The Lucknow Sentinel, 1926-01-07, Page 59 4r, ' Ow Mune •bec. It heats It ooks Oakes Provideshot water •Burns any l!' stickof WOO40 • Is reasonably pric- ed. • Tile eiolution, of ..Quebec Stove' 4 hai.17-00040.14, 'tbe POh4:Wh cr0,*e „ OW hal* iOnebec alike and ileaier'4. suitable for. -a 4r. 'fuel and any seatkoni: Dropin.and yot_t this Cosy Home Quebec. • RIIEBto 'nEATERs, ALWAYS IN STOCK AT HOW ABOUT AN AXE?. WE CARRY THE - 'SET" • FOLLY WARRANTED. • CRQSa. CUT SAWS, MAPLE LEAF AND' •WAYS ON, HAND; 2 OR 4 CUTTI.Nq 'TEETH; 1191.41.0W RACK SAWS: "THE '4.,CE'!. A CORDWOOD_ FIRCUL.AR.SAW 26" AND 30" ANY SIZE 'MANDRIL HOLE, 28"-410.00; '30" — $12 00 HEADQUARTERS' FOR C.C.M...A„u T Q ni o B ILE sKAT$..s.s itivz you .sEnzst THE '14 -EW :.40i.y,MPI,A" TUBE, 4L,U111- MED , PER •PAII1Sti.00. us show . FAIR PRICES FAMOUS "TRUE' SIMONDS A L. -STRAIGHT OR ,Phone 60b.Lucknow, Hardware Coal . Plumbing Tinsmithin .lo'rieg-ra-citEutroits- =Pm", sEriThint MIAOW ' In the Matter of tbe eetete oe Sem- tleiVeonitere lateeet the Village • of St. \nelonezu thd.' geuntp ot Auretz, ,retirod ;farmer, videelnied. Netiee jeehereliY given that fl. per. Sans- haeink,eertyeeliepie Or ;Mennen de eeiiinst . the late Skineel-031.3ter;Whe die4 enxtr About the Atteenth, day Of Octeheric,' I965. at the Village of •St. • He1en zi the County ' • of Einem are required to peed' by post or de. liver to the undereigned, eXeelitnr iln, der the will .of the Pei& Samuel Coul- ter, their name and addresses end tull particulere "in writ;ng of their. claims and the' nature of the security if any held by ',them, duly verified :by, ' And •take netiee' that efter •the eighth day !of JUnoary, 1926; the said: executer proCeed bete -the. aesett• of the „said decease(' among the persons entitled thereto • having regerdonly to the'aimof then have iad ietiee$ asz,. :;Oetti or ent Pazt. tilereel tire any per; $eii•43,f *heseetaira°he'ehall. net ehme • helie received Uotiee: '; e • ,Dete,A at. Lueknew . this, seventeont,. day ef ..111.0e9lieber, 025: • .;• -Dr, Jr...13elfogneelesekniter, Ontario , • 7;1,1920 , All. and Mre, Robt. Andrew left On IVIendaY for Windsor wheee he in- tends sipending.• the ' winter, Messrs 'Aehn, .Baeger'''and Glen' Cemphelli are. • attending the fan duties' during .his abien0. We't'riist . that the •southern climate . iney .pieve beneficial to Roe's health, „at he •hire experienced inneh distreag't!:of )a\te Train his old tronhfe iethma. • M. and .MrafP-Riehard'• . Gardner 'spent' Neweyear's leelth fried Dungannon. , The ,recent Sparrow -hunt in cormee- gofi: ioth the Orange Ledge resulted Earl, • Gibsen's , side Winning over !rein Hem's by a emelt ,neargla. . We are glad to repot that Mrs Jiie. F. Andrew is mach improvedie healtle being able to :spend; the. pas e , week with; her. daugther, •Mrs; Chas. Ritchie. • :4: FLOWERDALE'e 9.XTURE, tie RITCKLEY'S BPONCDITTS For rmiglis, Colds andnleonchitis, ai all inf,ectigns' of Throat.' Chest'. and Lungs ---,Positive- and instant, relief . , Sold EY MeKIM; ,LUCKNOW. ONT. Can. yOU,'''reinember when ethe ,word "big*,Piltl'hild:a suggestibil. Cf jOy aboul. • • - fi,'/62 401lare-werth of, Underwear -selle. 