The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-03-11, Page 1'4•41111.4.i 7 ICI ' PNIk YEAR: IN AOYANGEli 4:40:9THERWT,p , • • , '7 • t" LPCKNOW, PrIT• THURSDAY, MARCH 11th, 1926; • 4 •.0. FROFESSIONAt 0,41.003 ttre,,,w,hi.eCenne rh*filciiin*nil Surgeon Lucknoir ' , Hones ,121.,;e4i- 7 06, • , • , DENTIST I)r. . MftcLeod wflJ visit, . Lucian)* every Tuesday .in Dr Conneles •Otlice. • • DENTIST - Dr. •11, L. 'Treleaven, Lucknorw- . ' Over Decker'S Store. Extraction • either by gas or lodal. Will be in Dungannon eveey Thursday • ' • • Phone 08 '7DEINTIST. Call Dr: Newton Make' 'appointment ,In office .eyeryday. . 0 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 0-0.-0-0-0.-0-0-0-.07-0-0 • , . -Geo. A Slddafl, Luelzerine, •ee Broker ' . and Reel Estate. -Money to lend or ' • first '• mortgages : on 'farm proper- ties. at 6 and 6% per cent accordine teesecueitY• offered. ' AIrio smal.; amounts on seeond mortgages ' On .1a* 'properties' and on. =Ter:rena) notes. " A few 'geed ,farMs for stile 114yfiBaLto-triltXi Vaint--busmess ever w -kW mav be seen at my 'residarire any thnee-elt.e.J. Cameron, Painter. and , Decorator , ucknow 'Flour Milt With the installation of netv ina .chhiery and be extensive re4nodel- ,. Ong we are making •a higher -grade Of. ."• • flour than the. Mill has ever madee Try ,a. hag, and convince . :yourself. 'Tem' mintey..eefunded if 'Slot ,Mitisfae- tory.-4. E. Treleaven Per Saie-5%.-Acres suitable Mrveg: etables fruit, poultry and bees-te ctossihe , river ° from Goderich-e-ed• joinizi the "SaltfoidIleights" Dairy Priem. •• All necessary buildings. - Price e$•1600. 'cash. 1! purchased ir • two weeks ,/ a Purebred, Jersey CoW god's. with the 'Lot:L-411re: I. Hether- ington,. R. R. 4, Gocleriche ' For Sale -Two small , frame build- • inge, also a quantity of plank andstorm and 'window. Saili.e-epply, . to D. C. Taylor, See'Y Scheel Hoard: TENDERS WANTED . • Tender's will be received by the Leckie:ex Council up to Monday, Mar • „ 22nd, for . the complete re-decoratine, • • a the interior of the LUcknow Car., negie Hall. Basement and. °Librare". only excepted. ihe following are' the: specifications • All present woodwork which is .now varnished tohave one epat of .11igh Grade Varnish, except 'window sills • stair. steps and risers, said •wirtholk sills , to be properly filled, grained and varnished .`tt). tnatCh present wood. , work.' Stair steps to be gieenethree : coats and risers. two • coats of floo: • `peint.' The 'window sash and all the doorsand other .woodwork now paint - cd .will be given: two coats of paint:4 The doors nowenamelled to be cleari7 • ed by butnlrig Off said enamel and re- painted with three coats 'of paint. All loose portions of present buiteet to be re -glued and laid solid to wall • 'and* all burlap to- be given one coat '„ of Paint; • • •Alleplastered Walls to , he gine. siz- ed. ' Walls Above burlap to a height of ' thirty' inches to be given two coate oe paint. r• Balance • of Walls to given- two coats of •Mureeco running aesteheided border between paint and • Mere:zee.; . • All conduit' to haw; tWO coats of flat Paint. It tobe. Understood that • , present ticket ' wicket' be refinished evith oil paipt and that, inside of • cells be finished .with rnuresco, var- nished over, to a . height •of ,six 'feet, , All :paint used must be Of • Pnrr e Linseed Oil and White Lead quality 'All woodwork _ Must he PrePerlY • cleaned and trashed where necessary. • particularly. 