The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-13, Page 1, 112,O0: PER YE!. IN ApV.ANOEt LUCHINIQW11. URSDA .7nr.77, smOLE I ' • " I 0. PROieESSIONAL CARDS if • Ur. W. Connell IAN rscian and purgeoa, taicanow " • Hours.. 2-4 -hone 86, — • 'AN. ••••••••=•••••••• • PENTIST • 7 Dr .• MacLeod , void visit LutiEnea Avery: ,s.'Tueaday • in ••• Dr .• 4 Connotes •• • :Office: • • • • .DENTIST4 • x •,•••••• Dr- R L. Treleaven, Likeltnow— . Over Decker's Store, Extraction either by gas or local. • Will be, hi. Dungannon every Thursday. , e • Phone 5,, I I o LOPATA ANII.OHNEHAL 0 , • Saturday, . NeY 15th, la' Iternnant Day at i3feWa'S. ; Mr. .aid Mrs; Geo., A. $iddall•Spent •,',11.e.:,Week-ehdwith- a', ; siciter4n0iaw '$tep.'.into The 'Market and. look at •the prrees.'•, Everything On' tildes fp.: onay choosing. Price cards on. each' Mises ,Marion and ,DOnalda.ltlic-• Diarmid are in, town, this Week; hay - "ng come up from Detrot.t...with their sister, Florence who his .not enjoy- ed good health of late. , DENTIST There was • a large rePres'entution Call Dr. Newton from Lucknow• PriebYterian Congre Make appointment ,, gation at the 'Meeting of Maitland In office. everyday Presbyterial Society nd •W.M.S., at Brussels, ,on Tuesday: • I 0 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN o . . . G. A. Siddall,Luckstow,:-..Breker . and Iteal.Estate.--MOney /to lend oz . first mortgages on farm proper. ties at 6 and 6½ per cent accordink to BeenritY offered; : *Ise mei amounts- on second mortgages • o1. farm properties and, on.persona notes. A Yew good :farms for 'sale : WALL PAPER ' Latest inktternnin stock at IPV/est prieea.• 'As :cheap as in :eatalegugs. Alsol book patterns -of •leading man- ufacturers.—Box • 174, R. 'J. Cameron Painter • 8/. Paper Hanger. , • Lacknow Flour Mill With the installation.of • new ma• ibinery and by extensive re -model. ling:we are. making :a higher grade ol done than the null has ever made Try a .bag and . :Convince • yourself Your Money refunded .if not ,Satiefae• tory.---WIr E. Treleaven . For Sale—Two small frame build- ings, also a quantity of 2 -in.. plank andstorm and window ash —Apply to -I). C. Taylor, See'y School Board. 11•1701111111•11011.14. NOTICE 00 ,COURT OF REVISION! FOR THE 'TOWNSHIP, OF. KINLOSS, NOTICE is hereby .,given n that p Court of Revision of the Assessment, Itoll-for the ToWnship. of, Kinloss for the Year oge, will be held ; at the Township Hall, Holyrood, on Mon- • day, the '26th day of May,. 1926, at , ten o'clock in the forenoon tohear anddetermineany. errors or ends- , -„sions in said Roll of Which due notice ,bas been given.' • . , • . 'Parties interested take. notice ,and govern thentselves accordingly. • . DATED at .Kinloss,' this. 6th, day Of •May, 1926. • • • . . Geo. G. Moffat,Clerk of Kinloss ...Township. Address—R. 3, Teeswater. AUCTION SALE. .OF 'FARM IMPLEMENTS (Estate of the late iluidock•MeRaO • 7 • Lucknovr.) • , • At his late. residence, Havelock Si, • LucknoW, on Saturday, May 22nd,' :commencing at 5 o'dock.'