The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-04-08, Page 3'r-, rw­­ 71.71-4." V �0 4, IN 1-0-m 7 -- APF" 000 _!M; z . ...... ... 7!7 'INS - M-, T -A K t:_CHEN PUITAR VND SI A., T: A Tho'll�ew W�a boa if Oil.. �640, and 4�PO YE N,9$ QQAD U I to 2: 26,, 0olden:.Tex1�-_4n,1h' so pris Il. Tho:"St4q, Go, The7ref-rige Its,c9lOr W Of A"a� -10y, r4tor Was _14 begInni0q, qqr preated' th, e., cave". qpricot, the p _0 _timped deq! a-qL of r; -p -it mt little kitefie th ., o, q tab,:e wl and the earth�,�Gen. 1: 1, ful group tion it eq of.1 Clitneso l4iltierno otrung tipboard, 'its - drawer: for Aftertho invest a ;iducted . ' T , XPOMY Pan C qtpj)jtia- _ryj.AIid.it* pastry boaraall sk in��o t ANALYSIS, C'Utle qu"tj6n. of thti'4eveloPrilent 31om.provea irreststi4le. "The- 1 4 Vq lk A porcelain topi. qt__, j�erwoith the of a'dhi�jed rne t,",trada.1) #t1j1p4a _A11 NQ Or THE WQRPi� b lit.,.- embr idereo, I ,snOwy U19 de-ilqI4 The i�lfdcl se e ou�% kitchen dres , r� Wkllt' 0a 444 .0keit Britain, the !P!po ral 1 .)aAXINq Way till -the kitclion In, the 141 At right angles. to Alp, pF *AN, 1 �24�,31�1,� and1put a the D i,n -the �y ,ept. of Agriculture, r-pporto 00. he �Ti ou od. Britain lioqs;� sb',,,',d 4 he. �left hi cgtt�le; be f d 4in board stAll; At t . . . . . . . . . . . . :oubl!P IsTA9.1)VOmv—We. begin )Oro A:, I I X;ext..�,eio n, i ta, OrOM 4 -,hose Side, of.copproe, 6 00 e grp4tf%t proft. at seri", o s' in't , Pook o dts,llp� c d�be�geC,,��w to.. oiliggre�tb ot Q, esis,,which. wi'j co;,itipuft-utitil th enO, riety kitchen, a pair of.rose- away as fast as th(q,weie,&dilleot-:�-Wals., the pre�ont;,�4nd at time to the SI:A� d'iMity' �,CVt InS. P11 `eAm i ip tery . - - . I -, , . t .� 11 . I anid- ab wlilite like, the Kest of. afford Th' '_,,b* of,.* 'r of Aille .149 -book of Old Te ray ec�k d airltP4. Pr u!rqS, owards. tbo,,expan e inter0A. e If 'I� .1 sav- Ir lip M-014 is of greater d iside of. sion and clove pljIe#t of the beo�f Cat q0wo�jm al S the; -ily egar won4y o, Witt a pair -fifto �c �p W., W bored d d unr iEo, Lis ry y. Inde�d.'nd bdok of 411, tb acN,,d. cotto h. An d 4t'-. Shi�lv#s'anol lining were e-tained elrqo *11q4. nitpat trade t bad'qt!r.,wea)Dofiq alWa n wit e 'hu C krilold wlat6op o.�;Jts- niiLl 4tunched.thttaiJ,1 a. wk ys tho 4 with US., *01cff greatest iit�ra6qret h", iielld aPt,' 4. ll� e'as tho floor- �'l It. -definttely'shelved, at 'for SO, l6ng"a tim,4, th tern to be sewed. in,place, of briglit the..sAme shad t ­_s t is, sw��-y sezi, wbleili all. -but iTnpQi9ib!e,.W�1 an mi to- dis- ct e e the stat�'z�eilt mould '"ar h" qf �:Wll 0 d'p no.attempt... green leaves and a the eld fly, nip bFuid'y row. .5 link K ill ApPe v . e Yd�,.-fbilr fn:(r guiEe.�tbqJ:act;,,,_,hA*J' -e�at,d to d6 C �esls 41 at 1 --the vivi -�hued fru ti pac ages o seasohwo- to 'Liti.farL4 F., % a 1�if abq% -c as to, hatl nu!. b"Ovit l,� With ke�phig,,.Qqr re Cue f t aWay- bat %Ve� eill, -a ob o Llrn_ q �and interested'ittention', of� , t , V, . aJiove pluii�n A �nar lvi� has,* 'k ilturg..1g; -is- k iniiin&. .