The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 3•
The W�ocl Box.
was kept out in the kitchen and,
.• • waa long and deep and, wide, :
And the poker hung ebcfre 4.444 the
• shovel, stood beside, •
'.41.t.4 the Mg,' Mae* gooks;ve, :S11131101'
• through its grate fretil, ear to ear,
Seemed to 10Oh as If -It loved It like a
brother pretty near,-
PlOWered -Oilcloth tacked, arCYS7/4, it
, tept . Ita% Ottte.415. 4,44 &1190,101.0:
414..4: pair Pf leather :hinges 14.84;1.04'
•Oil the hOEVVY
And Whatin't attY bottom --or at Ieaht
• '.it :ebenredthat way; •• • ,
Xon havried in te.till **SO* to
*get-entsido-and play ' •
14 'the:. Leb1).13'7: winter ,ntarnia% when
*the bed wales' glow .
• And the frootek winders,c tinkled
• ,
• 'quots. ot the storm,,
1" A4d*Putobreatli.rnety Orkthe piller:hi
.11.01).:.iiiat. wood ,.bojii grim -and eroptSr'e
64111P,', ikluticin' 4 through ' •• your
• (Ir( 71)11, • .
Cztal."0'4n IlVilnded at yOur.'cnicieleace '
a:creamed in aggrov,athig glee
„ • lyon'id 'youlike to. sleep this m
• . • You get upand tend, to me!" •
how plain it is this minnte.--
•' • •illedand barn attd7drifted• snow,
And tilt, slabs. of eak. a.viaitin''; Piled
• , and.. ,,datly,iu roW. •
. , • ..
• . • .
IsTefer wa,k a lishin" frolic, neer was
'0. game or hall, •.
' 'but ylutt.• menu proVolt in' wood- box had
to.come and spoil it all, "
•••:Tou, . might at at your lessons .enit
. • Awes. full and fall to stay,
pia Jest start an. Ilthinittory and Awes
•' • • , stunt y 'right awaY,...
Seemed es if a Spite we's, in It, and,
• .•although I might . forgit • ,
,All the other chores,, that plagued Me,
" • I.can:bate. that -Wood -box yet; • .
And. ;.'when. I look back at boyhood—
• ...Shakin'' off the cares of '
Bthl it coThc to ,speil.,..the *titre;
Me uP. again!"..
••--Jpsepli C. Lincoln.
Lovely. Royal .Lady:
vled -No-
oinber-.10„Witta hoth' ht d'Aspesttle-irpf4:
• •apPearan''very hiVely lady.
Ss a. Yethig of nineteen,, she mane
from- :her ,,Danialt.• home—abe •Was.: a
•dtiaghter of the Kng..or:.
Marry. the ,Engq:Iali. Prince of Vales,
• AerWarcl..s. • King Edward •••‘4,:;141.
Ceptionsl:grace:and beauty -turned the
welcome, afforded her foie a furore of
, popular.- aciPleination.' .She. ,seemed,'
• matiy. sober: greivn.-up. witnesses
•teStilled,..,':inore, like, a airy., princes
from the ;wdnclevtalesof her country-
man., :14ans.....Andersen;,:than an'actiral
royal per -cin of an actifai Modern. king -
doll)." . If: She •Seemed : 1,11te; :that to'
, grown .pepple,, i:t. tg... eay to underetand.
: she fascinated Children:,
,Among thb. hundreds .• • of. anecdotes
•• recently .r.etC04 concerning AO there.
is an. annitablgCne of her earliest' royal
progressas • the • wife.,of the Prince Of
, ,The crOwd..Was such,..that, , the
, processien, was several times ...tem.:
•• Ix/rarity b -locked, and one of7 these, en-
forced steps ,rqs-oppesite a' boarding
school',for ••little irls. One of ;the,
•'...Youn.g,est 'Pupils, holding a 'corrected
coMposified her • teacher had lust
turned kto her, found henself unable
• h•
frr1.1., %. a •
X-Rays,T4 the Rag Heap;
Almost weelg--by ;week 1.).4; we& lire'
11410,fit Want" 1.t. hiltywnelf:eneef the. clients sold a song most .recent is. for the examination lg.
r• heing,•foUnd r.for.*-rayko. , One of the
Jndigestion:Comes With HMO -
down 'Condition,... -Relief Conies.
Through Enriching the Blood
—Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11
Make New, mood:,
„ . .
