The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-02-18, Page 6Is ' •tf. :•• • ' hanker, so he W1xr he rt. b4,-/ortp+4413:01Witit,414'..1.Rfo'Cov-' GASTON LEROUX • . • oitAPTB'B, ain;Apitig_tO. n.1? my hands. from tht- edge.. of thestoneefid let ray- , ee.fdrep into his house. . ;You must • do exactly the saine. Pivot be ofrot& I will catch you in My arinp." • • Beohl Pdon diintly produced by the fu:l. Of. the Per, • sian, and then ,droPpea-down.: , • ' ; Iles fel. ti himself •CItalispir the per: • 4lan'a arta* "Tinehr Said the ;Persian.' And they.stooci ,motiOnless, listening. ••The:' 41arliness ' trait -thick "around 00114 the silence healrY„ and. terrible. • Then the Persian legal", 't9 ,Ina)ce •. Play. With the dark .lante17.1* "agate,' • turning 'the., rays over their" heads, • deoldrig. for the hole **ugh 'which • ' they had•eonie, And failing to find it: • "Oh!" he said. "The stone"'O'eS. I ed or itself I"' • • And the .light of the, lantern -swept I • ,clOwilritite-"wnli• and over the -floor. .1 d ' lied' ered 'with bloOd • I had.4ieu. to, kat myself by striaing 10y ..ferehead°, against the We'.'2.e." ,* • "Christine V". groaned Raoul; and he began to sob. . • • s." "Then :Ita bound Pte. ; I am not .allowed to die .nritt.ifeven „o'clock to- riteerons evening." "MademhiSelfle,": I• declared, "the! Monster bound you . . and he Shall unbind, you. you have only' to play - the necessary part! .'Renternher• that he loves you!" " • take a rese:.ation and linovii .yeur QW -11. "Alas!' we „heard. :"Ain, likely; id mindl'1, Can't go on Iike this, forget 12 row TriuMPhane s finished; and. nol?, I entreat him , . tell Mai that your want to live like everybody ; ese' and: bonds hurt yuu." to talselier out on Sundays." T.--.-Buh-Chrittine-Paae - ,Soon.• the moans thi* accompanied • t,flluall .,71 11%4- pogieti3ini in the this:sat:or Toeslitorind000dil..:wall on the lake.! . It As he! have never heard inything more de -...G0 'away! Go avitall away 1" • sPairing,t and .. M. do •Chagny and I "We could not go away, even if are recognized that this terrible lame:417 Wanted' to," °I 'said, as • impresisivelY• tip); came, from ,Brikrhimself. as I could: ' "We can not leave this! And:we thought .only .of..the:POssi. And we are in the:.torturerchamber 1" billitY ,warning 'Christine, • WhiSPOred.Christine our presence unknown, to pion, .1 y .bind • " 'We were unable 'bp ietive, the; tha•Wall, then atOP0e4 . and .iiindeihe ,plian-iber now, nnless Christine. Opened *floor 'creak, once :more. .Next.,•eattie tta the door to Us; and it was only on this'', tremendous sigh; followoid by a cry of; cendition that we could hope tAl...be/P, hotter ftom Christine;, and. we beard her, for we 'did not, even know where, Erik's Winer , • • '• • . • the &gilt be. • / "I beg your pardon for letting,Yeu: . Suddenly, the silence in the text ' see a face' like this/ What a state 1 i•oom was disturbed by the ringing, of am in, am I not?' It's the other one's an electric bell. There was a hound fault! • Why .did he ring? Do I ask on the ..Other gide Of. the wall and ple.who pass to tell Me the time? ,Bric _voice O -••• • 'Somebody . ringing! '. Walk in, pease! •A • A SiiitSter chuckle,. - ., ' "Who' has come ..bothering now? *Wait for me here. . . . I am gaing to tell the siren to Open the door.' • Steps mewed away, a door klosed.. I had no time to think of the fresh horror that preparing;, I forget' that, the monster was only going. out per a 06pe .f h rime; , ' trunk of a tree, 'which seemed still was e lone behind the wall • 'quite, aee with . its Ielives• and the • •Tha.'ificointe.de Chagneris already : • branches ottliat-treo ran right up the calling to her: • _ . it • • e.- 1,.... walls and disappeared in ,the ceiling, Christtne! Christine! _ *Cause of the smallness Of thh,lum- As we could' hear what was said in ,,s_ ,:. ..,....,_.,.. it _i . . ,,, _.