044. *lien 1t. is -galled linger, let*, • • The sea.fisb catch. on' boIlflOnstets • In Canada for the ‘nine months end- ing September, 1925, as worth .$19e. •397,076, as 'compared' with 318,118e 456 for the same of 1924, an increase of' 31,883,620. . has beenaWardee' to the Cepaclian. Pacific RailvtieY ter.: , the Company's- .teshibit sit the Can- dia National EXhibitien this year. On Op* side of the meditl.A a',Pere trait,. Of the lion. Enersird .Ferguson, Premier'' of Ontario; 'While on: thi ether is,. a ocene on the:. eibibition grounds, •• •• .E. 'W, Beatty, Chairmen, f, the • -Canadian Pacific ,Steamships,!'stated !'.zieceittly that more liners'of the "M". • tYpii.would•'be built to replace elder , liners, auch' ase the '..3.1tirlech, Mar.: burn and Montreal; • The: new shipt. .Will be 81nuar n ell respects ,te..the 8.8...`.3fontelife and Mantrest., The • 'Merkel, ilerinirti and..Mortireal will 'REli4PAST Mrs: Will Lane and fanirr etf-Ripe ley visited ..Vifith friends in the burg a few days 'last week: •'•Me.' and Mm. Wi»am phillips, of Ooderich spent •a ,few days last veelc atthe henne of Mr. and Mrs, as Ferguson. 4 :eengeetulations are extended to. Mr .. Alex 'Hackett on beg e ectcd•as ..one of the cbuetie:lors for the :cone in year, Odr teacher Mies lietigins`-hae, re: turned to .her. dutles after sPendiee •the .Christmas holidays at; her lune( . '•111.Kinlese. . • ," - ',lines, 1.4tile Spent a few days iaer week ' v,•dth friends at Brussels .Mr.: and Mrs. Jacob Hunter )and • family of Zion visited with Mr. ant'. :ars. John Ceunpbell recently. ! ' - arepleased tolearn'that Miss Ada Helm 'fa recevering after • hex irecent attiielc• off pneumonia although • it *Ill. be seene time )r6t before' she will he Ale .te 'resturne her teaching • A' social. evening° • Will be. held in the .Orange Hall On Friday aVening, Jane 1.5th. Everyone fir the coinmuh, itY is invited to attend and' spend evening with the'enemberes of L. 0. L. No. 1044. ) . • , •• • Mrs. W.. 11; Oprdner is spendiin'g 'feu; daya:With friends at Mafeki.ng. • Ralph. Nixon has recently- had a radio' set installed whieh %yin hell to enliven the long Winter evenings, Mr.. and Mrs.- David Andre*, .. of: qpelP12, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs *Isaac. A, ndr ew, • Most 0.our , .0briatzeas •"Visitori • ZION haye- returned: to theirrespective duties, namely; Margaret McIntosh, to Wing -ham Business Co:leke, I'Prathde''to..Siiitene Cassie Douglas to 4t. Forest, Russell Stott and LFloreriee:Sinitli to • 'School, Olive Rohl; to Maple teal, zie 0 g inson and Sarah Mao- ' A fish c,anglit in Shusp Lake, British ColUnthie,' ' after,' .forty - minute° fight turned out to bee,a monster rainbow speckled , trout, , reigning 171/4 pounds, with e length , of 361/4 inches. and girtli...of 241/4" •inches, It was •mounttd .and ee- '.-hiliitaltie:thereers of the po.. minion:Express Conipanye-Monteeitle- before being ehipped te the owner. in ver to .Lucknow'' Rig h • Sehciol Nettie. • • • • beeet to Toronto, and Frandet "Ire to 'Lake, esidents ofeFiewerda.e" erideyed. '..soCiai • eVening at 1-Ahee-heirie ..ve• 'Jae' It;e1VieBonalcron. 