The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-17, Page 115F.471 �R­7 N 3IN IN -W, W MIK 77 or ;.V T 14 THIUR 114: 9MCKNOW $ZNTWX 71" 0 R! 4 all 4 RG9. $S X`Qith -04,0 4k- Phe, $9,041, pt 'Goo it pq*or,,vsa Mr. and Mrs., Jno., He f-ThA yj ',e Are sper,�414XL a few-' da With HOMO,,-. friends in th is vicinity, o -ane .f, L 3ited - with friend, Somewhat p W" Q. Rep, ;ind, little'Jean, A a �.sr, vp s ai eitkatiqw stom of Zion on 'fuesday, 14-4t.,' allge of Atten! .0 . ' ' - '�';g . - TA r Fri. *11"i", 11 S. 0 Th �y weiip 7 ' e. pi�l oT, w hl ell E:. C I X.ted, murder' mad. .11:ss Ratt, c G-Aydon, of.�Streetq- by One I,,4tchfor . Tb f- ' tlll,,( 4 Vill Q,R T THEel who. is, .4ogisting in 'th northerel 'part o Shot; r , f, hr, Co0ses, which Are, b�-irljff 0 e 11 aills iP0gk4(,t a a, 1y_ I .4'am, 100, of er he, r � Con k. - tpone trifl M $1 0 e�. ner�­covl ep -11"ID cl, Chrat nly- 11 2 Shopip d 7 "ONT RA -,W. RE'' W-ris; durAh'-- ther "',V R XV wag, Jwcesgar,� to pw the, charge tb On I.PArning that is Lizzle HeJn, Ilk to tho. 40_9: Day away,, an as., -40 s rpe. times. owi E IQ I ihM11y.to, -letiye . t*thai-Thackei wai unable -to-x4t-,:' mf:., days.shorten, 'we wonder still ore. whot.we w. H . give Ioou tile �Areyltdl too ho o%vn, Oalfld� a trJ4 c6lifine A9. entex, a me' of, her rt, to IMF ftiany-friendsanj relki ns. _Mqefs, .0 -V n d 'IOU SUB, 'd gay. SOUP* !r iAj i it In this Sto +611 tot ur vS re are :m S.. RAW nainvy pssernb -9 by the , � 'bp w T -Car. Pasli 11 he hDwm 1� _h-af-rM1Mitg­MT- -ftn-Hwg J11, r convenienc i6d eva -for sboppers... E,%�er al W j and Mrs." Al�crk Hol'ai, 0 In, the Meant' .� . i ep. ime Hq.dgjn$ S even ng, 0c, Urdi to expre, s !n X�'WPH'rYOU TO EXAM n, Thursdw Z11t W� TOM. Q1? X4,M- D 8 0.0 $6,000 b,Ailt.`Qn'Dec, 4 Ment' as a. Own. er of -dts -a-ye.A.- ME: OUR; s has— th E G P 0 1) WT 'ppING h1t&_ So *'fakr r' iVered thaf,h H 7 -MOPE SjjO 'D" tangible. inail 0. ;BEIFQRE, nor Mieli- . 'itp -piatior .p.rL ortg which are -Iisteo, �e QW, by 0 -he X! Z, onnee, urt Id., -Ab -A, Eit,� , , neardine. Of b6r seririces, iind, able jo atterI4 'I .0 You A co WE Giv lj�]pw 19 U (11 GE$TIO tion W#h, iwoji .Church and Jotl e kicQiirtft6:P" Nr'-$ 'WHICH r commun rney �Frecboi n -County Crown T After hig. 4. short -time in Atto T. 1114UPUL, XUJING SOME 0 We F, YOUR SELEPTION04 .0 'haVe ii).U$10,,'ganies, f3tc,.,, thd, foil 1 arpearpd jor the. cm, It tRim owing al,� 0 Bom ay,,, oyd. q )yas,jo; 5,_ k ,pre or par or.. c aj.rq�, �C .: "I . aT h U a),r -e 'ER1 - MISA.