. Thprm, are, many, sxmp' tome, •of indl
g,astien, Ouch. as cute pain after eating,
belching of Wind; nausea and Vomiting,
bloating and pains. In the. regien et' the
heart,' a.--"dreattV-rPo-dlor-the,--inisery
It eallaes.,' Dieting and. the use. of Pre:
digested foods may ,gkfa ease; 1)14,001
is 01; meanwhile 1:: the 0.01)1444
,grOys stem Or. ,L,Weehe r, - • • The; work:, ot
digestiOn depends UpOn il..'4...bap(4.!1:- and
cent:es, and tite, Only Way,.to.get rid �f
Indigestion. tflo„heNir'the.atortutch
through the blood 'to•do• the work
. „
ture intended It should d •
,1Aoreag4:Way to do this Is through
of -use willtatris' 'pink Pins, 'which
r.p.riov. the blood:strengthen the nerves
and enable'the,•atomaCh to de its work
With ease and .icoMfort. Neglected in.
digestithi: means prolonged misery,' If
you have any of the SYmntome, of this
trouble try. the, tonic treatment with
Di. Wiliam's' ink Pills. at ence and
you will .he gratified. With the results.
.Among, the :many who have found
new beam through. the ;.use of Dr.
Willtains' pink-, Pills • Is Mrs,. Ada
Webb, H.R. NO..4; Prescott; Ont.., who
says:—"For long.' time I Went
through the texturea. of nervous indiz
gestionf• I call It .torture because no
other Word Can. describe What' en-.
dured.. If stomach .Was empty
'retched. If I took food I vomited. I
did. net sleep, and i•was 'steadily grow-
weeker:•;.... I doctored • fot,, months
but with no benefit. One•day hus-
band .said, 'SS the treat-46ot You have
had has opt, helped you, why not try
Williams pn,for'.. I. consented
and lie get Inc a supply. After I had,
been, taking the ' .fb.r, a while I,
IneW., they Were ,„ as . ;the
slept better I
use of the pills•and: in a fesst'intaitths,I
felt 'like a. neW. woman, 'better' than I:
had "fdit Air Years,. and able to Work
for ;My; •,husband:. and • children ' again.
After such ' Wonderful,•, experienee.
how coif I. do anything else but recent -
mend Dr, Pink
• . • „
lf. you need a blood -building tonic
.begin ,taking Dr. Williams'"Pink :Pills
today. • geld ..hy all medicine ,dealerS
or sent-bY maul at 'BO .cente a box by
writing • The •Dr. IVIedigints
• ifIro ckvil Ont. • • . '
ed.0=fis. Worth Kii.Oh4.
. Tom Bowling;
. Charier i3irdin is a real:British pro-
duct, for he wrote th.e, poe,nas , the
Seafarer, the Most Oharacteristic'tf all •
British- ,: He lived through our.
greatest,-, naval period, .thicl died iii the
year before Watenleo::
wev?, Is 4 4eiv, story ahoot Jackie and, played It over,,e4 the rattling eltl rags. • ,
Q00011. 00110 that stood , in a corner of the Old r".5 .01#4,11.L ntimoos or metal
' .t4wpit.e the 1,40, or ch is a h• ,. t ' rOotiturant Irving Herlin was as gladl' ialiti.di *bohniceti,•bildtronl:gehotiltg. -myl:schi.a4ndds eine'
in the cinema world and draws huge a4 OW •54ee''''''rul, 1Yrielst•T t '
. ' . ' . 4 g
'selarir, 44ehie is 4 real hey, and has to One 114Y 4 "ratell4c1 'Qut.-t-•"3' the which they 14'e gr°144-4 149 -ir°R. 41r
LJ he died ta tf 11 t ii 1 : Whitewr..-it wall immediatellY ,. behind 1 making Pap'er • -
Recently ; his production Manager the. :plane. 4 . few lines. or a gong, . Al ..1110 • revs, ., el* 4.nw'.•:'..beingV•Paseed
was discussing with !Mr, ,CoOgaa. the 1•Poilly. pianist, observing .hint,.' apked 'along 'entilese hands which rebV4 'over
ter.11.6r*trcopo4 irisq.ra4ce, poitcy,: what 119 was 'doing. - After consider- : AU *X-rays ttlhe, and any bard objects
... 49Afg.poil. ,to cover. popsib.w.: ,itiSs hi the ,able hesitation •Berlin ehowed'him. en0 as huttone• ale dist.i4gtly s.,boil on
case Of .J..aehle• being tfahea .th... " AttraCted by theeffert,'the' pianist got .4 Screen. just abeye. the bawl; An -
. ' "By the way,", he said,. l'has. ',i.aeitte, WiTIAPr4.0 Write,' the *.TP•rs:W•••• ZrAliT operator stands Over the' screen ,and,
had; the ,tnea..O.s .yet,;?", • ., . ' ••• ''' them ',tit a puibliaber,.. he sOki )ol.'4!S• F•4•24000 from •the Pani any Material,
' '''$iti - Not 'so fond„" 'warned" i;ThSfil'at,Soug- . . . , 7, `.• - .- ' . ': containing 'buttons'. . ' . • :; .. .
