The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-31, Page 2WW
r tm_ 11 �4
I I ILI 11.
tw.,t W.
W 'k _,�,��;.:,.� ...... . . . t
t"q the in
ThA =109%0� "4440q JPW 04. id 1
z IY, Until Vie vo
z S� ton
Aji rQq I, 'N v!*!...
t04 u TM114.1 � � ". IV., qvolop 7
"tho Aqwem, K I -E Ca
RNA on..", i0aging" Mork pta :,proper'!
WIT -or PhY.SiCal
Tb16 homey. Of ptneL� %M wid4t
L . " "t $'bayQ
Ing,''In!tble op.en gTatQ, PoUthL b
'br -Z 'pry .. ............ ........
Pq 1, Xele��Ou, Want
u und�
H 'h" at,. removed,
a, wit i�d pt',clilldlath Ian th
VOL T hay I g
vk# 014194-, 94"tho tut., #dc 3 'S _,,r
jin my ygqAtipp�' and " ri it, % ptI.en1DIds_bophlpg the J
0 w a to blimp,-. 4a
floating down tliq pta
#;,es are usua
R.qw, 1of9d, it,, calle4 1 e t- for. -ovening pray 00'�Cblld to
or— 4. CAPO It is 11POI ss to 101
thp %Irds Up
Iglifly rq4nd§,. p th Sh
14',4q, n n44We "llMn't )cnoW. v pb ein., parent 1,%
qp hloMbu
y6U. cared a�oub.
pf).1 e�bedsl
d that, t Id Apt ----- ------- ree, or we wQLV have asked 4w, A P4 0, �$O r0jr, his ebliA
to have it cut -,,.down but 'g,
golden h re4t is
the. -commonolae CA,
th6 h ............
"I hq 1 love Alliho trqes Georgei,.k. Just
thi —R
bofarQ had�my plis
Tkq. chttd; doeamot, rq000
t i-einai lcat,6 and slftwu�
e 49;del
��Pbq out a t
'Iii—imnotheri m -4y ext
you knQ3y
*y4 kom
that. beautiful pI Of JoycoL
bid, 149 Ad,6nolds rembyed
and -he 7b J uot, tiq'bad, M, ttv
oOn exatil 1141994,� A Of *hom
9 to,� have road it, to f,
it o tire iiK..
Len, bt 10 qUt;.QT the through, aasked 149rtha..,
r, POat it
and Illn
"too R�c
,q na;4
robably 6n: 'coijitt f
4se do, thok
need -to be,: at'Llnupo"' a4.4
In's ceal Cau
be 9e; iouth',br6athin
S6............ 0
" :� aWhen
f -bra,,
en1, -poezii lovol P t 'I know 91; ch Mligs. cair be,
IS, res t e
ro a
That.lovelf Niy,lg� tr w 9 ok AL & y �a
fall lf 'A t h h 'n
f or eAlk
lii�dL to Perform ',tt
I)IISS and - ashodel,
lid bri tree 'that 1�ok Pday f
-t little at, Goal al
of balding t a:fac� in ptpper ppol,t+l'
U I'sball b�lleve the �tA, 'ome part
o - L , . . les, in1i tell; Weak
-low r t
torresort q oxe
and -it Y; in summer wOAr -tin t1jeLM k
intle, UlseS to 'tr'
a in lier,Ihair;
A nesVOf
es S -pet Wdth t a,,;
oIII eyery day, will ine&t f It
... . . . . . . .
up, .10, bos6m, snow'has Iewa d
r . ri irs.t he nilist bo'
f �Who, ith. rain.
Tue. to; $u JeCt9 -that. a\ oil encourageil.
"Poer re
b Rg
tag! abrea,
-But only God"64ii m4k t ths
he attention of M-01-0 p
,the ree "45ANDON 8-51,-SALVAGiE �0:11 WINTER' shut:. be ilats'all Roages nl,urt of
ha -PS. th �tany others at' present
or a moment theli I�ue'to the, faci ih4t the� -dive'r'a we' f it
led' through e'. reelipg 6f- to air Ill one I fV6s' of the: re im-ijerl the,. wk, no- ire and' th
'ary ai 'Wha OeS
tl 9. intorlia Uiiig, Y011k 6r Gla; can (eep on
d' St -of 'ral
keil U�S. Submarine .,f OCLEIDek q d-h�s b
or I or. no
rd en, p0ist Oned to t 0 apring. �Phow, Age ons,.or ornioue4f.
