The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-11-26, Page 1.4 • • ;. 00 PER'''YEARKM ADVANCE, 0450 OTHERWISE -,LucKtiowo, ,oNT.- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER26th. " 1 ROVESSIONAV C.AirWS' ,0 *0.'40-0 0-0-4-470 4 •Dr ' W. M, Connell Physician and Surgeon' Luiknow Hours '72-4 Phone '86: 'DENTIST Dr., MacLeod will, yisit Lucknow, „Piety- Tnesday •Or,' ConnehN •• • , .:1)ENTIS"r• L. Treleaven, Lucknow— • Decker's Stler e. Extraction nithfir by 'gas or local. ' Willbe in m Dungannon every Thurstlay,•_. • Phone 53 • .DENTIST • . Call Di., •Newton ...• • Make appointnrent' In 'office everYdaY 0 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN, 0 . ' . GO'. A. Siddall, .LucicnOw, r,,.131rOker. and Real Escrite.--nloney to lend Or first mortgages on farm :proper, • ties. at d and 616 per. Cent?, according to security offered.Also smai :...arnou‘nts, on :second mortages .on 'farm properties, and .on personal . notes. A few good farms for sale • .. . J have. added ,to my' ' Wall. Paper and Paint business..a Steak of'.wap. 4 . Pirpe-whicIV. may-besven sit , n13. ----•'',•.e. .•'-',7-----.2.------•-- --... vesidenre-r- earelim .;'-••-n -. • J. i .Cantereir, •ilzi ,Painter and Decoator .• . "l . : . FARM'FoR SALE, j.,• .• •• ‘, 80 Acres, being Let 23, llth COW. ' Township. of West ..Wavvonosh, gooi -.soll;--cOmfOrtable !Arnie -house, -..- gone .barn*ithj -cement "founaation ' erre 'Stable' do rs:.4--Apply' on the premis- : ,es,...D. A. Farrier,' ..20711-04; ..- • • . ' • ' ---:--. '' ‘- ''' , AUCTION SALE'. , • George :Satrodels, Lot. 11; ,COn..8. • • 'AShfield Will, have •an auction sale' a:• . Purebred and grade cattle; on Friday ... :Dec. 4, ceinmencing .. at one o'cloct : . , p_mi.,A let of 'good' well-bred cows' or this sale.—John Purvis, Aire. ; • ' 5.• • • • .'t AUCTION SALE OF • 'WOOD At Lt 17; Con. 8, West WaiVanosh on Monday, Nov. 30th, gornmencing at one o'clock p.m. 300 Garde Mat& sboVe mood, 16- and 18 inches long. .100 Cords Maple stove wood, 12 inch. es long. '60 Corde Elm rail' Wood. TERMS --,-Six months' ,credit-. or approved joint rtes bearing bank'ino Abe Durnin, Prop. J. Purvis, Auc Buy your:.insttrimee .at net . q0St from the, Mutual Life of Canada.— Wm.- Webster, R. ; 19-11-tf. ' Luckno* Flour $111, With the' installation' of neVi, me- • ..ch'nery and by extensile 2 -re -model- • lingwe are:making a h:gher grade of ..flour than the in 11 has :ever' made. Try a bag natl. 'convince yoarself. YouLniOnei_refuadedlif-not-Featista- tory.-4.±.. E.: TreleaVen • , . 'V o r C!,:eer - cabinet ' . ran" same Its_riewl:APplyitoi:Marion --IlacDrarmid or Mr., A. Mactliarmid. • '• • ' FOR SALE A Most Desirable Country 'Residence The: Presbyterian Ma:ise. at Kinloss Village, overloOking': Sirver. Ltdce, is now offered sale at a price less , than what repairs cost On it j the last ten years..Honse equipped'. with modern improvements. Furnace, bath7 room, hot- wiiter tank, drilled ';.,Welj, etc., Stable and one and a half acres of land. -,Apply to , Thos. Idalcolort,. • HOISTrood: Or Wm. Brown, Greenock For Sale—Young Milking Short horn stock, both males and females from excellent milking ancestry. Herd fully "accredited.—James , Dow, . Lot • 29, Can. 10, East Wawanosh,' Huron . 