The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-08, Page 8M, - 117TV7 _71" .0 �W, Ilk 77,:, 1. 7 :7111 1; 1 1. t ". =7 7 7 _4 vig, T. V z, . .... 040 1 , s tbo -air W 0 no of, 1 10f, AVOi TA tA 'b y� or- #0 ig , hO , . xil 0_1 -t 010 Nuu.-'. 101� dO ye grfky,1001410, -At". -, 11 7090T 414, COMO A ol R s, jarge4t. prod PSiti all 'I'VI)PIMST4, V, eo,' from 10 *q* n. A" 14W p t, th 44`4W4 007� "OP, M of, which. OOM Aw 14 li,.gene qfao, #xd sj'sf Mphammlod Shah-, thq, lapt, oprosiontO, X olpeo of W 11.1nu".4 _ei pro qp M topij� It was, Apt Wfesbold, ;46*� w Q ph I* tA �40"44114;1.4,rg§ly' 4U4.��- at' - 0 0' 1 . 1. , �14 Vde at. `0'.14V�14..'thjq daT� §t ruc 410.00", rum, titig sought 44TA1.14 was, in what, 14, pow the �0;'r'o of" t e :pOritan;, ba for the $to; In, thO7 -'am t P b4r butar R'o of co�allt,, ipl', R, pag #4r t� 4t JhO Tem,jok.4411P ourt", 4o4rilT g WA01to.., 4iAqoih,.,,7hIjq in hi ul C nti*O� T construction I ng Qi4 vid ."At It, Ip". 0 rI6 ralf b t4 h a Nothern pta �`w4y,, At .6ilg fhAt�- thip 0 to e; OPOIA An- Q)p XPTUOL A:* t C r' WoTe,,, jf..eOPcq�je a cQba i Was rep—Ortail, 'o 't s�ail` topo. gl�, 'of r".P,,- in jdkeI-cqppqr, pi, , Iu es 0 sudz- domi. int%�'"n Lt."L t it tIVO which he never, PIght fro the: n .v .10 �Ungv vith r9tee b .,P too in, Aft(I 440. th, kre,, ll'V jj�0414,bo ThO avirg* bon Or' 04yi r -T -whichl 9k weigh bury pr th fro hu!"4 b -y'd goi�; opie Ab VAIn i$. �q,hq poundc. d.4 plan fQ'Olecurri Aloe TP date q Nadi pgr pr *,n, m9A of __y doiAbl . a An a . m�ped 0 avo 9 If Of! o6b6tt, �aUdL t it jew, It$ Corn . I �baqf two 1)049qF#P :' ��, , � . I I'' W-44ch is not I f bi; p. hirds is Urd It hq vithqat a1inge, 9 Thloyield has, been ob$ainw M.qe4L �UM4�k tot dq�ec k, 4n, t g, ,rQd mor, -Thp 'u oue forty!,ptifth, in oatqg In, core "M S anjogs "Durbar with a to man, entirila ftli 0IIvqr,, to, tb M. 4404044 e nd,L,�,b& . . ..... .... . . -Olghcot th �10 Oost and, prisoner, )w -ouggestO4 co40t-4 -W '14e. aVe! tqkof 3obalt, Oy'foupd however.' one ores G, Cas0, loody, 1509 r .4iiadisinprof. , I . orm, 11ndd oburteq, of n4 d a of., carbo!�- f a sign. of friendqbip,,,, tio�In of: tio Ars ur� �ufi nequivalent k T. P20A 0, the.. p6tor xid n t an fore the, subAgited .440"Ya4f 1m.0, t thin, t 4 J - The brain of -the ntl4r 'the b64.4 duloprs 'D d yoki. 170�513 6tffi49­Of *cept b A of aliy apjmaj..R f.'a, go adver - ------- lry.j who had n"in 19474U:116 ith fifs,nitlOriai i�4 ain. z, glarge: -w eig 'iiljo� 2,21 .�oup40 f Sti. . . ............. -or with' -j �V;r toot 0,6thiadi; 4whito �thitj 'j� exported elephant. w 'Alf red'.', Tlik 'it v4liied at $ij 631);'4 4k 'An,"Ak -ha -a dook demAnor iret �505 o, a t I -re- 'served iucfi' the �J22, 'ii.aking led alued- a.t,;908 A totol itt ameol S1 f at st, n fiA el 49,41r 00 ftbe con dror bee valu. of, $1,3 'test aftiefall h6 i had .49t, Vjl* 6 o uses afiXIQty 02,;77 ait, in a sav) o t on. costs, �Ua risl are: 1, 1 , . 