The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-22, Page 2F, fir �7 A' A N IN zzz= BuS IT. i so �A 0 4 'I! M0 ;M� 9RW, 11 '.. WA 'pit, V 00", oo; FELY EMPLQX,.' OVdI 91, oe - C IV CtUtea,�,qj d� C A VAM,', 0.3ftr 'TUP �*AC 'inept 0 a hex?":, -buv 4 10,-,'toqk_in 10s. Stromg. hands se- ni. edziffe 11 dqd th %-, Mrs, IF ad'toll, ve OPPK gJqnC4tQ1tref 4, is, ch-_ekL-"A4d"dx fqu CAUR� t MOO, inist W tmox I'sol ­ , 4:,banokoro e. %Q14tUTe"#I t C vibtoUndeili 14' ny feat, oxk them a d" Pap W*a jjn� b1s r4 virtaitc). ide "'ho Nvent. 6ii. life* ",It Wwu; My Ill V0 on e NOW on. it t,*Jet,,ahAodyp�� , Ong 9. r bPPQr, i& 'You kiiQ*VUA1"_;me dlre*4 'a, Ie'*f*n* And Pt, what Y`0u'N`P,, A AtOlitl`� Impor, lice 40, of - - - - - - - - - or tile u �11 nexf to me�,,.J reer f T41k: gild&', ON t ith "spec YOU tj.,sbe wen .'w . irowIng t1le, did VII91101II-1, lablel VW4 Ill, Alice fir, (the'.eurd. or COa9u d6n% hot W for C400in, , Induafri 7 �qs of fur'.. ther.e�plolt ... ti lilgea, atl*thb egp but�', lid" Mil slqrF 1, . M 1. ;, . . I , I 's I I I � Ili Cana a' p 66d, her., 8114�� stood s d 4. In 'no lof,var N f coon" A44qui"I t i 06 -b ­A'ArM4 .414.�VR lidiment at P1411ts foi thi.,ill'anufacti:ire, -44 �, �,., I -P 1�t . is, �s on, �77,1,s J. 'CO�, her An, Joh Of thiS it ab,. he ulaily,'in. n4 ral,bours late iyq_ r F FIF. -, 4 re,thp,:,tArOTI9- P-00,, In an. - Iiiv 4 bef4 .4 eryt1i 9 hW� to, fllie� tv die 6� sw-ifitilu 0100A loud "Aftic j'tbL ere has be the wi , C' Anyhow 4 In ton" 9140, PIP t6 'qlastk' BrooRs; nit there; heA W, tO oul4, k Aybody W u6n, of tbilp�eolqmo Only h 40 onla'x0ii7lre' in t e, art, d:d6ligbted "WV it' being 7g., klel,'. _gTlnll�; janimous. b. lie, Can4j t ullire yolt. reeks.. , i -ted b if �t�er t.611e ': _ odip "b6y. and. �of te,di,6p�,Jaken' from i -t it C014.0 -ita, it, 19h );a *Are, O"Ple., db stcq i T ; , geneIril �sublfc_tii q, iall �Im 'the wofl4 "pla 14 I Oof the Ia U­ r,,qrprfgQ tb' khOW VJVO�a A�iVb T is es irllste�d eiVL thl 924. to IS -use Hen -y 'ds7­­i - 1; 1 . , -to Wit u6T k. an, �b e with, a, d d until lie qo be duti 813228 b $bfa wave Yd01;q $$17,169',; the 7 1,O0Aed like the, to b ;;�en the -h heand'awaq- ry at ho. hesiveb of, ush t 1 10: t q. �ive li;nOre4 and and qd )L m e 4 - I gJaZed paprly" e polipide. ith oull In. d CTOP In and'WQ.0d,WQP �slkht; thO ji, Mr 'Hillit0t PAV St. to alrev in er Xp 7 0 her �ook j.�Unger by..yesis dioarin0j, his . T 'the f.,land wer.� and. nearly lips took a their �066nt sound -1v e as.. a e_ �ov. n4,. colis,tituent;ol er Is qup, -tile cc that ild wat�r Paint Ing W, at to best -ah, she� woki ollcl� _jr Wsy',13jo MAI 'at oUbE of them k cre l4ened Le e ki ok-throboing amade I t nothinj t wit 'long to. olll Q,� pA ,unc# hei,,terms espy., A I !D id.,, ilb� 96 t you., d party ot materials its lbe d enter'- A triffe' OVfn'L 44 'fittings telephones , to A You 1�6ondllicte:ii! Ove magneto !!do Ur 3 :near distapgo ps ds at Quietly thk, Little Gray Lady, won?t pre4s .if tt but 0115 Intel, d ials), Hut' iniron om er�ni and. wastO