The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-02-18, Page 7• • " .. ,. 'untloratiinding Of •childrea •ia. 'a posi Meld # and faahten,At. eft' they Iii creetheriee.:this is done he ipecially gift haiOreatAll Ool'ao P190:0 -'s natur.0know beat from their own experience devised ineehieeryp, but 'On the "farm • We.,'Oes• it illbetrated by the spontan.- andteeting. • . ' .. • it is „net tie easilYeperfermed. .. Pow - eons.' friendliness with which' a. Obild - GettinethV1414.'a. 'IrleiVPOint .ilin OW 'fver, incases v,,,rhexo• there is fliffigolty: will greet, .uoirie etrangeea. Perhaps .stemblieg block to thenon-ender- in getting the crsern to churtb .1,11/len it :might be an apparently uncouth standing parent. He fags to de it, and there are had fleyOrS' On P)O• ere4mt I! .wayfarer, with .whom the chr,d. .4. if, he is retillY stelying ttir it, .wonderst when. the batter is golitg to be stored. ' brought in rmomontarY CebtaCt but Why be...falls The Secret."lies in pet,. for *1.044; us'e ora mi'd-ilaVered bet', • .1 the, man illatinctively hnewS, what to' ting :field's hie QW41 feregone, conc4i-' ter is desired, Mx., W. l'. Jones,;Ohi'et . ap, 4lid why, a4 how, and the child' gloms, and mature fudgnients,'ne'nintr of the Division. of Dairy Manufacturas ..,,. ungtte&tioniney. responds. - Then .we. -ter bow:much wiSer he knOWs them to at .Ottawa, is:of opinion' that IX pa.Sfa,' • are:a kr 1..pa tQ., tiwy.t40.• reverse. true, 'he. -}Ter Mkriii7drffifiTTW-77.Msiec Irat-to pa.attturizu7-t-W-Ireir's•Ceitin . is no and, with' eguit; surprise note thit an the back of hisinind,..until, the prop:er eval'etble an *ordieery wilily -boiler half educated poroon, who fatti womd make time te. bring. them forth, ung hisefiloed .y.!!itii watez ---s..Y be set on the : ,adralieitS•toward tile saute.rchiid, moots" Whoixi Energy and into'oligenai,,,iii. try-, stove and the otot4ub „et:vs...containing, . With an , utteonifortable .ahd..relsetant *ng to akalge bia„ OW41% viewpoint , his the' ereere:set in -it. The...,shetttuU Can •• greeting, or else the, chile turn s awayi ',Own, Ho Muit.trY:te.fathorn his c1uids i> iilustrated in, Kr. 'jaires.'' ',recent:5'; ,.' altogether, .ho h,•.'Of .theih unaware;',91 „reasoning,: .proCesses. :Nrith the . Say*, pablish0 'Bulletin e,ritit;e4 ,Fputtec„: '.'.theOleoll-.7-4Ying- , , ' . • • • ':, . 'won* ••of oageri!ritereet that .he.:diSe •etieking. on the Fermee aVallable.,-,et I.eit the .-ineleratandine.',01 c;1:11:140re../ggya.lb,hie busthesa\leolinga: but ioth :thc ycvacat'iciis p r4t.uii of •the popf:: . an ho •Scquirod ,or. deVel CO by 4ne, a tenderness and'iedir:ect probing thee, of Ageiceliere et•Oetpwe...it is•A,wel.1,,, . .0,Ag,iid,. tO:','Ildh` A. :1,aceie7d, eaire .ta' Po. Sksa • (Idea :riot •iejere or ...obsereeet. the 'Sbee.e..Sreedertide plain !'h.ottoineti ail' ftbOni: .8 ' it. ..t,tice:6;ti• Worth:Whi•:•6. attrikiotaa,..it: 'deice -tee -4W of 'ft ehil'WS, greeing'•Plig. •iiiehes, in diairieter• awe 20, ipofcs: docp. has to be 'keine.' atsoneeseen'Se. Of eled:retteoubig .' Oftenieteo, a eerilie .9.:f,. no: eoeling,'•cit'if ,be. 016»stiin atub or '‘,•offort,hy.atiy, one not fi;rtmate.onoukh,.h.umor ' if ..contagious to th.e Child, Will : boX. in,which. ice has been ip4.p,ecif, : The , to lye' horn with it 'The' eisence''..of'#•:lielii Jilin,' to ;A: q•iiickor 7 reali;i,ation• of crearn lrinist,' h.‘ 'stir:034r- COntinaally. . ., ,•117:t .: is Sympathyand tact: ; Sympathy ile- the int the parent is trying tomake.' w_tille being lioatati, , ' ', • , :. " • ' mands an imagination,thelreeables a ! With. this: spirit.Of meiteel tryst andtshen• putting .the cramto churn 18 •.4- grown.. person to, pet himeelf, in the ce.nedenee cpeies • lie •undeesta.nding .ther.eoly diffieulty aderises Me,. Jones. pL.NDm.1..,ItiFis, WITkl A ,. ••••• -, ..44 child'eefittiatio.n1 that makes:him' gasp ' Which 'leads:the Child. to his Parents: 1a temperature of ,I•45.'degrees Wilt.be S111311FLARE.* • • the child's ell-important.viewPoirit. To Seeh. Peeents' know A 'glorious ..joy, • high enough. ..W..henethe tlaver on the • . The flare as designed bY PArie:'aP- . . . .• draWs them llegetber, so that the child who'll. they hold dearer than their own a teraperatul'e. of 1.05 or!.180'"degrees. effort. There is a tlir between the child ehoir Chi:drew,. e'priVilege, which eftee' to be kept for •several months, the beat • the . gifted . enes; thia -:conivi,..i. Witlieet' shoeing 'the pleasuees and eroubles .of , cream IS bad or if the hutter..is. geffig tpheiasrsio• v4iityh'onztftvi.igni4.aeecir!' anss;4,7ArnIZIffleiii:In..: ellaar:gir,tsnd. fb9tvrt.i,obs•r•14.4,.:::a.abiargo:mastTatanlds,• .,per, . .serod.,...s...micleipt..c...ristyttrdftnrgtijolitiz.eiritietfilelppinng;., ,.tkr.,..i.wec_poliere.e../.. .. . 'end: that attlia, wilieb 'aneqltscion913' '$al"os. tr011l :moral ; shipwrsck those re.sults will. be 'secured let.*beetie.g.t.o. peasieee ••sinmeeity:. by its loilg fen and etb•er ,oreall ArtieleSe and there th4ni stand . until -the ' or P . koalizes that; • the elder .person . ii•ndere lives... .. ' • • *. ".••• .. • . A cooked,* flaeor willibc, given, the but. large bew of . the isiiiinmeling • Satin is s,4evos and deep: v-shaped A nishoopt:a, ...b1,0.1.1,eps:ensih?