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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 2
ts. AlieriVE34 itorviobile:.....;. ,,,,,, .............. . .1.40K, ow .-.FQ.R. ta .,,V..00.14pment,' , .,i,,,,-- - .,1,,,...r -... 3. , .. . • , ..:0,,z4gt TActiqi*t.:4$-•!..11.1-,...lt il.)' ItT,I•XNINq $1400.1R, " • . ,. .. :., Sine*. and. • forgot- wilt* and itnitte.14.0ompreasionhud,gailii•tho. the other movable,' The movable one ' fiNguMoNIA.. 74,47W:g.,..4.-ter':irt:L71; . , . .. ll Ora are reqiitroC 1st start, •ua •is operated hY- a "cilat" which is driven . , Automobile engine. The first of these through suitable gearing hY.' the crank ,..,p4_94.m..0. 4.,.1.8, me 0.04.guloos, in4y ftialturaplersz:.gt,epoo.ii:ite development of , . -' -•-•Itt- °Wined .1*. means. of an electric shaft Of the engine. .The spark is ob7 *park: The, carburetor receives the , tamable by the moire:hie point] he claegod as A industry in areas ,which :otherwise : gasoline from the fuel tank. vaporizes in contact With the fixed point mid, 1I0I.14(f4left*P0.• During ,.,.*.xygon, ACOOsaary. for..rag,i4„;COnthns7' occurs as the pinta separate, • Li, •-•,, dt.h:a.t4O1:47414:4,SOC,i4iii....cbtloc.oth, itseiiS el s iS1:14dt , i , forests..w041; , have.. ii.i.170.741.11.018tuyTkoo*,4:popitiViTh..0„ it mixes . it, with air ,:to provide the ' then :separating the point* The spark l'.01iinder 'osLreinPreeeed4or,4he-pair4fwhieir direets7t*sos,r4-tolhe'-•differi• in ,the .seaAon , in whfich. people 440. The JAPO4p414.1. communities thus cf.*. :. • ebb,- •When the 041.- *Pother ushers .T..,9.w• n*..tOr,lal to tend.,thcoo industries. , 1 • ,'?tio.n: Thiii,willitturels.:drawn'into the The ignitor also, has a diStribeter„ • pose. of increasing the power,',.. '.This .e.tit.' cYlinclere in.. the: 'proper order ,of . - competio to ;we .fipdeons, pneumonia 40 •tartlieh -proiltahle Wei laat'ketS - -..;:, compressed .charge'le ignited, ' As it their ;firing. . To, provide for changing .., •••'• • .--... din. .00,aw.„,aink_deathe begin, to increase -. for farm •-eo4 garden -produce. . :no)! '•,... . it 4 ki 't f istitgor . . root. i,17.;94:4'.int4;t1:17, '4:1:01:., .47). ti,*.iT'':: ::1441'*!rX.''t-le.'49•,1*••• L IIP' leiet) '•t.' :f• ::r;Itie!1-yn...te4rtn7i1 'if' °*r-n7::igt'iaov' Labor. . .., Si lrig4. pressure on ' iiiii: "aside, Of the. the 70ylindere,; the.ignitor,lo arranged -:,,' , 4 .'is- , >,---... air season again Opines: around. do they •,4!.1 . A P.C.': sasons.,-Ar...,....Whon crePO• are .,,. : hums,. heat is generated which.. iiiVee the At. which spark's *cur in ... t cylinder, forcing the piston' out and: so that. the iirtgerruption points May . • , • "11144711/444 -.k. e .,. . ..047t4i.,!:)(AribiSm:,04:41,44,eninvina.0%.1.:1.1,417::::`tfrQardet',11:!anBdet'titilti°. eo°1414irertii'yt9Origntniz'ili:!. ' 7 turning the crankshaft, which „drives, be made to open .earlier'or.later in the e ,.. •,:: op ration 'et '.the, ":Ottigine,the,.."00:ark called alyancing:., sAd.,:i•et-arding, the • c'..tho auto.: TO obtain the most efficient ,stroke .Of . 000, ost,60. „. Illiw. . aq*,0. is .- 44 - e ft.-. ';'4 $.:10' •,) 't cU• .. ,a.,,t1:1117:14.4:::4 tgl..1,;;rhli•I'Ithp a:iii,.72:itiwt.e§, :urt.o*Is.:;02:;!rftiQii:eit.."."44.;:tit'lif.0.0fici::,114.todbinSit,ro. 4.tort''d'iPb.,:g:1;:-..:: ...4h*e*Iinder*lie the. piston Is iit the, 't.li•rough'. a...walk, ''deviCe .Called'....the , one ..0f, the most dreaded .aid fatal. Of'',,,mita 0044 frir1 the, trailtruire pressure in 'sparit, - It is collo-404'4'0e Operator , . .' :best position flit:turning-A into useful spark lever ..l...