to accept and practiCally rtold the, parliarnen+ whom to elect:. So he Will have president of ilia own 'S'election' and': parliament that Will .oheY.his orders The Polish people have for years been strong on 'assassination; , and, tftsuaski had no sooner ousted •the corrupt government` than, he begar to -..reteive , letters threattning ' with' death, and only' the ...greatest care 'ori the ,p t4ii8 friends and, seldier.s -*ill Save hini. • • It is the old Story, Where. the peo- ple aie not intelligent eneugh and honest enough tO, Carr's- on a deniric- •tete- term of 'government they soon • tet, in�ne form or another; the kine 'they *are' And that -is -A • ing o the n todys.' : . With regard. to Opinions of resid- ents as ,to the workings . Of the con= tiol, Various opinioas were ezpresie • but all were agreed that bootleggim ;had, been increaaedrather than dini- nished: 140 One thmight that drink- ing had decreased; a :few thought that the' 'Government should have tbs. revenue out Of the sale rathe,r .thar hotel -keepers„ and pointed Itc; the.re turn to • the municipalities of inege stnrs 1 do .not wish 'to Mention Our Parr*, , of 'the parties whom •,aske about the results; ..many of whon• would be known to Yeur readers" ba..! r "give 'a feW; ;One friend sans the reeralconditions in • Vancoucer through drinking were simply -appal. ling and tha. drinkintr' in homes was. general. 4na1ier . Said bootleggers were making, more, than•formerly, • the liquor sold . by', 'the GovernMent, was iery deai.. Foreigners were.larg- ely responsible for this trade. A , pro. !feSsOr in, a 'University -did. not. notice, any change in the wort' hf the ,Stu-, deiits.A lumberman had seen no,dif4 ,ferefice in amount of Agnew drunk .bat , onticed the flamer given AO his; niuniciaIior imprOvementS. a Oring-inan Tir-EllinonTo, 'sate& driiiikeimass and bootlegging hoe bah :largely increased.' A green ' The -maxi who ,efrortc;the atioie city told nae that ;;:hile he trying to get4eVen with his ,enernies had Voted for GoVernment contrOl h( 'makes so marry of them that he nev.- Was greatly. disappOinted with its athieves purpose, *.weirkings and that the people or On -. tario Should be told that it did no Thnte Who -get hoPelessiY int( prevent illidit -Sale but did' "increitiiv lebt. "lteepikr tIP atPearans" widrtlhkentiesi. toroarly litad keAtf kee;PlUg UP diSaPPtv" an Eastern Ontario town 'when '11: anCei tri "escape the' bailiff and shirr. 'cans. lila in effett snd'.'on, vrtit , t •.11 ;74 ) 14, 4 4441.,t • ‘t,A J. H. Brown, Teeswater, Oat. . x,.2 •••• , • _.-014-" • • • MAKE IMMIGRATION HUMAN" SAYS ▪ R. PRSIDNTt SR THOMAS :WHITE , PAYS HIM HIQH • 'TRIBUTE . Addressing the, i'Associated , _Boards �f- Trade banquet at ' Winnipeg recently‘ E. W. Beatty; chairman. and president . of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, said. that one of the ,niost significant facts of the confer- ence Was the. desire .of .men from all parts of Canada to discuss the country's problems from an economice and national point of view, free from- he bewildering • -influence of political partisan- ship.; "This' kr. BeattY said; "leads me to the inevitable con- . Clusio:n:thatthe...qiiestjon of Cain, • federatiini •Op :the 'principles of : :national unity whichgiiicled the . ; tChdi kettinr dent oafBn atiatentilc..pr•E./a..4.:‘-futtthberes solvedbyligitnlitunsen: pulation, hat only by* that men- m°!'""' ••:. • • , • is! attitude .11iieh. Comei from understanding...and is the result of lamestedUlofl' erder to achieve natamai,*prosperity, Mr, Beatty .advocated. an, .exteniiie }immigrationpolity to ,sopply the man Power necessary • for the "largest ...Undeveloped country in the 'world.", "IPI had any sugges- tion • to make in :•resPectto this :question," continued the president. r1 'would suggest:that "we takeit outof the 'field ,Of Statistics and Place It , • -in the ,field of human; relations:, . We .aie apt toforget that the people. who tome to our shores 'are not So Many -hundreds or thousands of: • British Or Continentals with or Without settler? effecta. They are !mute* beings, meinbers of families who hatie teenthemselves tip from Old 'Immesh . homes' in some eases .eenturies old. to come and live an Canada, to .be ,neighbOurs, :if ,we'• are willing •te• be neighbourly. -earl to , become good • eitiienslif we only hold out a. Welcoming hand: ' • , ."We realize hoW\great the, wrench 'must be when We learn that mane bring With them a handful of, earth so' that when the thin tomes 'for them tei':clie in Canada it may be seatterecl biter their coffins. I .won;. • : der hew many Canadians, who have, made the trek to the United States, have over thought to carry with them a handful of Canadian' soil. NO immigration schenie for Canada can el/et...achieve succeps unless. due. , Adlowance is* made for such human 'factors!' . • "•.• • ' • ' • • On the same occasion Sir Thomas White, :former .Pederil • Minister 7---if.--Fioaocerpard-a-high--tribute•-te Mr.-Beaity.. Sir -Thomas said that he• ' had alw‘va _looked ' upon Mr.: Beatty as a: representative .:Canadian •who typified' the qualities which are to, be found ,in true Canadians Mr., Beatty, had carved his own niche in Canadian affairs and had made has oWn•way in, the world akin the manner of Canadians. As President ef the Canadian' Pacific. RailWay,'Mr. Beatty occupied onethe higheet ' position's in'the, Dominion and. Was ubsolutely Unspoiled.by his enormous • success. and, Sir Thornas liked .tO,think that. in this the former was else a characteristic Canadian, : , • „ , ' • Referring to, the impitiVement of the Canadian Pecifie Railway, the forMer:Firiante -Minister 'pointedout that the history of the Dominion 'and the COMI)any were intertwined and could net be 'disassociated. The : • Canadian Pacific Railway. had steed sta the type Of exemplary Canadian ' :enterprise and courage in the fa otapparently insurmountable obstacles. Sir'Thomas also commented favorably oii the 'good work the Canadian Pacific RailWay had done during the Great War, and later on. In going • ahead with work, at the 'rem:lest of the, Government, In order tegive , propleyrwt ,to soldierii who' were returning 'after the War. ' •- . the ,Saine town a few, yeavs ago was arinszedat' the' ehal)ge,, in -- diinkin1 hrAubnt' iskeinet°ils•li d.at ailL. it' %Vas not trOusuill td tee Severn!: d."p eri, day.' Aclergynian engaged • , . , Bible .$4.1ciety -work ,whon't Met di the traiit. said. -1i had; travellett"all the Westntts Provinces 'and the. Aet. nitall-WrifitrefeirtrtfriwinceS,'"as diemaltailtrie. Conti ‘lorolOr resideni o. Colborne ,Itoviiship thotiklit thal the preS,erit ,At would lead' to •prohi- bitiOq. These opinions are, " I *think •representatiV,e, and while -rt few ir ! a • with us; are. based one Cannot '\help but be,4,TonVine0 mat as 'a" 111071.501V :Oa*. .10iterit ntro,ir iv complete fail. Aire, ' Kgit.$10, Sweater :Coats :and Pullovers :for !pen „and ,s•ptIng BpeCiall, $3.65,' at ; Voting married peep,14? shetild di "eUss 'things -frankly. • .",riivir SerltS-1.1Yellieir legs 'to attil"; Proy; and the pYllic •obsprves ahd 1'611004, .that the feet*. have.iie monevellt of the 14in, 4 r:0