The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-13, Page 7,• , ' THE SPRING. ,CLEAN-UP se "Although," to ' paraphraser' partly, 't one of thi) .ment beautiful .specinien4, of .Engiish hteraturer!'we.• (PIM' •rAinlee':Iwsn Prehli5Vit. in good or,. 4,4or,,",yet. ought Vie. m014'0104' " to flo!' in. the springtime. Rather, in the -Spriegtime We should proceedl: tos,"rid PP" PrOOLBOY, 451 thef careful houeekeeper perferins the , same' duty reseecting her .parlors the 2.Seornirig feltewing the !triage party," • •"social dence:''':•er the' belehherlY sup- per. , : •a; ' •it". Is no bed illustratiOn.ef the Pro, gresi: Made' 'sanitation to -rectillect • that' it hi' not initorYears;'itgo steam ft wife ons'ef the chief 4(blegatitin et 'the ,ntnatetir v,olunteet thri' leek):te have appointed lui•ennual autneetse, , 4;0.4071,03-1116?161Weelcilltro-006-1,11-437 t'ejeefeup" item raiite.:ther Sante rea- sons:, Like :many another eicellent, :and ldestrable thing, the good results• : claimed for It were somewhat exag • gerated did' ihie.70.13olish prevent-'.; • able sickness (such, we conferee' is. net ' abolihed even yet) 4but; .without the smallest doebt, Cleaning. up Made the! .tefiltafeeteducing the Prevalence of pre, • ventable sicknese (which WM.' been •-done), meniurably eafiier. . Tile garbage and tuhbtslt heap in. the back yard IS, perhaps, . respectable for its antiquity but it is slisrePutable for every tither reason under. the min. And, • :indeed; It is, literally under the , eon, \that the garbage collectliniN manifests ' in its greatest vigor, its: disagreeable „ qualities: SO long as the fleet Main- e • I!LlIt Nurses Wanted BooF,A.Lo CITY HOSPITAL' 7 • 462 CAIDER STREET,., BUFFALO, N,Y $63 beds for the. j;eception of -every itnewo .disegs„e. :aPS, .p1§tE:NSARIZ.5„...IN__CONNKTION--- -Aitilated, With the UniVeisity of Buffalo :Medical' a Dental Schools and District Noising Associa,tiOp, • •, id 0- year registered course, fittingopupils for l3edside; Public , Health and Administrative' Nursing. • • 670 hours ' devoted to classes, recitations, derhohatraticqls and " laboratory work in Dietetics, HOme Ebonoiniae, Bacteriol- ogy, Chemistry, Physiology, and General Nursing gubjeets, Opportunities for selected, graduates to fill paid executive• ° positions Or pursue special study courses., . •THE :EXPERIENCE WE OFFER .EQUALS, A . . . • THREE YEAR COLLEGE COURSE • - , ..,-Entrance requirements :. 1 year New York State High Schoof.. . or its equivdlent. *•• Salary, $15.00arnonth. Food, , 'CrOthing,-tiniforms, laundry 2 -and book§ furnished" free• ".• ' Straight eight hour dutr...' ,No split watches. One Whole • day off every, seven dayn. • . ' A well-conducted nursing course is a fine preparation for . wifehood and a splendid opportunity to CilltiAtte the habit • of right living. • . NEW CLASS NOW FORMING • • Point 9,f Mow.. Where .c Ontentinent Lies,. There, are few things In life ever The. '-denkeY's tseeig le 'opt areety which we have absolute centroi. Most eong; • . things are pareor lees, peygn0 us, are YQ11- Nrould not whili4o•thePer It All day acted uppnser intleenced by someone long; ' • or something outside OttraelVes, Ile' Yet 'wheu the IttiMane cry: "The dou- bt very wise who is'.always able to dis- icey breysie • Ileguish betWeen wbet is within his Hew they keows perheps the don- -power -And -What ,isheyeedIt. • - key.eprnyfs-e-T---7-"-- Contentment, .after all, comes from 4. • , :within.. It depend», very, largelyupon Tis eats whittled -L. -but net (to y0111.8 and . our ettitude toWard. Here Is miner-' • one. place Where' We have" full power: The donkey renders,barmegfes , NO one."can change 911f mental Atli- Yet should ,our voice, and Mine in • tudes, • our .ways biking things, • paens bleed, , • -AgAintit our wins.: And it If. this alone Who lInows what .doelceieears it Might that cenete, Otretinietunces, sugh, ' offend! e • • van make ue neither balmy not miSer- e -Ada Lyneh; "WeStiVintia,rt, 9 DIET AND HEAL In building- a house' we have a 'choice of irariotia materials", any of whielentay • be the, bet to use undet Some eireume stances, For the roof, ••.e. red Use. tainsits grip, ItarestrAine the garbage sbingleS, I:gest-elates es' the For the • fromeitillaltingsite:ilieguating'Pecullaris Wallet • we Use wood .ot: brick, dee, but so Soon as the '"videter" dls;, stone. iir Concrete. For: the ,iloots; •vre ,..gentent"' is ,paes:ed, the gatba.ge' Mey, kise, wood or cement. For the, `some: ferth ittAtse-tree-echritariter O 4j'al#ei-We'llia"r7o,Se*ccitt-ol'steer-A.lrd- peebeesc the epintilete .end eels. :SO ;.• • .,„ • tainly • the meat eentnion' of , tads- 'But We cannotle, bodieS. in that tunes:. ;.• ..; Way. The ; human. lieily , requires ..six- Jikn ,•most. "evil .thinge the- " garbage' ••heap 'takes ;to rttSeff,'.00t Seven, bet • • Siiierity. 1itries..seven- more.- evil' :things . than Ateelti ehlet.anteng which fs: the house fly. • The eAyages. this. inset have been Preached' the. iwhole ' world • oyereand elle, very ettergY 'Of 'theetini- PAIga aptiarently. resulted. in a ,eheekeniag, of it e ineistente 'during the Pastayear Or two. a Yet though the'. ..attaiek by wards irmi.hare calmed • doyen a hit the practice of the preVeri- • \ tiOn: Of 1be'''."hpuse-fiy" not ,:fal, ter.: net grow cold. , •The fly has ,two• favorite • breeding places:, the maiture •. heap and .the 'garbage rile. and wlifle eesi:se-e-goOdeentierighteene-thingeto-kill •• •as many ,fites as possible, yet eti nrulF• • titUditiOns„le his eanibetundet.'favor- able :Ciecintitimees of breeding. that such e. process .getting rid ,of is the -Attempt Ate kill, a. large and :flourishing .tree 'few • of 1t leaves now .and'again.litetead: of • chopping :it down at once, or like try !Pt ..abelisii.::typhold,feeet .hy.c;uring It Instead 6f, tieing away With. :the eituse of :it.; 'To see fifty' ilieS• gasping •their lives Out on eticky.fiypapei.may. • • be: aenhiet comfottable. thleg: to the housewife ,Wbe tries ',to. do 'Something_ to . keep down."the,,pest.., hat fifty,:le... ineenseqttential ...neither When. .colit'•:: reeked...With mans' flionsands it Jar • 'Wetly • engaged -in' producing maily thotis:ands .iii•ote.•'. • ' . - ' here said about .tke house- . Ily equat.foice',to•All vets niin, and Sticky fly, viper; in efileendt: • stands all-foare: . with the fine: tooth comb, the Mouses trap, the lazy 'eats the catcher • trtyeaces deeigned to destrey,yermhe • yet -Mire like coetagious..disease sliodld . be prevented'aedtheit'tliese".meChilies meld riot) be :reedited. • . • • .. • . 