The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-08, Page 4•Ittimr• '• ''''Of.;?r,4iareitle"rep, 140WeM,, flay Tedt1P.r..9Sel.,.." 042 99-.•;17.411111,4ere,, ika*ihg.' and I4ingIitow• MOST STEW, 'ffr‘-wati; co49y04,,k0tossi,•,,4,,Rtee, 4.1liont B*thnd N.9 POPPAIVice.,-411: Piqfvotti000:, WINGPA* RuclOPES,14-' .stoi:irea HATA.1,4411141,HOISON an#:*leeielrrowe, • IPIAT400, ORGANS, AND PHOSOOMP.HS;!:rr-Res'..us, and, RaTe, • Yht0294 OciMe• MOO)" ,When YOU, Want aelaetbleg In MqHic. ' 'al. Instruniente. •• .• THE LAU,CHNOW SENT11141.4, THURSDAY, t!stY'Rkto Se; 192 • tat.lattNOW $1N'Xi NEL Publithed,' eyersr Thursthy Morning at LucknoW. Catania: • A., V.-, MacKenzie* Proprietor and Editor wen • 1,4c1,0tly;7 Phone 74 Winghare P.4-19112 266 onumeatal Warks, LUCKNOW :and WINGHAM • thehkrgeif and reo4 ,complete ; 'atodi in the most '..beautiful design. s 0, Choose from, in aii0e, • Scotch, Swedish and Can2'..• *lieu Granites mals,9 a 'Specialty of Fimily • Mhguln.' 4 'and mThe 'Your ,inspee., ti°1L.In*crlpions NeetlY,''' 'Carr efully' and • • „ ;'i'r9Inl'037,..P-Qii • See 'before Placing yonr ore ug1a Bro R.•A.,SpOttnn LucknoW, Ont. 11111=0, VW • L. ,;();14..,Nti.,;',428,' LticknoW. meets' tlie secend_.TeeSdaY nf, •eVerii: • Month. n •thair. hall, :at .."8 'o'cIeek..:,C. :Mullin, • Carter, Rea. Sec', 4,0111.11111.1WWWI 00.0.r•••••00 • OptOmetry- „ .•• itajtibTiiThe,Pablie By F • , T.'. ARMSTRONG' Optometrist •- • Ln'cknow;*Ont,„ Erters 'rif; -vision often prevent progress .4 iehooll • Yes, the larightestoThild, ik he has- an 'error of vision; will no,t' set: ceed 'as he might., , • What percentage of childrret are . • • in need 'of an, dye'service.?' About:25' Per .cent. How' was this estithate ..dirived at?: BY t 1-1 e.../ctual examining o f.; thoupands et school cbildrens?, dyes. (Continued Next Week), . ,Ilmomr,•••• 01 ICE To CRED TOltS • In the Zetate, of. WIrs. Emma ,Tay:- • , ler, deceased.. .•• editan\ring claims a ' the estateo cr,or • E a .1 -L- s d others ma Ta p•• inst it Ashfield, In aga THURSDAY, APRJ14 Elth, 1926. !my JUROR AND .HIS PAY , That, *tending as 'a juror at the, Spring Aaeizes in Walkerton is 8Y-, thing :bet a "get -rich -quick" eche** t those corning but, a d'art distance, was 'evident ..to t 0*. num. erous peers and equals whO,came up loral halls,•of juetice 144t wee. 'or instal -ice' amitre" Coming .from the viziniti ,reicknow bad Id' en - ;train •Menday. aftergoen to 'get here • in time .for 'the ..oPerlillgvh • "hitt at 10' • e'eleekrrge9d4Y,' thoUgh, 'apart. iinly lasted.' about six hourhe' 'Weis obliged to remain here re/ex-night and wile unable to :reach: lieMe "until after 'dinner' the follow ing day. For this he ivia allowed. one dayS pay of $4.00, and 13e. a. • mile one way, or mileage' of $3.51, making-his-triteI•receilits-for the out- hig .$7.51.; As he had -to pay • rail- way fare of ,$4,20, an. hotel, bill" of $3.50, and'a is are. of 50e, from ,the C. N. R. stati0g, -Which is • diatant from any hotel, his tetel ex penditure $8.20; and with, re! :c}pt bon1y$7.51he was oiit 49e,' •�n •Itetnal . expenses,: not; to mention praetically three claYs ' of time, lost froes, his work that "he Might coine and :administer justice° in e Matter over which he had no control. and Cal a case in. which he had, n� interest, Tr,* UF .