__s_._ gtaired•oomplete eaway over an: attrac- ,.. . You have only •in of plain crepe., : A' soft flare is.00tain- _._ -, . ineus .disk, it waSatficult at firat, to the next room, there IV"ith. reltsoil Ci;Alvel w7-!"-u:lorti tirsway: w , „ . .tive .1eLand with absolute freedom make. out the akl,earzfoce.of woo; why my companion should net be taxation or or they 'sew ,a• corner .of a branch . .; , heard in his turn. Nevertheless; the at once be over with everybody! eilintothrtheonsgrdhe efxtrornats•fgunidnesasbi;r17:felcouret - . • ' f. . . .r. 02 II :Ini_terittil ' And--annther leo . . . Load, nut -to -it; eiseount .-had--to -re,pelit.--his vry-tinte Y.ettitre rig' h,tt.Yee are -right; why li:ri.‘ .ti . tin eleven o ctocic tO-morrow wilting? being joined to the bodice at the hi* "run'°I.P.4 ralt.•Ps• n•othinut la, nothing: u e ray o 17" , • • e ierfilan f thunder: something, stirt Of cord,'which••be• examined.for,e, second and flung away with horror. ' _ , "The Punjab lasso!" . inurinnred: , 'What is 'it?" askea Raoul. ;' • , • ' The Persian shivered." 1"It might. very we be the rope. by -which the man was hanged, and 'which Was irk- ed for So long."' 0:0 _ • And, suddenly seized with fresh anxiety, he moved the little red disk of his lantern over the walls. In this h art a curious thing the e will never ask anybody the time again!" It is theairen'S -fault". Another. sigh, deeper, more tremen- (toile still; came from the abirsmal depths of a soul. , _ , • "Why did .you ery out, Christine?" "Because I am In pain, Erik".: ,. thought, I latid frightened, you." unloosir my bonds. ,Ant I not your prisoner?" . • "You will try to Icill Yraireelf again." "You have given ,me till' eleven' I undentood at one thing; Christine o'clock to -morrow evening„ Erjk. • The footsteps_ dragged along the floor again. "After all,• as we are",tositie together „ . . and .I am just as eager as :you .• Yes, I•have had enough of thie ()lie who ,be*irev-use€14opo**4Youn - oboe the.'iroperiorit*.oir .14 delicious 11.04)1,04,2Pura 4T* SO*. . . t. PLANS, QF NicGiLL .CO LEG.E eftoFF.ssoR. 0,i • Scientist. Will , Green4-_, land to ftlOw Up Minacing Pinacles'.With iikror ohemicai :lot /1.4511aling iceuzrgOt. Dr. Howard Barnes, lee research, - sPeelaillet and prefeSsor of physics of SIL,11011E'rTE RETAINS . - PRESTIGE. • ,Printed silk; offers 'a pleasing. di-, 'VersitY-in tlds, tong'-eeeved frock, "with graceful jabot • and sleeve extension 4411401114,1 j'iIulinolve.toMi:tY4;4Wy Othe f, oGitellieont: .• mines on tho rhawin8t•bab.i9 at tho!r. source. authority On lee -research,. he „believes • • North. Atlantic: shiPPlog lieeti Can be k.ept.clear of lee ,and formation, oi in the *fad Ithonnet. Free Froin., All liavition ""nmIlte° t°: Cl°"ider • -• • Recently _Sold to 14)6,490 ,ftection 6PeisesPi?inanotteex, ,strit4aIngwreilliet;liiivgaer. , The Count of Monte Criste•Mied: •,"thtdr Mdilei • from thee], -has just :been, ingested to the Ship: the midst a luxuries .aud: wonders, via *watch' lir onlY:a great hillidtane to... ping Federation Ott Cabaaa ro:nan etelandn, Loilef :1741oevinianiuner' thseZedrkitehre. .Poor • nui that were „woorate to gain* .eRginlereliat interests. thst; Wane, batalse wrimehige •gf Dr. Barnes. is being accompanied on •• • w•as, monarch. ef ;au, :6,ittme,Ted., his •Init .1.Thertlea,.. ...whereof . thinii • expokion. AI!. H. Hoblist iiiht '04re 41, t4; disiviu; 'err neceoryi te 'reined ." • • Prete er f' mance, hio,do every . •of th'e • BOO ht of Mrh o, -geology at the University , o igen, geologist and meteerole- 7 eve tea er 9 or a .8hilling. mortal wlUiont reMan9ii In Which his advene IW rneeent PoPecesion, . it goee turee are. deacribed have envifml him, Wing, deeenot :include the privileges not indeed hie tielltari: graialear,, but of *01, 4?Ottinlif the atiird3r inhabitants of his island kingdom. ,• . 