The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-22, Page 8POT -1-719"17— 7' 7`. 4 A fr A tHU lmllrl, QQTOPP4 fd" 105. �4 . .. . ................... # jet, N 4 Z. �P owl 0!4, crWIN 0 'j ­ Tu RDW RONT AU V AND VAUNJ$ljlgp� �RTIN'.SE oult i6ogo p MA jo FOR THE C, kli. OIV 11, u&E� RC 0 11bW',A t STOCK-, AL AYS -RIFLE anaa 6d DA A ro, Provo to(al or�,` S �por ex D W.. 6f'$114,67 and, ithpor A,,gini-ship, ra- t -adt or LD SUPER X. ]i bo: gale. eign I in,1924,- at $224.2%,wbiqli, com 4 0 40irtbi ug Fh I a per-capiti: bigis Stoodi. ded by" Ino the VOW' f, j#k gdom. IT IN EII.I.ft F. - b Ily the coit Of 0TOdUctidni', 1$72.08 United,-Xiii -WE HAVE, .�O The National Railm kin 'ing material $194.0%, for the L' ays-amma 9 liuy duttrilis. Changes made, A EW FLASUL103T, ritain, and' Iretarid..' In,vol-ii Ile. 'as the. follo*ilg quotation in the-batic in, Great, B. 98c c�ding ye A RE ell at&., 1 6 .-0 IC LO CASE, C ,�NPLL 'jimie f ex BRE' lyr Co por #��s 0 comparodill 0 stood in Ili the diiff in the tvv.9 pre ts, Canada,'stands, sixth" R N �KE the Right Honourable. W., on: articles of to, tivitli as 01i ;t, Spe ch like, �sffectcd,* W� i'd� iaf Mackenzie fcipd,� clothing and t 6 before the Wari Kines Budg h' hanin I . 1. dQUEBEP',- at interva t Y ively te homes of countlesd, ciedo;4 her exports, in to .4111APPY' )UGH," "C S 0 9 S 0XV108 That the cost of 1iving his Apen c6untr COA VOOD- t faitert"Ahan any,,other N., 1�.IXCH 10-V ST �164NClt oVE§ a, showl ccupy hiad'6kPOVV1atioi17 0 �0", ieriilly reduced,, in thi last fem lij fiturei ft $17' *orld, 4e*cept'Soilth'Africa.: Her g ports �W* the Canadian iecond place. sults", Bureau o to Operating 37; -imp ...For, 1 ove. -aid Mt,,. What en( h regard evio be�i 1* possible me Cal , I I'—. I * Canada's increas- r eM the, the OPO ,1924' more conc uSive C Mt Ju9t U ft 16P oloaded- lit year of '1920, evil. 140A 'ing.. prost 'is shown V ,,a rong ....... jults ahoweal deficit, and Lig! ste a ancle U h tAlPUdW- Of $32,000, 000.00.', The riex� 146 lante Fuel iting 18� ing trade of h'4j,- d fi it a -to. imports. PS nd 'h e was a , e c rts, compare 1 'year�t. t er Rent ...... expo em proud, with, tbe% I ­: - :, $ll 000 000.00;.while, ill 04- 69 3- 147 Z th6'opdrati9PA­ showea;-,- tefliAt time, a ,Iothlng pla ces. Its talitiott 'C Exodrts. Too Wow j4plus of, A, ca1c; 006.00. ­-In''.1023, th 167 for Ifidei for 1921,,at. m $4,00%, Match 31st, t Oney �-sur ,at tce, Rl"00 , -6 . 1924,,� 7�j 2"IM take, Ong n1924, it was. 10i -'s 49,000,60 .00 plus had, rej 00 9 17,000,oau.uu. -after. 142,000, uillid' ' Are 'P 0: T d 6 000boo.00 im our aon Y odo'.001h ourfavoujr� RA otalnow be- Canada 8 924-' in out ayopry paid f ell 923 165,000,000;09 air eert Not'. the least amazfiiff� of 9�2 0oQuq.;uuin our f !US the, ser mar "our. charges ha*e.b 84,9 ��-Zqq, the'RailwAYS h year post- nd graxi Yllng 77 f -thiy ;ielloua ri�xatiol , one j achievemebA The bieknow 0,' showing . in conclusive a i .-- +,'+r2d,- r r year Equally Ph enda as le I A: *- 111 0 repare5l by tf, o .0 cillowl"g, table w -.,oiir .