The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-08, Page 7UMN THE L �O WSENTINEIN.' . . .. .. . . .. . tyn, died 27 yeaj,s� AVo, andi in, 190p PAW, Le-, P 4 o X lie io� �surviy6d. A number .49.0 M'rI* and- 'Mrs, Martyn -mved,;t1p e Go aCtiVe r Xiajt ore A le' '*here hejolik an IT, yo, 11101. W n kd1luril"h �elllg,ajj elov-lirst, -n �give row's, 'United Chu t t,r -Orr, re.h. the late Da, . d GiLs is 6 W, ie, �,n or ab u e D, . 19 5, t tare PatZ B60ides Noes thl - -A B 0 s .01' U: T bui, h Wt�r Sp. aqg'hj�is M, s a- dr, 4" o�'e j(,q e4, to, of. F., piey; 411 D o..John .a Lin utcr ujn X -d V ar the undersigned, oxe, art ,I,, t, 'of Detroit e ra-ill of the siO. Diiiv n_ 0, uir bron- Tdw'ns, ip., n. -of ibley and jobn an(. Hr h' ats, a 0 'Wr paints nd, ad jind ful 4 rl,,Dp TO.,�713 t'llso. oe _ro of particulars 1i e An, art ,yri, 'of th! e eld 1) ;qq u%IY Y 41404Y, -are. 1 na ig rg in -indjl nature if P®�) U U e HOLYR it. � r_ , T , 9 q "The .'IrOgW otice that. 4: n AQ44ing of the Wo� An d, twen t.�-sdventh - day of O,ctobe� -A tP ap, held. the hor M W, l9g5;,the 4said execu or wi;1 pro.crqo rs, Qiiite a '14w Miss asset� of ti dis�rjbu th A. L.E -present. b dece�4sed. arliong-, the pel'$OnS U -eto ly 'to,- th( 46 a Bell. -av,: her haOncr re�iird 0, gia�vd Paper on "Th6 t Of OVERCOAT n p I f' hich- h - then 34 talk' on n 4 es o -,anida-,P 0 W, e s a ft s Sije a and4_will.:,not,-be-, T1 e lid -the meet�L or nY, eny persqn,4 goo, on Ayl&5r.JVVrored h W;Rj .w -a he �aid assets q Bust -to ilt; lo- 44 elaim solo Poly U 'he LiIip to 'the 1fause -of W- t' Y -�4 :;Tiot then r Dated at.. -ge,. ;Wdlki�ton: A. th. da I o'f Sepflewbei 'Y nqp Arlberti;McQ)o Un, R, R_:44 L,u k" '(3 -Wen MfS.L Buirdi.,andr. &4ughter Lol,,, ont'aA o."LE' 4tp: r d a' la 7Z Miss Greta. UaTrig oi. rk k visMAg .-er Irriend, Mrs. V Eadie. A DANGEROUS PRACTICE' nly he reason is, 0 apy. It. Mr' And. 'Mrs Rich;Ik.dw E, and s6ri--Orvial' 'spent So 'li-ot' f6o in is a 'a hday, with W e, hou J=-aj4l.l n? ub f papsi . ano er Win. 'Ro b. Y0,U. ta K ..b g c ance, W11.1L a bid Mrs, Elliott, and. her.: father h'nk beeoifiing 'altq4 T I ee 7et 'is r o.st. emingrway,. visited ermi%, frie0d's' water,' thtij, Week.. -eedingly.Aa-rgero,,,d T��, Vorwrd Th Mess Linorp ft. S-Utberland of ii'n an MIg VIP eswerve in- ront d ��Wowd be upa�oidAbli., ..j t, -A-B-AID-K anoes i3eo ­6hse fhy In ot Otis tg ryndall Robliison!s 0 6 ley snwre -f the'� 'lot),. enn, ,iffitult t ltlnbrstan� It t k irkyilast Week fou'nd.bne of hi Turnbe ont h e d' ''in t�16 fi'e1d;.the,L-an- manners, c o t he rules of. t Cows lying, ead itilk .0 n �n CAL.'MAUKET8 I b -it with; a riflc road,' el-angerovs,; ifid *.th- Up 'h p I tdd How -Mail y0bi" leftl$pgo �e Who so's o d fine nr Ino ut.1 h h t. W�4t 'mikes the ho -w*.11', report, the the.t few '25 '0 IndInThIsPI lodk 'is thtuzh the shodtin t roll h fe of d er: Was 'i-fiten'tionix] ih it w4pek A inciden a s nyone,, w er. XgS 1 gat�efs %p� o.t. of' ho�tel fend c 'ser /dog was shoi luZZL20 *1 c6ire' It rilch if�onto ers ll,"ibq �46inj tj -same Ina A, nupul*r: of jp" beg -1 nift �Wlth- tbe' ic T Just and killed the way. The 38c aqwe s ts&e .6, good look. at Ili& 0b 10 ..,S(trt" 'of, thim be -gin with th6Aiattcr).n1f--4lke 'I d' about $76 le, ogS7 cow, twas Vic, e. OW Many Yp 'object teralu, trap, topo� turtle'L illill all thi;'6d . clear. .Se 11 lei All , y' yA ue, :,at L, This 4k not a trick lidz�je; is' hiddilizi 'and you doWt have.. 0, turn tile Picture, gpside-do* or; sideiway'O.