„- ••• . :' ." •.,: ' , • . , -••• serum.tip.eame‘tenita,..t...iii......,..7cor7.',40;,gino7d..t•yri4eosel...tak I... 0 .0. a' theel . l' ..74191w"1,i:FIT:st ,Tft:T4'15,•p*ci. ael. p:: pioneerrgor.p,00 I:4f; , or,air4rov;:: . . .. Work, : • • • • •'• • '. • '• •••' • ' • " • 0.42 13:Wm's aaritt4.' • , vie xss . is ,oliwn1140:30, c7.44,,"r, ..,,,,:svh•ii.,Ativititi . ,, ,_ 44,0iLoy•oe,..010m. a•;.J'iol;r.,.tKt.t.,.i::.„it:..n:.,i-o•wtiA,:k,..itT;ii•tgos.:iro.Q_;.t;.00:i:tti.;.....E..u. 1.0..,17,,-.'4.,, • i-01.0.16r.::..t: To.. . .4.4.1: ;. :ronia___no. prevontive..hon..,.yot• bopil, y., ., . „.,. ...,. . . . . • . •• • .• • . 110 seroPhine.enkine driven motor sleigh whiCh:,hefhOPPS •te.Ptit,,C11:tita;RO4Jialte,trail:InAio near future. • ft: :Tat ease. cail't-e" ' ' "•!:1-t4-'-tt-Y. 1-tft‘lienchtsernhigch.;etarZttttorlite! efirirtt14:::•-•‘-. Movea•back In to compress lt. and the it:a insure the i oath occurring after the •• . ,.t*:11104dts. aturopiisettlerl p .., 1 manufacture.. ot clearinga:0tlul , rileforj.o, ', ,1aThiscashd: . , Pt5. theut ':. . • A hY- AO Piston ,xoOvnt out. The 14atoO,' ',A044 ot.004: in the' retard position ,.• a. game .1; p i a y n:d . . ly: i t n n : -ofewd" of ..„.e a:.alonelel i1.1..Y °leCanada• 116114 a' pneumonia.'Iliejt:*allil. P012aiiille:T711:1;i. 1'. ';i8.,Iii: •'6't aaet t WIZ: also get a good. price for the use .• ' Pre"ute "4 the -*43444411: P.?0": it '''‘' 'Crank has passed the top head .centre' Britain'e'Reforeetr*'Plans., : 1 . The Genie of Lit ' and the piston' is ready to travel out' ' • : "C"!lkseii"' ...'. . ,Firitala. is replanting the .forests it 1 piii,.. meted that . Wonld force .• the piston will Oceer early enough. to got the gaS• "•‘'.1:1,':114;1-.1;;WIes0erlia'41 stitute,,said ihe,uitininte aimed,' at 'wasSatl'llA p• :r•I •to:•,:him who.,' ' ' ' . gliant •,. , . :,.. .. ,..: ..• '... ',the far* work is et a minimum. • boa... . unweia is- etten . tet.e.r.red ,o. es,k.. mining, pow mid .paper naannine„.. , Wh7icaka. e, ,.' .1:1;e7,,ta.4, u'.0,16. ::114:. must treat (.1'11"1'i.hiiiii•-ta'laic:154isupplies in in s4asona -ivjleii ' - the: piston was moving into the Cy:an, on the power.. etreke. As Soon as Om neixo,-.--Q, man; that toilsome • Paine • • '.. ' •-.• I4' .&_.- . ' .• .' t• , . . • doit,•take., , . .: . ,,..1; •• •,.. . : ',Get ,duri. ng LII. e w.. a, r. •-• W.. 1,1aT . , • . . 1...hi ,, : ... ,enoa.:47;4,04- ,,,,,).ire,, -:44 'cli. •i,•'.tttn,i4.e'l : w*-144gesome rvopot., and one against , . . . . In the lumber camps and . again. It the spark should occur While ...0er'-enVie„.0ompreesion stroke, ;the gas __,..., _. ' .: • • . - 'Taylor:, In a paper read„ -at We ,laa!,',.: 1146/1 would be Ignited and a pressure gen- Piegirie attains speed this spark the nritish surievore in, - •• - nails and tt ; . • hack out Of . the :Cylinder befers the 11,,,....„' tn. • • r nd preduce -the fUll. •pres- 1.1:°•vf. tImY: ilieulselves' Illt'' fix$3;"' "'"' the affertetatton,o, . . , , otnpioye , , . ,... , - .. . . tt4gerO WI", i . .. a a.!,'. ' • ' 1.! 1. .t.h.'a..t 111'eting Of •. • - ' ' • - '' - • -* ' - • • • • . .itiOnld,'..ba advanced se that •the•-sperit sure t• the beginning of the power ' ''' '.:62'n191'.1ilaka; :: ' :.' ': ' '' land in Stitch! net Suitable for other th'.E.a,e• ,usoless thingo Inid brirtge' '. biA; an 'larva" "air; 1116P -ase.' BY ' tala'''Wk5 ta'ring e°111Ptitli‘ 'PaY direct royalties : . .. .. . : .,.. : • . cultivation, who :total cord, . .' :,pronuete, in -' . • . crank had reached :end passed. the • '' . - • .. . 7. ....0**One 4,0113;14."...