-Holin',!; ' - 6� �' 1NDK fflEF'SLL" �,.af,. WhIkekton, re s;nt, Presented With t* glaS Ge c: 7, 4jon, D�ee., .73 .1925., -it Cxe�o',, C!Lfli 4r" tbb�,r'jd�jt Pop ma" boij the cour opoiieq "PliIin `1 �ji 1�' . ie . W that thd arg6 of, , - 1 2, � .. 1, 1 j n. e 'havq kin 4� He Afto�ney,�:itated, o',r ; "; 'Oor'' Lantbril the, -Crowr s 4' Liz7 or e Xmas S, -91i i, the lJoAr Misi, Red att0mipt0d murder ,was aid Wl A, .49 ft".4n� IjArd.:&lj�r. jP t burs'an and as eS _romTac*� Each -pair at We, youi f-iierids, te C6�ni Authoritics, ATfe Oa e sociat . - �Cbui;;Jla --nd -e he sked' 0 on �it at; e w", Wt t b th' 0�0 And a c arg@r ASSAM . . :� b gtr r , ..., b. , I` tit to' $ G., 0. et. hi f "it, C. g bi.!toge cails -hatr6- -be MPL06i ThjS'r h Qnor at t is tittle. previous, tf VESr t h *Awntu'albodily it t? 0 ac "Old Colo-ly" Silverw=6 inte g app, 'and Joy. e evi eni�e w s your, was granted by.. the or3 Th -M.Silli-XIIiArno sette, W�of,�, ill t express our 'f' ip their takiin In ift -I Plate, M one our' CrepC Pair. "Ca qn*ty., a es'to fit Chil- e it IW#S uilable tJ M Popular Styl'3 anA S6d, liabl And Hzix&lwt�, 'our aliprec, Latchford Thacke 'er altk to U and-'io,,9h6W --s 'UrArust t-and,so'he was allowed. 4xvii and -Ladies... Reistinably Priced. -to. sit, beforc . Nic P re' YOU. AV on of the - services b h air t, t Igns,'at $1.00 nd ko -PlAted, T�a ad, ttstf., the,Ma-istr 6d'that he a. fh pUffS dere te;, 'He stat so kIp"dly re t Aluminum W Other Silk. Ties iq 50t. and 7w Elb,ctri both" the Church- - d the com mu I n oas, er, are all was -a'married, man with six cildre n ty, OSE Louche, Plain gilk H. S. GranA 'e'r Waro Your, faiflifulness no, A�iepmpan;Pd, ig 1he 'Shade,., MEN'S '411 timo� %o eldest beting -under 1;6� of Plate Your willifignOss to help At age. yOax and by $w 0 a L You are. ti r tit - e taski, owl k cerized,, Eleictric Iron which' you have tindeitaleell aj'e lin 9,calre to -hisi,,,home. in waif, from SiI or Mot 0 to. $1.75 Per pair, rW deid dpprezIat Part: Ford.car About -a -�,of -'r C, 0 culdrly a 9 -in. on the 7th I 'Art,S! Rose, at �5c. per pair 'ar t -13 S L er Pa.. Wb�Per September. Thacker-:;spok L E'eetribr !lost �C 0 h3 Chailich, youj� steady e -to �r eWIS MT.pb of 4 cemore' ard Wool .!logo L Air VERS- -eh hag alltii�ed and then to Hddgjn5r.,TheybA4 'Plai d1b:Xotxon to-,dutSr Nvh' .1 VULLO Nicke -P '4 Tbk-.Kett!b, "Ji0fil 75c. 0 'T' "Bbyjil Striking j- ur rs Electric' C f. .1 late 4.Lbsence, -on' only, Very. fe%�. 6c fOj young Sam Hodkins who had- h Pe and 'spebt%the der-brid with Thlacker', iterti"s �'that casion4,. is, wo�thy-'or our best trib za�- NW C4,ldr§'an.&Va. Are delighted to k4o'1V your. 'Son. There'llw-js.bS quairel. H e. sp Rloi� in. LIghi'.Shadesr.