1. 1 , . t Onto. from iuco6edadAn p6as6asdug, imself of t,.4e Imported-, for. a Man products, h 0.0m t.CDIO which s one.. Djamisaffigjke Dnrbar as Open oin�4ulstry, but:,t,,Q, poAt';, n jilagoel of Impor eo gnth It of use In the ceramic t govor an estiniated CS - 00" haste to hi statistics lirg 'not. sogregat6d. Old the loldAs AroA 00,0 f If oba metal was. firid *'hen -the: 04yeilty of could' be rettred'in The,,price �d c turban L wu­aparti ents and tore' the- to $2� h ,the: YejjatL--;2.43 .67 hiii. 14- Prong OlU from the, brq�esa Of unciatj6 "'resources' or: .9 It -a ljtfle'.ya. tite to rt of 'F,,nilish biocauso. the lan� guage is "K-ob+nJDqr! A mountA n' of -igh At mattei� th tl , io om !"ThOre; is no ft4ndapd itr6n "jer, p ack xi d'� f the: �p.itrpose-ox,re ckaie, fill -out. oun& The do, remanne grqy �Oxlde a t,. steady at P-19 $2,43,, coAptifitij ch .1 Nadlr..� and. the name t exper tin �ben6flts� -..angingill :aaid, Is has dobk :'extraction of. peat'. from the roentl clung to the d ampnd ever since tmetafis'...us d, In. the. manu- fa; ture of. stellite, whicili, is a bobdlt- 1*4 ?bl�,VeOt',tes urces, OgL en Al Oy' Usk WILL E 139'�TtN.JMS OF HY Ri on --777---7. chromidm-tungs,t f regardless. Of 'the f-aet'L thq,( k .6ttin�g %too, $i ely for ma. In P g _0)r iion t6o", vom,pa cotput ein �contr,!bute Charles.AlexE4er Magrath, who has beeii appointed',ehairman of. the rd AL,;L ]ROSS Ofm Iso, emp 7W certain kin a OV "In-, on Y a mine It 'jn,suocessj6n, t eck r!;way to t e'solutto of ntatrio 1 'electric a 16yed in'.making Tydro. o tfie,�jtxte� $Ir Ad ' am stejola and in the in ufaeturq no agr :of., tool' problem this, year. ur It is chairman f M �d th Commls'slo'n; d was 0 o, bep'.V�tekwayl of. magne Ye-financladly %.for . . i eVtontfoller. th L Cobalt. It ijbinerofij, m-opgtneer tty tra n n.g a It ed S a Me2: Domintort, N He., I n t e pav ox�de, an way. wtU 'Od'L for he. 4 �'h 2 d gq.4�Toads� rep6rtjor,ft Jam4s ..,.Whitney talts made front t :e � i: e find'.41de, �th,, first.-, Ontario The Proml,0. UM_ mmorblai develop ont of n aY- onVoIftIqq.,, pR11cation in'06'ceramlc and on Xnel q dec do�dj' th ;U Ogg elsewhere in Ca par. otntlustxle� and In th' pToductlon Z 'Ne'w d Mavi 0_ ar ou, pijmbks. ....Cobalt salts� are 'greatly nereased. output e- arM: Caring, fo .0 0 'L i(itite fuel' oo :. '�i, -of Vegt, WL 11 spl,de� so, uded Jn penden,t::LOw- m0orf6d fuels, which at 4M 'Grains,' 1gatrist, weath4i ell 0 U Qurc i,,BUHefi present toonstj Nat rM Rei' a ft. Tho'crop of 1,b*e�seett e tte tb4,litriest"it6ni - on. r a ibila'j" was' most: deigh�6d With the,6on Of the.'DOM roa s, own in owl. de tnt6n!s be feaot to iy�n idd irproi� croj)s h e. will. d d to y der -11 In n_erj -ottawa-says jons Ta roct Sa le. \1 'men easelo slight', ed ce to - L k;� , ;.is 6 h Half the P eaMUr4V Of the Tough Chicken., :.tht�gi hoWeV nditid �ce by th6_.Sea ns frr-tho V bar 36 �7. th er, th�i 'glioiii tourist's e, camping.'