7- He is a trite phitesopher Who itesireS' :only type. a free ineu, unetraid of what ,fare nuiy dein out to him.. Things issp • tehial .cennet shake or break him, ;for they eannoteteveli"liis" real' self. That „ , reel s,elf will. settee tp every challenge ••• - . , • PE Wee ,Tlie•faults sit °there Will:net ,i,. -joliidjh . b- . ihstnTb11rn.:. he no,'-typo-t-th-ar . "e7Newhorn-:Ba e-orL to be faelt!'ess, Inclemeneles, of weath- 'the. 'Growing • . Will, not disturb, him bad weather • .' • , , . . • • i.e. is .included in 'the Vetr•natur.e .-,Thete' thhigi. 'Loss Of fertneS Will, not dis- ab 's Owe Tablets for Ihtle one- , r Stub him. lands automobiles. the prige whether it be. for the newborn babe or beans are net a part of hi s• real 'self, or . the groWieg child. the Tablets al- • but external to tt • •, , ways do good. They are • a.hsolutely Thus whin w'ts. that the !free_ tient opiates or other harmful: souree of Out happiness -lies Withie: drUgs and the mother. calt always feel Jinn that We' alone have, power over sate In tieing therri. ourselves' and our thoughts, fate no Concerning- the Tablets, Mrs. John longer Can affect our inner. content ArniOnr; an, 1, South' Monaghan, Out,. ment and We _learn to take what . we. saYs:-"We have: three fine, healthy must with/ serenity .as.,a gift which we Oildrete.,:to' whom, :when:4 inediaine. peed to know is that' if we have a silt- ficieney, of the natural feedS, incltid- big freeh vegetables, we will imie an Llinutnsdasenvel; yo.f. the vhatuin tl.iat, Pee - The, ordinary person can get along , with 'very little knowledge' of the Liniments of No 'Avail The chemigtry to_ ' - 11rtOW1-sature' hae ptevided 77-Ta.1,1breist be Triated- 'Weir nece it end tiSe. • .is needed we have giVen only Babe's RHE 1 ATIC PAIN . • OAVD, Tablets. The Tablets are. the beet 'medicine you min keel): in aPY home where there are young elksildren." • , •• XiabY'S Own Tablets are a mild but, D THINBLOOD stomach and :bowelii;: banish •constipa- thorough laxative- which regulate the • • tion and indigestion; lareek up celde, and simple fever and 'make teething , easy .: • They are by mediaine deal- ers -or direet by-rhail ate25 cents a from the the Dt.' Williams' Medicine. Co, Brockville,"Cint. . • - • ' Modern -De4t4fry. ?ie foods, rind that if.. We use .tilesie • •• :•Through. the Blood. feeds as natere.gave theni to Us we. .• Shall net, have any of the _defitieney :"The Most a rheumatic sufferer ean diseases. If wk. eat- inilk and :fruits, hope for in 'rubbing something on the A 'oyon...eh-aching .7;01,110 tsnAittlmelief anditt theeiviiiie the treitible is becaien.'71 • itig more firmly' z•ooted.. It is new known that rheum,etism is rooted in 'the bleed, and that as the ttoutilegdeS, teen elementseeoxygete.carlion, hydro, . gene eittegmeeecaletuneTtiu-ereit -filtoSe ''rs,•**4Mseiku• .phoree attd. ten, Others the iikt COfl11t1OJi ittout &tiiyef---,:the :Tenpin ,Cobstitetinge Mote. than .9g per •mosProbeSees-. that' :remote some eet the 'abendanet. :fite tody-thaintaining ,substancie, 'With, the .6n the:blood' beteines.still further Olin PessibIe exception that those who lite far' inland .end in 'the .mountains May. not get Sefflaient. iodine for the needs, : 'lose thee t 'important •elementS, we get in of body,elle baiter. tee bed ybitilding .And twoper cent, Spme or theittshowitig. theberest trace; However niinute the 'quantity. .of an -element, that helps to coestitnte the body': itleisneeded, and• ite eissenee vil1 beIfollowed by serious , • '.'