-- U-. Ti' .." l' "Ps - :..,•it' win . he understood that. the -gas . .,,• , . . . co,“,si.ci,4,11".4!..ittp,;..,110.* n. 0 nx. . oininken..t..prn,,v1..in,,..on.:.new,, r.nreetn.., , ,.z.ibeip.2. ...trpm .. tb.€41pw, olytai.,,bn.0 .. -oe. -7,..... tuttexedvoirizl.:8; ..Itituctotifohetise,* offices taxes- -They place huge. orders With' • : forth throws : i: . , • . , - Meetclee Mid -Manufacturers .and tradesmen' . for . . , .• . .L., deed- oentre, Lpoint. • Tbis• ce'7'•'I oaatia: stroke, ... .... .t • ...- ,. , 'lib:ilea 'netliltWellYkiael fkatliro ' thOnl• • ' • --- ' • 1 - - .. • -,, . .. . ,;. _. , • . ,. , . -modu that Close nonfleemeet. 1,4 -Otter.' 'tP•the:CrOwni the$ helPing to roduce • . . I . `e!a•ttlie• ..$hlah. 44 e,:illii!titi:Vt..7t• ge .1.,,,enit, cs' and :).iiires .verk raPidi3i, "so that. "' - '.. ,- --an approximatealsuctmett'threugkont,the:' . amin (3: itt i. - • • • ..- ! . ' .- : • - • . - .:...••• . • • • . • . . - 1 . ' .. • • . • l'improper nutrition' are laCat aOraMaa equipment and: supplies,. ,,Lastly they, •••.,' , newly. - , . .: . , , :. • •- 'the explosion seem to be instan,, piey. spring... .•. . _ , •• . ._ .. . ••,. • • • . •' .:- high rate of speed there might be suf-..4.....,L., •the ‘ud ,thy 11,.6.sm...e'war:ere..r‘‘,111thltis.tiauneud;F:oert.f0030.0„0: tinry. 0:9: • 40iiiincle., tztlitgicx: 1:14,edw011sefgla,:wcanantlowl.nntsd„..wnir,,.:n 1.4pom predisposing catiseiC.: Influenza or :the -.' Provide .heavy and profitable ... :..ciejoiliewet stood ,fri.,the f4iwheerte. ..,,,,r,us...floWever;. there is 'a fraction, • "-' 'freehand fair '• ' - ' overcome this hed.hpresau.o.. !rhea the of a second ,coesitnied in 'getting the And deck ihe World: With 'their ' rich ' ,. - • • : • - .... • ... .. - . .. rural unemployment :was aPpreciable - • fa • . : -... end fitealtPleS are4hendelusi:'to".;itihte:n.adilwbanyiriiiltit. haeed ivreaiaLrezod engine Would run in the Proper di gas fullyignibed.l -,The platen: Of.' the . .. . ; forerunners of pneumonia. ' The pole- : il,te.Tn4p,aist.t , '64- y b.H.01t02. al. ...x.-'0:::14ba•nkrne.. . . rompeua. ereare.; ..,, ..,......,_. i ..r:. . ut 'la growth . was A:elle/Went -5...ei a'. Arip:o'nit'..70.,i;Oo. inn,: n::ga;;67, ,theyoangjea°e's which aii's • ilk'. III*" • 7--r'r7. fast -running engine ivottid travel eev, ...y.- -4 • no til•an •fcr:•.t4•eln, 11004* :owns : or stea,..dY. adherence to a 'settled; policy. . . stem Played; : . ..,....; ......, - !-...• ' one of ,indnonaa • oi.. these ether. din;:. . ::'...tiiin AlthOtigh With leas of power. ..,..,, eral inches' in 'this time : ., .- -'ll. the '.epark„ occurs' after.: the gas /a. addition. to ...the ....sko. of 014 , . . , • • , . . ..s7'V-74.--.-----co.non,1104, ...:::::: ,...:.: '-••••• ..7,141f! gives -us 'b" 0;::Pts:- 044.:0", :O.; eases weaken the :bed,••••quid thnit.•Pre,:,1.94taile and Quebec owe 'their,. rapid • • •. . , _ .,_ And betdagrets ialial'ion something as .1‘.3,;•:...i. i.,kato, the, witi for the germs of ;peen- and. successful agrieniiturat. develop - has .: hue, 1:000 .csan.Proas0.'' 404 'Ole' .-Piet*On' Motor, the innOnnCef'gas.being,fed, to Yet no • n.,:bp.:4431inri;:;cto°176.0.trkel7. ca'n''114 it•*.9t.111 '. J'Oli'l.ciiienjOithat 134441Y• v4/4'.80)'b'' -' ' Started to travel out, of the cylle-. : ' -1-i.: '.'' ' -hi' a rather superior brand of tobacco,. nionia'to attack -and get in their dead. Mont- to these 'factors. .• ' The great • it: affects the position. at ;which- the . , mining Campti' of',.,.Porciiniiie;. Cobalt,' ,,,. p.aillt ,,,,i0,0,004,4 ihii, , will ;1000‘: .4..... 'Spark Ishoidd Occur. '.The greater the . .