nod'Mi t e g4 to you 1! :,you're hard' up�at'any,t ZIIJJ*, Very, t .. . . I � i . . , , I u heother,,'buyer . c �bony. A k t. thaitik' met-,-- "That part jadeiapis'la 0 Words Lin I Z, let You ha and Y an �,b� �tompt4;tt he OPT, 'k -sh oial, ... ...... . v qul 0 'change r P11 ba. UA0 after her. d tort:610 t athe�, be Opy , hid d ie gUI bVer- rkubst rl a(, jb�. Sh'e. Iiii, :bard. itutes r �Th4'-,En e r f t tterred, to �bonite: 4114 ties b a III Ifrm! -iroice. to, RV Oth -Lin me S , . ICE ticles. Casein if still wants it." �W t ItAtTI, my Litt Y7 oul f ard,fL 71 catilte or ,,a, the YPHking 0 Ile loo, 0 at her geen 3, ties-, are also sed)n. 'i old a but 'k'd f MITI, 0i Pean bealdw, 'L 'W 't, phonolic , res ust tand I Je d ed �t&Y th MoIuthfuli d d i rutiny' she',doloiedi.' cigarette: bolders, gar an at it' Intiereste CS B.Clen ats, are -i af�rebb ve L scle'u, as� too N 1! L 'b or- �3#ts, parts of urnItuve, 't rs!''w unsyrorlathe0q. W c less 4.0 , list lie q ed at clerks w was'On OW EN r, of !Blaefty M, ej IN U1 I'd I I C 0 - 76�.� were b6t, ,re r.be d'a jiXie pf crid aneldice toilet, articles, th I'd' be L Ideman%i, the, presen ,4 Popp' e. y.4,tol& Me a,lie& thb' R3. ditting by, the 16hes. 'Thi's from one of Ill a)St: enOU Falls g arc IATLhe zeiison"d een" find. - bas 'a wedding,- trip:, idh g d her iid��,Jg ald 3toyo pQl. oL of Call d to cov6r an. al,� ftl' Niagara.. list, 00111a; be extend(. stops.1 I,I, made 'coiisldr6d near I so varle Y you had A m( Ir -1 t of artii,,Ies� 4,0 Ov8', e4 4yeS ad,j.nitte inoof end, e IlOw Only: Iz e W, -e Raw Materials. ad .4 Id h ut, of, Sun' 'L., Th ft+e �: I IA1 enoug ths! Ar� Elfictl rl worse lie be tested,- or� a Ill eiC10*114� ocllwst cul Aiid.�andll- lent es man& 100W, MAI` LORI Th raw U a ect the a cp are I'LL ; CID ey s to Aciften Hw -particularly a�tlon _S UZI u mill 'e T Arorse and 0 11,41000 JoVedi Who ',you) wan . 1', . hiar ted %dIstuirbanc vio '4�11 r iles h mme are 'the nMade Z, N* iie,chi64 6#13. It eartlictualip, In es W crea -ith-Ahne who IlWhat 1�frange h. Q4 P her a be ecust. a,( is' -Vg eteriii: bei 1. L .' I I aifli,the wo rget,,an pan.: SOfinah lih as mont Blanc .�amous men 61e.: lilt. MdUntam as I ! . , . of case n 0 idd nly risen Oceall, piethiiiid' f pres, ially. YO14 from or 7 or. Ek 5 - Use fo 0 a race, 1. 1 - :; 3he Ig-� 0 : . 'b 'bed 'The f, e6JI)itating, ca sses,,o 0 k eggar., b to d 0 r. 41. d her he'4j made' .Uggestloir soerrIa unlike- -a, txl�ai� 49ur or, lac, iV? �he urged.,, fro lThe latter; t ot; t 0 na as Mi A0 to give, if n6it be. untrfie.. An �0'her, face' in, his a .1y,' and yet ;her, Ing on as IT orie'd Pronipt 4qid 3 gh thAil- A r econ(l, d-fih gp ervice. 'ther hYdrotlorle it to.. op: S el to;. human good, 7 .. I I � I - ., � : , � In 0., the, h der aat siipve� 'eyes. �-Pyt depths -of -'5,00 -and tou ;eet,, where t in ere ',9111.phuric, adid., - d , an,", he n e a I ke"e"p I air or de 7, CdhvinceA bedaIt4e showed oyer 4 600 Is in' '16 . that the. bed' 0 to �t ai II 0 t own 1`1 go' 0 Carriage V ar. eS Loreg�ojng'L ptopb_ I 6W WaY�, .1i t glidi "gilt, now , IT ap4y- eompressid' his lips., is rieW. a other.thethOdA h the p4y or � cay. paid one b tW whicil� 'and darknss. em6nt� in 1he 6cean's iota x ercei It of, in' DiDut that, by. an -ta tpe%.