W14's7'''t4r;-*"7LIT:444•ezlever-j;"344-44;114'''''.----131v '49-4T,ftilY"4. Se5le4Aeit4714hirs 1:1'-,?-..iitHile711113-fti'°-:"'13,• 43:14e9ettill.flo' ot--,,' Ca°t•lItth•-11:LgAjlt413o'n111!41,),Illayt*siii:'
' 0.41Ytbillg. Taentioned that' he liasn't•Pekl"d• ',
• • - .
• , , • • i• „. . .„.. .. 4 I r
got ht alWaya insists on having' It " .-.' et1.144.11e(i. -43.'7', 'that'. ali-0,1•14$11 ':f,av.0„.t:ite; ti.:41g):.''ikheli.s.l:el)dr,4•.•,1),:•iribii;thT:irqd. Itt k.).0:1. , :.7.7001-a7,-
'L w'it.k:..t . IIii ' " . 4 I ' ' li ' .- ..o. '
its a ,..eng ., , o• 7 , neritr), . • w• ere. ,c_ithetti .t ei•rnemeters, at., be, •
of I,rving.„, Berlin; the famous ',fox.:ttrot '. ''F,01.14.1'elann..•:,niveltr•ElY'd7s1Konlif..:1Yh.e•:.I;e.P0•111,di!loir,,r;' 44: 1 ,19;n4: Tile
ei;t: a Aeo. i ,,t.ii:ai :P. gir,i1:::. ;,8 . g .0.1:c st6of.:9111: :d:.e., ... da4:el . teb ede' Oci:p.t ee:dne. d. , it i' so. e.Q:.;zi ..c1 .
, . , . , .,.., ,,,
Writing on the Wail,. • •
,,. . till Rh TOB,Hipe I; .- , ,
",•Behind the 'rornance of the:itiarriate . ' . . . ., y
• , • ' • ', • • • • ' ''; • •
(3t:ri*..q*fr:!ttleier' IitQie'hi!lkisai etTetnIC. • 65enitirdltailling•tilT ' In7i due invent& still works• -eighteen
hon lilt . :there'..lies ,.,:i.7,et .0other.. 4,3. bout 'alday,, a great.filetid.of hia tells irlkt:gtq!f,W411..-111:13' x•raYa; • • • ' " "- ,
' .,,4:••=:-... . ''
1:11P, 4,,,e: HisIneteorte rise to. world, . . e. „ , - . ,,
T.taaiTti.o,ri.s.tiaciec '.1:140eabregjy4snui,,
orfoniantie.aa.' the., . A 4iVell-knowil 0701eret;;: dis7cus'siiig •
him; recently, Eaid that he asked an
- .... 0,4,4, sior4.4:tyyhioi is eeteslii. tole, Eskinio, and later a South Seas.' Is -
tells hew, whiny Berlin' was working as lander, . • who was-Preeident .of - the'
osh7peaoppecr-hulic)arpdt.fisstsaisutrtiltt, waiter in iwn.;as . son."
States.. Both answered, "WI=
patroaised by. lowergrade "artistic",
circles in the city, he was attracted '
and . Subtly fiscinatpd .by the sonae-
what tawdry glamour of their lives.'
, . , ..
The Oldest, Odilfelloyv? ••
There Oen be little doubt that Mr.
John Robinson, of phc,inod, who has
He saw them suffer all the .pangs of Just reached his 105th year, is Bri.
hunger and deprivation and )va,s sad; tain's oldest Oddfellew.
Europe Warned Against
Destruction of. FOrests
Fashions in 'Clothes
. -
Is Europe in danger of following the It is remarkable What small things
• course of the: Mythical country' of At: have revolutibniZed the habits of "the
;lands; or 'of North, Chloe, and, :by al- Werld. ..The change from. the loose,
•lowing its forests tq diaappear, first, flowing robes Of •the ancients to the
fall -prey to "floods and then become a fitted* garments, or these days Is entire -
desert Waste? • Tbio. is a question ly due t. the invention of the.botten.
raised by the inundations or the winter: •• Once the new fashion. waseStabliall".
