The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 4•11.1,
-Virtiatat,tader 1OWe
41% giktis- and Te.044!) IkaiR ,14frP4,e41,1,Walking
Weliilt POWs!. '
OST 'STPFTA& WIRE FOnrea; gates, 4!Paint
;PAtN,t COW qossossid.,
9110:,fillq-CPP;r-Rubber and SteJ The.
B41.01***1W114114!(iii CO —.Plows and rtesellY10
,piArTOk`'oR0is ANDPaOtqc;GRAPHS:.,:-'§uu us, and. lave.
' Tweak seine. Money when yij want something • In rjUsic'
al. laatromen.* • '
ND. REW1* 'k,ucKNo-vv.
e;• T4
onu en
Hasthe largest and most complete.
stock in. the twat beautiful designs '
to cheese, treat.. in
Madge, Sentra,. .Swedish and Can-
adian. granites
We 'make a specialty of PandlY
• Monumentd•and invi:Te your i,nspec-
inscriptions ,Neatly, Carefully and
Promptly Dime
See us/before Plating your order
!Douglas- Bros. 'R. A. Spotton
Luclinew, Ont;„
1.,* 0 No 428 •Lucknow meets
the second Tuesday of every month,
in their hall, at 8 o'clock, C. Mullin;
W. M. P.' Carter, Rec. Sec. ,
uerro'lle Public
Is far -sight a question of age?
No, age has nothing to do with
it. In fact most children are far-
sighted, but in youth the defect
is often Mit suspected.
Does far -sight in children cause
That depends upon:the extent
of, the error and otheatircumetan-
li'• would be possible fo a far-
sighted child to suffer severely
•and no One recognize the cause of
the trouble.
Yes, thousands of children are
so afflicted.
• ,(Continued Neat Week)
. • • ' • • "
, • , • •
In the Estate of _Murdoch McRae,
late :Of, the 'Village ..of •Luclmoiv' 'in
the County - of Bruce; 'Retired
, . ,
er, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all per -
sails ,laying' clainia, against the es-':
tate of the said deceased " are requir-
ed: to, send lull particulars of such
verified to the undersign-
ed executors :under the Will of the
said deceased,' on Or befn'e the Third
'aleY of April, 1924, after which data
the executors will ,proceed to distri-
bute,' the assets of the Setae.' having
Otlit-d':"efflY" TeAbe:olairna of '..which.
notice Shall then have been recep,
Dated at lacialOw this- Second any
Of March, A.D.:1026. •
B. B. Balfour Lucknowa Ont.; JOS.
E. Agnew; Lncl;nOva, Ont., Executors.
. ,
In. the Estate of Sophia Rebecca
meltze-r• .deareased. •
against' the estate of , Sophia•Smelt-
zer, late of the' of Liana*
in 'the County of Bruce, Married...wo-
man, deceased, are hereby notified to
deliver their claims,' properly ,verified .
to the, undisigned Administrator be-
.1 fore-theaseventhaday_ofaApril net
after Which date the Administrator
will . proceed' to distribute the 'estate
of the deceased, having regard only
to such claims as hejhaltaheriahave
had, notice.
Dated at Lucknow this tenth day
of 'March, A.D. 1026. ; •
- John R. Savage, Dungannon; .Ont.
Administrator. • 25-3-c
litr4*Neitl 1111M41% tnesim# mAneg.110),
Published ever; Thursdais
• at Ln .cienow. (Potato,
A!,,P.Maelcennie. FroPtieter
and Edit9r•
THURSDAY MARCH: 11th, 1926.
• •
Has NO PIO For The 'Flying Rt
' d'aCk • Miner' S nliggention that -the
crows ought to he abant 95 per. cenf
eieterrniriated,Ihe welt -known '''nedui
alist gave the 'following interview
4 eltk Paper. ;In_it -hi opin
ion .of Mr.: and Mrs. Crow and •alsa
of eame,aft'aleir defenders. Said he I
That '5 per cent '':ol• row marks
ina' corn field leade,•tea-eara of corn
addle admitting that: the bird_ wil
:eat the borer, and -anythink Shit
ihrough Which' he can get his, bill:
.Statea,. emphatically his failure tej,
see in the past_ where a crow ha:
.dtini• any more good than an 'ordin
arty:Leghorn thicken turned loose is
•the aaniea field would have accom-
alished. ' •
"I have tracked Mr. Crow ,very
carefully, in the last two Years,'
said Mr. Miner, ancifrom evidence
of his activities I have drawn the,
'eon -elusion that he is, of no. genera,
nelp to the corn crop, but that rathei
ire combines his force With the bore
01 destroying our grain."