'Baseboard. . Applicants to submit tender es a7 bove; else, tender finishirigall plas tered, wells With two emits of oil Mink with border where agreed up:: The Connate keserVe.• the righte to decide on ether& used, and ale, Week, -.must' be doted to the satisfaction Of ••.the,Lticknow,-,,CounciL•.and,-,-,Contracter, tei% arrange, Itliat--deioritting-411.l'init' ; interfere with the use of the audit.. -Afgo; tenclekeleirrilihelriit5fde, Ing of the above Hallwith tWo•eortte of pure Linseed Off •Inds Lead Pariii7' eegOine terms , and .eentlitiona as on ire Aide: tender to apply. • of Said work to ; be completed On or before August '10th, :1926: tenderaqir•-bk preberik-viale and addressed to Jeer E. Agnew Clerk, Lneknow, Lowest or any tondpt nat, neceosar. •.lily ,aconnfigt , • 0 LOCAL AND GENERAL ' Orders for fertilizer promptly filled , , , - -•,,best-gradewl':":G. S. Rbirtson. - • Mr, Kermeth lefurclie j ependirii Pert • of a.,:t a'44W9aW Vacation wath • friends 'St Sertforth Theseeend :carload Of ferinizerhae, pee,k. receiv*ct, auct 1 now have,;a full IUpp1y._G S. RO5ertstrn. Ask us Shoiet thP Thirty .Minute. ,Hrrishieg..Lacquee .fOr floors ' arid 'line oletrine".4-Wee: Mereie& Stile . miss eelecie ',who is . teaching at Forest, paid a 'brief -vis- it to heeeleereeeen the .end of last-weele- , . • Mr. Lams. W. Dudley,. Of 'Guelph visited last ...week with his sister -In- law, ,MatgareteE: Dudley, • Of Luck - Mr. Cetil IMullin is in London this week as delegate,frorn 1,7.0.L: No. 428 • " to the Ontario Greed; Lodge of the Orange Order., ' • .Alex MacCarrollleft thiS morning for Toledo, where she Wil; epeed a ' feW' weeks with., her (laugh , ter Mrs'. Foster. • • - • • , • , '. The regulate meeting of ilee: wane ens Institute will be held atthe henot. uft: Mrs...Wzn. Muedie on eireedee Marele leth, at 2:00 o'clock . " .•, _ " eers. 'emu, ,of Terente, who: hat beeri'heee the :past: few weeks, tak-: ieg' care of her father, the -late ,J. B. taunter: 18 gOing back to the city thit afternoon. • • , CIIIIRCHt NOTES , United 'Church Y.F.S. . - The "Social Department had charge of the Program .Monday evening. . -The PraYer *Wee' hY Mr:: Treleaeeteeeehe also 'read ethr'YOtTp7 ture lesson. There was g reading by Mr. „It; Thonipeont a., pantomime by , sex uuthber of slics.rt readiogs‘,*ere'-giiteig!::being"-.Wccerptb. efroeti addressesat the pianston ference. Other numbe.re were 'a featt- • . by Irene' Woods, And Hazel Webs chiatt by Vrs,•,.M5r,di0 and Dr. G. A: Newton gave ieeti•actieeetalk on the 'ecipie• ."W is the church; and what is the Oil The k' ex°. ur_mn.gc, 1Viridenai;s„:11C.itlahsta. .have • Presbyterian Guild • ' The Young Men's., Bible Class charge Of the. Programme on Mon evening, Cameron Macbdnald be in the Chair.. Cecil Mullin. read Scripture Leeson. 'Mr. Stuart R ertzion' took the • Catechism Qieesti ReV. 'Mr. 1VeacDereeld and .Mr. J. Murdoch gave splendid 'addteeses the topic. "Fetith and Life's Adve ueete Readings( were given by M gan Henderson •and Edwin ' Seri Musical numbers were a, cluett Meier and Horace Aitchesone atro merle sole by George Douglas, a a eiolin sol by Mr. Jack Henderso SINGLE', COPIES, 5 CENTS— HAS. "THE ILEX: COME' TO TOWN.' ED. CASWELLeREMESIBERS • ' *. On Fricley nigh of St Veeh -CrOSS was -burned.; .the street West' of the Central Oaiage int!' .