The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-11-19, Page 4• PACS, itp' - • mss. s� r - NO CO.--Sitrga4e;s, Mowers, Slay Load a. 'and • Tedder% •Grain and orsi'Bifdere,; WO g Plowa. •; - ` r �' :Wg$i.CO«�:�'fr�'!4rvaa.yences;; '6'at�es,, 4 -Paint g N. `I'��olled Wire &1I Ga aired r ..; X14 pUGGIES,, Itrt'hlier uut Steil{ 'Tyree; 43,ATE$.i1N-WI,Lf UNSON CO,;-4lows. mail "'Wheelbarrows•, I'Lt.NO$, ORGAOS •,AND..PHONOGRAPfS .-See. us 'and ; save; yutrrself'..$ome. ;mon when, fou 'want aometldng in Music al Instruments,, N Phone 74 as the largest indinost complete -stock-In the most beailliful designs Scotch. Swedish anr•Caas • adieu Grinnell - moments and invite your insp.& Promptly Done. elue before 'placing- your order:, i •"" . ` OW4 SENTINEL Tx�:I i)E1S , NOS P MBE1 1911x, X9 5 THE �alt,,;ii. =• P' -,W;) Jit 3 Published every Thursday! marling at Y ucknow,: Qatario. ' P . 'MacKenzie. 'i Proprietor and Editor i•ii u csIAY, NOVEM E 19th,. 192E_ 'COMPULSORY VOTING Irn view of the . coniparative.y light vote 'polled in' some ridings • in the ,event election it has beery suggested. ,hat steps shodld be taken. to 'compel a,1 entitled .to vote" to attend•at: the pelting . booths and mark It ballot.' • In . Queensland, cne of the •povinc- •. a of Australia, a compulsory voting .aw has been •.n love for ten years' ui 4 d the ' federal' governrnent reeently'• idopted sirtrilar measure,' }ch"".wa o apply for the .first time at a gen.; • gyral electionto, be heti .on the; „Ott oaf• th.s month Under this law, l sts of those, en t tied' to vote are prepared by .regis- ,;;ers•.and those •who fail, to go to th. dolls;• anct" are enable. to give a goo;, reason for"staym away„'.arse ;liab :d to a: lme cf •*,10 p4: ” • Such rile* make quite a d f' Terence ln:.'election day proceeding: For ;instance carid;dateswill' netlont, er• be interested in "getting Out` th vote" except in so far as placing a: automobile, • at the service of 'sucl voter: •; Voters will be interested it getting • themselves• out in order.' t avoid later trouble andpthepaymen of the fines • .The • wisdom of a eeMpulsory vot law -ie open to'gttestion. The per • son who will not voluntarily go ' ou • and vote can'. have no interest in 'th !slues of '.air election nor in th'e +.can didate arid cermet vote intellily. It is as well 'perhaps .that- pnly.thosi' who, 'what ever reasons, 'take: ;cuff • tient interest in ae election to vet, wine° iiy slhsuld vote at nil,. Then' who do -net vote, disfranchise ' them selves fok that particular election :J'hey should not, however, be; dis •franchised by law; for it• may b '. that on anotheroccasion they ma be 'very likely interested ip•' .the- is suesi'and the candidates. THE INCOME TA --SAI- The House with the -Unrivalled neputation,for Quality Hair' Goods FREE 'DEMONSTRATION Ajslp • LUCKNOW See"Doreniiendir Patent Structure With the New ,ight proof ;Partinr 'Telephone WI knight' a,t the'llotel For Appointment - '''LANDS 'DETACHED ,t1tOlvt -„We have a complete stock .of iaspectdd Shingles- Our 5X Clear Butt Shingles are good val- ue at $3.50 a Square. and„,Maithed Goods, in B.C., Cedar White Pine 'and Sprace. Se*e cur Spruce Siding at $3.5f per 100 ft, and Spruce Ceiling, at Stewart Planing Milt LUCINOW Tile only' tiling about lisle stockbigs that ;is '.particularlY offeitsive. to us is. Who uses dad • lame it as a „ substitute far cutsing.. • ' One advantage of not being, so.good and Municipal Beard .