�-.�,so r,yq very sorry A 13�e -e 4 pbrte d Just been, "re le krical prebipt k is,nsed,, and n th. 'Vs last who I -the the Hawaiian this. 10-nes T­ ineticai.' profe-4slor ineflieod.' lix�.Ofjfiaaa., only . e h' she hurried. are two,methods -'deidr1be,d',iire., e a -d -u In'the'est6blishment olere ulp still I Lpw jIj..b,ejngr pushL k it' his T ace See w t �drj.buiL. hope or your sakei '41, pe inthe sew f nPa� iukhed 'his � Way Want the. Wands, 'idansid4ration of-ler. Ily nu t rhinufacture lihin a C_ prinpipies in high dry-Aer-A fundant6lital, t �aiid her, Work, a dear le p';aC6.11 Her WORKS LIM11.11*11ED ust, be WIWI he "COU 'making'. er � smi at h ' dr6uMstane to n h, surface.,has stileratioil. The As BOMB, 0- Ile t Ili 1) c r1.'*..,. I i t 7thing.L'Ile, d ji�ting that Yo- depog-Ite above- t'. e for 0 ct a 5 10 US JYL the, inos� if thar&'WaS. no fustifie n inE n L, tl�rown or ag, EV Ilroliab good. 'dairYill" d liptoning b 1110*3. tjjz,�. siame.� Ian ef burdens. Y �%Poim to O0, couia can- 66-. draw.m. Oil itjUS. uld Milso that t be4v t 791, 'YONG I.y. 6rl, xi-LILleq of -hit!, dlai;llt�aii d' ' in tei I td I... = n hilf But'- Mr. Hunl have� t: - ba -6611% the lit y '' st( irge: qlka) bad" j� Put bitterness in ng. tho.,:. recen slip lel-6 It may tor but dis by 16 6-1110,11ve mAd:0. craiss the world; a -iii- TORONT high let worrya and id �h I 6h: e light he Me inqy. Ain 1�ro duot oil a i paid, backi t doliteil: that 01ID 'upwaid. curl from, h town In— Portuguese we"11 -rub the the dt er b y sonte, more or tle, �reanitry CaAache, 'and by an establisl;c ;+Tkche, an th6.bOse a IslIpwalal ileI've Attic b"eaill.ibe sea. Outh' I not be for . ". I �� -7-71 -dertA en, as When n -those- Up just lost -iti. tI it ;­ etc., iook'bei'h6ad. rIijili"r,' searched.,, smonk the d with bUite! iiee, �Jacip i�riitg 1101jelessness'! shLe- siglied - and sl overivade ;ey nto the plant aw es.. �jassed be- o if 'deik -reached i J halt hour bad then t -etioll. t. it uniforn) Vel U his p.pe e . ai keeping prod h k't rid. pulled. out', a� er ing *quickly'at, lei ex4turItted; gand lorre Aly I put that tbixlg,f�qre a�d, allowing Of n eshe. i�Ad failure there. "Don't see h1s, 1i 'a. .7 atrafisookitii- �gtnt. a, hol, V 0 ti n. Good r:,il nd: wzft(�;r' e ve ;a, mr HUM stonily� "'has Liniglif hay hd sitlil human kindj�ocket,.�Vs'such, a hot, one. I 'hw f tion, filemues ai.!e also IlliPb.italt", Oheilthe teeth- 'Xcess- b"n asking 1.1,st er. ere rom, 6 man named bell' �plaut to A- OUW Hid. eyes for expott oi�, doineslt4c; aid hePd have eat t ur-tb�"&& op� him + �I. J:actora which enter 1 %Vors if be had is ened to ev.eXY Know tale he ni-, rkevii,' Otl� b p6d d. into the co�t, 01 d I ing to 'Mortgage. but my stren h, tarted- an' i,�casiatn manufacm Ing,; d de "He'd a kp:l)rjce.af sidni inilk, quantity of'. te. 4e coUldn't u fade. hi d. 1, had le0a r'e b III e r nothi Tli� wo'cla, rain d* fine bay." Jn6 bond exe011t.f9Y w�r tij.be.drie, fuel n"d fol .