The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-28, Page 8iy Tor 1)W* OW s'zNTU 1EL TgtUR1! DAV ;iA W ltv lath lot 1rr int tr,e,,1141, GOODS • ILDREN • .r k r TO: THE PUBLIC,;-- There is a lot of '"Friendly Criticism•." going,on a's to whether we can sell at the • low price we are selling our stock of goods', at, and continue`in business. Wewish to intimate that we are quitewell satisfied with the business we are ing, and intend to continue the -low prices. Thank 'Vol', Hornell-iVIurdoch: Co. a - • � 'EK IS WL •OFFER THIS . PEGIAL O In -Ladies'' and: Children's Underwear Ladies' Long Drawers (closed) Ladies' Silk' Stripe Vests and Bloomers°' Ladies Vests, Short and Long Sleeves The : above ars at a very -special love price to clear Not•;enough of any size to carry over, hence a •good bargain will be obtained by purchasers of these lines this week.. YARNS IN' STOCK° `Monarc Down nd Listowerfon 'eaters -or Sdarfs, Scotch Fingering and Wheeling Yarn, also TANLEY'S' VARIETY STOR ' • WHITECHURCH• ' • 1VIrs ..•Scobie. and son, .Mitchel of'Belgrave, spent ,the' week end at •the home ''01\ Mr, and Mrs. Andrew. Fox, • • We tire'sorry to' hear that Mr. Gordon .Godkin, got hurt; at Mr, John 1llartitt's• one day. last week. We hope Or a Speed recovery. ' Mr. ,or`don `S ott of -Ripley spent Tuesday ett 'the hotne of Mrs. Murray, The annual tweeting of : • the Pres- byterian church was held here .19th ,with a geed:.,atendance .present, "• to' transact. the busriness of the church.: • Two new *trustees were.' elected' to • take the. at. •the.,two . who had ' left: There were .also :new: matagors' • put in. Considerable debt.. Was paid off. during the last six months•, ..And every organization 'of the • church is • ;n good standing. A number :of Young. people.fro) • here•,attended Burn's Ball • at Luck - now'= Monday night. There was a• large crowd there., and"everyone re port a good time. • The 'Young •People's• society {of the Presbytes�lan church ; are holding e Scotch Social here on . Priday even .Julma s >1�Y ' tit;..5..p. " Ai Scotch .`lunch will ,be served. ---Every- body welegnio. ' The two groups that':seldeirn 'knonv what the people want are M. P.'s FOURTH CON. KINLOSS., • PARAMOUNT" U.F. • W 0. .• :U.F.W.O- held: it The Paramount . .January meeting.,-atthe :. homeof Mrs. J.. MacAu1'ey with..an ; attendance of tiwenty-two. ` After th'e, openinng e ercises and; reading a the minutes .ofi'i•rers for the yeaf'1926 were elect ed.. as ..follows. Pres. Mrs:': J... Vice 'Pres.:'. Mrs., G' Macbiarmid Sec'y: Mss •'Greta Campbell; •Trees.: Mrs. J. Maclntosh :Auditors Mrs. A . Cook, Mrs: M •Hogan; Directors. Mrs' L.. McKeith . Mrs. Jas. MacDonald Mrs. Jno. •MacDonald, Mrs. Clare`. Ir ' win, ' Mrs.., Button, Mrs.. cial• Service; -Mrs. J.' Webster, l4Iis . L M..Keith, Mrs., G. .Page, ' Mrs P . '.Rob • inson;, Organist, Ver"naHamilton; El, len` KetclialaW Press Spey. Mrs' W in. McGill.. •• • 'The ,programme,was as ',follows:: Solo by Amanda.