- for. the 50.1 beft, llisis 811 16' I fly iforizes will bi, lvch quorlilli oh SW" itted ill an " to thik F*xd.& Oe *QbJeCti)'r silgiWill "A thc�' Thet ill wt,r.hitving,(lfe laite"It 'Land neinifVitt, Od ct . l9t �vili be 'Awarded- x ;',iiecond bestL:s6cbnjq.RrjW; ete. the' lgttq&r me� and have a J6 -matter whai y6mr, awe wood time. No if *sit liko to pal %'e. lillinglan"r try jour hand,at One. M Ck ligui ent lie ny..YOU jill,476 tried. loafers.'! it lit really jiulisjo at I or all'the objects perfectly hae beOn made libilf, nolie�,ues off 'WIL4 'no kit t* tr I disculie or 11410 hem; 0 ro quir n.. -sit set he470.61; a Pencil "a tneJotorest rylifirtit t 'Pall"T and 9" jow'manyl 'T-Wordoll you hi q.4 Ikeilt 0 T ST make any?. dlr�el�Mce whetliii you are, 8LLX �.O.Ctt S' L !nK I ot Inir r nt'L ' Te'n, all, ln_� ftmtfoow %0,0 �%w soo� )ant differ p squantitief. 014 AWADA: -o wheat, 6ats, Words.Ir' -roduces ev ge, eiv Viar lar �- I Mt, P IZE .T eese; bacon, beef, egg's;f apples, p6tatMP gr, ass seed,wid, butter' ph; ':jhesj- dt mm le, - Her natural outl tt for pro- A that igh-e catin - cons. el6 ning,'Answers will �e the fifty recell Sh a -d -:t�� tile I W below:- ng ta course, B ,one-, asurning'o. u ritry. P tucts.,J Griat - titdl�_�tjje t'.-_ 0 sl of, occo, ftiose U ki t the world Wit da open, mar e r 'us su p eye of 'food, fortunately -kieaKly 17, pijone ,No 's krifie It ;one Ub of"1110. 861n�erlp­ tion Fit., N_ It market. du t 4 S�imfi'to want 16- rkorldjts. surplu. to t is same . ucts Are Seat.* S"%; �$J"600.00. pro th etj ion on this, our, 6 rket, and , C..' T o x e -ct�vfnp Illy ...fhal he, -keenness , f t, ­ r �ihern 34 priie. $so. 0, 30r' *600.,00 2ud 1-lorlie 25 '250 00 500-0.0 t I..; our competitors'll0gan. o Jim tc fUlness of press energy. resou 0, "' ,;iil Xrlze - 4th ,e 25,00.! 20.�00 260.00 '159.00 '500;00 300.00 -and r. "I ' it, i se Ves Up6n'thi6 Departtnentof Agriculture soMd j."Xj' �go,;�bout s. on Y 16.60 100..0 0 god.00l -and otil y i .6. grap le *ith.ihis t that them re;llr #a� thin.,yery recpn - years: dth PrIZO '7w 10.60 1. Soo 150.00 b ; Pepajii.nini 0 J ut. or -into effedt, This -diicoiiet,64, or at least� Stli PrlZe 56 00. jo0i0o M ��ag,, i, a pr cotintry, that he evc s o beli e oth PAO 6:00, `5 04 30.00 ;MAW :60ioto 159.00 noW: most.of -aid "grading". of UL4JL ''USL p6licy A practiite� t ro 'S iA�, 'uVrightful, 10th. 131�kze I lth*to 3!Q6 20.00 �.4Q.00 I .,seeinj s. of o, pj.ace on. t e, stru" an_ as ur U g us -through h ru an 20. th .1 . � I I I . NV.UU UIC �. g , . ; . .! .. - I � I - -L . .. . . . , �� "I'll "I le IALAS Ems ow - E the classifyi long huildred%�eight 61" Ing - means tiff -in: the c6ti -RU �"OBSERYE TH EASY- LES' "Danish has griduallygrow 1. Ahv nian, w-binike4r;'child, M-110 'llves� -in Canal aplj in' thc�eve* n t 'o, f a lie e hbgs;,�but rl!: they in n9t: in' hd.6ji, ally, firlie ix6rc. of products, whether -the �,British woleiiale buyer , noto s; resident Of Taron o:nd who 10 �mation of to nything else; -into Mail and Evapkii.'