The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-05-06, Page 84 . . Shei ler Everyday =Wear toy'. FQr J,r day dt Satulyda}y ThisiWeek:Onl3 " GR api, WORK 'SHOE; IN BLACK, 'IRIS''..t%AW',: E, AND , BROWN• MExxcAN ' (CID' WITH •T.QECAP IJLAR. POKE $4-50- SPECIAL FQR - FRIDAY & • " SATUR- 'i 4a.ts, MRN'$ ''WQI : SHOT MADE JI ] ` WII+LLtMS A 'GOOD:' S.T4ONO- SHOT'• Wim.,,uOUBI B CK STRAW: ' FRIDAY 14 `S•A,ATGRDAY leRI a MEN'S' :BROWN MEN ENITB BRA1N. 'PLAIN TOE, MADE A, & M..'CQTE.: i1, OOOA EVERY ° 0,4•T 'BOOT • AT A ILlili(`'..PRI SBEv14r' 4T $3.50 HAVE,,oI ENEII Ili' 'OUIt OUTING''. SHOES FOR' SUM- ME1 WF, 1R„,&NDS BA'F.E, AIL THE• -POPULAR LINES' ,`AT •.” REASONABLE' ` RRIC1 4:', - s : : :A TURNER THE STORE' 'VITI3, A STOCK e WIi1 j4sk After Tour Repair- Work,, Promptly' 17 ' $ 'AMINO* $.011111114!a' ' t DAt''i *1 , twice 'Cut Flowers The finest, of Wec1c hunches and-Ficrai cork on • short/notice, delivered;. anytime, any where. Transport to suit., 6011 401# GEORGE STEWART Florist; GodeTk!j1, Ont.- _ . Phone.: lo 1 N 4/1411000 MOTOR "OIL - i tl in.: your crank case :today' , and '-refill En ar-co Meter • Oily b ' Better. lubrication,. less' 'repair 'bills.' C•F,,CIL MULLIN warm ROSE GASOLINIC ac a, 1 r '►'s:= A hletic Cobiat1ons: - c en's Sprin 'WWstoe lch•,preVe a Qf7Wg1aN�IplcaNAalaNOIL commas*� roomer°. ONT. iSI�]Y=Newest shades Silk and Art Silk. ,sis`provided with a special lock stitch s gaiter -run. Very special at $1.00, , ysle which last year were such c aess,at 75c . All these' in latest shades.. ,. great :an a es an traw Braid for ladies ,and Ertl. „ Cr'E,Tt6-otd` fnr, oe cleaning-- ailsd. t. Oil,etc.: s and Window Shades:Special at Rod extends to• 48inches, at 2 for 35c Vie ave a.wonderftil assortment of Mothers'; ay: Card$ fr'om'',5c. to 25c. each. -value'" 1- e FATHER: DEAN LAVES - KINN,GSBRIDGEr The Rev. lather : Dean `:whop .i'or the ast'seve4 years has. beers• astoi of St.Josepl's Church Kingsbridge,• has been transferred to the charge' at • Port Lampton. -He "'left on Thurs- day. hurs d. fliome.'.OntSu daf April aY.o .hi r s .,_ . Y p 25th when he',coriducted;Stiess for. the THEFT 'AT. W I;NTGI•IAM The:go'ods stolenfro•m King Biros. • store > '•Wingham a couple .of .ago in= eluded a nuini)er .of 'valuable'furcoats and: dresses,; 'T'he ;thief secured . en- trance •through an ,upper window hav- .ing useda ladder taken• from a near-. • by'shop to'ake the' ascent. , It looks like work of a local man, aniiliiir vritlr .surroundings .i the store, A :rewird'of'$200 is offer- ed lir: recovery of • the goody last time , at •Kingsbridge he was pre ser ted on behalf of -:the congregation 'with a suitable gift and, an addreaa expressing appreciation of :his many z,. kindn ` ' ales and -;an ;,address.' Father • Demi took tile;" oceasion to' .say fare-. well to his Kingslicidge parishioners.•• --o o-o— If only...the :constitution required • killing one ;-feolaw ,,before, passing another. ' ,� •i.. � � , r:I1, • .