'Peale. ..' Sin* the Civil War tAe. It le not given th 13f t1431'th bli"lith bar hieenee,hia'r-bar4:lbeaused siitTfirenae Att AU; A king in the sense that the Ring of England. or the King of ,f°!4•0,, monatoll-Whe may wish given a sufficiently large *am .stpii;tin,t.,, •LO resole; there. Given a sufficient E4. net iOrY larite at that-, there. if,' figure, and ,Sir 'Arthur Wheeler, 'Its 44.04onmaibul.re.:aiion:f04.moriz.17,t;601.,h90b:epot;16',IittaBitlirisAzictehannt-n4ely,bali'diwb:;i::Isiesi.s: ,IlltP•nhtn.troSean.!,:00;tlailirynili.e*:thiepart,..744v13,:":0a..‘:i4Wth;:e,:it..4isovlinafteatettarntheill.i,t4„11gon:... Man wItO for Mile Mere bagatelle' "are stoodat tiirY' the.8.9.i."thi.; hitt c'yt4.?'utt1111.*:111Zrt'7.tio511;eyt. t-Seeined •to reilect„! :At. lant, alaint Vole° reached Us, ' ru*.'.irt: *.otdd halre:. been gr Thgft. ba4E, Is sini•piece.iandLe*pds Erownsell Isiand Castle.... • • , finer. . ... But that, is' el:41(1M non.' 0Yer the al:on/dere, where it ieins the ` Now the newses' to hand that • em I sae' iliehand ov r Alist nothing . ant titan/1%01° it.td• • ,____ ., ea itseuirf_ sense. . . . -We .should onl7 •think -0.1. fro_nt_w_h_ieti is VISO shirred. The 'abet B,rowtsea 'for BratiLee: a:r`' Inland allil, -_-t-- -- -- ,,, • ,.: ,11_4„,11,__ oltallojo, he,..said, , 4411fie, win le u, A silence. ' ' s ' , i'7------alrwarts411`41- lir a-alle--Piete -• • PIT ei-• in • w }Oohing glalis! -"•• • •. • "Rut answer me, Christinel...,„., ,,In .... '. the, 'relit doean't Matter. , ..,'.._. ' - •••••• , . . TOP of shirrings before' being tacked other opportunity for gemeone ef play - "Yes, the role -of island king. Brownseir '"Yes, , a looking gliato said the heaven's Miami If you are alone, wee ;, ;Mere looking at inabecause I am ail Persian' ' in. a tone of deep emotion, wer me!" . A.. -,-,'.. . : .. .t? . . ... Oh, ' my dear it's raining to•the Mind neck. The sleeve extol:- ' A art/from slots are likeOse shirred and gather.; ,Island is 'situated at the'.entranee-Co- And; 'passing, the `hanids.,,that held the • Then i in s . , , .p : catsand dogs outaide! `. .. p . ., . , , . that,. Christine, I think'', em subject ed into bands at the wrists o- No. 1296 Foote Harbor in the heart ef the ' ' ' Chest e' voice . wtis ered pistel.f6ver,„ his ;1noiar fareheadw he Raoul% tame. . , . . . • • t hallicinationsi .*. You - know' the' is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 ( 34 beautiful Unmet Intkeland,". The Island added, We'' have dropped into the tar- "Yes! Yeal It is II It is.r.t a . d , st years or , more now . • • • If Lundy be • unobtainable, and. Bra 'atIctseit be too dear, there are ether islands-raund-the-•-tiritittirf coedit which. offOrthe opportunity of bemning king at Sy small price They go begging at and the atietioneer est., bidder::: test.:..etiniiner, a :dilate, gniabed, novelist,' who had lived for siniik-Y,41*-talk...the41.1aii&Of-Berm In - the Channel Ielands, bought • an island off the 'West Coast Of Soothe:id, avilich gist, who, ietende to estahlieh in the Interim. (if Greenland two meteoro- 10gW3.1 SiatiWth end Make a geological survey of Greenland. , As. hie personal assistant,„ Baine8. Wle ,acke. with him George yibert Douglas. . of the de- partment ef peephysics, Harvard Ifni - brother of Miss A. Vilbert Douglas, of, the staff .of. the department of Physics at McGill. Mr. Diniglai wee geologlit to Shackleton on the Quest expedition •to the Antarctic, • To Explode Bergs by Heat. • The chemical Which iii,••BarneSwill take with hiot, And which he sees. for , his heat mines Is palled therialt; It does: not explode., is lane way dauger. • oas le itself 'and can be ebipood.,•WIth•F! 'Out a Pernik It will *go through fire without dainage and without causing 14 any -dangerous, effects Only. when in: . Contact With:lee (1085 it become dant; gerotii: ' Used in ConneCtion.;.with.ice;• •.eve ops -int : - „. se6onds and ,the heat eansaff the ice to e.OP•fitt::.V.0...4.;:e4.1..,,.*141099„.• h.0!ere ' It line (line, • to'. melt:. ,: . tor. !Barnes . i*. , *.,it: ht§-fielit. iniaed. on theliergs. on... itself: gonsists of 600 .aerea.ef:some .of .lind: belonged to 'Lord .Leverhulme. .'