n. up h into -the ley
rQbinsAn h6 31hOws 0 Anal It
Iveliers belit. I;Ilq 1.W athlAg thrqugh bl4ked.,' iTo4tjiIj;
sA, tree or iL has-.beeli b
Vi 0 ard, in *,a man
"Wh asn't'any'li 'ill -_T h
---------- i*; waa,here,-on Spring vi� t 0 -differon.&I t , 1,
0und- ait—th roi*—at�it
grain, and �ag en' em
klands hat, giv.e: Origin t
*ld* reeri
to the! branches M, wat 0111 in a Ifflro ,:a iiii s hou t h' k cretions depends. large y,uon a Sur thdng itnid.'dodp,
thit'"Veiry-trw�fWaTlt to:'cut1down. ear for h ere c Acled to: 'any- Mid; or aniLmAl
qther 6ck of the,barn �go h ee
d afidies., Next torn:,had: been Placed, -and 9) Ildle4t. quan,tity of vitanil I -d� ce gym.
get 'your
ie wa oul
-you some padked MOO' Sure that ne s With e-arnis while brethli�.g
d his aw 4'. h IV oostle
Ou�reme father to -give he's' 'n 'li
les n
d under,the-t --blue deeply.
is iffiq �ta .1
d time for. .14:fig' ish W
ca and.4irittir is'a har'
eAn''mouch far that
it - a " 9 . I , �'taf Mr.
# and� P�rhIaps t ql o6rt 1fi Va1IL:1ftt1'
n tliat., P. asan s come definition of v 4ne. 0,6ir chenii
��i ifel Y, 0heasaiits;, Wel S, w— t ire h iii
W -011t; if there 'are ay, about There--�:�That out of the wo' blrdi.l Itpan 9(,. for "A�nQt tX dal' position 'has, not..yot
YL - f an, ert-joy our Christ- "I L I
catch one Hiid§'_Chrii rea or ountry. her
ads., d arli cov, ered,. Ian d w h ea.0 o, the wor.k. tho
esaid, little tha& !0;111:�k i of,.'. -'our Christr(i as,: the �dfiifd is is ee,� t )n InMeblef..
06tirse h4 didnP e ii
oc c6s. 'Tlay� h -as �60
tmas T �wijen pen
ma e6p
d T'su
e mow thein'-hild
div, AT e afternoon As t6in only
trolrin 'PP Th 4� ffy I)Y' their effec
ear, tt fie)lds. 'h�o .9ca M�': At Is fa a
cquirrels were S, ti the We' 4,11ilY,011 all 311ptht, Tile ren wrkept:Ot of -the, par th 6
and.'hap* F., Cau in faci, I- Am' sure - you will - A)Y /)the ievil reults Furled up. in her �".p it busy �or,,ai aild lfib,ni
is. bi ': Or h' c s ey, ill-fi the door tanintals', whe
never, catck!L ras k- i6d all -win n U167 are
t was. GUL I an,d - throat imur'teachb- ol —WQ__RWW
V p ..Un:r oil, .1116 chlld-aw�k.
ine.mustn't. '7 'A 'ha '4iri sory sh; should say that, for eAS with 'brchled, tongile
t- tI reasok
it" said 'Susie t all
-do A
to t
on I er ro, tri t re Ju, ease 'as,
Kew, pesons Under- �,In&ed tial roll't, a d
S .ni t
oed Diary., 1111D.16'alid
tba e` r,
Y tv 111 -9 fidadiDus 1661riedy'lo, th
or ley, the' 91'e6test. les 0 'e, to
Ql;,L noW M tIldl'to 'teach children'A§ to
su,and' �arki d o
'teach a do an fiik,'�bizt do a a. ci. I ;1 9 u, -of it; silial-I
n fa s',and'
k n his wife, ad&dl;��"
Ln I fast-,
en 'ex
eed K d, ov#r4 e sides, P lie—a' -,-- t Lill
that 'with,, a �pa And' livin t ih j* �Ar 's
-N-0 i g�crea ure. ydr#6
4rgreen tience orhris� t1i en tbe' e IS'. not a
gin:'L to teac -d Th lanatidn - Is that gN"
t can !;6 h,L roun in g by. recent
round illihi P. n. d 111611- out. har&� attilent, ca It it is.
I otieb be nis e lips'Api th
jj�', h
anyt ing,tar rvere five h- un as t '"T 'Y
y liqlish'wrifer, an I AielpsJo e63.
enty of, cats live
txtiijht'�-toi: m" in'd P1 bnany kind 4ho�,likons t t�:.tb.o
'�hurt or frigh
An" L can't tell *here; S at e U01 mixture.of.
difftrent iolo ei &r tich child.' pilteS 'th f ta llib-a,,tdold habit.'