-T is f Cereal - S LIS a rj�,J d fil fted two CA meaning of it Q oose chell. color -schemq ing, while �a il perman4iey, ut, th,4, wre*. �.o � the. n sinall. ra, pittletni it name, a, rep.k.wprd To,. ell ek ju ri eg 4 tj rs i glo: Su 01 Worthy 1(taki: �Jrent the, Site woah�:.Whe donOtng J�ut even. is t. tra �� experi.eike 6 �1%egihning& each ofjbe right side, apl0t'-An'd 1�rofltab jidss loftbe"B�itish rn'ar4 I- , . nihk "'Q1,119111 q r , the. or her every. p.'qpsJ_-q.;opp4Dr that would' harmonize,witli "It :. the lsliip tu, Its Hebrew title is; s1rqilqr,,4?id -is -4"ifkIleiit,sets�`f �rtll ins -w.ticli. it whs b6ard -!,1 10 til made tlje.� oj�#$t; -il 1pressloll� oll, , 1, ttl JSf,jh1e$,. to I ok del , ih the C. rC4 ey 1 -0 liof "SCQ Ing, n 43pi w of, - rd _ poli. *h1ch make us�'. f "o 9h and si side hxl� the'�utlf�ce, Writty to o, first three. Wo Ian 0"Ose one . 4th4r'qs powdeti, 61 _�v tn y fo r -ONID LIFt. 190J .. . 1 A k at , aitin 1'-�kiito an&their.i6a ei �T, IS LOOT.., per, +i&h' Ilible'. . It of �tho, r Ar 'mo6d @t.r t nve�ajd�s 'Ot world, of men, a were, 4uspvn �d Iffid. frobl..,ba q bear ' " ' ' 0 , Also lt'drawa 'attentiort At a`tfilcot- 6f tbio What Aeh: tO to Or! P9, 4 �n, -'Canadfitw became". The`Kaiiakk­0o acted thot non' wftA Uiliterstood that one:day I :but we §oon.b 'Sep its men,. qghts an ctlrtains,,v�re en r of th6 11how far. frOM U phould,go UID Q e�t, q1otheIf; �p4lent li ther boat JWW soeletk4 and, 1ndutry, of. fa otir6t -046ven' shades of b] iee and 4' Y D ley, Iot ree slia es� o: viol�tj� two d the n( 0 �W, t 'Was our III f I rileat --trad6jit genorAl. at the prb�ent Uiif6rrn y lnj�pv?.spft Ochapters te,4' iea.T'an-, -it w hilr g Whatev t EFFICip ni W d d f 'r, '1�ading -into :t e oaf to, let n t.e� early- hiiitory :of d aniG dit'll' �f black a:n d range or go 1. . ! " " Ba4 of­tII4 do now 0 very w. an e, t my Imot ent" Chapt6ils.42-Jo, 50 tell the stor of t, 6 measure. basic Ca . Tfadian activity which- W. was Amnost never hiDught theme ves Y `�Mn or. which I t -lasted 'drifted A�out !for; tW:6 'days, sa�tlges� t t of �the Ile. of been' iiihowing, gr but steady' d I fove - t6i� tihioughou .qupatio.n while t k her fea rsonh� cipab,14. p a rlgrcha14 griceAtor4 UUGO.To AT N -�c�, holde;rs f dust happy 4iq- -sightiI Q e bo provement - fro th6 pe im eporn vver er naturally We -d -a four-mast.ed. -y would So hi, contents of' of ge'tting the hip.'toAind the a!b ;on jhpugh the auth- attached -hooks on riod'of e6brt 'There, 16vas A Very- light get rid of us,. E carry� frord* the -ear',iesit ti es li� ri were - tbL- colors mop, were, VWit on. My fath4il -l6ok�d With pride or, -handled dust'pan p sign& ornic depmsion bl'th' ost-warypars tip ,things III at time, �'p,ort knew �t the sett eme f 0 a h long. ofr : tli;-, .11 Xhat White to I lit o J c rid' -his -finalily chosen-gre6n stain or -and oritles Of the on Thy gr;,klig� kricwiedge of T 6. from depression th� proilli inight be hun he emergenc boast 'he v6sael by waving our"thirts,and men-.h4d, it -was, doubtful sons in Egypt,_sOTh6 time' et n B.C. oor, crearn-col6red for the. Walls the kitchen pac ng;, acti nolikitical an,d used proudly to 1ti"t6ek industries and ld ut qf-my kni�kerloi to ou astorjsh�� Whett ponded. woilld'ac& hi tlio-matter - 1,8100 And''1,600. Itand woodwork. .0 A Aall white -enameled , stooll. was t hafidlioichiefs. MiLich r ' I , ver Jh" A..st q .. ave, corres i co wer�e� applied,. q one ..of th6 kink drain bockers I had