..4.1 illisieafilPdre.qa‘;•16'slihtlawai6caga*,:ii.6erhaarlIga;4!•.PeioilisloT , the ',MST .beautiful scenery id., the few yeira, ago Lerd•'filltra,eliceinc. 'mi.,. • :sinitliof, pniri4o,d, arid apart.", from the, chased the. Isles.' COleilea 7.:and ..Orian- tinokes,'. iHs.i.ciletlirertedith°er .filesehtet'tgn Pthit• '-:' •,, .for dres,...,0 . 44 ones:material .Or. '3% 'Cantle would offer Many. :. ucements say In the Hebrides, and. at the sameworld yards 89. -inch, Or.15i:-yardi 54 -inch for ' to girit :the hus:34- '1."r4i. thr. '.4. life °f . i'll" tii..E4glish.' general •he..aul-ne the. . 'I'lie. .eiipeditionivill ;Make Its ,belicl:-.: re:se..onli, :With; i iiit. Yarda'asinch,..cit quiet collimation ',with nature. Bt owner Of 0.0..e. of the lesser Orkeeye. material for jabot -and sleevee...- Price eau's. habits there is the Castle, which ' brokesit/re,.. was .formerly:, in the lixte- 1 6?gigt ;6. . Tilts is the -Avec where..the bt.g:.,.. • . t,,6 4,46119. who is. Thot ;tiro., to. *per.. 6aide:y. imend,.. ow the. cdttet. ,ct peril_ rquita'atordter:ititia.thoki3t.,amveiand,:i:eGt...oet.,tuthn61,wsetatt,:::,., . .74 yard 54 -inch additional Contrasting neareet and Most Practical ityes,:*ill - aa ilefetise for Poole and to comniand (t.,:matster at. Harrow Sctitool.,:: .. all reliiPliing'• going , in and out of :the. . .Frollab:::• . th.6 enrliest amount ':erer W.-Dei?e.:13a,Shell,.' glaciers -launch , their . hero ,inte... the : ii.em. .biz...Booits and ills asiiisiant wilt . Our Fashion Book;' illustrating .the : built in. the : tilt e of 'Henry vfm., isicsion 6f the Rev. ' .. • harbor:. ' This surveillance was irk, -paldfor" art island off the toast of the endeavot to knock off pieces Of lee and .. elplieletheinon lend before they. have • (line • to get .\,to !the oCeT'They will also ' cruise , 111- Elie neighborhood' 'of bergs, '' land oil theta and. 'plant . heat 0..oa, you ..not ,. suffer thein .. to,. poot, ,nlissionetst‘, of , Woods and .7,0res. tis,.. It mites ..With• a -time lime : then •puslidoff • • liorthaven Point .but " doths threaten Is.. hardly POSstble tO betoine an:twang, (luichlY:.'anit.wittPli alid' study results. Equipm.ent: will, include: several 'cam. .• 'eras. .antl." a:. motion picture machine, With with:It:it Is, intended .td take col- ored „ ..pliotegraphs, and flints: et. expled.* • -ialfohergo. • .' ••f. • ' .. . • ,,, • . . . i Little. Ones from IMO Ones. • • EMphaSi011ig...the.:veltie-of strch-an at --.-- :tack on. the,. ice!problem at Its source, Dr: Ale:Imes •Peieta out that •if • big bergs" , . . . . .. . are broken up tit their source , into . . ture-chamberlis . • • , dream! . . . Christine, *ilia me Vire Men Whe'rangtt the siren oer JO 36 and 38 inches mist' :.sire :18 (36 best reqUires 4 yar,ds• of ,Wliat'the iersian knew oethis. ter- are:here to save you '.; . but'be Pru- noWH—go and koic /ringing at years ture-chamber and whet there befell dent! When, you :hear the...monster, the' bottom „of the lake -.well, he Was' 39 -an' eh; or. 2% Yards b4 -inch niateirial like. Th him and his companion Shalt be tad ' in his 'own ;:werds as Set down in a Then Chtistine; save -way to fear. nianuecritt whichlie left .behind Ste tiemblealest Erik should discover and :wine copY verbatim. where ittiOul w,a8 hidden; slie• told is rather e. . . ere, turn round. . . are you glad? You're free' now . . (tb,..my poor Christine,. look at your *lmo have I ,hurt them? . -in a few hurried:Words that Erik had HArtsit gone qpite mad with love anti that That alone dese.rves death. . . Talking of death,Must sing his requiem!" received an awful presentiment . . . . uu had decided to 1(13 everybody and ' Hearing•,these terrible "remarkk: I The Persian's Narrative. • sent to become. 