••••e: insqrance „. CANADA • '-proyinges., . • . b14: will eumOwer the DePlialOn Gov. ernment to :Make ran agreeMent. with the Geverline0iit ,of any • Provinces: 'ler the PaYiAnt to such Province eharted/Y el an. ,amount equal to rine 'half of thenet sum paid out during the preceding quarter by such -Province for pensions purse; ant to Provincial, statute' author% izieg' the 'payieept of old-itge„, pen- • siens under, the conditione,:„ indicted &vile. • • , 'Every agreement no' Made.- with a • previncial GovernMent 1/111 ,continue L' he "failed :to put in en..aggeerae e, "!AcIP.r. circunstances he would , be, guilty of.apatempt 'and be liable to a prison. term 'for' the 'delinquency. As Ole is it,134ot a siiMPle of what the •.Spring. Assizes here lest week, ':the iterage_itieurain up a einst at the toipi the County 'orliuron,. ewes., , • . • - • . • • • Iurv.ineri 'are' ectiially. 'Out, 'of • pocket , edore herebY.‘ nettd "to • deliver' ' `, - • • • .• • : elaims, properly, verified to the : un-- in inndertaking. to do their'dety here. .dersigned Executors 'before the Tbir- would "'teach a considerable ,Sum The tieth day., of April, 1926 after Which. oelY remedy *Old., seem to ..be to al= .nate the,. Executors will „proceed to ow • e jurYmen a'n' extra AeSee PaY -distribute': the eatatent" the deceased, having regard only to such clairris':es. ''4f-•$4.00 •tehelp finance three Clay's i.• • '.hey shall, then have hid notice. 31.iting,• We ,iinderatand some of these , 1Liated at Luelcaow Mile first day of • froin• the' Peninsula were ellowe'd ,two • NOTIGE.TO ,CREDITORS. Atl, A.D. 1-936: • " lay's fees, hut as they were 'in -some 'Steart Winch ableY)„ AitaMic Grinding' qeberel ChopPkng, '474' regent yeara. there': 'Iven very active -eicgert. as 'Well 44' leetd demairet for 'Greeed 'Alfalfa • to be gaed.ig feede .fer. PeOltrY:!• bogs and: dairy ceWlit ..and! Aller sPelt :foods. Tine past elaSen.... gromul Ohnost a09, tons •0'41414i Greeter • prOduetion 1w4h,'litte.11th?n to vial*. will help our businees'aed ' mean hig- ger pr,ofits :fpr, the farmer.” ' •• HE HAD GRIT rce s • Ion as the FrOVirleial, . • 34.1ta t4uftteer 71:he actsiU gi nQfPtetri;nar:4'frOn-i the date upon Which notice Of rx' in- tention "to ,deterroine the • agreement' is given by tli i.ieutenant,Goverrior of the"PrOvifice.),, BeSere and ,agreernent•with."a ,vined 4e041a to operation; the'.1)o. rninioi Geverninent ". is to ,'„approve rhe Seheme-fer :the admirdstretion of' proposed bY the Province. • -No'Change is., to be made the. scheme without the approval of "the Daleinion Government. '- ell'IRO-CKLTURE ALFALFA ''• • ; "Wart TeYler„.Geo..A.. Siddall; eases 'four d4a in making .tha.raii•ad' In the Estate of -,'Hunter,. Lu. -t-Pr's. • " hy 29-4"e' .triP te'wouldn't find ,.the'• J'eurgeY CrellitOrs• end Otherdh'avin'g dismiss the • three-dey chaps : with a. : x . Deceased • •' -vOtDYCE:. ag inst ' the estate of James :Boyd. Hunter, late of thp,.V1,11age of Luck - ow in the Ceinity„,- of '13euee,.,Plaster- er. 