a, swagge that would men t' of Iiii- for" it wasi pe:rfktly, that the. E h constitute one of tho'greAt hat beforiD. I was '6 0-i;Vious 7sis are wai,�maklng slipped bene�gth` liLer ,they htent�,Lof Gene -�the schbo6r took.no ii -e While bene ifijly varied and of life a fit.. ny, quoixter. d d. kept bearing, iwai, from us. We. vosisel %ad -beeiy.lo, plAver. to eite for -rial gra. 4sL bo.ards',when. nott n use eck, yet h�,` top, an adian iridusitt actiftlei, rank' d,' t.dou�t that glitethad, seen us..,This didhot make our position 'any 616r. In ilipid succe9siq not e tall,w ite-en f ur h attioni actures n no l, unlike coul&not: penetrote.6,64urf4pe, Uo th h ameled Ing bis ket. Mometinios. be.camQ..gravo When I talk.� co ii. moving pletur4s'of rnodern times,' trilous wash ire' od of, my. his iather, an to �a:cc�unt for the eit for theb,'Acks arid.Kanakan w.wero: at asier.,, wahavoi presefitiii -the splendid.,'vision ablil -rugs were, purchggll, wi waste put. 1921 value of "out ,w en tho d a- variety of c6lors,: They, An. electric, Wall ou,tl6t, at the rig, t SUM tile outrageouscondtlict f haiii�maA4r.' did- not know tbis,,und they fefire out f 'he pAridis; garden -an( 37 J90, was.: invested in, it, dfather, and twlq.'�of.hio'bro- o creation,. It gril. ould tu to, be thdow,proiided fdr .1 and gra - , I r , I its'flirst man. a ed 0howi -be chan W ha then, eve �0478 19.5 b re to d Wfth,the,bteeze as it was'shew ied witif the, curtains of 't gon6,to�SOAn4l�pr`to return. nd *Oman; their AinAnd Wq ihire.vtas h4hink but 6ior. have. -ha AQ* ne'ovenin Mr. iMeMil!an discover- to rig win- tron, whilo. over. -the - d difficulty in stancing 0 �kpulsiofi, the brothersl.�quarrel, the that h4pefiO, be6 ''at the" sink was a small ia'ri,' $1'8,113,595 United Canad f La lopo.wikll dows, 'Oneweek� would find lods, anticipaticlo. -Tile wat�r,heldmo�lus it n4, illat not jias;s6s� a Hilii low Pon. swbid-ionj.b rhach, the pi w.brojv xtu edthrotijil. tho n, .wall 11, re. in wbi�ch Was plac�d.an I 'lifte L �kavajo i 't was our. fortu and $11iW0,, Jaiw Klng4m.'., y the ted Aerriors for my b6yish heart, and ha n' k, dotili of impoch the saliil�gof Noah and an&graj,-�and-w, oped bulb, making it unrie� hX an ..hour h her W ie hqrizo' It Was only it. 4im'spee b ankt aralserzdi fteadf4l flood, -the when tbelast return was'. to second,. thenU! irjg� t w. br Wed sit-ry 6 ha wifi;t..�ro'pJDed'and dead alm, VIM r aA* Vor rug on the 966r,, th�, Pex al ve, the kitchen ftlio.404 d t6 11 his faotily from -a 4 end of. 1923,� faith that irny forebciding� i4j,'thisl capital ha& increase, covenant, Nirr rainbow kr6d th�.'mighty rag, rvg,,.the next a 1i f the bki' !lint V��ile -light of ceiling; fix-? W40rp-grothiolless Mid tliatj ah6uld live' thtii,i selt. '' Mystified. is. to. wfi� thb� s4lit, to r6turri* agal 1.1luilteir andIdutider of a.'� kingdom-, the.. noloum mat 6 Ther6�werw ther r- u -scholon4r-sholui I I I rose a�d gray ock squares. ure w. n;,.a., i,76 esbib� carv' ild �Iave tried -to shake: tis cit t lie -.1ess onetratirig light $63,058,776. e out li,.fortutle fo 9'all ANCE TO REACA THE LAND. gra� beat tdwoi: builders of. Babylo�, tho'liffil lllshine�ts had it 'Produe on vot - toward-hei,maki 'the g,an �upper p. "t, I" e I IA . The '.66illn d irt of tho '-war� all thd was ' d d ar�thgt it wlis-finall ' *e -rowed rig Lot 4-nd � the 6, in my 19t, Too for for the , -naked Lid ion of ' Abraham anif ued YJ what e, st - ;, ., I t k4der's', walls,were'lialfited a s�me�hat` ctive, co ventefit', but.