5 , Lost—On the street in Lucknow; on Tuesday, Nov; 24, a rran's ,purse con. taihing a suni of nieney.,—Finder pldase leale IA. The Sentinel' Office. 1 ST R ASTRAY',-. Cain e• to, the Preinises• of the under- signed, ,just west of ,', ',noble -owe; Steer apparently two years Old. Own- - Or may have -same 08 owing prop- erty and ••paying expenses,. Robert „. LOGS WANTED ' We,:the undersigned will be in the ,Warket:during the Wejlter.. to hiry kinds of los; will 'take all mkinds Of ,:tlerwrr - sound erating-juniber, and will -pay -the '' highest inarket Ink° ar,Wirding, to quality. For 'farther partictilaicst 'apply at our office, or &kit. plains 25. •tuckhow..--,The Luekriew •'1"liable 131,1tort, mitnAot • o LOCA AND ONNERAto. 0. The • next 004-0 business is Christnina..:Shnirphog, NO; it's net Chrtgtnitin. Tlie'weith *-ralaoq is ;*sc a n.enth ahead of tin. Mr, l'Wellingten:„;1411dersen. • Mic fatuity 'haVe Melted ifita the'iloyrit'illOck,' Over Decker's Store ••Mrs.., „Fred Lucas: aiu daughter ,AUdity;:;..of Toronto, were ..yrsiters vatIr tbs' Xiesdl;• Robertson, •a few lays, lest week:• • 4, • , „ R. a:Cannennnd Ettre (laugh ter; Elaine','. Or. Toronto, are .visitmg With the -former'sparenti;•'9hr; an htio;:Win. 'SOUL' _ Frienda,•of Mr; Dick Webster were. pleased to ;see hint about the street. .he end .of last week, following .very 'serious illness. , . • Work .at. the School has been mak- ing goodprogress. of 'late. The heat. .ng plant has • been completed; tin wiring inspested, and the -Board is 'snre.of having at least , one row ready for the High: S::bool by Mon - 'A meeting Of.the L. H. S. Literary Society will be held in the•illown RaP o'clock to: 4: A spe.lal • programme ,wilf be given by the students. This meetingis open to everyone. Sil-ver •Jollectron.--"See y. .• ' ' Rolph' Connor's new novel,:'Tread- ' ing .r.rhe' :Wine 'Press" is a story of 'courage, deVotion. and -stirring actior 'told with the human sympathYwhick !las endeared Ralph connor!S ' novels .hundreds • Of tifatisandi Of ';read.• %ars. This took is ziow..on Sale at Mc. Kim's Drug Store.,..... • • • .' 1VIalcolt1 MacLennan. Who is teach:, near,2Pari_jr;L:Seuricli rthe- lucky: deer -hunters 'tilts season and last week 'expresssed a fine •bucl• which fell: by his rifle, to his parents Mr. and Mrs.. Duncan MacLenan, near Laurier. The animal had a Ifine head which Mr. 'MacLennan hopes _tr have mounted., ' CHURCH NOTES . • Presbyterlin Gond ' Tire Progranm.0 Committee • had :charge.bt tilVA4Ulid meeting on Mon-. day evening erening of tbis week' h014he Watson, read the Scripture' Lesson, The ,tOpie "The Practice of Eindli, 'ness,' ab:y taken by • Miss Mac,: riennid. The musical. numbers eon- siSted, of. selea;:bk,1),Ess Mary Aitehe- son and Mr, McLean :'Johnstone; and instrunrental Audrey „- ;Spencer The 'chief • feature. of. the. program *as debate"fteSelVed that the ,GIVrng. o$: Gifts affords more Pleasure than ths receiving ,of, Them." The affirMativc was upheld by Messrs,... Stuart Bob-. erten and Franii hacIntoeh.;. the ' negative Mr. .Win. • Rutherford tine Mr. Elliott Miller., The. J_ridgenfgave their decision -in favor Of the McDonald, the pastor, gav( a short talk. The meeting t-losed with the National` Anthem. . • United :Church Y. P. S. "Citizenship" was the topic for, study ' at the Young People's