„6..0014k books at •ilcit, .tla,trseuurpihin:st,heo:trolitligwsill fif3et,.oloetita.uo:h_ the . .. . . _ . ... , . 1:b 0 11 andP' ' " ' • ' • •%.animals-----thi4et3 often' are the. means - - tface ' . ' ... . • , . a increasing the fermencoMe through. • ..7.:Stande• and the. older person. can •iiii-. :: .• . -,....e.,,e______. • , ter, 'bet that 'will Pees .s.Way• in ten ..olaCed at ti joining of bodice . and .. part whateverr• he .ftels • fitting,. 'end": ; • Chitn110°03'rtuit Season.% • days, :keying a 'mild' SI/mei flayor. All. •steet, ,eme.:a eIele baCk .add's 't,O, the the weighe does 'eot rest en the. eteil•we; . Dest cloths .Shoeld be was' •know . t•hatthe ethi.e, will.: receive. it Of •the. •freit•ffi eeishould be on ,lenderness Of , line.. The ' diagram.. bristles, or .strings. .Tho carpet- • '„ hect f..1v,...7.• bette. r prodUcing.. soi.s,..so it.,wiql more. reeper• •also :should 'be Set . er 'hung (I - ' . . • uently because -a little dirt comeeout • -• : • • - : . . . than cover: tii farm outgo. i and of inet• •se willingly eft ,is. 'this spirit of ;trust growing- ' provinces, the treani ter. a churning . , . . Prinde EdWarde•teland,. Nova! Scotia, ,hArid ...when peeseetirizing is. dinie • and shows lest hew theepettern le ',Ot 10-6* ,o ,tuat!th.e w'e'igis. cloes.. not come on often /mi.° eas, ily end .becanse "dirty. 'clothe .. Ali the wa• froirie the broareet prin-. .. itel, glee and take, e b i. 'Now. Bianeirick, : Quebec, .0.0ta.rio, a' eremain i a , :the. cream shOuld, t..:liarilinggther,-and No1279 is i . .. . • ll • 4ett. tii40".droucispli::osoi,.;,s hvf...0. ..i.....c. cill 0, mi.cAu. . ManY PaTolltu niK1 lanicin • in: their British Columbia, Ontario. alone shov4i, temperature 'fee three boureeat:.leftet ,18, and. 20 'years e(or :34, .86 .and. 88 - • - • often leave as much dust as -they -take c P91 - • : - . ' * ' . , : ."' . : . . .. . . - • . . " i I of the farming .busiiitads down. : relatiops With. their 'children. !This' is 4d an increase last , yeer CoMpared. before 'churning; . • . - • • . • • , . • . 4 inclie'S bust „only ).., Sim 18 Years, (if ... • - surfaces The oil in "thist'ess".clotha .P. • .' , • ' :'.111) and will •s'er. atch : highly_ epoe,shed, to an Intelligent planning' is the cere .: the 'minutest detail, it ie:Plan, plan, .". : tlie eoeree 'of -de.inuch uriliaoiries On with' eoee This- Increase Wae meirily. • Pasteurizieg create, It' iS Peiete.. d•,eut bust): requires 34i, yards 9.9 -inch, 'On, ' '*e,11-.•• 'plade, ' dintahle. to. els' are gen-- ,asile 370..st,Sreditsy adding -to- the rinse tail". c°"raO et the 'ma° 'wh° 14X Se.- . in appee•of'which, according to re- in the bulletlie. ileemly . eequires a .giis .5.7wrot. 54-ine4 material. Price 20c.• erally 'moat ecoriomical. in the end, water * .little'. Icerbsene. or . • flooe.eu . mite the fu 'est contri.hytion from .hts„. . • , r the• part of hoth, and, Is a . the loot . I • . • • . • ' . 'IF . • • • , .0".•IAT . UM'. havIng•- rata oCarnPer.:-aer's4s•S' a water), by. pouring a fe.,w.Logrup.;,. ;:;. land and etock. of .many avoidabJeernSt,akee,„ Parents tierne from' . Ottaera, Ootario in.'1925 elightle lower Ifitirnirig: teinlYeratare. ..E,Very woman's:desire eel.? echieee ..te • b . e ' : - t who: know •tillit they have this hantle.!;ProducecU: 1,587,84e: barrels.' CoMPared: than,. enPasteueUed- ' If the : biltte.r. that. '' :smart, • •different ' taePea. re.nee • . , -e. "eet:..." It is . welt of Curse, to have tit •' t (" be t - .t .131 f I. t. .•• ' ' t• oug t ey mey.coe mere.at, e eq -, a . IA one. a esPeort tie o a •,, *AP; ''Wetdd do', r' welt ,to consider • . it 'With 913 040 .bai!rels in 19,g4; and in . Mei soft • the churning temperature .visich,drawa favorable, comment from Cerriplete:set 0 tonle.and Materials for oil .9n the dry: dustee„...rolling it tigh , Don't Advertise yoile. . f he .creern should.,be•lowered..., • . • the ' observing Public. The designs 11, eleanieg..the many kinds. of •rnateriale •and ',letting it, stand untilthe oil • Itisteated in outiiew. Fashion Book are in the, househet this doeFeeiotLuie 'Rid of Rate • '.'• -*.'r184'Ra-i'ett--'*.7'tll'e:41'eal-t-a:'rtil:"Y'e.' khat . a ' large 'collectiori, Should, :13e. , House cleaning often seems a. heed centres ane..eili. -e.ele, you ..te, eceAre 13Mieht,hairliaiard. :,Some :eleinizig 'de- •task and•, it ' onye to •plari. the :,wOrk: if erSeYs• Th9Y"Wera'.4.eat4ifill heifers Med to sellea-tew of_hieeet•rebred , . . . . ..: desired air.of indieiduelity.: viees willnot•be'lieed:often etiotigh In .eatefullyeand to. keep the hoiee clean and:Well 'Werth the Price, hilt he rleed-• ' -;Some folks. &het inind .going. doWn dint' Much: .. - . Cream on the Tartu AUTR BRERETON. azateniaing em meAreeheeting iBY t " SOIWOUVO Oft11910.1.80.4etre2S. . • " AO' 41, , NINA T0_,a._ . TRIFLES 13MN mum f freSting electricligh:* bnibon ,„ m. ,. . o': e " -; ' A WeP-Oritallgod. etaniag cloSst, is 'Pen+Sler.the sOilige roef0 tboy ficcup4 ----Do. just as iniportaat iii.ari. orderly Mien- encl the heeeekeeper Will do well to ...!.., . ' Clesetw ,- elleiteelted peaserve end jelly- •coeekier thse epoints before buYing. I , SOMeeite *bas diecovered a practical ahes •ei" 4 t4t. kiteben etipboardThe Oily elethe lesed in lie:jailing way *; brIZte''s,g' r°duusPticl'irg.:: .i.3°1,erst:h7n,d.'