- -si e a.deep ik v6y, of the. calm", We had no,, idea. i�Whitqoriib, rwe`i�e i -n-, tribes -6f. Which -hey werer the, ightor Attfa. h -decided,I iou7d ma% the mathto 0. -19 t n' 'Iteil having. . might e, but. we. had 'luck. There�s niiSt in 't Isaac piid' Ighmael,- Jacob: -and' Esim, -owdr side 'the least �'k 1, uncon- he air., If I'in Oia& of crearitI I tch6ny'.` he Ile TRAID0.6M PING STEADILY— a$� a e seama a armi '!3 Jbse�h an( The,stoiry.valls� The., Wt4en rool. , 'thanks': to the cheerfu Government figures -Show t at. ;an-. several,. tim�es as, cabin boy, carried ' . . . , .1. 1 1 111i brotileis. n h Q sh'i -(.11 1 from tb6.; us ter th4re!ll be, -no see - a Judge.4f *690 and white� enaniel; ventiona y. curtained 'meats has been dev'elolp- the, va riiIoi lyin �A .pe wit my r (In coas w 'that light' a bisciilt's: S Rw Y­;"� �! �re ready to.. fight. for our os ranges op it'territo' ange was of dow WhicU da0is trslde� in, h fiithe t ror ing gray 4��, point-4dr-decorattva. t -befor-d-V e v� iing-at_a_N141�r_Y_gXaQfy 41 tliIli lastnioment �niu Ili gw&Ahe,� _1ve8 I' 'Ileed an��nia and E t 6 , alleys and Irri gng�ra e -o re-.. ,qun Wd" ainwof the, Euphre I I 4wp. po ceht yeaks, the totA d, till. it'.adttles iteg and hi� to k I'sheld and interest. A91 'free,. -boo'ked'mI h -it doe traUe IN LWAS wee,wit !ft speald�,g dis t�ak if, 0 y parents aroun 94 M :iwely.0 w6ntb�s endfifig 14;Jlvember, I Su Ary. W6Ahv- 164;, itsin A we �pf 'the blitickest 'r of tha. qfl%i-ir �-F f �tba it. i . - ' — a ­ 0., -jn , W, Pe, 3 lit� d- I cilvIctaiiii Inen r sat Ing un ei�, in, ver -women, an" is ac C At' onaliti4a stand- out, W -i 32602 . t r On Xr�aidott,_ mis,'ter, of ibe-Av p4clok, Y. a pro y w rdn gain$.t ve ont u J�bi thrliO 'Joc, eyed about in V th close range live n6ti b alid wilder S' still Wortl&,'. t f Iilind, o a:tl i . shepherds with - 0 r- s, qara, cres, oer $IZ,, xpo, ar�lnts, �II4 it- *,,%-s -per -Were irt the utmost o irrkp running1n. with camAl' I �OV i"� �p e *ho and, Figging I . - c,n­,� " - .' athe ii�a frotn'th t 't* it T increa I suaded thom' that it. wit - to� my own' 'fusion Ofia lher#�t�' T' sade eirmilerch _8 Lin fro; 1.8... nip a..g1;lrhpse'of h d te' I .,altar- By miss: nna 15 th,1924 to $3,003,' in 11 er�oujh cli .�-dise, cities an, Merribbir'bf"; 7 best -advantage to make a kemptre-s's abbut-the -oil! igh -sp6w k r: enough awoty to iy firit. toy- wh : . '6 light,.4ut. ee rig acrifice. Sometimei it'is ith y, h]16rt Ass!n.,..- .,g.seen,,o 0 W-� '$6 8 ;Quyt in !and lamb in the p ri tie urld�r tho c6mmaiii&*�f soine other' ill for tho'con'dition Of the'gre kiiii no Cha'fice.of the,light Win -tribes, Ahcipient.'fiat.i ns i. 'd., of Flo -by 'mist fro first.' thoht *qg:. 'must be A Scotch their movements.,, ifi�'voliue froin $139,135 to',$6 :.thah my fhthe. the in.