•, . - ... ' - • .. • produeing .his- pipe, scraped the Weide. we OZoseli()Iilour....olyn-•'•dee'lgn:••tind'it4P' it 1 li.Z.trriLeiii:eli ef' ten.ipe. r.ature. eiiher.e0'..k1 qrovrganda and South .torrain , . and' the, . , der find!the-, power- .strolte. luta . been' , ' . " ' ' ' . crease the p0,0„, delivered 'by oii. 00..,, uttantity of gasliken intethe-Cylind-er the • more retarded: the spark sh�uid . COil'1B.. %Made ot., Ice.. ',. . .... 2.1.; . ..; 7 •... . • : • i ,.- • *.ii4. his knife,. tapped it • on' hie ..boet,:, ..", ,.... 1).ears.... .. . • .. ..• • then „Oit the %Oahu. of his hand. but .: to Th4,4tai.4.0- of - 'therit,_01.4..re': .14.,..a...4.4...i.o.o..3. Or hot, lower the resistance of the hi, PaPer. millsatIroatiois'fa'.1e, Smooth , clividtialAo Pneumonia infection.- ti.ver, Rock Fella and Kaptiskneilig Ontario, .. ygine,':. Wiest Of.,..euch. le:Si_Consists• of' .. 1.c7:-lisieireh"-*•*eatileau.4044141. 4-:•• ', :, ' ' - ", '''" . :" ::: ..' • ' :. '• : : • h ted al which le always.: lacking in have to a.` great 'extent piaile: the„ - - iiii.40.07**,,,,,,,.hih ....out.Htbrouth, be-ItAs-'10ell-W-6*.ktiment- ,*ith-t , -•dgar.A.- au ..... nesides7--tlie4i; ::. lie air Northern Ontario clay- bet the:Sac-. • • : the exhaust valve '..end..', completes ita spnrk, Advance' lever, ' :'' Advance it to .Wei convinced that one Of its contitell,' •• ..!!..liae. sr got a match Sandy?" he ask, • . 4, 4 mingcountrythne:itr is to . a :Paint Where. the engine' knocks, . indi, ere was :Obtaining ..e*tricity for notli,. ' lo.it4iiiir„ iii:the nei#0014: '-'''46- .. ',...._Lie6,nt,. n.l. tid4.Lja,..i.•:'ihrengli' a..francl •theelot •meter ' .z..., 7n... 0,. .... . .. jo.m..iii ,. : • pa,ii!agOs. iiiitli,ao ,produCea those con dose :travel of -the- - piston Where: the spark tion !aystemBH retinfre. a, wide range of . In despair, the obnmmae.r.. V.4'S offered I 40 itiej.kri.E.1 •rgi( .11.0i 134epa litinie' I .•'''N.Paralaa aMparai Wheit. '1*nling.- as wa4'.... • . ' • • - -• '. ''' ' riltniag, are*. :al:Treadles" the prodne- ... There is. 'ft pa.,Ttigiiliti7 point :in, the :- 'BeCalise present-day battery igniL,,' the eleetricity had • been• -obtained., : . ,. . . , • , • ,• • . .. • •. -Ea ”Oh,":.said. 'Sandi,' "then .'ye ,..,Tock bean ibiaet deaParate, "a•and•Y,1: ' ' ••• ' '' ' ' 4.1D77.'•...' 7.t.''' ::'''l4914414.441.1•Ar-*P"t;4t41:*4-14P'L ir-1::rhre7:1'titti:tt-'":„7:0:::,i'°:ier.,,..:::::::.:. ,. • • . • . .... ,, • . ..•• . , . . •.••. • • Th.tadj.*.n.t44,elti .:6 AIM . . . , '7"?. .. .„ .-:.ildlitk.. ...-1,Miltq''POI,..,:.-P4Y: P. - c,rmlatv.,', fnevin.m.,.... .,. .1.-t.e...,,iongh,,o,,,renlove, th..04,•hi-4,07a.14,14.7..:. .,...,..irttripmfp'ffp,:,-pop,i47:11-V,.,•4‘.O.... riF:1',9. - -,Trinitoh •,. ,. • -,.. '-•••shoUld occur in -order to give the beat advance and. retard to .cover 7 4 rint, a Monetary reward, When heconfessed :went• that Match.'" , '' • ' ' ' ''-' '-i'l . .ea* a- very Old man 'planting a walnut ' • .The obseriance of a. few common- tiVe Stage • - - • • - .. --...• tree,yand, •gOing up to him, idited.tidm 'Sense rules of ',living will 00 a„.14:mg, • ' result -S.' '. Tide point' -changes • as the ni : conditions an aitomatie spark thatite,. had-Iro,seii4ster ill.. aleatits to . . . . • . • • . ,. ..eagh.o..,ei;e04,-ahreakea...„.fn order that advancing mechanism is ..,)UStiii112,i- pre -..the .diatneter. :and weight .of. the .eole •'• • ''..... , --;---. •-:---Ns.T.,,,-.:-.-. - , his, age • . lihe 'Petteant rep' •"1 am; "aY 'in Strengthening the fortifications ' velciPment it •iibent. tci.' be-. continence& . . . • .. • ...the; sparkmay occur at the proper Aded,.; This isoperated by the engine, normally used., After 'a sheti•titce'lit ,..,. ,...,:,', tii , Rs. hi' .i... • ....... . • four, years ohtm.,..... .. •,, • .i. • ,., .