'f• g :had • I too had once rung at the 'monster's• - • - • • e,: la W1 e given 'door . . and,. without • knowing it, We Were in the Middle Of a litt:e her till eleien•o'clock the next everting e of interest to every home dreas. ,Ix -cornered room, the sides Of which for reflection. It y.pas, the last respite., *net have set .some warning 'current ," were. covered with Mirrors from • to She : Must choose, , as he said, between in And, I remembered the Innicer• : Price of the book 10 cents the to two *liens that had 'emerged from the coPY- • . : bottom. , in °the -corners, we could the wedding Mass and the re' • wretch • .:HOW ' TO :ORDER clearlY see tbe "Joins" in. the•glaises, And Erik had then littered phras inky 'Waters. • What Poor ,the Segments intended to turn on thWhich Christine did not• nadir; had strayed to that' shore this. time? •••••, PATTERNS. min- ail- THE TORTURE CHAMBER.' self with everybody if shedid not con- • gear; •Yee, 3 recognized than and: I stand: .. , . _ ,, _ WhOwaS.,!the other one; the one whose . -Write Yenr 'name and address plain. . , „ : recognized the iron tree in -the corner, • .Yes, or no! •I your artsWer is no; requiem' we now heard sting?. . . ly, giving . number' and * ' ' f. a at the bottom of one of those 'Begmenta elierYbody will. be dead and burled!" Erik sang like .the god. Of :thunder; .eptaitmte'pr:Bo;rasoyion.i.i.(Wcoainnt.p*'rgefn6ele:Itt:eide°:igwOtraeithll . . . . . v the j.tori tree;; .witif. its iron • But; I understand the Sentence per- sang a Dies"Iree that developed us an it, . The elerriente seemed te • ' it carefully). 'frit I branch; for the. hanged men. ,,' . ' fectlY,,I0t it corresponded in,11 terrible in •It:StOr , suddenly we heard. 4.• noise on our manner ' With mY. Own dreadful rake. address' your Order to. ,Pattern 'Dept., .ench number, ' and around us. '. Suddenly, the:Organ. left., -it sounded' at ' first- like a. deer. thought. : ...-4_,,,,, . ' '' :• -and the voice ceased •aci Sinidenly that ' opening and abetting. in ' the , next -4-!Oan.. eti:...1611...ns. where . Erik,: is?"' -M. de ChagnY sprang back, on the :Wilson :Publishirig Co., 13, West sent-- y Ado - room; and then there was a dull mean; 'I* :asked.. ' ' . - ' : •.: other...eider-a llieNeta-.1;"-With'effietion: -inidi- .8t14 --Toronto- Patterns.•'' li ' I' 'ellitelied Me' de Chagay'S . arm more, She. replied :that he must: have :left: Abd the voice,'Changed • and trans_ return mail. .,. firmly arta; and then we 'distinctly the house. • • . , Terrned,;diatinctlY Stated' out. these:. ' ' ."-:-•:4-.--:--.--: ' heard these words:- ' • "Conld yon make sure?"- „ metallic syliables*: • • - • t have „you done with my Inake-'Yeur ChSecef The . J?..1 am fastened: 1 can not stir Wh "You ni wedding mass or ,the requiem massy, alimh,”„ , - _ bag?" _._ _• • ' I recognized thertroice of the. monk. When we heard this 1VI.. de Cha ' To be continued y • , '44,6% , '; • : • • - • and 1.give a- yell --of fury, • Our safety, • **.-- • I.ty a lon5ipence , , on the girl's Liberty of movement. was ersentted by now that the " "Bnt *here are ,you?" melted .thris- Seeks:Pedestrian Laurels. There was .another moan, , fellewed the safety Of alithree of us, depended English Woman Walker,: .7. cl; . . . . . . monster WM Unaware of our presence tine. • "There are :Only, two kers in ,' Miss G'ertrucle-Rin , seve Y harilti nt in'• his •liqiite,lor otherwise ' he Would my room, the tonia.Phillipc .recint .of years, ald, ; Is challenging the •pedes- . eertain1.7'. have managed not, to let lis .which •I' told you, ; Raoul; : a :.doer triaa ,record 'of:Edward Payson Wes - ' hear him. .,,,He would only. have hadte through whieh. Erik -conies and. goes, ion*,' -the !veteran:, ',...kinerlean Walker. , through which the tortiltelovere lee ed before me,and,Wlitch he has forbid- She redentlY completed •a•watking tour •1,64C miles • through' Scotland and oloso ."" the :little. *iiivigible- window and another Which he has /levet. open.. Ct; .116N'irn- i zit° the-torture-ibamber: Be... n-me..eve ' g g b. •• •land . • . • - sides I was certain that , if be had says it. is the Most dangerous of the .. Would have begun at once. . . .. Charnheri" • 1: ': • ' .