The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-11-05, Page 8• ••-•T1M lr• r TTTtTltsIM.~st'M QcVroarwk th1 1t)?3r`i'IiLT `D x'r Nttvri4I Eit• ' ,r r • IS. Goods that have 'ut are Perfect in every respect, wiil be placer ► Tables and cks,fo Easy Choosing Y -Yours o look at, and buy if you wish. ; Every article icket with' it's History and the Price. seen: a little and luck, s ,a No obligatiod to buy --We: don't . want ntireBusiness' of this country;:<but we do want the the Business of those peop e , ho -want Full alue'for Eve Dollar they spend e are ere otay-»dve: yo inu Performance of Bargains. 1 1 1 0101111111 1111101 i 1001 L1I!N 1111ll 01,11,1111011 IIIU101411 0111 119n pIRIIMIP*1 • ii Cou � on . VV 11. Admit n s � 1. w Y p ti;)-. the: • : Friends • ;• •H�s or 17, LUCK Tickets'. a ; e,•H•ad By. ing 4ktT Tic ��., Y � •ern •rdo.. 1 Co's:`two Stores • Ho eli ;G. dine: InWhether You Have A Ticket_ • N • • g 1 • ece its .a Huge: Stock '.'Here, c, early -to ear: Clothing, Boo :Shoes Overcoats, Sox .Mitts, Underwear, Plan, nels Flannelettes, .Gloves; Hosiery,,Dress ss Maty erials • Prices at Astonishing Bargain Prices. o, ixseto tell you: .the Prices4rinted. Cot�ie a'•nd loo at the, Tickets yourselves. Don't buy if the price doesn't suit you. IIEpH1111soMIHI»IHNH pilin lllilmlllumllttlelnullsIIIImIIl11w®IBIIIEIIIInImIIIIIIitimINNNNIIIIlNIIIiIWl1111 11111811 - I�IIIMI IINUII'1111NI11 Ip :'f e have another Hundred Alarm; Gloeks o ,; ve awa They are hidden: at o'ut . the ;.Store, 'set to .go:of:at:: --If you find:the' Clock you n '=have it"F • • s. certain.: Gime. It is necessary for us to reduce our Stock as ,Xmas oods ere: be- i ' Belowyou will find listed' onl a few of ,, ginning to arrive: - ,Y -; Don't fail to attend' this Sale: Ever. article is. • Many Bargains.:. � i: • Y• bought � - a Genuine • Reduction •a n d a -Regular Stock Item --Nome bought • - .. •. . for the, occasion.: . 15.Only,,• 97=Piece Dinner Sets at 10 -Per cent. off regular pric. Also Also Open• Stock at 10 Per cent. off regular price. 3: Patterns to choose, from.: 500 White Cups and Saucers, 2 for 25c 300 White Gravy Bowls; 18 20 and 25c Cf ina, Salad"Bowls •leg, 60c. for 49c::. Special Value in Fine Tumblers,. -Reg 2 for 15c. -for 5c. Clear Glass 3 • �' Pint Water Pitchers, 'Reg: 75c, for GOc. Glass Fruit Nappies, on Sale at •4 for.25c Glass Fruit'Bowls, Reg. ,80c.• for 25c.: 10 Per Cent. off all Pitchers, .any•'slze Lamp Glasses "all sizes, 10 Per 'Cent. off. Lantern. Globes, Reg. 15c.,; 2 for 25c. Aluminum and Graiiiteware at 10 Per. Cent". off. , 'Many Bargains in !tinware. Strainer Pails, Reg. $1,25 for $1.00.. Chamber a ._ r Pails ils also Reduced.. Brooms, •60c. for 55c., 85c, for 75z., 00 for 90c. '.,,Cedar Oil Polish, 20 for' 17c., 30 for 25, 7'Sc. for 65c. A Piece of Blotting paper'Free' with everit'Scribbler during this Sale. any Yarn bought this • Window Shades, 9bc Value.' for 75c.,41.50 Value "Kirsch" Curtain Rods, 10 Per :.dent Tess Reg. Price 15c4 Toilet Soap, 6 for 25cy. 2.for 15c.' Toilet Soap, . 4 for 25e. Lenora Talcum Powder, 15c...• Rose: Water and Glycerine, ,3 Oz. Bottle 15c.; Bay Ruta:0:3-Oz: Bottle 20e Cocoanut Oil• Shampoo, Bottle 15c. , 'Sawing Machine Oil, stainless; Bottle 15c;• Writing Pads, 1Oc: at,8c.', 20c. at 17c., 25c for 20c. •Envelopes,<to Match, 3 Packets,: .25c, , �. +:LADIES' UNDERWEAR-,-Ve �s't's , 'Drawers- and Bloomers, Reg. $1,00 for 89c. Children's t1nderwear,, Ali er. c off Reg, Price. Ladies' Silk and •;Wool Hose; Reg. 25, on'Sale at 1:00. '' Man • Shades to choose• from, "Monarch" Yarm, 2:Oz. Balls 35c. ' "•Li'sto rel" Yarn, 1.-4 I,b. •Skeins,•Reg. 65e., for 59c. Hat Shapes: to. Clear at 19c •Chintz, Reg 30c: and=•85c,, for 27c: a 'yd. • wok. ... .. ... . . t 11 be .matched all throul lIs ..eason PARAMOUNT Mrs.', Tom Moore of. Whitechurch 's visit!ng with• her sister, Mrs Ja'.k Henderson, of Paramount. 1 Miss Isabel , MacDonald of Loch=` alsh, visited `with- friends in Luck now during last week. \ . • '.Mr: • and Mrs. Irvine Henry- of Bel- fast,' spentSunday- with' Mr. and,..Mrs, • C1arc Din''ef Paramount: Miss,,L'zzie :Stewart.. of Lochalsh; visited with friends Lucknow dur- ing; the week • Miss, Ruby Eveet f Lucknow: spent the ,:week -end with Miss -My: c1c' Webster Miss Madge MacDonald.•Qt Toron- to, is visiting with friends in Loch.; alsh. Mi-, and . Mrs, Jack. 'Henderson Pararnount. are -receiving.:con;ratul tions on the arrival of a baby girl,': 'who,las come to'.•stay with them-- (Doris: t Retie). ' , AirS. ; Rabt..Struth•e •3 . of Paramount, was- over to '' Wingham to • . see Ira!, brother,' who is. Progressing :favo .-h= , "Stanfield's Blue;Label" .Underwear'at $249,a garment: Plain Blue Overalls with Bib, Reg. $2.00,. for .$1:69 a pr.: Men's. • All -Wool Sweater Coats. without . collar,:,in Heather, Light .Grey, Dark Grey and Fawn; '`Special $2,49. n Bath Towels, . t '50 c 1., 0 : • , . Fa cy a. w , a ,.75 ., � .0 . and �1 25. All are Real Touch: ` 'otich Down 'Values.: Colored Handkerchiefs at 15c. These are good value at 25c.. • Oet �o'ur ` Christmas supply naw. Ladies' Bloomers' iii Cream or Grey,Winter Weig ht "Touch D own Value •• 90c. a English Pyjama Cloth, Heavy Weight, Good Patterrtsf'RealValue at 45c.., , NOTE --Choose your Scarf NOW,'a small deposit and we will layaside• unlil Christmas,:All Y s . $1.00 to �, 5'00 :•..: New .goods, no Carre>+� i•n o . our stock, "Horn Bros:" Wheeling Yarn 'Canada':: Best Valet Auto -Strop Sfety;.M Razor FREE ..See Part. icu�ar$ 'on.. Sale'Bill • r.1 Y