• . • iodine; for iestance': is requited In. such .minute 'quantiti, that. for e.: long. time Its pre,s:enCe...Was not recognized ottr, grains aed' sugars, 'ehe, more we in the:body. :Brit: the hod' .:needs reins:ye, the, :vital eleiti'eutte' that.. go,:•thottsands•: of . former •rheumatic ,suf-, minden:Pus aetipplY quant ' t!), hoih,1,14,..stau.e.b bodies capable ee'e••fererti Caneda.,... now well and strong, ties of apeir it is. aims_ i ssting disease. . The more we: eat. of who ••thank .Dr., . Pink ...Pills. -PletelY-abeentetionetheefood-andedrink,_eandieeand,pastrjea.th-07-fese room AN C-th,Att they-are-nOW-frge-freinethe Aches as in the case et inad inlaud7distrieft'. • '• -leave for :the 'natural foods, Nature and pains.of this :dreaded trouble. One has ':adatited :foode-,•for our needs; inore elosely.•thaii any -chemist or .iniilet or 'cook gen -edam theni..•• Tills' does: not tile:tie:that WI sheeldlive on tay:t un - 1 food,. bet ;it IA a pip& foi inore Of the body.. .. • ' Mitchunsuitable. feeding: IS due to eating ;feeds , that ;are ovet-re.fined and too concentrated. .The More we refine and watery. 'TAget rid.of rheuinetisiu, therefore, you , must' go to the :toot of the :trouble in tee blood.' That is why Dr. Williams' slinkPills have proved . . so "'beneficial: when taken for 'this trouble TheYniake new, . tiCh 'blend which etpele the poke:Moue .a.Cid and t•he rhe.umatisio disappears e There ate. , . the thyroid gland does not: work pro - petty, and goitre, develops. If , thee is a etc* of iron in the food, the blood is Anitieverished teueinicl. 41 lime and Phosphoroes: are not properly assime ef -theSe.ie:Ne.:wat-Tx.:.sMiltki;• Meraey. Point, N.S., Who .,sayst:*"'Some years i' ritheLtidt4; inititisnnitlicIli .vgare.vt. t:tsaOC:lbe:d.,,v.;:itlal. Walk and.ited te :go to bed :utidell the kited the 'bones' are anot • properly • . dpeter's .cere„ it is '..needlese tii;' say kerineti;,ano. rickess is the.reSult.'', IN''-o,t' .841.11iliPitirT 'I" fe,wer.'5,6111)11e0..4 'mixt their that I uuderwent a. great deal of suffee:. 'ottlY Must the toed Contain'All the ele:-• tilre; for f*ot'd:s ltt.ore. liCarlY in methsthe bads' iteedS; lett it. nitist 1011: natural' eptulftion, for some fieeli,' un-: :Mg .: 'rii. doctor's meditiae did ::iiiit t,ele tess'e.:•menesetts. ',in certain' com, ,FOoked fetid if possibleent..eveiry "Meal: .seelit to :reach the •troubie, so. When. I: ;:,-.-•-(1. . 1Ierild M.D.; e "': . eed. 'niaii advieedto, try Di. Williams' Pink !dilations:: 'Tliere niuM,:foi.""inatance; ftin•• . Life ,, • - 'Pills 1 did so; and: •after 'taking theirs be 'iitarehes (or engers).'fats;.pietehis";,' Heaull'n • .'tet'some weeks I'm -astable td get out If -liter and certain toinei•al Conipounds' ' • . k figSai ottnuiroi Roo, Otatige.Pckoaea, i ellow" VVirWre, ° , . TJie firtit. faint; -damll NO gushing ,u13 :tie ;Oda , • Wheee e‘drea'itilabil still bewllderlflg . , . • , • etine eyes,. .0. • e , • I lobbed eitt to -the 'oak that e Viinter, s' ` :a -• • ' • - , Beyond ,MY etieetnent bast been vOtd: of 'song. -• , And he! . with golden buds- the -twigs • Ar ere Set, • • : Live buds that warbled likee,t Beneath a 'veil of willows. ,'Then I, knew Those tittY:` voices, clearasdrops of flYidg: 'daffodils that fleek the blue. ). :Those sparkling visitants from •11es,• Wee 