"The -borer established itself here
.n the Midst of millions , of •crows.
'Why did, the birds ever let the grata
get a)statt if, they're such death on
them?" ,.' • •
Advocates. 92 Per', tent Depletion
Denying charges that he inteadee
to exterminate the crow, or ever, hid
contemplated 'such', a program, • kr.
Miner added that it was not his de-
. .
sir arivaaalaa oi
pird or animal life—the sparrow oi
tainber Oven- 0,1191-e-Tielrfha
'the• ,interests of the .country these
'Pests should he cut down at least '9
per cent. In. announcing that he had
a sparrow trap almost acompleted ane,
that' e had been devotingcimaider
• able study ,to anew and-aatisftetor3
'system of „trapping the wolf Mr. Min-
ar supposed that further racket frail
"kis 4`niTileio tiii—stalen.critic
would be raised on the ground that
•,ie again was. interferirig With the,
progress of nature.
"I ha,v given this matter lif
."There is not A sinzle.geological
reason Why each and all , of the-
, world--famons 'Mining/ camps, swria as
• those of Kirkland Lake, Porcupine
and Sudbury, should. not be dupli-
'ested eihriost anywhere in the 650,-
000 square miles of the Quebec Lau-
arentian Plateau, „ aarieh stretches
from the Ottawa and St. Learenee,
Rivers to Madam Strait." according
to a:statement made by T. C. Denis,
Superinten lent of Mipes of, the
Province of Quebec, at a recent .
meeting of the. Quebec branch of the
Mining Institute of ccanada... •
sotrrif iin,moss•
•• eg na e
line's careful consideration; and `A
will go so far as to bay that the
.• The' WM.S. met at the Manse
Mara 3rd and although the weather
was 'unfavorable a ,good numba•
were present: ' Mist -11. Suthialand-
presided and • opened the:. meeting
with: a -hymn-after-- whkh-theaLoada-
Prayer. arid Isaiah 64 -Were given ix;
enision. Rain calf was answered by,
the"'ideiption`.of the minutes.' • The
'Committee in 'charge of•the books
for Northern Ontario announced the
eiteratirre had been 'sent.'ziad grate -
:fully received .' busieees ,.:in-
,±luded,.thc-liecision to have a spec.
iar Easter Meeting and in order tt
arrange for it the next 'regular
-theeting..would be held', at the Mans:
on March The program con,.
'-risted of a „paper by Mrs. A.' Huahee
an Bible Teachings: of PrayAra which
,vas well illustrated by Bible quota
ion s..• Miss N. Nicholson contribut:
2d :An appropriate paper on DornQ
The Works of Jesirs. ' „a •
The Meeting .v1pSed by the istra-
manner followed by refreshments,
and a social half hour..—Press See'y:
Phone No, 10 is at Your Service
We Sell for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Store
IN TWO, Sli,Ea'L-40 EGG AND 250 EGQ., IT. WILL 'PAY YOU ..
TO. GET OVICPItiCES, • • • •
..16'•„;.'ttr 44;1' :1,.);F:',ARHy".4,....Tos„,PV
MAKE SAP PANS.' • ' • - •'••1• ,
-PAW:MADE:a ' • ae.
ur le c)11.
Ifeating„Pluiphing.And:.Elgciri 'Wiring
s Paints :Gyproc. Wallbdard
nd young - of song, iasetivoranu
Ind game birds, are a 'greater driat-
aide to the increase of 'these bird
;ban, all the hawks ' and eats Pat to
ether. The Crow will take riling'
neurning-doves-iand-robinoeut of the
:rest when they are AS big as, Englis1
'I.Parroyis; While the mothers of those,
innocent:and desirable birds lookor
as helpless as a human 'mother try'
;lig with her bare 'hands to proteC
her babies froin, a, starving: lioaa?
' gvideace of Crow- Lawlessness.
A, great deal of photographic evi
ience .of crow lawlessness • of AWL
:arid was ptedUcede by',Mr. Miner
who spoke at lefigth'''Ot the los in-
, aided aindirectly upon' the farmer
qiieugh the iiowat depredations a
:;,,•ainst; .the -insectivorous birds•
"Crows ' take • Eobins wholesale,'
said Mr. Miner; "and - yet from actu
al observation I •knotcyw that one rob.