•� • HOY CRUSHED 'EY WAGON' • Bobbie •Rae, son of Mr: •and •M Donald •Rae, of• • Wingham; was „badly eriished '' bile • endeavoring: to ride :on a wager*. He was caught in one of. Vie rear wheels and carried up again. at the .box where he suffered cuts and • bruises, before: the driver noticed him; One in his leg required 24 stitch es to 'close..it., His aniutes though painful • were • not dangerous. • -- •o -d-0— SHOT GUN: 'ACCIDENT, `,Richard • White Jr. ofGreenock Towns'hi 'was in, the Kincar ine Hos= P pital for a, few days -oast. week, hav- ing had his arm`; badly shattered, by the" accidental discharge- of a: • shot gun."• He ,was taking, the, gun :from'. the back of his bugg§* whenthe accident'. occurredg • • • CREATOR 4F THE 'SCARLET PMPERNEL IN :QUEBEC (Upper right)- The in- member and. the youngest of the Ae$elan family tiring in- the oldest house in Quebec.(Upper.. left) Baroness ,Orczy with .the Asselin .family. (Lower) the. two - hundred -and -fifty year-old Asselln Farm' House at St. Famine; : soar Ile D'Orlean,, just outside Quebec. : • •Baroness Orczy who is visiting Canada in order to secure local color for a new romance which she has mind, has already written 32 novels -in addition to - :"The 'Scarlet- Pimpernel,". of which three 'and 'a half: million' copies have been sold and which has 'been trans- . fated into fourteen. languages, Of . recent years her ' 'books have become very popular in Japan. Although ' " her novels are now sold at the rate of ,over a thousand' copies a day, the 'prlilishVete: at' Werat first slow to recognize the popularity •of her, appeal and "The' Scar= ' let Pimpernel" was refused' by no less. than 'twelve publishing••houses. • • Although 'she has chosen the English language as v her medium„'the Baroness is by birth a Hungarian and did ot.•.learn English lintil�ahe arts`_ : to ;., ' father to:;whom Liszt. ,dedicated one of his. ilungariah. r"ha sodies.,belicved.in...givin his chitdren..an'ediica- P g `kion which would enable them to earn •their'ovvn living if necessity arose and the Baroness therefore trained' 'for and passed the London matriculation examination so as :to qualify as a. teacher, • She also . studied art, • -but eventually chose -Abe less prosaic.career of a "play wright.and no4list•,:in which she has' achieved a pheno- ,Li ,enal ,sucee'Ss.. . - . This is her first 'tri to the continent but Canada baa always appealed to Baroness Orczy awe a land of rut *heart- plaint- sod rugged mot ntaina With lata ,pet unlfke that of her own native Hunigal i it1► Wit of heir'torlet have dealt With the rAlit*ntla t1>dil i$, ,Franck nr- , En iisb history$ • sates1,01 ,q sionally taken modern themes as for and in her •' story "The' Emperor's ,Candlesticks'" and she is par- . tieularly interested to see the nfltience of new condi'-' tions in a new country. upon urepean races. ; . • ', �' p '..:. , o lda herself learned English as •a foreign language al.,; 2* Barbara` Solomon, 358,, D nit ,Card Of Thanks--- i',: John I{il;iat. , 37 � pr iummer Caps �� yen s Police Braces; o s : --otto -seYs: m in c: .erated 'by,;' ornell-Murdoch: C W' SGHOQL REPORTS' • Pa,•Sssr. 324: II=Poss"rble, • 540, ;Honours 405; LUCKNO d ' t CecilArm- Boom WII . Melvin Johns one • 498; strong •470 • David Her e, 469; M •,:1>v—Sub`ects.Sp.; ,Geog., L•t.,, , , Sr..