'pilgrims of 1hesee,that mea, .sured,rolles innumerable over land and'sea 'With. wings Of shining- inches. ' Flakes of glee, They tilled that. '<Unit old oak with . •, jebilee. • , , • . • • . . Foretelling in %Whims roundelays Tbeir--dainty--COurteliffralin • Ong sprays, How they : should fashion treks, mate „. belning Mate, , . : • Of !Milkweed, flakand fern -down dell- rcate,. '7 to,keep skystteted eggs: inviolate; •-rnatlitsrlikeTLee Bateet'en, . Frontier. , The frontiers are not east!, orweste north. et South, but whel.ever a :Man ;fronts a 'fa.ett.:•though that fact be his 'neigliiter there Is an Unsettled ne.ss' between .hini end ,Canada; be leen him : and the setting sun or, furs: :their still,. hetween, IBM 'and eau, . ::" myrtle -The perieticee-af deiitlfittereleedeiets anite• different-fiom -What :it Was.e dbeadee age:: Maily,'Peeple ,eanrensent- ,liter With: What fear and trembling they went to the dentist . and the jfisietis feelings they had wheu the Were Old. :that their work, for the time:being, Was". COMpleted. ' Modern'. methods .of Pain :elimination :tide removed.mech cif this dread and to day it la the ex.; .eeticinal. thing , for ii-pattent" to Stiffer' much pain When having slentalecinere, tions•'perfoenied. ' ' ' : '.: - ' Similar AdvansOsent has been Made , in conifeetion N'yith ,many.' ether...branch-. es of the scienCe. X;1Iay has teyObe, 1 thiiiizeil;the 'accepted prectige of the : _prcifessiter. The. dlicoveryethat denta.l. conditions :frequently cause systentie diseases has led' to increased 'interest - In . theremoval of reeeth infections • anda,gteater appreCiatien of the value of preventive den•tiairy.- The,.nuidern • dentist is earnestly striving to provent 1 root eedaliscess and Pyborrhea by dis- . coveting .and correetteg the. conditions I . whieli WjI1.1e6.(f to these 'basinful CBS- ... eaees..e : ' • ' . • '.• • .' :The rapid progress Made in Donis . try has .forced the generalpteetitionee to .keep abreast of the tteids., An ee- lightened .public'- deineuda e modern dentlet 'indetheeorgitnize.d • ir tession leas its regular e'en:Vendetta and 'other forniSof post gradeate Situtly;' ao that; tbe,•:•fainily denfist:. practisieg, in • an partor the .Provincei .may •be able to k,eep abreaSt: of -the times. " ' • , - • Classified • , LEL-Trtic miyrons, ,BOITOHT este some „Le Nfliton. Tredmiek fit.. Term* " Depariuie. Let ine go, net AloWlY • . Afton:jolt otkerrietn..'itAaverne--- Watting,doem• • • • ' Mg the sad skriv creepieg, Or 'nortli4TA dawn; But' let lite drop Like tropte 'night, • , Like one breathless bseltwar4 Step froin cliff • -Maude USettold, •, • , , A dress -making club has been fOrme ed by London Women. It is completely equipped with :sewing machines and: Other gear of the tailor shop.. Of: bed:." 1. continued ' using the Pills leeme leintite enaitthies of nrotective and was :Soon able to work. enter have hubstunceS. called • viten:les tbehil _ , ?let been treultied withrheumatism since.' In„.pthet • respectSao I cr-e- rived a great deal...of benefit teen; these pills!' and I think • there a wonderful reinedY;! ; •. ' •Dr\S illtams Pitit pills are sold by all medicine !dealerS'. oc by meil gt,tid a box ..ftorie: The' Dr.. Written:1S' .Medicine Co:, Brockville) Ont' • Quite, So.: . teaelter-L-"What ere the,' duties of .vegettibiee- . •.. Stli ft.te.41 as