The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-22, Page 917 7 :4, Ce No Afalt., X 4, isa. Pr.ogres§:--Vn01 1. haa chos� , .0 el�tlt .0blotwo-.1;� qho; P0 'Of�AAMii1f, NU RSK_1$1 , � I Sea rOc -ton te� his :ancle;it "ovib S ,g WQXFM 17110, 70i;axcr Jlllli#,� W .11 "'t 000%, �Mtolt%i ij *00 14, e, 040,0404, 'with `14 illeme.,asid f aabadowY Pe�011.44 for L�s,and -UiC1iAFheA W4 thres years'-cp4rom �.Nt loving, PP, f! Y. Off, Y'rk 114, W_W,4 Headub woria'A's owillwork] to young becoming j Ali' !on, aqq desirous Of, t nd q:d.. 40a'j* Are 94 c0ef'"tly s Hoslilliall haqi.,u�laptcd th,61, tight, Thl in #flvancq� of biq 4cbI6v0l;P0Atffi-- dey 'app �14 A womail'i The V .,The. Oij jlealkh� han.41( W-r6ught,7 " a monthly allowaflos gild VIA oll"; bos profifeare made -pt the Px a 6t, the 4"041" she, lias, Paills 'and �OJS7 41je.,-jonlethinig an' Fer furlhor lea _tjUgjo. me W*�! Imitybei rpopt always 0 and from tiew York t In' e )PeZxxe�: of'4110' qp cli do, not afflic 14flon, cii0y,.Ilo tiff, 40perl, tia!411L by. the, wild, WU Air IQ be —Wholie A,�e -re4pe t U. If e ed b iie does: pot the., pplint Y, A! 0, snawer',A d T- fairy p(whim, 'rugge" the work he does. 9, o, a.. -Jtpok . y %ouni4tae Anr intgrogtin blood qAtiors'offen thin and Poor A fold, ofpm #110pAt tAPPstryll, W ft ectS. dim w4.: with, stgry. on'lil his conscience. r n U 'a, and She o, 9_4t forest. proteqtlo.;,i wo. k 11 It 4 r I III a of Ill T 4s� b,een .1abalth. Many Ae d to a -life i �IleAt� snif impqt)l AA the 5�0 b emed destine Loce of Secret his- �_Wiao depends tup9n, UWW, grip fqqpti by, obLBervlatlon t ,,o,,neA,,,t,,. An,'Interelsting. PIP d, w 0 4t the majority I y n ito, c,,o, o 17 . I b, , o AS; ift t4, __ :me -lig'. It elt er 11" e n than pira. A!: �40egvqr,. )f the rt at clo' tl�pe%ent 8 .ri Ave 110* the qTman, frje�nds� More :111re3i'in the P; A .4 a jpWelled tory, "olvell PXRIA ne - < 6y nt $0F9 -e hands 6f - the.. B _ap, A 1,—ani -Eorry' Bay.' HO 1 1% . 'CARD I q. greaf!� the wonderful 'blood i '.0 thids, �auftrjxw theo, iu Ing h(liq kO c4file, Into, the ;t?�, Fault. amAeo; Advedisemelft - t of ]he monatidni'a Wgo, u nflre y. fro naval',eignal� codes 17 ,the. eg �j 6 , pe.: This .ni naklug'41114046S t ritish .Adm en:, " . I , , � I - - i. Y. at d i1tv *1 W04 Ek 6f, cQqf A tbe*P firps of I r, Will am. a .M ny, tk -the.� lot, ht$ 4E -00 but the is, rcifl 9l -Just been.re. mpdelti6n 'is, IF Y. Pit? b jja�j,hp'_ 4iatan .0 s all day. With, a Pain. in, her, . ]an _-*r`ljfEtr' d the er §Oss' through, urso. Shaw not only, jqngk,�4 W9414A to" When tire Fr. Ina jil 6t wdlithy p yon; T e ppaiwcho, plInt'gg f Schools, Toronto. ortY-,tn`O g,, s.vr u c a min out,of,,.ger al seas e' q"r 110THUS' SR, U as�p of supplies, back and side, jba�jjj* uq. 'Atli Boo The, C - YaTltY tb ADIES' %.pprn the. fife.,figtoro �but a1EO '113,l' .,hqrdb1p8- attend- and e eft, e IQ&lq �regk, �the�� ptatenl� elms anq n -9" ?* Ship, ondr.egT,� d 'd F ilu is' el 46 ZPU M� 1'NeAll 'olm" off What 0, t like the,, a, are based io the 'Pell qv I ' -�`,ew� �bandone'k*the Imp 4tabl d '111ontpe4i Qasee.the a Its Q b� 'tranportat,on inett and Sup as" to the )r. WilliamV Ow, idre.