. pliy_ ;billit an answer. the -full aviounCof suchi,prize w1h, .1m, paid . ter, cheese,. o9gs or.. is now,4uotod at.'only froin 1 or until iC to, each tied pard ijilant-I. I : , , . % Prize winners n former 'Pielpe Pkil" ionfluefed, 6*- what'ruight.be dalled. irt a gob' 63 shillings'p I At most 5.,01 er grig less tbi 4 'moire -wifinlofic $9410XW�or -more' re not 1119EST" 41GOOD"' "FAI.W"... a3id.. -below the beat Danish. kidi find H aP.. hMdrid-*eijht',, till.foofil'irlinkto.lif it lot joinialtr h -1 PL I . ; ,%� 11TOOR' b asses., y; Qctobe l7th; .1 . 925 -a nd, improvement 'in .'Oki4e �'S, .0, 3, All -iinswers must �'be inalled. Those. epct., words are, tiot. used addr.elosed o ­c. - A, MOntgolfiefy, Mail' and h'n course,'.diAe- to quality - and'. -has coino cescr*xb'in'g'.,,xaj,-..!grAdi�s,,-biit that, is w av about'very -1kradually, the spread _--f 'The pUrpbso-'served in gia4­ ­oj the is,'mean or wo, a It is not ;I rowink down' by a. §h�lling 4. All" lista'of nartries should he written on o�e sida br, threifold- - paper ted eonseciAlvilfV 1k 9, 8, 6te. Write you wi, Ing is Mfy; and iiiiin t 100 month bi rare fyou .16� - : I I i'. �. , - i , �full naxne.antl address !if th6 ojiller orner: luntil now -est Canadian s011 it%L When ibe pro- 0 b 'If" Word,,Plcture #V7'le GaniO, Is a,�carnparlgfi (1) Edit ccurfence to see -dialro' to, Write a.604in.jr Aelso. Use :it H( cati6h. r'. in D1ct-iO;fiary;`W1I1 article 5". Ovili Moch wor4a as sippe to Increase t1h pojpl*r1fX�. Of- 'Mail aMd' Empir.o. he �relativ;e quality - of , his on a Pat with. the, Danish tei sees, t' du first'. country - be cou.fited. UO, not use, "llyp ic"ateil, Ott. obseleto to 'ialjo �ari.�' t' -to Ingular\cafih6t, be ount, 0 0 a' product he is ipurred, on to gglla�anidi was the, xtroffils:: Where, tlio plUrAl Is us d tho 'send In'& tilnglo subscriptlan' 'to Win ho -"'best"? Or' to'- These that gal1hy -it? if i to: grade: and, standa'rdize P99SI ell, and Vice Vrna, A. prize. If your,., a of the.'saine m I polling can bro used only once, eVen fiat Of "T" Wordn',ja awarded jilirst Prize' I by theJudgiag im 1 p e t e wher ess ni o�)Jeats -6t -di AYi but 'If you. *oui hen_ W ate differe you wJIL'win S31)i r... , , qlFlity.� e,nec a"' =atiId'standArds apply not only,tb Oct can '6o'nnornpd. only once.- d: like to get plore ill than 430, we :tire' a e itefirovingial nd import shipaw, 2), falij PlAy." When products I th large tot st* O:wj fig - Special offer fig -a-t skid �earest'Orf�6ct lint, ments, �ut also, to. dome c trading. 'Ible, objoct'o if Ickhre that'begrIn 1w prizes 4 -V 11 wl)erOD C�a W grade ior, articleL 7, -The idlawor. hav - HA� Wirget, 'cash by. Ing, of nionies 'of. v14 lie I ILIT the Y you'� n -not d . the infer r qualityl.,c, ean is- hi nteri subscript]; iiifio'us- teasoni,often -brings4" imuch'as T-6, �as: 0 h6Yd,11!j1 belaring ppon diedid'ing the winnersi on, I L . - --- p --Nv- handwritin he . su e aric j a tanc" crea if ifibet, of'lwQpl6 Inav o'Sta e utt t r `P) 0 'Sta ardizing eggs ff your'.nngwer to thie� 'IT" adVanta e J11FAMIS. '110 V th xidtilre PrIze'und yon' have ment fin' due i I st to t,,on t 'e air s C One establi d confidence betfeen pr9i Ucer 00 by ifilail'ol $6.0 de1erod'Itj (larrier boy in IftnWI. who reall eser.v6s it.' NL' 4o oil lkfailr and Empire and consdrner-aftd-�bet*cc orter-and. 