:n will carry as many as three cut:
Norms in one trip to her babies.,And
.1 have known a single cid-worm to
aut down -five tomato plants (before
replanting) ina a' single night The
crop of a dove I. and 4 'Says once
.tisseeted 4 contained . 1,70. ,weed
-seeds and the crop; at the time NI7f.
l'ot half filled. Se when some ma
...dila you a mourning dove Avill de
y10,000 weed 'seeds, in .a "ay; be
Challenging; his .critics to pre.sen
evidence tliat the crovi ate wee(
.seeds, \Mr. Miner went on to; day tha.
all bii:ds 'ate the' corn, -borer, triggest-
id thatthe tiniest insectivorous bird
avhich is the -easiest' aictiin'fait, the
..T.row may be destroying the borer h.
.the wing stage; and thereby at a far
greater rate and in a more effective
.tharmer than the crow; robwithstande•
'Mg his giuttono,us nature eller coal:
'rope toaadtomplish.
• 4• From 3,000- te. 5,600 (levee. •roo's:
"ri histrees.; near the' house, in Aug-
ust,. SepteMber and October.',' They
„lend the limbs ' down with theil.
weight;.andaMia, Miner ' feeas.
.at'ae •berda, ificreaaa aumheae., a. ,
have to plarit more seeding soon, if
•"Why do' they ,aolne,beret said
, he. "'For the .san1,9 reason, the ..a
• ' ins adarea•afer protection,,,,,, Nawaana
iegine two pairs 0:,-eiows-'beir!g--; id -
'aerated to meet, near 'by. „How maria
ntai a' of .aaung would , he _;reisec
' 'there'rTe.,,Oe' the lite 'lei -life of (MS
. .
.1,01 MY critics i you could count the
.1 number on. the "finger's One Vend.", ,.
• . , „Plarining aFuture for Quail.- ., ..
„(1Vitli the e,e?„., that it is pessittir-
tot,. create With ,the plantinz, of' erna- jit
nieritai trees and shrtilihery,, 'sthe 1)01 in
. white quail,•k, 9 , kk
.steed Mr Miner,- tan be .+
- rall"04 in captivity by tent of ili004:.• . a
• r".
able peaPle of. the 134•Ovince. Ong
quail in captivity Will l#T,faom 75 to
120 -eggs in a Single season. Althe7
ugh they breed as feat as the English
aParisewer their have so many enemies
that existence * hard problem to
piaster, • •
"Because ,they are unable to con.;teal .their white eggs," Mr. Miner
informed the _Globe; "they are part.
tiegiatatargeta for the Crone. And the.
extent I adVotate. it -is useless for the
Pail. to lay aggs in the numbers )
_aitaa inentiaaeiV. . '
Replyingto suggestions that his
vheleaale.trapPing of the ere*, bord-
ered on the "inhuman," Mr; Miner
aSked •Whialf. Wad the mOre, inhunsar
.ict,‘andea .the Circumstances -ate put
the bird 44.• lnisilr.81;7or to ale
him tti' continue :his 'murdering, 01hae
:Weaker. kin, Why punish 'hino-
TeTift-iiiiverboy for killing ''a" 'robin
anat the: smile time let the. hog-'
holeral dist/VW:or Put the same
robin to death Ait-it wholesale rate?
"I have taken God at His _word
and have studied aloag, that line of
"dominion over all." New that.
have, the means to control the 'crow,
we can either exterminate 95 aper
:era. of his numbers as I suggest, or
let him gel.
"If .it is .ever proved • to me that
the crow is better alive than deed
I will threw up both hands: no coin -
One my farce With his, but' if'by de,
droying him i,can:show the public
that I Can save the song and insect;,
, ;vocals and genie birds and increase
-heir numbers, then the public will
'be behind 'me in my work,
' 'MARCH' 2nd, 1791 ..
'(From The London Free Preis)
One hundred and thirty-five years
ioago 6ctro'n 'dkie4rrcel; t2'.4•217.46•411jaill#3911n.ioll.ensrleeny
, -
died at the" age of 88. He born a
The rectory. in ,the. English .village o
Zpworth, 'on June 17, 1703, and 'wa
the 15th child in' a family of 19. His'
tiVail: a ,Church • of: England
rlergymana while his mother was a
laughter---0-:the famous Apne4
:ey, one ,of the . most prominent Of
dissenting ministers :who left,
are English church in the reign , Of
Arai -lee -II; rather, than 'subsaihe to
he Att., af-; Uniformity.
