The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-07, Page 6N7:; F -7 e 4 0. I'm 7 7 4ri_ V7 HE % 5 FARM. U IM NIVDl Ow (WITr t"Is T 'M A, NTU t* . "t)ILWAO A' Whht coa,4 be'140.r .,4 FINO, ge di ,Cbr1gtm4� TF Wrbi,00, If "019' _1roA*W1*q_ bee ot 11001 1 text -t .4 t&.0i -tv *W "'s ol hop b g,:,du^ -71 W w 11, WVQ 4 ",MqW, g Oqax WATI, k Al the ro- .0plArda, fo'-' the:e-timulAtioti I _14,` P, 09� T()di,�' After, �A P h 4WAY, Vol, m A - Which 00, M411Y d '144, h d rpetbQ mck 19n9th q_,qOSt$ of )love to face ihVgqIr? Ikp �,T we b'E'kvo er t wobid �educed th,141t$ 4�X' XUMA, 7 W,9LT E; 'e'duge , �tlio, .a W4.4 usl gg m,�n t I Y;, be a Pr vigo,00. rtage to� bo, �ns b�v Q�lip great. d4l., 'We; began- y Ji0ass paig ay Ilk. d A." Si Th AN to color U4.-"�0_00Mv ld' hhe anizatiom s Are to, be.,Q k a. rig, of -Alle, shquldbe, c4refully.a�tQrj..ed.to ifsAt-� 1.5ornewhere 94 th4` invitation, If YQA. TWQ XQRX-,,10A,4E1 farm -,v reg4rd.'tQ tl�o li'j 0 tile. V courgos, t in. fhQ Pointed, i4', am, !in, 0 �t, im . portant 4ep, 'and' C f( in .0 poitArit Xact-orts be A bird I, T],RREErdAL 0,5"V fi" I )rmeKly I:iro�inutecl by. 9GY013nent% A 4, Y#*` LED h t what -0py, ni d here, onlit'to _1 ption stock org so has 0 m4 P, 43-61". 'each.: yea A -be.; t, d isfactory ev'ltl. all have A get of th�a. little. col re4, pug�ift Cy Charge hopld be ro- d"up fq;vqx:004� Or, �Ptoplc� ea umberk �10 4 'taintid '�4ve largely Ila d nit. of' Obs, iatc-, P Intrqllw- A haii4lias ut m6unt..'tlie tuiniial feir�,o cost $28,r'�bei;-- thi. 4'�iima; in, gr t n pfliqds -of c 0 `aO in for, dipcjple8�,�, The qhoico. and tral lung V* ln$tf tripated, 1001, W144tw(l], SPOI V b6on, tbo,,07 0, 1 -ground .,C( the e in of th�se'.'Idem foinied'a IA�90,part-of' tillz0. was not' cognW, 'sheep iuisOld 'iiatepr -cij moved, f rqm Ut. th �iill 0 am�iulmt inditi4a0'r It has, its "thati, I 's Tb v st be I04e, sbp;X�Ately. The zurf0e'nlul bo, C proppt-� ly '�oingr W amJhe -smaller farms of N 4 ;ro.rn'f� by I tion. wea "o � X on, �,wq i4vU rd bi b rged, agiiiist, u n i;-., in 0611014 11 mlniArY,,,, Thq SUOP5 - But .4,e "no VA- 'F14LDS, 'TOO,, �Y,�uj I -.- , ` I � 1� J ell W I ad Iii proof of biS great tb e -,L"G aper, :It 44WOn't you.'V.1441ise, come efforti is, hi ro*�re t.6 sqm4,%YQ for aliingrto]rrttory, a Ave w"na-heen P.0 nifigc10 ;1i,011 clQ nqt�b .1 1. . . i ui;e whq a h' ducq4 to7,�Ilo. t. �heo, PithO or, glag�p mess, Ingig.' kipp rig.�f open liada indthe� A repo III, part 0 ader h4 foi, the, eoll _j the, Tsciilu 94, d rusts i� ',r oating -to­ni t ox.r4lao Onces bg� as. rpe.. �follbwjnp :h sho�ld 0 lb Iliattiot xbn a V., In, CQ Pum ces - th �up inact4vq. .4taing., repitirlig., i4rIL * . ? dru, If is b4mg virig P. !Ib a qi t,p iffiy ;a"44 10iot for., U1 buildingsi imq U ant o; w -t at the.,P eht . nlvorArl, V .' 4�o .00 . . I. ', Qi t t0r. ' J " I '. � _""" �:I � costs, d ',�hpmever �w d 3e, ttnden in f 4ji4,1tjd fh� ngeS of mal, ting.. f wiglity i , . . X 1�64t *,eft,011 I err 7.! He w nip ej gon, 7 P.Aint, eath Yr 4 b, those little`coit�'.thot to 41, .1 1-9 pArroW tbarop -ell, a P-11 " * .0. 440, the, larg qldi* Id re4 ..:;, - I yot produced''b"' bught,�jS. �tbic% Signed, �$PSY,S r '4nd't trw-gg b po,,,-how at.er, rium 81 rlt, lik" 1 ..WQ,Qd01JIb0r'., wlt_k7 `4 eeq in. the. Vestern pf h iaver,. a. �gro, -dial ilia N. pg t �r��Q fick, ... - -, , i,, §trete, Wh ill we k6S§, of ou urn t d ads.. to, en, e pur� tho. Same �pis. ei An 001 - "lPfareste ;_V --n li six ej fourid'that, our'f d' lore".Clearly, t, w1; `j4acheo,J'ac Lthe cidl�!Orrt, of it 6' I , 40 acEes.. W1-1 devotion .:t the I S, *bo C a J�J.Jt, it i§.r,t,,k in .