-Moeday:erugliteeeriether lit 'tipe ;the • • •• • scenery just just south, .of enCe • House, These are the, sterilized signs that 'a" Ku Klux, Klan has been et.- • ganized• in a ,,toeen, 'but whether they eSINGING JIMMIE" HUNTER , • e ;To The Editor of , The-, Sentieel on Dear' Sir: . ." This weekrs issue .your paper 1. brought to me :as roany ancithe old-time Leckneteite the 'not whellY 'iine'ePeetall bat. Saddening •Ietehigee- ee of the ,death of no/;,..o.id friend were 'genuine' id A piece. 'of :tonifetil, ery,. one 'not, in the secret tere - . „ Howeeeit .witheeelans. in all tbe sur- - *tentidini. •teWrra '1.44Cktiow,:9014a liard- ae. •• • .• ,•. • eac,.440,,orf,atiiiatisen: • : -• ILL • Some alarm 'Wei' felt when the rch, Klanfirst invaded Canada,. arid ' it Iwite said that it was neither needed • ner wantedeher%.....13ritelt cane e.o_cl ; has spread rapidly' until enow • there 'cen be fewtowns oe villages - in.: Old haOntario, that has not a Klein. It is all d , day oVer the 'United States; and its ad - tinge ovvoec.i.atecsa'nihedit.re. Say that will be all h 'pobn- •' In parts of the United. 'States:the c Kirin , becaMe for a time a • serious nt. orJ th tid n. 'ASHFIELD, CHURCH NOTES • The debate 'which was held -bat-wen' Ashfield and Dungannon ' yeting Poe.' ple on Friday night 'last, was .a de: cided success. Mr., Alfre „--elfireffeeVeWeahleKein the tut terest5• of the. Arineniaii '1,30Y'S Feeit will be 'held, in the Town the -evening of •:T.uesclrier, Mai:eh:tete Achnissieri Reeer.v.ed• ..Seites •., Sec. ,hi1dren 25c. , Miss ,,EilieleCanieron, daughter o, Mr:, and Mrs. R. D. (einetive.',of toWn. ha.e., been ; :doing deaconees'es:, ..work in ''corizeectiere. with A. TOrOniehurch : has been. ,transfereed to Mot. • real,. Where . she Will look 'alter 's new ,aritiVaLe• in , this •ceretetey. ..• A enurriber of lettere- from POintr. in Saele. and Alta. tell its of the .tint • .,eirieer :Weather they :are having -no and autos, are. limning. The te....l.oke„ on the '..folk sere in the 'Garden of the Dominion, Well: We •can't ruff, autos'. hero: for '; , . „, • , Mrs. E. Lelekhart. received 'wore eeeently of the death: of her 'brother, . . Kenneth. MOrekerin, of Johnston'City .T.eneerree% . Mr, Morrison was cheeei. maker . at .11e1yrocIci_aectut • thirty fierce Feats: ago, , !before going .' to the' Stat . • . , • , . - Those ..frern a disearice • Who attend. : Mee. jarriee Taylleeei .funertil. firesdaye last, 'were: -Mr. and Mrs Archie. Campbell, of Harriitton;-Mie raylor, Jr. ,of Galt.; Mr. Milroy, e of: Galt; Mr. and Mts. Knight, Mr. an Mrs. Farrell, Mr. Dave. Seaward, el , Ripley. •, ' Keep in mind the concert in the efown Hell the evening. of March 16 The proceeds Of this ,concert will gc ro the sepport of the Armenian boy . at Georgetown: for Which "Lucknoe and .vicinity is reponeible.' •A :goo(' erograin by all h'oene talent, so that every dollar will gee to, the right plact Secure year reserved Oats at Me. • ' .„. Friends of Mr. and Mrs.' •Rirbert Keith, ofeTeeewneer'will be • sorry to learn that 'Mr. Keith, list. 'N•i'eek suffered a stroke -of paralyses, his left side being ceipletely paralyzed Mr: Keith had been affected beet d, year With a pecellr form of nerve trouble, frein which he appear- ed, to he slowly recovering. • "FAMILy, THEATRE," IIICENOW Come and see a. first class .,picture at the re -opening of the "Family Theatre" on Tuesday , and Wednes- day, March 16 and 17." Everything in first claire coridition.