Wesley Was educated at the Chart-
arhause School, and at the ago :of 17
entered. Oraford 'University, where. he
was ordained a deacon in 1725 and
elected.a" fellow' of Lisoln Coll�g a'
few manilas 'later. While at Oxford
'became the leader, of a afew stu-
dents who Met daily in each other's
room for .the purpose of religious
study, and Who became known as
Methodists. They'didgrentr"a",:"
nount of 'evangelical Work; 'notably
• . • •
by, visiting the ,prisoners In the local
jail' and ministering to . the 'sicic in
':he district, ' .
• In 1735 'Mosley was pent by the
Society for: the PrOpogation of ' the
los,pell as n missionary to Georgie
'here introduction of unauthoriz-
7,1 hymns' in his otherwise •'strictly
:4rthodox. Church of England. In
aeprgia he formed a small semety of
'the- more serious prembers of ahia
'Hoek, and he himself described 'their
aeetingS as the second rise of Meth -
°diem; the ;• first being at . Oxford if.
his student days. '
• On his return. to England lie form
ed.. Several other similar eocietieS.
;',onden, and the foundation of the
• Ilethodist church dates from the
lrst- ineetiag of 'the, spciety. which he
:stablisheal ,in a building in Moore:
lelds, known as the Fouridery,, ir
739.1 It was an:April 2 of that yen'
hat Wesley 'first preached in, thc,
'pen air and realized that ahe ha('
,Ound the enly • way of reaching tin'
rItitudes living in almoat heather
larlaress. . ,
ThenceforWard he regaaded thr
ahple world' as his parish, and the,
major portion of his life viae.devetea,
-ta travelling In all parts -of the •Brit -
•',711 paeaehina the Gospel of tip
array Christians wherever he cord(
;find asteners and. fOunding Sol:otter
I take. charge a the, copycat*. Th-/
apid development of the Methodis
hureh. .all.aarts, of Britain: neces
•Atatel, his travelling over 5,000 _mil
:s a year, mostly' on, horseback, an
lelivering at least 15 sermans a Week
:neatly ,the open air. ,
ct vivid :account of Wesley's mt.r)
derful life's Work in spreading hell.:
nese • throughoata the- land -is to :'bo
round in his faineim journal, Which
aara±.}?..O.,AI'MtaT.:P44#?,6' .7.q4.91.4g1
human exertion eye/a- penned "b'
:Man, In the early daY` of his mia,
sioji he encountered'6°P0dPrght
position, which were invariably con
+were/I.-by-- his tact and courage, aiie
his, long life enahled, him toperfeal
the organization of Methodism and
fe itisPire his follows With his .own
ideals, '
He 'died the -house 'attached te
earity- Read Chapel', ..which he :fowl -
el in 1777; and he was' laid to rest I
the little graveyard at the, rear of
he Chapel which is anninon4* known I
I' the Cathedral ot gsthootsfitr-
•••,••••• ••••••
- The 1004 twine, plait, which. for
;he Past 'five Years has been operated'
relip4,tively* under the title. of -the
Sterling Twine Co.' Ltd., and the
Dominion' Twine and. Cordage Co.
Ltd., is 'paseiiig., Off: the
part of the plantahaaiag •been
shipped -within thb past' few days to
-the' IlasltellaDaWea of Fhiledelt-
from *Whom it was originally
•purchased. My, Meenhi,. n'' PPres-
entatiVe from the latter firm was
in town, on Tuesday • lookinga 'over
the remiutiitS,!of , the eaneern,. to see
if they •could absorb' any of 'the hal-
ince of the.eqUipment „-t# advantage.
Tlik: plant that, has thas :bean dis-•
•e'i.Ortreda though small, was equipped
n50.0t:inedern twine -making
machinery PR the market, the local;
LIo(inIMPPeatileY"Arleiah.ailn 'any :'(ithPiati:':017:dseaiieteaatcS
that they would have to _he' able to`'
turn the product Out with efficiency
aad, speed, and thus with that end
in view they spared neither effort
nor expense to secure the test. At one
Harp the industry seemed in' a fair,
way to making good and producing
dividends, but adverse market Con-
ditions, caupled with Certain other
uncontrollable„ circumstances, sent it
to the industrial graveyard. This is
the second fiasco of Walkerton,s at-
teraPt to mike 'string' at "--11 profit:
Dyer a' quarter of a ;tentirry• ago the
resent factory buildings Were erect -
al for the purpose of manufacturing
4nder twine on the premises, and
after several years of varying for.