•••• against .sittaeitn 'et .pnetletent#• .Whiali' on",•the••14PoOltfisilog,.riior.,koiiiiiies to each winter' takes such theavy toll of. Vastly' strengthen -th ' ''1 :•.::01.4.1n-LoaCh.; cylinder. an, :igniter. ,or :in MidtitiOnJo. th.htiii'd ' spark leVoii. the meter the fee Melted. :end left' no . • , ...• •,.. • - .... • .. , !i'. •• ,, The Piet:term. rebuked him or. mak- . - •• • • . •.,., , . . • , , .• .. . . . . . ,. , ...• ., .e position. o., linteirtfptorr 'mints, one fixed and change in .engine speed. ' ' - -: : 14.' . , . ., . : . • -. " . . , : •• - ....; . .r...............,......--,... • • - - L .: . ,,,, ..,..' • illon'ibew...e;iiderie.e ....., ei,tfoovroer_'. :Li jct. ''..aftrik.unter. ; That The •ia. • miele.:_izsit.ti,L. ,inciost. 7.4nketn::}thalate-dsalti' easily-,':4rRememberen .1,-it. diseaseE‘h at) ... dt,..*11!.: that.1ie1 1.'il.t..., thereis.a;3aiee;..cenie.:1'. e•': 'ilniefiPviirtcealitnat.nnl.:.:,ItnrirllIlaeatiilk9fii:tS°.:di;tlats:c.:1aStniu.drfi,i:;11.71.b•THtli7i0::lttfl :. ; . • The igniterlii"..eouippetwith, &pair keep shifting .hand le.t...er for each I ignitiontiming00.40. is 'provided. . - This device makes it unnecessary "to. -tl'aixt; .. • . There;10.- always sPnle-'*911$11.-sweet' ,Rieig'.itt..1(h.alluncenaWrenr.ml.ult.., theo:u.".nt • heart • •.:. ,:, • ; • . for et • Seaatin' not lied "Phwat are thini lniskets: for on ,the.• in .oldif--Ellzabetti. Charles. '' ' . been . . . • . • . • • A ' ..' .. . Wily...Water? .' : .. 'real ate ' to.' be: that. Which' AS been . cars eor . the' world. • ,' • .11 ' consider:, /• .. rii.Tof other..014rsaes;,.. • • ,:„.1".11r. -.c•;1 io!'.!1.e4: "corn-; .,eeset,t.iirsinti:g.ttei.41":e.tah.iteijillie,ptiii::•iiensnteel,iliefiloeicieteiosft.o.:ep_iorovndeiulnocgpt!! ..: . . en ,AliatialiteiFiret..Rabbit,. . . • t- em S. . Ltick. ... ... : , *tiler. -- : • ::, ... • • • o .. chistin. the ltall7aSkiai 'Iele•I:t:Ielirli:14.:. '''' .' No Salary t r General Booth: ,• xi ,a,.,.• ... • Thefiret person to 'ititrO4.043 rabbits ' Candlemas itak, .February 2xitl, was :0,-4110- • ... .. _.: , . , , . :. , • .., • ., .,:„ • -- . . : . -Pae4ed, in senqn,g'-',004-"au4.:.<114-1th: al`a ' ' notar; '' 'arbeg'rt.'iniect•:,k,e.. 'develop - into Australia, Mr John • it; coilison, ''•formerly :,knovirit:- as Cradle Rocking ' ifCara Ye. re1147 :II 64). nni;;11,ena: • : e.neral Baath• Wo4(1.' head .0f.• the Ing' my: duty to .society;.• ... , . .... . ,,Ileclianting ,the.I.Orerunnpr.of. An attack 0104,0f,OM-..imip*R9d.xes9arqe's of this . „ has died Ote,age'of. eight:y.114e,, , Aft. m,..3,..• from atl, nootont. tustpin. opoe, ..... . . . .• • : •-. . - -'•.• ..! • .- iP :. :-. •,4rY . • • The emperor, etrue. • with the c•in-..,et.71170,10iii:11,1ecata:u..'s:.:arei.4.4.8.r...''.'Pal-.. ' 'Illii!rtly fi;:sc'o. rie.. ti.0:07i't'. is in"te'. r•o's..tio.i to. ' ..., • .• \ . . For lire : oiliy . 0. . , . , „ , . sa-r a t i0a.• Atnw . . "?.e6 iio. „al.: : .- • i ., . k ... .. . . • . , , . .. they . pnt v.‘'atiter ,, n '..frOin that '-..orcganization, ...friends orer gicaritrof the old man's•I'reinark,..c,Oit . • ' .'dollisioti,..Waa,:a 'great:,..titiveller„. hi.' hp widelt Prevalent, and 'net . yet 'Wholbr . • 1'7111'n •.'"a**".' 4°' .;.01014,4ark .:1144y.-.own04.. a Llarge Tench . „ . : • , ......• woov ', ,;• : , ldieg itiin..with .aninconie: . .tinnedto talk with him.