.and brotight. hp inan tiirtiele in tlie.',e'd.:01enY substances were p.resSed.hite
''.4t4notitlien",:by jean .Cahreretts'.- • ', •serylee as Materials ,fer ,
There are two, plots in ihe ituution, tog, ' Birmingham hag held Itir own as,
say's this. Writer;,-, the. Mit,' that Europe themost important centre of; the in. •
.gradIfilry 4s ,b.eging „Its ,forests, fji• :ltbiti.ri:;ff4-b7rXtb*1:', -13'271117g11-e"as.
Just bip to Thu or Boil
to Dye '
irEaeli.15-cent Pacit,
,age contains .direc-• .• •
Bon; so .siniple• any
"woman can tint :soft,.
delicate shades ,or •
dye .riCh, permanent.'"
• colors . .10. :lingerie;
silks,- ribbeisivskirts,,,
waists, dr e ss ea;/.
.Cci at e . itotkings,
Sweaters; draperies, '
;coverings., I.:hangings -
17 -everything I -. • •
. 'Buy Diamond Dyes: -.-no Other kinti:•••=
an, toll your druggist whether, the 41.4*
jpr1l ion Ne1elt4d'cortz' fici74,7 '
Or WheTher it Is linen ea r mttoite • 4,*.
' • "
. . .
'Pond :11•OtherHrWhat do 'yOu think
•baby Will he When Ite..grows. up?
Exasperated don't..knOW;
town crier likely"' , •
••• : - ' •
Pimple s ame-frozo bloodthat'a not just riglit'If yo wnt .
get rid of kasial blemishes tri •
'.-,,Pr.igel,s-§yrti-iry-dra-frStere.-: 7-
. •
Up o Date
.Jones had retired from Imeineee , and
had 'started farming. Hie -ti'jier of-
11k:•-th3t-as--a4asui4r eeldk-Vinsters: maga1ll4a.1-4.:', • 7, --old-441mb,
are giving `Nirtt‘j, to rainy winters and
periodic floods almbst-
annual CalantitY: One: follows ,on
the other, and the eventful result is.
country without protection, in 'whi'lf
the -fertile earth :Is washed, away and
desert Wastes, replabe what/at one .ti.Fne.
were' Weeded Prairies. •
• This has :.1.)een c.tile.history of nerthi
=Attica and North China, Writes41:11-1°
.ciabidrets, :who sees nothing to 'pre41
Vent Europe following suit if nettling.,
is done to -substitute a POBCY of plant-
•antS,•staY that it would pay to .m111 it
down and. 'dig' Upthe fotindatIens, for
it is built on a refuse: heap of tnother
of Pearl. • „ •
About the. Middle of the nineteenth:
century the manufacture Of pearl but
tons xvoe one et Birminghani's chief
Industries,, and sliells Were brought M-
auch quantities front the pearl Islands'
ture4;panched one or Ow° ' button's out
1•_cif the 'hest Part of _the shell and threW
the ,.rest •a,Way.•.• •• .• '
a: -sheer' hulk, .' poor', TOIn
-•:The darling, of our crew. .• •
NO • more heat- the leropeat
. . , .
' to see over the 'headsof: the sidewalk ;:, Per •Death.has.broatlied him la..., '
'. crowd fruill: the lott,.. school 'doorway his fern' was of the Manliest.healny, •
'00, liter:bled her' way ' through ', the ..: , His: beart,lvaa'"hind aod.saft;
'press 10 the' curbstone, last .az•the'eariPaitliful belOW lic.did',,bis. day,' •
1, , rittee' Of theprince, and princess Pitus,edi• Bot no*,he'e gone aloft. ...- -....'
: there; Completely CaPtivitted.'bY.,the I. ,.. .:
, . ,..
.a-ixi,„..iing 'princess, she pressed.', okrie ., 'Tont. never . from his :word departed.;
, to -the Wheels fet,.a nearer -view. : .: •• ..1.• .Hls':.:Virtgeo' were so rare; • '
' The' princess Saw her and sr the 11,1s .frisiltis were Many and trite -heart,
:,. paper in her*hand: illatitrally,.ass4im.,:,• • ./. ed, - ; 1 .:, - .'• . •.'' • `• '
. •N
tog it to be .but:ono more address. of . Ilia Poll was kind and fair;. ' :, •
, ,,: • :welcome, sho"graticusly mit • out her , And then .he'd- Sing SO blithe..atid jolly,
• . hand, ter: it; the -little •girl. too Polite ‘ , Ab, many'S the.: LIM° and eft;:, ,'• .. •
- to refuse and too dazed'to explain, stir. -
'tut mirth Is turned to 'melancholy, • '
'rendered it to: her, - and: the • cortege FOr M.11110 g646 .4166, -'. : .
passed on. Glancing Presently at - the, ' . ' ' ' ...,. .. '''. ' :
" .. Paper she held', itiWas,a,enrprised•and :Yet '';SillitIl itOpr • Toni find. .pletts'ant•
, mirthful princess's Who 'read the title • • •• weather., t • '• :•.„ .. ' ' .'