�itm cru,Q I � e� � by. e y I rQngered. BiItL' t ought `4a d at�: a 146ther p WOT plies, 1100. �oteih_p_and., often -tritille,, friefi.ds* hor a notice it VO4 W-11 to 1 11 llenW Won't ADI3�S,WANT1FiD--r0 3)q-PIA%;N , Iii ol �ecent,.firq III Glaieler. No.,- OWinp at ljorneI" Whole Or itle.- BOA Russ4ans 09. SPA fli .'their mli.� Of. jbe� per. Alyl�woiId rppjted�, u A7. y the. or da b' en c)iiirgek pild- '0134 ,,I?init Pills,:h4y� saved from r.ogotliroqfula� er tiers tiv�y� eat side— 0, Bent.�'anf �dls throtigh. I Wb0eyi�r w *,ped for 0 P*y otj I rose Russians -lB9;'yQu P�L staifili for'PiLk an al ark!E. oftlel 11 IP, cutyA6�'g --ene jg�.otjhe aiS,- will ed the arue n a live a d after' Tjli�- wizard 0 thWas pote.d Ad d' Aboe, 'a , * l'a 11' of' tumn, -:..'faint, blula. the.- playspal ea, urlpf Mr. 4ohA - 910hiq f Aq 14, , � 1. . . dad', Me 4pqr 0 - is th c :1abtter?'. her 611d Wh 6 effor He recoyered.the b wishos that ,,,'gi ea. her ne d t4 ze& v enf Si ::.bo)rp iR51 ther women pul_er� ffifiging. hiq,, e'4va�fitag6. Th 'a then, r 'age, n Y" who 4 Are, rs �Were,utll V 60't )Dt o I , t WA f oun Et b6 .'blilght., .outbreak for A e this Out, Ago, . dpee "for ff�e.hoo)[- Remedies 7,1141ted, Dept on , . . . 1 '4 , , " -1� , A d4trd ;'90me 'Id A a Ql*. akixlftecl'b,abl� at t6k that 4ly Turt, d9w CAT bright, NS. Do w ffect Vio� 'WAq Sp1b aidiaild Ahe boVO.' L filed toi:ldd, akers. u X copy: of, 0 codes, �:W oIshed 0. UReEt er, as a tlit of 0, 0" r water w ew 'hords but. w 8� I "� ., It tre �:,or gravIty t to tile'33jifish, Admiraltyj but. the 'lid to number. ninety soe- una-w b The. 4obiltlehiss .41Q�M, 4--rd,--t-hat-,t.hey,,,-Il.ad--fallen7 -tha�tthey f olkis 'to FOXES* maps, r I Tor ittle re b k erq;_ h' js - claidtilrded, . u e. . It ls�� n4t �th 0 The fl to gp A well. q: z Topth length AN it: IA�A 4110� do the rest. Itj cod Is the, ark m,, state Oat imbortnt. es, 4 Qlapier an. _4, by bo. No IS, :in a-natUral. SIDE" . Wo ld fall, into. hostlIQ an' , ei thinks that h' C166, Of had verAli the; it Is &.fhaijbe -Possesal h as. age. was Olerman cod -PP WAS 0 2 , a, t 14 -einber each ma d1Sqovb.re dj y de'ng,duilao theli patrol., The 'N j�arot'�Iaye&wi when I'got I . , . , f 001a. i ' 7ch No Ihoth- , four Ir Ith at) the top, O$:.�his, S�a y E"ead to the British flet ujjlej3s,jt I well and. happy- chjjd� ture Aiposito about". teg �milas dens. immeoiallioly set to worle w y sjd&abldl�val�e e HOd tile,�attle o 1,ChL , ' , r I . f jotlan g -4ed' s'to w -la babY.� 11'611 ',eggs 'V t6riblY, and * heart , Would d er� can' expect, though, t1201 her, wiffelit batch floatin& on, On i3acks nii r axes. a ktly. ILfi this-deplorable'con- Of 0 the abs n.ce, of,.t.r -it, The, superintendent beat ifoler 4urfai t 411.,AttemPt to ar will � escape "all th�elll as n ber' 0 re�of. he..sea.. are.. subjeot, but sands Of of: coiArol n llood, and QhIldb6od tion facilities, "I began ta4.