'deceased are hereby :notified to .• delivete.their 'claiini;:dulY".„v,erified, to the unersigae ,execu er 'of the es- tate and effeae of thesaid l'James . Boyd• Hunter,' on pr .before the hth day of April `A D. 1926 after which date the eaid exemiter will proceed • • t,o dbitribute "the estate .of the,: ,de.- -ceased, having regard :Only to' sue/ claims.as •he' shali then have had no- . ted at Eueknow 'this. 24th day, of • March; 1926-;•- "WM.' Connell," Executor" •-ro-o-eke- • HOW. TO GET, PAT • Avery thin girli, .an • Oritaii0 greatly impressed by dn'adver7 'eiliernent ,a safe,: sure end ab- ..sdutely .guarantee,d method of get-. ting fat quickiY, • "the necessary 'dollar. came the ply*..at...seie.elgY it frOgi Yellr • ..'nearest[tititcher.' ' When the meek inherit the. earth ,. ...who will there be to niake tlaem carry welch 'Sedrigs to,,have e:to- - Mrs'•A Rrntoul.and ber Son John. who belie been 'laid tip: with!. seiere Setae are able to be about, again. Quite' a number from: this. locality attended the p14'y .4nA concert given in Lte.knore on -*enday night and re port a ' very enjoyahle time„ Our -Mail „conder., Mr Milton Nay- lor ;eit.1.141ply' .deSeiree'''Cedit for the ..,vaY he handled.. the Work, throughout he winter He n1Ied �nly a conple. of trips -all, Winter diid• end �f these Was; On Good Friday which'ivas a el Holiday. kany rmites wore served OnlY twice a..week' during the stO4ny' r . We 'are' sorry to report that Stew- art •.MCBitineY'g little' girl is not well at the present 'Writing:, : Mr::Georia Naylor 'suffered:a paid- fue,lnKy -to; her leg when ',thrown ut"-of eatitibe n Stin .37, • ‘. Cecil ,QienineyciSited relatives i. Icinlbss, lett week, - Quite a nurbbet of dogs have died in this' lbeality dovdisease: me ePidere ' out the ailies. • , 'ie. ' '• „ v am7mommi=timetommittom1.7. Phone No. 10 is at ,Vcitir.Servili;e We Sell for Caalli-We ' Sell Cheaper than The Credit .Stott • • - IDEAL INCIIBATORS . • . I 'rHE'41)P:A I,'” IS ,A IfIGH AND ;ALL •PIPING, •OF 'GOOD, COPPER, rr. JS .A SUP.: ERIOlt INCI.,11,k,TOR: AND THE l'i•••18 fxt) fnum...a '.1.11A1s1 THE PRICE•DP_ Tllit•INPEItIOR, jilAL.1-IINES.•••1WE'1f-1EVE THEM fir'kr -Two SIZP.,150 EGG AND iap 1 • IT • svili4, Ay you TO SliET- OCR' PRICES, ' :— SUGAR MAKING SYItCP. tEASON.WILL SOON BE nigh. AND:: tJ WILL REQGIRE gpilE OF THE FOLLOW1NG W 111C 11 • +11AY,Ig fl STQCfc.:;,:z-SAlif„ GALVANIZED, SAP S11.11,ES;' SYRUP CANS.; 26. 9A CGE BEARING rflON TO! LEAVE voun ounga wan .1r0iii .1tEfltfiliki" A •PAWMADE . - • Wm. Heating, Plumg'and tlectrit Wiring Shetwirk-Wiltiarns Paints GY'ProeVallbOard • ' ne-days•award iputting them ',in the hole• and unduly. Secrifking ,these innocents • in the Imme. 