. neatly Printed Capitals: ".The.1-1abits-
:NV* He, who a11.conittlin44• ,•
, , of. ,roads,,,! . ... , . • . , ' .- ' ...Shall give, to call Life's, erew*.tegetlier
.1 ,••4 , . ..
: ..hi '
•• t2tteen AloxatOra, Was gentle and gip; . The Word sti;•).nipe all hands; • '':
010w;, 'but "rarely „jocular. !One of. her Tli!IO Death; -wit kings and tare' diii,
, .
..faiv:mild. Jests. WaShber reply to a; little ,• ' .. Patches,' • , • .' ...
. : .404,..,ezicatinwed itiliiiig one- -of her Iii vain •Tom's life has doffed;' ', • ,
.. Charitable vlsitatioini, who had not re., For though -his body's 'under' batcheti,,
Cognized her. ;She 'asked the Child, 1144 i,36,111 Is gone: aloft, ' ''
: "Where do yettjliei'," 'and retelved, t.,he
, •-4,-;..;.,..,....,..........,
answer,, "Near •Whitelerre"--Wbielt Is A Seasoned Veteran. .;
ono' Off th,e biggeet, and beat -known ben- LitWyer•-:-"yoll certainly :StoOd
tion the
- '.; . ' t ' -
• . stores-withe • touner..ques. ender that. orosa.ajtamitojoa.. 1 .w
. ' eon," 'W
!here you live?' - -• . afraid they'd finite you." '' • : .a• s. • •
• "Oth 1 " said Her Majesty, "I 'live near. Witneset-"You ,fotiet lein a married
Oorringies'L--which is -another , ;big l • ,..i. . ' • .• A.. .•• , • •
:Store, thtit far. from Duchinghttn3 Pal., ., • ... . t.w............;.-__:—.
• -twee: ..gef till -after her departure did " ., Gold In Canada •
, .,.-ths lititie girl learn the nattleand title • • ' • .' .
1 ..or ow. laxly, who iiv,ct, near 41-ortingo.0,.. . The production 0, . f gold 17 Canada •
rose from 1,525,382 fine outlets Valueti •
•at , $31,532,443 in 1424 to • i 'tad 000
' The Min Who Loved ' :minced :.wItIti,,,a value of '$35,7E8%004 lo: ,
Katydids. 1925 'according 10 the DoininionBureau 7
. .
. , „. .gy.•:hcillsols. 00. grasshoppers, with tin of ,StatistiO:,%, .,,
- :
' ' • blinking eyes,. .
jug -trees •for that of 'cutting them I
doWn. . • ' •
';,An older button. than tha Q moth r,
flee manager, who had.beea ,brOugbi
Upton a. farm and now...urn-eh 'preferred', Went out to see liow „Tones
•of pearl was the, so-called horn button,.
' ' •
To :M1' .Mothers Raving. Young
• Children in. the. Ifonie..: .
•No' medleine is of such aid to
1 -withers of young'children as Is Baby's
Own Tablets.-'.• The Tablets are 'the
very hest medicine 'a mother can give r
her little ones' du'i'imig the dreadedte•thin'g -flute because .they, regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus drive
Out constipation and .indigestion; pre-
vent colic and diarrhoea' and break .up,
colds o.44,Siulipie fevers..
Concerning" Baby's • Own' Tablets,
Mrs; JOhn A. Patterson, Scotch.: Vil-
lage, N.S. says.: have Aix children,
and' ad the Medicine :they evergetis
Bet re Own Tablets.. I *mild nee
nothing else 'for them and Can strong-
ly the Tablets to' all other.
inotherS:7,7: ", • • ' . . .
Baby's Own , Tablets are d
sol, -by
medicine dealers-' Orby mail • at 25.
cents a' box from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine ;CO:, Brockville;. Ont.
whici. was really hoof. filie'booN of
cattle were boiled and put up into.