� the jind. bacon an We mre�.,b6und for, Bitiivia. with'a, drun -;6�e ater.. Jt thickehi-d G. My rst colu ig r thd iiiir Always there. is Ili. enesig the. man on- delil w� fi nibinet I'du ,865;18 -This neral, trade is to $27 8.: 'h and ma a- gareful�T 61IL ek k, dalled bu t:eaqh�,,tftne we -were, st ..cargo ot'Clot �h Thi. rong, religiou6'interest. c inery azi, we- steadily so I wods, rwei'did noV inowl�.aoi we. dTeW were stories told, .by prophets. and'.' beind caIrriea` �n w1itli i n. .,return with offeei,te aii-ol language' e, to run, in closerAq the Ught. - -ptiiists�-ifi !lqfig�Subsequgnt­t­irnes-j-An spof'iti het6u t the closer,.an i enppea 7-� che4, a T46 favor out plans" it Seeined'that thei' ce.nturies:'frb :The,seeds drbppod;#hd,1n ifew years ifor w oa of theiii *44 -an of thes � love�,� an .,on y sigm. f roin hatch* itijoi.. M ill SAmuol d David' 'had.,a: fifie. roup itto voyage r. a d' "on,.;', aild, 'the ere*� or at east jp,,th�� exile tn Babylon tol& bce * sia f. e -the, devil *4k.5' in 11 provISI, a V461 few.66in' Kanakas. Is tradin tk 1109 ry thifg-W I. �a� tia'study g- m-ahin­g N-ty —strange then ��;;%-$U chigy� be- tohad. L a 1 1. 1; P that, tim4 w' m4t .. "There 9 s0i it:&r0hase e - ACM11410 on ed to 'lie the.cke`i:. Groa,was Cause' they, cnveyed.''the' regious was a 'a abioul I; suppos; 'h t lle,,�slivatl,. YX.i no this," 'said Mr. T o is'aulkneoursiglilgl0- a ai b lop with no is . P , ut six ays out of flowiDig ' lentifully and the roe;� tenclihig. of the'pit e s in:arx,unf lav ail I Or.-; ender' 8� PUIT.-e" us". mate. �"Be ?Yn yocii guard, lopit-to p . .. I. . ? with thet Cana46 m4at W ry, t to 'the mind of -th6*ppople.' ur-r1equie, Whii b ran hitoA a , h sinijbig,.-eaelt. in their'awn lar�'guage, '94ttable *aY'- ought good an them. by the to we said,to:,tis bue�ai. tirig steadily'back the pl�ace it oc'-, drove us- ac across.; t then, -at length, WHtten down have too- cupied before the war� . -L N 6 And dol4ni he.. ohb he� dai� line. and 9'?Wder wasi,ond'danchW,411. s id oitiq, of Weird. antai ve : cattle to, the southwarid. . After fourteen rew alongsi e I they have,'ccme to us bearing 1he in . . I ­ -s which *ere v�r - strange, and, t . fi& I I hiours-- of �.bahging.. ail� rig about thrown over �atij to the' sie: y Ili e y precious , essons 'abofit' 'God nany.' exports to, Great Britain in".1925 the hoWeis with their peculiar lbr- , reac il� A, . t . . I .. and faith, -.and covenant pro 'i�, d0ckj,our rogerg ready, to. 1 .1 � 1- ; mi 04NO head; a. In' the bigh&t l5eas 1: av'cl,ever si2ign Very, h �any o -me... mation art s. ri I t6tiLl Of 11 e Oofok�' ml6inhik the fog ��,thick pbedienge, sin,- rightebilsnes,%j, t �r4 ed - h -V butis of o�r� ilVolvers, atth first, sign par. wit : 57iOQO head in -1923 the% Susan Voilthy iprung ct le�k and 1 of -k bik '.1kiinaka Ste ped 16nouili fo.c'ut. and 4 main..cdtild scarce judgjiik�zlt. fil. the border, also'very use� nnabl� of gtx6b 6xJIbrtg of i63,* - a *ai6h was Fet'at the'plihipi and a pu p he- hiso the- - 4 cut_ff0Wqf 9 for. t '99, - 1906 forward' and z6glilgh s6e he.. length of the . I.- THE -MAKING OF T111 r,�L rior-tothe impo=14,.. fi�h 4e, iieate folia :�Oere s6'far �gone'. ge 10 the . ambargo. In -conAection, LEAKS �.A:i DESPITE 6EsPEIzAiif weke'�and4 -which 'Was our Jckily, the sava sitiob f the L gh6wing beautiful floWers.to"adiMintage. held the'*ater foi a.. ti buC t fter.the first floWerino season. lasts'. fr4h lab� in liqucr thlit there was1ittle "njar�l ,The w rds "Ili the eginping. lth,�developing, muiion�. h leak had been ll�m -hearing t oh abso,uteVat befoile 'anything ..The ii�L'16`tnit&d.Xin d 9 or y 4 ex- of t he low rulfibl' e else halipetib& Th'69l'assunie tbgt.Qotl �to, the; SunimeK. 