•:. • ' ' ard";411;atis's • eur,thli•'atils :e wi ' *resit' Arni'e .1•Riek- 'kziOWn -' of our presence,. OW* tortures ' do-blr'r-tlxr4**dtan'Vf*"*the''-•:tort'ar. vfett er, as e let, ed, ate c - The important -thing WO not to let - "Christine,., that is Where we are!" alSrPg• .W:lia4 °IS sold 40. cmntrk - . him. know; . and i dreadeenothing Po "You are in. the:•terttire-eliainber?". home in 1920 "Sliook':up walking to much as. the imiiiiisiveneiS of the Vi- • .felres,- but we ean..not.see the door.", an:ruses herbeit. . .. • .,.- : • 7 "Ohcif I could -only -drag -myself -ho r. -'I started%at-Landis-End;,iiiiiVseCotit for•Vork.at the beginning of My 'tour, bat I went by higbWitys. and byWays. and tot..by themain reeds'," Miss Ftlek- era explairied, . "I 'went to, the south Coriiiih ccia8t, 'Exeter, Bath, Gloticee- tee Warwick, Rugby, Oilkhain, Grant, ham, Lincoln and Doncaster, stMlying dere and fauna. In 1924 I went to In- , . . -Verriessi:--by:- wayofEdin,burgh', and, matte e hagny, who anted -to rash through the walla to Christine D,g9" far! • I would knock at the door and "Whose moans -we continued to hear at that would tell you Where intervals. • :• 'ale it a door :with a lack to it?".• r "The requiem mass 'Minot. . asked. gay," Erik's voice resumed. "whereas • "Yes; With a LAO . the wedding mass --,you • can take my '"Mademoiselle," / said, "it is abSo- word for it*-•is•magnificent! You Must hitely necessary that you should open , that door. to , , • "But how?" asked the poor girl _tearfay. • siVa heard hei ,ettaining trying te this summer I reaehed John o' Groats, 1,1fri.ere, .herself...-frorti. the ,borida that ,hetd putting In 126 days of actual Walking." 1, "I know Where,the key is,'!libe said , .Mkss Rickards alwaye ,Junefied On in a voice . at seemed exhausted by th' • • che.e Vt. 4 .^ • sea 1 b .cttit. while ou het tom :the -effort she: had,inade.. "But I 'inn and had her Uthut''111(1*15 11* 1°18' .131e fastened. so tight, . Oh, the wretch!" .says AV never eknerioneed the ' sUht- At;1 gave a sob. . est, lonellitels, and always knitted or "Where is the key'?" r aSkod, Sign- • eliabroidered" while the Wati re:sting:by 4.:ingto M. de Ohrigny not to inp.eakt•and the roadslito at linich, time. • 2— •• • to leave the business, to met: for we After Esiery 11/leal. had,not Menient; to lose. , • ••;Another Alps Railway. . • • It doesn't take muc htenh.t1 forbade me to touch. They . .• ,n , • higheet moilata , le avarlan 1 ' asks at,: Atioutl itnout re.rteerThniplix 1 . "ln,„ the next room, near the organ, ' • An eleetric railway is• tto be built to . i., • with itt6ther little bronze :key, which tlie • tinniratt: of the, zugpitzp, the • • at'e hoth in it little •loatlier bag whIch. , kpep- you .111, trim. he calls thebag rife anrdeath 'Nature- it!ri y ysterious and terrt , inful awl mwin, sooil hAvc. little help- ' • ' -.. -. ‘'.., yee are , gone quite 6r, ,..,.• . • - • in the tortare..chanob. . i ..t. ..i , i 16,0ati ., G.ti baoc,46..iii,(..:,.;avgy.hyyolithcr!anri73her„re,t,in.vini,:•::(, 1-,--4.-5111ea l'? ..• % ' : , ., . . . A:,-•• .- ft - ••• ',it,' ' .1.1 9:::i 'rforn• here loge ,. , appetite ' anui ..s,ve,.w.1. ,.„. . . .. , , • .. Ni1,7rigleY s, after ' '10 lenifitaAteetblio: *said the 0,, rht, - bitath; •- - . . , „ , „.,,i,n,,r, 4 • • • , : .„ ••.` • • ..,' ,twe.:Inu: I keep...cool% ...„.2;1- rni,,,,,t.,.... \ digefition* , • „, '. ' .,•,v}iy has iie fastPr'"61 .'"e`4•1 -0,v, 1,Is .; 1 aste tpoi'oiel Yr ..e.s1),t •qp,i), • -, - . - , • . • 1,... ... a .1")t18e-i " ' "t. 'suicide - nt. twit to _;.,......_.4.0aA, . mes.ornr8yteing wmeenth:oUnieriliala.iSottinir0.1tnod siltail'i .. Chloroformed. lie wits• going to his 1 , . . . A- Fat'or for .Evcry ' • e knows 1 „/„., -1886E No. 7-46, ••• INmorECA,0 The -Wrirld'a beat • • heir thit. store heir te cigar, In 15 Small , site,. 