„Afie fol.' 11)104 will, he add: . owniRite.eiV. andC. cWhildpreen;Wolftt C'S"P•erni468.'' hisfield Metered upon. Monday, . and spent a .few •diys, with his .parents, -RT,71Yelley" and-LmTs:--Cosens. • , •Superslik,The. outstanding' Silk Hose .today. Remember, Brown's it% •the'Only place in LuelcnoW Where • this Super Silk Hose is sold, $1.50 ,u pair. 17 Of :the new Paris shades. • The Annual, Rac'eS Will . be held: at Mitchell. On May 24th. 81050 is of ' .fered in Purges. Besides : the races there will be baseball .matches 'in thr -morning intinival,„ Mrs: Wm. Murdie, Mrs. Stothera `Mrs. E. J. McNeil., Mrs. ',las:. Alton Xis. S. ;RathWell, ,Mrs: T. •Burns and .Mrs. 014 Johnston, attended the met.- ing of Bruce Presbyterial at Walk-, erten; on :Tuesday. ' ' • The Big Balleons will go , tip every day this.4eek, from The Market nt 12.15, noon. Any girl or boy bring. or Sending. in the Tag and 'T•p- ,porting Where and when :found, wil be. given. $1.00" cash,* ' The Anzrual' Excursion to .the : On- tario College. and Elc= ' Perimental Farm at Guelph' is an- heunced , for Arne 8;.9,73.071.1 and 12. The date for Perth, Huron, Grey and Bittee Counties is :Rine 9.: • gr. and Mrs i ,Nivins, of .Teeswat-: er, 'visited thisweek, with the Misses MacKenzie. . . They . closed their hothe it 'TeeSwater and 'Motored to Learn- ington to, spend the shinnter month With members of theft...family. . Mr.. Geo. Hassell,' is hOiner, after spending an few days in _Kincardine. Hospital, recovering frontinjuries received When the auto he was in went over a high bank hear Kincar- dine. The *.mishap . was 'due t'P.. broken radius rod. • Word (was, received in town last :week of the death at her home in De- troit, Mich.,,;of Mrs. John MacKen- ',•jrick. The funeral. was,ion WedneS.. day afternoon,. May 5th, to Mount 'Pleasant Cemetery, London. Before her parriage t� Mr. MacKendrick the deceased Was, Mips Little The funeral was from. the 'home of her ,M other, :Mrs. Pix, who lives in t,ondon.„ • 2 Buggies, Democrat ,Wagon, Cut- ter, ,Massey Harris Seed. Drill,' Mae. • ',Bey.. Harris Mower, • • • Scraper, GOO Stone, Enmr. Stone, „ Dozen. , Grain 'Begs, Water Vat; 50 -ft. "Ob- . ber Hese,' .tioV Water Radiators, and Piping,, i Spirit 'Levens, -..Bool Case, Hall Rack, Bed and Cot; Hang. • ing Lamp' and Stand Lamps, Cook ptoyt, •Heater: • Besides . many: othei useful; tools and atheism. ' TE‘RMS--Caidi.. • ' . Elliott AtletiOneer. 'For. 8-bUrner NewPer. fa.:Alon, coal -oil range, nearly Mrs; Oliva Treleaven, Luck:now, Pot Sale—A quantity- of hits& • held effects,'• including 24044:;, units. • andmanytuieful tools and other ar- • Melds: At the late .residence of Al- •..exartder Phillipe, deceased. Lost. --On theroad between Ltiek- itOW and 'Glertiol Hill A ' bag of Sweet • &Aker Sea& Pinder; plettae, leave at report, to; Finlayinitt'sn (Store, Luck - no*. . • ,...WHAT-WIDTILOL.PAYINE; cITURCH, NOTES United Church, ,Y,P.S. That Succesa in 'Life meant' the acitievetnent af all that oar talents ire capafile, of producing- considering , •nn. OLII position in life, was the.statment made. by Dr. , the cOurse of an .address on: Monday ev- ening .on the. topic ,i-g.hat Is sqqes4 70 One ',man :miglitn, Ise §neeess Wenld ifelireSentati.Ve on Druee iseto, another' man ;failure. 