Society meeting on Monday evening, and on this 'subject Mr. • D. G.. MacKengie, 'give a very gondaddrets: There 'was a• splendid number. by ' a male Nivar- tette,' consioting,.. of Messrs.' Reid, Anderson; Greer and Henderson; Mr: Eiliott Burns gave a reading on Pub- ---lie•-.Qpinionr7M1:-OlalcOltnArtastrong" who .looked after the literary feat- ures of the pregrain," ed*pied :thc" ohsrir, The Rev. Mr, Cosens offend ,the r• closing prayer. ' W. M. S.' Thankoffering . • The Lucknow— Auxiliary of tilt PresbYterian W. M. S. held .their an- nual 4Illankoffering meeting Wednei day evening, Nov. 18th, when they 'were favored with a splendid addreS: by Miss Pelton, Secretary fo; 4Daturie-: Mis&_Pelton is a eniture nrnnn('and toreefuli=speakerr ant/4":Preoente'd .the..present and proSpeCtire Workol. the Presbyterian W. M. S. in a niosi' comprehensive 'way, and made ver3 'plain each woman s duty toward tha'... wirirk,1 Rev. Mr: MacDonald, pastor, of ;the. Church,. presided; ••and conductee the devotional • exercises. Also 'led in the Dedicatory Prayer : The ohoi:, contributed an ,,'anthe, and'. -Ms: Aitcheson 'nn.-..-appropriate:sele. .The ' Thankofferingsnp, to 'date amount ti $157.80. • `.• , Reeve Johnston; haying looked Ov• et , last. week's: Sentinel, called in say that Our report of Ithe fire at thc lightning Arrester, and its timely..ex-; tinction , wasn't quite complete, as Councillor Johnstone as well as him.' Self and mr,' °ousel's had turned Oat in the early hours to extinguish' 'thfire -e A PLEASANT. EVENING AND •'-•• 'SHOWER • . Inlionor,Of Mies .Araiie." Button, and in view of her approaching marriage • Mrs. Robert Button and Mita. Reber, Jobston ••entertained at a enarming ; , „ shower, given by the Meinbera of the SimdaY School ,Classes, conducted by Mrs Cosens and Mrs. Wni. Murdie 'on 'the •evening,of Thursday; the 19th ,inst, at (he • horne .:Robert dohnstog,„ To •;the strains • of 1.4ehen. aiireP Wedding March,.'played: • by ' Mrs. Ai D. MacKenzie., little ,Roberta Johnston and Harold Butteri,..drensee as bride • and groom, entered the drawing room with a ,vragon. decorat ,,ed in pink .and white, and : .bettring many. beautifUL.as 'well as ueeful. ar 'Vries for the kitchen, and these Werr. presented to Miss flatten, who in few words; :expreased•er apprecia4 tion •Of the gifts. After a happy ev enig f music, 'including a duet by Mrs. Newton nUd.Mrs. Reid, a dainty iokrb was :served; and • the brought to a 'elOae*.hy, the singing •Tor They are Jolly .GoorV Fellows," For i3reicl is healtli--the food always ost --rtiost delicious .--Most economical Goad ' Bread. - i§ the' af of. pure neeEat gt it freely, iiallifinait's Bakery' ' imi•opi.n. at 2 , The •Annivereary.. Services: Of - ' thr: Lucknew United Church'will be lie14.. on Sunday, Dec.!'6th. The Reit'. IC fJ MacDonald, B.A., 13.D., • pastoi... o. the, first Linked: Church, Galt wil' .preach , at :11 .a.M. and 7 parr, .:anc' -0 will'a dress a :Mass -meeting in thc aftern on. The,•anniversary: few' Sup per and entertainment ;will he held the • following Monday evening. • , . St. Peter's Anglican Church: Ad. •Vent Sunday, . NOV. 29th; ,11.