'Thore4Y night and' danced the old year''ciiii end.: the, new year '• • ' • •' 'S.:MeDoute,4 Lipkin:0W spent 'Sunday afternoon .at :the hozne , her brother ' • ' ' ' • -• Mrs, . Acempi;oiy 441,i0L:tei A..0rahanr•Ixer hes: hand. and‘f.aMilt 'day. . • • .. ; The Leacling e ompiny' The Dominion Statement of Main Items Of Business of Canadian Life Assuranee-Coin-panies-fot-thelear-encling— Dee. 314, 1924• Total ASsetS . SUN LIFE $274;130,408 , • Remainder of • 27 otripanies • • 41 ,IncreaSe in Assets. $64,873,095 • Total ainount of Life ' • Assurances ill. force 87,1;636,457 9.49,. • • combined $i74,671,278 $49,762,834 $2,413,393,168 Increase in Asguro ' Dividends Paid to Total Paid to in force ; Net Surplus PoliCyholder Policyholder SUN.LIPE $167,871 213 r $29,186,248 $ 6,437,740 434881,639 ,Remainder of - 27 COrnrianies combined .$249,131,478 $51,820,057 411,576;604 $42,25,135 • There are titen`4,eight- Canadian' pfe operatin; under' netioetei , lide,ilse Canada The inforination will 1;e: instruttive .in;thatit EihOWS. that. ,Stfr4t LIVE to: Weithig.1,ebentr.'4',:quaxtet Of ,the neWebiefiness e'cPeitted"-hY. 'COmpatileet,.het• laiv:ite! hooks-, oyee. e; quarter of the .te-- at H.IsitiesEi force;',inerellian. a;!.iiirit At the akeetee• premium! ineeme, total ificente mid iiitilite;.Paid out the, year 1924 more : than a third al; 01.0.,.441.4114eiai • .0w to .0(inyhohtersilis paid inhfo 411%.'.0,1 fetai inoiiies distributed: te;AielleYheiders • 'bq Nilo -Akan COmPirniee.:einet organization', and te0;11•04 ht, 1924 9t01!IS ,U THE ,rOrtilk„ „ • 'ett ,yorti,:are.vontemplating putting on Lite Insuranee ZJFEgent 0. i --WOMAN--KILLEQ • aver, her htzehand, •and, thttightet* )ive: tgar Ir:7119,Ug. 9 ChisleY :Lake! iwaci. lacked !)Y ahorSe lest jatti: ti:cd Ole Orwea-Struintitill, " Tho 1-1.avetwien family 4re people ef mean e •who are living. retired: • They 'keep' three highly -bred horses for their Own tise, eed when Mee, Haverman entered the stall of once it kieked ,with both feet in the stom- ach. She was teiTb y Jinjurc4 ad died soon after reaching' the . 0.1474 Sound ° •• : • , ....Ai • t'irtiV"" present, ti • r.i.c • :).), 4:3 , ev Viirirus f'o'h been lahd....;cl so far tlite sg,cepc,ii. is' far• ' of any previous, yriar'S'catch in the,. '!history of: this P"Ort: •' • • A.11 ‘tputriqand rirotolists. repordS: are being. broken at Banff is year. , • There ..are 'three ;times as ,-.inany' :campels 'as trny other*yrr and 2,400 rne 'bathers'; than ;in 1924. :.The daraldian Paciffic • hotel ; her., and at 'Lake Louise repeetS leeolginge as being unniiiially ,beayy; •" More .Alberta ,prOvineiet ;savings *certificates were sold. in •the fiest „six meethi of this .Year than th tine ' year previously, even ineluding. • the big record year of 1920. ' Since the beginning of the eerreht yeer up to the end of Junee the tete! Sales amounted. to $140605. • There is now close .to. 47,00%000 outstanding ineeavings..certficates.'', ' ..receitteg .licenses held ix Canada d of r statement .iseued by. the. Federal .0overnMeet. Ontario leads 'ell' •provnicee With „a 6441 of , 33,557., Quebec okepied- secend ',hied With, • 7,882.lieeeses,;.fellewed •Saskate .chewan with 6,551 Manitoba; 4,•443; • British Columbia,3 392 Alb erta -6,004; Nova:: 'Scotia, 1e435;'• New Brunswick,. • 735; „Prince: 'Edward --LIeland, :$7; Yukon • 2, and ,NOrth. • q' •,west Territories:,. 