� g t�dflsh are, caughi with books and on Nvas,, made aware'.of e six b'to make y X, are still, �Oarr thiq�seilousiqes f, fints, Along th North Atliliti and African TP60 'Pink U4 ce, ak and � hq,txh tus, she can, line'$ 46 - . : , 0 L '' % I I . I . 40 Won., d the butbre, .1. ,, 1 1, t* lii4a-lth � easily , a d ba� n ive b rh betker. e satts-, n re mll.ch value an - I el -t mul ties for e POLelfic, do 66, scene,- With thirl,X� r .:further Sul t e A j.Aluablq, 'little. 000klet entitled Od both in' th resh ed% to 4en an _1110 iply, atid, by YL Sick,- to" to' and And othei *a and' also' a'L portallf. fir'e,puntri al an h" Bab in Hcaftfi- lidd. taken these L CD y- flCafe oft e 'It Is The eQUJPMq slyen, 'ng ais uojX worX of awhere withou tip b'sen�,prepired and as the tw 'be ng t 'bel O.wirdens 'was not aliflicielit. tO ever�.�InOiher, srhould have,. :11eadechei had didappogr6d'and J. 11141 0.9 e�j and Vhepi the rlcbUnter, -in, Europe .1a'-tho t arr A. 8 wilf-menbon this, The largest:jiacler now' piirftictlk Any' wbifi4n . 1 iotft E th �bjl6anie'iw �hic4 who th0 be- equeet -Who -tua ro is ran down'should n6t*hes1ta1e. t: L'e In Norwayi -.the- S�Jopb_ :_ 1) The. Dr. teldas Bra xvi 18citittiful g WJljj�tnai� -t dictI16 -Brijght I in Dr. back, on, lite and ut me deqd.,1`-* PaP.9r Y Willlami' J�r L 'been burned y are a' wte adir M -awn sxperle GO.1 Br4ockville,'011t. : . - ! nits I -am. sure. &()In ppa-40oili! and, h& Shoulder I phili ANSI Its like r. . UNI'lle W good r6solutio 6e h Interflient th up" A, are 4haip :e u quick y..tb ot , nt-fol -the ey,will bi -jids gh to give you C.orrlrn6rc�lal Mih aI at attempt: 0. do y these 1116 frobl� RUY q: u a 111, b�aby at .Becd0se t jVe ti M t r , . " L .. . . . I . re B Id oil 'Call g( 'A -country MID hey�'ahqti �aj,�� arrfed Ovtt.� a,lseve G It G.. fster',was,i talking. to with e, �one pump IWU rite-Alcine"dealer,o'r 1),.Y. zriql'll'at 50. dt e'n- fi-ock,: who ventur'ed the'l be- Immediately engaged th i Dr. - WillUms' -Medicine -7 box frQW, :E. 'PAt Co" -the, gra opinion that,,ministers ech"M Brockville, ,Opt should be�'bet hi ol"a 0 -to her'lover. maketrqap� lie made,itho f t 0. iiwhIbU -ran do.7w M I ffi ar d n. L an find stOPW tb -on Sit d , '0 E, y Soothes, 'drob t'O h0" May— Illin 9 it ter paid.. ;h tI th h Suspicfbod. _qe an! glact to 't bifif §Id6iof t I VeS Fritb* DY AN ;weetl%ear s, p- ease& at. 1- T ree,. inds� Oil My -c� the- minister sal Alwj mile, re And bou L bottle I fter readiii1g.. about 914rved . I I I ... . . . . " ' clergy., And It ORC I I . . 1 1 . k nue -a r ENZ w4aud ianl 44 .1clua wju.F( ffspe b djag� d reso ter. 'So oil, -of th�, lQuif. Ines, of',, t�.o lved to. do� bet S 0 ..or WPI ro.