- tt.ni MOrning_.,Prayer ancrSernreri; 3 P.M, Sunday School; • 7 pm, Evensong and,. Sernion. Preachert. Rev. 11..E...Bray • 0-0 JOHN RtIMAGEft.TRIED: HOLDAJP AT' WINDSOR Is 'Well Knonii In' LUcknow And • Surrounding ',Country T.4e,i,eldtm.,Ftee Piess ot Nov. 19 .hed the following news item., 'Which had • been sent in from Windsor uh der' date of Norr';'18th:' •• Fifteen mini:des after holding .uj and .rebbing,IVfhis' Alette Parker -,• the Sandwich residential SeaiOillnit night; John :Runiager, ofthiniilten was captured,by the poDe,e; A lenity ease and serail Sum of money, taken -fiirMiSTIWrier-Twere' found,on his person and in :a Signed Statement he admitted • the bold-ripl-:, shortly,' After 'his';arrest:,\*, " • . ' : ...• When finger -printed , andvconfrintt- ed with • his l.record from the files, Runiager confessed that he had been ,underiikrest..7,for a SmniP lar Offense. "in Hamilton. He had been in the Border Cities ahout, Six. Weeks,he said ' Me ;boarded for a tune at 94 ' Lincoln. road; Viralkerlille, amt. subsequently °At 199 iangoin. teed; jumping his board bill ,at...,both. places. When fir.' rested he was lilting, at n hOuse, on •clutthato street ' • , The °centred on *Sandwich Street, the Main thoroughfare of the town; •kumager confronted •Missi Par, ker.and terrorized her'into handing Over her 'purse. He 'then removed the contents and threw -'the purse away John Itrimager is ,well known 171, 'Iluekhow: and Vicinity. In 1918 he en listed With the 'A6Oth Battalion 'ant' trnined here with the Luckirew,• Squad Be . Served' overseas and 'returned te- IntekineW 111 the sprIng of 1919. I -It does 114,,,anlieer. to have settled • tieWn to steady work sincentiat'tlint and has mOved itbdat a good !(.,leal, Hr met,' #/r.tit Luknow a great Tart Of T,ast :summer, idling itRist of the titm getting a living and ,gasoline for his nobody. knew how,: On .leaving here he..evidently went to Windsor. .1301t,N, Tnterson-.:In tnektcli; On Ns:went- bet 28td,--1.025.tO :Mt; and Mrs. Fras- er Patera-on—a daughter. ' 000 Yards, Chinta for Comforters, 1.0 9 yard,.....gornall.,•.,MitydOalt n • it THREE MONTHS' SCHOOL.' OS.JET TupsnAY *92 • SINGLE COPIES;'5, CENTS Brief (Intl:me-of, the Subjeeta for Decerithar — Horne NorsIng., and hOusehold' icience. for Ladies • r , The 'Three 'Menthe' School in ,4g-; ricuitpre,at LtichtloWeetlena on Tues- day, Dec.. 1;t, and „tiepins gosnrea of e satisfitetory. -attendance,. ' '14.1cArlow grierrItUkal- Saciety,":the nstitutes.' and • ether lotal'orgakza.: tioira *have' been e» -,operating., with .the Brace .Connty,DePartment of Ag, „ ild'ulture to .give these :Courses de4- erved.-„pnblicitY'•. The Young Peojle -.*t0Aliae,..„thtit...-tbek are, being , offered .st real'. opportunity which not be theirs again for a number ofYears. We ...are adtrised ,hy Messrs. W. ,K. Eiddell and W. B. George, the local representatives in charge of the school, that for this year's - courses iilbe'el'n•a!at,irciu.atga,d.red time table:. 