-ted: o qP 0 ,P -f b amountecl...10. BureaU­GZ� -Vulica"TS 03"'w -4921, -they UKI 11VU a yearsiwhilq theP UU971 pX6 ente "! D .. em Z, rardw, d 1$79,000,000-00' s;eadily�igrown are tho.,totil waii $5.00%000-00; by the Honourable Ernest LatidintM' ..... ..... anin �otal-Taxation-Ici F-our�Amexic 1924;4t,w edefil Provincigi, as, 1p54,,0013,9,�O' a6'fO ane ompare llows; ese,cleficits pal. and 11101ir6ving Bat therw6rdsi th d 0 IM -seven-L $615S tobte I da .................. T'. I I a rere �liougfit from the' ETutte# StateW XICW 'the(,� Can! —68A , , i , , M fif Cana 9 erl down into th . .... —.. how a Steady t Cs belovi Th 3ut in' gdom IbIle U&uditure Unit deireasein th6 excess'Of 4 20, dollar'. 'disbursements for 1926 61 OW- A 69.2 ustralt over our, 44, Ito" npared,-* cquntr Zealandii.� .... .77.12' th"nitod- Statei; ith. 1924, dw 77,7. N gxporga toAhat. o Sout '02 A 1921, Of­$r9,000000.o% anelrecent pre $53 -01940. 1 1 t'.. .1 ......... .......... 223,369553 Sinular,progres-�� Stoe-­ L - . L 1929..,i. " a an canadWA, 171 tudittird . 01 she*. 1921 ... 90"520` sive decline, the�, ez V1160111009 strength or �dxalnlllt 1925,; -al& conipsiitcdj� ',?c L elkateled,by 70-548;903 &Caft The Stock Market is 192K..' .................. I... - 925 ... . .... ............. QwmN, is a. reliable dtictiorl. 0 5 en: she; s "with '192Z, 11A v 100, business i e o. o&fcrl 0,0010. -are :'barom6ter., When trade prospects COW I- 010 rotal , disbutsemeM d Aecline'*, good and, underlyink Foreign i, steidy flound;L'Ihe. market pricA orc basid,'ShbW 4 b UlY Reiliorift Per Read tions, k, and iadiigtrid��, stocks useliat die teading -ba!L 9 ­WC. . , ­ $51.85. Pfie QO.. 11022 be quotations tot llere� are t: reLR g4t,now j,$104, , Cana a number of than n3 iding impPrts. 40,16 d 1024' - ------ -trade, incIV ih9ld9IpOWtc4 Out bowing tjjeqric�6of their h t me ;n ek, C164 0;(' t September eicimbindd,jor the'tirst t, 'I 30d, she stocks. in thc� OVen markal 4, bneL n dollars. Car Is.'eloetiding ess-, and on the. samedate, 1925- istor -.exceedt billio yo piactising 05 ciwes lesi thaw Sheiis I oa�&V.w6jjty-Year an Cifi.-the'ri file anY,dbubt .�fisca y'ear. - preaching For the -year, ended :July last, it W;ili LO of CLanada's JUL the 61 . in, r y6j12 :, - '000, last foliiiii-years, w, $1 923;000,000.00i f, -000.0�o; ­'The'issue rather merely 4.00i trade was spen,din-9 )gress in the, 31,st'marcli 1924; 'Where a 1, ith Inter- h 6SL,, like thesip., befqre'. WAinai w gut kth the United, St,jites; alone, -00 XlOw- 1922, siij'is spehding'�OTI17 $3 1925.: W! $l,,042,606j'oo,0.00-morc.' $25P.00 Amounted t(l Sjiullii� icleiiaber' Of judowe Tsixft an 0 Bank OCNOBtli! f.Cinadatwilvic tj -q. the total trade onRoyal Bank ..... 84. 0 2 yew, 9 Ye$rli before. floated Bank' of. COME $94.05i f rthe'snarric mAlkwit ry cheerful . flici, especially 64.1DO 206.QU mpany 00 225.00* --d Ii-cliflelrenjs lo md"Trust Company 199, to '116 Pro Of last Year�­­ txempp1U,'fof*,,fAlUilY` Toronto General 'Frrt Cofp'n 198'QU A Count incroiased, lining, and hich an, the Coniolidated -,X 6.00 anada is a good country 1�1 a Whi w he -Income. Tdx ighest fq iting Co .......... to ve'Canada's savings per..head of Hollil Mines 7illb tlso.000,003 JNC0ME,TAX­ExjEMj?T10N 'm.',,,+.Co..lid1d C-ld 141.95 84.50 .population rank among the. h itgrustionvil Nickel, company 19.7.5 C0* T C ssuc , D 'OV pinyd :965.60 S-7 le COM the'-world'-wfil 116 -is well - pER CHIL ji� t$200-00 DdMiniali 1fig-00 --'in mited .......... .72.00:, iisi-80 -difft 96.00. 