1110 g iscovered th6 earpent I er jrepolit�.ad that The,inatO ste. p4peol, forward,. and btf. We wer . e..str4inifig our. ears 'ginniii spring.,, or in A iii -no sutpi:iee in his 'voice i.s. or was in th6 be g -and, that His, ited�8tates, Beirripuda,_B fti �h Guiang,' the ta-king Wli, -so thek,;ire jr4 or�a nd, it7 link -Ally, able, - ier�badly in the rOsE e i it, and,at last it.camet.. rinidit'd a:nd "Olis tlelated biiefly our exp r - 1,*.ord of power brought the ivoAd ilito 'a forward- hold. -fliere'wfis, 'bulkb4a�lff' Ot;actl "bei tig� 9 mixed -borden' Seeds re' freely piroi 6 it - i, Said by'. a '11 b ierestifig,t noi6,the Wtwd e n 18 1 "1". . , .... - a, - fit 'all( wo"* W§ I we -,vero itai. - bo .'had been, -mate I weixt bel4ow,.a:qd.',s,ent all of ouk., 1-1, e. reul ticed, Cairied I enC4 .. i . -birds an&,wind of he Susan Worthy.. party; eight -in all on'&ck. wafi�ut� Pott� 1067 being &�te to, ep I in. C 11 aoblig�4_to keep two'sctii of ,of. timb'Mr. McMil, an explained' iida an �pumps go -firrdo--.p ints spi-ingi g- Id h swarn . iin n -up� contillutilly ven' then Ae 11 sorts of -�p goes. tioift.', The trado in bacon Bj, now� the e 'iih/negiloes who'.Pelared I ,All ere,a'ireea -of the arth' - a I I exposed to, ti Mating, amo 'a d ens' 0 the wo,rk df,thy.'*, A- #26 " 4 bilge kept gMliftlingr Qh'.; W te -The or er he :of tile Ot t wb, fly.t 6 us -1 The Kanikka' e, FABRIC.', C014BI kTIO�§, gs. , e We cpUdiied'thh,t..t.he that, the best -thing to do ato swim. Ana - - :, ' '.. - - day nep in wa, er: (m. -hands e Uthe Vessel, the' time came.. Onelof � e* sun' all yet -I find' --they. -do_dt well w,, j I f6i it when b Ind. kbing alindst,entirey1o, th V xn 'led ore -a -w n and ag�. in. a. tar the, 11 but. mate. 6 ACHIEV13, SkkRT`i4ESS fho'puinp, -b�_f atch tialil 'shaded: place.'�.` The Ann o The, writer aissums. that tit(, world,' ROCKS *hich appeared.t� nahie,-had men was ieni into-thei forestays'.t 1t4cl Kingdom f T. 0 PI.ECE' r aq,se. we Wore -in.. to 611'r s h'n* ISioWilo'doubt, is the reason. had 'p " d .61q clay smallpox- and that e .Jvas throw the liad.-.. The'. wottei Waters, '011'i fncy for.co and some latilrp tile c,or- out forin .,�and -1ashi nibinlitig. two,., They w.i I hot Oo -well 4f crowded. to- -'could get-, shv. 1:` t it - great abys 4i Ste co'. � : � , ' . ; acting, as Ina r - uitil, -they Illow,. but still''hA pen y empty 'of life., oVek- it 1.1 w.as: niaterials'in one Cos .741 P90DUCINCI Fi,�ST qu��X�Y BA'.' td. a get er.or with other With He waM iw 'nien: e ater' Loll it of to spread out 41'roun of navigating, a -'ship, he sa colari, itlid..banids f��ks bette' . thffn' -bog 11eld n t capable to P -eative pir 4;'which- has-' the pot pare.� There Was. qc�arcely. i6pough In'thh.; filooc rici to -tie. on w re standing ,ii.i'.W' ukb-, it .4kkness;, but fhext plenty Of of the AV a r. id, and as .