.1),,arca53,-1114the; timeColerZen:dndWirir4i:eeed4.1*-141713e440-1.17ser44';'' c';1.14.e°11:'glatiCPr9411)1111qaCntsideof 'tfilro711::.iti, IniliiI*1314 ... • many tillage neededin eleanieg, wed loos fire; hasard u,nleis they are Iipprt. Ly epee 'engineers to be tho,, greatest . kweergmilrri!Itile-Tdc‘41:10:t4v4-it et11.iioreri.,ettirnertaIc0; 9 , th.ec.;faluse,:.111l:.7.0everodi firObroOf O'ohtniner.; 4 tin forWara, step made in impei.et; helm'. . ga4v•sflig4(1.-4.-04 caa. With' 0".toe-fit- .1i0Ittag. in 're0e4t. rare., BY. thie, • oxtrit. steos ,ia, pa•..ier.tieirts.,,,.thes,„- things' .'tirig3id is geed' for this Purpose. Toeis method el froeting; the light is 'OK- • When he ivipitg: touse them, it is a Will last longer and work better If "fused frOM the filament? l.itlt. is. not ' romsani-,tilitta.d.--titly,,,lfset.46'eL,..01,1,$),..a,tt_loset cleen and reedy absorbed by the gless:, :Tills method, . . „ . s,toret cleaning tgo.a. in .ii place'lythe'-n., for us the next time. '" ' , • ' • also-perirdta-irgreat.--rechtOtio'i he '. '• . seiyeA than to leave them. in A cernee: ' eeitkink vfintans ictNnsae MOPS, Variety 'of "eleetric, IfuepS,, does' net • 0 the kiteheri or .p.tk,ntry as 18 014111 'Ong°, a" y;,,' estcoar .0.fttier 'ef'..neeee, ,,c011ect. liist,• and makes fpr easy cleaii= thine.; . ; „ :: .• - •• ' say, the 60x or he carpe..„,:aweper i ingi.,_ spice. the outside0 the bulb is . .. The,elearrieg cleset ehoujele„Leeeke:. on- should be orie,ned •:.over a darn 1 d sina°t?' .... •' .veteent.' to. he whobouSe. Son -me: ne4spAPer, the:dirt eiliptiedent and ,',' IA was. a.' Piiii-ag'aliange t r�st the: • ' gass of the bulb on the inside, instead: ' timesp:"St?.,,e,cialIy in large houees, a the ' hair • kat lint. eloened,....frem: the ..'igir ,7;eetelVi.il.(.6w:eitte!.11i14',441e.ptly‘iiet‘fv.ti:fea'teltilena;31: bcei;riut,"es;'li4,oldtli. Bete'. !:.fuet..t°Trlite-liaticeia-i"'rsenirn' %‘)°Iiangll'I; tbhre0.'"u;•Plits•:Matnt'lriti,o'hiriatiitiltat'dler :4 ,m0,9,tfroqiiently ticl) .on'ench' floor, .4101114.he kept properly oiled..•A•Va•c-i'v:611t4ges" '1.441, Irl.fla efe•ii..".111c""''. If .4.1;14.140n.pl0 oiis 11.4. aliauctbk: An: ,twitt.I.e4neet#holl:14: be loOlte'd after:1'71'1 bi.;*ellslige.% in *me :of :the best. estab- ' toiliteves8attroclexcaneaiin4i111:6fieti;crop.a.4-; .081t011ltilt •thei'aiile 'WAY; .e)cePt. Pia': In .itdifiori 'rlishP4' 43.'s•P'2:8::.:','"' . - '' •, - ' ' ' ''. ' to . ow eie,ahiak 7the. bee; seeiele ee! . This is Particularly tree,i'n farming: eitilco.nhaatl.110,,not..faieu:nfciiili,.(11.,.. .al*dpacewal7rs-ciothm1:1y„il.e4, 601 4, e, 07.Pttiedi... ' .-.1') ‘.,,,,,,,„.,,ia- ,. '-,i, , ,. , i W14-16'ier'er4'00' Ate CeScrial:W ' ieee1- Meq•not fail to glee the.cloiest..attien:',, yirahrini46b,ottee;71.1,a :e'rvd,ai,ej.itt in many ssilloankaelnii'ewAcahsh' time dlii,airfotetrsouasiex..; sauildd: o.c. h- tion e• to idsOfani:dt.taiC4.1 To'bt....e§..tIitngise,, froell:',01tin.t,l• ' , 3, rine- , • • e__ _,, , • l• i..a.:.c.::.tiorir...:;:hi:bycblo(ilos:eetanbsy,..octuatetnrganlisoolnie! ,...gelcidi.liy,"•°.4sleaoor szltattbieWetteoril.:e'de, nnido: pdsreirn-bees .1 ztic,(Teiz.iws.e/L. redailro.Yissnesg;sh. k"°9-owend .4eP761.,t8e, just - arr8114*4 f'" the refh:ekvcfeil bY *"rflioongr-oairil''aaefelewle.tirlittig tahatd6:;egehd: bl'el.:1i3e;n1c;11°Pwlt'elici:YselfiscA). ata- '. . tlaOughtfully awl .apply the. remedy in • peaches, of ,,e•hich. tee peouetion wa :•tdme. - . .-' ' 190,716 'WO.. Compered with ,123,144 l'i'VEVRXEDtkluOt-t7.77,-WW---Itc'eherrie.rt ere ,w. - , .• . , The time to. solve this Anialern is eretiee of 16,33e bushels and of.straW- diiring.Ehe earliest, yeers of a :child's. berries. 193,00O quarts.. Raspberries . life. .A•thilt-of . throe pr few .-years--• aria -other berriee, ware about the same. — ' 'eshe. ma 'a, AT 0 ' Itkr.'S there :was a decrease 23 •. Outwardly -e -is already' 'miring 7buthee an e efiunie, b,. 2 us ,. So, he got rid ef thterats.• The inh- . habits Which reflect their- influence ,'.. The yield. of apples hi Nova Scotia through all hie • later yee;o. As teen ieee was e6,056 hi,rri,,;i and , in terial used wa,s' barimm carbonate.' •• -iiindergartner, 1 h,ave"forind thee there 1.94, 1,274;742. barrels., In British "Sig mixthres Of. barium carbonate . were used; in , every case :viably one is the greatest Variatien observable iii, colunibitie the. apple. tqtals were tnA ,,;art of the carbonate with fokir. parts .the relations-betvircen even.thege:sxnall. 1925, •$. 5079 barrels and in 1924, e91,7 ' . children and -their reipeetive parents. 547 barrels. rears, pitims and peach-. .6.f 'bait: glie.firit And yell effectiVe One child run* eagOrl,Y, to his, father. es all •ehewed .e. deerease,, the firat or'ij iviii.*"'d•W•ith write"iel°11''`and • , ' or wither, •telling ef any event of the named froin.9,60.) bushels to -24473 , left in PiaceS hate from the livestock day Nitbi6 has Partici:11110Y Aroused his bushels; the second from e72,48.8 bush- en the ferin. The next morning. he ehthnsiiism, sure of' his parent's in.: 'els' ,te 49,674 -bushels' Ihrid°the third killed several. rats. that "were 'Wander - 'Stant interest, which :is slieWn with a from'. 