-achirtz 9t t -nallk d ho- ll�giled ow OL 6 ;tr 'his, b6tter:11. ',a long the -do id tile man. "'Ye see, Ill rhe con, Its an Speed es ast e UAMA e _U Illia lialf thM fa.Shlon, - prox Ap ng, I -or'' fron. "Well tbi$ best� by, thrustl liftle 5 rat - - I , I . . . here She,' a, .1 n d 11 N t ea oe. Wa 0 -0 11irbugli th f. the'darns aild the Rsi;earch lly Al hirty- wife InAhemor -mail- 1. ,j h sharp t.6, dirop, or v 4: 1m-' "Eafig! At- the-. rifles at.4he f or. tb and . nt�fl= force gra,vity h -pterpose A reisiect-Te, 5 forty feet WAS suffic-f ent to - sbnd d JlIL� wIN -of . pbtt It 40-, oeuvrest,�,`. n Idrinking?" provem�lit en ed.. Lt. Inid ,Oo—o 'a dia- J� '"have you bee str .a Co.. eAmq'. or W_ t po sfthple� ap 1'0f� Open little y -the' with deddrona feet'. nno7zlest Qhj -.9 reajns- e, oPer-ating- Timid ncse,q a 6�01;01­115i�i cFeam, its delicate elialles, or 6, pullip.,wa -C hl hli of 4 t preasiq . ti youbgaliu..- this ship,tip with fir dfijjj�- ttores, A t let' . u colors n f. ''gittene' -by..the ftfics, R-5 Y9 r, gdrle : t' `I lb brought Into a . ctio , n f , rout, be ow :Au li�Glies Roo.. -ar. .,f, , " ­ - ;` hIng "I was, dyd ported' by: as rich,* pernithile --,lines ..Ot rgt�jl .�'bbllf shif: said, li t -soon ­ laVeg 'that: to P0 'Pas d, el P SU' .the: Phil ppines. d. ji, illat tee. outbreak as, ,Th� roof Of:. thiqi'.famous ticed, mt� Eli tlks, rib%i Lairge R he glijLvity. lines e3n, s'& e a. kept n, opez acresI ot. glass,. 0: a Vs; t -is Th6 -total' estimated, honey-. d- IL - et h �nder con.trol. T. London, _C' qjaidon..',.*� - qnialne.d . fou.A d qtlon OjL several days,ex- prod� "Not., at.,all," Said the ybdfig'.ma, s,oe- ings,, nheki aa fish *hie wBen.-driedr 5 000. 002 oobi,p e� �rnot� cattliS, in E Tbere� �p _16f8KI- 96 v e -hing Anclolefit fires, thus're j-, i6j, Coma& in 1924-,Wii� tirtguis punjp� tor!usp east of ..were- be-' ti6y It Wa:es`t6Aay thoji there r 2' '1 . of $2',5 here jA-*.thepark 9.6nds.,wit . g u It tore W, apanese 'ell sew ajj::eff4bCtjve4 ea -are,, taught t6t g, re �Jte with both bands. —fl Aer. Tit 6 "Moth 6C , I ON. gbfin fo'rms o-ot Jdnd W Ae ful of arge, cj , -such gnal Buy.tlanlond Dyes Ith !!My face.bec d gijt Wb6tlier the: 1 1. 1 . pies- arid at- tinies red, f;Ca Y L film rug sue, vd io'heai the: the test. WE. T -Bills tey 0DOI br"allk itched'terribly." hey a re I ame to�jal you 'wis they fir6 fi r Fe* 1 dess' WAN RNINO S. an hd In. T t It hap been . - or mixed xilid l5brilined hat K, e, *Iletber It- -is ri great to act..�Shakqspea'rei or blotches i ........... bat bwned .0ded to'hialie wide, Of n sore eruptions'. go a i6rmt Wa deal. a) 'tection ivoriT. Flilmores Any - some lidestor.-bi the' ji m�d to go FILMORE' where oh otteow '10M, Ahe was -a !IamOus'bard." - �W/NIOGT lit of them, aiid Fullm d UP or -in gett ng or -old F mu the t eory. does not a -tan 7. tr�iuble "Pe Cimdle� Va - h by 1he shows g%op Fuel %vistc..ansurc ipw e , yearii earcill, l trotibi laste about Reaa b Loujqlsteve�Aonls nijish. the. 11911: Ot- ach erS' acial dri '911n�E of :oint7 RD �e 4�ans­ and exprest vj,th Sca.1hAVIpdovs� Lm%v The Wtecker will reqall� 06, s6eile of noevdente of Ceitte'orIgin, and: -ments witl0tit.01access- se ntjor Freijht Paid ". prices, 104 of th.: 'pay da by' adurci-�-Ajocailty-, "tam- -cry guaranteed. ad. second,t at t a bill A e SoAp and jitairges.' "W many saic� dijN lisOjind'easy measuring c tart. a1pie sali t e wrecked sh an f I .:name, Ointmerit,alid thi6y helped me. offeked el a n 0 n ng finywbeie:'_�wltbout Any Charge. d. he', Vairia nd Wdles, otIOL.Il a 4 Ireldnd that 1 VATERPR 0F.