Le 6kL birld. or aA r ,b
ti spark th -,.I,
birds and when,the Christm6 m6rilin
;r S La] I . 1.
Ole was ;ilvz — — -------
re'out,6 'the *nod bfight it,' R bY
g. d t,�d:t6 beiin
wl lind., 'Ne. aie--teaehitig- jinki I , drawing a 9=9 ne engine; the. qlpark,�: fi-
b' d nd th' e -cold..' Snow c6ler0d:.the ground Xlb- guel 'or the,
at ue fig o no irso wlbhoiit� tlie.
a 116 "Mil I 'S'
69 i8ucbihg, them.' have b&n and the ch�ldrei'n.sbouibd' �wlt bo�n�',:and'A�:�rticle it the
m�ssl ittid,hardenitig ibeii be
Is. Ala w en, oo ing e blue ribban", 'wa's hers. The Chi ng"
'turns,*6adh om ALI;
C assed or adly,by
-and 'caref LAI
X1 f0T'.them,,,an get Pulling �i the dli,dasos "thAj the. lack So rarely.O'nd t
aid osi;udyo'fbi�ds, afinotifie6d prudly, d* they *I: toward' 'hd;.-L ;if. jh. haf 'the,, lar at,
Of �therli
WE dome 1116: better thin, -my� ehildrpn, birds'.'� Susle"who'hitd,",
ki6bon eiids
h I k" but. the window tb6� sa* I dtherL or totin6rtunate at; t -th, II hiriii -we In6w -the nd:bf fuel ithb
taught dellg4 kmaid
it ter y will be
ry, Ole *i1kniald
'Ning, one of the There tig ng, a�stng:l
ometivnes MYL Cat thei -Birds' with dogs Oi �eats:'th L t Lh "tdL �aj6 and �,my'
W away: and
that.,, �Lndihbbt at- a to
by sCos, 6. japs; chickdd6es;, Wbodpec)-! know heait,...
I . r ippie, ju I-ange' Al I re
think, ily kiiid-of biid.11 di he Cau
ever. isobeys.
It o108,:. Rlck�is re�ullts frbnl t1ke, 1.,�Lck.
s e s;a4n tho'witlt�6 b' !en& -of the`ii4bon WaS Ihr&7�Arid
X" W
that M. few Person heavy-- likii 'a rain of car's a. bak . -bOrMerl.'fr�m,the, Hick long 'a his
o,was yingon th
E anI
ecurVy Nni the pre se'r; the, nost
5,Jt,m d a'l f
th chi- called;�,lifted his'head and., thumped; iiftilish etent. tim6s was, EVI . re . a upr� There lack-of-,C-Xitsmine. is thought.
his 'qn a lathe blckbird cedai! Mids � and are.." said Mt. WeNs 'fl ha�e'vittelizd
4glish'. sparrows of
and 4ies' c I'd
blo�k the more fun -
flisit 'began' ooki ng. oil t t owl n . g tis 61Qr, a.;L're( Is FQ� ki in.
�:,all oa�igeii! 6-Y D ftal�l 6ffinihi#' aY 11.5- he drhi t G SO - , '11
were at ing h sparrows, at diff, theii;i f6ed 'their 1tte' ones' a�d h t )'at *he-Geor'
-tail on: ih6- floor. Since is -'c a I n #eir
-her. them flyt—to-4heir 'ties S I ',iibbon,
"To' again, and e
wi agairI 411, L'i! C' aen lie, sweet
a but that"I asl yef.
T�at' Is' just thei tree 1orl -new sed,Ahat:' under the Pure ni-Ilile or
get�. tothe �. t' 'd -T, - she �Ss` the tab'�e - faiind'iliat it led tol
ilow. as re sitig. h'
4,a 077� % of, .15 PuW
-w er�., -es 9k
Vitaniiii the hiihna v o y and. 8
-veirses- and closes� an wh6n "the tI - A adi iiat.,manUfaCtuked .4it
her '-smiller .table. -I d Lich -of. them or -wit
911 ft f de'
causing thopc th�� GI are can,
I g; . s� r:ones
Chinery, tied In fresh �neat,
in :
Jn Ik, ljut�
II aziother talZe "when a ,ter eg �cardsand stil
gs'. re' derl rain the t A Ailie6lil devioe "WasJifted, disp',aYed . a ved
0 9how
Y cover
4 e
veg t f�oi
r I 0_4b;�p gni -the IT 6 better class'e6s, or - P60M hilif
jUit, cI ma :cr
e eases�,Abova in
6ut.-In radi"h ads �-of 'Oeaning- t e �ee the chiII
iid i .,: - dy- vii-lous ine t1i
bUsmoke,-s�abi. is� orr oth feast bf'sdnd A a
oat the on Y:on,e,3.