(r untou hi Y le0 to. lenaing il��ondltiofi.of-piird. n Zon 91 be sID. Didn't Y loo iIlty for Extenal 9" full Mr. Hpnte [rnpresg me that wa C rq. ercer. mw'sten,0 her 141�s and, sp�o wheii he' turned upon e ond 4, 0 nit any� r,. ade.a wry ., ac4t.� AY7 nth';' a,, risighed me to Ich pgriada hall lite -d"hard. like a, wildcat -and, co adV: ,tages, wh w( I'to-.6ffIar ior,the eitablishinerlt. Of -ft th -6od businesg lien I %refused ons w infeinal regi 'P ien 9 or, Using , I;A§ein eople ae anytki n 6 H without d hip,. in, iv�j at �d aij B-0 Kn-O'-W-.- SML, -.t in Iled faiptij arid.i6n- inan get ma Merdet Supplies fto,go'ih debt just tc Mrs are 2- aoneii, .He, l and: he's, �7(ludntl ` iy telling hiT to', in tioub lilt Pan be.obtaingil in ended by It. 'andof gom q -was young IV V mitig I couldn'i, help ung.: Youth doesn't StOP" 011 e ttittle Lad e as t think whqre YOU canyo to ow, panLi�� s. i� paim, duci! 0 kk t6r Me. e c, 4n� Is caft, wo th llity.of the s ou W MAO B U R N� I P d. JUL 61109Nt" U ht. Any- Itept ifl), tq "Wello maybe youre. rig He'bowe( agziiiist the�bael� 8,.Mpney, GU,:, t prod ceW FraAce, I his head'� Y wint, r�,ad this. 'which I ir iie sat aptride. Told oil aa.11a.s be laid me'. on: Is r6(16 IN of, the, qlla way ;. 1. L pea(lflfut 400klet F Wor4ara rd 1-14PY ': " ` I . . I IN OC' 'very:stili. Mi -"s. Omer, A* ther in anada, e and was-veryi ilhe�elt e goorl at] 4% oklet gJVJJJg foll in, from P PLO Ckel -%V woul 0 extra i . loolied Ii 'Aaod 'staring, -eye! 140 -d y u Hice �o e a W-miliz, 'Our lio,110 Knitting. 19 casehi re-� Her imal that is I�e- h'Their.tarnlilgo. ng 0 r iy. tt0a those of a holple'as :an money without leaYli forniaion, 4b.611t, ito, . L .1 1 . 'frec t is illn'st quir6incilts'll'o I fi W trilpo r �Vjthd t nei 'over onethdilsq in, rated. with, phota. ni. other countries. ThU 'a -f:iee,. s ud:dep,IY old otueT letters I - i Is ing" tortured., Her� rivbq a ot,ters at thos 'red. III, oifice wrltt�ti by nicili'and wo , * I JUL an blitlet"fol adian. ciisein w c I 'C a fluec6gs !Of this U(Ies? Tot,b le�iiitni,. ptlyae W'Yri� Who a�b,ollj vv�jnkled, pucke Osell, to tell 'Jakig a find dee-PlY " �y L ad �n gTeat Theti-��al:116 V is of' on iil�rablo, expansion. ChII(1,g,*hext sbout;16 cry., t:ln it P me too gi llomo�Farnlp,k plan, 1 would like. n bu W's lit I%, AIR161A hat canad he spread Nbut h1h. bth s, th-'Ir ducceAs. 1 On Y t fl. tans aud V IleaA & of 8 �yery inucli to send yu acopy. I Tight In, p jiirkc� U off. toleatti P �nts of 'ber.1 could ptint1beiii all f6ft know hii surprIg b c6n mord 'e'WeTe:thf) Pri have 7. no IVO 0rde is,, -esteVin t fu b' r devolopmen't of IdetuAl I Mrs. lIoVi,*.VaIqab1 your 'a' j Wnd q a r n' e close to him, La�lng Even thoUgh on read"I'-'Thlin)k blow e to t ill'INI CH 111 1 ne, Its 'Pau arm jpr is a 'earn money, WoUldn-it it. 0- its thb'coupon bolow nnkl I shl her b pir -cc$ need to UIR afe; -ebrge iii Into., tile 'Do linfoll danip rnaSeeS G fingers thyeaded the LID 6jfL6wn' t sefit me her fiame: f64r ILI ym:j will tho pleasant 'I 1 by retiII'll'I'M -in nn- atbitt pbe�oole at Onhef I' t b tit ere*�q 1 'Sh,- gaV6 0, 'age). 