-.Was bel at the 'court heuse yesterday to hear' the ap- of: Bayfield - Village 'Tito theii lands iu that village whieh are' Virtu- ally farm leads.' idetaefied from. gram, vice-chairreart, and Mr: J. A - 'Ellis were -the rewriters:of the Boa present. A: large, number of Bayfielc pe:ople were ori liand to• watch Ow proceedngt. Brydone, of 'Clinton' -was 'solicitor: for the APPlieants after the interests of 'the village:ior. pciration. After hearing the ,pattie' toe laos.rd 'intimated that ranges A to M tin/ the' easterly andsolitherly ,ileitienia 'of -the village would be de- tached end Placed in the-tciwnship.of 'the' village,' it 'is uderstood, will re main es -at .preteiit except that: that portion of the -village north of the river and east of:a line 'dravirit•nortli Corners' will be 'detached and Iiddee. to the township, of Goderich.. meant • thet : about two-thirds of ::the tached-and what will remain -will: • be• fairlY:compact area of about 560 "acres. The:detached lamb; it is•rin-. •dersteodt will still reMaiu 'attached tO the' village for scheol purpose; 777 e Sell for Caals—We, Sell Cheaper, Than The Credit Store Tit!. 'SQUARE OPE AEC... OVEN HEATgR. yott shottld, and Vie will. You. It is the,firiest Que-/ - some Of its ot.tt.tandirig • 1. Large roorny fire bc:#c for wood 3. Wood fire' bOx lined with rernOVeable Cast: iron For those who' wish a smaller stdve). it is also.rnade ' with an ov'en 16 inches. . citing) Plumbing-aq MONTREAL44-1 N(fi "ANCD: THE ELECTORS: fp the cOutse of the. recent elec., -ion :careaaige there 'mere soMe of neWspapers occasional; ;references it was, intimated, wereP mit to C9.9. trol the'new parliament. This gang ,is hs.rie rfT time froin the leadership of the COnserit- ative Party..with a view of putting in his place Borne person whom they of their AIWA. ;wishes was to get t trol of the/ Canadian .Natienal Rail - the roads from the government. Thir would. be done, .of Course, ,oa terms Abe whOle.thint 'W9iisCat et 11* ler-the-Surface movenrent Of* „whicb ;.`.5ke,.Publier:hliew little and: of, which Atilit,trilk.11ies: difficult because a • bine fellowing the election. l'oroilto Saturday Night, which eyi- Hon, Arthur Prfeighen, nude ,sente ievere and ..dainaging Comment upon he Montreal gang and as the article mrt. It reads as fellows: - appearing, before the electieri;. ad '„that_the movement: -in Alnitei States toward incem,e. reduCtiOr would pri4ke the issue a reel one ir• Canada.. "Theo table .War 7,000 81,50 75:00 270.01' There is further 'explatatioh 'that should be made. The Canadian rates, 'ate the Maxiinumovith- no de: $3,000, iriconie and a- family ,of. threr ,hidren his tax *mild- arrieunt te $16. He is exemPt up.to $.2,003 and silio.:7te. :he extent of $500' fer, each dependent child, 'the latter Provision being a Gainlribig Canada's: rate. of taxation „on inclines :with.'that'in- United Stat- es is ss .uefair es the„driire to de- ,crease.incoine taxation first is.*.rorrg' Caeada's war debt is very inuCh rreateiAier. capita than that of :Unit- ed States;. therefore onr • per capita payments mutt be ,greater.• Et is. an .honorable debt thst AMR se will :ix paid. ThatleaVes only the Method of' ralting. the ern ount 13e' decided, ane the lefyieg of taxaton•based come is fair becaude it, pitces part •of the load !where it is definitely, knowr --there-is'ability -to Pair;:it., The seal hie, down Of income. taxation, As not nearly as nrgent aelesset trig. the bar-. not sufficient iti-?9the to be taxed. teed for ,renioved, it will m-eari raising the amouill of .the reduetior• .;n some other'weY, and the'.niost like-. 