supper I JHtY
h h
her �v,'in*ds. are b Os. �qp
I ving the 119jeppy or vitarnines'— on c e
the day efidedi' and as, the. PAY ar e' U P; 7SO c
ish toli I.a'sure you Would. not W onally W
tab 4oned that,,
I e Fic em
it- ;�Ould 0, le ink to their "night's rest n
-seen exeinpli
"Wer:e. 90
N losl Itack" Ofy "are,
PjrIS.14%V ._
think! this. is' ti ra,
I ge ild-ren 1 Trioniplie. 'of
ig, best takei birds' y774
min, sictian 1,,Ing,
'vitat 3 ce
Thin �ti:aw If a. pound 6
goo a ssorl;� -
........ t -b. wh� ja�zed 289-B.C.
oor A eseen
ha LAafille6tatign S ea
4� och
U I Input
S1 tite 'headi il.'Wlt I them have'eveethe4j
ii(ai� :auntielll the ch
Si' 5 OW' 1� QLAW criedAn chbitis:-: had, a
our �4 d hr' ICS, king d
e of drdines' and his
v whikV -a
!,But oui)ptesenie;-�-101 Sort 6f Spoil in e
bo. t t d 'itigh-'.
oil- aGiiorge an Indigbot on, rAl. over, hif
ing yoti,some- r av inteig ua
awf p t IgU6
-Shall bpkfti--�WApli' 0 .,.'bad, and m fa;t 6a,nj6d' all
said'MArtha. -Not a,.bit of 'it 0 Answered his auW a
sle, a righi an�L 1'�ft- It,- spent.
gl tering, peol),
tmas tree.!!
a ou ,niy,,'worl�l �
t �at, this s-ort.01. tb;'�19 a:
feadih thdg t,ou a fine WaY. bir a. our-.
s.ty 41t i�,ill'Anjke us i0l appy maDY year-
itto give thei C . lot h
1464_�,to tionj �ai44�mia,, hri� a SQ 012- bul IT e
oc ftstel daiwh or care colitrol, t wa, _n I`dearlidlt Thd PTv
li . 9, (a nd-'
f tWn rea zed thitt the b
ibd that
it to'tliink the ''hildren,. i to thp� bi&r: w
etnL' taUg Ing to-�nit, to think of the.
-u :-- - k 10C ta� dub. his owli'. family..
f *6 troubie. IDag6ily tfiat.,they� jumped P. from -es hat are. trabed to" iM
an atlit13 per -
Ili ..the A ivas"their Seats d- set Rex'to bar I
A� 60od, deal 0 king. `314 the:.crows and ie -oft
atter. bediuse 1" hwigo - to pl�oto�q ()Ue.41lie'day y6ung,Ac iag
h the 41eta� tdAd th4 i'te - 6f� the old ld n g.:
Lek to the tree lWarin�r and,'b f I
b 30 .3. 1, t ryl-�whqie-whes t Wf , avor
as�*ell: as chil-! 1', "Let E �t bipetd,
e to elr 1114 pose we ing e our III going
-said. t
�t, St6f) to t .1 ty are , ult Ala 9 big gr n Alie. en
-us h* * milk, bt,tter,
y 0�ristm" Pies, ��orld;:The yothig
did't :ender- eggs,
hhik' �rhetlib fresh f,
ant� to the birds d bpds h th4,
-to I :-.we; 6, 'that?" a d to. nd &Oked. iatildi U4 way to the, 61ther
nfor f iy, Sprinkled 9
their Own com-�j dt H;D*' 6 �ke c liitl� Nim Wells, Valid 'fresh', vegettibieh
e . irtea.,
6ft'L or-, '*ag, gbip 4EI U - ta )rolnkod bolling' or eyen,.6
DS, i,6 I
-7-T,-say - a on
-a eatilm th:
AnYbouy Ct rgL, the Vic mln�w-
Y t d day and,
isight aW joas hdy�e all . i . ep In, fair leaned, hi jeeth every wil 0
that lives �,We can bi,giii
IT itho -.1ft palft
�nlount and Ag,
an e -be eat0u. in - large the -gratid6bits an ona c t
1, h ai*ays ne presen Is for PrOoth b gt'wh6 loveith best mean AAY cre9L 111! th,birds. oeful, but
uet, and cut
'two-pounds'o'beef a
we, ha at, and, smal dom'.