'yo y -Britis rap 00, -tWLof-_ h--1 tioid-prize *21SO.00',tind so forthi, (See g aily-increAsed"d6inand f i y 7 or- the :_1 :,, the fre '41. figures In- priki cc in as nd eal �j both dt,'hbme and.abroad. ealer. learns to have� tdnfiden d &6uy , moire' free ian eg larai ipli, C If! Ilarni 'Or. if r4alf, an you aFe r g an �nientidndd snrr� Trins First Prize and ' h 6ther products might' e grading; aI answe'ril , will roic�lve the an 4' �orsiillritlon, regar& sent fit TWO 'yearly,'lit6barriptitinot- tot The Mall and. Via, ly;'because it4s gdarantoikd by W I . 4' dolbodription to the iLnd Elp,00 I and giadualij. everybody gf�ts -to know where giading has ' 6rked � io, the" great ss� of ther - otk not . . I re, (Ijew'or r0neWtil subscriptions) you -Will r'ec-elve d.. pilze $500; third prize '106ks� like advantage of. tbe,� proddeer 4ild to' th Is . . . . . I . . I . . . el . ". I sant in', 1,060 IV place of $40, se6ond what the "bdat" afticle really 12. Thl )�oiliinc-nt T06�ttt cillzrns hav nwr n4 batoreetion find go forthi (Mee, thles! colujilan or� fign"s, in radinj bAhis'I advantement of Canadian agiicultukli4 rep T hei sleloctild to act' its jut] .1. Iges to' .:or fai;tes like., Ili. shorto 1, With The. their about standardization' and cusurcs t0i,­ Already Cxt�ai-.-tpit�,iti--iecognize�-ciurl� a I ant ihi�t A liberal 6fier? 43ut-iopkI We �,Kfll f tile Judges its final iind t PrI.0 cheesfi� eggs, aoolcll apswer's, agree, to 'Ac� . opt tile, 11eel"Joill Q givilextril amounts on Oil prizeii in tile ofalne filanner. the'producer; the d$ store cattle; wheat, If �(our answer In quAlified -rip- ofi October 21th, Wild ann6uncew ,1,w,,TW0 Yearly atibm and oats ai the beift iiho'dan buy. Oct rl'.at 'Of Word tionn ithil you *,In fokirth p c You tWil'i receive. $A66, Canad� now grades hdr. corea sj grass -And nient of tile. Prime Winners cori,, g; will be', slid s'o on�AOWP the prize list, but- t is fdr us -o,so. Improve our o e its thevotiftOr'lls W lit fieedtlt, li�iy, potatoes,. app es, eggsi t th r, ptiblnh 'three Weeks, U lbscription Will count. or'sub6delptibno pro flic, ed In The Bfil.il rtnd Effiloire and,bacon--hogs' The' 'th4 ble, at any rate pot Ifitee di ts particularly our, butter, and O­ntart at 410hie'future date., Just Write on' tile rder baton, a , a. to bring, them. also, into . IS Its ha !v "r case bdnc-� it'ish in& kc rion you %vant iiii isailer, started, and it, wll�.Btitef 1 9 ha e. been in e Lly on thlit date. fidhl'and in,s6me cases -kedl-j '116t of*"the best on the 136 �.4uite mat, $VRSCI 'W.TIONA&-'�- go, el stein fib:so, mind' consequentl the highest -priced, - 64 to. RjTnAL R, Oillim, pae. Ii'len though the grading . sy -in strimic cases for on Y. radi enabled, us '. t6 do this fbe' tons as oill -fig. liling in Ode$ and. PA YABLE'. IN AD VANCE iowns - been' in. effect eggs and ptp eso, Wyoti am already The 'Mall two or three.Yeats, thtis:-is�' The muli and Call;li" ily mail kpire: ' ' - c d n Aind l9inplido sub4briptittin Orgaing s hdipirig Us to d' 5.00� tie . r year. IIII-Gi4dinj began� April I) livered by earridt' bay I rr6rn its peeff4l�nt expirittlon, ChOlse an on. ilton scoo di er ana I ' ' b'f low' 1021. C an, cheest. the all in bad'f on � to such � is.avour on d" f thi AIMMIS Yoi?n A".