•: "Thou eanstthe . , .. rvrua.lens, ofw111•11,7•41tohnlyi ulch'•-•kaniing . and ' Northern 'Ontario Itail,7': note .he analysis. madelis: the Tenth- - • -•-•-• not ilVe to 5,....e the trees .'YOU Plant.'Ing4 b'4:09eir!'3314se • . • . • .• • in Auetralie. - ••• • . -. ', .'.- . ' • ,, This consists of,-.. rocking .in church. - ...._.... .......__,___ I .. • .. . • ....-. • . , ,tmii,e- to • Perfeegen!! 'he said, • . • to prevent an attack- of pneumonia, . Way Commissioners to the tonnage .. .'. : ThAt :ere* Of .iatrafineing '.-rtibbittila • .the' renat .reCet4.1Y :horn. baby • in 'the .• . .• , „ , a • doubtftil,liOner, for its effeets-:. have ,'parbilk,--SynabOldsing the.•. presentation 1 -.• :-.067trotieb.;vreelp,ialfentici:ih,ipiattit•!iifiist'h.tglehacio.: ...,...•.•. ' HOW•ta "eiVoict Orieuinersia ..,.., .• ' (about .1%. million :yearly). moved .hf. Be -regular . 'Irt, 'yclir- habits' ,ot living,: resulted in e lees 4it ito0,60,960 worth of the child Christ in the Tetellie• , . ,. 'it IS right. that. We eboifid ignin for the 'pat:netiriebingiadially digeatable ' tooth.' ' F,4wa Pra.riactO- •;• •:•• . 41 Per :Cant: '• 1 - of eitePs, a year, $0)00,0O0, a ioar. lies: • : The: teremonY'iti.regtilarli PerfOrin-'. . .: .bettat-,apent. on efforts -to. exterminate ,ed on this,•day.in 'the. peril* church of .... • . , . .4 • . : k'''. .. -ow, . . • , ,. • • . . • ... .• , . "•.- miscellaneous ..'... 3'per'eetiL•'' ••• benefit of (Allem, • : • : • --.., , - . 'tee') the bowels .well..regulated, ,, get' .„ moofocort4. and ,:.... . ...• • .••:''i ... . . . . . .. the rabbit, and •16900.• Miles ,of.:: wire • the ,. $ottinghainshire .illiage :o't: Bltd-• .. ' '. ;••=1'.." ''N.>„ , ', ',1f14t,celloift, old. man,..". ....41a.. the em. eight bemire! sleep- eve& •night With 'the • :Minee Products '..,..'.. : - 22 per cent. •netting,ereeted'agi'prOtectiOn. :, ; :, ..,• i :Worth; amongst other piacek., the. •• Although ferrets wereintrodueed. to •Ciadle. with' the ;Iiiet• born.babY being .• , „pert*, and lie ga ye •thepeasanta 'Pnrao' bezteeoilid.:•Wus4inddliter,.4SoTe. in)r,...6.io•'fr...g.e.,..d...•;1-11.:0,s. . .... full '1`,I(4f•pg•fei•a\-IsaPilitec,lioe'd low and salci,„•`"Q . ctiii, ., ..t. ,.per. fl..ki.iti,„ce t,. awl. c91d:. , ., ... ,.., ., ,.., . ,. ...„ . . Igyilnitini.t. ;17111 41:1. ,.u. ,.ct:..," , ' 1. perp e ' ec; 101 tt ,. • .reloPed ..* Agate for ...poultry, ' Pores.- emitlY reck'ed, b'.. the vkar •while ..tiedi-:' : ,.x 44, ,,,,g, ' . fetition tister,,,ntany.. •years, hut, niine Get regular eiefelee in th.coeulelpoettniantil:'• • . , • • One . -..reason that the agricultttraT . : "..10.1I•the,;rabblts theY unfortunately ,de- placed inside the altar. rails, lind sei• . Itk. . ying; otner •inen.`iii..tr:e.e's• i •,': Weretried. but they madefriende,with rating the Child te. god. : • - . •, . i ., lia,ye•borne,.frult•its Soon as .Pianted.": . 'pre* 14.' (lill•t' -Y611 41e -' products do . not constitute --a larger • • - . • •, .ch . p otortiOil orthe 'total tO :nage, ie that • . thedingoes-LIMS114.-tind their. pro • DantNemai Day' .means . the feast or ' irei.),,,ereated'lialioo..aMotik the sheep,: .feetival; of the ..cem41:oo, the• titie being . ,.. , .. . .. • .. , 0? ' ' 7 . 4:1;i3oi'l;;117::1zinrialnit)htt7etilligp.t.ra.;1,tc,ICir Iggrlde;: 11:ebitbeE7thin' -01146:47:4)1-94r-`1';:t1'.c.1°. .tbAt.nvg-Pi'.141::. .'Too ex‘-: liIsi ••• •. , , . . . , • ; . . - Rabbits infested .:, With. pakten . virus reminiscent of the limes when, ehurch`...., : ' hcali; been released fanlong "their tel •ea'.used . ity.'he apeCially .:., mutninated• •. '"'..cA , 71.4.- .:..r., .e.:1b4rtt.poirue,i:lit rt,iiit.5..1,11...e,r.it,.i). 4 .i.,,r. .0., t,1,.:it,...4iiisr. . pinch', .tiOiliiiig.