t lieSe eeemto meltia. theepriblete of getting a 'fully bahineeti and Adequate', diet fOrteideble "One, InVolving knowledge of soenittel chemistre: that uli one but aii aeohip- li'1ied "eheeiiiSt eeuld kntiW: wIt'at and 'hew' to eat FortuniitelY:, tilts lg. not: ,so. • iVe do 'net have to go -ihrough an: analytik. and. weieling Our.. • • • . , diet. 1.carited :scientists have worked'. ••.. fru)fit-1 ect an thietniate, .tiet id then of substencea. pat tee ily , for...YeaW ovee'expieements , ..31a1tle to putrefaction tn, aful aliont the 'that othi people (lomat Weil nudes,: premises;.:and; which ie still of nto)-e.' stlind, and: baye shown that setirty, •,imporlanCe„ keep rid of: theni.. The: the hant, of 'sea tliyages 111 eldett'daYsT .keeping rid. of theft Is, by far the is catised :by the lack• of certain Vita-, • more .diffieult. task Of the ;two • We all mite WO; IrO not heed, to letee' the com findIt etierniarathrelY ead t0.1ilj!lite. , Of :fleLl. vitienhi: settee. the ' great effort; but to nialotaln Our -effort ecient do. not- know -tht./ aAil We 111. quite anothet' ntatterte!-De. Oi ' . , hreivin --- Briniswiek Departnieut • '. .6! tie'eith, . • . • • • A Natural inquiry ihotisnlut years hefere the (its - covert ';'OP ..• Atiterica seleatists :end „ ebsirehmeri ef Europe scitinfihionobetti the *Arabian'theory that th0 earthIs round.: People• of to:date 0,111i 11'11111y 'believe that such fool • • • decide -the fat ee of etflpeteng iflo.kings and empires and kingdomsyet ineh 'wits the ease, Thensetids -arid times-, • ands f Mee (ntiti rot bellevieg, thitt ..411c earth WDS, Tend. • • ' • in the thirteenth eteitery: :It o greet .eonelave,' a atifelinme: decided the qIiest Ion to the sellsfitetionof the cote' elave by sayilige It the ,earth be eltibuitirt how Can. it be that•on: the Day or 'Itidgmetit pea'," , ple 011 the'estiter. side of the world can see the Almighty :reset netog 141.00 the air14".. • '• • • • • • Hitt Ileod Turn 1114.4-440-y-44,6tint-rintolltiijLtIlinOti11ck te the breakfast taitle that hi tia- tt1 itrod$, done. I tilt- .tot, ot,c . e ..Yotve beeh: early ut fi this morn. • '"kelltS:44iktteteld..V"J.:iint 11 Oitt' ft ttigY... . were on ft thewee In (411(11 the 7`,4$, ‘. :Oath,' d' they .11*0 "ri tie id -they tuitt tubmi it, so 1 let 4110 bulklogIninitl Mid ' they otrriveil,14 the elation' les( lit • . ••••• Ao• Overeieht, ; • in..thet hist preseriptee yeti. fllied. for .:Druggtst seeieleseat•gely pog- sible.. We a re,alWayei. very 'Careful. CriStomer - "Bn t You did. ,cha'rgett the only two dellare,abda'Ihad lots end re 'money:than that." • tbe ma vor " • Ciistemer s -"You miele a big rnistalte • 11.(1 •IPPoints en disappoints • city :official .." • heumatism ordt.x pains andadiesare notthe only symptoms of rheumatism. Neuralgia, • Sciatica, Lumbago, Gbut, , Arthritis are all offshoots ofl that painful illness. An excess, 1 of Uric Acid is the chief cause of rheumatic 'afflictions. As a r etneciY, doctors prescribe Lithia, and in Sal Lithofos there is more Lithia and Sod- nini-,ThoSphate in -.ne:single dose than in a quart ofmineral -*titer. Sal tithofos has been , successfully used. for Rheu-,, • nuttistnnd kindred ailments , -for.tnore,th8n,10 years. •• At your drudia14-,4Three e ' .61Q. tinect thing la thp %vitriol 10 keep your i4tAMUlell in ti -top Shupe is 15 to. 30 drops «f. . Seiael'sSyrup in a sitass Of water. AtiS drug . stOre.