1925 ...... $500.00 'Canada, -for l6kamP c0lin wo a. ............ .... isid'among her Lf 52-00 surance'in. This-.-cl Dominion canners a ......... . ... -..27.00 Canadian, cornpahiei, 'has.increased. r Bacit latige-has given.. the tamilicill c..adian sait '00 r4ore an 66.0.0 107,00 r nearly. of'. Canada $2,000,000. to '$2,93 in Struggle'! Pieper Li the end of ually 'to steei company of 1�,000,000.00' fif 19A It he eL..jre np'g oA,. clothing 'Dominion Glass Canada.....- 55-00 oi..oe. frbi -bakes pjith and Spend -On fo .00 in 1024 orj by,tbi� 1t.bqoks=' 'it gyanish River rulp and .00 . I aith an 000.0 in . 11 . . .. I I .......... 64P -Provi WA r F ' ily of Co.. �&j -j�ot' ter Burns. d I shelter. The man, with $�3,�00 $�,764,000,000 Q an' d years I . Canadiarls, per itai ;courage ociii the Wa . the average fatn 90.0p, l2rob huge volume . of ".$829,000, win rotigh 'the diffili 131COM0 an ar,: ilitee'.4thildren wo holes. sonably price coraod *111 * th , )aid a..Taxtpf, kintrwin wl ams Coln `�Shree 'd [oWed' the, W oI the Very best, insured any fuel�-19 rei Wildis that. have fell] y $ �.06 in 1921' is'now eximpt entirely. ..Caleadals 0iV6rt,Tra41e'*., stand ' among over the clearin awa 3 T"nr- �Ujd.;,qjhjch.are now WUL in in ilir�c ..sizes, ttitable fdr any a people in.#e Id 'Lo Iforc ask'. �one 'direc es oirect y over' he fir aS,OptimiStj6,,L'ab bel 02 LITI There is only' tion wo -hot e, be, 'In � I -, That of otli he r V: kitchen. ".T 1tak�,it6ck,Of,:our blessings. 0 'h'-Cinada JA destined tb go." That king. Large tot) feed d nni door and is AF Demo oug ures rapid� coo X VW owing. hic Mt. Lapoin "established. by the Canada's trade e in- you h d her b ourable [EAD. Will ack on it was clearly t:dltatis halt n4el pocket perniit `Of Commons,. 'W. L., Mackenzie ex1mris of the, U or hei d' Rj feeding %I hih wood. Grates ikre a justil the gan peech,,that the, oble to'shallow Sel.#, while Canada'a Z:r, -.;, 1 1, . firebox for all f4eis for y niA War, time by, ( , I t nurk�d', "in 114?usi jight Honquilibld were in prdiiio'. p ie. Do not er'what they his isudget' S push out.�. country. - back. Ist of living.has been reduced by suedfiy the qtljr4t�er use.j Watcr ftofit or redervoie 'Increased 1421%. at least, cc 'have -Che.erfullj Ints of or, Eor6jgn­tradet. decrdasedl­ a-.-aggregate­1 �Ltan times. CRUX, -of tl stoves ever elt. - ke*'cp-' ducticin and the',shles Tax -there- in ti)jth JkoftarUfitree oltslll�ai. One� iP most flexible. jheL effed eigned, and ekceqtionalj�, -We Pr rank place aniqng many red$16013 why t, al 'theapen welt dd�pted to: There are on, Ch have 'a. 