'of ,jiiitice. Senie,bridi has 'said, . "Liberty, *hal crimes are coannitted in thy name," l'nut here- it Might -be asked, "Justice" • ;.ht wrongs "are deeoreted with thy •seal." • ", . Farmers who. have had difficulty. get.ing„ a ''catch".of•ehiver 'can irei'Y -knee assure success fteat-' fog the seed with itro-Cult%re. By r itarii W IC. 11. Dep rtrneni of Agriculture, Wa Orie bottl .of'euiture--enough to treat one busk" :el of •seed, -can be secised, tree of chelige,' for each farmer,' frOrn the . gelded them to the sleigh; and hitch, (Flesher, van ) • 'OnS tif the MOit remarkable eases, „of.. determinetion • AO grit' that we have ,ever heard Of :occurred on •Fri7 afternoOn 104, when• go3t.- Ferris ef town, stiffered' -afi aceident whiali will. Confine:11bn, to the': 'hoilse fer' Seine ".` .." #e was ,aViverft'in'thil valley; get- ting mit, logs, And bad . praatidellY „eninpleted ,tbe loading of: the ',Sleigh with. busz.poles; and in atteinging to take hold of ;the last limb, :it swung arengtr, striking hiin the leg and fkacturing it in • two places, As Mr. • Ferris was alone 'at the time, it was Serious matter, leith'no °gel at hand tO. 'assist him to) AO tie he Would have perithed with •the cold had he remaieed out,'during • the crawled , to the horses; Which were tied to a tree; 'seine dis- tance away', untied' them; and in some manner elirnded •to the hack , of one £a9 erioloi,yI Department 'Central) ed thein,, alniost superhinnan •act, Exgerimental Farms, Ottawa. •Addir- without deFerlet: After reachleg the onal enitures can'bi-Seluted-Tfionr:.12.road,--ene-0f--the- horses filly and. the auelph at.'fiO cents each, Order early injured. man climbed .down from the toad" unfastened the horse: teenable • • it to -rise and then.hitchekit again On the way home-•WIr. Ferris nigy Dr) hailed him to' atop, 'but the MotiOn. was not interpreted that way c1.4.rote4; 'on. Mr. . tr.m:Feerrarvls. . and the: do.4ctownr :isles. garage and inferthet,thelh whgt.1 had Ocetirred.',Later the•injuries mere, attended by Drs., Turnbull,: . Blake and. Murrayi and Mr. Ferris' , new resting as Well..as .be .expeeted after his terrible;experience. • • .,We 'de: not understand . how .311%, • Perris accrineilished 'What hedid; but .we surmise that a Men will. -put forth superhuman, efforts te'eXtricate. bim self -in case: o his., "-life- endangered. If lit. _Ferris had TiCit been able to do the work"iidid-v-11/11W suffering: intensely' he, Might lilive, been . lying there for Oink hours be,-• , fore' help Would have come. • : . . • •.0 avoid disaPpointment and bis , sure to state' the' kind of clover 'which he culture 'is" to :be imed. • '• _ ALFALFA. BEING BOOSTED" FOit' ONTA i'lvlarked,iiierease.fri-Alcreage- Pee- nieritY. Bruce a Leading County in ts Production.'• • " : "Alfalfa ,On- very 'Farm" is the :',sloean • 'and: , oa of the ""Alfalfa •.Ll'arre would' perhaps be' • more; epz . • :propriate ter inanY districts in Bruce 'Jimmy whsre, \fer years' Wen extenelyely grOWn.• ' , • .• well.ffever .onerlial_M_Kncres ,Y4 alfaite grown. de Ontario in 1925 Bruce is credited ;with 43,077 acres - Grey. :Web :the only county which, ext.: .ceeried; thie.- figure. recagnized as the 'leading Alfalfa eminty, pro- duced seine 33,205 acres, but with . enooL TEACHERS • , CRAZY .