no right tocattse, sufferi� buy tnings both. gre, an el
Oft s6fish -squares, or any shape 'I . ilie . vetb US'L bee#US6. the i0i(I they the' i eral pyre. - -
s. for our com- it iriLt.6 Lr -Go'd who
'�O -1b 4 uli
then make litt e i t we Ith al 'an
to, 0 etr I- wi�e,Vitskets 61 For. the�det quAntl ed
and danta;n_ Catiningradats egew
Ceij�en �ry �f Alu
He do an,
.'o my, pupils Commit cfih fastj�n. on the branches P�riis $011th. tabl�s d tiop. thpyttamlnes� In 10ge T began 0 av That ill -b a -great
anl� trunk'!of'the The' centenay of,
fo memory, Poei6s about,blt,6'and tneamire,
atIti-action to 'the Wood-;P;ncke0 -4hd. Qinu 9 this, Y.Var,' for Oar.
nids,nd' oawptei and:t�ee , 6) -it mad chilckttdbes� 'The bl`d6 JaYS k6duo Ittv, wht',�: differeh Eirly Marrisigo Alto.. CarladaAS1116 �hie c 'er -to, b r
n -d ite 926 by eafiverthig� alumitila,
'hood, in 'a 9hortlimO, gteedy afi&-get more thin 'their shatp,�l It6h V
n hit neighbor iirobablY� originated by A .4 re.,. Tale a Ant 111:
within the min 'Quebec , it
boyii dtopotd robbing. ;birds' tests but wei can't'hOlp that�we -G In the da:ya' I t was stone, Are, oilfid'ift Ontarlof t�6 ichlki . de'land 111bu Vodutling' tht4:,
in the r gLtid firing air'. g H�,nlen wi�6 ted tli,-, tor4h dati British Columbiet tit by means a an a
ins at living,. targets. tho "' to. tit �p It ce sAl inalghni4f jil ili:,
the very Ili- rl�
!if: Ill t li�
uneb Su
affiA their dogs, but 'did Sparrows ai&6 ngry, they --,wedd icycles, may- tdkosbii will. bfb,. Ing torelil, ter,thdir b ffoo
-for, thorn, T
liat'let'thef t the, ta�' enab'e about giity pe 0
o-.v;e 'art�o
hen we Will I F TV
des 41dt- other fdQ r tn,e g oom, now niot!1�5� il ed thie, I ride to the home. 0
.3 ou usiness an pro'
en arge, as ki'tteti And t1l#hY ' I D I ty a f
They diO not- Or d fd 61oha potatoes long 'ent., of r b apoot cats I so, a bAke' t%�O` dot th t I jl,�' f�nk6ff :Lt6 gi.1800 11. 4611:tO CO tblAnifte alu I Till a-
ritinue 'working. 9her ml b6S� n6Aoger e ptiretg Wet� 'lid. aY!s Dfiit�cf "'I oc -nough to ;�aker t6 sk; t Wqh18
Each po. I w 11 oil t I VO,, I)YoM torch as�11, reached.,
. .. , 1.. age e
ed thp-pa;6t horse 11 *gsArlv- wii�.cafi cut theni ate, br r -al filaTriahp th (I ,for, ill at a:
6 rtm, 0,�hlblti " I tjj6 nit
"W PIP, ill 0�
ato will ryi'�Ice two Vas�ts., 1,
aid with�itt: intdrfor,09 -t� hr �V
Ing All, t 'A' f bread crdt6l alid
hi iger
in 6ortirnercia ,Av�afldlli.
Ith,my Other les. any mixtre
it �Lll sonso and
L li� all
anig OL Mutu 8xid SAL
'JEVF�—HY hUV AND t ige-(4 L -APS In 1922 04ld t laft
�i6 �(cjvk N( 0 1;0.00,66 hill' 3 fit ('111' Aig, -NC-,' 0V% VW (11
1 14 'tot) G(Sk m, E:oNbNC--S.S FR ANOAACS C-NGAGC- IN Ft. olll� 611(? DNv- -'�OQ COMC�Out C_ �JOW 000 pas
Y016 up Fop-, - b,
cident. -6 Act 1. i I ve :LANDet�
IN AN NIMAL I MR C oF 1A 15C -Lt cA-tc-st. b6t-�1t'1'.iW6k%Y I -CIS 6fj
IM A (9 -,r'T tANteC_ - De,OCEV 'Hbt MOscat.
IIAALI� G Uc(< -.M AT I Ilf W110113 Vin I
A b66, 0 AT'
hf Gy0st
I ous6n
toug iPg the woMs "WIloalifiVe VoUgh stata rh