SlieeS,,•and then.. pressed into „battens
hY'Ineaes of metal dies• ,
At the present time the two most
widelputed ' materials tor buttons are
nuts and milk The Coroio nut is the
'favorite of the monkeys in ter.
tairiverside regienuif_c_entrat Land
South Arnerica'i anditskernel Of :vege.
table iyorY Can be tamed upcp.a. lathe
-ant to arty shape, and dyed to almost
any. Color. . Its tispfuluese to the mod:
ern button, maker :is <Illy equalled- by
that.a. sour thill Milk from which all
the cream' has been separated is sour"
ed'either'naturahly of by 'neaps of •ren•
Aids to Appetite..
De. *tors, thewell known tonic
drink, make one more hungry? They.
s.l'i'744Wghettil4ny7qairig1;:o Cut to feed the 1;16;g:
he 'said, ."I 'went,:to:ga with you,"‘, . •
"This, is' not the day, for feeding the
pigs," replied Jones; : . • ••• -
"IVhat• do you mean?" inquired the
v-iii,ter iii surprise._ "-DoO't -von :feed
them .every', day?" ••„,
" 'every Other day,!''. w 'is the ex
planation; .:''how 'else Will I, get the,
layer, of fat and. the layer. of lean that
'the wife watits' in. the heeon
• ' )1b,undpACe pre,paye for sdarcitv.‘.
net Or Sonie acid.' and botiVelfted into •
. •F . .
from ; un-,
Mense numbers ,91, faney. buttons are,
, .
• • •
• , •• A Creed:
There , IV .4 destiny- :that r inaltes us
brothers ; • • „. :
-..None 'goei :hts,: way alone; • •
All that '3V:esend . into the li;tes of
• others' ' •• •5,• •
Cothts,bacit into 'our Own,
I *e not,whaf iris temples or his
, • creeds, , •
One thing ho'brs firm. and, -
Thitt into his- fateful heap of days and
. .soulT4 a Man :IS Cast .
Certainly are supPosed to.• • ' „
To,- prepare properly- for it Moil the
stomach ShOnid be igt 'toady with the.
gastric juices. Dr.,Ham.borgi ,a 'Scan.
dinayittn, iinds,that While water, soup,
-Coffee; and. tea induce :gasitrie'seere,
'non, bitters have to. effect whatever;
t It appears that if you'wish to digest
your (linter most efficiently, soup- is
the. best Preparative. degee is 'the
;nett hei3t, 'tea third, and 'water
'There is, this, however, in favor' of
bitterstliey cm ply the stothaeli hiere
quickly 'than: -any or the other
staiics. „So:that, perhaps, in malting
Way for 'more, as It were, they do af•
tar all 'Make BOB '111014 readyfor the '
nett •
' Wives Who Choose
.. In a district of .auSerat, in the
•„ .bay Presidency, there Is a CaitoM that
permitO.,:women who are dissatisfied
with thick liusbinids 't dIscard them
to better etOventage, • •
' The 'ittiniber who avail of .
any appear to alietiver.-,defiqo that
• they did riot suspect.' before 'marriage: ••!
In Many cases the promise of " eom.
Petteitrien' to 'the ktionitad .it ont.
•iThe rejected husbands have no*,
legal,redreSS,.7 and they;havebeen try-,
big td;ittliin,thelr' pronfised-cOMPetF"
&Well by ineinti Of '1); .roVidetta.
016 thSiltiO' mode ,
corsettod in their'stiff harness.,
Mak* a clatter, in flYIng, • .
And my Cowe are crickets, With rotund
black bellies-, • „
And, an itch to be calving:- •
Hut my WS.tehtlog • is hatXdide , the
Orson nit veldigris and veined iiieghe
, • rots
, OPPK4Ing-PrOJAkeekageltifil,:the_;,fros,i,,,,,
- .:;11.tabbliwr 'night-14'4hhis tIiiUIt�u's
. mite*); , • -.- •
EnglanUt----42i"r'':'":--'-'.s tallest 'clergyman IS the
E A. C4ustOn, of Pairlighti near
Hasiingn. Ire is d
0,11. who htis health h44 ho,*.,- 44111
be who Imo bopo has
Arabian Proverb.
'Aie:q.ustartie '
!ND' '
kr,,„t, ea! D•WAT$ON tYL
Minard's Liniment used phyalclana.