-I We H19_-Cutter=_Razor,_ ute; of p6me 7 l -be- le- -Qu.r -H d 11MIU11 f Shot dun,.' -will'be stil' InInUTes. community ;and tAh't Ybu e A en mat _o.%vr t , 't "Z Ik )�ach Sii ety �Raze* s-,? wced iodgin, G -Atb--us Wel�.h 'what. he-TT.mea U ope­Y6U-,,,wiI1--b� lable.' rif-by-Ahe-ria-matkibe A(l Ilk 4 w AsW oC t sa*� inue yout, gii ma,.e . o 'h" iin Kiincardi—ne om thr Wonder,! to Pont ood offictis an*0 d t lin lye, -are Showing, and, they iar Uj7A 0 b en -of-! coffle lad, in It of 1. 1 in n'9 change JDf mind,- sAv '12th 6f,Ju.ly (illat Thacker 1 6' going, ast), ent e ato ��,opportunif% e. rs -j'o el',, separately jk jj,�� ercasinz fideflty� to �our, �ere in hJs not I; Tg,.Puro mpanjii4� zy� Garters at:11aInge. h' ]pan. leg will be oebagioal by, this c1ang', aSkeil -if he didil?t know that ww Aprota.4, And. niA 1.6i,sillat you,., t must. see and., �Appz�( c a re -Your' NOAdOar-terSr ke. 'Our., Sto, 6f,life,fo :yoii. We -desire to haN.4't "s e.w,!s business) 9, a 4.6 y a.. q., ;Hodgifis,gald' lie didii?t knov '7him. sbai!e -in MAN' tb e s 01 dAys. mernoi,, his br'oth6r -ba a told -,?77 Ho -was ''th( 77 able or ou. and. thereifoie ask, yo, It A,ppears. that s to.., scot 't thi n 9: * g"It. AS. - bil, toker, :e.Necut h.!S. brotbe f r y 0 S elatioil 00 �bii 'serviit:es- .17 n r us Till a s', far., We present, ad ng ecoun ah it also wj�tl , o�t nro t9i c E fe7ppearptl ew i ou en 'had hot. n' a�d. hi sincero wish, rawa.--cotirit that that yo� may joy'very Phofie,_4*66�:. 14 of.happiness. h7- F-le.Was About t Litekno any ye you h e. t Settled:. jL T Li newj 1011le, and t1tiat you mas;- H9dgbis." d L I ir 0 4� 5 - - i,e L m' . im -e rins It gard' dwar6 lie jWfi� we, With' You, n; the days, inade to stat" Away bck ther which are before -us hurch sild to tha nf. 't. RED1110its Lille Vcqu,ire nimunLi y. just,got.,it Shut whe Hal ay pWiling t76 ewd-bV co �.er L, er� Lin was ui e, -tied, �exocu `1. h d arai. oIgned-Frod Andeirs' on; tflips. 1-amii,ftd the �fence with"his success. er,e ob Hunter, Ta4di -sidering ' the lain -th. Jac gate knocked Thhekr dowil 616od. f, , lft�e con a xce is hereby �Ivari Lit *11 per- r I h 6 ill �of the'said Sba,muely.-,v 0 -tW-evidently, yed t nd h e jr, naa �in' 'writing. G Solis_ aving. any, c al'ms.,,o.r 'ear did not stop' 'bVf, the the' Bashful Mr., :demands nes �sand ii%l his' leig'.­ The nbulatiotis against t e Estate 6f'Joh TT rs ty D and, the: xan over, him, breaking evenink, Sjje..