2 A ,great utive; W. S. Retd;:''Grotinds „Coimnit, deal depends upon our Views :Of life' tees; Jack MaeDertalii4 D. Gall; 'Well. add the 'Values we , put upon things: MeGoy; Manager, D. M. John§tone;. A yrauu,though poor in this world's MaSeet, Ciats:,: Webster:, • .; ngoods;:inay Still he a valuable naset, •Thi;makesgood strong organ - to the, cerninunity in' which he lives ization. There • was a greatdeal' di owing to .sterling qualities of chaise, enthusiasrit at the meeting and th • ter and •worthy example... An import'. officers • and team; leak forward to th4 ant lessen .was illustrated by refer- hearty support 'df all interested in once to the story of King "Hal" Of thegreatest, of all field genies. England and , his interview with the. . The :executive of the Brice. Leag- happy Millerof the Dee. Then -tiller ue will meet at Walkerton en Thurs- said he was happy because of • his day. of this week. happY. %domestic. relationships, -hie • 0 0 • peaceful, : pleasant relations with -n‘DEATH OF PETER ;McDOUGALL. friends, 'his freedom. froni ,debt -7 -he ' KILLED, AT . DRYDEN, ONT.' owed not a penny. It Was pointed , . •' out tee that ,there is no reinl road to •,[The Mr, McDougall'. referred t� Success; the price must be paid. In in this'artielo, taken from the. Dry- ,•—w-bith. followed ;was; a 'brother of kr. Phasis was 1:4need ilet 'that Rod., McDougall; of Kinlessl Success consisted in the development - • • The. mangled.. remains a • man'S. of character, not on the acquisition '. '. of wealth. The Citizenship Depart- body found on the.railwaytracks • inent had arranged .the program and early on Sunday morning by , a: Mr. S. Reid ochiPieel the Chair. brakeman, were sufficient evidence Relit ,Andrew read, ' the •Seripturc. :,ak a •tragic occurance during the Leisonc• a Piano solo was 0i/en by . • hours of darkness; ' • Coroner Mor- LUCKNOW WILL KAY. HAMA Lucknew I3asehal1 CInh' was reorganized TuesdaY1 night meeting held in the Cain Honie, Officers' this :year are lien.„ Pres - Went,: Robt. jehriston; Hem ViCe. Pres., Geo: t, Aitchison; President ..Thompson;',,Vice-Prea,--.N.' D. , Grant MacKenzie and reading • by rison.: and provincial- constable Hake werenmeLatejs_i notap„,1,_and_ci_u_iada zorit' f England in exchange , SCHOOL OPENING , As. arinotineed last week ,the for • mai opening ef the Lucknow School building will be. 'held on SendliiY; igaY .1707, The Sc;hoOI has heed praetie-,. • ally converted into a new And the...haard have felt. all .'elpng 0 thanti"tire :Public: should , be given aril Aipportunity-to--See-ind7inS9cot-Tjhr , . intildipgr .....9wing to lateness of the, season ' when the Work was conipletr 4 last Fall a formal re -opening Was. then impraeticable.;,- . • . . • u On ..,Mnsiday.„, at 3.15 o'clock , pan„; the students will respond. to the School *fire*:Olarm. and vacate the School, returning for -their personal belongings. The Sohool will then , be open to the pablie., until 8 in the evening when. all who „:iney be 'inter- ested will be Welcome to look throi the rooms. NO doubt ninny who learned their ABCs in the eld, Mind- ing Will be interested to note the ex, tensive changes vvhieh haVe. tool:1514 the. School right up .to date in every . . . . At 8 o'clock in •the evening. a •Sehool Concert will be given in the • -TowycHill. The first , hour will