�Sj Quality .�06titio I�US TO 'sh niarkift that Now Zealand cheese 'ty is,'thil the,Atsi ot e c6mitionly, r canildian,c*pc was qVit PUZkLr. m nts.per sapply-l't it,along,thege line ion G CCtjC Ou6s 'Canadi commands- 'ce Agr�cti.ittira is wrk�ng by, educational methodlii OR= ZLE URE C 'A. 4, PUZ Briti Quail )jedtivc tor. the, RGE C THEMAI Orefttr6d. Today, )rt.trade, kn,d. then steady,, f*egula or PCT L& EqU T iTO a the Dipartnitrit R EST Pound high�r than New ZtiliInd.. and t festal E of this Poli 0 in sdcivin the J�owiriz 'agricu turil expotig : ooklatt jautil� these figures,;- volurne of Canada's egan same ime tion ofurbUt- The re'puta as for cheese.. -�bb. Cana 5 al xploor o -WALKER ON, M us- its' -ter wis thenAndeed at:16W an, d Cahadiat"i ortricip T and fo�tI4,th6-,b 'Vi Far bu'ttir, tddd�j' .0hild not the best -on th TO 1924-25. -ther ffAbaird's. tup6o4rd', can' be bet., r ke 9, rapii Y'limproving Ina NADA 'jilid"L.glilnih$ ill Ono '11,02 221, when Mt. of' tant' �tfjr finag.nQd tb�a dollerlbedi oipe�10-1- 'i ver IFI,,r (bblio.) . ....... One,o`lf the, V bld ios identgL'Q . thC ti Iftont (buh.) . ...................... 129,215.167 401j76 -hen -died on Monday morhin . g �of BnAit and Hikins Q82183§, 4,20 17 It night-Nhe iy, W eitolf warried: that. the Vifiet village. own Ver two yeati L gij,6 the Do. Beef Fattle 296,511' '21, 084' H008-0 ket igi.1pes in d 'b* jj­ht _ )rting Wee jL in h t4 5 81* 'o d 4iiko t C lAst e pekddn of t ndnt Biftte�, (lbe.)' a bas a , 0 g of'Agriculture began to giad 6L 2.866,203.' 116 ;682 W eh 'WAA jilatt6r to hog . I low- fast., id' Marlyn,- 'Mr.., lwas th L "king hous Cheese ...... .......... A. 0 MT,. h,% ar, Apples,-(bbb.�, 'd a a 4� Pat 4­Fjoboy remiwn,p 'd b Onts, .(bus.) ai ................. wh6 had his poek- �gars/of ige'An� -che ot'the or' 14.821.648 eat the .,one, on, a n m 8;fi$3.56&. '92,820�444% Bt.90k �Ar4d. Thd 10% Hurqp,: owns 7 ot k 'j, 1. . l4. 06sthAt he�couldnl 0 'It' , , bAton hogs �thc, -A itee youths saw 111 4 jgillco ch4ftgo, f6� A tustdiner t a 6 t s fas'c Y Th LeWfs . . - . � M110 wL).. ' 11166 X Coh. *ad. .4 natiVe �Of the IslAn4d 5 e Whill shbrts %lid frut" Ais, vi oii e- bebik ntoiviawoc' Uxe( 0 .0atnicid strid. olled %liftillo to tj ill gradcrs as, 6no', 'on 'tg 'bit I th , fe t he' aut6- id 1110 -lid ilffilofftate4 two 0th4j ]ads Scotland and. OAMO'.to lit", - f Ott JIL ff�gsed ft agoL. 0 put, L gq. linii Off" wt.) ........ rapos,, thouglit, hubb!( hAd, The tri0j Aftiit�4 sovore relitimand but. ight ftiiiillg Tobaeto 41bsel- Qhnver eds, (but.) 17 0 255 417j907 i_tlld, P W On 10b, .4 -that 0 -ThdwBRM� Wo 8 t i r iff. , ith It 'Y IMJM -06 -wore 11bi a A I; I I Ort f %A)v --niant+11 4n 't'll 00 od It "I to 'mt', or 'ffie . �ucota i0arly, all by-pk6dufii Vo' being 14 ftoijji Wil Y11, W'44 T"4r 'I L' , kid td..ther tithe th 0 0 404.1CULTV14s, OTT t A