'inetlipd us31.0(1.-te, by indirect taxa are now pretty well mOrippolised That Weuld intah that the 'it an or' -ncome would .be called upon ter E further contributioil, 'and that 'Weed :revenne as cauld be devised. Un' til the need for .the amount 'secure(' by tbe intonie tax , has been: don( away with the ar.rangetnent ''be left'Pretty,much is it is. . The political deadlock that has Arleen may belittributed.hpwever not pregreatives kriOwn. ae "The St 4iinses ." Street: Gang,"' Contervativee but leyeid :Of the sPirit of honer and' 'loyalty which/night entitle: theni to '13o' regarded as nseful sepporters of :any' pertii• er principle., The Most active exponent' e.f: cut throat wet. 3f; atteinpted, betrayaltiria its, nein,: '0 some . he' desired- to elect This. rroun•toteebied the. idea'lbat they victerY for: the. Coeserv, ative Party and. inthe-hour of; vic- tory aSsaesinate its: geiteral,—u. truly :Orieetal tYPe :Of ;. intrigue.. There . 'seems tribe to doebt .that, they sent a lerge sum into Portage la Prairie to .defeat kr. Meighen,•and with fine York.,to vanquish 'Mr.' Ring. '':• While they ,Were busy to. bedevil': the sitea- tion in the •country -,k large the. Li13'.. erals'.eatnrally, walked 'away ivit al - :most all the seata Quebea. : Hew far 1/4±..'Patenaude allowed himself; tc het • yet to be revealed; butrishateVer hieeulpability• it: gained him nothing: ,prifents in the .Quebee:-.COnservetive that *evince, as be hiniself desired and es'anany. Conservative canclidatee, desired, cost the CoriservatiVes iffif- AS Mr, .Patenaude hirneslf has said the election QUebe_e.'wae feught: on 'the....eiglit year :old Of, cOnscrip-. the,•charge that Mi., Meigk en intended to seed the. sons qf :the habitant away to, die •on the sande of Asia arid. Africa.._Incredible and .11re"' .poSterous. as Wat this charge, no at- tempt WOririldette refute it•ariethe was• excluded,. front the province., of worild'have inevitably forced..the Main ,iesue, protection, on -popular attention as he did, in other. iirovinees elected to insure him a majOrity-, in• IlouSe of 'Treason and •!hictiiie .swere 'never Mere effectively' • the innocent Sider -as well:di Ontario and' 'the '''other •Englisr. bided themselves. together into "g ng" ran foul of the law at Wier. '*ion, Their pastime *as aired in conr1 ' 'Fifth • Picture A. Puttle Oacrie--Tt A. 1-). Creasoro of Owen Sober. It eri*es 'Can Parth' thefts at Wiarteri; and the'''reeponsi- The Mail and Empire, Toronto, for at least soe of thein, Nal Onterie:, Pliblishes to.day ' the col. traced to "the ,gang'.". After consider.: of thui" rievapaper an•noutse• big their preinouS' good records, thc refit , of a "C.:Weird" Picture PUaile. -111.41e deeided to allotv the offenderi "Game, 'The picture puzzle will CO& to .go. op .fttnipendet sentenees wja: tent a !ember. Of objects and: articles assurances from thd Patents. that th( beginning , with the letter,PC-"!. Th6 liesure time er the yesiths'worild 13( idea of the. game will' be to see Nvhc ;Mast. caretullyq .superviscd and- the.' 