21,240 biaDhels ..o ,20:24 bosbee. ,i;ng about outside in Shalt -dazed -cha- fe*: lead:frig 'questiops. or eongratnia- Cherries, strawberries, , rao,pbei•iies ,gairiolut'd'•a:rphi„i:e€47.es:er'...ateplde7pelahtey,,,.1tweile,gg,;. tions. ' Another chiht goes grevely to and other berries 'Were rather leas. hunt syinp, naiiiburger and' salmon. Neighbor's Business. A few Yeats ago a farmer, know , :Price nf.: the hesi.t. 0. °-PtS the cOPY' -thP/erainari li;oils, 4.0. jtistikle :thlr. eg,• ,rather .thati labor tP make itieleae. 1 ed the room more thee:he:needed the " HOW TO,ORDER• PAremiNg. :I . • • ' - - • , - - . . 'lbw' &pre , dOr s' Air& an licivittiOwne4t:'-'-ri Witte' yc, tzr 1147:Pe all a *Yo ik, ,,...____„ • v 9 • • i . Ty,' giving • number and ‘size' of • such .SSO , was indignant either at the tyre:m.1.j Of . pose ""7' '.uenl. -- :. . . e groane 4a, esprit. • e ..,„ ,,.,„ „ -,“„-----" the first fernier: ifs - patterns as you want, •Enclose 204, in sin and death which Wrought such I' .. A neielf-Jor. Of stamps •or coin (coin preferred e *rip hIciwaleciiignyt and a r a4eneb 6. (live_ts. 38), or at the ale° A breeder of .Jerseys, but be. m It " carefully) • for each number •and February ' gl. Jesus: :1,1aises: LaZerne which Iie.. Ands i more partibular than farmer, '10., I; address' your order to Pattern Deep, From the Dead, John 41: I to 12 41; all around him., • . ' : • 1;ahout the rest of his farm stOcle nint..- ..Wilsoe Publishing Co, 73. West Ade- egoldsn .i.eZt-l• Am the • resurrection, .V..: 35. Jesus wept.: The ppmpassion , will not ,tolerate (Amu ajerrub chicken_ ._L,„. _.. and the ,lite.,: he that belleveih.. In sof lesue. :These teeth are the evidence .oeles pia6.6.. • '. • • : • , • !tide tt.? Toronto • Patterna sent by , , , , • der was his hedit... They Arekthekteara ' advertisement appe”ea in the. home • . . . . nie,...thouciti he were dead, yet shall • of the deep leve he bera toward the"e!: . • • • return Mail. To return to the subject, the Jersey " e • :: sorrowing sis rs,. an s ow io, . ,,n...... . .. he live.7-John 11: 25. • 'h of olio, who keel,. eseeree mite Tee ae :Meer, And eVentualq• caught. the eye, 'ye that labor :and are Wavy: ia'd:es; .1 �f a farmer in a.nearby'township who. .: , will give yunreet,";,.., Jesus vias.a notan Was looking for suck :stock, And he • .• of feeling. "it is net with a heart, of immediately ilivVered across" 'country' • • . • stone. that the dead are raised." : , 4 to inVeetigate., The location of the. V... 41: "Fethee, :I thank thee., . The far'lli Was deseribed. in the edvertise- . meet. iulie father; Woke at him with a ' • • These Were spiv...ad on pieces ot eard- • Skidding a Sandy Ditch • • s it 'se -elle this is a: • • Veard and left only one eight. -That tastIng as g°ed'ia r itir.V,of dutiftil awe, respends 'to any. lat ditches Seedy landeireharder whieh was uneaten". was..collected and grand dish to set _before the family on • . ••. • ••• 'Dource of the power of Jesus is. found r. e prays alWays fer ' einbrace, perhapae but alt. with. a 're- If you .have ever. tried, ',ion know If4tritimOdrioiCIL-Tnis is the latest of In the Fathe men het he became confused hi hie: burned in the Morning.; The follow a cold'winter night ft -bits Of .R over. th . YorkAhire .Pudding.Cooked With Sausage. Luscious looking. and brown, And . ANALYSIS.: ' ' • t,' PREPAaittItON' OF ii•!k•DI§CIPLES, 1-46, If; eikeeefeerteet• 01,11.11F; SISTERS, III, elle Mice:re *et 38.44..e.• COkSEQUE1.4cEs • 45-5'i.. e .,even miracles in John, and, ,.1ike thew thitigs that please God- dieections•eand &eve into the usee"meat InftY.be mei) with the sau-,•‘_IF_e P, the Artit...,:is connec with the sfe. of. :v. 44:- •"fie that _was elead. Cerne L.,3• N ; lege* A different thetlrial was •the feel f t fs • in ci ahl gierVet-, that inarkil instantly it•gaP ,be.• •,ti • tween t -parent and _ then .:ditcbea. black. or .elaY A worried 'mother takes •her child loani The following how I •have to school, and Dais (And tlus happens found it • met .60 .difflcult Us, make :a all too fix..'quently) can not do mai:- sandy ditch sod over :.,.• • 4' thing withIlilly.et home, and se. T:4111 .1 'fit scatter quite a lot of .strew, lringing hine to kindergarteni," 1.1,1- Old fodder and. other siniilar ;waste '''lulrY develops that his: attitude to.. Ward. his parents is one of ,e.xtreme put this ma:terial on thick enough to bad temper .end general ,untultness.• bidethe.groand at any place.: Next I But ....vhat is theirattitiide toward the throW, "over the straw a, eonshierable Child!? . And Whose,aetitudeceme first" layer of loose brush; staking this , at e• After. .short time the motherre- Vieldus. places so it •ean. not week :of its- display .of poogi?, rr etitf aunse' forth: Others had ,� ,i to -the "Isethis,the plaoe. where- the adver- saYs soine of the ones that died. in cut- In the bottom .of a pudding dish: •srelteil the other., "We ed Of says ' he squeslhed:cl°SeiY., together. Pour the cause Of the consequences which 'follOf Ye • e h." he keYs ' No rats are now in evidinCe. A. S.' rna4e feb 'forth"' • bf‘theeway places ethelledepretty had P:Ace and one.haltf cups of seusege who had twee for s4eital days l'etr,• but in Jesus' 'deed Jerseys ere fo• r salel" inquirr ' d ' ••,• • i•fi j • 14ersey breeders ad adusererave • orio deid in the eptht: of , the ed of the owner.' for a while; thceigh. ""It was werth it•. meat or about twelve small sausages, is 'brought back to lite and also be! 