�4OW M., Cal aptlYMPA, Arl "On 4,,:� V. kingd rbild.. 6f 'kne ences. ;Haf _j_�heop t6their othier w. ith '�Ul ten -be-hi out III" ";, I a- 4.d-at­�. , �_, 4 � 0, n,x .'d'b "'I A Cur lyr an p d., afWl­0, T,i ow i�47ne,: pr. incident; e, to -D �ary �Utjt� an 1AA1"t"'1itU V- r" b *,m' t" f 'grAY to 4, t bad �.J)e 6k.t �gp Aq, X4. Y. wifigi4pl ed ale -ce. w.� pli -4 -t 1. ­ I ­­­, I - ". h f win 11VIV W I Iflir, to? lvlo< A, 1' A. er-ri -dev I p 10116-W. Wit. P, of, thpAirst, few,,d%,sclpj cat thusx bright,butt, q4 un olim, prim. rod� e en 1�- SIV tW�Pr inaTy, 11$4 T�roaf and%.- rpmelm.' highway but. toi.14 Durfrm, oe omean from moveirleA �qatft, tial. in .,order to t D., t1ighwuy feince'. A,6 t 6 ­la or i im'd se oo, �w d,who Ur tefW 'rI Alc4 e dbso';iute4JIat.�sur. ace., it-b`l;,tant �.ice4e 4oeo, b� set An,; ycough. the d."d i-ild e6n9equ6neeii- Th4'posts c ., N t ul�Jf the: fl 'a coating is Q 'alue, as 6. &-a,tcital of li!6040 in t 6 h , d I Abf"groat v kr6iiiid: ce to "'font of y' care must be titken, to. appl, t. ye;y tQ'�,make t at had, tomidintaiii; This we view S­ tbirijy� ther'vnse� the result Will. be thetL Edlowof.sdperlor, 1W J they�.�,. will and on*,y a few , 'Sin� After.Cluistrp as tree. ig tO Cattle popull rorrij amL 10CPAAIT Point of e- Synopti occ�6umt, more iiitellt- may eelik -used 64 t4ey -cofi 0A h _e a. lo,t Qf fen'C(a fof Steep osts Two, coatings of t rl 1umcT for The, apparent A� seric 6f &o qualities rai'W oo 14C ed heenarm h* fOr t,h bir4s,,the b - 1-racre fat�and we, d 'r gible. rb something' of the, gum were a, i �:a er., nfiguied,.-Wu 'for, V e, r$t,t� .,t ft� thicker, gba Ing. Die, and means, s,4gg,!k men la . ctojy ' i 4 t' Hot. 29 is:c,,xp'aine& by: tht1oct- ere nar�, po �"d ttoAeurnbi un and ed�. q-109IN t 6 A h tha 6 h t may in t! e con ec oS ourpri :orations klt littl 66se imorl�had,s envviie.,ard,permianently al id t d h armis X- be lis a� long is, think, A 14 _h ight, s Aor IWO$ "er -in Ju ea.- 'to two'sea4th the 6 d llThese. scantlings are (or � q :$CALE, j�itder and t e, whole S , Of run. throu.0 ef3ee .011, � am4 heth -thickone; glight1j) en totaLinveitmew the Anc orpp �': "were, of' John list be LED These t i'lidy liav�. in' h Space Was 'recently: given to', t t is a, opi, va 'to fhe'� design is to' 'd* 'blog: cut wif)a 'a bird-sha Plied pe e, fr A i1ollar, a rod con Thig� pr�4ntg iho ends, rious aiiihorities on hC 'by bei pp( ng )rtinutis. 0 priglit in, a, Coo eep impressi, rine repeatedly be d each time -offor#d wday'i, on. ugl�lelp od ibeie. Y in bbect -witbi- :the'Baptist' and, they had om Orm 6tli6r wi uttevi.wi -be �4 S all n:be u mote. -of� the cog h f, oi 'CA I y"M ATH becau�e'of Otto' 'Ott afid the deigm eveigre u' JPTLdn J . , , . I b , * 1 � ' 7' �L light y en branch -this n man fs d 'on made on thbin by� aft or posts, e I. at�- that I et 'UP. es, rt any kind and T Aower��pot or s4i ment. Tliey'vvere seek 61ftftl, religious move, but M16wed Up T pemell before the C�� 9ri th,a few* 'o'X,the tA gs -ell; all Australia dr4wh, in with f mttch� higher b the, po ''o Al ro nVeA 'A thin 6oatlng� of 'Iikht,'� �dowl� wi eti o, -of J. ow C lers-'aftek truth. Their"te bad_$1,160 I be Me Our larger flialds r4ve us A-1.1 'stmas trep, 9i 'art nAacher had in v given. rom the rdal..Chn Y 1,procaimiad, the q'6mung o rs, woiry*in