�Pajj SOUTH KIAbhlg: conthiudd,' it%' i1ray.. ;He wanted' 3,pbb�f, whil -andlady: And keit, late.6f the: Village-mDf Luekn6w; 1A In s and Aii'd N' 'jie Irai-epa . ; . %Or ow T n e, th� thip. ers, of t e Of, -6 end -of fun. at h day:.of 'T com- y 'X' D 1925 eCbMber :,me( uited to froi— an The Annual- D Ain�. of 'At6 O,t becalke hi Uie L p h to -talk to Htidgilig s -he closed,:1he errant boy were, n FO m1h d- o: r cn or abo' f any: h6ld by Shb in, tall' Goderich will yote.oII'a -by-law, auth- ing of.p fun thi d slender, with co- lay-. Ma ely.. Ailburn, -bobbed -o t.ae g,q a eyes, and - hai r,tbat, r is )ijzing :the Bill e W.M.S. Was, - ll.eld'i in'thd; Churel Harold Th 10 -year ol& pietely t -d by�.post prepa"d r.iVel'7fo Andr tak6 -.-no U f --of. debentures to the e very t amop e Wednesdily,, Dec.,�%, it a he bill. *ai ilt ightY-five"thousand d.ol-. on h Miss,* N ( , ,ourge.. for. Kitty s atilhig, if' fib't V 0 .Play 11,Mroi 'MainwAr-' th�'.:Undergljned, their,.A)� a p_t uP-to-ateneSJib ery.;en�. lars which shall -bo'-uie'd fo��.r,.� of"Iathfo.rdilliacker,.: gave evi- The'�'p6pular ei�i'hthi da�y of. o -date. air. t aging -reports were given' by the. ence. �bu S hegiumeo tiliecti, _the. :Nicbolion in: the, t. Wa not e, simp h efull ,me 'laid oxiecutor."1w, H M �',didn't includerthe abtlity'to new :Vo ir ent" by 4rtipulars n "i t S a to Vtold'of: the'eft starting�A.Abr' hhe folk� will be " pi,6;�6nted. ng, of their, claim !iila u're munit;pa. Dances, And pArtiLs, eo b"6iling, for tbe diff6tent Sv�,Iys.' it, wai -decide.:Arj �athor rah.:.t4,,-tbe.gate­an.d' that.tb(, .-Dungarinanipcir'.'sh Hal this Wednes- the by th� .1 . wea4 spells, then More p e tnd L3c-urity:, if ee So e 2nore sick sip r h� set to New Ontario ane the-. study. 13o, k 'afildav d 'rt --Tooks 'ear: wag, going. about fled -byr ba id iised 1 brougfit rifun'reipal -officers, Fire Hal h. mEi t. e Proj)'og6if',`buildih� bk� for, the )comijig k4her Might have, d sh foT,*e day, evening. duly'Veri be fathef ran.. Pv'er` And-'actize.js -further' given i Ive b &T'Shall 'the 11 , ' . ':t:Ch � ­ - , " d. -All be "PrAyer and ISS Mrs S J. Kilpait �k- was 0. Ybu. Kyer'.. 'he �v SeV, Wjlliarn� T aelter, "a _bro I the r ay of:'JanuLlry­-A- and; will' nor, P Ii 1,0UL ettinQSS eral ladies led in, rayer. 0 FRday, after."the 1.5th A. e th, her pr -the -ritile of tebfordlg 1926-, the,. -lexecutori of saidr AnY -purr ar P ogtate '24' Wr the' com" . . Who Wai'cAlJe&over art6i dessrs. Beif: Reid And John'G. I- Ity were iralse' frinr - year -146:: on�: res O. rep MzXaig, at, Mk- -procee, 'on:of w n �r.