'Iasi' a
Slight Cough
hut the forer:iinner of
Bronchitis, -Pneumonia
or Flu -Take no chances—
Buckley's Mixture, •
brings prOmpt and last-
ing relief. 'Wards off
dangerous diseases
Two , kinds—" Strong"
and "Modifiecl"..,. Either
kind acts like" a flash
•• on coughs and bronchi-
tis, Invaluable as a pre-
,vPittie in call 1.45n1P.
-weatlibr. -Stva 'iiiglit
coughs, and sleep ret.,
`CS.trbile' or "Modified".
W. It.liticiday, Lititriea,
142 Muttlat St.,otbnto2-
1 -'-
nig, tiosLy; healthy I'Dolutpion" Cleat An vaNctica,
rothieee..4,, standard brd brid-tO-lay Socha. 'We
'Paeipress 1ind guarantee 9;7- oot, ecot.."lird afite01.
Writeto-chty, for rreo Ilitietra0 Chick Donk .on
the receipt and Caro of 'pithy Chicks!' '
. • 11.-H, Essex,- Maniesr
Ge•Ft arosreeor St', • Toronto ,' 'Ontario
gotaf vieciA4
Gt.& GETOWN 1°,4CUBAT014
Caotidian "Aide toe -,,-Cana-
dian Climate:IDouble•tvall;
Copper.. fot Water heating
'system: Hells -Hirt Automatic
regulator. Hitches, strong:
healthy chick*. :Writch, for
FIlEE Circular • toe,-
•gacore.i. .
A,Iittle boy, the son of It lady
eating in her villa at St Cloud, *as
walklog hi 'the garden when a neigh-!
her Called him and handed him, aver -
the hedge:. e, 'Jain' tart.
Thank iou, he•hald.
The neighbor was
Well brought up he isi" ohe exclaimed.
"14ItiFe to have a little boy say, 'Thank
clafrA4ifie4 Aaveitisemono, •,
,13.,,AKER45. ovEms, wItITE IrOa Oatta,OffUlf
.4Sod'-fli, et 71:4,-7 ifint
Or,a Coma-
vl,rtms wattise.
, state ,Iewest ' price. .3': s'r. Stoddard, ZUS, ' ....
"'limn' give in anothtir Jana tart,"
answered the little.
MIner'cre .1:fnlmeat for colds!.
if Ever She Be FoUnd, :
.'11`3,4i0s In the Strand, I met her, •
Close to St. ‘artIni/it Lane;
A 'tall, slim, girl .`With sea green -eyes
And mocking Spit ' •
that were like the placid, depth's
Of some East India lagoon!
Quiet!, MYstericinsl Yet challenging!'
Lilis that •might ittre.a cenobite.: '
TO, folly ! *ref' me!
But for an instant ' did •toy, gaze 'held.
hers!, -
Theo it.110
-to the greatliuditia itreani. .
c wa era.
-AY,e1L, •
I have searchapa-nd• srarthed--7
Prom Paddirigton to Shdrediteh; • ,
And ,I•bauot the Strand 9' nightie! ,
Bat all in vain I.,7•Strazige thought,
If ever she be found; ". • '
Thee am lost!
—Clarence Mansfield Lindsay.
, . ,
BefereLmarriegera gir.110.4-:uii trll
midnight wishing he'd go home. After'
marriage, she sits Up:till' midnight
wishing he'd: come home.
!. •--
What CUP. Are These ?
' 10 Prizes of
allfilat ,Watch
10 Prizes
.20 P.rizes„pf
a. Carasei .
Every persan'who 'ends'mast (11V114 PRSIZ2141: :
..: esitor.eatbpre.a.teithamtida:talisip.ztae;illsts300. ppactikrifil,', ;CI lu IiIiii eiyar7t7.15: eMat h itY01.
these beinalful pnzes.TIM is'.yery easy tOst11, so send
In your answer NOW and get the Breath Perfume to ..
1 .Y.
minty . Dora.' 50, : ,••• Waterfaixt Ont.. _
' 1 . '
PLAN'S: F 0 1:1;• 1:-1 L') All
'Last:•.'. word . • in . b4ittlers. , aid,'
Vractital,:• e:',•iggPstipp.s
i 011 planning, building, furnt.shiag, •
, . ...
. ' decorating and gardening • ' pro-,.•
tusely illustrated, and. Sc -ores of
. actual dellar-salting.'• anggept.lOna, ,
' 'SeLlci 20 tents for current' isiane Of
., . . , .
'. Ma,C.I.ehn:, Builders': .dqide.'.....4 Quele--
• thins, atitwered. , :\lacl..,ean Build-.
Int 'Reports, Ltd. 344•••.4clelaide St.