usirig't fwhner An, ri d him as a -fan, Ahis� ;'' , 1 1, ad ��r PENCES- 441urris a 1 'the W cam, Will feii 0 v he lAr�e implf nlen�s sheop bre�eder, Who Sol nf arld�,)l , . J� s -;A��E of to 9 ., gay pap .epj;�enie. when�'3esiis ok; little and like,�bjndirs nd: k go h, rjba�,'T successful: windo adet:ii nice centrepiecie.: 4,011t sword. and. firdi but' be " d 1 fly. boitit. Mr. HoWell do h6t -have tQ - mia e,._sQ,_rvquen bad sbqdiocl xmako, by fixr bird's'nest at each child's piii�e.inay., apipArs, -the- Baptist. sees him,. to be. Wer��, land is pastur d ild emm, Irt'lines -And fence� row's Urming ifi, kaimpl�e,j A. man, may The �eductioii- �ustralii, Xjavi box� thiese'dis-' to thZ- rk*akes 'of Ittle And und. a _p r*1 :or fine,hay.. 'haf tbeii Mastd: -to sioiargblV; more id �Ifi iavobrlong boi, 6f.theriht-dirneii-' be. md,6.by liriingi,cup, or a the I'Lalmh of GoVI :Two ate exposed r fiag*tid jew g tillable and Squtlf Africa;' all get' ouV: 0 Cotton It cipls hear w _,earz 4 lveo� u�. rid _�Iick­�- ve-dei t to %n o � the methods of, thett S, On rdivary, fendIe. But', assdinhig that a' Iindei land. t1i th Ifollowed' si,Ahat Fpni ther,whole: st4 n V 37 Two "p. count les, rather all qpR�, of of t6m'Jeai Vpkeep.­,is but ne'if6m in h per upo,� h T b o fully as bi�d,eggg ufinfimed,: but miostwi'l ted,,am. averag h, littwan iO Trw h' rAeant that 'we had -an arimulti fence, rr� loverhead,11_and this -shows how wbich�hiive:beem,. follo,�ed f or 6o..,ldng,� P ipply"Illp n4­rWof John; 1 'i�ay be ar� aThobcox �;aii, for t6 birds,- �,he author on: oino, Sic 10, . I I _ - ` cl - ifig of the �ot Tangv', upa Owe d ou $elf ..in . -a succee e , in, e Ue of $116. ­ I :on the �an`j�s h-. The`bomti`,1"I` surroun, repl �ernemt cost we. d d' ., % V�w- , ystom 'h* f Lis S b port of is­4dV.9qaey o th oce -III your Q� ifigs iixid the, mum or .4p �backgl 'd hv'uig'rr'9 in ' "' f hildrefi.iin- the, roun �-Arid 'only 'refer's to t rson is,adi d', ding" to of the �Gospel He keeps.'hiln erg cdul d;v',n in the saime, Ot f raviing our field Vet lookan'by rear a corktion' pif isthe. fo ittinvi-y&rs�o Arm,, Lot th f,f "Ithe disciple imakink.' them to the Wickeor*dr -lem ited.. Where, there,are ut- few., Chi, himpol irictirectl, as, r.g6r., an k ds a'd �by st 21 eyi e Afte' e made 20: arne-A 'As - -i a one in, b Jes -.35 - ge, big Profit, bf'$ 4 16C60f C__Wr e of Tur W-Aken, And'4rily a'-sall bick,yard; the wh6m.. '�Wr us, ove �-Fa ntii. 000 frqn� -Johli 9., -IS Qn'Lt at�d 4,,,gan bi r,_Chrfstmdg canI'. b khio,'yoke up( -b�,iiibrd. Ail f �the". ''d birthd as the: raoing, 0 stie'. �*re k her head 7of- which Ahe.� children their hi' his C ns. r ree 1W LIY -recalls very thing c5linetted withAhAt. n- on welMounded,�'discv Man hus beg NeC day 'he saw, his. Lord. .,His, mernory Dominion. Experiment L arms says� the range, basing PUt,::th,6 t coratio, 'ifirusting,the bitridle'end4 -large. event. " T e -effect that, Jesuspioduced Cixltiveitioi� of AlfalfiL, anagineat: of T,okipyg" that.'