-alines the concern I•Went under, arid
the plant :for the most part'a ship,
ped' eto,wAau4stsriaililia.strTotie uhaegrl.,toandmakee
plant was later installed that would
manUfacture, almost anything from
la r 11 •r ml
seriagafar storeacounter••• use,, etira
line was produced here,,yet market-
ing it 'et.a •Profiaian comPetitiOn ;with
larger firms Was. the trick that prov-
ed too Many. for the home talent, and
which 'eaerituallY• forced 'Walkerton
cord off the market.' A lot of mon-
ey has been in the twine game
here- and it Will probably be many
generations hence before our citizens
can he induced to put any Money in-
to a twine -making scheme again..
Mr. and Mrs. Peter 'Watson ants:
Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Gardner..
We are Pleased ,to learn that Will,
Helm is able' to: be about'again, after
his recent accident.'
Mrs: Alex. Hedley LUckhovi
-ited-aon, Sunday Withaiirsa:-.L-Fa',An
drew,who is still. -confined, to bed.;
. Mrs; Jno. Campbell, , 10th Con.
saient:•a few -days with her daaghter
Mrs. J. Hiinter, whose infant'. daugh-
ter has been seriousiy. ill • '
Glad to 'report 'that Mrs. Leslie
„ta A,„,..14.1%.4,0.04,04.0.4.iase• • - a • .
The ..elloor or the PUDbING is in'the BATING
• ..ACTUA.14:R.StiLiT OF
P.,014,1CyNcp,.,, 6)41.91: .CHARILI:ciliAPLIN.
20 Year Endowment, with 20 Year S D. Surplus
.-.Awmprr.:$2,..00com;, Age f.f.. AtilWAkPR.AM.IPSA,V)640, •
• •*.ATLARE...4.,:.,1401,1.A0,1r 144 196Amount of Pohcy $2,000 00
TOthl Cash , .0,867,12
Total Premiums paid, • ;
Gain •
The Telicylioldei had 19 years!. insUrance
• the re eeiv,cal . $14,0,34 foi,dieri 0100. op ,tif.
, _airemininapaid to the. ciompany'• .
'THE ailJT IJAL •(),P.'CAN4-/?.4.
WEBS11.1.E.R., Agent,
Ritchie is progressing favorably Sin-
ce her return from London' Hospital;'
• Boat forget the play "That's Oira
On Bill" in the Orange Hall, on Fri-
day night, March 12th. , • •
Mr. and Mre. Cooke of Belfast
visited at• Albeat --Heinas an. Monday.
Miss Mabel Bail of Winghain Bus,
mess College • spent ,the week end
with her, friend, 'MS& Margaret:Tif,
. ,
Mrs. A. Eia€rson, Lila, and Alfred
visited one day last week .with Mr;
and Mrs, V.''Emersoa. -
Mrs.' D. T -A. Macponaid spentathe
week end With Mr. and Mrs. E., Tifa
. ans., mersaa efitera
t4_,Iped• atilandsaavirelaaasseelat
with dancing ' incl. cards last Ettiday
-evening.- ,
Real estate is „booming especial-
ly in the •eastern 'eettion., .,111,ir., Rue-
ben "'Tiffin has sold ,his: farni to Mr.
'Mr. ',Torn. Ross has Sold -
farms to Mr. Reirben Tiffin; Mr. .ROSS -
is &Ong apa farming . afid7VilillThave
an auction, aide in the near future.
Mr. •Elmer Tifila has ,bought the
firm ewned' by Mr's, Nary Taytor of
'Seotsguard, Sask„ and recently, °Ccu-
pied byi'Mr.•Jamee .
BORNa,-At, Teeswater, an . March
-4-th7192'6, to-iVIF:2'and 1li Jas ROSS
a sun. '(Mrs. •Ross was formerly
Miss ISobel - MT:Teat). • Cortgratulta
tions, ,
.1101.YROOD '•
• Mr., JaS. Valaad 'and Mr. Haavey
Ackert; patients ,of the, Wing
Haspital, have returned a hon -.e and
are .getting alert fiae, •
-A concert will be ,held An, in Holy
i.90d WedriasdaY,. March:17.,
• under auspice s of the' Women's •In1
stitutc. Admission— Adults , 35e ;
Children 15a. Will all the'inembeas
• please ;bring baskets.