•QtiestiOn-7,-"What are: •Glaciers?" Ariswer-"Gilys.. who .fix,';ivirideWs when . they. are breken.". Q -"Whet is e" volcano?". Ani -"A'moinitain '.,With' a' 'hole ,ID the top. If 'you look, doe* you' can : seethe •crater Smoking.", , '•(4141.hat l's' se peninsula?" , Aris.-7e"A bird' thatt lives 'oil ice-. • ' ''...: • Q, --,"Why, does -a -..doghang out' i its ,torigne when running ?".• . AriS.=-,"To 'balance : its ,Q..L-;Arhat is steel• • Anst•-"The fleead of a hydreulie •. -Q:•","1/Vhat- it; the capital of .On • tario ?" •' • ; . , ,• .•.1 ;4,1,41 •"' • Q.. -•"What, are the •ChristienNat7. ion?" • •• ' •Ans..e--nliese that use CuSs',Words• . . Q. -'ha t is etiquette?" ••Ans..i•-"Siiiing 'No' • thank 'you' , . . . "when you, Mean `Ginune?." . • "I wonder what catises. the -flight of time?" • • •• iS probably urged . by the. „ spur, of tile .2nombnt.'? ' ' %/OLD AGE' PENS1DNS, BILL 46.3 per cent'of its total . acreage oI „lay and•clovers.',.ae eltalfa, is well in •.he lead, in this :respect. i$,i,uce has .45.2 per pent of tleiS total as alfalfa k.prop,ortioik which be increased. • . .• ':•' Indications' .are* that the: alfalf ;"Seeding this inking 'will ,he ,the larg est, en record.' Ontario grown' sped o „hardy.etraina 'is available at reasoe able 'prices. Farmers,. however; lepoid ne• well advised. to Make: sure Of thei ed supply. early as. there is a- grow lag .export demand .frii harai rarie gated Ontario aeed.. In ....ptirchasin yotir' requirements loan groiin Seed if 'Cleari, willbe Most, satisfeetery, I zestS at, the a A. C. Otielph; Brna alfalfa has ',Madeai .excellent show Cultures for treating Seed rattY: obtained through is office 'from th ..Baeteriology ,DePertmett,• G. A; for fifty cents each. A .1"iinited nulT ..ier• of free cultures 'May alSo'be se :tired from Ottawa for eXpekinieeta purposes.' •••• • • • . Alfalfa •givesabundance of exce lent feed in ,even dry .'rears.,Thia: w deinenstrited in..many districts" la year, and . for nrieneal conditions t folio ,•ing actual Y experiences „, sho aoriclusiVely the wonderful poseib 'Ries of Alfalfa. • •' Gilbert Christie & .Sonso &Pe No. f'ort Elgin, Write: . ."Twenty-fivd years ,:age :we • We Sowing imported- seed .with theresu chat we biliekieheednetitisiderable le from .44anter • „;Sinceuai bolne-groWnitintuieulated-lieed;', o stands have been exce4erit • with • Winter kilning. we now have 1, litres of good stand alfalfa:We do skier thiS ,by far the most PrOfitab creg We grew,. and don't have' fe anything like the ainoentof gra tVe used to.'' ' , • 9 C, 1 1- as he 3 re it ss ng Ur no. 00 n - le ed •1.1 'J. 11, Turner, R. R.- No.' 3 Paisley . • The selleme of Old Age pensions. proposed ,by,..the .D.Orninien 'Govern - meet, Makes the, foliewing provisiees "I'WfaXimuin ,pensieri; $240 per an- •.-itun; • subject to .: reduetion by' the aniOunt'of the 'Meanie 01 • the pen'-' Sioner in, exeess of $125 per year, • Pensions • to be paid evety, Pgr8all Who, et: the-' date oftlie ,pronoeed commencement' cq the pension: (a) Is a British, subject; or,„ being. se..witleiv;.'"Was,:euelf:beferehee mar o FARM WA • GES. IlfGHER • Farm labor ',has one up, in ;price according to M C: Repreientetive.. •••Tbe rates of Wages..fixed by ,the - hnini7 gration mithoritiee, for.. single. in7 eomint settler§ was .