., NoW.L rupsi holiday 'Is� In ,It' to Mnn� r9a Lds- lbb%minUter. had, come viA 'has good :gl�eu tatentlitm 11av hether IC'be -large scale. plow 'the t 10.4-Mecess, i 6411tin f, 11, hayr�ke they. are the timel. cqn-; on A Hatoot iqsul� of !on .0'. A. 'A' . gw� -:luxurious appointments Many 1 39 the 'Mower or� the;, Aft A' -!LA "Ali ttall'. ay or- by the Oth t a W v.L 1:"1%; ,withL large following., of'.guldes -rA thig':dn-th, law ' r d -of are ctieally� all.haA 9favol V.a , - an., rteduc which, material U plaintively, sportsman.ttavolling Y �rhre hey will pr6tect n: 6hol �r v4iuner hile er ia in imp empnts bed"n' pu c e it nowand ible minlirrum of - 4aggago and" taking. e in ed �a L a ds ow. Bruns cot ed".6 PF'01! � I - itnows-betwee me n a the ieslult r e 8 a lb n. P14 rw 4-4- 5 -0 away. FInaj-1y;.ex- As,that even aftet,,A eriou, -7 k�- "Z' -the rains and wick has� A&I . ... ..-a f4mity -droe: t4 en- 311::4 .' . und-canoe 1. R L: There ate -guides, 'of -�coiirjj 'to- be qutred �Th6-.- other day in a �1413 pfator hq,ghite them a,big 11shoo ded,-.s up. th - "'. : con ries andfi� trip inade-by a,'.meimi, ago, Pro�' 3 in I I . I I . - hired E fishing d�;trtcis Mir "of, the L all,the good' d ddod-.�."You oedn't coiu�.Arofid F t r Ch C surface; of the Departinerit of the 'In- fact! that h ana,ian, '.skillfu t e. cheory it ch Tlibr4 sets,,_ ne 'man t n The- :go�d h Ujt Q e ng no g tri6rj W1 see, h9w ma y triple w wl�r,, p6rallel, �joa4S. are e, itnd landl t:, the.' e t; cu that ot "jer:: D'd cost, i�ab" )itas.L very inater ial� paddl ing -good mets that lj`� class guide,, who provides .the - ent r.e -Ott ;-Tottring'j'arlt- Aqu '77- thb%cornters, 0 ci�mptni ouffit nd sees that you I ey.werp left', n -of ive, tr4rle p cda .:, t d not �6p�y� ey_,2hit ies 'front othlit ortions "tj C In c6tniort, bu I t In uxury; The Right Idea. een last us, n of and neighboiffik statag re proading Afu&�'-,&,the ',farni6rs' haiA 'work 'was and the' "sifent ii.idia Sm -'.'little. girl �'waa' it (05 , - Ancreasin' tau;. -to- 16ii�e­rdpreie tOd in 4h,'v of ­the Imple- . 9' hum. poara�� The ing:: province in rM thi XiPling. Spe dZir 0 11te whom, Rud�ard, aksj� who' pr it biers,_ to the . of'both reside ajell during t benefit' Tits y 9. . "at, it -nd 89 e monts; �iiid,'it - Old seem a p y to We 7atches,' 6a, wiih driti6al apd visi ors t 1, 'Natural, Resources Intel:igence R - SOLVE 6 -JC. kbiSVORD W",LES anding lfiet9y wasted Next much human e . . will leave:you,in.disgust'to yo r� own Ao ovT my'.Dadd STJGGE, TIONS f, ga 'd t of Canada's greatest, ,recogr St-an'Lout by filling. In i feel onsl ...,sound onlae ylty again'reign , s., hi vice's I you ma o �a mess of.L4tliin rjr. ng,,.w .n i, de k It ed vea.7 sweet; but the moth- ery ice tiz,ing t is inten� of