- -the aale' a A b ci moniK. 'the.LC�blts. �j� li of� 'A1or6:: a-licialitlk this am) y 1), and how ecitement ifiblin-ts as 420ney. orders, WhIth c :. . ous" bardo a ;nj on ille arams tio dpurchased -mori,a a ifter Usi I . 4. . 1 .1 C' bidding goes, i the, ream t,'tllege sjo-flings appar, wt, little man -CUtiCUrA'0Itjtmejjt, e. -e- To, I thret. _boXeW Of Ijlji)g. Plainly :more and 11110 Dbta:in the tell I.Tice, wbuld have; Ic a In li4d �.!Avor'- nplete y:'In U.S VOUA vesseic d usi tro to,bis anceitry vague ARCT together wl travagani, unlesathe. onceale, M 61jily'.- have 'disappeared cc 110 refek UU. hi tlftic�ra. Soap, L per can %jF Wjj� fialed in a "recem't gene r6o a I ), I ' _$L L SA Miss 0 Tr4yGAME:.EGG )otli two months' 'a, mysi6m: Inde'ea. She But 4t It not less. tha, A.. aB -iall(in a quite., PIRUL that But In' e -S'Pee .Pot)L RU . 1136 . F_ R� Mildred -M.'Bresuo, aaromen rTE R,Ar4- t 04 was neither. p681710 nor gold nor -trek- 'Butter, VaL. A slbf� th FEAT Critfusetown, N1OV&.Scotl^'L 6i j..0 all, a 5, t1j, ot Celtic and that .11111611 meant faritlity.,Lq.E. app I lied to BU 1 1. D. Ltd.,, Warril to e OUND..,,. PC che bfddir hope LjLinite4 thi§,. �WEBOYALAW4R Prevent p ples by dot y. use Of, words ;meant. th J#Ue� iodayfe More and more.ftrrlily AShfS Cqmpany. 'it was devblolied,' f ro'& the euti�uta s6jp, assisted by touc es bblieved Olriffnent when re - ;as nje�iiflng � a:- bard,, or A -blo s a4tiot of r6und It ror.t&ss',qksk ahead., of. jCuticurs. 6&, hid Rither' _0r6 bidder new top we ean n gfeat_ �ui�e.d. Dust witli ancis 'ta easy um. rA S, T nto hais�: be;pn. 011v t'the -icoul-' d thd P. N &C4j6H1TE0 cutioura, Talc that dii:sperkta, �g_unlent that tlyeSe I Head .6j6d6i 'Toronto.. two. 7bination -of tr"L", Price S."p -the' ice. For referenci307,-. t1me' the. word Addiei!B Cansidifin the, had, been _Of a from time to your local bankcit.' 'tragedy, of'wbieh she might yet yield. B'ink of U on �r�al,' or e Sa*T Depot: 7, �eallyliave beeii.applied by th thirty Year ons� t ii a ih,rilling J:jtablisbed jor Ao many Spot in Eng and as local: t eb for llsapter reqltiring nD olled toudbeg to be-7,found of se 6tto6t; afid not r IS Ide e it or 6r sucl. soh, o r;, inother Ind atiliag re� ".had Written IN ECTO, -S but lhftt Steven 6d, tile- t3awl pj�D lloarsuch in R ury. dblj: 6f mope,,thgn alf a cen, Ma cNIDER. a World's t t h HE Uir AlL aie" iltili. '&tor —Scottish.. 16 acNiter, Woiveri, agt� 'when 9111PS wel`6 6A -e ral! a 3 n Re. scurce— n.occupa oni SAW L Ydikk eale -110, b I to it Wril -Racial or gin. t Vifig', Mh le or f, m ho. call by 'co CHINE: I IS,d;fg nFaill a few �crY old en w kil sizes $8.30. mall 0 com l'biale. ta �Ah , a, ONDS CjtNApA tchell, Ontario. Saour me icine The: W I ./ , di " 'r for a� number -of yeArsli do not take it btlead�,all the time - but 4 Ple6e c4illb—gi rally', 'Llnittad drItin Fhmlly 