•, J , • garet Ritchie, 461; ar- Harold •Button 443; Grall'niiAr. s1: Jack Risher, 440'Cameron Finlaysin, Htn,M: Wilson •'88, 1' Wails . „ . H, lyka*Donald 80; V. Sherrill 79;' s, 429; Eddie -Whitby, 481;. Jack Wilson, Macleod 75; pass -Charlie~ 'Webster, 418;_ Douglas :Clarke, "°407, .Stewart 72 A.. ,Cameron 6k. Collyer, 400, Edna , Agar,; 399;,'Melvin Jr. l;'V--Subject§ •Sp'' Geog ,. l/.it., • Stanley, 385; Verna Steward, 371;: 'Giulmar ••• Jean MacMillan 358; • J. C. • Durniin, 343;; Hon. -A: Watson 92;,. A. Andrew Florence alacInnes, 303 ;Philip 'Mac 00;' C. Greer 88, J. `Stewart 87; 40.;t Millan, 290; Tom , MacDonald, 267; Brabson 86;, A.:Murdoch 83;- L. Brae Donald' MacDonald, 241. (absent). Son. 81;J. MacKenzie 78,- D. MacDon- • • Those marked.(*) missed;an exam- aid 77;p'A: Durnin'Mar ]natiolit: H. Sherrill; .xe cher. tin 74• 'A MacMillan'72, E. Wade''72, i B Milne E Nix 631 �M Jewitt 62; , . . •; Rpom I � 5:,•;,A 54*;' CA Smith '40. $r Class—Possible Marks'L7b, Hon-' C. M:4;10:atia4i0lto.iont:_' losh , 38 -missed two tests . ours 2,06, Puss 165 ,accut of` sickness)• ' (' ict221; Eileen John- $ ane' exam; son 217, Ruth., Parker, 204 Franees' MaelJonald,.'193; Bobb•Ma�eI{enzie, 182; Kathleen Macintosh, 174; Edwin• •. Room � . � , • Sr %1I: Excellent--75—Alex Mac- • Whitley, . 167, Muriel 'Solomon, 164; Kenzie 88; C. MacDonald 81; L. Nay - ler • 80 I.'.,MneMillan 78; Jr Naylor 151; Joy' alenderson, , 1.43; Normai , a 'McIntosh 75;• Frances Thomp- Taylor, '135; Rexford .Ostra.nde ,, 13.3"; son , , Good -60-T. MacKenzie! 74•; Ellen Burns, 132; VWinifred Ai h'eson, Laura Weheter 73; D :Henderson -72, 12 ,. Howard Johnston, 119, ,Grace h. Smith 10•;-0. Steward 66; S. Mill "Webster,'Horne, 94; 33H*a.rolyl• �►llin, 67*•; Au= lin 65; p; Reid. 65; W.. Armstrong 61; •drey. iiarold Johnston. 61. Fair -50 -4101 -Jr. Class.—Possible Marks 175, Zion Orli 131,Pass 105: `cn McLeod 56; (i. Webster '55; 1;°y •:1i inlaysOn 50. Poor. -- Arlene' JewittF. Steward 47. , 158, Jean -Macintosh, Jr:- 11I: Excellent=Clark . Finlay- 165;;, Roberta Johnston,` 152; Graham son, 90 L. Henderson 90; B. Brown Sherriff,"150; Girvin Reed, 148; Frank -Collyer 81; 'Mae • MacMahon .,Sherwood, 145; Mary Webster., '139; 82; Ada Burns 80; R. Mullin 79; D. AylnierfAitcheson 139;.Jessie Hendee' Nixon 79; L. Irwin 77; M. Hamilton, esonc, 136; .Hardld Ritchie,; -136; Harold 75: ' G.00dy60-W. 'Armstrong 74; 'H. Thompson; •135 Jach. MacLeod, 134; Greer. 73; D.•Douglas 72; R. ' Wade_ Jack MacDonald, 134; Clyde Reid 130- 1.0; M,., Henderson•: 68; C. Johnston. Mary MacKim, 127; Hilda Twaniley, 67; K.:Ferris 67; E. Reid 61;,Phyllis' 126; Jack Buttori, 125; Donald:Aitche� Cousins 61; ' B.. T'liompsoxi 60. Fair song' 121; Jennie Pearlman, 119; •Billy ,,i E. Agar .5.8; W..Johnston• •56; 'MI' Cantelon, 109, Christens Havens,'96 t; ••Ca�daius 'b5; E. Baker 54; M. McDon- J, C. Reed, 94; ,David Jewitt,,75; Gor= a nrdron- *45. Very ars, 72";" Merle Jdhnstone, don K..P�Cameion 38, E:' Shcomon,• 63,.. Billy Jewitt,'59,•Zylda SteSvard,. 