the -reasonabl r in JUS 4141, . I I ". ­ haS� "just t good -pointer -or se.ttee Wit . . . . motoringAn the province, sure; htte'Will glye you a,,. dii td,6ther'401 in'j may be JIMS _T ",x9r, h.arviap'; t gined 'natural kesditrea the land:L�somcone d . . . . . . . . . . . . . desert You it you LTe -muffing your,,- er. 0 !r bilofigi in e tied a. most sef -known and they 4n, 'turn't'o still other& A lette arb white a.jLand h It. aAdOa "And fiay have to go without u map of Y� bet- I 'ther IrdS after he found th6m for y6 eye t. j5poce, Wor d a nrj C1 U' le, Do ';Ioads- and hiiihbdre 'squa what he wbitld u a ji­ econoiii, �e eep an 04 ku*M70 th.6 "New, Piuris*ick Mot6 v , re add. ru b ds'itardimitzi th' hoi Ily or Vertically,liti ke. to bUy­ because the moupy. is risonta tBut they a�e all wort.h,cqItivating,*:&nd.!, 'The' m'ap,�!sl owar oth; -4!eodOdjo.:repIaee'a.nlegie ctsd'.ploW� or'glqereatiolnal'�Map.. r. Implemen It would -be: T -VERTI.CAL there is much to e 146arfied fromL'theM..' at xL g,.ance the. inotor"road HORIZON AL EJUC kS ing Qthle 'j, the In the 11 . g an e -h 'more,. safiSfaet rkL.jc­h ` tile p gat. ng in. ectiors. P t_U_e way.,df shin d oth, r, lo�b. the 3rovincei, 'segre 0 aVe -n1gh­ts-;­ by--th6 . A trt&k 6g sj :seeondgr�r ndat 2 Thus' �reenFploW in 'good condition and' -glowing, red coals and flying sparks of 8--A numbiir. other: rogid. Toiiiist--carfip -sites roperty are as bncPs,.p ay. egre S.L up firi, whe s e, the car n the fore.st-s_,' -are, It -is,, regretta Is the Waste that M,�.rkedj as are a so' towns with, hotel r nter,*'unit. It - Broaddaiiia -silent linderthe -ry star accommodation.. 'Aia inie�ke ing fe CanadAr.,th taking place 1� �aluabie, farm,: Imple- 14-Larb C etlys a 15-A arerit (alik. year is welcoining 9 ture of the map i'A. the' indication of p r eat., Ments, itfid it is, -degree (abbr.) ntimb-ors of 0 at. eaeU 17-XdarV visitors -.Who - tire' ben n,. a essib -teat ng outour� tr ece OL points, to. tate'.(abbr.) 0-mrStriVe and every farmer give,this matter at- A southarri 6 fitintifig 'and, for supremacy 'tevition, and a 4 resorts,,' whillid 2 - $;-Far exampIs'jLatI*�*bbK).', 7 -the* word' shifig a r'? Levor long to 0 found hi the illost remots rea�s,'atid, ."save the, farin iPiAlement e 10 -Long game, 'and fish' are, to J�i f6tifid''ar' : us a, good fellww�s, e at .0 . T a -on, an ea .!-A b 13 'spo hown in c6' r be -Triap ii sy 22 e0lods ad gbod, r amen, 'and. tb�.e� many PX--PrIhtdr'G itnit - I 6-.-A I I in b - sca,e find. will fill a pressing 'need iz_�-Skllj es bear. witness to the', fact -also, e s -province. Johh'i T�txj Bill. 7 ainiong. those eside, in tht 18,�-Viry'Cnktlff at they are Whim A Chinese, tai drl�Le'r says a news- gnA.Oth;ers,�wbo haive i .,mind,'a" th a visit 196 -One. dfliaby's, words heY Tdturii to the 28­A0eji,, t ir h6liteland papetr,� rett6'red' I e 16.11o�ving -bill d.,tileietb., J..copies -of ;tb-- be e map may, er 20 -call for�fkld at sea (abbr.) 24-Rlm6 0 the' Pitted .