-H. Paterson; Manager.' FOR SALE -.A good reilch cow due te freshen about the nth of Match: -I): S. MacDonald ; • .; WANTED -7 -Reliable girl to 'do house work, Small... family; • , no • children, geed Wages to tapable ,neison.*A1)- ply ;• Hex 246, tercknow. • AUCTION SALE, Roy Irwin, Lot 10, Con. -"AA- field-will have an sueetion sale- of his efai•ec stocknntl•.,impeeenen'te .day, 2.3 •CoMmendingt at OW o'clock p.m. Quite a nunibet of Oa ihiplements on this sale, -Elliott Mil- len--Attet ' . • , • AUCTION- SALE Donald 3. Low, Lot 20, Coe: G, Kin- loss Township, (Dave ,. Falconer's ,farre) will hay° an auetibnsale of farm stock; Implemontar„(lneluding,.0 VoddrFeitd 'Coupe), and household feet. on Thursday, smaivit 215,. con1;,. mancIngitt ono teetuek :Arai .,St hilts', for a 004 Sat Of; 104 im4 im. pliittionti. POrfloi Act, the affirmative of the..subject "R4solved • that the church is , just ihed in 'attracting. Yeung: People by means of ,entertainment," were giv, en the decision' of the judges. There was ,a large attendance,' and every.. One. .enjoyed the speeches' of bote sides. kissee Tillie- 'and Millieent secial. aeh, polieeeal.problenn, :In„.plac- 1 es it :has done a great deal Of good i wore in cleaning up situations where 1 the law 'was ineffective; . in 'other 'pleees it has been mischievous,. '.I In this country ,it has been, well-behav- ed - and decent pdeple have :held no- thing: to fear from. it. : It is to .he hope ethat this- good ibehavior will be coetinued. '• o GIRL GUIDE. NOTES -6'1,TMeg. The. Gz1 Guide are nt;.,;‘,, holdin ' .their weekly 'meetings , in the girls' • PlaYro9rn in the basement „et. the Sehoe4 This is a fiee eWarrn .r9ori.. and thSegirls have plenty of 'Space fareeclei4'.1lilavaen.d97Aretr.a,niites' and udirin • Hackett, of Ashileld and Mr. Schol -of.-Deingenrionegave-mizetcal'ntirithee All, 'of the ',visitoes •eneoyed lunch • of a few group games in the.hase- !Tient following :the Prograrre • I • The hours of, services at Haekett's eihurdli have been , :changed for a per - lice! of 'ehree:enonthsieBeginning .riekt SundaiL7StMday. School • will be held' at 2 'p.m. and church.serOce at pen: Services ' at Zion and Blake's. Chure:he's' Will he at the 'regular hoOre. Clizerch....menibership classes will be held by the Paster for teetiee feom the Sunday "" Schools desiring to Lunitt with the church .0zi Easter, , Sunday. Please enquire'. 'for lecalearrarige: 'merits. • te froin their 'attendance and entlats-. o o,o-- ' CHURCH NOTES • The '- February Meeting of 'the Pres- byterian Y:W.IVI:g. was held at •.the' Manse. • The Meeting opened'with Hymn , and, peayer. After disposing qf the minutes , Miss D. Henderson took. the tepiCs} "The • Abundant Life" Which was very very belpfurato •all and Much enjoyed. .. Mrs Elmer eleheseon, • gaVe . a reading followed by ,Prayer by Miss T. Carrick. .The collection was taken• and after e Hyinn, a n Prayer Mrs. Atia03.0naid served fe- freshinents. , ; DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Debentures foe the •LuenknoW• &hoe!, are now being :offered to the‘ public., Persons having. turide to in. vest ean have , no, eafer guilt-edgec'e investment. • Full informatiort will supplied. and applieati6ns: • received byeJOS. E. Agnew,Villege Clerk; Wei invite you to assist in :the, fieaneine of these Cleberatares.RObt. Johnston Chair:bane Financial Cemthittee.' • . , • PIJ 'the otit Fe like me thr 'sole and :hen and vim • or 88. 