taken up by the School students and there Will be 'readings and musical numbers by 'ether local talent' • ' This =Vviil be follOweil by ,adciresses,, by Public 'School Inspector -Bald and Mr. Savage, InSpeztor of Continha-,. tion, Schools, who wilt speekson ..ap7 prOpriate 'themes ; Mr: Savage is in • 1. - ' Jai nstoi • With:a 'Vie* to Aging the -width of- pawing ,titi he ..itut "dOWn, On Catrphell •Street (a, Mattel, 'regarding.: 'Ivitteh here has been good - deal of •ditieui, ••SiOtt)-- tha :Reeilit And ,Councillers: re. ;#iisited tUiriber •of te*zis . *here Verlag had keen -done, inalUdr. big:, Walkerton, Witighiiiik LlitOW01„ TesSitifittOr, myth: and .Hoic. •I‘fton. It, Witt. found .that 40 -ft. avesteub Oitt.•ividth avsredr and, that t t latliftletielt. 'Where 01409,04; #0 the i.vdttoseAt.Otrietiefi, by rosd '0000011, 01161.14t t • • WOODS TCHWA NO BUTION UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Tide le 'tlui only place in LueknOW • 7 . Where It can jiblight:- Let :1 your . . , next .1.1,nderwear be HOOT/4z .4rd. on - 'pit real *solufert. Beveral ety,les to • Choorie froM. :Sites 84 • to ill, Preabyterian Guild • The Prograeune: :.on. Monday even-. ing,. May 10th, was a Mothers' 'ADay One. The 'Scripture Lessen was read by Catherine 'MacKenzie. A 'paper: on the Catichiim' Questions, written by : Mies M. MacLeod, was read by Miss Fern Reid. 'Mrs. Horace Aitchi- son . read an article telling of the or- igin. 'a, Mothers!' Day and a story' connected with it. .,Other readinga' were liven by Mrs; l'.'Sherrilf; Glad - ye MacDonald and Jinnnie Hender- son. Musical mothers were. a sok by Miss Ma'ry Aitchison, an instrii, mental by, Margaret. .Geddes, and trombone,selection by George Dang- les. Guild next 'week Will .be oh Tuesday instead of Mend/W. • • , . • Anniversary: Services Will be held ia*the " Lacknewn. Presbyterian Church next Sunday; ,May : 16th, -*hen, ;the Rev. Lachlan McLean,!, of Torento, will conduct services morning; and evening: ,Mr. McLean is it"foree-. tdo 24V-41Lth,"043-rilij, 11.P„,rw ° , g » o e-- •un ry. . e s an- ing of •Mr. Savage as an edneafien, •zst is suggested by the -fact that. he reCently returned frorn a mission .in Egypt. Hisaddress should be of great interest and fable. ;. Tick*. , for reserved aeitti at the Concert,. will. be sold at 35c to .adults. ar:der2t. t'ciThCehi•iPclaenif. ofbellIli Altise•atasre svs.. open at •McKliti's Drug ,StOre, : -0-00--.-- SUNDAY . GASOLINE. SUPPLY ., • .• Sunday gasoline preienta a prob.- • lern. , It won't •ct' for g town of ;any size to bo without available ” gasoline„ On Sunday.: `• ' ! Get your Sunday supply of gas On Saturday night :may be all very good • fel:the people f' of the towp, thongit very awkward at that, but it won't do at all for :the people ',who tome to• town. Any one, of a score of hap- penfngs may necessitate the getting of a • few gallons of gasoline on a Sunday. ,'Fh traveller on .a ' long journey niay arrive in town out of .0gas. Shall he 'Wait until Monday? "Well, that's •sorne tpwn.". Any car owner who, on Saturday have no thought of Metering =on.:SundaY may • have reasonito change his, mind.•)3ut ...he hasn't. gas. .'