. .'in 'tries' thut. )lorded - Ok p sh *6 'a is fat:1kom- the��om,io nund''' t iof pu I . OnLs iribtantaneous.' -It",,wa§' Sheep U t - S!,love 'sitht He, finj tb6. males. ahould be hr,61-ated. tunes. the acreage rof farm -crop on. a nclor:, came, an Thi poln, ,,a f house. r �-ady-birAndArtior per�iinental' - undoubted- 10 the, In atu'red 'birds feni t e -"Ex Farm" is e. sis, rorlg�fsuppo�,ter, 9 SIf6w, out'abode',thit, day, and al th k 'the Dom. nio goo Ippristitotion-, an Or If" there. Who f 'h* I*f' d &Vigor 'should the ishig in An nt ita �ee where, rut i so 'hosen for bri the handte in a,.,holia in, a N They. w( -egg: andl: Bedimi. Small'bird' b6 'dwelt but thby' fcirgot'�all 'about T, ield 'Rusb 'or din 'his annual C, -oil ­11le V6tehi Canadian. farrn� us .beco6m. will, sind fipright.,�,' tht in fe,worlder of-thig,,mun who, f�& met] shodld not� bte, reth ine as'pr' Hors being. t at c19qIi fui,:Of re S all e th 't, th rgest t f ort tells 6 d' h' ae If er- o s9wing,'. but t is'not n could. rev�eal-� to: them th secrets an culby� rctori y- on eces.s,ur'y', a 't'a numb f sinal''guestii,* &e of lifej.of'036d, and of heaven. is a pound puer. , a it bag done'Well both on 'sandy-. aild, shou!d W chogen. :.Qood bone ' ' . c)''t, Mr. 'foot long whiell th 'bid 16und.the C hkist. ys: a s strings A e t boa' Y81.011 tem, on brie -half -pound vy .,Good fiatural,,clrgiiilitte 19 edinj turke .tter' alid�L`Sg'ar and t V:;40. One of the two was'. Ali- nec r6uifd thia'decoratibris, and, 9.0 I I . . , .. s- -, . 'Tii�,,,, he opi-ni6fi, that I' b n mix! th-e ssary� for. succe*w-, wl, h 'alfalfa, � y should, not�'I b& eonfi: d' t Peter's brother becomo!i IleC0 rew,,, inion marrion', -no e lesi:'ktiown -to say 4 party, ec4de, upon t6 later, church. Here 'd hou�e�q, during.The"-wifit-or � but should 'Mr 'E., S­Ho�khis ihe"Husban- in Alberta .1, d dedorate.*. f should;be-'a s a farm WALne,,!nx, ure isbr t ei.' fman; The';soil''ghould no b a ay -.'would ft -0 rent in calling hi 6 h le acid At' be I .16w6d to r d th ;d dq "'with- boughs I in ac of't e is the 'A'I met At -dqu "4, mo iTe 1-5 .4ariada7tw b:, ild not cai r ,a r -a a dowill: shod;, -any least, Mi ' owes per_ 'a Loan, thativbi:e,Jpm.,wi -iay tryinir aV., 41. This n sour st econorrical. method of .,niiht, the' only sh4ltiar'A d decorator , s. ant in search to a few itraw., barn, or q his crop �Lu mlps.pf.guet make'beuiffitul dec the d bu Iink that SaUCL, pounds of. the, ah. -with 9 w-111 not a mit.rairi_& out o*er� it is �,of his brother Jollies; Andre e: profit or d -at-oi UW w being Suit ftst to find:,his brother eter. An -he 17413911lar,li.ay, mixture. Only Can 110 ab14-i- ', lhiin�g -the, win According to 'the* -last: return the e6d, �is.­agAim mentib4led in ch. 6 i9 iri,-the Id yqeeiv4 Domill­ ;befit, and br t s CA sbbuld'�b.o er, breeding turke�s sficoiil �Qu_can obtain t an -grown alfalfa.- 0 DING sai n P., Cruller would be ap'- he Five Thou id, and Iii adi C pta single Fiedink of t d as "thia crop r 9 th�r'e , are 240,681 shooly. 1�n �i res ggs -pro too, *fll',be ch-.- 12.:92 -where he is'.assciated with li�e in, i over- fe I*31. be f Will bi Man! St. 'lainbs in -the Prairie Povificeg. � This rits eitilitin from sed limited. is oiherNAAe a, tend d;' 83'8m7' _F� to Jesus, oduced �n%s�ut ern countries .01107 to lFery W5,colne. cattor'a..few,crumbs.,PbiIi0 in bringing.thii'Gr'4 ar6 _Pifeiiibrje 'td mash -'half it �teaspoconful r; krile otifin se�vero`winters. Uh and works out at-losg thaii the -first fruits "of, the" Genti:e World. d P6 on the.kround und i sb4 rf&bakifig4pow- -or the. tree, and feeding. �Equal %Orifil;S, Of STr,i,%6erry in Convenient n nary, spirl -'hag not" or * swA''et or r9un rain that brcid'A �chbjco missio ihaf 'i�own-'alkilih farm, in 9 ii�. children watch`frb d 'ut ha' 310 came for counsel,'. it. blovej- pvdviouily' tbe.'� alfal�fit s.qu, "L ts and buckwhet e i -w;r6 sOckedwithli f' to whom. peol win, dow. Unless there are, -:no fev -usted. friend. always fnehided.1 s QUIA uiti 16- uring.