•, In this Province sech opportuniti iS giVen tt 1118 Annual ,Convention orthe Ontario. 'Dental kssoc.iatioa *high Will be held at theloig. Mdward potel, .Toroato, 'gay 17.-' 20, 1926.- The .roost tl rities • on the Noith A merietin. o.ntineet •es`saye. ' and ebb ies, thes &tieing -In the...posses.- • Oen of the dentists the modern knew.' ledge which they need tnorder 16 pro tet the:dental health of t.heir Petiente. Repotts,fiont.ell parte or the Province indfcete:a. retells' ettendariee this,1, ".Conventiou..- • ' • ,Use Minard!! Liniment hethe.,stebleti. • ' Male Sea- HOrse. a. these. . . The g ea. horse is a MOmIler et' .tiie1 ninedsh:fainill It is ofily's IS lnChO4 1011g, de'4411s Abe oteau, The mare cares foe the yobue In an' ahdente inal pouch. - • • Britainaeits the Wrirld. 131riilinglia15 ther, manufaeturing elt:ctrical goods, has inst 000 order,. from Anstrelia. The it- nho p. cured titis order 'made' an dike r to the,. buyers to test hig ' alma ratitS atgitinst • that of any .feteige firm,: and. the tegt was -so:overwhelmingly In favor ,Of: the 'British .goods that the huyers :delated • that,. in 'future, theft orders shotthi go.jto,. •*igluittl, 'says. a . N .1.4endoit Magnetite, . • Tho Bitted States haele come ty tui •rot , hens; stained' glees, en'a Symiten'S sluice:. And many .itt • the menufacture thee ,catteot •cotepote:Witli us. „ • For eetirs. Pewee • bed eeriest, a• monopoly' of the highest grade ShoeS •for 'Woolen, but it the last Shee. anti -Leather Fair hi London tbe cut. design, and, mateital of the ,tritialt geode *ere perreet,.aiiii the solid worthand svetif- -Ingequitlitlee .S.urintseti...these of' Airy other stational make, , 'eel:quad 'ha to 'Ong 1111d the • 1 IOW of et& 'iti4t.:eitt the. rest 'et' the world tti the uptinifactere: of , Pelle anti pendia. That boast is. Int. for at present. iie 14 buying fountain', ponn -fttoui,-,-nr-it.w-tuanaratturers„whoso' goods ifre het :Only better, hitt thirty:to fifty per cent.oteaper 1.41821 tbP• aelc: • Dinh' . • .outstalui ng. au le . . "DIA11.1 D COLOR THINGS NEW Self Poigoning Takes Huge To Many Fail in Life Throu Sheer Neglect of Funda. mental Rule of Health ' Thousands of men and women atg eto-day victims of their own neglect. Grouchy, 'listless, quickly thing, seffer•• ing from headaches and biliousness, - they 'spend enormous sums in medi- • eines without avail. They: would give enuch to regain their old vitality. Can it be done? Yes! • Bow? olmoPneYftinYCI;aeicerntallIgultI.11ofehlmearthrtnce-thti proper elimination'of.the bowel'con- tents. Poisons that are allowed to remain in the system quickly lower the • stamina, weaken the nerves and thus • pave the way to IA -health. Stet) this .selepoisonIng: by taking NnjolLe-the • scientific luhisasint that : completes the •• work of Nature's lubricant when, - 'through Modern living conditions, the natural supply fails. • Nujol,cah-betaken indefinitely With- out 'tipsy to the system.: Tey Nujol , • to -day. -Askfer it at your nearest dreg. • store, but remember there is only one . Nato/. Watch for the ;name "MO" in red on the label and package. _ ust Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye , age Ea tro dplirceictlons s- ndqlldats:C can !dui, etai soft,!lno .eti „dye rich,. permanent: • colors,: in iingaile, seks, rteboes, akirts, w C'D ' t SIOCUings, "2:-1,0eartrozr%....d.raanp.glniess,.3.g sretr ry its !