1. a 4114,--MgC, of Eincardf0 Ppen t .tbe recent- lioliclaYs*with;fri.ends •Paralllennt• Qf 7.)4)lt, .0"pari.ti. InlisitntriThelidays ej..the-hise-pareet. Mr; aigi Roderick Ross, Of Lochaleb, ;Miss Irene More of Whitechui•cb sriOniiing a feW.44ys .with 1c aunt Mrs. 'Jack Ifencierson, of 13"aramannt Miss' Mergaeet. Mey. petroit . • • than three .pfiblishere in the' ceuity died 'Within -the PCje,d tc.ep,t9i: The first to pee.P. Vor 'many' years, editor' and, 11-..optictir of the Cilffoe'd Exprees. AfFi AltrhiSnn WaS quite en eldeyly men ,beine3borneiwhat past . . the • '3reers and'ten. Then went, the'. Rev., jamee F. -Snowden Pent the C1.4.'letm" week. '4P sP-e'ln'Te31:-leot-3,16'„ Secf7Ctli1riaNtrnewass twine in Lochlak .' ' ' ' ' . . ." - & Day, Mr. gliQW(jeD 11.71 bi>112, t Kin- . Yrs:: Clarence, pwin of '2nd.,COn. IS ivardne and .gre gate from Tinity . :it,;:iiti-jt:4'lg',11:ea'clIvirk.cie:N.L),,:•i.:1;:p4r:,„1:4stio,'1,91liurtn:,!v...1.44::., ,..1°,1°I.Iiiii$'4treS11?-0,:f.z.°$rivibI:. 1"1:7,1:1;g282c6o'7°1Ctli11, Ilt,°h! i1* II3 ‘ 1.4.$..-.3i,v4tit-3.:Plist-HG-01449.,:-...af..L(.4*.^4.344/4P7.43".$4•';'4?4*:"I'lle'e.:11"- I • . i ' '' -4. : ' . , • . ,,'.,the°2G1 ocplee;h2a tair°1dill9d3Va'-tV't4bIleat/;ef"014.-'''.. • Ad Avith his .p,eren,„e at Lauriers,... - i ,. ' •• 1 +. ' ,- ' , " : ,‘ . . . ' • ' , - .. • , . ..... , 0 Mr, s anacter • Amu: .ziou.; enjoyeu, , 'ararnotiet Visited' . Web friends , en: - atz. die Star ' ofilee. the day before '''',,Iiii, 1011eal,d4KI di:441,ig theveck.• , ., sleet:1i; The ;immediate course ef death:. ' ., Mr. fail -11,1e4ge of rterdeo.ievi'sit. • 'fig' with his parents,. Mr• 'and .lerS ino. Meltae of Lechaleh. ra Tette '111-eLennan of :Detro,it vis'ited' ,y4th jier parents Mr. eed Ars. 'James MenOnale. of Paramount tuegrig the week. Mr. 'and: Airs. Will Mattin of Pere.. eeceint 'entertairied,',theie.eirleedie and •xeighhours• to 'Party lest. Tuesilae 'night and eeport an exv,ellent, • , Mise • Maria Long, nuree-inetrainine lh St. Joseph's Loudg.ai Was; • at, her hetet at "Eerelock City. for : a favi days last Week,. : Salina Grant /lef't On , . Siltur day for Duridalk .wlidrei the is engage .ed to teavii schael. in that .vie'elit.Y. ; ' Miss Jean Long, . teaelier •.S. S has a painful ihearing. on her keep er..o duty this eye which will • Mn d •Mes. Will' Buckingham -A • .011 • bab•-boy•'wlueh arriVed en: Moidny, the &he' inst.Congeatelations, ;el.': D. efeLeen:Leeleae; ., • leas ieane. gennone for a couple "of days Otis v4ek auditrng the 'West' •••Wnwanesh. . • e : Tbeereore we knew of driteeSthe reateOnr'astonishinent• that"„.:witeks, _ . .fiti feW• ..: Ilte:.etoek 'exchengen.,iirle to be • forMed Montreal to prevent the •.: sharpsdecrease In the number of cat tle., • In the .period -.1.920.924, there • was a ,reductien of 331,000- heed :of cattle the Province of Quebec. Hecetise Of the le* prices for live sttick, ,the Quebec farmerehas. •fused to ' face . the lent period of feed7 big' and tending, and ealvos.