�hoo 6:ildinbriths, jh ich, ti mu sbould,b�,imbculated. � Care e are number of`eyias,xtdvochte4 by 111v th P blitter tojettier'. you Will 'Vi6io -,.tmo�elve I tak an to the" &I d -of - weeds, but'in spring., thebudkwheat should J)e wou ed fok' IIthe first, di n of the 'flout'unifsod And the 'find� Ssy'Snowbird and.all her-616ricls Howell;, - this uMark-,9-18 seeding. disc6ntinued,� OnCe. daily iri `and'fin 42. Sime PiovinceS .,a S'hiae' en ally the join. ily kesporidino,- And flocking round C' -has.' This,'" If Popu eago on ep h'Ito feed. ',The grain, �y,sjk, an map was o b'o* the, moA,Jambug.of the e 01" our'.� their' tree.. Of �tr6e do If. it: is intended,, to: leav6_ A- fild- in Ipns�, dk,6 half niiie',' f a 1-falfa for a. n so which. should b-- .'scattered in litter:, (the umb6j! of ye 'rs times -ai' many.� th -rnay'be-used.'For ng' begin a's soon. as all, the group. is moted.from a should eshing flo'or iii the: bara is it good earlii�zt.,�ahys. Jesus' es him the, has iiot,pi�e�lou4y'grown- this er6p,'tb VtY 'h of threial 'guosts, huire gathered- e ft"Would . , be place: , X_ Cox that Nter�,a, d, hay grp, erd wig to griow on it A --mike Tell them. of. t e. insect Greek, A6ing �br A.,' Grif. t of, thi- ise in set and pes equiva.en e in fe�iod from 1922to, 9244th �Iihv, Ararmid itinties, 'M aftA so ftib 1011 be,,, sufficle'nt'.I h t ribw' nay SHEEP POPULATION, INCREA 1=s Ile of Cephisi kON. FUDDINGe, woula eat ev,4�ythiiig we plant, n ise, including alfalfa first" and thenj .:at oyster shell-, aced where r6qk."`�-In. the. early chtirch'.�he orm sho�ld':Jib. III obf sh I P" fe of our 6ontinuod.fighting,'If the `effp in t lo airl r w as o a e toTlteys Ca MANNER litte winged -people did:rocit -have figits impulsive, and-h6ikey loliged"foFthe vindes ia�ked fiorri ��7.60.to $10-00, a LARtD`JN,- THE, PARIS urices ok butter - beaten to y"cal-led Peter. His.characte n horm�jelveg. "erl Mm, Pro perio .5eA t' 3 -be-.�rovided bned �add a :14 _�aw'wab6i should ays-hungry babies who are strength that could resist temptation., any ase, the ounces of castor sugar, -fitt�d to. 'the figlirie',. in'accord- full o� alw t i's wise 'to Prices bein haft i -Semi g 4iig ur".9 'eggs, lit ari-Y a� day. 4hould pounds. of t1inothy S �ed to,,titl I e wintered '�an-.Ict the'losUELpri him Chat of which'II4' ly by reagoll'of th6jr demand for stock tl6.% lemOp an�eL "Vijb ii6w teridenciego. this '-r'lr these ihsepts. Th omises an half a drearn d sq'me ium , 'frock developed. in 0armeen. ea9P - I COmIAg where the ar6 ex princess had so'of-ten t;� - and spots in'the'field in ch*:the wtd,tio lay in t;he tl beilZ bird A by'sinaller 'farmers., in' 1" PU1110 children F�eter be- a i�e.: pound-.;. s0ring.. baki�g powde.r.. in tur'nke'l t 'diStingiLIi6e4. by its ur-6h, rs'fulfilled the. promise.r. ­Jnly, 192 lovlr�jt.,%�ii , I be tim'gfor, "the party,',' Tea A pri I N to i fedlenti well to-. 4 ' I" . . I , ng me'the rock . . semi-circu panels.. With front n wa if Su�y�iirrd _man, of: the .'ChUrch, of tinl&L1Iy.tCt mr- or c. minutb Put into a a d after id especially ;Of alfaf Cry opg.' AverAge ptieei 4 th,�.Wi�rl Ilays a contrasting,Ies'-, TWO,tiOA10 P erve ch,61ce 'is /not. C ean 9att' ' T for. telling, I disl Altkl), 43 5 will. , S te $7.,70;' c'qwtron le j, ket lig - Y V 'her1rierids are n*41h�'th6ir.,par age '20;, 4d and �trim collar. buttoned" clo�p u V.43. Jesus'.. findeth-P ilip.