�ei * tc�, in da�lrerbus even should their thiglis h0y�WO�kaOV,At th�. God was' 'bird flitrrng Aid "I one plaht - thr.ee, 'Carthdian products t r th'�, �re� w-- ere',greim they*: w-�ltiti Wei- we take tlict.grotind. ace Thcy:wOfk strong pread wings.'CiN'bi thii,,face position in thp British :.'-,punip5. With., outs 'vq Of �' navy-blue taifilta:' ' t on thb, slee 1vould -in., he'saftle sp, �we.woq Th# S4'rf wiq sounding �retty.plin.. of th� abys,-i� Then i OA v. ld' ake thein'- io.- Wobediehect t In 1909 rising come -us if plai&d in rdd, yellow aiid wbite, wk�: t6atifully 6 e , . Caniida expo'Ptod, -bd8bn r'charrphik. 61or com- 8 sh W, r.qt 1or foot! nd-a Cks Wng divibo: Comm kind, the,.darkne.4s �,i el asked. ri ly, but�we counted q , the b -a of nliv�-b ue crepe, bhiatic�ngll, 'Three' of'.tbe , beauiifiii� dr6at Val qhi.p to Raglan le�ves' l t whites,,.on' On 'third'on� $70,0N,000.. During.Ahe Y and'.thb of 31 e' lue It e m,'rc ce t� ..'Clea DO � fdr gone take ilotice� of iL. through with'. 4 a ea. ure -and -water., I n UP. satin. n )of-, once v DANG91 ?0US,,CRLW'* a a leader,Came�aft the tq crash the Kntwk' The storyrof G6d'8 making thlb wol ht a donla 'd for h ell s7 ips oli 6%-4 the, ftqllit�'Of. �blazin g, -Or.1 _,fital�pppyfl ous remenil RANAKA A tt aild oMer and'spoke.to-the hia'te. Of lig� of life ndt 'I. and the -t the shriek -of A.'' teni -a a walling, P�4te " .., �ea fas rig uAd6i -flat plait, attractive h�6t iii,Ae place of that, of qda ity ing sdul; -is �told' under the�'flgtfre of Ing �'thet 'new' i, Iye rd Of',Rllin* As wz re.�lolie the I!P-rctty bdd ftige Itteway off"' he Kb Acd �t th6 hips, giv* -cifleam; iris, - 1 tor -thc iii oi the, a hilin be- n iia d souls i m6nt;*,.�R:nd, they to- riwe: ep pufple columbl�o and th - 0. lying. The' ob. !on$ told us, the foverna �all'j ca'rr46 oil I rt. , , '. : 1 ln, shff�red' accordingly: Vh�`n st.had'gp.ne by run near st ghis'and fter lllu�ed efrt, -'t1io:6XqAAsiio'pinky nia with Oil "bVt flay. util ifs. cohipletion''.tind. 6e ly latl,'ppening t, the si e ron lie rieiy is Al Ch� kliilaka� is. said thb, mate, circu a, "ve n type , Wten T wits t, e diess. d "f erfor boards. Ianation that.' this a pumps I went abo.lvo and "found the. there's na reef'chatted here, Seventh'ol -bbath,' dity -bf so and -joined to a, fitted band at tlie The ong spurre hybrids are. c 13�46hl ,rtN* the blac%b14el..' Soino,-.6i the Kanakas of 9 Ili. his g�r it' libAto. h:, 1, ears pr4otty good," sai& the God,doeL' cat task,' ind hell elusion of -hosti crew nius 'have K -,I . rialm. —'Th n -ii , ear land." n rolle. open nig I . nay . , e auti, ii tackWand sails in et iptra,: desired the ioe sidered the as lhli� be 'in b, kA b -o'mitte'd and -4 -he -flowers,: - blu with velopp aq" gct� my, bea I- n gs ustd. them -- il I ' ' ��oba4ly�� nb lik fi 'ished he d 99 E w WWI oider,of the anThu. B oujel,* dniljt�v .1he,nian iwthestays, came oft., f ront inade -in oile,oJece. uti( havei-wh6le..Itra6. iiiii "Tilainnilist 'tlor d %t. 