'grave and heard. to be 1them,' . nlong the bed of the ,ditch. r do eet I it. t i , the 6 Jewish 1,1V.. . . Tp CONSEQUE CES • 45-57 " ' • • - " • • few for sale; but we lia.ve doue no ad- ,#,...__,;,.,..,...._ • . ' al.twthe'or'itTolsit•to114.t.alc: final•stens to bring ' The result is that faith. is awakened.. fo101onwein4oniiiwietue.itx.epeergikt*:..,rt,b1 t:up.i.; milk; about. the death of one whose Power i in many of,those*hp had Come to con.; vertising in the,,Pest.kew Menthe." .eeot %salt,1 teaspeali bakin and infloehee thee could not destroY. I sole. the .s-hurrYff i isters, while others ,o • . "Is"n 't ' • the ' F ' 11" ' .. this .. ..1ersey hrin. tease . g* ; • '`.-.. . .e miracle was wrotiglit in•part aa. :to the authorities to tell them of these: (Itueried 'the' buyer B . ' . ''' ' • 7:rhweenditteiTh n%°flg.i!' .:1 1111;1 htsil3f-'at4egClehtha:ferle -Ilth'ernitliili:a 3; sisters!WhO were se,,,Clill` .te .hizei but rlisten"wiehout, :sympathY, and this 'llieht-Oiit7at-.RvIt--Trale dOwn the road., ., an wt of :roving compassion for theee,•Wondeeful things:. . ' But ;the rulers'-• • •"011,' no," :Was • . re 'ly, •" ingredients • And add alternately .with . oleo' to impart a eorreet.eriovitedge Of ,. mighty work only leads these Jews to You. Must ,have passed .his house en woritt. . Va. 2e,,,26..fureish es witlitheleonclueion to proceed at. Once to. the:1 a the Way :here?! and epur ovei, • : . ' , , .. DO yen. mean the first house Where the' fernainder or the mille Beateevell blins.P;f: a's. the anir. liopp. OA 'dying ; call their council and to eome.toet,he . " the sauSage meat in tbe ' heart of the ines-1 ee Resuerection ' arrest and condemnation. of. Jesuq.• : ... • - , • . _'•. dish. --...-Pitke-Lin' hot oven -4400 degrees ' .:. . *.:` t-. : . - - . 1 . ' . ' -"' rall df those scrub chiekens aterunnirig . . . • enet diV le eiti eexte rue I act cif power, .A. Stained. porcelain* sink Or•bath.;. ttibecaii. be: eleatied as follows: -.Scrub first With 'hot iVater...find SoeP .0. 'metre grease; then .. place. in the sink or , „."..turni to that Billy: hss,..ehanged....,nway.. then 'scatter. mixture .• of ,hath one or two table.spcio.ntals • of ..The Saille 'child Who, Was brought , in, tifillytty,....•tiae,grass'and White -clover dk, ..-Afld,..v.inegsr up...and,clown.the 'ditch: The straw .or lemon 'juice to "hake. a Jiaste" and -Told..-Todderlietals'a,-.Speeeferiuleb And .rab-.the stains With rinse with ,theebriesh 'cheek* the action el., the 'Clean :water, • water :,,arieeholda :the •seed• beak•'.until " • . the -grass .• can fOoteite#Ife--PolieWifig • -• 'kicking and screitinieg and known to have thia attitude toward his peepritk every time his will came in . conflict with theirs, will invariably ti.irn into a • !ninny, generous and thOUghtfuj. • ' „ • - Tabout the yard?' Welt, if that's the -forfort' ininntes. 7 . but. is "the eure-,i.eetet ofAtavieg the My S g M ' lievoth on tne.!shall neVer ' ..• • ,, . ,..l. . .• i place I den't..wa. nt, any of 'his stock. • A friends, it wouldn't Cost anY, more -to pure, man.. Who ••• keeps Scrub,:„chickens Viii.en - life inverted by etesus. ..."1.1..e that .be....r. k ,e - . ' .:11--.• ! y s, wing mac me, is a real qu.. e- 1 °-.hli make.:up, This ' happens' jiiP,t as in: :Sodding .tWo.: or three ;.eroebleSpthe IIIE OLD tOOKJE JAR . eosee.....s..hes cattsee ,onsidet_l tiln.d it needi.. conSideration :and SYm-• 93reds, ie. ati,t; in ee, estimatioe, the wad ., . .-esilitted fforQj Held . friend S.but; like all other . •chilcli...' haVing. character end "..stliff'''.. in :ilea inlitleid 'I haVe had,no difficulty t .• 'fact .that this soon as the ateeispliereref .uriderse 1 Isl- 'ditches , that • were, ;rapidly , tearryilig . ' i tateieetlitielti;1•.risq;„ .1.1 it we ,.. v.:14 .. it 440; a , viaasaat , ptafi'sea ..l'ilioTd1' :116%kWoolal, ,adi-wdaop:tehnel,.. kailna. tar:: -: nomember.! pettiy,...eo,e,Spend an.hour,er so_ PeCa-- '. • 2. the. ••.viiich ' the- kindergaiten:'4afterds; away vallitible lop -soil • froni Varioue. The::old steno Coo.kle•'.jar...Diglied as "'".0h.' l'dothhr thit,i,t, , i„„,, .i.,„ that the Seimptists Are eonceined with ! sion.alle ' getting '''"". '"".. the Galilean 'ininist IT a.nd that • taio I' humor and, it „rep, ay's_,,tne. .a.' hundred,. -. f.de., 1.1.,:t w..ereetil,e. even,' 3,: delve! .0v.e., i. he -re ..• .. 'envelepes.his harassedlittle,seni. • Tie': parts of MY. tarnlii7t-. Nr... L.: : • jt•tooked, about it at the..shining, White . Cookie' left I"; :he cried. ' . . • , instaticesi of: the raising of he deed .fold.. , ' :. will. :131e3,siom 'forth, it,igticioUsty . ,at . ,.... '. 7.