The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 8. UIto.DA ' #lt I tii; .,t020 GrOODS IV N'S A1�TlD' C II' • v • • d Y • .iP • TLr'•, •Y • ti 127 WE AVE HAND :-. ON 13NDNOW + UPPLI . E � S S FOR SPRING CLEANING Cedar Oil . Polish 20c, 30c,, 75c, sizes. Scrub Brushes, Stove•Brushes� White Wash as -Bru shes Whisks, s,Steel Wool, Brooms --Finest Quality, Corn Q y, C , Straw 60c., 85c., $1.00 • London Special Laundry Soap 3 largebars s 25c. . 8 / Varieties of ToiletSoa Always ;a good "sup l of J:itchen Utensilson' ' -supply ..;;... .,. Hand. in Graniteware, Aluminum, Tinwarer' La Glasses G asses and: Lanternlobes ., � , all sizes, Wash Boards' Wash Tubs' Clothes. Lines, 4 Clothes Pins „..STANLEY'S .:'VARIETY. STORE IN TUNEW;IT-ISP' N R G. :: Nature will soon he 'putting off its' '., old, snow. garments,f Easter isju§t.'a. few' vc•eeks. .away.A•re . o� y, u . wearing 1 � shabby. ah undo"' ., oes r yell, goloshes or rubbers., Shabby shoes strrk'e a discordant note on a 'Sprang morning. Come a. n d s. a e the , . shoesin our west 'window. They • . have just arrived' and are selling at '$3.50, g $3.75 E4.00, :$4:50."8c $5.00; • . MEN' S• • OXFUItDS' '4Ve 'have a large ' assortment of lien's. Oxfordq in Black .- Calf, -Patent Leather :aiid. Newest Tan 'Shades, priced from $4.00', to $9.00; ,;,., f g 7 MEN'S WORK :51SOES .. �, .. ,We have. just ,received,,a;.lar. e alta men . ` __ . , g p t. _ `.GREG' Shoe, .also the t'FAR'VMERS' Shoe These are well, lcflo vn 1hne$ and give satisfaction, ',' RATHWELL•& TURNER THE ,,,STORE OM sTpcx A GLIMPSE OF LIFE IN: PORTUGAL' ' (From :The' WalkertonTelesco'Pe ) As some of our' readersko vv'Mrss•. Edith M. Clark `daughter of . 'Mr.' and i Mis. -John :Clark, of Teeswater, rs in ':Portugal, studying the, lang- uages, preparatory anguages,'preparatory to proceeding to' Africa for mission work. From •Coim bra she awrote ta',.Mr. J. H. ;Ranee .bottiom, of. • Walkerton, .. and • refered asfollows, to: a few f • the chaacter- istics and •'customs ` of the •: people ;, a ' mong whom 'she is:living:•, • We find Portugal' quite;:an inter- esting country, :'both:• because of .`its past.. and `:lie e a u s.0 o f. 'the . pr irnitive customs, which' ,'still vail,; At one time the, • Portugese navigators 'led in • •'.explaration and discovery; but they. seem `to have been,better. adapted to 'th'at than to development ;of 'colonies. and. 'so they :gradually lost a great deal 'of what at one time belonged to them. There: are many relies of the times when the' country was inhabited by the "Moors and some of even the more ,the peoples, `the Iberieos,. and oth- ers.' We visited the castles' at'Cintra • near Lisbon,. parts of which were'con- structed. by . the' '.Moors more `than seven hundred:'years ago. +, The people' stilt ase oxen for cul - Ir a'i ,, vtn the"' In ... a dd' • �f^•'o it by hand There are soine horses, but these are used; only - forte•-r(ding or . driving in fancy.' carriages;: There are a number „o£' mules, and we .Often see one • dis; playing the `. s. tubbornness for . •which it is famous.' Then'•too there ere a:few real' up-to-date automobiles but these helong to'the" fear rich people. The roads :are' better•''adapted fo'r ox -carts than 'aims an w Y. ay:, The 'country around Coimbra • .is quite hilly and very' picturesque, 'es- pecially following the 'river. 0 n e wonders "how'lhe people' can make a living off their little .patches. of ground,, and, in niany, places . it `is : on s.uch.a steep s opo that they harp i't r r , v bC Cl rL SYulti�atE:.�t women -work in the fields a good deal and do 'so much heavy carrying: They lit g: _their fruit or' vegetable .o:faw1, as the ease::niay be, to'mar-, ket in large round baskets.'• which • they carry on,'the�r hems.;`� They are mostly bare footed, or else have a .,sort: ,of • wooden .shoe ,which: '.-flops Off. the .heel ,at' every :step, .and,..yet,. they.•trip ;,along:;,over the .