$40' to; $45 e month, This is n decided , increase over -prevailing rates' whith tire •fix7 ed at:, $30.• for single; men; Ned a -much as the fatiner in seareli, for heI can, . afford to •pay at a time when print returns .'do • not .warrant • , • 'heavier wage outlay. ' The newly. ar- riVed and prospective • settler from oVerseas i, stated: to be experienced • in farmWerk . in • his 'own, country only, and with no 'Canadian •farm- ing 'exPeriences Ontario agricultur- alists are reluctant to pait 'the rete of Weges..At the 'present time there' is a qioticeable ',",famine" in farm, labor and „this May havi,',something to. do' with. the high st?ndard cif wages now sought. '• , BEFOREYOU ARE TWENTY , • . , (b) Has resided le Canada ter go of-oomniencement'..tif,-peneion.....-t _ (d) Has, reSided•in the -Pirrivince in Arch 'application for penaiOn is made tor 'the flee year 1:mm6d:falai./ protociiiiii the date 'of. ,eoarinc n cern mit Denali:ire • .1-e) :Iseriet •.-Inifitin de -defined ,,loy ••-tho sindian Act; • . - ( 'Iles. not made any,“•velhintarY Plw''littlinelit or transfer of -property • high qealityli* This past'Yeet al a rcr the pinpoSe of, qualifying for it $14 to $15 Per ton was one Of pendiou, • best they get, showing Mere. pret • , • fl „, et Quality' 4!ees ot ni ioe byei .esttufactorp(Ieyou g rar caT; • '•,1 ---ihe'firiest you can, ..• elow-prie car is provided ° Chevrolet- • • The Qualit built ,ivtO a Chevrolet asittre:O" econbtay from thew., of your the 0.ibe Studi Chevrolet' quality in relation to awerolet cost -then you will realize that Clievrelet prices are unusually leo. The experience ef over tie!) • • million owners. has . proved Chevrolet cost of . eeeretien is imall"-that the mote; glYeS high • mileage 'With IOW of gaeoline'and • ' 'quality is beilt. into Cheyrolet. ' • , oil: Come 7 67 showt.9.m thA. week and ise hew • Come and ad out for'yourself how remarkable a ." value.yoti obtain ina. Chevrolet Waage. OViti.. ."94ality at Lew • .• Fj. Brown, Teeswater, ()ntario - 1LT.itLIT • " • 1, ere antel•Th-dre , • • 'Itaiim .t•AVe.d.. 'in . Cite, Lak rpm ir.g held are keeping- th.; tti -recorder's office- O,s-Sti-H-Pi.O1-404atu,...--, 'are of the benef fkeei • Red take to .tho ll,anitolet boundary is Premising 'lied ..elresdy, square miles of terkitery 'WeSt, oi 'miny Red Lake has been,...staked."''.' • . baS 'been •said that 'very' few of. Us 'develop new•labitS , rater we -are twenty.' .0e rinds. strengthen and „ may"' become. aggressive.' find dominati*„ bin, in the majority ' of •cases that is all. The yoting fellow who has been -lazy up to. the time he reached his majority is capable, 'Of turning over a ne* leaf and becern." industrious; but the thanes are a.hundred to .610. that.ho will not do., so: One Who is': careless about 'aPpearatee or his , Manners up until thd time he. is twenty, may. • have spasms of refollnatien, bill the Chan-: ees are he...Will be e 'bad-marInered ,sloppy old. mail. Be careful abput the, habits you iire Of -Ming% Per. the -y - not Merely important as they ton-. dere': the present .but they are .halAts „for' a lifetinie,; Your success, • your C • ITHere anclThere • Puring' the 'eleven morithi en4ing .; February 28,; the . ordinary "revenue the Dominion was' $337,898,449eer an increase of twenty-nine mllaons Over. the sumof $308,994'.207 for the" . ..eorreapatitfing period of the previous, year....Ordinery,eXpenAiture is about the same a,s a year ago, ,On Febru- • arY 28, filet it totalled $27.6,629,417. 4,/ have grecm, alfalfa for number happiness and your character all de= ot.. years! and find, it wonderfully' goo& • Pend; very. largely,Apn .his habits yotr . - . • feedg, nt, -is ;good for 11 -fa animals and. is Moro fattening than other. feeds. it Yields a great mount pee' acre and the longer it is grown ''''ffilielsitine-fitritt-the4tetter•itAsee , to do.”- „ John: Thompson, Paisley, Hay PitlYee. and, Exporter, and Seed Dealer,• ?Oar' ftitere hey market is, rine foe ad( "for, daiky COWEI." ''That" Means form licfpre-you, are:twenty; uu---••••• 7. • Sr. /teethe' "Pranli -Ritchie 62, Evelyn'. 'Reid .58; Elmo Ititehia75277-7' Jr. INT--Nerrna "'Afire rs o n • Beryl, Gardner 34-2. • • . • . Sr, III-(Ceall-diiianii-f414., Char - ie Anderaon 75) ties, :Sydney. Gard- ner, 51, alfalfa. I ship. and export erinually. sr. II_ Jim Gardner 1,7%0 °Vet. 1000 tons of baled alfalfa hay. ,iitintet. 69.. , 1,:cte•;ichawv: ;.as:r7odt.y.endeortigr4eunalf,inattitar of t 4 Ritchie 49,.- . , • • 'Sr"' r•-FAled a .1:lu n,teroe,•, flu by Reid 4, ' No, on roll, iG-,diverage attend. ein • , f Maren , 9 • • • Gan eral .Wire; ceLellairrnan of the Ini erial War . '00:41:11::ii3iiat,,,4110 has been• is:tmg, in Caxiada daring October, • !Zy 0401.1.' Kealled, to „England much:. .arlier, than' he 'expected.. Prior to • on .the. 'Canadian Pacific, • • !nor, rgogeleie; front Montreal, ho XpreSied the :hope ..ths.t he. Weg4 ab.e-'• to 'came 'to. Canada. again lext springs.. so that he could :giVe andiplis: in the 'Weet some idea A what the Imperial .:Commissioe .s .doing in etiring for the graves:. of western youths who perished ''dur- ing toe war... . , , . • 0 • Robert Rice, Jr., Of 'Boston, and'' Archie Gees, the gei4;nathrP • ,Cole, of 'Harvard, took A.bag on the CapillianwPacifie. the Em-: ter,17:61esiwahnetoe,tfhityri; ia:40:tteao to tprarensssi.p9af.ii jAc9vitiaTsgeep,oefrin5.0te.onadoe,51,Cana thongh they staitc4 ta ,beautifut, elicts• the -end of October Al- dian ' fish eggs: from Vancouver a to , In- koho. The shienient riece it ted dia.); Suininer ',Weather the:, ran within a. few hours' into a bad storm 'which filled ',their canoe With half. melted snow and alines* froze them . into,' Unconsciotisnesi. FortunntelY . theY arriv m the 'niek of time at . . anger's hut Where. they: . stay a! few' nayS' u'ntil' the Storni . a ated.. They ,were prospecting . ' ';the 'neilhbo‘lr o'Od, and were none the worse , for their perilous trip ,;when they .reached Meetreal.. dittremely, :careful. .handling.. eggs ' were ,packed in ice and had to be kept 'at an even temperature dur- ing the entire voyage. Lord. Alleribi; Conqueror of, Pales- tine; was greeted Into crowds On his arrival in Montreal, in Mitch , - The leaders of'the local yere • tin hand.to do homage to the fainoui general who' plaged. a Wreath on the . monument to Canada's fallen soldiers • in the Windsor :Station. • Visiount Allenby, Aliso sPolte at the .St. Deni Theatre , . • • , . • • . ' • The bointnionExperitnentai Farms • system announces the intredtiction of -,a new and valuable variety" of field peas .which may mean to the field •peawliat MarqUis he'S meant . to the growers of Wheat .in, the - *est: - The new variety is a •selection • .frinn:,* a cross 'made at :Ottawa hd-i— • tWeee !fittimmy and Black ksie , rovifat 'varieties.' •••• • • , • • Gross earnings of the Canadian ." .Pacific .Itaibeay, •during 1925 amounted te $183,356,006,, as •cimi- • . • pared with., $182,502,156 1924, !. while working expense& fait year • totalled $143,201,00 as toMPared • with:4145,274,914 in 1924,, I eaVin g • a balattee,. after dengetion•01 • charges, a *25,2/6,259 for 1925, as totePared With 422,06.,556.:J."1) 1124: , ,in, an interview in' Montreal. reA -Beabtyrpresident:varil,' BOb ShawkeY.' New Yerk;fittikett veteran pitcher, Who 'organized the; 'party Of ajar league baseball • Cr'now .htinting big' game. in Ne*.: .Brunswick,thot a moose with antlers: spreading 56 inches'.and havitig 28.; points, according 'to 'Ord' reteive:ti at Fredericton, N.B.. Shawkey shot,: his linooselIirfirst. day, the party speat, in the WOoda: This inoritut, ten is 'conveyed by, another,. party ,of iniVrelf `WTOTOtsfied ;the camp of tifia 'bat! pay.ers NepitiqUi Lalees. In the groun 'are some of the ',best known players in the American League, trldie Autk and Muddy Reel beingemong them.: The 'romance' of a world ern's* 'culminated in New York' City cently when • Dorothy Holmes- O'Ftyaniidaughten ok-Major•Generr. 'end alehit O'ityart„ Of Nem *. 'X01'4 -.Marr!2.4..netwin,;,Curtlt Of Phicageo• The couple met for. the • first time year pgo on hoard' 'elthetriiiir, Pacific - liner :Einp-resi or thairtriati-"Af--thd."-Cantelitie .wliTeh-Was - then Making.- it • that:the Nationel Coei--;:lour.ef:-tlie. world. It 'is feared they .fekenee„" plUesti0n,. gtheolott:::tor. •••tiYes for the World niarvels weeld be of ,incalculable "• Wliech, wrre.untelleid before them on the tour,.since it'is stated' t4Y felt, .,loVe t. -.COW only • .!P(,!; ti[0.11 'oth'er The marriage' was 7 Prieffitinedebrilie'll,ev, Father. Prim- , ot the "Figlitp;i • portanee for the tuttire of the Cana. •dian people. Mr. Beatty Chairman of the Montreal Committee whieh - 'undertook ,tlie ,organizatiori And • *tieing of the. .Conferente, • •. Ing' SNtY.tiinth," a iettinont %coo TO go ' anywhere nowadayg i'yoht,,i -Meltdeti by. the bride St flit ,er . " h 41141* en , first Kilo to ,,,,ase. tip, ner hole ;,:le . war, ,. , . .„... 'el i .„ • 0.46ei $10,4.hor Igoe, • . P0nStehlf, Ate to 'he On O. half-n4q ati 6010" tlian 01;4 .ieggred groin . , Woitei • .3. V. ••• .. • , ••