-7—:-.0---- , enameled hoptes_and Cans •in the neatlY • • . ‘,Thea.we' niust • make sonie mere .at are ttiron , (Nark .fi':•32; Luke 7:11), i - I ,keeii it moire than inere,y dagted.•::'tttl:V;rit.Lt0.,zrrr_,.es',.:•i,50k6s.d4.:t.fti . first; but with ever,increasing .confi- • • 'Helping or .Hindering. : iptunted lung. ;The whate can were. let-. , once,t, eepled . Mare. 11, who.. wts. the, whit( a-,,. the 'eyange,iSts 'stibnrdinne i I see that it is .alieays iinmaculately. --.7;:.Z:-derineriiiiJ10, fliikliledirffaiiltiiii uiria6r= ..- A -71rIend; Tli nitell'i'llting'rth-f06. tii14. leria lit'gOld'• and ' Iiiid:' little,;,,,seetips : niOffiet: Of` igii:ry. -i Ir. • ' ''... . . - .4 all! 'lett' -nalLToilons of''.•!FOrck2.r.,-to 1.4O-1-elietliclirict fine fleck if Wyandottes of yours -: so, . thift-Tribl'efl'da"-ElTd-bits'of:' it : '' 've.`'-geetinte"1-Srtakitee .e4q,eiiit • • "-- r in bine. , . ' . . „ 1 itigeise4"*01.41.10_410,.:040.make,A,81.5e.sf`atirC9'. ,rairace„of., tli.e. reeerree, tion 'llet;re Alleivedete-iceuimilateherieeth-kateeenweed-eyeue?4eeseys," • ' ' ' itoileteeeeppeni.S' a •different eieiehlior from .an autothObile wreck, panted. ,,,ti th-i,„ 'Child,. : The Same .iitreoSPhell0.0t hn.P.10.- inadyertehtly: tPPPled. the ' :•YriAte4ine • .41 wish. I were not •Po• Oath,: but We ! Mother: Then I Can have all the cook.. .61...1 : .• ....: . • • ... • ..• • the preesee .foot: A small stiff .brush.' ' nee's, ..conterit,' and Understanding 'can Apaa the: perSoti he wa'S *king to re- .... .1:an.'t•all be •lieMitifue,'r suppoie,'" said ; 'its 1 iike,•• ix,,liged 'Arary .1n. . . 1". PR.EPARATION OF 14.14E.Disqurtms; 1-16,', la a ,wenderful hid. in this cianing,.. , -,..Verrialce .ii longstory short, farmer' • e WiSe_parents wi'A.. make_ efferta . to W!.4. _this ..gogd: .S;anitrita.n 'eff.Ott.t....tii.O.IY01_, tisigli.1,......"Anyh.ow,21._atu_g:a.d_to_baAe•_ III' t ' •• • I' . • r ' ' t ' .. ..• lesu.q is blis'Y'' in ' Pet -ea abonto ,36. ,pilicerys' it. keeps al1.7.the.„,....ii:7iiCiiiiier.yi l'a4;eite'sc:iyo,-itheevrittt4w.rbilr`-'-enj:dleeYelr'isl : ' be dlieleped. At honse;At', this etage. lieve, telling him, There resulted -from, .. . , the old stone .Cookie.',jar with.a .deffill 1 .e .._ig , . . ! Ta:= jenikeraft1r4oreaeriteel'e n8/ c°,1t.' •siipitl'ires, .trii.o.fit ....the'ill.'1_.u.s;f1;10.itir.ire...„11i7..sritchke;L_TAn- ehesefafrned.s: qt.nrie:0‘. dee!, ..ritle.doeseit- so ,..9113.7..1 farther. paid for• :the_ advertising,. , It„ : . ' back . their ' child'e,:dottOdence,.,and";gb. opposite end front. that Whieh iVat • • teeth .Withi.iiiiin 44,-liisenew.-found .0:41- sought,: , ' e ' !..• . • • euelepretty thiees. to look at.,7. ' ' 'out and..hriked till the Old -,cookie jsr• : rf , )rown.:sistore •flonbt:ee VAR ' Thee t am a little particuete about! 7: ' !-doesn'clook tali, but one'pari scarcelt. . - -1 tan , WAS ,hea'hed with nice 'eris '1 ' .• 'expect. that he ., . . . . ... . • ."'You. are se pepulari, that vfit smugness of hig oWn 'worth, and his • Iti Wee. similar...tragedies are fue- _lee come, .ite °nee.- liowever, .aestis . delays,. the oil, fele .. e sew tit' ' ing machine. .I find. blame the hityer for his lois, or, confi-. rightftil attititile toWard.otheri. , ..' r 'titteatly 'enacted. Welmettning indl. • Too:often &read are taken elle-with' eideaiseee-oees .of poi.stalk, &tea orgee.,.. , afford, to be .plairi;" 'reenerked.ta hand. some eireed box, "You. are by far. the • • -- ' •. , • . . ' .` '. ' • itist es God. sta. seems to clelay. Per-- eitot it is, wee to use, oiii to • 1•ing the 'inst. cookie' , *boom:Lee' Ow f ,c'ocilcie& J IlSt • ;1 %. 'Mary' .111: w•ls (.. . „ ,.; . . i.derice ;When he .7, w a, le. t of scrub fowIs • . It' multitede of •duties.• and gtve but. 4 ierttioes, often aggrivette situations , . .. e patitry.". . - ' most :pdPuilar• thing. in the . entire, . - ' ' ' '' ' t th 1 't li ' .1.1 ' th ' 1 ' *d ' 1 1 ' 't tli 's t 't f . . coti ne , a , . „ : . „faith ,of lig fr:jowergi' ot, booidse,..he , of machine oil, the hind ..hat. is ,inadei in up,;to_dato came in 0 * tiec ene-e, 0 WaS .6. ( vsiro •to en( .Up• p e tea Ac o . n'd t hold nether 'one Mary '1 3.41`i Al' FiPs hecause .1,..e wished: to test. the • . , „, ! , . t ..,a, ib.le-at. 1' on what he. had been lea to believe was Y s' I ertisin does a - but it .. . . . farm, ' . exPreestteer sewing ,machines.., Other i. • ea( y . „ g . p 1, 'Moment' t,t) fiatliag-60. ttois. ehild,s-which they hoixs te .noprove. Too uften „ : !rho coeeio. bile wee eeeee 'emcee promeme and hew he is meeting them.' trek of knowledge about thelliattel. to: plosed.,.1.41, 004 t}iiitiO, it .g014: granditiothr• of Mare TTI.e-with here power; 'or lx.canse• lie lihd• a ••task in oils are tan heairy hy far;., • ,, ' I doesn't 'pay to'• adVertise :and then ,let . : ... , • I , "You ' son • Tent . Who was the.tincle o'f 111hri • that -1;42.ce which he nitiSt -finiSh,•. and'i ' But : -1 don't no ,a great•deal of oil our neaghb:ei, i.e4v. the. boefits,Hg, re L; The.child•••quickiy .. s-orises .. this, and .to imp lov.od 1,,,. :Ilia. otisf .ett'l:Ise for, .forget' the jam jar, • • . . . . • • . ill.' •: - ,', - • ' '. c he -cannot itiloWtheeaPneeleo,f .frie.nd-.',..1 like_to.a.,the machine often, hut too , ' ' agitintit• tt hasty ol. annoyed. reply of „ . Such • .siLtlati4s 10. (V146 •ct-tOrirri as it said .rnedeStly,!, "Bread and jam , . • • , .,, • ' •`.v . ,ee le c:tolanaticti is that tlitia the' glorY oti jar, he"exclaimed., 'Where did you get .1 . , . . . • .. . . ... ,. , .,.. gurnini;• gummed machinery is often i . .. . •,.. ..... . Cliatillig. the Trap. of KitCheti. . . leaend a teserVe that • preteete MI!? tfieec misdirected eirortS,,... ' . • - • The Jain jar ,flushed with Pl•easuret - 711— , , . . .. s ip. to cenie before dety. : His oWr.i ' ' much Oil truikes-the. delicate imachinerY!: . 