The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-12-17, Page 4vemeoimiimei THF, =Uctil olitSEN'1'I 1TEL--- TRURSD -Ti, 1 CT. I 8.:?, 62$ NEW KNITTING WOOL--Corticelli' Ball Wool, all Colors, a ball 15c. Bali•Wool,. Silk Mix and Silk Thread Wool, Reg. 35c., Special at a ball, 20c • • NEW-MOOL TOQUES --In • Red, Fawn and White, with F •large plume e pompom, each in a ancy Box,for Girls and Womerh 19c. N RW_KNIT SISK UNDERGARMENTS. Are an ever_i nc reasx ng popular Gift;-S*Kinds at $:0o to $2.00 . NE W RUBE Yt APRONS Fo Women and Children - Some cute ideas -in Rubber Aprons, , ,.,.:: ..,., v >� . , R be Apr_..._,..,. ,. trimmed with Rabbits, etc.,'. for tiie children, 35c to $1.25. SPECIAL. -Ari' assortment.,of `Women's:Silk and Silk and Wool Hose, our 1..50 <<n $2.00 4. Ines on -the counter, your choice a pair, °$1.00: $ • SPECIAL -All the. Fancy Wool and Cashmere Hose in the Store, Values up. to $1.50:on the table and you can have your choice at 75;: NEW BATH TOWELS -In all 'sizes. Among -them is a Special Englisl4 .Made Towel,;at 35c or'3 for $1.00 NEW---HOLEPROcW 1IOS' = Fot �meu an� -Wooe r Sill ; =Sills-Arid,W90+l4inea,-at4 0 $1,0 and ,$1.8 : f e Will .Lay -*Aside Any Article In They Store •Until' You Want Santa Claus'' Mail Box at` the; Door: for The, to Write to Santa Claus -=It will be answered, • s. Scotchi KnittingA. Yariri,- all_colors, 'Worth r a pound. ; Special Bargain ;:$1.50 Y, ,1000:Renants,'Flarinete teatannels, Towels, :Gnglartis9 and; Dress MateriaYs, .2,5c..to 5.75, ,` • • N: �UIIII11111iIIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII• IIIUIIIIIIIULiIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIII111111111IIpIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIuIiUlllll1111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiil7t ur 'Shelves . Are Lader With Gifts at AreSure To Pleas SHOP EARLY OP• OF'TE T:OYS ,"k'OR THE BOYS • Building Blocks, 15e., 25e., 35c. and '50c. • Game orNine Nine .'Pins, 75c., '$1.00 Tops,. -15c, 25c.,''35c•;' and. 50c. Horns, 10c., 15c., `said 25c., ' • Bugle Homs; 25767,-35c. aind 5 ' Toy Trans, 35c., to $2 5ei • MecLnnica1 Toys of all kind!, 25c. to $1.50 TOYS FOR THE' GIRLS, Tea 'Sets, 15c., 25c., 35c., 50c., and 75c. • ' :Cradles, 25c. Toy Organs; `.35c; 50c.:and 75c. Mamma ,Talking-. Dosis, $1 O�:to �c, *2 .40. : ` Unbreakable Dolls.1.00 to' $1.50 ' :Dressed., Dolls, 35c. to $1.50': GAMES FOR OLD : AND YOUNG Dominoes checkers Cribbage a' . r beg ell* Authors. nations '. • ffl Wornens a s 25 -at ' Hal: Pi ce an Less .�. Tle; come. at 6.75 • 00' New Sweater Coats' and Pull;ovens fo'r . Gins end Women . :Lots eci,aIs 'In hoes. era1 • �rnelurd ore. :. ..n 0004 e nates Shop Where You Can, At The Minimum Amount Of Time ::. and Money. Our Stock is Neatly : Arranged. and.1 ll 1Vf arked In Plain Figures, I - l 1�' ore„Days.To Opt Them t ur. Gifts. A- e e 1 Assortedand t. .r. W o - Suit Af'Members of Th i1y. IN•CHINA-.