�on' th-e estate- bosc�,cia *vi e dly tilitt. lie found 'hi, - ly*�-visi ed s will ISOMY18. Anotheryearib th . nb, Rzen. of Ars., (Rev.) is -tit e S - Plesident- e acciderit, Said A d... A to distribut %re k0-4OvVn offeied, :Ur Toiltribute 10ce gr tbe:�,Muskoka, 14oBpital- I I havq '�eceived'-Ii or. n,.Ah6., round uhibl( 'o . Fri. a. rn-o0n. 4all "g- regard on] c alills Of move... �e amme e. I pent -;mhich Dated t j, 'this ;0onsuniotiveq, 'where. expert Medical Raoul towirds- th er6ptioli, of Buell. Miss. H.,, 96therland; Vice "Pres-- Mr6* 13�5 BI y 0 a nmrsing are,, hers, *1 t .,Vuildingr, .-more specially - towAl'as -Se&y9`!Mrg.. 'D. �ho - haim attention, an th ace ake,. Wr had s they th S�Iilfl ell uc no se t e, a sejj ier restore4 to hez n MjjS. -aiceident and-isawT, I in couple, at R-Ifiast and d ia.Nr of Detebi 1925 - Trbhs- A. Hughes �tho_ IL6 cation� of, Weeks -of the upitk.joittir6s. �Dt, '11 BaIfA I -A D51ited, sit L ck enn a__A,_At_ hi, Accident �Erne on ri utlonsi May be sent to. Hoii. a At Marlton,k President.- 229 Cal�:.. A.': B=Atap'd. Mrs, prevent 6 s therf LookhaiL Pres� An , Stretti TRr,pilto 2, Ontario., Thin Wh�n,Hodg:fis teturned' ker Holyroodj oon be thick C OU'rL or, n Aline'r A-ekbrLj, aini; SU6P1 Sedly _U - o_ Se�' Wks, D. GrAh Miss( 7 r M The latte-- -CHUR H PROPERTY, se h Agiiew, L--ck oif, y, oug for a loi 064 to 'break, tr h -Mrs A.,;su-therland-alid, G bnt. Ex" 0 31-12-500 er �ivith a Mr. Stanley. H(.)I;r Y, W5 badly. Th6el ION � I L I : b. obdi, Ont. :,The Anywit ,men t6A 'A' calne. In 2lid'iisked hr;*, , HOLDS,' SITTIN now, e tit rs. Lead; Glad Tidings' swy-,' Mrs C' COMMISS loomforfable tlifnjs� 'ong H.qgb "A i 64 WE h '3i!i And oof th4- ,T6dd.nk. serviee, before, ",at Sunday is; no. er the'Ldrd1s: Vay ei; Aiiangbrs, Sec'y- \Mrs. i er was: -hurt. lie.. toi'd `,him and T 'CLINTON ar S ,e efiur6 did.: �7At is t; W �EIL --Judge SKerAff. 11rord Da Stated ltbii' Hbdgins had. 'better, St .-See y w TORS OLII 'It 7-77' greements.1 'TO CREDI' out 6if:tho roiEt&. as"he' A NOTIC]k b there. No, Decision No�,A o In t 7— k6ne to Thack tb g 'ttej of he ins t he' estate. of 'Sani� Ur(,I' Coulfeki,1ate of. the VI'llag .-:..Of: sit is Aga e 'The --c6m )fi al�pointed'. to deal )U er?g.dn peai!dul a Sgioti, He coi4idversies. over property a7 he County of Nttron,- 11eleng. in, �t -ons n s got the boyL taite'd to leave bU4 tired1firmpr; deceased.r inIt sit 7th, 'being co Not is h6-eI4. 'given that all pdr, ins at o'n Dc� CIfts ThaA6r attempted to pen hi' of Ghpich - U- lion he! d, a ipe to vittuallk, :make lin a jprisondr ;A 'oste a t 'elo'ek A.m.. until' gons .:having any 'c.ainis or �S It is 0 6a'r -noxt sprii Vith clo�"ill 1, -man so Of; ifti froin 9 d foolish g., to -chw 20 es from!nea6y' a-affist',the -late Saillael-Coulter,-wh gr Cclitse :A' gate' Eight CI0 Car an s it aplir ot th6 dif'-A'on or. about the 