• A seeen ;passenger' twiieenirte 0 . flying boat,. which it: said e will • reyoeutionize the.sterial ..fire;ffEhting • methods employed by the., Ge'vern- mint Protective ...petrels; is .being *Rated at ,t1i4: Dominion GOverninent ' Airdrinne Sent* Marsh, near Ot- tawa.,..4f, tatisfactorY, •it . be'. flOWnto Manitoba where It will talui cm fire,preventive •dutios one of the Mose iniportsintlorest ,areas.' The::;1925::;totel.. of, diVidends paid , , said declared 1)y gold sieve's. mine ing',toinpaidee in; Northern ,Ontieid . 18 $1O,402474, representing st.,•gaini if .$2,614;131 oveetheAlViden0 record q. 1.94,VirieifiliiiiteTthe greatest. reeord for Canadian .preeiiina Metal •, reining ' 'industries. • Prom ' 1944 ti; .. 1925, • since SilVer Was . diaeovereCin . ',Celia* -4 1904 and . gold 'feted. in Porcenine:iiini•Ifirkhind Like in 3.pos- • Ape 1910, record show total divi- dends of $100,11,4,i;99, from these fields. ' The ;aggregate peefite are .; MOW **Swaging .0:,969,00o; a month., . . -Betteehig the' World' record 0 3,. ,.. .!:447,424' busheils of ell grains iniie :keteit en O.P.R.. Weetere lineti .Thure... , ''.ditY,' November I9e A. -Mitten' gen.; • Oral. emperintelident. tritiiiiPortetion' Of "the . System, '.'iies, meerted 'that 3,559,900 linehelit.'Wert Marketed On FriditY,•15Teieihbei 20. •,Etotii A.iiginit'' . 1 te.NOttniber 30 *elusive, .111i078,..' . •:•445, bushels: ,ot-•ali grail% bete:keen. •'trierketed, sit stations,, ;Adjacent .to '..Citeadisin Paeifie Railway .titietf!'as ' , oitni)iiveii.to 10905ima bushels: the sitin periad Iasi year; an'Aii--• • • Sponsor of what is confidentitta,, 1 . 'create ;el, about 35 per cent: , petted to be the Meet !beilliazit Win,. ' ter Steed,* in, . Quebec, the Vitititer'' : Sports olphinte been leiniched under" • the patronage Of • the ' Lieutenant.' • -00vettiot et tlit.PrOViliet, Ileite0; • ,.Pekeideati;.-Plore.- L . Av. Taselitreau, , Premier 'of: QueheeV7Mator J. San. •. • eon of QisibeeMid 'Mayor Deniers' ' of .LIVIS. ' '17ho' Maitit, &el* 'neaotia2areatie3iiterriationaltallege •.,:Siti tanip'etitisti ',tea 'tecon'1)er iIfactiiitiotti siiis* St* , leit ,Dag Pin% .tht..409 :fili which. efittollf:t.ebttiolitt -04-tetnil-the,Qe.... , 'bsts-hoo'ot,044,„ pookts,•, . .2:.. ;...',...... ''' , • •• • 1 wee e Peralytic sirekee ij EOLYROOD . • . ; • (int df4riSt. week) 714 Richards SPeet. Christ-. mas at his home on 'the benndary. • • Me. anct 3.11-rs., w. and rGeOtie vie', Led .Eplie,A.chert,s Sater. , get. '• The' • regiilai ineeting -of 'tile Wo•-, men's".I ttnte%v}h . was to have been'. herd' orr..tne •sse'Venth Will be held ..,at ilia Home of :MrseTom,..1-lernie the fouiteentiv, af; JaeUery. ;• u ee •tb Torozit'O, • •Taesday.. Atter theie. Visit to .IIelyreoZO • the '; sick • are , .Gord'on Statters,„ :the, two A'abh ehiltiren: and •• • • for ter-rothers.1;tto• the (,)11.1;112'7.:--tii4ile". • • Mr. Johii, P'urviw gave, a Very •Intt- estine' address at the nominatien . . meetthee, winch showed a ge-eat deal, ' „ , • . . forth, evdittions as to franchise and, 64 labeurions peeparation 'setting ' . afil.isaellr?onis* 'tdiliseadee7iinttei.kgewihipicohnnny. in4n1pipalitie. There was. also A thnterofl dr_ud. ewces111 yst6 of i ' • ot 9119. eye 'es*410 .". • 4S,..',Y" et -e, prom: • Rodin m •Ilot ti.oeinfrb neiir ,ibe Sint etair, Cot”'on , on filo inert oriertited iby stile p•ov eknineitt in ,eeittn-atiott with vhlos,t4 btifialoct. Tarn» heori 4.rocied ' tht., ' . ay and 10.4..er 14ft•-.