106 Onkniiii .. Oi• his wondtring rilient ' intiO aCtiVitieS ot co-operative. organ.. is it popular combination, 1 adinit,htit. ecieltielar? Iti.1001<s 'decide to go the diseielos ..elfggett the !' • • • God will e revealed, 'Whet' h4"°°4s- regpensible fe,i-.that. woritotit. totitig 1. ii. - ' : S'Ilk* .• •tioris„, "Don't iptiot me ovi,;.• dOe'le featioes. • Beerde! 0 'directors,: often, .0.1.0 iiii.eiderful• Old ., • , : . • • the water runs off-s.ewlY in'the.. • - . you'. see that L am • litiee?" licering•. libelee; Wheee...they. eeek •to• help: In-', as ci0,0kies,q,,, : .. . . . . ,„ eteli the 60.0 ti' not so :pepular 1 4it.o.. iht . • 'was s boy" . ; , lone' We. eieed to 'lititee.Wbce I, ,.d.anger. in'vcrIved in this* in tepee to ' afterit day's hes 1 ag, . . . i may 'help matters a lot:. pirt .collects• , kitchen sink, 'Cleaning.. Out 'the „tree • . •'''' ' :thie liabitliatly, after it while he sitlill'Itsteilld of ,putting.their best thought oit• . The flour Intl spoke; in a deep, . . . . „ , • :. I Which. Jails declai,e13 his *coMPlete ' de -I.: • Once ' a. week I put joSt one drop of "ilt 1 i3 the' very' Sallie. I d3rougte it •Pendence on- the • Father, A man is, Oil ori e7very 1-iiii.t_ of thaniechitie kvhe e • - .enie And .probleme • iliet- i)assing, fol,,.., poikies, t,116 meinherh of On *boards teq: eookie jar .might .flat ..taka a tifivo in ., slytintill.„11,1,e.R%.vill.delmi In 1nrir t.e.,111/4 here'with safentpidlli.:1(itni.l'see, PerpoSe. with him fie; there. is . frirtinii. ' That Iteop$' every- flow 6. t Imliwt.... . .. ,. .. . .. . t, . the, , , t. „ h. . , .th.. ... . .• • • 1 : I Tlelrotre,totvir (14e, h4oturiss'. thing running...easily, and itin000li li. in the fret) semantics end 'checks the , .,liy:dPestet ask ,thinie . But.. 'these ques,,..1.thoi ..b.u.giffem; • .6 f. formulating onorill: . „„. ,. . , .... , 1.7.01Ce.,,and, said,. "'Iron are right.. The. i . .• ... , . . . . .. . ...• , . Uncle TOin'. patted the jar and meld: ‘''eci-recl. „ If one eses the sunaght. chiefly my. dispesitiore. ... • leiteh.1),1. it liti6Letli 'et:- ti i.,,-,s:''..,;,,,.st..'olt.;;;vg .(intalik)(;''' . bigger 06:be. dtvelopA,'. ttild' the ital.0 action. sectkin0 to oirrY but'.1410! "31 -Would •vviii first prize ie a popu.arite: ,,x...ini .4,61.n.rc v.) mom it..:sketeh. (if ,th{.4' 4° ',,Ai. -1-• Then. occasierthily, When, desoltie,-ibzetite:(11ii: gOtten ones' in his Wilder S'.°arS, '10°W. ofthie.nitehi:e by 'dictating. c4tirSt'S' of . a ' beauty contest,. bill : it ,Witairityl. . '' • - ' ''''-' ' - • ' • ''' .: of 'rei4etvb.„.ffirofed as ll eili1:40 .00'w$, 111,,reht.indiiiiirg .Progriinie without : tiny • i eoritest. ' Why,' who evoe heard of, a t !throe Mares around the old ceekie, jhr..:1'sed ' a6t 'Q.:tumble'. .1f.' My ettentioiehe*theiciiiii:' eee-,iiig ce :*1.th bot Water' ier oteart it Out'viiihtt • 7.00; • Bet ho.inuit bitee iinsweri'v, and know:edge of the liicti 'before them,. Child darting -into the t?it-ptry.and sem-JD. 43., ,•yce, rem.,otimei..-. ..m...m..n....;41,.. 41..e.f.i. t,st ..,,inigalint,,loilOoklsiii,;ti"iityhtf..-7710;..f.i.od who is' the , „ , .., su.:eyeand to, run herd,- ..I elleli.e.-th • • . ' - . ' • '' ' ! brifile- such as IS • Used. for . o'..ili-tite . he finds/them elsewhere; 'teem rpeeille,! This. is one of the' serittitawlin ;:eliess- ',lag. a handtul„ot flour I" ' ' story • .1, e'er 'wrote waS about' this oT ld "To Wailk „iiith , e day is tOwa iiftlifi,t;' cati..*Ith keteiSene 'Or alc,Ohol 'end?hett-'.6'; e ,.. 'Hold.;ii: pail iitid. er..stlie...:,,"trp -to' • , -or botoks; 'or' harmful sources,' frork: es of the average peel-Mk/O..' leet,":with- "Or of ginger?' Or„;of niece?, Or. Of -! • , ,,, • 1. . ,. 1 (1:•1 11t43 ;: . . . stone .3ai . t ca...ed it Wii•at ,Wou,e1 light, of Clorile I:cycle...Id 'will." -• • • ..454,`.er" the entire' works- with tha.t. ' ,..• • 'which 'Iii$ Parents :wohld, givo .iiiI 110y !, due AKriotauviil re:loges and other in.,. poinl,orl, f eaten tne water, grease ,Atin sea-111*M. :', Or of meStard? Of et:salt?" i. Nome 13e Without a (loilkie.,iat?'" . 'ii, ratrARATION or Ilig.gISTERS, le 32 ..1 •reireivo the needle Rini Wgrk the 'lied- ; 'Sinall'ob,ttructiona in it sink Or toilet ...e..,ien e a eine -, Jesus precceds. to ,Rethetie to Pre -I a'5 hard ri5r 4 le,'Y' '1111*"'' '' .. ' • 'I ' ' ' ' - — •.. . • POSqeS$• to 'bait& kePt him; . • ' ' '''''""4,gitifiltiotis iiiiilcing. prirVision for fetich.- set*. e ileat,,t,ew.. of, t,e,,xeg. • ., . , , WIll-..e ' h•.•t't ked h " d ' k • .- Y. . "l'hi8 Sather thtil'g - il;M)1"18.