-cobble 'stone streets .with • wonder!ul . poise and speed, The dregs it" also • 'Interest. ung, ua'.the working clolu ,:Ntlll scarfs in place . of "hats andshawls in place of -coats. • '•There are some very.Y pretty parks P. here' e and we • .,enjoy seeing the subs 'Topical 'trees and flowers 0 ' m ' So u ch . Where are' many species' of- palms,<. eucalyptus •.trees and• acacais. ' The. •. latter:. arevery ,. pretty just' now as they are covered; with 'their' delicate yellow.flowers.:"Then, ' too, `there are. many 'flowering shrubs' a:nd ' this; menth • our spring. flowers Fare , bet »•inningto bloorri, daffodils and other bulbs. ,; This' is the'rain season and every- , rY- . thing is lovely and fresh, the grass h'as corse up lovely and green and 'the tree '• trunks and stone walls, : as well as ' the tile -roofs, ;are moss-cov- • erect• In' December we .had rain' al - Mott ever• day,but in January many lovely bright sunny days. This month,.':' so fat, we have had .rain and sunshine,•. turnabout: ever day. S. S. No.` 3, '.Kinloss , • 'Sr, .IV: Good --C, Hodgins*.. •J I'V^: Hon.ors•r-.F; Thompson. • (`,00d—Elie• HocO•rns; ;H' Hodgins*.. . :.Good---Machso•,' .GoSrll; F. Hodgins*'W; E. ThompPertonn. M. . Jr I'XI: Good 'G. Ross Kathleen Eckenswiller. • Fair -I., Colwell;, ' E, Iiawkshaw. I: •G I.o o.. . M., 'l'Iodglnsr Pair14I.0 .:Hawkshaw L M Mabel Ross., .Fair—(i Matt Pherson*; L Johnston*.' Primer:, ono — . ., 1I rs L. Eckensvriller Good—C. :: Colwell. gins*; J. Johnston*; G. James* • •Indicates' one, week oi` more , rule sed during.. month, No. •on. roll 23,' average. att. 15,5. Frank Tho ' ,mpsbn received most • number of Stars.,for. conduct.—A. Johnston,` ----0 o -O • Union S.$. No. 4, Mb. &:.Huron V:' C.Bro'wn•'72; J. MacDonald' ?2 I: G. Finlayson 52. `! IV: C. ,MacDonald •$2;',D. ;Robert." , 'son 76; :J RoSs 71; It. 'Finldyson 65',' ,61 '11afKeritil Fc kfi2,', C� 441rltxv49*d7 Finlayson Donald 66; K...Ross, 0.: MacCharlo sir,".... Y . Jr. III: U. MacDonald�72; Kendrick 62* Sr. II: A'.. Robertson,,. 'J.; .Mac:Rae; L.. Mo.cDonald, Jr.. II. J. Finlayson; C. Maclten- d.riekc _ Sr. I: P. -Robertson; :R aeKo:nvre: Jr; 1: F, `MacDonald; S, •Fininyson. Primer:. MacKeridriek; I. hoes;; MacKenzie; .A, Barkwoill Donald. 1/4401)0404-4$bsynt,-.-p, .ziatigoo, HURON, OLD 'BOYS' ; •EUCHRE' AND BRIDGE The nnual Euchre and 'Bridge :Of' the •'Huron" Old•Bos' Association Y' ' of Toronto will be held .,in s the: .Ily ei g Auditorium,'•40:\Elm' Street On Thc:rs- day'eyening; March 25th,. 1826, m `to- mencing at' .l? 8 m:, , • . • A, strong. invitatien–is eitt.ended4o etovve•r'aY ndH•'t:aronite.i n the .0ity.' of Tor r stili•istronger 'invitation Is extended'to :the people: of: the .COI: ty., v;l,o' pay have .business in the ( iwy - that peek' to be n:: iesent.' - A splendid . ; .graiw is bein- ranged,, d rt a ,'sple did social c• ,i- ing .is proinised.=Sec'y. • R C.0 E Cut No.: '3362•Practical Front , Corset is one We want., You to try• Lorbust, .figure. fi mparte': d White Coutil,iZ s es 6 "to•3.6 and:is piiced at • orse et� 1 tis priced p c d at' 98c.„ $1.35, $1 75 and $2.00' are values tht are .unbeatable; No 269, an old-fashioned $ Corset with ' very,'. high 'bust r'..ont and Medium length hip,made of white coutil , deep , ‘44, ores' in bust and hip i ;gores i _LL p maks t comfortable for Curved figure, four garters. Sizes'n •`to 30..Price $1;75.. SPECIAL--Alable of:Corsets, discontinued lines„ all sizes -2 0 to 30 Re p ' $ . $ 0. 'Clearing ular rice • 2 50'to .0_ g, at $1.65 a pair, A Par gain For. g S Soe:ilie Only Wilton. Rug,size 9 x•1.2y. Beautiful patternw. ,� in the newest : design. As we have only 0 2e of these, ,and t . 1 ' - • Y , he, r ce is right �t will soon be • • - piced up. 1 MEN.--. � � :...r. .. ,. � .. ._,:... T e New . Bats e . Here-�Bilti amore, of Course, These allenuine, Fur PeHats--no ' ' g It cheap-WOoI ; felts. If .'you don't know the 'difference between , , an a �Nool Felt'and a Fpr 'Felt, we. can ;tell ,y0u.: The'- •Biltmore . is, toga recognized ; i Y , g ><s Canada s Premium Hat. • , • Let,us`baue: that cutler for your Spring Suit' -"� Leishman Or arnbritlge Clothes Y Super' Silk for iauies New Spring` `.: .Parsee # P.jr