11 booklot. own"u"as as his halt. laugIt that ternb or ihIs'eveti.ing. and years, liere Is AnIl to 0 bo i i 1) I'q il. dpv(4 1), 1: ijof" the have bad- illy '11100 jig i l6n. We"I 8.,J was sltvee r tpen S t -and cer.tain.' tf�l Way your sPare letter 'to years, - since'; tal -P im 0g, 1.1111s. It will be M 6ve-. cin. .ban'M 1111 lend 'lit your GO1, .Is! con 1�(pjll'y your time �.Ia�6'nqvef be -en with- 'Illy not (�flp .1 1, illeaSlIto - -i'W00 4as Into' S12,00 you:ghall %a after, Pa eal t1le WO j3p to toW kitChen haVe e Y. . the: coll 1, nit rik "Itinnod, and out In -A live tb L"na I'll I I ft' "n ingfr 11lig., Your K"t Heto IBM wit' U 1. yo c 0 ne6 As YOU P. Nowat I: Call OutL'irj tile neWeS.t� type bAck w -it YOU can �nld, 116W1 I ri 1;01 1, ot1 �fi 6dat, you hat, You ll110 1;6011 a, he lava c Pay im of, tor. Last/ Ware Siinie This is a.: Ight AIL the,.t.�' or ilic 'bdbd� ltnlfttiii Auto-. T�Cnftf.Lt s, P0111.9 Ri itfbitkL xtroAa, dink.�bftilt: al-oubd partip� hei i0 O."tin, camping knit Wool e an (1 11 Ustar�d. chfill, I I from 0 g'014'fied by 11 or two of r6tM Int6r6af.1119 lCtter 0, a S* w 1056. of On a, puitat *h1tb tharhel� rarhO 0-i irig y u,. caitil for the a jaines lia whoi fI;h nd'meti who I (6ev yolr ',�Nrb� bavo had The bithittibbe Cdtnr,ietd With C2, back f ith. Ij6l�i hard-zatild viahe� a l3ah V reads, its follL Las atilliler , Itkeketii, rlttlriSI5� add full [,tfiftt'o JOU?VLd �Ol 4 that Y,011 julv(-hJn&' t I'Mil t orj`g iihoot-limbw W113L a 5PIC111cP ar hYetirs, Ike It Would'a t be, 1:19 1 gad fjav�oilr ifiustard fre.Oily war oDra front Octobdl, ligill, '18 throWli it 2.0,,:k 30* 616 rq, tile illy �iltll Niia(lblii tq it - sn't Alice mixed witiI cold wat.tr iidd!; firnis crq t tj�, lip b6ok.pn�,;' or PIA ni &u to Knill my, war at � ino n a 101, no� fault, a: art ttd, Toronto hill� L 0 �400-06-" Whild cltlolcte, $1,.�.00 . c;�� 'She's toitfie,bam, �acbn; fbWIj vc. so 11, 49 everthing I of tbousiift�d f ' n ara women, good thi-1194 Tovotil(�-Ril dteds ave. U th6y ibitt in tamp., Vil s'a ps .011 of 010,168rit at h4VC �t t it pro, oy Yours tha you ery., pa r :ca� '011ars LIS611 to chat purn, t�l that I tible 'Into 4 .1 b I lY two, of' thdat, SM'P tit YOU, 0 be "iEN (CnradL) Lfrr '06 lives' lit it 46 ot Aillington b_,,, j��. bOY, I us U.3, I" can 0,0 it and Of 110V AL I Mar o s, MAdd of ''Olkilthig IL b all 9 . a n orma on -1briu-, in - ; ibut, stAhdard t "But x' hine, b 02 aix y hind4ornt An 91 L wotudr es maChIne have, only it "y d t great wbu, Sold d9in' a I. t6rii, N W -$ns '06, m, "my allaxe. c kd )got by p are� (101ftg I's I afnbtrii and, hardwatt o�re stordt thfouth6ut, the 0011liti3t, 3u even f *1114t Ott ahY,Te W 49trUTAIL PA00tim his�oy6s, ilW bYJAL YbAdNTO t('d e �r, tile t-aftie VAkC4)UVjA CAL404 papp lie to 1, w ��M III In A >