'Contin "the sar W.'I '�hqt;14 be V cet U - h the Canadian cliniat 3: ne. ado 4100 r V: 0 anada' OU 9r finc. 1 worknizinship 'ai Keeg iiiiiterials as arcl.,,. arhous. Hd5py Thought A OT P61 and A. Icast .0 & 'US. P0`R "M RAP LUCKNO%�- ONT. . . . . . . .. . .. . Wifined, tho;iailWaYi - soon be. oi steps Europe he are taking of 'The, �wo c WM9 A6RANTFlt AN rl-,� th lok, thd peop e of. ly� t6-loing-distance' hab ng AL -he otbeir. dy now ledf4etitibri. The� Ate large Wjj' thL attack t 'itratior. will be'in a-bett r, Ti- tri s agree to,.1 iubmit to 'arb e and s�afer; c4nditi-oin meet, th', W. type h :sent, lead, putting ofi th� rails a no Uoth passOnger, and public In -ho Pre MgLve iiii-ore development of L' goqd- all mat e t j, a d6plij��:Wljjcfi iq ar:s(,L tnbe6re.4 T twhich will: 'frequent territiorog 'there e giver e sys ems over w ers, 0 Oerinany, or ah� ei�'identiy h 6f rail; to call e, no longer any -them Should' !t ' '��,�rm7o 'military 4v e th�ij jhe!� re'glilar Pas:gchger- between P he ogtandizat setvic Thursd;0: morilinx .61 1 . . I I charges powe road m011iOP61Y ithi crushing is d Ontario. oxamplo re rbitiffe lit at, V and to grne exl; tot 'o -car, -s f"redo ,at" Lidckrio*4 rce"'13 1tr 'I bought, but this is a The'new S some as e ili,,dispute and resort to fQ ",as des y .... ........ ... w years k0prie D,...XacKefiZiej P . . .11, " ut of th ra, -ebach and a sttdet c9tt, t bxp6ierice(1 a,,fq. I 'join France agA1,181 t66d, t4at htis'comO 0 e,, Great a ilway and Italy WI its ­own, llowor pianil. an Ic curren Germany- and -should Frane refuse The. �ai, has War. 01 jO­BVA 22:till, the I ,engine generites* el6etr E&O itrate:;,and resort to: wari 00.0 twhieh is applied to a m6tor­ whiah- in Wofff WHIM T]ftURSDTY7 6( two. countries will join � Witt- -operates the cat. , These L cars, HAD A'GIRLL any againstTrAnce. IIUANSpORtATION 'will run o' TIf6Y EX TRNCE �&ND, 016rm. I Q11ANGING n to stoom tailil)adg, 'Press do-Sptch, 7 find Italy arp thoriiilil�- A Cfta,d n 10 town 'If alE A ell o As l3ritain' io 46 to 60 pas§dngers t r S '' '' aj n Vi.e9driving -peace, Ane Windsm, .;Oct.. 6thj iW TO CRO.09B.A WIFIL- than a balf-doz f no GE)iiMANY% es interestod'i ill 9'fea u e one car Sr III oomAPY t6dAY -b�-paniby-. kiftil. I alinbst.certaitily be'drawn mtt 'One of the outataild' and if YQ% 11fiss it France all C, the, line 14,, ytg g,inan, you wI go than tW n that ti ffi -is. e I'hvingi he ousot would d ticit, be thrown ind -, taxicab t"i bill* from martlea Will -sti,j( lo�p 'tby6,1 0 0 for the bdxt &I Sought to collect a $240 -h 0441 will catry. is,*. not, g "Vet many ye jr,10 folt tllp�d; s' nplI r A) steam pas'sen 'sery e T-tials I!aV(. line of no "YO Your a jly ll�evmariy --they' d�btl6ss, I . i �e.' W elsee, you ''are, I`k Ely, as vjith the yogrg si e the a war develo'ping bot*de 'it" is almost E aiA of YQui.. own ajivojo. tugeile �ger Irioresey Atreeit, so" Duqulit, 22, 'of( ;Dlont herL inortaIg of Great' W�r.ended so fat as their' p;iA'Oiithd Agri�dment Un. since travilil,.And trah.4porfation gei� ist rie%io tYP6 i6f Pgst0n- -left. the youril sex,' advice, and give -You a high opinion of'th's only e groved, that ti driver'. , He' Dd t very �Windsov; iw, the help. you with S�file gal was con�erned, �ut -.d 4dj the conditlo�i,'� -a War start'd b, nd now it is gettilig. Pq c n. J.0: 6perilted a imoqt to wlidonl. world-. q -the ialls, a got car it I taxicah, gartige At, -noon Vridayj 1 4c le either (;drinarly 6il Friande.w6uld be 0! fif not all l6ft'Of the cost o ainounting .,have the' h" t icomblitatits Agrep got f liunning our�e, it you have been ehughit OW again� It wl Small, ftaeti t after lodirig.jhoUght Slain, e not alrbitdy tL pas 1 rain. 