.What •,is he to:. do? arge o y to a .rson erns.. under- , :taking roorns. Where. it was identified as, that Of :Pete • McDOtigalln; a well. known yoad.fornernait in tne. employ a the Northern, Development •branjt. A .coroner's • jury 'was immediately; sot -noted; who, after the. body, ' proceeded in6T. examine careful- ly the scene of the ,oecarariee: there • were eye witnesses: to the affair; but the . Sad story Of.:, the dread hap?. pining could be read in the mhte,bits ; of etridence. seattered •the track 'between the freight shed' Where . . . . his pipe was melted:up nearly to the. 'Water tank': west of the , platforin. where the: body was found: • • • :DeCeased had evidently : atterripted to cross the tracks at • ' the station where a freight train.' was standing: between * two ears. The •train whih traciesi.'"Pf the • accident were found .later had ". been . engaged: ; I n :shunting operations, ,shortly after I, .4.m. When, the • train: pulled :ahead, McDougall `wee: caught : and ev- ful 'Speaker and, one of the idently hung on for some' time, when mit' preachers of Toronto. At three the 'train reversed to shunt on the :o'clock the afternoon • he: : will give other traiek; he had dropped down on an address to • the, Sunday 'SchOo. the. rail,. and twelve freight .cars and •Classes. Parents ',are. in-, ` the engine .passed,,over• hiin, Vited ,this meeting.. ing the body, from :Which the head • , ;was totally ,severed. No blame...can . the W. 'draw, for the Past attach to the 'train' crew, who ' were 18 years Minister at! Fergus;, has de- •unaware of .his presence and. could., cepted. an invitation , from:. the, .Offic0 ncit Seenb-him in the darkness. '• jai .13eat'd of LiklineW United Church, 'n.• The 'moven-tents •of Mr. McDougall, to ..becoine. Pastor 'of, the Luciano* Were traced •Ity 'the, Police , up to mid- , charge', the Change to take place, a- bout 1s. The acceptance,, , of coursei, is ;subject to, approval of ' the Settlement Committee :of the Hann; 'Canfereite.; Mr. Craw was for three Years .at St: Helens -before. go- ing to. Fergus. ‘; . • IINCLE.:•:10SaSAYB - - That there is a big differtnicti he. tween GOldeit,I.Crnati. Bread tundi any other,- and frit' 'etile,Yinent and Sethi- fattion Use Golden Cirnati 105 00#:' it's diffarefitj j: • :The read ,for the &Wet* -onoo4. -our 'few as 400d, Fria tiren4:7--there. none ,better— , Give Golden Crust and he n GreCar's bonihtioo Bakery phne 68.• . . opietile . • rtuio, Jtin • kfte‘i • Worunit Honey. dreint ttallan gnoatootia., Soots, r Od Caket JO, iy, ,• ,A large variety of eheite tt.,090.40 4914 04 80141!..i• wompiv's 'INSTITUTE ' The annual: Meeting of the Luck - now 'Women's Institntehwill be held at the home of Mrs. T. Smith, Fri- day, May 14th, at 2,30 o'clock, Roll call•,to' be answered by; payment of fees. Reniember the grab-bag. The stunther rneeting Will. be held on May 19th, at ISO: o!clodc; at the. home of Mrs. T. Watson. Miss-It/lab- el Graviien, of Streetsville will dye an address. IVIembers will please bririg *friends arid help make the meeting a success. BOVFLING CLUE , The' arifival meeting ;of :the Luck - now • Ladies' 'Bowling Club WAS held recetitlt,,. when ' the lenewlit ofllcers were oloc.todi'•-.PitSidettit-,-11,11t: T. Clark • Cal -aglow. Secreiatyfrkeasurer—MrS. 3. Ag' newt Meithership Ciltninittee—Mrs. F. T. Armstrong, Mrs. Wit: Alutilie„ Mrs, R. g, Wilson, Miss G. Treleav- en,. Rotteshinesit Cbminittee—Sirs, R. Itrie,. Uhl, D. M. johnstone, Mrs. %Vv. J. liolz7las,• *a. 