•inay prose • quiteatt. h4rmfulas toe tittle, ..• ••• • • ',.....• . • .••••• productsil°fwhileartheseal 1.71)ipiPilecuules:totlei''St?inde4:nr's!liniinilintetsg•I, •, Ibion:i 'net ...kars • :pror.att . expensive to the Vtrifit".4arY, and the hailing et the '• .... -two' crovs• .in ii co.V!., - ',•'.. -.' , ,• • .,- . • it.itiree., uneoc4.tope.xtuceviattgo.w. 71,o...otre.:,...Keep. • , - . . . • ..7.,c.,:e. nrig. 1).,'etrauri,.., ,,n, ,ust, .0'111;i:: '1131anii:epoyi:ideda :, • .• Keel! the living room at iv t'qmperi., e:ro4Tnlirtmet.o:uititsittie-d.lieilu.1)..:orpitn.estsa:111.r.e' 6:tiihh.eilp.'i:•• 717ilY.1,.. . louse . but the poison did , not ;WArk. • With. candies. on ..tlis annivet,eary,.. in .. .. . . . Altogether the. effects ef.• 'kr. 'gel- •Coininetnotation Of the PeriOation of 7 the oeuntry. .- , '• • • : . ' ' ...,'. , ,,,. : initintShriat as a ".fAglit• to Tighten ,the ,,It.; eiv..6. iiin a, titio,....tair.„3.0,....• atter ..whieh.... ',..I.Sen• the, feet dry:and warre: • . , . . : The Abitibi rio,ek mit A .stipp:57 a , gentiles." . 'I'. • .,. ' .• ',515,-.:/,;•••P''''....i.' to.tal movement •eypr .. the 'i`;,.. &-,N.O. • . : '':: 4',Nr- ' • • .,..., 'arch Withdrew 'saying....... , -.• -...- -4.---,.„;.. .... linca'a..seyenty cars per clay •iiric",nliink''. ... ,•patt,J.x.14 -810*.te..0 .itls . kft.itso:„ ..the. lion., .:: -A., cteld.conghers.'and &nee: ers, ' ..- . Answers •, . . IL • . ' ' . The. *WideSOread .be110 that •Chriet.- :Mae decoratienS, Must be taken doartv ,,,,,;•Ii• 0 0011%0471.. i 'fl,a)-4.1 ilet :key. ranger, 2 .. cars • of : -.finished : paper-,,-ahipped ' ••••A State •of 'Mind, . .' What, is •Ileaven 7 .. 'at; Iete.s4. on••:(1anletnae p•e, or ill Inc* • • ., • • , . ;,;.••• ...ao • Jest . their ' wit Shctild.' e0aust..:ThY.: •• , - 'south . daily. ., It iti,expected that • the ,,.. „,,,..o.,:x .- treOury...." • .' • : proposed mills at Knpuekaeing will, . ' will' followbee.. its- origin In 'Ma 'te&, :the datum* *ay.; .. ' over,' : 'nbriciiiiiY: •it wi?!.4.(1. be • -.110.071,.: WIrS741,e, . '. ": ' .. l V supply an 43004 profit. We Moveme t it' . The leaves at .plak,..„ . ••••4:. '1 . .4,-44 . , in • the benefits of. which .' the •-.Canadlan .- ' dangerous to allow,dried-iip 1i:ranches ; ,• ..t. • Or being kind .. ',. of holly. and, evergreen" to rem -tin - - .- , ,'. i National., RailWaY. , iinit the • fej..ti le.; ..: ."The•IVik:nts. what is God",, ,:.hapOug. in chu'rches inclose nrozinifiY, .- farming district *eat •of. Cochrane WEI' , f,ow'er over all . to •Oom blind retie of lightedCat1d1.65. .• I tr. : ' '• ror thwhere e moor.'4.'; /Pei -the meets! I , . • . ' . • ' the.dhott gresS . " • •••• . .: • .• • 'Ohtire.: ' ' , ' ' ' • •And Venda In, prayer. ..1 - ., •• • : ' '.4".7----.0 . .:Like velvet beneath MO 4101.141.1ii ... , . • -•., . :' ' ' :: -Litent..,.. . • ;Pe er.th'Moors!. •t'or the meets :. where' • : , .. . • ,. . . • ,. ''HOttOt Captain .C4ink ',. • ., light ,ererYwhere.; ' • •• . The poplar. tall. .. • , i Amitil4tti.cr.eirery comMon sene-,e .' ,•: . - . the- high tiase . ' • I ,:•What 19 (heath": • ',;• ''.'l'hardoth ite'dnily•iike filltill., , ,. lic$1a ,stiriny agelmt the. clear Qty.!, •• •,,t . .. • Governor WallaCelt..lrerringtelit or. ;. .::.n opening (icor, ''.There lies- another, • more latenSe..' . . 1:14.41E•SILVE:R NtigGEt .'PUT •ON • Col$P1...AY.', I ' ' * . . . • . • , . • " • A dream fulfille4i-! . • •` •,• Anti beittiteotie .atill.. . . ,.. . : :: A •• • •. . • :ilaWaii,:hai.'reeeiVed **Ord ihdieniklit .;:. .41.0)t-4 i "shown. the huge silVer 'ituiger which; itk.,4 We. .ri1 ttirStrited in' the Pal"•:the. rasorg.':: • 'wherc• thP linnet. ';lair'". , 'that . the government 'of. New ':' '44111a -oil • 'That long 113,..