- In 'important as. a ru p It is a go6,di pl4ri, to tAkelh,6 stoi "gbbd I�mbg �$13. h Alf, an S erve oP 14. , I , barley,, is to this Case Jesus' hims'e'lf seeks a dis- able, asa nurse c onaRy, or iop td oats.or'Wh6af.' batte'ry'06t of iho'car'oecas! it, will scarcely be nee-essat r e sauce lie throat witb :srriill� buttbn'�. -regular' entertainrnent,'Iilanhed� I H commorit lambos;,$10.00. In 1994,..tl e 4 Ef i -A ay be any a Wqt or t e is agaiwirlentio ed in ch' At ib' F ' 'a. in. Ottamm h tt top agsuln. average re urng fiom Nic;ol, SU N desired the 4ek.ga'fflt� �eoliar m But, eithgr in; the, beginning; or,elge'CIP-ei� e Experimental arn wit h,1 w ellver J worn turned d6vin ah'd,­ look equialf i 6:5;' 12 -'21,-. 14 - 8 and was, a matter- appearance.. re specti 6me,half pd weri b6iiirt -to ustomary o eed, d moist. en,. aftei'de an washed party eing d. were 1 uncl " ot fio�i p6urio y no an ubghly.- f well. The foun a n of"this dres�1§ is 0 ma oats. 'that. the..vent pl.ugs tire lght, turn a K n, NS of of -fact ma�,' ab,'o 1 W. nand 24c per III 6.f. su4t 2 teas, sugar, d 'tid the d n. of how. t e pe verit hose vider-,e4ough- -pl .0 6C, an oil _66 jud_g_iie7nti'­o1" Thi. a -the -acid that Beeps Olit t�allihe chE re h �opl-ifil- -wirs itoff-thor _e s 'arethiblied 8S is remove ain-b a. clined- 'to ke' J�u 54 l keo.,stilt do,ugli. edges'o.f the flared pa Christmaia. treo,,by tying,a " nd, did". iIot' tru�t.. him If., Killing pLnd bre ine Tarkey and 27c. At these, -prices Ae n jsf part.of gethe 'sew ieaf po!c'.and erecting it Tfidrefore� Jsus-,gaek.%.'him out., Tra- bef ;'ending "of' ill'batter es and- I mi.na . I . s Ing would, se�lrnto' be f., R611 -out and to he, dress wheatAo a r Driass, y6iur, tarkeys - e ore s dition says he. w y oi�, all tb6,.way to the lower ag� the,follower 'who and -battery, box, o, market. This -'i! -adi di F'i u):oQui an, ihc'h thick,., Cut into i -,mall �he Ny�a in the Yarhygrd. 3 the advice given dition. to iister.n Can, ury Corroded � toliminalA ban, be. quickly robuds'And fry in* fa�d until, a 34, o ed to afid b nl& �,Ldge No, 1264, is in sizes ikd to be a: w Division"oi, the Do�� cultUiAl, ae'tiv#y. 4� 'Size 36. 116wev46r,. he had the root by the Pou,trY till.,Fdrms. Turlios '�An Inary, b hig soda, or eem4 ma(e wn Seivebot'withg6lde '40,h �2 , inches'. busti his -father. c ea. with ordi ah �st re4u M40'S a nd 5�y � he iffimedi- -digsplved in: water. Ho*- gpien bi,6 Ciire- of Therinos Bttle. miniop txiorim�n Very rapid progress'h�s '1 es s yards �6-incb of the in tter, in him, a r6 of the DO a :.gyrup or -jam., b The CA c�orkbf'a -ther is off to eil his friend, A' e sily dressed 'becuse of',th6ir in recent years in the varioug1st�u09-' P t6ly goo v.er,..USe Care ihatmorilo of ihis solu.: material, Pric Ne. tile which, sdd -constantly,'for twill say"'is "Come. -Ad see," but that thifi,'codt'of,f 1 11'Yards 54-ine bo efithers., �Before. killing, ffecting sheop,raisling jh'Ca a` it -no . Tho'clegigns illustrated. in dur.no** tion the batiery. A'coat cocoa; mik'jor SqUPA is matter of h adviies'Mri Taylor of the",Diviisim"n in n P PoPU'Ation I as s enoug 45.. Nath �tin 6`�' Tu&ey- mnagement, -of Point applied a ty box 'moti'boen i anything" like- jusdifiat, Precautions AgOinst Foid ftet the 6atte Fa§hioft 'Book a i advance� styles for re �Vb iinp6rtandeo f�orl �hhe pores of the corkl, aael. One of-th6't*e1v0 his" bull 'is and `Ary, wril make it lst man and the .11 ai-thoconew, and USuBilY ,,�talive �the �irds- enty-fdrift' :houra, dt ..o 6�dl-'glso cal:eid .0 -proportion. In thisI 1 -s the- g quidg. _i tli;aih�me dressmaker, Arid the absorb or girl who desires, o woar garment -Y is'of little rientionO Philip. He b-- onger, opportunity in 1i t. longivith pro As.prceauti6nary measures ukainst riar� scading or boil;n I during Whi0i time they:shodd be ano to a pen and given all 1hefrgh copIn Canada*. It has, -Wen: teonomy will'find.heir 1 'local preju i vl:lager, "Can! imp lied oul brood I the Dominion Apiarist, W ' dependable f6r taste, licify and USZ, folI.. the CAnh an'd' exIiibi 'I . to 1 1. n' fi Gay P'llice" Caidss, C B. Gooderham, %6` bt,; bultleifil on' .&sireg fulfilled immer.0.4. I , .1 ThisimprbV00 . ted that water they wili'drink. aetbrily demonqtra -there. ahy good, thing come out c 4 , flow to The out -Paiterng.' cg,bf,.the book.16 To.solve the difilculty.-take a smal '6f the flesfi�*.aridtleang the I Nvished to have -Soifieth licop in ctimpetitiol, Xeop rn", in Pri flaVoil and re,. areth?" a rival"Ad Cana, vs.' 47,;,48j'thei ing new n can. raise pi- Jesus 171�66jg.this, man with a word of,! iltestines, IIZ�r. - So I any country, i�hd commendg.the adoption of the f6',I*W!. the, �opy, W., 'gia I S at,' J place cards f9r dlii� wl sf b&S In, r L'oitkht, 6i" 0 common' lion ddd that 'it 18 a'gtAfic arc 'HOW TO 'ORDER VA JVT99149, me the th Qati the sWkswr t 0 6y,� now m grA. lClIdeve-jar, toi- instance),J screw.,roVer (a *0 fithat 911tPaggi-' from bee& in Never,purcl ago o.o onles.6 raise and, appi ihtio ikeg� edvere-d i17 'illlg tbL Will. a 'ittle �Jlrg Fiil,it 1, ou 'to, In unles absolutely cift'Ain they are free P1 9 Write. Your name .and addtioAs P im. Ari Israe',iterilideedo -in whomAs ing being d6n'o thr ' gh the mouth. By et .,�ith id e and, product, with' a Si on Ith a -tooth- is * atlfyi g t6 'Iiote't fforri, digeas neer feed bees no guile! .'Jesus 9 rote the names on t6m"wl with inumber and i1to of such oluti of'soda. br of piowdei did not mean that, h�3 Pushing the knite up the k 61 gi in il'goap arId:put to cork it but t ril, pick. dipeed in' ' d Vtryome in i,` if, the bees patterns AS I to soak in'i - had. no faut thathe was bi6 ' in est , WeEcTll Can 11, lav, homoy of uhkilown 6rigi �o want. Encose 26c In of'jhe mouth,'and giving I one u, can v co.ok. e 0 itatAi lutely honest. kincl pure in his 1)6rposb§,. slgar Syrup not starno�,or,cotn (Coln prefirr' up Sctia* or) -the topund allow it t' is miade much easier. A c6 _11h thO. r1oVetY.� ate evinchig ih need fedink :givo, d,,.wr 4, . . r � .1. !In eenied P . 'a' Mid, wi .1 on 'm Pluck I. : d< -for,an fter renloiral his cor�yersi' - (Go itibsfantlal j not Prchase ld it carefully) 1or eath riumberi and niciie. A ik Jacob aft6k or should be su8pendedf6oit the beak to I' J, 11. cated in a, ad 'the �weqn 1924 and 1925), but"It wi droti yo;t order to Ptttt*jrn Dept., 'tins4 the torIc thordugy. ',before. re� 22.28), on(! of llest' o -The eijht w1fig foAb- uged hive -hand supplies i -e words madia. a deep Catch the blood ed bo' 9 West *Ad& Iacin� it in the thermos- bottlei SCtnl rs � cer ai n P N, a be e "' ' t. , 'r that'ihey Comic' ilsdn ublishing Co,,-,! qhonr el And -showed erg 'And the tal re thl,,� from hibat y 'apiat al& 'St.,. Toronto-. Va torn! i redd the deep S try for'. the Cit�r all Jhe' popWatjon its op� ol inioreF� un ecohd hii t The. a' the ad A W o'n e4 may� 4e left - 1 �keep aA,l t aent by Ilthd th4mo, Ing e totte At& is. md feet and hirig with a �ofuticim 6f,goilft tb,)lIp,11 . t.j )f hi n who:. the: birds' le is very in!uch as it,shotild' Qnies strong,* - invit& fieighboring. bee:. riaturhaniL after wag] n I,, s' heart,-' and 6 on ft uondrawn. Dressed time. warran .q. ke4porg t6 ­eo-opdrate 'I and� ater.