'W Sco .Pin ek leak • 0 ,our Can T BREAD ON EVERY 'TABLE here is nothing that rounds Out • dailY, diet better than te' genet,- portion of bread at every meel, I' lathers, withers and childee a- .' Bread is the , mainstey of the al. It 'should 'he. eri every table ee 'times . day: Golden 'Cruet Bread with its whole - mien, its nutrition) vitarnines, everything pertainthg to , gooe. ith. The Bread With the . ttoublr doubt left out and the pep and left in. Get it at your greeer'e Reich; .Dozninion Bakery, phOne id's. For .•Yetiii..r.$rteurder' Specials- alnut Macaroons, • 'Sponge Cake , ns, Cream Puffs Strawberry and eapple „Tarts, Chelsea .'il0,•,lierge-evariety ery to cheese from. • nee T,-estecl, Never Wasted metro' for Heine Macre dye---Freeh.erich week' • snd Mrs; Int.; tie wrshette..tender sincere thanks to eth °attends evtth oeshieWied4e thiAl kinrl ?tea to en , bingo's father, dm*. the thrums. and /or the landtiOss 'tattled to.thOiriaelve4 white theY,wpre In towni: stay ioug...in the tenderfoot clews. ... • , Mrs. W. V. Johnston is Our. new Lieutenant '.and everyone 15 anxiously •wititihg for her •to' be "duly ' Last Week the Bantanis led: in the' patrol coMPeeitioe; being 5 teints.'en .Why not ., They .are .all but one Second Chiles' Guides • ,Howeitoe the Canaries Can tie 'Meta much better and you sheu,10 See the Nightingale:. eeeLeteevety, Geride• be.; ptesent. Oia • thee next',Friday evenin'g;. FAMILY' THEATRE TO gg.d.pg.w , J1110211e ..11o9tef. becomt • svou'angiu;h1,!.*via;1;,1.).sac_,40;e,.Le.Liti:uckt?ii.O.;:t:9apt:i:tith.se*: • . I • , the. ,Whes, one agai , • , read with keen iiitiest your: ar- tie!c giving briefly- the fedi of his : • • life and giving; too a faithful picture of iha Wan as We knew hire. As you remeek, selie witlfetheedietant -past has. been broken. Mention of ' the name :of Hueter ,eweliees host of memoriee Among" those Which come to 'me are .ef the games: 9f •curling on the milepond whieh ,supplied the power for the goer •ene iiteeellen mille, in the days: before a skating and curlieg. rink had been' eereeted: Whet -great games they.. had! these 'eerie curlers: epee:nen-111e and ,Geddes, and the Murdochs, . the 4.1ffnte eree-93oh.." arid "Jiminie", And many. another husky, follOvver • of • the iOrire No mention could bemade of our late. friend , Without ,recalling his • gift (if song. 'During' the Years I Was em- ployed ie The" Sentinel , Office When it Mood or,, stilts above the Nine Mile River. iineek ntefeMare eeeeeeellee • ?arr. e arrRa r jay: scoli on: nriBssiir, )na:i ncamdua .00g uem, Made, dc..f fastidiouser,twschhqeicwetasteWheat t. jn ev-quality—of—Bread:"-OW Quality ancj. SPECIALS ' FOR SAIMRDA CfeBITI'Piek: Lemon Pies SalVr Brown Bon Bouthe Chocolate Cake Chelsep. gun$', , . . • Crescent Fruit Rolls 0,Bring in Your Butter and Eggs and Obtain ' The Best Pricqs,, t.YM,. A. ,N'S. BAKJERY. Lpciiitow, l'hone46 waep Gus°, next e oor to as. Fleeting • back Over: ;the years which' intervene new nearing the the half- 'century, Conic the ,straihs ok "The' White 'Szeuell" and "The .Bennie 'Heteriee, 