-Sietes, of 'dre if b a, customer. -tf fro&. the Dirle6r, Natural b obtaint 26-�- row' d If -a the fire 19 e or a country,, tli6ir ex er ivice of the 84-m-Kln,ta 28-fNtteKpted liesoukq'es lfiteliipcli�e Se tortunes Britain oi other Ten,goes amai, 29,-Stakea ebee in Cafiaft-,and-thex 6 arior. lit, Ott o eption: th by. Drqit.� of. the litit were accorded will- b6 one .. ­ . I . .. , 81" -One who'uses 30--Wot, mud �and 4now, of, the - Ten comes.. I-! A At �;q.50. a Went., $5.00", Arf6wer to'last w?e�!s,puzz:a- 28 -Accosted' rahn mup Plegigant miiiorleg of:-ybars t.o.: co me in th P and ach be a -good is 33� rop 40 a bett of �Jonary, Eagle ea a C. elrbinpaniod' by, a stl1to f, More __Scowl$ A 0 R 4�-_-Aged pullet enty people and' two huhdriM E: E . 44-tricludW In M -Gowns G IMIEPil 5 e., P T 'trunks, the :MaharajahL, 0 -ar- I I ephant iintoa f Patiala r 04111 �4td n el, 411le-T I` 40",Hapoe:ns JEJD 49�Acoc I mplish Galping In size Aj,gray Old. Oractitioner 6f f"' tylio d E E: rive recent.y in. London, where a 4 A, P- R noratlori_wh arry- d.beefi 45w�Gave ood -to�- c ani -6f - _Qf_ ge qrney 1161a hysletan' -or, the Et.* ()a -A jo get ri,d of allL dre '.touchy eVer.a(je eh6ols Pra 10served for him.'; - 7 town, irlp nirrial _A I nearby Was-exanifftlig (kftpd of traihy a a 4 g tate,% the pupi!a . �(farhjrl - 48 ly. It'is cas Joi __P6rj,,IVe 53-- a is namb recent! P, 4 D 0 ip y �BixnknotesL xecerit'ly' eir*eblated n -Ijj� C'Gtjjte� of e)(Cl'US10p tytoiie� (ib b'P. h. In lie '65. 49-U. S.,,unit 0 N 0 L . .1 a' the . "Vepub:ie', b�.' the' W09 were R, I �67_Ah Island on Least o2st Of U to 64-�Aqlgh i`.'Ofidter Wk�t S.1 E mbubtalA.Peak RY A% R.'Y 8- toutheen gt#& (abbir.). Vberi iravelihor� you Prrinted iro three liantruages; First L I "fle' r Mal For' t h irl my, in Eng:18h IlStite B n- o UM, h SyMr can! i itnk Of the P ri of v6rb "to be -Main's,name, 0 11 g u -every' mg' 6 1 9--A A (C, eM. t,jjjejjj A T 5 A R 1Q] H then an 'Aiabic inscriptioni of t tit arin's length., t of'th�� �hd whole f: JAjr')j":M -A continent (abb.) in"Cl t1le jillf(I r (boi foe travel q (0ij L 61 d �by a at eply-.� ih both' En fi,.h. iind V rench. For earIng toAhjurs It 62-kn6te of thet scale 9- 64- b thitll' ng 119 e reltedt3d, bri I It t1j, ff­-�By, Bu r4her. Y Of Canditiong in U teaking " i' ' ' — R MUTT'AND it d F* ro P The doctor br6ugh-flie neAr- OKY WMT A it naarer, %Vjtjj jjo We, 'PAstdSL 'tUb- L tV e- tiltl1l il n a I ly. It UP.', again A C6N 1b ja ot,e- 1 1 . L ", � * . DOC K hl;- L L :SC y on Ott F 6-R Aub WATc tAUSt -Ut. %J and %0 t 11 a.! Outeir jo JrI '11,311 held d1e, jV Olvi ng!,, Ge�many,ij;'t-ow ii0pitiation, 1-14 now pra, spjt6- of the fact jIja'( j, ucto with' r0ld d6spatch In ix -the If th iiiiiiah tex Wit, 'afftdtjoh Itild .... ...... oq oiluiu