% •thrilled• ' : . , ' .• blear; I e • ' • " . . ''',••• i:•4.1- • k • t. -ta .w!ld k•kVi'rk 'Wis. t • Viola. ` t1h7., eha•cia',.sM,aetlp7.et, I'm.. sure.. ',Ill!' .,t.aivw. 6artilei::tipnrttpottssa l'i Lin.' ;41e6ettetart!ttt tit; .. :' , iiiithe ...,,, ,,., . ... , _I-,, 4a., ho.t,,., al, ex",.t. Itt.77,Tete.t..07..(11' .c,p2.abpIttapit?1 d jtaktntclo 'itit(001.1i.t:ii. no_ rt.iiiii.)1a,ivitioXi,..so:ir...*: ' • -...ft. sting on the elti.igratilte stone, -. .'" - ' • Xek. there' - -no Morel ' • . • • ..••The,light which to- our eignt belotigw, . _ , , • '''Ot the 11:04f:,"; Mille. :illq •Ii:liAu0, been rentri,terl r•rom Wen) Ifiek,--'w.,l1.0 • it WAS 'tv,i.:.e .0. i ar .. 4. ,, ' ...• ' , . a .. , ...1 .. • . ,. ' , trout ("rita'..r, a 111•0 I' a, tliqPicilt hat'd•inga „for, i.13,-.to•11. see. ,.,it IS,a.proOnet * . • • - • • • ,•'•' .,, Entf Al,L;,pla'y as:the' I.trst'f. •-f. :snit ific.4t. Va:uS111,# eines •piece of, silyer ore cr4r . . . •.• . . ,..:. , ,-.•0eorge.-Eltisinti.. - . VnfOlds- '21...light ' Mere, bread:, end, • . . •., • •, . .,. ..„ • . • , . . • .. , . ,, , . . , . „pectin( 41.4 •111.: i.ii.!4 lir,,, 3 ,,i1. P,•;14; flee..., ,r•r-Weigliii, 4.40I: 'pen/ids: When; the ttoreitt*..'• , pairs. of_reo:?:‘.tf..:.Ly..7g14:•41.4t* ., eif 13,4,:_is#„,.:AV,..,.clo tiot,.hea1)•: ' • „- ,' lotkrit---14.ritght it. the. ,,,•ti, et ts.e.,:..firjr..? ' at 6-iti. rent:311er ppoce for '*.iiver„ %cgs • g"r•Zt,,•••••.111.re.i.' 't ' tri.t11. Cit.:11.1r' 1.11° Its 1,iii.s/?/4.„y .;,•iii,,e•t, hot:ott.4„..• Ho ..worlt3 poi .,thr and diticoVcrer .ef :the is.ande.; I )10 • ; ' .. • • , . . , . . V • A . enee. •makes. no:06.y . ,41,'‘..106,001):31titte .but kit inyi!**Jhe"-sonks' .. . , ...• • 4 .Eal.11Y Mon t9. the gas 'cottipany,.tny chilt1;*!.' • ,...timi. ,.; l'4041,huoinevtittppitroft4 li.'weraes:lik.tt4i•ktitidtio, • II o' .;- 18.4)04,000.. poi rs are ei-porteei. •'''''.'` • .. „ • AND •JEFF -By gut! Fisher. tAlfet• ;$15.411i.. ' •• • ' Months' ago •te include ares101 a A Chance to Sqnate, Atounts, Thought ,Jeff , int*, • -rho, .ort:,1,, !„.nrp000ding, eo that government hy ewners -of II ;,•the rtiononIent. it, Itritigh, iteik tleetiel .1 Innu sevei al ,tiare tigo, . I • I • ;.• •••••.....N • • , -;;;;;;:01t 11 ' PrOdyttlelt. in Ottnada.s. Mining. now 041r11 ! Canada's', 1.rinittry (01147) ; le.tte4 NtleitAively to It ti 0,41 '.,prosnerIti of the kt.411111'..alt to f114•110ttlit7vii lInt i StatNiti'.•4. • ' Large tonnxig`cii v.ffreltri.'evu fr•frir • altd.lo the mineifii nut itl,id1aty, frt., i'd11,0,117,4, .01,4410 unon, the RI; . . ••• MONSt6ljk - .,\A.C.i4ute "Dloc) F'ROP..l Ni "I' I'M GONNA.'bo A S,ENSAT toNf‘L wftxr,4 . At.fiT.vbe oF 14000 Far ' Th t .4.[ TO ' iNt.)ks ,ds?.'rtSePt i' -3.'J .. IDF.A.t: -.5r4.C.Nae, t 14eeSdt rAY ' 'e• I S•1'.0 tt 100 F"v0C.S! ERE'S tv‘s.1.p AfHUTEL," ;.` KeRT t•c' "uk,DE,r,; 641:5 LAFG. tS GONNA bt.c.,END Ct.Q IT' ..r...5 't 7NYOU eAdAt.,1•.1F.•-ht"4si. 1 birerl A.Airaz wAS i boNe To ir tr • , ...c:rout.b -4",-*Lx• Ars i ' ' fi.0%A.•:Ftl,•:;sl4 ? , .Q.•.L. • 4••• • u.44t Pi-loNG .1-0 ‘•Z•Xl-1.11-t"toK) OfJt+.l. 1.1.01.kr The 'oto. • ...".••••.•••••• wsfcr. AfTe- LI=G? NOTHING! ' I " y't • .4••••• kr% , esti • r, At.•.:0,•;• 1.prOgram. In the pro,rifl.:'.1:7;i., of min:vitt . . tVitr.7 In 41,(Foort:ry` I-11-e•iN; .n;11.,•1,01. arta§ • 114$g e!(•01 priaviir":1.,,: 'Z10,t. 'tit t•T-Iiiiirnre•InI. dire "'•• 44 Ile •mit careleSS-'1:41- Tv& Coil- fu.d .41t • woi-d,, ut rtitlmlim, in-,