'has - Visa Esther' A. Slicter of Kitchen - Will be in charge of the Ladies' Cies.: sea for the .entire three' 'month& //She' will also give the lectures and dem-: onstrations• on pormstic Sderice and general, , household • adininistration; -Fronr-Decehrber-the-Ist-te-the--eight"--: eenth; :Miss Harriet Gaiyilon Tirf Streetsville will. take • the special Course Course In , Herne and First Aid: Miss Graydon •comes highly Ornni-ended, so the .ladies .will •fin'e the, classes for ..Dreeniber•:,of Special: value, and :interest. • The ""setvinP courses :.to featured during' .Jan - nary iwith cin,r,ing the •last- ,twocxewe7k,i6s.4ofp:111;eb:U:airriy,,..723,. dur'igt,•••,DecostUer7ar&die,4t,-*rici will give leOtures. Veterinary Sci• ence;.ind tho ;care Of farni Anim- als. ' W. • Evans, B.S:A„ froin the Ontario tieultural College. also duri the firot two 'weeks dem-, ,Imstrate . the subjects Of: Botany Bacteriology and Etomolegyi • !with wee ident7fiCatn and centre.] plant diseases, .diseases, smuts ' and .ruSte, injurious ;insects, and the 'study .f bacteria in relation -to Agriculture During ',the. 'month • the, subjects ' of Care and :Management 4,Liyd Stock and • Feria Drainage will also be dis- cnsied efi.a priztical *ay. Live Stock .A.Ciging will also be featured . Rev.' II:: E. Dickenson has been se- cured to give irtstructien 'in' CompoSi. ion, English and Public Speaking A literary Society will be organized for PUblieSNeaking; :deflates and •soci41' 'OM( The variou5 lectures and denien• strations wiH be made as Practical as posSible. The lecturers. ..are afl , experienced in .the practiCalpirases, ..pf their partieular Subjects, and Will !se .prepared to discus present. day problems. Plan to be present for:the fitst., few .404 .and for the. • enfire• Course 11 possible:, You .will :like, it. and find, it• worthwhile, and at :the sameltime,..You willhelp to 'Make thc LtickzioWT .School one, Of :the tnpst suc- cessful in the ProVince. ,' • .: SHFIELD HURCR NOTES .• Services next Sunday. A Zion 10 AM, Hackett's 2.30 P.M.' Blake's 7,00 P.M: The pastor's subject. Will be "Christian Stewardship" IE.ir expected that.; report oh :the Main- tenance and Eictertaien. Fund cam- paign will be Made at eireh church,. . 'Mrs. .,MainWarink's' Management?' will be presented again by theY�ung People's League of Blake's church in the Orange ;Hifi, ,2ionii (lath ton.) oft Tuesday, • Dec. lit fit 8:145",P.M. It will be iliyiek the auspices of the ,circuit ,Ladies' Aid. A box • Social Junch will be oekiied, aft6- the pisty: Admission.; 35e. Children: 150: Lad!: ies with boxes free.' ' . IT'S .FUIA. OF LIFE GOlden Crust Bread: .113read, an essential part of manygood, things to . eat" Zhis. text. remarks in „tersely' conVincfft , language, You • may think you like Seinething• else better then at least pot bread.tvith it. If it's .meat you want; :eat Sand. swiches. If it's fat eat bread:and but. ter. If you etave sweets, 'eat bread and jam., Even up your ,with plentY'of bread let it be half. Eat bread. more Often` in .place'of Other things. Eat 'just ',One' rnOra 'Slice; • at every meal. • • " Re'ds' Per Year Week-HM.80061hr • Honey .Creafri Layerg Delic- ious Cahn el . ;kink ' Honey:, Crean Deserts';. Wal -Da Cakes: Fried Oak,. es; Scans; Jelly Hell and lots of geed tehryin....ksphtooneeatc8a.t Reids':trotivinien Bak "THE BASHFUL MR: BODES" • DECEMER 4th • • Tickets at•MeKil&s for "The Bash- ful Mr..13obbs." SeOure yours early and be sure' of•a „Zeal -40)3d evening's .tratertainnithto • If you. rn'as 'The . Bashful ,•••Mt• Bobbi," on D,ecember .4th; you %OP rdss, nianY ,good laughs as well as 'antertainiasnt. McKenzie et ra and Lueknew Male tbar. tint# beAva!ip, 44,0tat' racelet e Are lizble to na4-,the -aitcrit'on e the