• • , Bey Dianiond'eies-;1,no:otlier.ii•Indr-: tell Ycur, druegiie whether the tria• teriallyeu wish to celer is wocil or sills.. Or whether it Is linen, cotton or mixed goodi. . ), 4 11\* . . e Pain, no matter Where 10 - 'eked. Will be eased by ap.:: plying ' Minard,e. , May be. ' taken either 'inteenally or exteenally.,. • \ 1 it#41. A R "KING OF PAIN" • . .. . , LINifri E. .• ' Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds,`::,,,kleadache Neuritis :,'LtutibAgsv . • , Pain Neuralgia • Toothache , Rheumatism" • ' • Hort tein Coffins.. „s -Vote es;:eatabasigatexeeiiiiitilliiitted seseesee'eSeeelirm serer ,eiliitovered in 1g t, Meet, • found in the pyrae Was sOuth of Cairo, : • MInerd'a.Lteeeerit king of Para: • DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 1 ;Aceept, ,only; ,"i3ayer" package Uthich contains proven directions. 'layer -bees e 12 table •,Also 'bottles et 24 and 100 -,Druggists. , sessues l est (emu mere eeseitesi in, 0110100 ot slyer Manntaetare «f 2.tonoRoette- eeldeatat of fili110...fiteaeld, (Acetyl' ssinettie AeIti,,"A,„ 13. A."). 'Mlle It Ifs wen Intomrt that Aspirin melte IliYee buinutaetneei. tO sestet the subtle await iceitaticau,tI Tablets at J1ser OssiPaay 11111 bi eteopit -With their vessel tradei Pail', the "BOO emu." , • Ou'Face.antl NeOki ltdied •Badly, Cptiopri.Hea10... 'My trouble 'begin with black.: heitds which after a while festered ind canned Utile red piniple0. The pimples were scattered over my fate and neck and itthed badly. When T-Ociattlied• -little Sore' erui?tions, and the trouble lasted four Months. • "I -sent far a free oainp1e Ctiti. cora Soap end pletrnent and after usink h I purchased • more .which heeled- the •pirneles in about two months ," .(Signed) Ivan Towriaaq 51 Vrederick. St., Arthur,' Ont. Cleat the,pores of irnpUrities by, 'daily use of Ciiticnia Soap; With touches .of Cuticura Ointment as I nCeded. to sootheand hell. CuticUra !Talcumi is fragrant and refreshing: ilarepte4aea Free by Math Addreat Canadian Depot: "Ittenhimm Ltd., Mentseal." Prier, BMW 2.5e. Ointment 25 Dna 60e. Tait= 2k., our Cuticura SIN& 25e. , •THEY SUFFER NO MORE Two Women, Owe Health • to Lydia E. Pinkhaneis• ' ' Vegetable. Compound : • • . 7St. 'Adolphe, •Manitoba. -:.44I was' very weak and hed.greatpeinsduring '• I .could net 'sweep . theildor. • The . Rains were in the, right side and ex- tended to the left and then .d o W,n- Wards. It se:Oiled as if the. bedywasS heavy' and upside : down. It is for, - these troubles I • • este taok the. Vegeta.' eesite.eee ble Compound. I . ewe about In a paper and one wo- man prevailed on me to take it It has helped me in every way, the pains are lese, and 1 haventore appe- tite. it is it pleasure to recommeed Finkhetn's 'Vegetable Come pound taa etber Women --Lee De- Loesip, St. Adolphe, Manitoba " -77.-Prouct &eat -luta- . . Toroad;ont: DM at the Change of Life • with het flashes, diettness, wCaltnetui. and nervousness. I had . head noises and wie obort, Of breath. '• twain this way about tie Months when : I read about Lydia FaaPinkbarti's Veg- etable -Ceiripcitied inthenewspapers. taketi eight:bottlers so far and • friend' great . SAL. )40140. 112LI1W1Of Ave.i Toronto, Ostit ... • ISSUE Noa -es . zny periods sci.tha