6ft6entjl� day' o-' .air d W7'eachb�4,t could. but �jipect to - got -Th­ere­W�kg­n:(5 eV 6ft r e .0 t -S rou . In men a had d6lib&ately: hit;Tbacker. Hod' 13elbiore Uite .,,e s oni e is -V , '0 U %-tfi- t., -Y ered �' oun6y e L fe oni-pa 7 f"' . I C were-heard,rbut'ja ty * " " an ober J9�5 d'Church -the- hit ls;.to swj-k� jo thkw, :0oiitindin�: F�reigbyt8rians li�e Aiing,, it scf� far ft d f S e a the p4j'r as f The... PO There !01 �SU n evett' n:6:0ime.- on 'the ltart. 6f Hadzins Ji Wednesday ngs, for th6. In Atry Ext"*j�, ff NN�-Is o er Eirs per .,,,N,eek. 1 he trying . t6­ga4jl r hi S liberty,L' eker, lal 'With' anr, b r 1 1 at -parell p ca aceept6d -an& th o Stat6melicof Iffain r Itelng. of Business. of anaffl Life nttblil Pte d I of the, under �jg -old 'H ;tponed'decisio I., 'Calendar ..,trying to h od,1.',ns slid odgiw )WI Mooiiefield­��Njy- agreement wag ;.e for e - bre -oil( an i Ca Assuah66 CoM an Ini. .+ad. a, ri-ht to k: thl all th year P 61idjn ,fence There as noL of once th6 in on', reservou 'Ary )ept., 0 -A 9 I 1 . �, r. �. i. _. 4 A tty . -ju Is , fin�ei i� "V%4 U A IQ too 9 Gur ndin U jo. ia�field Ill I ed- Church, W L d a I �r, .1. . . . USERS -r. O_rL 4t6 Ion jhe case sho ld-h 'k -be Se' t U 0 p ?d'to get lie utcho pr operty toii116 ARNING TO, It be por -sully Stems an alb, 'Mr.. Vredbtir. thnt j' W. r fe'llittis Or the Oun 'byterian pril and TotaFain t.Of ife Nyag;j$it HodjrinS sho*6d vuilt'bN' e)f $120C 11. r6S is did not -Padio.Rec0ivh7&-&ts,.,,I All ese lettuij- se 8 -in A c se s�etsf:,, *§tfritneeS. in ce - notr Atob onkniC defohi-e"ptA it, tion was iiiade. If -the� eLT r I 5 8 C &, in, 4 -'to 45� I t 'Lic',� s0d. Utai As' t n rea llin,� he saw tl�dt ho 'ba? -acc6pt Ili( no ree 4 .$1 87'11 '-Gorrie- , m�,The olYer; Made I)V iitqppeti, There, *aq r .4 1k. c" a ne nattirall slid on Ill! 'give., LIFE' 130, : 408 7POn by h, U o e itiftliefit W. Remaifider evidea. it breach. of pe. or try r 'on B_ se Fei� $1" 00 per a i m6tely m�anted to t - ­� Lioeft' Tha�k( alk oo,' iativle 'tor' ,_CS, a s the affin'- fir h nited -Chu, he. offe' de.bV t 671X8 A�,,isl�ratp, McCartney` rbad-' thi' and th 11i.cei v t alt. po,�j 0 Hi e COJI*ned $474, St, 11blens he I Assmilt defined is the ct of-ihttin Be ihe, wetc, Uprice G6 of wa' df;gn Thori d' jornitig and one e A to evi(onc( jun hy ji, ' L " ' t' f ' "Ho &,ns ']I show. tliat, d jrl, e' proceeds from licenso f�el.i -T 0 art' brodd _e tion Cdjj�. vird'used to eon i S r Pblickh(ilder Pol C d�r Owe `dl�senii e4h-Assur--, -Raid4o—T-0tal-Paid-to gpplyln� �orce; 6. the vi&sr wete �Iven the U Itadio-Bi-ancfl",Dol)ltl;t�IIIL�lit lie alid ike ne;�, Ap� DiVidelid in f6rce. Ne u :plu ally runi r acket.'so Clinton d �to, Improve P UrL�ll o o r gt 'Deputy Mifit er 'A' J61INSTON, V.2 13, 429"186#24&' 6 .4 0' $31881:639 167,811 age, ed t the consi UN o 37,74 esbyteriahs for S .11 . . .. .. I I I \ Pi� tilo to e list, mainderof i.000, this n , . - e lies MA1I?iKiN!q' the- and rill 11'* t.'L� ,R�e! 