-We have - _numerous. New Lines . at • Lowest'P ice's. . S'%'ATIONER:Y, HANDKERCHIEFS,. :GAMES: ...TOYS, 'ETC.. Are in ,great variety and all • • Priced to Sell. 'CANDIES4A Very ,Special• Offer of a 3 -Lb Box • of Assorted Chocolates for $1;00. No•fam-- ilyparty,is: cor ►plete,withou:t one of ,these. "Come Int .And:- SO Our Stock .; :MEN'S TIES= -50c., 75c , .:'$1 00. and $1.25 --are sure _ ► . 8 to please.. . MEN'S= HANDIIERCIIEIFS--10c,; -15c.., 2'5c. 'to ]::00: • BRACES, ARM. -BANDS and GART1;RS=A11.oL..tk>`e better` spaxt,,25c.to t • � MEN'S S SHIRTS -$2:00 to:.$4.00, 'always acceptable; HOUSE " •COATS,-InWo •Lovel Soit Ali- 'o Y 1 Materials;:ln' Gre �MaroorI nd Brown'; Specially Priced at '88.50 Each Y�.. GLOVES For' Boys and, Men, 75c. to $4~.00 T:d4leivink • • Dutch. Roulette '' Lotto . Ludo..:, • Parchesi. •'Steeplechase .: NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES ARE THE :BEST BOXES We.. TO $5.00' Cone Early -The Early Shopper Geta' The Choice E. 1VIcKIN The Rexall.' Druggist Kl'�TOW STANLEy$, ;ucknow. • 4 LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS--5c..•to •$1,75. Our 'range is 'large the Values are right. g g e , LADIES' SCARVES, -69c. to $5;O0, and the ev�Rk�elnng • HAND BAGS -$1,00 to $2.50, Very Special Values in both Lines, HOSIERY ISAL Wool WAYSAAI='PRECIATED--Silk Silk and •• Wool ' and • All o I.' Our Silk and Wool Hose` at $1. 9 is a Special also a 1irie. good.buyin;g:.. at $1.00 that'is Space does not permit us to give a detailed descri"do M. all Our Christas:Lines, but.wehaveP Assorted a Well-- Stock Of Gifts. Ne. IL TOWN' TICKET AGENT' POCRTII CON. 1C1NLOSS , recently Wth her' brother, Mr.,Harty / miss J.ean maen.enzie, was in To •a day, recently with Litopide triOnds tOnt0 :this *cello atteliding th!" .U.' F,;.f ' Mr,. and Mrsi. G. Martin atteilde'd Baton We* vittitOrs . t eOk att. . ,i,, ,.:Mr,„ R. MacDounidqs,spending A st ' iltthhe ot Mr. iind t1": It°bb' " i Week in 'Te'ronto ...its, a delegate to ti* :Kittlai,' SaSk," .are visiting' *ith Dile,. . 11/r,, and Mrs; Nesley itotib kie-it24.' on% jos, Irofla .spailt ti, Ow 407," vs% for 'Mather', Mra. Pi ..?4,16M e'ls!:' ntimber. One 'here attended thc ditnea.svien by UT. and Mrd. Wm McGill, where an 10nJoyable evening, • 'We• ate sorry ''to report that Miris' E, Dexter is ill With measles. WiliTECHuncH ,.atterided the littera' of MO from the MAC left Week:. „ Borri-Oif .DOO.Ariiher ,5th to Aft.. ern. `sorry' t,,4 vspett. the death Mr..414rty Woo Of DOOM** • and had taught sehOol ;fit Zetland 'for community le extended to the relat.-, Lye's in :their sad, bereavement. . for. the charity work of the Presby terian Church !inlet' 'be- 04 hand,' lk Monday noon, Dec. 21st,,, and entertainments next week, Orir en Tuesday evening, .Dec.. •22nd the United ;.Chtircb, and Alfe....other.0.0'. tSantiile of passing. tha buck: "Pink' 40 up in- tho.-,4110tipuPryi ;44 kIivis silk Hose lie, Gift on Blan- All Ilse* ful Gifts Zit