geed, repAri Man, unless , the .watch coat,. enough ,ta good', enough to . rellable, Knowing this,we do'not hatdle.,.the "` They ,are ....itot•siitisfact.Oty to our customers -,-hence not tp us,. ' ' SO, when you make us a •,Wiisi Watch. visit, you do not need to' question. the proboble performance of la*, • Watch shown you. , Our Lowest -priced ones cost enough tc be 'good, and our expensive onel' are really riot high in price. ;SPECIAL .for Gists, •at 'MAO, , White and 'Green, Gokiz.F Iled—A .Spletdid. Christmas Gift. . • go, -lac,'e Your. Orders, ForThe Xmas Season A Real Treat- -Our make Old English PlunT' Puddings; Those who tried these last Xmas' will. • tell you hey are delicious.„, ' , . Mincemeat- Our Own' Make, .pure'apd whOresolne, guarantee. our -I:uddings and.Mincemeatt,o.. made '.from .,the' choicest :and. pui-e§tIrtlits and in- - gredints.'' Christina*.Cake--Any, Size to Odor' "; • Saturday TNIT Pastries. Sally Brown Layer Cake8. Bon Bonche .Leirion.Meringue Pies '. Lemon Cheese Cakes . Iced ROHS , Whole Wheat and. Home Made 'Bread Bring in Your Butter and Eggs and Obtain the Best Prices, HOLLYMAN'S. BAKERY Phone 36 Llano* F. T. ARMSTRONG jJeIertfl .00044...A01:141. . "Mrs.. MainWaring's Manwrentent"' - , , ..;•. ,...... . .• . • xerfreretadres,-.4:Fr Will be ,presented in 'the 'ORANGE , HALL,' ZION • • • TUESDAY, DEC 1st, • AT 8,15 P.M. Lunch Will 'Be Serve( After the • flay bet. all Come. and enjoy who did .not eee theprevious performance. • Admission 35c. , Children 15o. . iLadiee With. Boxes Free MEMORIAL SERVICE • ' . • A • forkin...pros:live:Service. wag held: in the .pnited ••cluirek•on Sunday' ev- ening. in memory bc:. the '.h.,te Zither, ..Alexandra. •'• '•': • •Thepulpit and ',choir :loft ..Were draped' in purple." and black. • '• •TWo."..auitahle •niusicat . seleetiens. were renclered.",hi.the choii' 'An.'000printe sermon: preach'. ed by the 'Pastor, based on tkvo ections , from •SeTiPture, leremiah:, 6:: 21 .i4Death 15 cOnte :up into . our 'pal- aces and Esther -4i,3."oreat ,and :!weeping." .Mi. Cesens said In part: .4."Tile• tol- ling of the great .8.iOn•-0ell 01'..St: "Pnur.a. „Cathedral for :etre hour, the. •41uttering.:'ef the dreephig: tiais• at hall belf mast-,,• in 'Leaden:, England, ,sric.. throughout the 'British' Empire • in- cluding. our tueknoW flag, announced that "Deati 1Iio OUT i c"autilant.e. op n. It .is 'fitting in 'this , service 'that. . We should review the, life of the (ie - ceased, eXt4ntrng as ,it did ..•oyet arore-than four 50010 years. 'i‘ ' 14 'Sneaker then preceded • to show.thar Alexandra, Caroline; • Mar is,.Chrtrlotte, LotilSe; Julia,' to :Ow lie,r' late Majesty's biib isnial name 1,.. hid preyed herself a Orcific8," ing -girl,- a -hands,ornenfaidenTicnarni: 'Mg bride, afsfaitliful: (wife. an 'ideal 'Mother, a Pra,CtiCalbone-Maker, a queenly .cfneeni• a lovely Queen-M'Oth; et and • through ' all these years ,ar'' exemplary: Christian; ' , She, was iablized 'by her people be- cause, like her Divine Master, went about. doing good. 'She took :i 'special...interest in Ch'Idkens' '140814 - General littspitals;:. 8anitorituns; marl,. 6.4 which. bear her 'ilaele. ,Dur. ing the war ,she was lead Of the Al eXendra .Pield Force :Fund.. 