'the explaitatil-oh AP vet gudderkl�, today with ari pormaAer AcO7 tqrm8. hopolegg'for the,bno comme is niotlik,' e it! before sizing, P of th.o-bther thel'e, U'o we present- clities'ana fo thiti iliasOli I . sports on Some k.1 Is Ill 6 110PO f6l' You. You are�a` o i 'day of,las P n,.Vv 0 Id ofjr6ight tran to go. w,tfi h& tk. ye ndertaken. Ltely oWntid �ut* niobiles and even it lf, that he hadukon"fout passeng0ts On g no!. FrI ely to bd u Many, have tobblid'flici rail. if jjot.W the qualitieg" Yot oegeormany'L Britain .1 - bag alto do 44 nottir hliq§es I L 11 �re'is the.�'fare ',D G n invaded, I Love i% lilind: ))tit f(dr, ri riinte, d lon-go . trip., t, thcr millinery, or rY go t: h 0119tergot -by truck Wh4 "T L ' bethtLil q - 1 t Mil, be -lidst d' Another, that Gei utombbild,, the Offi -he W kiffie tie( i Your st, h ore all;(' gig '�'ifeaty Wfr1CII hall be admitted -into the Leaktia'6? wilyd'dt 1he bulk of,t dir c'ulg; aske . I X� .. I built the c;mpan,y he is 6pe, "of thL DuctuetIatlier told. ;ht� gets'llo. d6fails, all Y u missed, all traffic, espe6iAllY 1h the ummd"lon- oads'llave, bee 'I. ut in will 'find, how', o Whore good t u t tb I L the two Xati6bg. score 'miles -sdUth of is 6 dq is to 6, tha lolic droyd to Gdderieh- bill imfoving Ger csn-mean, r a. 'no 6 hoit h ong, the'. r it 1W afor A"h, tmer if anythi dbs' not' �Oiii;ririlil� igh e B. theL Liag e,j, thove-is'i botte nd t� on "kiss his 911TV" whom S'fi!Q does Vilt ft toll ill b ry. lioadi, jjIj6'whnt§ no Oft.! ail history I 9114r d i4'a great event in, Eut0pe, u ford w.fth Vftlffid 61T the COU14 'v L 'I his is 1 ound to advelop. Goods- to �bc, In he hertifter. There We; ,Tl,hV haVe iarhong the strong,.ha the recont I mo C' seen foli, tw. Take or'..exam- 0� & J� tilway have to -be mo ana f0l, OlelmAq r it f6f.,Vou hdl4 ltoftiembe� the ari`d� in world,.�i! bcfore� gic-, III ed bY Vi �d to and.' s IPP, Y -mite ..At onci tift,m. Oaifoi rr c jilld' AA 6jil dotribts l w. di t., San S -.0 , by. trudk'4fonli the .:waro hell' Sk�. ,o r 11t, Uj). whilo. slid hu t ied, v, 39A ited ond6A ab the -time attitW, and it- lidAdlk-'Oecurs e46dotich. Starj dii afternoofi, ah'a dey golodi or treaty but It is gliaran e dangerous tr6m, TorOlit4o and,L ed suddenly other it. 40wr Urd Lay, .dl - Cho -k In Way Whtch Pt0d, U�411A- 74,-, iort, The lillorstore, i" i a' ye'. " L 111. -1-1 h- 6, PO rlt� I Will _IWO Tar jnv.,; 0, 0 the load it tndiofi� *6111)14� 'On �0, V t ooI&gt:. r aSOnli tedt eAtek Spec c peace 'o :, , �,a ' 'f� h t folim of kov -arro itail'WAVS 6s;6 begame ttalf-I vhen on L r, a It on AeAti rr, , .,, eridui,6�L dgnot ndiw endanger 'th the trAffid ion such dd�m S or In t it . ith-, wi Y clvili�e goun. ie Will be, lest, handiffik'i 9td i+1tod" S�o lx th(i, ii"� he mte'd am it, evdr:'Obody, liaVdh eaftv- He 'Woo t' 4 t)lio The u 0 An And 'leg V d- tilp to 41t x49t w9j. r41s4jwj4, to tatiliffig 4t 'boL(hj rids. e;g jDf to sipptiar of' t t -bettv Mill W ch J401V00 to in ustr 0 aho 61 Mo AN !4 sidi '0�rit ffig; thus b6und to ko Au ow6bilo; - t, More tiho'buill �rjft lot Q40 tilid bei 0 4#4-a *I I �4 400to mommsm 10110111mor ... .. .. .