9'. Aitlie!'7,- niy two special favorites, in the rich tones ;of . a .Voice of unusual power: an! sweetness. ; On one of •MY more -itcerit visits. to Lucknow when .the -,-Falle-Fairewes-orze:-.1.'reazrie-rictoss-neete old friend . singing 'with . his- oldetiinee abandon, smile of his :favorite songse aiucl with voice wonderfullypreserv- ed. for his years. At n4i request he , sang s the eAleliee:eeeng. ,He was all that ; You •describe him .to;•he: fulls. of • r011icking fun', light ofheert, end Of eiapey, -disposition, andthese qualit- ies, I' believe,, were Combined in him to the end'of a. long life. , To, the few': now living whose mem- ory 'recalls 'the days of the early, 70's the . passing of this -genii'', • kindly. .cheeey 'fellow • townsman Will, leave hlruilrethat, cannot' be,.filled. Yours truly, • E.: S. •Caswell. Toeopte, .March 5th; ,1926. •For sante weeks ,',Woikmene have 'been eng,4aged in remodelling the in . , ,terior of Mr. TeYlor'a Building ' on. :Campbell Street, to have it comply with the law respecting picture shew theatres The room., has been linee with, firepeoof wall -board, and end' now , presents ,' a very good,. Appearitedee The. Pieture ecreerr will be 'at tho front of the building Ifietead, of at :the "back, • as .heretofore,° giving .much -better. eeeW than was poetible with theforniee areengement. The, inepeetor df pieture show theatres was here this week and expressed himself as highly' satisfied with • the nettsr atiangenicrit.: The; theatre Will. be• =thawed by Mr. A.• Paterson, and the opening shows, as announced else, where, will be •given on 'TizesdaY 'and Wednesday Of next, week. • •0.0— WON' 'TROPHY ST WINGHA1VI A LucknOW curling rink composed of Messrs, A, E.,ItIcKine F. T. Arm- ' strong, .R. Jethestoli, and T. • S. Reid (skip), went te:Witigharn Iasi Thurs- day and sutteeded in Winning t he trophy which was held there. On. Fri- day the Veingliarn Rink carne over • with; a• vie* to winning, it back- hu failed, A, Kincardine Rink was here yesterday with designs Upon the etiVeted prize, but We go to press toe early to report the outcome. • :• 4. O. O. F. SOCIAL. EVENING LucknOw. Lodge 1 o. hold a seeitil evening in 'the 'Lodge, room, on Mareh l2th 0clefellowee :their wives or lady friends. and Re• bekahs Committee. 'FARM FOR SALE 100, Acres of;land eNorthbelf Je•tee, 4: :Erg....-Pir ;(19,11;-,1; IlizroneTweee, '-tth"uL 4 rnile few thelireowe'Oer the faVniis a barn 4o,,x oo 20-ft,pen eposte. stone fetiodetiore eemel# s'fabling and water supply. inside.Hen house 1.6 X.i.0 it, ...newle,, :built. -Good - teie.tnorreed: .heuee veneered ewtli: ce- ment,- With, WO,OcIShed ,tinCgitrage at- tached, New , windmill just Up. A- bout 5 acres of btish. The _land . is. zieleloaeleesit ',,well,:drained with • running water ell the year .round going tretoet it. Abpat. 12 rieree aced - .:ed to. Fall .Wheat. ,Feee 'fiirther•-• Partietatersapply to--, Itit, 0, Luck. 00%, ,. 11.-04f, .‘ • L.O.L..SOCIAL EVENING. . L.O.L. No. 428, Will ,hcild:',a social seyening in the lodge room, Luckheee, on Tuesday March 16, for members; their wives Or lady: friends. members 'specially invited. All ladies please brine hineh.-,-P. W.M.MWlin, cLOYER SpED TIMOTHY 'y ALFALFA FLAX SEW ETC., , And all kinds' of .grain cleaned fit, for market Or sowing by the most effic- ient cleanerAnanufactur. • °Anderson: & Son LucknoW No Two. 