'which .kent British ,Soldiers .sUpplied with comforts . and 'delicacies. ' Froin 1914 to 19 she visited every Hospital it-, Leitiden,including .the , Heine for "Blinded', Soldiers." - and 'Wlidn a no NursesE•tIonie n London.. Was 'natilee "The Alexandra' liette, SIte aske7t .that it .be called instead "The Edith Cavell- Home." , • • kar-friatii Years` the record oF Mt; fife Was -One .unlitoken ataPtels' •Of Philniithkopic deeds, It Site• bail beer . _able to speak in Her dying ifotit 'Sho could have used. the last words nf -King. • ward "Ithink 1 have done My dt•Itt: Queen ATexandra has passed on icy' Her eternal reward, . tiet pv:_tor-oor -4toto.tigyfigL. 1 .and all the IVIernbero a the. Royal lvarnaY in' :Their sore bereavement."' 'in the closing moVerpent ,of, their avo• rite Hynin. "."Abidd With Me," 'Then 'congrigation arose, sante': ,the National Anthein and; Steed with'. Newton. played ."The j)he ivol'org49xs:t,Mrs tta14_, The Benediction- by. •: the, Pastor •brought, the solemn 'service • to a close. • ' ' EYE , SPECIALIST COMING ' MAU,DE:C., B.RYANS, Optometrist 'will be at the Cain House,. Lticknow' Wednesday, ;December 2nd, , Hours:, 1.30 t0 6..p.m. Headaches, - dizzinesS, Pain in back of: neck, painful ' :_nd inflamed - eyeballs' tWitching eyelids', relieved' threughproperl3rfitted• glasses. Satisfaction Satisfaction guaranteed. STORM SASH educe DOR SASH WITH GLASS,,FOR • ALL SIZES pa-. To 1 2 ft. 6 in.k4 ft 6 in. $2.65 ,.2 ft. 16:inift76111:--7-i8105-7-''' Our "Bronze Weather/ Strip" iS just the thing to stop all colds and dkaughta a'r o u n d' your outside door's. . Price 61.00 per .dopt.in cludink Nails.' ' ' t. Stew.art Pla,ning -Mills tier .1.V.46FROIMM-!; Ittli Warm Goods For Cold Weather _•Conifoil ProducS Happiness ORTAII,LE' .'? IN OUR STORE YOU WILL FIND MANY COMFORT PRODUCERS, .sppu. "*.mtlifield"- Alt Wool Blankets; at $6.50 Each. •• • , - Fame and Brown Check Rlaikets, at ,f7:25 Each. ' Men's: :Healy: All Wool ilnderilear; at: i';f2....50 Each •Heark, All Wool.iSweeater,s, at $1.75 to $6..00 Each. ,IloYsl and Girlal,..Ail-W,Ocd Hese, at 59eper pair: • Ladies' Winter 17n4erwear, at 60c to 68.25 Each. and Wool wi,o1 Value,. at $2.00 per pair. 'Men's. Heavy All WojI Mackinaw Coati, at $8.g9 Each. • NOT ONLY HAVE WE cfnuFonTARt.E. GOODS; BUT OUR STORE IS OOMFORTADLE, 'COME IN,. ENJOY OUR . COMFORTS AND GO AWAY 'HAPRY.... 'ALFRED E. BUSWELL Drk Goods ' Ladies' Wear Men's' Wear . vag.,,,akto4.4.-4.1*-4.4so:A.v..an.t.n4rAti...w....t,tm.:,,w,„,\-.14-.,...‘w14*0r.4ki.N • s N"Yes! Our PriceS. for Storm Sash remain the ,N.Same. , There has been no recent cut in the wholesale , 0 Price ofeitherglass-or-aksk- -Wherrthereismg willbe .0 an-long:the' first to mention if. ,ThatourcuitOrners re- alize this, our increasing. hi testifies. . SAVE N.'. a YOU. MONEY.• SPRUCE N. 2.ft. 6' in.x6,ft: 6 in. $1.90,, „2 ft. 8 in x6 ft. 8 in, $2.05 '2 ft. 10 in:x6 ft.;.10 in. 82.20 3.ft. 0 in.k7 ft, 0 in STORM SASH , Sash and Glass conip:ete . , 0, Up po -2 ft: 6 in 't.4 ft. 6 in. . $3..00 M Up' to. 2 -ft, 10 in \4 ft. 6 in, $3.35 -. ,Up to 3,ft. 0 in.x5 Lt.'6 in. , $3.80 .7. " Sash Arriving Weekly.. --Get Your Order. In. 'NC;vv- ......- Itit's Lumber, We Ilave It,. Or Will Get It For You, At Lowest Possible Prices. PINE $2.20. ,$2.3•5 $2.50 $465 tITIE.RSON-Sti.r $IIER IC.gNS,E0, tiUMBIt. DEALERS Phone,150 J1 . LUcknow