'Maelittoshp Miller, Mrs, 8inith, The inetriberPhip fee for, this year will. be $1.06: , 'desirous of jething should iiritiftthe Srieretary-kik,:anY.4 one,,,of. the MarribOrship Comtnittee. • ,• •• • • . PRESEYTgitiANW.M.S. night:whon4,ife had lunch atithe liot- el, . 'after ' he bad gene. for _a slier., Walk,: And it is. supposed, was: on his way to the hotel when the aeciden1 happened. ' • • ' , • z;"'''' After adjourning for a .few days to ,await the formal medical el:ran-dna: tion, the jury again met and return- ed the following verdict. ., -“That Petei 41ePougall eatne to his death aceld, entally, by .being ran over by 'Extra ' .Freight No. 5351 and not otherwise." McDougall,. who,' •has bee/ Working. in. this .district for seine years on read construction and was th as popul e men o wnikecl under him f•as With ,those 'ho knew him, in his leisure tiMe, leaves: ..widow and , Several, ,:grown-up child- retr on his farm: near Virden,' Man,' Be was about alitty years. of age arie a well set Up man, ap.parently' tit) . prime of life. There Is genuine syth- pathy thrOtighout the community. here for the loss of a respecttil ci iZeTrih.; fhtlettil‘I'jr-titti:'Andergett•gc: TIS Parlors, to Wyttert temetekst wtfg held/ Thursday ofteretee. , • Our .Quality Bread- Is'Always Fresh, SATURDAY' SPECIAL'S Puff Pastries Bon F3otiohe -Jelly,Rolls Creatn Rasberry Tartlets Iced,'R611s, Coffee'Cakes--- • Raisin Pies .LerllOn Mirangue Pies Cararriel :Tarts Raisin, Whole Wheat and H, me Made 13read, INDTEGGS Ai45 " oFrAIN !rpm BAST PRICES. ' HOLLYMAN'S BAKERY -. 11,one 36 • "LucktiOw a A quality fabric at a low price describes this fine Nain- check for ladies' undergar- ments. Fine neat checks in Then .a.. thief play have 1.3ph'n around Sunday morning before you are tiv and drained your tank, AS a Matter of . feet it has ceme, 'abottt that a town ht •Nvhieilall the . gasoline supply stands are closed on Sunday is •a• very dead town. At 'the same time. it,'-'inay not be worth ;while:for the gasoline stands to, keep bpell on Sundays and as sell- ing gasoline and :oil is, a .private bus- iness it cannot be forced to keep/op- en when it :doesn't pay- , Over in Chesley the. difficulty has :been , over- coniet•by the'four dealers getting to- Athet:. and. ngreeing 'that. one Of the four will keep, 'open one :Sunday in • four. . That willmake it :worth whilv for the one that is open And give three. Sundays in' four to elk;Soiue such arrangement doubtless will presently he Made in all tovimi,. and the aocirier the, betterv GIRL GUIDE 'NOTES . • • , , • • The itogular:ineetint was ; held :on • • Friday, May '7th, in, the sclidei, with. an • eiceelleitt :attendance: , Our conip. any is, Oewillg,.1-viie have ..tt recruit nearly everr inOeting; • and will be glad to have any *girt over' 11 years of age,•jeitt.. Oeina* out for a 4011111e -Of:Meetings to see ifyou like .ties- • :Vext meeting' the recruits. ,star.t.OtI the Moe Cods. • • „ . • The. •Mglitinga1ll6 iftv,ett: the hest hoppera, They ohoold be called the Gies:Shopper,. patrek' ' .This season ;4dr Gx4deir ITaVe: - identified 43 vari.