.and Mrs. • Peterhdpgh of `the
South Line spent, Sunday at Mil.
and Mrs. Win. Eadiaia
_Mr. Robert Malcolm made a bas-
ineas trip, to Toronto over the Week-
WANTED—Telephone operator ona
the; night shift 'Llicknow for Sum:
..Ma• and Mre. Jas.. T';' Webster, of
near Lucknoia' 'spent, the Week -end •
with friends at Fordwich.
Mr. Wm. Steer who. has 'bee in
argland visiting atitlia Mr.. and
fore I leaving for Detroit.
T. Robb, of Araberley is vis -
Bang Witia,friends Kinloss.
mr. Bradley, 'pi Tiverton, iisited
aith his uncle, ,Mr. John . Bradley. of
_Laulier,_last-weekt.... L
".aliaa• Ruby - Everett of .,Lucknew,.. '
sw-ciAesr *d:tliu"ringl'4'.-es-thte:°it'-"leeliki-sesndM. YrLie: -11Vb'.--:.--.
Itrie'M,:eici'ws:s4s.1,.1.t0h• , Hooey, of uoefs 'tthe
.glathey of LauriCr; : daring lest
Mise Annie Ma.ctIonald, of 'Strata -
„larca.N`armal,...saent the Week -end at-:
her home in •P'aramOunt. •
. .
:k.liss Janie K.etchabowo- of Para -
moupti, underwent an operacion for •
.azipendieitis in.,,710rampton 1441AM,
last Week.
, 7,0-0-07-- .
pod and ,Josseif than never 1jo •iiihv"
•s;apped,at all!" , s I
Apropos of the chastisement :Of
voivas case: 'ars better to' nave slap-
• ,
What will the girls do new,. who
wele WOht, to ask to he °vaccinated '
where it wotadn't show•? •
:85,‘,8•;•.••••:taa.8: Fa:T••
''''•r4X:5'.411*Xfirg'. '4
Thjimer-44 the Lamm.
r Vasa, ialiebee.'" Lower-,
Liam- Drivim kidded
=lima Rasa. O.O.
sit-41i4air splat
Rasa& ,
aaar...aasaa aaa•aaata--•
aaia • "--7'17:-,t
a.talt,i14,!junote;AiiiTort.,prhopeie,Itg.!. eqed:tbt.,40 the tal,thl.eageat;ef,t,110:,'thealtitiri,Ibrieitif4,1.Some linr'J,'
this year in the tes
,tOdPtsivOilifieth,:onin 7utrilLairnosadtosi sineect:oinriernecIde:::eyi:ed '-
marvels of na 'tire s aut u ors n time eaVens.,
tobagdaning artd hitekey. 'Bue-"Cir LAdgl, Of, ,Watchek,the_sum-liko-• 0.---)51tien bit -hi ihe'distijuice,'
a..-aaaaths ininleta aedatipatoathneaheistiTifidaiipon er roll over slowly on on on o Eta it desc,ended M the _
by a brillfant,•Writer, ant. long. before the winter Waa end of gorgeous• day- toliv the *arid. rest In dark.'
„half through a deo; Ininritotialf soft white blanket nest, ,..• ' • , " - . • ': ..-... - . ,.
.had falleiv:elothing,..treso and tivott and mountains '• .. At 'Revelitoke, Eritisli .0-61Mnbia, mountain ,glis.1
In a popular shade of white. I . ' .,•••seding gained itit Popularity 'Overnight: . A. knit thin
_ To the ,Laurentian mountains in the 'province Of line of hardy enthusiasts WealdaaitanidaatthaatOP. .of,d.. '
2 linebte, flew theusande of . OitY__.slw,ellors 41or. .joyous.iilile ,i,i,Then 'the 'line 'iiV.ohlit" break as they went .olung.
-.'letiditys at every opportunity. ' Such ewer -1215W 'Port Mg downward, ,scattering in all directions, through
korera •weiwthera that 'the Canadian Pacific r Railway trees and shrubs, to the road thousands of lest belowtr
Provided 11,0:Xltil toit0hVi OA' skiers Where *comma's'. ,- . At 'Banff the•Wititel 'Catiiiinif provided thrills foe
tit*. were__ Ad" . skis.. t Mont Rolland, Pied the large titunher Of visitor/I there. QUO** cahrielle
;MOnto St. Marguerite and Shalibildia, resorts Were officially opened the Ise Palace, ,ft number of 'ou
•:telercrn‘Sedecii , , , . ,. . 't.iiii, ladies, Organised hockey tomtit while . °thin,
V# 00
Pm) mong.the:1110. end *en Of, the sorb- f • INOtitOkie walks
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