931,30- y . rosli ' " all The Wi Peittber Stores. •k: • . loittilted BC . • Toroattl aeme. if we may believe , a eemplaint dated 1681, .which :placed ell record 'that "tlie Ocktyner: of Ilrenkseye:dilth moleste the inhabitants of the toWn•e; United Kingdom Warene. 'shilling, ,In .cOnsideration ef,Which snim' an, Islet in Lough Erne, • County,Fermanagh, was, about '20 years age, sold by ...the 'Corti; .them to slioote:at them, .aati.viOlentlY king inueli eheeper than that ". • des' trer.withi' the fatal " Music Championed by Mem-. • e rcIP. • It t: ..sio.ts up an.listerest. apPeating • Of Pirli.amen • ...It do.es thatleeettinabIe good to family.. . . --':Aniertean• :nien.-of.-•ther:conunetetalilifeiit -increase's - Ponvet and pelitieal Werlid have gitteit 140 • to. halm together• for niutual advent,. 111 aI. to • rimailez-4ts jailueirce , • and ;ago • • , • Values, No .comes frcinti.LOnden the I ' MtiSiote.:seell an flathiene.Mlield oirinion of A ...Zither. of Parliernent, The, thelheine, Ilan r the Pat •.of soeite;. atsmall berm they- wills •neve'r- reath, the,, . , • R".(.11Yu-andSsiiii:71-711131407-tho'tSndardT'of . rarilmin glanes: 'By eilePtiog Midi 'pre what. he bel eves muSic can .do.. -'He .freelY-:eirMsesses Iiiineelf in the follow . . p1ay,4,4 very lenge Part in the tiffs§ rithat„of, liente are, , :.ie !, true, people Who are net .in flitenced • Itend tayeto pleasUre in it; :but the7 are a, Sinai): •mlnerity • COMPared with. the:heats (it' those who,.• g.eneratinnaf. eileinjtirieus. influences be IormatiOn of a ;MOOS or putthig, the ter generatlort,are *sdrae ing. upon thorn. • Clive:.them nitrate*. Barnes plat toe extending the .naviga, gres- Ity the appeal..et nyesic:- Enjoyed haveionsie played • andaring-sung them* ....tien7seastin of „the. 86:14*Tel:tee ,,River. as a h141* 411110 pursued as liobbY, 'luive •thell.1„. tteigh-Ple.7* into effeet if the naVigatiOn could be the Mental, the: ern:otional, the:so:Kum! ventive measu•res; Irei pointed out, the • • life. When yon IlaYe'gpt Omsk; 111 the trodecifelearingthe ice from the trade home you neve ferior interests. Per one thing, you ; expressed satisfaction at , made leaa,roohl •fer in-. routes Would be greatly lessened, bring -to-bear upon the younger mein; thews that G. A. Morris, seeretarY- It Lit studdiei Sas an ar aS ortelsyst--rmtsit-firlrentselves=vird-yow-wit ktwcr-weekr-lir-tini-air: bere of the faintly an ' inguaree that, 'may be • Of. lifelong 4benefit • to thein Seen enough, and inevitribly;• valueless treasurer ofthe Ogilvie Flour 1111116 CoMpainy, Ltd., had taken up with the Shipping .Federation the matter of the 'A, and ,tha,affection i'.4 the vest. Majority IraVe done 02 mething o counteract the tatici it might mean milliens of dollars Not Serioes. • the'', • tyVo- of the hunian 'race Atneng the •rnany 'danger of eftwhnileslome infinences to to the port of. igontreai. Now mot_ "Mel you„ thinic he 11.:sti. -• • forme •of 411i14C -which. induence the Witten:they are tertaiii te heeiliosed."' gation is2A_te,Poned at the •time of the . I' " 't,.s e • .mind and h Yes sioloomm., carts ofme- .n awl Women " ontWa•rd maveMent of grain and -When • " , iott' it %a heoff ver atilt • the itertAvould Otherwise benefit from.; ' ' ' •• ' ' • • • ** • and children; the ninsie of, the. hometheehristinas traflit to ,EunrOpei . perhaps: tte.nioSt Valtiablie and the , • Minard's Liniment ,relieves, headache aunard's LIntrhont tor sore throat. best toyed: . ! •• , • Eligible Peet Deserts SOciety. , London' soclAy hitilost on ot ifs most eligible Young 1)4..he1ore by the decision of Lord Hobart,. only on a. the life of,tho family le the-mitinspring latiori an address to. the graduating or the life Of the nation.,, it follow's that eines af'a eommei•clal c011ege. the•liart acid Critintess of Buckinghm a- • • et; ry fIntetteo.Which eat benefit the "I thought 1 vi•bild rather be a • "It will. be: agreed .4Y all that the home, 'the life. of the lienne,Alle Of the: la.Milty," are; .ahenie 'Maui filings else; et erietet tiepoptenee to. ,thewe fere ei the, Ur' arid if •thrit be so, World's Best "Stenog" , The Earl' of Birkenhead, Seniretat4 of Suite for India,. Started out: (Arid, in life to bp. a Stenographei, but he •did ttit gat very far. He inadeethis' reve- shIr, to desert Eitglarul for the gi eat ; • open spitee set ,Atiefralia., • This, youth-. faillIV WOwtleh lail, telP to Unite .