'f, 1 oil f V ejig -1 the sun d chool 2 '.'the' .6ffer, The.vom- slid Eltra, ai- P'604- 44 2 27, C O'ffipanies 'Wilfted ftilffmilh. d1ld i1ttlo - ing f'-We� 10- IL31,47S $51,820'057 Mrs iley chuMi. 7 coinbined $11,576' daughters, illia erians. efused Iting-hor 'mother Mtg. Will, Blak e reQanlMen( here 'are twen �y�eight ad urant ra Ing undo 'on t' ' here. r & all a0e�mcnt.,­ The Catt ' (An life :�80 .6 biompanies ape -t- r Dbmihi and otbei rela 1veS Mr. jag, Culb rt -%Vbo . P. is ill lwi'6 case was adjourned' for one n1dilt'll... ;Caliads. The Infokinstioltir )Vi!l be ingiructive in'th t k 0how that 1hif SUN,. LIF E is 'soniewhat- wa a IS 'Tairiff of to -day i(Tuesday). � -Norse 'reached And judg a d. .4uit, et reported,by -tudlaij -onipfiti h W jig bout ji ' ­ 0 1 On' 'Its b66k4 WhitechUr& is takillg''cal-e of It of the.new business Ca, �C log. is We 'hope: to 'h` ILI-, Soon ',of hiii rboov� in fivore.th-an'i third 0 the :asse, over A, -quarter 6f the; th'Al hustdoss 'torte ftMIUM t 1p 'The c-hildron A the fQ1110Twi I cume a I d surpl�,,; pold out. duri ig the year 1924i sn't thiej; t�e` ve e oeVeloned"on the Oth Con', in r, ce '6f, �Mdsirs... Henry# LaAtiby atid Phil, ttoit� jrojn�, .'the.- - SecrQtary of the -Pat to. 0olic hldejrs­,� h p aid, tit ore'than 40%76f totgjr njont g d y . dIAT-IbUted t6� Oolicy''ho)ldoiig i)ps dowti� with them. In§ tj Ute bf, Cbica"Q. ooyg 'OF.TH9 ssCgriaXii 's.ComOanit, Ah -,d ift", too. and rporte' n. 1924 MORE t 'a urn. is avitig jv.�gthool' lzgt : 1, is urdt 18bbel MacUdct n d AN AL' HALF, coniek, Friday 6Iehing, in, �.therry (Lucknow), a, menib � o� the, Sol& or care u eS IN. A8 -9E Grove, Schoro.1-11lici�-lit -'chvrch i it tr -of the of sevent� TL7-tw6. raauitt nd, 4 94Rd in(? Is", to -Chi W expected the. Mbodv Nblil Iiiatitue(o_�, 'of: nee iflie Make's Sunday .�da�,vd -whd NVi tiag Do h le a ng',puttin lot ter A' 9 will be' beld ifi� the blitiqll 11all 011' cenibbr M,­­ThW epresen 40 ada., I MAN I , � - �. lock Thiy, nt' 'e U twdnty-'wo A drsy� 6Vdfifnj4� And Call t OIL itr;q school and different cae-AUJa Bible 'And bth(;' SiibJectS,-.1661 t6168,: "AL1d - I 'GEO I (Xospe music Molly,, WI THIN th Ili V" by b youq� o1 Chrstitl- 13 g1voll Deo e, mgfi�' I tie t jot 'I owl ",two BaQUI 1� Of 110 tVoUi e re7r e 0 Z� C,