1h.mei oi,thia,despripi -.d elk maerr"', r 1 2 . I touble, 9r, 4y, mail k enientbiar. such gAi40-- I-6mT -tltioali's�othv�d and thollih'-plirb -,The procedurd;". re, tb all upational, 'of j, -always keep., —wil fell 199 tToront6 (3 unuauM among An, fiever withopt 1, Weir ait in t -house..' I tooK I.r lolig G'as, a.precaution at'in he enand beAring-down' clOted. fit a horn cas, the of 1reland B painsj� juctibli elther inj ictoss,the back. I they a in the abdoih i,p, untimely, OT 1 design., As, -00 jadacbeg And Pal ayhave Iy home. to 1061 rthey 6.0 6C k 6ftek And Walli Upat 'all., t I ho biddlilg W' led'. in tile Gaelic, fashion'. t1iiij day I could not &t Al 'hf'P' tell. to -the h last, bid ib6tit c and the. F. lat exIilr' n tho'AdVertiselnOftt It' t e, PR -n Lt -.- ,ff, PinkhaMoi Vegeta le tAt leqtst, '6111C, �excuillg '111plueliq, 4oine to- the 014! pound, and Mrs. �John sitillet,told E�.ery tirneltakbit, it verO jix;d and the about it , too, -batttr andj always ree- i�heu` all 06�" N p all Vids I inakes feeWilli n(litlie it to my friends 1"am n ne c6t wollid,bronotince. it' go ammend ethqt. 'to your it the sinking it, h, 101�eitr i&( ears �Oriiien Asking, to- answeriett&A f tOnt Vi :06me a"eft- o et lflng� like out tbis'nledicine QU may us 'Zpi letter as a testimonial. fioul�d hMrs thp�' biddiu.9 hftecelit, on U t, Ta Nlitehell; OlttariO' S yilly-R 9 foldby WoMd,n,. brot'911L totlil( 11111 'Pile, it I'R The rerit of 'Lydia R Ilstet I tCompound is, to 1) g1l fs, itlid, take lbbg to 1! riW':by.physfdan$ fait'. I to i0,,Qjqvi LbVt t' does t' 'Proveds e y 0 - .. . I ;'' , . ., , . cf Eclivolliq af b Mj.11i'lis,and P-rdslt I 'other. Many *orh - 6 know by g AlacN er., inedidine will do mke.-It MucNIde"'Or nbgo i sly L I experience what thii War Uncollse OU rhe inouning of the.,namo s "Son. i gla Lui knd they ar� anxious for 6thers to know. h 0 last. c'; �tdh e -COW N6Urll J)y t (I -thq-'weivc; end �k apoehrii jo be' uc togtimotv sho�Ad egj�ee influetilts, 'dc ."Hoot WLtlg , an 'n I. Woninn troublew go om Io ly alildil-g those, Wild- chl III StItTOH . lit i5� - RUO atism h nq,from t 6 tI t was t1jacl, gly 1, t, I � w.. I .ott - J , I , 6 h^r found On pif %TOO a estion. Boyn't A, the (06d' Old -L ' I . I I _j f d hefliff1011s �d iii f hit tr at.,� not sdails (Teq-' 14 _ nourish*tht' -front J)o you� kn lie of E w that in a fedftt Cfflita,- ECT H that Wd�lefl usorq b.f Ahe "Vegetable, -d 'd tmilly NOT AV:# SUPP66 11 a Con Ana �tfejlgth., tit, tile, fIrst Irish cefileale an , 1: DMS. Boviril contains th our on d thost, v6juable ead "Inon 1poutid over 920' eplie§, III To tile qtlestion oncelved btuldrit by takm� t IV cce t -1 it I W,! lie yl� h I a, '( pr.oV�ili dir-CO. j. L.. Li t Thitt o t a r I - 1: 1 �lvj ac F or 11 Coll bbidd becouse 1910WR kAo tile, f ea W el jljjjj(jv 3a*yoV t0let b6ttef tioalth women 0 o:'; Ll -this Inc leme d 0 tare t6 it'h webil rl ring ow 1� tbe i rtide Mjfj( tally 0 lit r6p - - ouk P t r 'IF nd h9 cr E t tual d rio code 4pplied .9 Pe ke a ab e he der m WI usb eta Ced 7