'liber ted -*and 0. shad4 of r the I si Thii'must tiar4l�nj' tun ' any lo I L,"! iting, and.' 20,161.,&, -o­feet high, abrillysickers ftol farmers XV i rod',..Craghp� . ad th' -negi?ocA -t" a."llafuril Ord Ill tho� Ingst al e so Ile eve the lu r0l: nuird. r cl't Ost 'lit blust, lixo for, this .ftil 4ii tliko %ftte i n a lw.tono t�,tll�'mato: m om-thi-qugh6tit lie Of e much sb.4 t'liftor for do6i` Vb� C�ut away the oand,' a - 3'6 Ile' Size, 18 '(8 30 bust IU6 -wlleckog�wicfi ax� A.110 ey C9 Id hatc': weatfi-. e WA g Thon "tint: lie"ileve'th At .'that' vi ty bbitl all 8 . e, of,-( he. d 1, Jhe ocqui Ile,; W. The s reo -trk' a If till ot tile word froni bvlow t t. the-W,4or The 1�qtlakas prob- ,ilight I�asilhig, sliock WWch fst sta-i (I that g' b: I. ry laild. ell es We" progreAs. has 'been and gmilling. P i- -it' ild b the &red the rifle till([ she.fl'Dat-' N 0, 1 a -against t , west :14 -Ili to4day prcirolu6-ii� bcorl sun, Illoon and the 4iflo, af th .1 ga dy tile to' Onle 'Pirates, e I -The". t olk �ve ka rs, Ind, '42,oi- 5440h 11.!Otlill to tile in'tho cove boats. bil t thi bd W' fl n the t, 0 t rage., It wbo: tilat,thc�re�. its s,l(lh. in illo, an 'htiv, e a lgei tol-�,' of, afcot :tt helo6,t, -They PrOt&tCd Yo 0 service in K;!th"- soloond )cgmintg t.:v� 81 .�it;te%geii �Aanditig Ill nnd Lis F6 ()Ilg.a of ov4bil thoi at 6nive, 6), to,thvni, W Ir q1".if lJort'. lool ovt tile himol Nvith tile buti; or.,, diffet oniew deek, icy told, of it) 6f the W M, \ , " bly, pistol, but, b.o. tell] the Niv i hnts wil'in, tl 'drunken kalik to ox-; idnhientl t 'tho I a Way ft), nwd 66 'r - ient. pfact% Or dt ii� StInIIIIIIS the hoi e T 'Pric6-d -d wtion And %yo tetake. r oil(' its to th( 11ol-tll't -POPY., (o i till 0111' Wl fy-Ililly .. . 0", :a gray IThete As )ff 11 Vht. 'it, sc�fncid: t 'but liHOW -T0 witli th tieln-f 't to tAl-tis, 11d to ge.LU6. ho' W S, dyiilg I , , it� I wl foun( Wflic voitr iianio and ilddre' T tho; lseas s oNVQ0 t no i1, )a onuek.:- Our ofle,'. port f6i, qq 'ft dioti,' of' the Kail- ni 'hilre'd 440tt( of tueh -e ;,i)y (if the pe*t,-,iliIal'q o�) -and spvti aileic L. giving'numbor' A�A' si�o t; t.he rLic: of the , spending, s �lllg out 1* 0 t' E ncti5so in h�vo' wils ths" As to Veass"PI ovvt lciko.lantl cii. the deck-.�. lititterni as Won k c�,;<,ry other a 0 isn I tht, st. Ukvo� t. 1 4§ te'IOU,-h -01' ii nkkat-0 fill', �lthoiIgh flit d&*'itot t;e t tho tfiilc�. T t, M10111 on dblk, I)VI, (ully hut nto 1 It Calle, for each all( thnt ill,, llabrew o 116,11ilt Oil t,�,) lity -in to q� I n it NJ 0 I our, r o t 6d �i ..and qua Us ia loalDliko the ddic-.% yw4r'oirder fo O do put .11 ire matnli d; on farni,:;,where but wo W le ; Co., 73' %V" -t Adel, the fattt 0'fl'thO the ro how' t 'To "Y ...'d a i�nd '.�4� "lot Jjl1'u!C610*. the till, tti, IV, Ch t; it Alalt Ullf tdiev t), ol to e i"� .))()at$ l)Ut 'tile 1�w Jill? f nif il, t" S V' -Ao 6ui aild -,�01 0 ieft isio of ilv, f 'Pal '011 th�e ined to, I Ig, of bnb i's wo.. the fTf.4t nlo�d to". esU t we" lie On boand, tht tJ_,7_Aq 11(to t 9V e And IlRone ok ;_ -T upon. TalllW' ose tog th .6 A nd, pllwhieli we Would The f-lo9roeq 'ho jolt I it Ing whoris the, �q- P4LVdi&t16n. anS licit ard n � re lis- we 0jtAv__ rV ffl, wfc f1tta'i t V. T, to 'us 'W heof 6hu ibliotT7 is helped theill. It e Lt t; jllilA enr'1101 , �f lit, Jild Ins], ot All nJt&jjIg' th'i filr1ii �v W,4zt 4ho porti and- b� ire i J r till le tile 40v tit write.; th go -Otis tJ I' 6hal-blaeks, SO lo'lig of otilt, �,11- on, - dIUS O'li'l 'VC sWit (,�l e 1* io-it Ooil LIT o r, WO C tIlm q'ti 1, 4 pin, t #011 All 0 f. them. with, t�fa',Argt Oililwl� q'i, oft a