- wittll'' al it; Is to Ito:hoped. tho t Illtintately there-. locs happen te. the seinetintesi' bat not:: -sketch of, the old cookio Jot' 'and three. pre his friends. til 11 they luny heeble:. i find Olen' 1 inive •wtped and el e gn...., c61:‘ 6' t°°••1."6 • ''c'66vcd "I'S.;.'' a. ' maeliiiio,:ond •oiled e.1°.,(Altieett ,:$4.e.:4,"ellItti'lebT.4..e.f•sreek41d'i''' the end .. ttOr'EsT kW riti.nTAKF,4,. ,' • 1 nig . co-onCent tve ntr rketing yrinciples, •• otha suax.:11,11,•staited,,,aad said::,‘,/t,, . from:4 40 oft4ft .4.5i .6 the cookie t.ti,,,,: i‘fitlis; mho had -filled it with deifeiotis tO atitire,ci ate tliti.mraning of thergrent,,,ed .the •selitill'g. ' 'Oliiittaidii itaiiiaturu; it ntt perhatis,ont-i'.w1"4 be . nv•IlOi'1)1•` .'t ,1'.i.vge •IlLfrAler ',0f. liar6.1,Ls„, lit ii4.1)1.1tel;(..1:iitit.liert; ''!”-tri!o,iirf. W.4.Y. '....:-,the'neolik,',16r..rnfWeri t ' h ' 'I' ' *IVr}(iiazgr*V*‘*14°.%1.1:41tr'::;•1192'1'114t"'itlill:'cl711"°ies '- ''-' el "lit' . Is abut to 'Perf°r111.' Mrtlia : agAiii.‘vitti good oil it 14 In Stih .';'111il'i ...i'..*1--7". 'I; `klaingj,ii.lea:S '',411.1,01141 :it by t net leiy;, !, ihit'ited '1110:11.•wIl) '‘vtl•l'itt, aud!-'10ty a.:011'Ati,Witlytlat,s -Jews of that eing gOOd• iiitihor. that it almoSt•S'irtgait,'°.` ' .'''s'-' ' .„ .0,•,.. • vqs.711 v, prof -41p ' • alap 41a: e• flee; 1, . ItY0,101,;i r 6.. ,..r. ae - wItitf : ., . Cents.' -TO-Ssejlik•devite, 'MA& the' ' ,T'lle. nest is. eitom, 30 to -ft() '- ,:.,,, • 411. eatabtighed wh1' 1:' eta i i'v. ' '- • beitutifel. like litti8.,6- littlfwe'.5,43h.U.,,'Sb°01. •,:...;i:;i:l'it...;0,,,,'107,,k.'irt;..';:11,. ' .-1,.'..,,14:tri:::•.,.1:fiolr'S::t.,.'il:;'.;:171:11'.;.1'i'l-. ,ir '!"!''...1:-;;(1S21.,...'a.•,ellteei„..,4-1 t.il. fio.d.o, n. ,,,,,so.d n. /,.01 ,nii.,,,,,,,,,..: .ii,.,,,,,,, ..,„‘, .1 vots , tue....veladrit.ltaod4tt.r.‘tplay,,4,,,, . _. . - „ „ ' • •• ' • ' • A' . :•efileio•itt. -roAaparatilie, 4y„.,,e0infotte.d.,.., . .,, „, . „, . - • • , taut:Laney rereni. err. ni 1:ii,eq o PM-. .-wit,410,40conip,fali, :*i""."-" ''• ''-'4• •V-'1 '.. '''." . ' -:•-' • nut) ,dVei• 'the -sink •rot':,:toilet.oiitiet 'had . A ..,.....keepaztheni":1.4,:hyaself„ And'. re'reserve‘ . . • teigether thee,. .....7,..; .g g7tibi.,1;tti; .11,t1..,.s.i,..t.ti.'30.i*. yeeiltir.,8•,:itiote,i,11,. :iii. a I...keep-re ii.rigii2i.iz,,,..ittithis; ' ... aod: ' Far '2.4 ‘lietirS71 T.' .. 1:ienlitiftft :thee ;people won: d•-• want 'le 1.-"..iln! eantrli'She'i:r '11-0'd ti'v,-.:irciw'l.'%64; ',:-&; liAr..till4v:Ilsr: !1.3p;•ti,1:0-1:11,17tic. 7Ntr7ti,n4Ittroi-----tivo --i.40-v 1,0--'k--,--,--„1.40,-- ti,,,`. .-,c,;y,'s;,,,zedb,iv.;--.-1-er. ---' * ' ....--• --_•..—...r.,, . ' • Make pieteres of TAO' and' Write st6ries ; it gn'yi. n hift'Sittli-or ;kti-O'llflttolt 'Mill 't6.•11ilve'll 1111114'r' ' .., , Tog,tiq .r4 ,,,,,v„,4,v• ;14 bi,,,,,,,,,e , AtA. ,,4,,,ii il • yet 1.1y.. •ii,:....-...vilott. It ..4....vr. t . t. d Pltheliefe bed .Clienifeei solvent* foe lee: pretet ami• child who' 'wit:1)11°14' t(1... re:AbOnt lite, Resides, without lieut.' •etul eaide.""Isii't. it, *1 te .1. • *1 . ' I' t;:l.i.te, at. •errife. ,*.,,e(!hiest* ro-ior.4 tig -Md.-rowers • which might ' •••#o ..r•i‘l'iy . rem 'oust AO freer, ithensitive little :' i;int'w -17'clim"'dealer .7' brings about Aile.40(ttelf; . s. 41,, yin r. NNW wt.; .14.,q . ., . .. ..,.. ,....,, .. , .....,.. , ........ , ' • ' ' , 1•' _ 0 ee 6 1 ,,,,,,, ,. ,,,. ,0,,,.4 ‘,4 ,,,,a , ' ,,,,,,. L'',,,,,,.. ' -JAW> staere( it, Will ivtpgii'No iiii off, t i'r'n'tY.4 wlit" ' °"'a bug'''. but 'grl'!' ,augar and: salt tied °thee thitigelli.ere7etheeetreel. Arntl•-jrist el there that ell it. 0.,"‘ Iv! *attivele-hirt•nnoorts.this• hew! ,''-:-(;)'11.tintn'4g stiugp-plfie-/:. IIII.e11:Cig•ti;vit.erne^11r' .-- ', .!..dt.itf•••the g.reatest.eleprivatiens tsloiat6, ittlric.,sy.el- ..* . k . ee're."111o.ritf• ' ' . ' ' ' ' eterld-he lid' ceoldes, kr the test eirtliei. Yelai's '1110'0', WA'S A .'14.10 -1 ' ...11...,10Aot ,...ofy„,h,fe.„ t _at shal tiorf,--M, X, grOii: itoot-:gub ti ve experiented " ' .' ' i In . ' it ,,cotild. lea reatiyithafeAnfriletitiktrity.'' '- :ni.O. rod ...1 Rininl yven -kr It AV, 1,1i.; , .)„.-w-is.,,6„.:a/..e...1t.:25,,,26., . - : „. k -„....--..A:.,-..,...,,,,.„' ',:. houses. flo.n.c.f.ittik00..lor. cleaning • • • .thhe60,8:01dt. bcilit,tkareYnts-arotild try tO see- .,i; :1.1)04i'llitliTi.-11/6°A;i*Allt: Or°vr -!lit•alltatt!itlitti',16::,''e:POt'llv-9t4;7' . Jils-t• ;heti' 'Mary III , &one int.ii the i lIt... had ,tintini,d, the 0:isitor:!:, A , I eetile i lei, eta, leteete„.:,.e. 1,„,....rejeji4., .,.,.. -Silk handkerehiers and' rilAona Irease out Of,- the pipes, feeelid tee Mid: p I, 0 em0,.with. the ehede, ,elelee. i vs -40. ,:.01,(1.8.,a, elt., 0110410 it..ateitni. until pantry AndOut her liana In fhb. ceo.itie., liaVe..v:rn it.. I...wo,1141i, :if, he nitik ntet , •it•Atya paw vim/emu his tiothifoti... washed in sea ino. loat.ve, and ironed gl'ense will forin 1,:61i11,- lefid el•og the • ,, , , .. . ,.. ;little- ,prttt,ty,”. • •.,,:•.- t . - ,...,;,.• 4 tiver:4040i, Tor hlA-naiglity.:r•,,,, •. ., ,, Wet It.ielt: Mo. Ile% ; ,. . 1..pips.. - ..,., :,, . . , , • .„: first, and then with tact and genie- The beheie ev thlt"-(i' ••• •