-11:ikylittro root oti&vott.'d !loop 11.000. Med.. the mi:veetatitent road trio+, ' •WIr.dern,er i,v Ctiiriheook, it : t.rapotltti ire id' 17.n degreCt., And Ur.; na.nan4 intetialt to otheeeit :eet ali-yrof riAotta .0' iqikti-fevr years• 'Voten Sir •'George ' Sinipsoe was :Making • the. first overland tour around the , , -*arid,. he • came. tieeoes eere‘ 'hot • Whigs On the Western slopes of the iteeky 'Mountains. whicit_the .leeal. Kootenay Indiana frequented ail, Ad., , • eeutit of their. curetted .proP'criieie As the white settlers denie in tifter the WildHorse Creek .-Gold ttush,, these taine to be celled The Pai. •:moat 11,4,.:SprIngs,.....and,becitine:.•.a. well known landmark: on the 00V- .iiettiiiiet# road from Lake, Winder-. • 'Mete te.Ciembrook. ./e. 1912.4n Eng - rancher, pur- chased .thene, tied erected bathing fa. iticklind,two4eitro:,sig.o.,zin ade enSiVe%iraproiteinenta.-111,::4onneetiori, • with hit* develtipthent Of a bungalow .Anitunp: The'. waters aneianalysis •;proved' to contain & hlgher porton, ugo, of raditlin in solution than any 'other SPritige on the Aiihrico con, (0404 Mpg OAS 004 $10$0 .-Arke*,isas,,L-111,-addition., to valuable' curative deposits of enegyiesium end lime, The Canadian Pacific R ell - way . had 'obtained right et Way through' his . property iti considera-. tion of dialling -their station Radium. and'theae, Radium 'Eloee$pringe. row. attract meny visitors, the camp, hav- ing a capacity for seventy nor:ions. A special bath is now being' eon- • struetedfor.. the7.1ndians; under ehe superintendence Of Louie *Atholtho - kootehay Chief, while the iellite folk heee,eeepeeieue. rig, pool, ear., rounded by'scimpuletesfy .elean•drosa- frig reems, There is n tennis COLIrt arid- herSes with „guides. are eveilable for riding ethe encighteerieg trails. while large numbers of eutinnobiliets Visit ilie..Seeingedurieg the saininef'. ;liken lielland "hike intelltkh of insking 'thie an nficyear resort, raff the,waters litiVO,s ioniser. attire.ot 1.20* And never feeeete: • The Only fly its the -01fitinent is that the GOVerninent operates $S1' h.k9t.' 60440,Bu-Wiudcr- •' • I1'r0 r.nd Whili }Ir.& 'A1,8(3' ratted ita- diiiti Tlot Spr,inga, being 'the post Office address. The1/4. Sprints ' are also hiehreettrative and 'have' • .• else; a neighboring ramp which ,was' erecte0 by :the Canadian Nettle RailwaY..`aed is Opeented very • etiecesefulle by the Misses Aterstroee, • The 6tWorit1)cstlf liot Serino wc.4.e for many known ,as tho• Sinclair trot nnnied'stft4.r in Os Pio an nld ttille pioneer, illeo is' tb,, first known , r PiESAL. In,1311. The vietne'e- these Springs etere..known not enti ,• to the', Intlinns htit aed it, is eredibl,y rettorted ".-thet in the old clays beers used to, -bathe 'thor,..nawf-3, in the teeters, to;.e.eettro.. relief from .ilitieeeilent. there' iss natural vonfusion throtigls. • the dUplientien tif ntihie,ebeth `tee " sorts ate,re45idly ineressint, in pon4, . ulerity, ehletlY owing .t� the draftee iiiii*Ornoblit tashifilt thknialt the aothies.-