'Persons' Eyes Are Alike • That is Why the . Optometrist niust, give' the., closest ettentiOn to every' patient 'Aed where lenses 'Scribed' and:: iirepaied,ii Su i t the', need.s sof the , 'We have confidence in onrebiliterete.yericler a satisfaetory eervice, and tty giVO _ s M ,nearlY:normai vision as coridi- . thine Will. permit.. ;Fi-74,41011$1:40.t10, .LuOttietttw,.,.. 0.Ontrio ..:ARE:.'ycm.:. • SATISFIED? ----7,..., ----resent, possibilities? • f not you will do well to investi- gate for yourselves the opportunity o building up an independent ,tuture. OPPORTUNITY:KNOCKS BOT ONCE Ambitious ,,ones only need apply. Orrespondence treated strictly -private. and confidential. • 1. T. C R,LESS; Clinton, Ont. ,District Manager • ARIO EQUITABLE LIFE .wouLo LIKE ' pugpc DANOE,S "CLOSED: To. s.c.noOL STUDENTS 'At t.helVlareh meeting' of the Luck. ., • . . hoetr, Piehlie School 'Board. the. Secret- clodw,uinnegii:eore. niunicaei.on. the • Village . .• secret- ary :Wes instructed to , send the fele Meesre„..:.the''ReeVe and Counefl- - 'of Luekripw Gentlemen:_ ." e • 1, At •the Regular Meeting of the Scheel 1. HOard.. held in , the • e' School fluilding on March 2nd. 2nd, 'when all the members were 2present, it wa.s, fully. (leeidede that • ilfee'ePreete4 of -'. • the Scheel Pupils being in attendance at the .frequent dances held' in the }Tall wiz 'detrimental to the best interest of the Pupils., and rbeen'the -Week: of .the Teachers eery' much .more diffi- cult, end cn the whole iseprejndical 'to the i•best interest of • • the • entire School. • Therefore the ,Schoel , Board ciesire to Make .appeal to the Village?. Council, • to pass sueh a By-law will prevent the. coritinemece; of thia practice which they believe to be an injury to the eeccesS of the School, ; and the. • • ' ••' "tepee- girieerely, • AGE LIMIT FOR. DANCES IN .LIICKNOIV. Tawx MALL : At ',a yecent...ineeting of the tuck.'. 'now' Village Council the Toevn Clerk was instructed to Pi•epare a by-law • setting an. -ige lunnt, those who ins.y. attend dant 111 the ToWn. gall. A part of tlic ,law is to reeite, that , ea .perseez untle:i".ehe age of seventeen may. attend, Melees: eceempanied; by a .. 1,parent or koai•diatt,* and after the by- law is Passed thus ili be a' condition on wheal the use a the Hall' can he' secured for •the purpose of a .denee, FE TILIZE IVRY SION, AN ORDER FOR FERTILIZER iitcOlis; OR WEEKS:' .AHEAD WHEN 'YOU, CAN GET.: ! ALL THE 13E,1 BRANDS e,,ANY DAY YOU: ARE IN TOWN. : • GET • • THE: VO tr WANT' OF THE KIND YOU WANT IWHEN YOU, \vAir IT' C., S.'. ROBERTSON LeCKNOW„: ; -• • . t41110.44UitO.A,*4t7,01."="a%1/4*..0toTAWAWA,t9AV.,4004 MARCH±f011 MEN'S 4 , TIIIS IVI0NTI1 FINDS OLTIe• MEN'S • ANI) IlOYS' WEAR elet:4 :11AECII:7R'IGC:GINISIAENP-•L: EIRT, :,ii.e.::',.' .•.,•.V-,,E:It. .11, EFlie°.:11:::::8:11,..'1%.ii.:111:.::::::sS . 4 , MEN'S WORK ,SHIRTS, ' • . I3OYS' BLOUSES 9 IVIEDIum.1 uNDI.E.I:LINVESTAtivit.t:.A.- ,..cOTT„0, isc:0.,,.,. i,...7. ,I:s..Tii.1.7, lI0,S....E; ;:itrnA.3 V::;NleTIESDI.7 .14, ,,-*. „F!.lei•E,..,g7. .•, - 'A. 'UV I :NDERA L.1,,R -- ...- , •-•..eetee• ee, 7 lex' . ' YES! EASTER IS....)csf AR0LTN2D TILE re0 Ire FR, -.: AGAIN; AVE ARE lig,..iili,,k:Avair ot; N.: !.--Ntj441.1:;',..tq-nnA,54,:it:g. OUTFIT, COMPLETE, FOR MEN, AND- IlOYS. grALthe . . --6..Otu1gAT NiOnEkAlt piticks; FRED L'BUSWELL ••4* nu't , ;*. A'