�arfd al'owed to st lls� birds, sayi Mr, 'Tay or, s be, U�all- the fi and th coul d do- this must be: divitie. He hould bo, nil , I . 9, the the count -he 'and tj ry should stay i to, tion and 'o� the di.qo Eas "Stacking Mei,�& th6r Y,cobvled'before, being -eked. UP' I age ie coni!eisidn of vi � 41), britai Y highosi tit'l,-18 be given to Nve ih6uld have to, 1pat rr fai oil ms in R�Vea e did on clean. Pao Mg n't leve co',mie.s."to tlleir� that could kig!i may biY clone :In' barrels bk Do you like mendirilt Va. 60, 61, �T 1. . . ' tw()�'J&116st -evOiri litl for Vllra� tk& whi.h stuticig and ekpose colnb bohey d dm�ot 'ntll' 'I e boxeg� s o Jesus goo d Test Vised the 1oIQNvhiJ P6tatoiChWe'l, ��Od. i baick to th� 0' - lit W"ily"Ill'tti6 world vfbw Nvis, 1100110A 1L the Acad� o16nitg'f6r bee- the !to, prevent. fflovtme w 11 1. rhtth6d 'I a d do r' 1mfetIt,9.t6rrY, of Jacob 'At Both 16"m. ken fto, os6 t t eke 'potatoes, and 6ut 0 hemon ansfee boos kott fri,box, of tf.n(l llell6g Lot., g and.tun a row 'f,stl dreinit that th�re aq,it gold Mach ------ a 'vc5 op fibe a n to III . 'w4h in< hing 41 alk, 3, r torn. tq,`�marketj ovable com's, i avoun I worn! on rt, a dar cube Ch with, angels inviting '28 W g 6 coat or gat. een f,o an& thoroughly c'en ad purify clig 1�fgd *�'onl6n and a, tabl6spoonful. ukd the bell- mokul 46 nttd!e to, preventit ftaYlng, then -cut . i)�l ..I Atrallke - the pbtat6eg on- Pdr'�'exffleA A,tAj�ored 'that'haVe a n- es n'that--part,out ­Cut�*Iie��ilnworn patt I '§ "Il an an pars n Uini rbich N iel fdjV; '"t frolCjq APIAfi� ura pop t a. lo, ey in. ay,i* ed Roney from. a, diortiated Ex! -o the. to�. of w6rn-oui ck- d' of- Iwleft the him! 6 A:�placg'whete tly hi tfijr� ire'the morer"f)ro q �L . 1 . ' S r 'du oe ion.q* are, gl�d g, ingeRino,sligh et, ere, IOU" t1m 4 - 6. a p1rit of"water. over IN I he e I *Y Aft-( plidit dil t, ft for tro4f; 6 r light'will Mike, of the 8.6win 0�� th pied cut tit of the and P ve. C_lbgbl I torik until tha pota. :the ficood,of - hdavenI3 o bbin� with vqe gilk Ail 116'1�r ihoS�_W e.9.111, Ordiat, to q e an -filtUrr, j� its fill -the bo ,men r first sock, "d 'got 'it 1*6 plate the -wlilch ig noow4arl id oth Mknti took to a -ndmbered �33 'and Can -,bo bad _rWith an oVoij �ovek gtitch, bottom throAdr th&-o' h, ja t, s7' t&AIare tender *e r as day� thre d the aste A tabespobnful -of biutter a -nil e, V1 5i. of roaTi., 'This is, J then g, competent farfne" there I freo, vn �talylng' t6 the PU611atiotiS i oits a a n iTf o1hilk w ic i Iiiis on 4 My. ty Joqq§ dT6u40_, d, te ing �h6 c�aiftq 0 bb t 0 Iadder Ibiatwibbh� ahtr wber i 'bt0ujht--a`1mSt-+) tho a or wh Total 4"1 1 tW All Ve&4�111C_."Mdj t' 0 'T.blft r&omb�' .6' n ng :a1dy nombe g. vitl 'I thd�timo it to da;� may r: 'Of' rrilig scinao, fiiyS tilh ovce thea.qt�a, SO 1 ' , and ornovei the I'd A , rs ling fjor layp ei ehelllft& it ontW4 06 bo tried -that a; ',good, 6AVi6t *h -em; j�ogug, rewived go ie� read, t"At,tlio wh ft, thine. men �,,tk6d, by' 3 iNte nd servo. at oncei spt -in foreign Inntly unettrth#d thi, It th 0 er thog 'ehowd Se�gon Thtls' doog at di th fi, I e , 9 w no ed Chopp doAn Lrm chi Ad ")o ng eac _ S bird a read or heard unpen.