-)tiee; •ef Migratory - hirde, - • • • "!-We have. a- tine company '• Of 'vry great Uterit, , -:Woloo;ais ,*to our •Irteetingi tit fu a you will share ' ..'. 1st. CenaVi !...1.03? An Seine of 'thri, Guides 'think they are artists r 2nd Cstiary; "Th0, drew badges tho other 'disY,1:1 •• , • Soft BaU ato1.20 nelet tridity ev entoN4 .01t• SiO0i • MEMJ3ERS AND „SII/Ap.. HoLnpas DISTRICT WILL PLEASE LEAVE .,TREilt, itt the Athil meeting Mrs Mao- T,POOL EGGS AT R FL *TROMP. Iteu71 resided d conducted ' • • • SON'S -GROCERY WHERE OUR TRUCKS. WILL ' L 1,0 .Twial 'A WEEK , DiatlIgG • THE' . • Rot WEATItEn‘ thu exo iics and Blble tudy. The Main featitte of ,the •Pregraninze was the /Ovine by Miss Cartiolt of Very. , interesting and lefilpreherias IVO repert, of the Provincial.nitOthig hold Iii SE. Paul's Chbreho Torrnito the latter iinil of A ril. Delegate • vlitticE to.2.at end the 'OflflI3fl TIIE. 'UNITED FARMERS' C0.0#4 mootink, ot , the,. Maitlatd Ptoohittor. 101. hoht *wows 01 difiv tit%CO., WISGOAivi; .010010 ' 1 and—helio-:=full yard a price of Factory Ciottcn, only, yard' 25c. From the 'newest Spring 8z- Summer Dress Fabrics is taken this tin‘ly thought --Rayons:— are the thing. For real dressy wear and real vgl- ue they suwass any other material. ';Splendid col- or combination. No two lengths alike.11.69 to $5•. • We will repeat our Pollar-Silk--Hose Bargain • this week. They are real Silk Hose --black, brown, -navy, and, grey and light colors, worth $1.25 to $1.751"hNie noewwT$1.°o°rn. Thumb or UtdPra\ rm 6111)rd-- • 1a -from $2.00' to $5.00. Free Balloons to children under ichool age.. tiore. , , • nottroo:L.rOLItnocui co: No One Can Know The' Condition' Of His Eyes • Without ;undergoing an exam- inatipm; No one can telt anything Obeid the eyes :Merely by looking it them, • They Pint be eXainiped .oy instruments that detect the slightest deviation from hernial. Ile deesn't know: But our earn- ination would; tell him. Then •we could cerketti the defects we fonnd 4 .4 F. T. ARMSTRONO: ' OPTOMETRIST Ontario oennej Officei, sioN- AN ORDER ,VOR FERTILIZER 'MONTHS OR. WEEKS A•READ " WHEN YOU CAN. :GET ALL, '7, HE BEST BRANDS , ANY . "DAY YGIS ARE IN TOWN:: • ;GET THE •QUANTITY YOU WANT OF THE KIND YOU WANT ,WHEN •YOU AV:A.NT IT. . . S. RoBERTSON = • For .Si-116:-Lbe Laval Cream. Sep./Cr.. attn.; Deering Cultivator; - Deering ,• Meer 6 feet; 'Deering Ila -Y Rake; . Stool -tire Buggy. -:-.john ,Maere0d, Ltieknohi. , . . *Lest—On the sidewalk, .between ArmStrezig'i •Jewellry and McKim' •tue, SaturdaY night, a' $10.0o bill,. Finder please report or leevg at the • , . . . • • . STORES SPRING 'VALUE LINOLEUM, .CONGOLEUM• AN. D OILCLOTH, ING. 1.CAN 'SAVE WILL PAY YOU. TO SEE !pert sq-DKIL,OFFLoti .clptivErEs:: RE '1m , YOU CONS. IDeE0LE INS-CT i‘I cyToiTilESLEE, ING NEw CU1rTAIN mkt4litALS :THIS: SPRING. WE CAR: ' RY A PINE RANGE .or NEw.-PATTtim..strf Abu; Eimt ANY ROOM., 12 .50, 6,6, (h, 75 at 95c. PERYARD. - tigneup/4Exagrga,Wfl 4i. XIDTit A57,%Ct, PER YAan, • ALFRED E, B6SWELI, 410.4"warmssoiramrisolip%AwArwormattaraiimmor .„ '41 :41