' West. Toronto.
Fortunes are made from simple ideas. Head
for list of inventions •waoted. our"Pateot
-motion'? booklet and magnum "The Thinker"
SHIPMAN & CO. -The Ow ReurtaLe Font
materateto easter( ,Arroritores. °rpm*, CAN.
, His First *Heal Joke.
. „
• I'm It:Anglo tell ;)'4311 • an amusing' •
hcSittite a little, , for yoU may have •
story,? said "the society man ' "hut 1
: 7s• it really aeleeillgr'
7.71dheitta before,
;'Y:tais,ve‘ tol
' "Very." '• • . ., ; .'
It to ms.". • "
• Z•N
Er3RYWHoRI3 pau • '
Temporary r
, MrsrA Aircv
- rI. S. Wrighta csh, Disoitairsq. reform
yields •guickly
to the soothing
of Miriard's,
Leder _Tells_of_.) Nonderful
• . .
Rehef After. Taking Lydia
E Pinkharn's Vegetable .
Compound - -
. _ , _
Coniston,. Ontarhi..-7•"After a Se' '
vere :operation andmunoansbttiliferreathei;tini:oewvekeitbsa:
stay in, a hospital
' eIOb .ar% months Neiu. retni autkri int hlive tdowahrta shlu:wgoma- iiaierts, , • • '
pains and suffer-
ing ?
mire there •cotild•
not be any cure
for me. iliadvery
severe pairisin my
left Side and suf.
ezed agony cvery.rontli.1.' One, day
when I..3y,es, not able to get up' my
mother begged me to try your tiled-
..itine. My befallen& got tme a -bottle
'of -Vegetable Compound at once and
I., ink it, I started a second 'bottle;
and to, My surprise and joy the pains '
in my aide left nic cothpletely and r
am able to do all .ray work without '
bele A ani a farmer's Wife so you •
nee I can't be idle long: In al ' I have' 1
taken :six bottles of Lydia L Pink -
ham's. Vegetable Compoti A, five
'boxes of the Compound Tablets,. two ,.
bottles Of Lydisi`E. Pinkhatn's Blood' -
Medicine, ind have also used ,the San-
ative Wash,"!- Mrs. L. lialEtn4Essa, :
Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. • o
' ,Pratted safi bymillions ar,id prescribed by physici'ans for :
olds Hadache Neuria. LPT1t4g9, . .
' toothache - Neuritis '
"Accept, oi4, -"SaVer pac age..
. Which contains proven directions,.
Trendy ....ttBayer."::
Alit° bottles of 24 and l06,-Dtt-ggista.
414:4,t ftailo iretriaterea' in Clan.84), .af„.11titer Ifautifototuro or
, '
-alotil*,t,t'5 of •flolterlleactd••I'Arietyl Salittylle-ACIS, -"&-it-,--d.nt, - NVITI10- if iii -141-1. leotiim ., - . ... . -*'-‘'...i....q.i.^-#.1iii:Ikii..
thAt 1.• rakt means' Vsl'er nutneraeture. to assist the pritytti, against leittstletpt, ..)11, r, I.;. t,--.,---.---.*,----- - • --• - •-•-•:-•-•••••,,i'
. •St•illtr ,Oempary Will be atseipS4 with. them srLettl Ilide " t
itmtk, iol "Aterer er,61.4
. , . , issue Ne, lo ---"21
On Face. Scaled °vet and
Itched' and Burned Ter-
ril.)1y, 'Could iNct-Sleep,
my face broke out With small
iumples which later Ere* • larger
,and were 'yew red: The pimples
scaled °vet atid itched Auld btuned
teal*, and I Could not. sleep at
night because of the irritation. The
trouble listed AhOht Sit weeks. •
My 'mother recommended S'Outi-
;z.oz o '1 'ant,'
far u free-sample.hopt,it s�
I .purehased, more, And ttiter, using
three • calms of Cuticura, Soap and
tWei-biicei"td:CittictinVbilinlient 1 --
was completely healed.'l -(Signed).
Migs Steller. Dudley, Stratford,
"Muth.; 'Jura '7', 10/4: - • : ,
•Outicuta $041,. _Ointment and
Talcum promote and maintain skin
why, skin comfort and Atkin
oftenbeilth.'inhert all elite kilo,
Dakepts'Etel. Tree b,y•leall,
Moot:. .'Stenbcere, Ltd. ateaWOJ. SOO
Ofotmeia 2.5 and see. Talmo, e
Cliticuts Shavide Stie ilfa. •