• MacDonald;, a pap er an "Opportunity" ;by-Mrs-�J. Ma _intosh;•Instrumentals by -Mrs. ..Grant 'MacDiarmid and•. Sarah MacAuley, and violin. selections by •Mrs. M.:Hog air A7 splendid, report -df the U. F. 0'' get the sig• niture d£`:the outliers_ • Cciiivention was 'given by the doleg Mr. Thos '.Smith and Jas.. fir. Iiaek- ate; Mrs :.J,. Jamieson. At• the close' ett wafted on Council, asking 'a grant riven to ;Mrs Macauley for e ust. 8f the meeting a ;''vote of'thanks,was to theAgri�cultiiral Schoel,.'•or short of course,, now ,being in L held w knO of her hbme• • Toy Mrs. J• Jamiethson Moved •.by Anderson and Haekett'and a. hearty, vote of thanks +as also giv carried, 'That twenty :live dollars :.be en' for iliehr� servit:ets as' Fttisdent dun•; donated:' Mroved by Cameron • stns rieg the past two e years, ;arid a ted .' Anderson .alt resolved:Reeve resignation: was icegretftialy accep T; -and_.-Treasurer--look=•after�..tlie....1�uY'nhr,- ,T'he February meeting to be held'„ a! ofd+Donde with the Interest of railway. the:home of los. Max. Raynard., r g . •, money naw In the banl� • P•ress Sec Y By --law No. 1 appointing pertain• 'FLo.WERDALE off cern, and road. divisions, ,was duly r • • :.. • `passed: An :appeal frons .the'• Sial; Douglas la nursthg. Children's Hoapital;'was read—. ,lilies•M�rY 8.. , .. g slifield. .. , by.B1ack and .Anderson and' carried a :p' inA I`' . iliiils•that no action.be taken. On motiox Clnly riour of the l;'lavverdale :pup braved' the storm• Friday. ; ' ' of Andeiaon and BlaCk th following Mrs, Chas., ,Strathdee and Irene bi11J''were ordered paid. ,. allots" Mrs. Rohl), 1VIrs. Marin and M'rs. E1eCtion e5fpences •including. b Dna d:attended the- . U. F .W. 0.. "and .all supe l'es; $108.75.; Huss Hiss- MeD g stn �uildin uardrail• and. tent of b -y., . McLeod, dth Coli`. 1a est building. � guardrail. meeting' at �.. lV, , , .. .. y ... , , .. , .. � ve[.' 1il•1.Ofi Thursday; ••ova;., 11hh00; D. Sproul, gra , Neil' and Dougal Black are cutting. A. Long•; rep:, :ettlhert •50c; A. McGee' I` J,, •I; their `winter's supply.,off • wood, i n rep,, road 'acid- ,gravel •, $5.75;.• Thont sen Bros '.woodi. ` Webster, dragging' and• reps road ri - p .. 1ViacIver' was . la-,.Wingham,'Yrrovirig earth $i3'T6. John Jamios Hospital two days -Tait week, where . supervising ' 10 60" . .Geo. F•c, de' Ho p he underwent an operation for the •cleaning ditch • $5:00l- efohn H Webstet • rernoval' Of , a" ,growth -from- the; Salm s paying` men, rep.•cu1bert anti tivi i i , gd QO.. Henry :Gardner. $r. y ilig • 1 d • • .1Mi', Mattie, Maclnnis,.of Detroit; is 'Spending a few days att his borne• on the Second. • D Mrs; B. Bain,' and daughter, • Kath. •e'rine, of Kincardine, spent the week' end at Mr, John'McLeod'a. ' .• -..._Mrs,.. B'... Brackenridge,•... Who .has been spending a' few days in Toron to, returned house this 'week, 1Virs. Walter. Greenwood spent the week -end with .her -,brother, of •Kin- eardine.� ` ' The ° Fourth.. and Sixth were well ;represented at`• the Burn's iKniVers� any' Ball,. in Liicknoty, t ` . Miss Mae Maclnnis, who has been ill cif late, is,..sometvhatr?mproved4e are. glad to. learn. • Mr. and Mid.. Mac. Lane of " Kin Nigh, spent': - do iiayy `;afternddtr at;-R.