3G. , ;' 52*; Roy,Solomon, 43; Margaret Rae, W”: F. Thompson,, '4 teacher. 40 .J C.• Armstrong, 27 J. -C John=', Rtiom O.H6notirs 350 r. II—('Possible. 47 , � s,,282. . • �-� 'flan ---Horner. ax a �-Ja"ilt:�`873. >Jf ►. stop, 16.. • , Those , marked ('P)' were absent a week or .More through illness. Pa„ I. Murdie, Teadlic�r., .0 though- he •eventually attained :a greater masted► :ol- ' ," � Billy MauKeii"z' 1151; ,'ick aril family rvis ' to take this -op-.: 1 n eon, '365 B Y . ,t'i that•,language than"'any English writer of his day:' ,,o mp o , , + line, pQi tunny "to express 'their thanks . to Al Macintosh: 344; Freddie i , 341' Elliott Webfiter'343' Fiera e - .star, •332• Isobel :Hamilton,•: 330; Frank t ris ne •+may' „ 318, Audrey. . Hen arson,'.2 • , eorft . While Seeking local color in the. vicinity, of Qu�ebea . ex. a i y • .• . i fo r=ill ; their neighbors and'friends'r. e• City, Baroness bray came across ,one.ei the..,oldeit - , , W b .., to i dnesses shown during' they ._, m kn houses in the rovince—the. _.Asse7ln: Farm. Sduae • 3� , , h p _ r ton .illness of ,Mrs.- Kilpatrick, and' 'which is old-worldtwo ,hundred:and S;.ty years old,.and le in the a zi 329 Ch ti 1" 1 sod - of th • , er a. e e , MacK n ar . at the aims . sir b e v m ?it. tiny vilbage of; St: Famine, in 11e D Orleans', • 97 G e 1 thtr..many .beautiful floral ., d Ales). for Y.. just•,autaide ;Quel;ec, The Rareness �uiolclg . Viet* q ..., , _ trop i 80 offerin s....:. frihiide of the Assad;in.fa` mil and. wits'. fascinated byti .;itby, 286; Allred :firma g, 8 e r e ut 1 bei • oo I a,.A7,.'!" r B ..eel 272 Leonard'' Mac,' th l as flu r 1 ma: n the pl titre ehoveln Nilrga. et 4k ,t , . , . R .o r. w. a 03 an d ea rb the interior. of the' ens enI hn t oldest yowl * 0 stet 256 The geed m whit W rig member o the family r sort; � 1 k04. a` Thurs., Friday, •Mey `7 Satur..,:,May 8 We 'stand. behind every article we 'Sell -yon are net 'taking' any. chances on' g"oods.you'hiiy• here no m atter how, lbw the •price, seems to yon...: You can: feel "confide'llit of getting. dependable quality goodd at;all times 100' Yda. Natural "i3hanting ,, Silk' the kind .• moat stores.' Sill at 3.1„' $1..10' a• yard; 3.111g Dye 59c. ar yd. Fancy Bath's Towels ., 'Reg. to $1.50. 3 ;. g Dye .139c. .GSI A "'iv sman likes try tell whit she' . " G.(tss` 'lean T� ,kiSYht if it oea e0 A se ea a n tt re u n i q 5 l >r t 8n i e b ,who a n aeo 1c i5W � wit'b ar eat ran but„..4 bac) man a he b o Wl1d n a slid a i��an ill 4aa to toll rvh h ii , k.. d Q>If ae $ �' �udie�'i�ht�i• .., , • . • at c rel atacl out th 1�� U��i� th • d b f h � '� M ���� 101'114.0.00 �`�r �a r,t e p alt at4 tlot t illq' I•`t!.ti a 1" 0101,00 - ' ,00 1. , YF. b � I • � -.iti.. too whorlhahaloved to stow a the ilia ni . , ✓' • tliitt' • WO, • mogthi •eta qty t 4f.110' i r lbrp i b A.