„ the inetnitera of the family it teen cont - 611. peel not . ynr 2e, Is, riding ilk the hus,h ft0:. a ,c68v,boy la•Q' ueenslani., AN 1 le Pal; 10ltlilii0 •Which goat gyve them • ti. bo I; doh otopers un,t tiehe Write s w f t II :::nkiiii:I.,..1 t.t:i in!)ttginet.r)0(.;1111:el.,.1.0ti.ilSii'Icihoir1111)1•1();teAt!ii,.,;a1 yire4 a:I:1)14:i: :06ttllileiliiestypeed:0:00611r11,,,e....(Fnlit:ii,stio.tit.tioNoi.y6.11.tiett.601s,,t ash,e,e.tir,41.6ruhttidelldt): desigoe On a diakinguillett th•le are .re.' "lei'. ilr'i . gretting hi; defectithi front .Mayfair, I.,ord 110baiti felt Won a little 'while: 'thief -tee which cando,' this, .18 itn influ- am:IA(011/1g; . NiMxxi Y: 6,1,.80 cOula l'e*1. ago .,,ritii ,th6.:11).1.0itiml of oink :Into;cof groat nOlienal Value, ' It draws . niy notes;: and 1 edulde.`t read them.' buolnedd, but a siloi•flielled In:a couikt.. IIIP litlIttlY 001'0' (108t 1Y together. It• 11080r. ., So 1-b.Y. ..'il or t h a Ila ttintyltionif ;pg... ',tote cenvitfeeti loth 1i,94,.,,,,44, meant., cases the Mash cf competing In7livident caalie to a. audictPli for some other easeer, SO he embarked '-•:' . on .a freighter hernia. for Auetralia. ... . ... , •Tileie- he.,•lieCtiatb...4:.`:conebtiji,•and.. rien0 leeks. finfward.t(t. a c:a reer in the ca.ttle; hosinctte. Hie family oWnS• thottitande atrett.et wat land In Fife-. and had, ' liOned to Indhee the beir to 'take tip .tr ,• t•rilg'elt,,Itilt1iPct,i,11,4,!..tlig•if,f111,• , t; shorthand reporter than apyChIng in the world and 1 worked like a heaver,", he said. .."1')Vos it wonder. 1 broke ttt , _.. • ..Age -of Utribretla, 1-_(, 114411)1.01a altdolibtedly of high tip tiPAriry, anl)oartng• in variou+ fOrillg uton -.the sculpt:m:6d nierninienfe of, Ete.y.et, iAssyriti,141:6ece atul Itonie and la hot eintniirt's tr:Iffirliffen: nsetl MirOW tilo ilitAv.n -Of history a:4 -1.4 a dso Signified by its, 31 L111 derived rani the--atin umbrae a iliade% " hen You Can Own a • ;LESS., (Requiring no ';'13''.,Bat,ibeleo--44o-AolV5: Operates from your light socket. Coate leitt Wan io fl week ie. operate. EfIreinates; alt the "Puss and Muse" of ii#tte4le8. 'AO% OdWer ALL the time on .a4'llogera." ,11• r Mk your 1000 ."Flad1er'13ealer,et yrlte THE 0,01.8, MUAIC CO., Lill ' .1S90 'KING 81'; 99'4, l'ORONtO „ .2 The fresh' yrning traveling ectle•sinan put oty.lite nioet seductive • smUe 1ae" the pretty Waitress .glided up to . he tablo In thr'hotel dilt•ing-rOoMto get , Itis order and .rernaisked:. . • „ "Nice day, :little Otte," :"Ye84 it le,"'Slie reitilleil,".atul so was by: ' ncl Elia,ad yes..ert a • rny St . ,. know l'Ot a lovely girl and have pret- ty htue eyes, and I've been hererpiltst;: w)ile,.and Olio; the plrce ttnd don't think ;I'm, tee aka a Jeri to be work.. Ing here, my w•dged.. are ititnunteotori e,mt 1410111 oink there'd a show,' 01' (14nc0 13'WWII. to -night .,and If there Wet wotildn't go With 'yoe.' fiti front, .ijitn.,eountry and I'm it reepectableglid, eta •my blether is tlie cook in this betel, and hm. was a eollege • football player.:and weighs thi ee. hundred lbs..: hist ' 'week he Prettynearly ruined .0; $2S.a.weitic rretteting. Mare WhO. -triad • to Make a 'date': With ted; tiOnit What Yeti h,te, teat beef:. feta:tit Perk. 'Irish: tteiv, hainharger.tir*fried liver'?" • • Bittern Wandered -fthe kittern; it..mansh. bird (4.,oae4y Meted To the beton; ha a :been tiliet. at Perrot! '.13.rook. near .".Cireiteostor,-; anitet-dtetebtre, t soillaWbat rare ••454 inorinoo.outsioNorfOlk, "Itun your work ta• your -work' , Rite. yoo.', f" '544