-.Middleton'sr MacIver, who, underwent a Minor operation in the W ingham IIosj sal, is doing nicely, and able to lie huire ega n w :.; On account of the stormy weather �the:telrool' in -this-sttotion •was mot cnort Friday, The tr.'F.W.0..meeting, ]field it the' horns of• Mrs; A. Meeteedl. ',vas not ver largely attended, feet Tb ASHFIELD . COUNiCIL" s.tatue� on• Jan. Council:met as' per _�, . - resn t ininuti' 1]th. Old Council allp , ecember ,meeting were read' . awl ofd .. � and adopted' on motion,.. of. Parrish Congrain. r The "matter' cif.• the;Henderson Drain came up i and 'on motion `.of Congram and ..Farrisli the Clerk -.was instructed what action to. take '• Moved' by Congram • and. , Sullivan' the following.�bilis rine ' paid: F : Mc Ci e.ght ,broken: spring sn auto_, $2.0'; Dungannon . Pulbic • Library • grant., '$10,00; :Reeve, Deputy.' Reeve and •"C1 erk ' expenses to • Listowel, $17.95 John • S. Dalton refund assessme error,. $2.00; The old,. Council • then adjourned. • The newly, elected; ,.members• . sub scribed' to the` Declaration ''of Office. 1' he clerk read. an '. 11o:denent re-` arding t e+ removing Of --the 1;edge: :iii front, of .the McIntyre'farm • Moved .by' Cameron •.' and. Black, ra•al�l entries,. that, .agreement be • sent .' pointed in • By -^-law No. 1:1 Clerk C. MreDoiah;' ^ollector;• G. C Tie- leaven;Treasurer;: • 'W: P. 'Reed;' es- • sessor, \John Little; 'Medical Officer, Health, Dr: A:. A.' J. Simpson; off, H ,. third member • board r `'bealtli ,W.' :Hawkins. „Auditors, •D'onald ,1VIcLean and WM: McCarthy• Sheep., valuators, `rout:' Drennan : Chas. W::' Ritchie, .Archie ,'Johnston, David :M. Johnston Thos Garvey, and:Richard 'Johnston Savage John Pound:. keepers; John, Green, Neil: G McKenzie: Frank Scott' •.Thos:; `.Irwin and, . Paterick • • .T:'ora*n ' Fence 'viewers. Jai. IVIcW'h'n- ney,. Robt.. Davison,° • James %:Lan, Thos' Dickson, Robt. Fiteerald, Dun - Can: Finla unfan:.Finla So , Jas. Cranford, Jour • Y a • ;McLeod, Jas..' eanea d• D .'A.. Mc- School Atte dance `Officer.. Lean: Richard Johnston vary ,. : tt sent' men• fixing road $2.00; W. meed. ktK1u:•teacherm 'Mss -:�&q ,� .p ... � .� .. Wednesday `evening with +iiss Olive : icti's i► Zai ' :Babb; d to The Gierk was instructs Mrs. Waiter. Greonwoocd li ent thr;• ver'tite for tender's fora 'road p weekend With, her 'brother' " ln, r ..Kin- Moved' by Atidereoii and I-lac!t�'t*.tt.•, cardiiter' ' Council adlotarn'r slut "Fe'o• IF1h C. E. bMol3ontittl, xiw o1iow1ng' ale` the officer's ani - and the people >r Y Thursday o f tt aaftb tlnn;l, brie u � r .. • vat tw ai oma box l'!� u 'You can tell• . foreigner. He knows' i l alas :'that he has • to,, •talk Mr', bath' Thompson is the l silt to Y.. • $0,00 PN •0-, 10., L1OE1 Dr. Hbuiri ., ,E)r. Mac , , Toe pr, R,' over Deck • Other by Dungannon. c 1N 1 0 EVE7 1 " 67-0-47 mot A.sl and linea first: ties :at. F ,t0 ecu ' amount, farm rotes. With' i�ng :Sour. the 'l'ry,:a 'l ,Tour's ;tory.w• Safety Any: n:i or mon Double's LucionoO ROAD Appli 'Roadd , S ship of ': .the : ikn, Applicf • 4-�• W School be ec Fe •b: 4"2= from baM.es •.:1 Bpi . ' CCii. res, ', now held the t1.30 i{,eSf John ./ • u� dist s91 ars. rat nil reN