'mit find. the most, Cne• Hundred CA.S1' Chief of Police,',Judge Creasor - Prizes, totalling Soniething. diet 00040, *ill be Offered, ter the ON: the' 'Ads reeort Weekly to....th( 'heard :the eates hy , teolf Htiridred. best. ahSWera• submitted ae. rhearthe,ri 8 i n.g...gtheratiarf -Wha Arc. with the picture. zle • game t-to good *advantage by tthers -Ali :Oath prises, ered *bailee -barn •in :•the towh. lit.Oildk to place prizes offered 'ranging „frOni Firs' • t in a.condition ft) -t• the ,.porpese fol. Prize of $2)000.00 drswri. to the .10.05,.., whocit' wa,s .atawiforeai-thek etek ?Hie. of --$1.100` Will' Make it handiitnytE, $8,01:10Ao IN „CASH PRIZES • with headquarters et. Toronto, specially organized to give careful attention ;nti prompt service to banking requirements of Ole people of tht.S. Province." IV= are 25ctbranches. of the'Panl,r of Montreal in this PrOVin01 the offices being locatecl at every, iMportant centre in Old and. New OtliariO. . 140.,,,,,N LaYin,g a! Ownhirled,, Capitat'and Reserve Fund a oyer , . OW 2.000 4hisiebolderi,' - of ;lie Tank reside in Ontario ' • • yr Total Assets in excess 'or 4700.000.000 „Headquarters for C)ntario: 4 Wellington Street East, Toronto • :Wiring nie/nory' of .our dear:. Son arid'Brother;. Sergt.' Jelin' J. Kennedyi *ho gave. his life. for king. And n sigh ,for a face unseen . ;Though his /loving void? And ''his7PW 117eWee-e§ed' to heat, 'Thou' art. not dead clee'r„ Brether, Thy last *grim battle fetightthrougli 'With .soill,•aflanie, .afiame gee.. right" Yet net .in .hcipelese griefowe mem But in:: assurarice• that agairi ''' We'll. Soldier of Christ, ,whe;',1iinto .death". Midst :earthly. less, 'Werise on Wings .of threroiVri! • -.Milther *Brothers . Sisters. One. of ;•the ,largest ,shipm,ents of live foxes ft:1r export ever to leave .for New..York for transihipment' to '• isle-rWay. ` The -.shipment comprised 200 foxes in all, with a grose Value of $40,000." SeVeral small shipments of animals were consigned to ,Nor- , waY last—year. and this' •Ferge, order has. follewed'' the siiecets Which .the Nerwegian breeders haVe had :With these anileale previouslY Sent from .• As illustrating the volume 'of grain delivered by ,the,. p6k-e of . Montreal compered efivith Abet- of • Vancouver, .figures given bY the Pacifin, coast ' port for ' the tree year eeding July. 81' Iasi,. show -/tOntreal deliveries were' sit and three-quarters times 'those from the .11ritielf. doltainbia VancouVer shipped 25;133,2;0 bushels of grain for the ereq‘year ene.tig July 31; while: Mentreal,"-dur. • :E. W. Beatty, presiderit and chair -A, man of the Canadian Pacific Rail - 'way, acconipanied bY several of .bis ,,the, annual tour of inapectiort of tho conipany'i system, In an address tO the directers 'Of . the Canadian' Na: • Beatty deelared that the "only safe ; and certain cure'for the •relief of rested upOn the Couptry's industrial `list, you'll ever see' a Woman altoking The thitun; that tretrible with eager. !less standing still are, a leee; iiarservr FRONT HARD KAETIN-SENOUR, 100% PURE PAINTS AND -Vutk,511SHES-' :LE EARRETWE' CARRY A -COMPLETE STOCK: PIFLE'S,•22 cALn3RE; 25. ANI) 32 ALWAYS IN STOCK, , DO1IIINION .12 -GAUGE SHELLS AND WEST ERN FIELD SUPER X's 11-iNcli OVEN, COAL OR ,WOOD. • Phop:e 66 :PQR.71:01JS. tine *II d it •,teal teat lot 0111 and Ma and even 'Grandpa it rid.Grand. .boity's game.) And the I'tiszlo istil" he easy to &ohm, as ir:lat7go.picttale thbljs110(1' with- the ohjects-shoW;iig nciihdenient in' this -newspaper this,' and try for Vnetlof species :of 'bee tramlfactures, a: 110411- erc4 from the aphids a$ the sycamore \ hi' l'anious heather honey of. Scaland is golden yellow, ' arid in,"eolor.froin white to verY dark, As wildest, flavor. 1For this reasop the' berry, basswood; Crinada.othistle. ' atillitivhitty8s Ova: Itren,linir or these honeyS,. as the wi/i1,...fleNvorshlossoms This' class tht-641011APh7axlimiiaatileelyY:72. -t" derived train butkwhost *IA the blow